#deception of Zeus
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sarafangirlart · 1 year ago
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Hera seducing Zeus
Based on the scene in the Iliad book 14. I followed how it was described + what Hera was wearing but also took some creative liberties.
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aquitainequeen · 1 year ago
Me: So where are you off to, Hera?
Hera: I'm on my way to cleanse myself with ambrosia, don all my finery, borrow Aphrodite's magic girdle that makes one irresistible, and go and seduce Zeus so utterly and thoroughly that he'll sleep right through the Greeks gaining the upper hand in the Trojan War.
Me: i am so turned on right now
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puppetmaster13u · 2 years ago
When the league finds out that Captain Marvel is a kid, why doesn't Billy just, do a bit of a half lie?
Oh yeah technically I (Marvel) came into being like 3 years ago at the rock of eternity, I usually use this form to go around as a human.
He doesn't mention that the 10 to 12 year old is his real form, and doesn't correct the league when they assume that Marvel came into being a full adult, not unlike Athena. And wait, didn't Zeus have shapeshifting abilities? Hm....
Billy is honestly very shocked that this is somehow working?? The league thinks he's an adult still, just uses younger form to try and figure out how humans work and have a childhood??
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katerinaaqu · 1 month ago
So the passage goes as such:
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And so quickly the child of Cronus grabbed his wife in his arms: and so the earth under them sprouted fresh grass and dewy lotus and thick hyacinths raised their heads high from the soft soil as they lay together the beautiful glittering golden cloud descended upon them
(Translation by me)
So the phrase that I absolutely adore ῥα καὶ ἀγκὰς ἔμαρπτε
Particularly the word ῥα has many translations including "easily" or "swiftly" depending on the spelling. So this scene with the phrase ἀγκὰς ἔμαρπτε "he held her in his arms" or "embraced" but with the addition of ῥα to the phrase it gives me the impression of someone literally rushing to their lover and literally taking her down to the ground! (we also love how instead of "Κρονίδης" or "Κρονίον" we have the phrase Κρόνου παῖς "son of Cronus" or "child of Cronus" since the word παῖς means "child" usually with the essence of "son" but παῖς! Hahahaha)
The word "child" here though gets me! Like he literally rushed at her almost in a childish manner from the way I see this small passage! With desire and enthusiasm! And his enthusiasm literally takes both of them down on the soil which sprouts as a result of their lovemaking. Like two kids in love! Hahaha!
Hahahaha! Also the passage that follows:
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And so, lay there unmoving the father at the top of Grargarus, overpowered by sleep and lovemaking, clasping his wife tightly in his arms
(Translation by me)
Once again the word ἀτρέμας literally means "without motion" or "unmoving" but honestly also gives me the impression of someone that is sleeping soundly and without even trembling while clasping Hera against him tightly
Hahahahaha he is literally holding her like a teddy bear! Hahaha! But seriously jokes aside it is definitely a beautiful image to see! Like he lays there with his wife in his arms like that, sleeping there!
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“caught his wife in his arms” “his wife locked in his arms” relax bro no one’s taking her away from you
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voyaging-too · 11 days ago
It turns out that in the Hungarian translation of Harrow, dios apate minor and major are translated as "deception of Zeus, dry" and deception of Zeus, wet" respectively, which I find hilarious and aptly gross.
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undeadwhilealive · 2 months ago
Aphrodite Epithets
Philommeidês(Φιλομμειδης) - Laughter-Loving
Philommêdês(Φιλομμηδης) - Genital-Loving
Aphrogeneia(Αφρογενεια) - Foam-Born
Khryseê(Χρυσεη) - Golden
Dia(Δια) - Diving, Shining
Dios Thugatêr(Διος θυγατηρ) - Daughter of Zeus
Pothôn Mêtêr(Ποθων Μητηρ) - Mother of Desire
Eustephanos(Ευστεφανος) - Richly Crowned, Well Girdled
Ourania(Ουρανια) - Heavenly, Divine(Love)
Pandêmos(Πανδημος) - Common to All People(Love)
Makhanitis(Μαχανιτις) - Deviser, Contriver
Epistrophia(Επιστροφια) - She who Turns to (Love)
Apostrophia(Αποστροφια) - Averter of (unlawful desires)
Kataskopia(Κατασκοπια) - Spying, Peeping
Psithyristês(Ψιθυριστης) - Whispering
Praxis(Πραξις) - Action(Sexual)
Melainis(Μελαινις) - Black(Of Night)
Symmakhia(Συμμαχια) - Ally(In Love)
Apatouros(Απατουρος) - Deceptive One
Nymphia(Νυμφια) - Bridal
Migôntis(Μιγωντις) - Union(Marital)
Dôritis(Δωριτις) - Bountiful
Hêrê(Ἡρη) - Of Hera(Of Marriage)
Morphô(Μορφω) - Of Shapely Form
Ambologêra(Αμβολογηερα) - Postponer of Old Age
Nikêphoros(Νικηφορος) - Bringer of Victory
Areia(Αρεια) - Of Ares, Warlike
Hôplismenê(Ὡπλισμενη) - Armed
Euploia(Ευπλοια) - Fair Voyage
Pontia(Ποντια) - Of The Sea
Limenia(Λιμενια) - Of The Harbour
Xenia(Ξενια) - Of The Foreigner
These might not be all of them, I apologize if I missed any.
Big thanks to Theoi.com for helping me out on this post.
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theoxenia · 1 month ago
Prayers to the Theoi in light of the U.S Inauguration
May Father Zeus judge the actions of the United States and see those who abuse their status as leaders brought to justice. May He protect the vulnerable; may Zeus, patron of foreigners, stand guard over all those threatened by deportation and xenophobic violence. May tragedy fall on those who do not treat each foreigner as if they were a god in disguise, who violate the holy law of xenia. May He give us all the strength to resist injustice however possible. May He empower those underneath the boot of American imperialism and raise them up to freedom. Zeus loves the compassionate, generous, honest, humble leaders, and He despises the vicious, greedy, deceitful, and hubristic leaders.
May Lady Athena raise up the people, that they may govern themselves. May She cast her shining eyes on this government and, when it is found lacking, may it be transformed by Her. May Athena, the Maiden, strike down all those who seek to control women and those they see as women. May Athena bless all those who fight for justice. May She make them clever, brave, bold when needed and peaceful when possible. May She guide us to true wisdom, and give her favor to the people who seek deep knowledge and critical thought. May Athena tear down lies, deception, and all forms of trickery that seek to disguise vice as virtue.
May Lord Apollo see those who bring chaos and violence and take aim at them with His arrows. May Apollo, the Averter of Evil, defend the meek and oppressed. May he protect the elderly, disabled, and sick from disease, and may He inflict it on the corrupt and greedy. May Apollo, who helps those in distress, enact His justice on the healthcare companies that cause untold suffering. May Apollo, protector of fugitives, guard the imprisoned who are used as slaves, as well as the refugees who are met by hostility from every corner; may He guide them to safety.
May Lady Aphrodite foster unity amongst the people. May she fill the cities with love for one's neighbor, love which inspires noble actions. May Aphrodite bless the tongues of those who speak on behalf of love. May She, patron of sex workers, protect all those who will suffer from whorephobic laws. May Aphrodite punish greatly all those who seek to diminish Her domain, and in their hubris make claims about who can love who. May Aphroditos protect all of the transgender, intersex, and gender-non-conforming people, especially the children. May S/He cast her vengeance over all those who seek to diminish His/Her domain, and restrict the expression of the body and the mind. Aphrodite Pandemos blesses us through our relationships with one another. She gives Her favor to those who devote themselves to their communities and seek unity through love.
Feel free to add your own prayers for this incoming time.
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astra-ravana · 16 days ago
Obscure Herbs
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Here’s a list of rare or lesser-known herbs and their magickal correspondences, many of which are overlooked in modern witchcraft and occult practices.
1. Cock's Comb (Alectorolophus)
• Magickal Uses: Protection, strength, and victory in battles (physical or spiritual).
• Element: Fire
• Planet: Mars
• Associated Deities: Ares, Sekhmet
• Use: Burn as incense before conflict or challenging situations for courage.
2. Asarabacca (Asarum europaeum)
• Magickal Uses: Psychic visions, breaking hexes, uncovering hidden truths.
• Element: Water
• Planet: Moon
• Associated Deities: Hekate, Thoth
• Use: Place under the pillow for prophetic dreams or use in a tea for divination.
3. Balmony (Chelone glabra)
• Magickal Uses: Healing, emotional cleansing, renewal.
• Element: Water
• Planet: Neptune
• Associated Deities: Oshun, Brigid
• Use: Burn in purification rituals or use in healing baths.
4. Birthwort (Aristolochia)
• Magickal Uses: Transformation, banishing negativity, aiding childbirth.
• Element: Earth
• Planet: Saturn
• Associated Deities: Ereshkigal, Demeter
• Use: Used in ancient childbirth rituals; can be burned for removing stagnant energies.
5. Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides)
• Magickal Uses: Feminine power, protection of mothers, fertility.
• Element: Earth
• Planet: Venus
• Associated Deities: Hathor, Freyja
• Use: Carried as a charm for protection during pregnancy.
6. Calamint (Calamintha)
• Magickal Uses: Clarity, focus, preventing deception.
• Element: Air
• Planet: Mercury
• Associated Deities: Hermes, Odin
• Use: Burned to enhance mental acuity or added to charm bags for clear thinking.
7. Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)
• Magickal Uses: Psychic awareness, third-eye activation, dream recall.
• Element: Air
• Planet: Jupiter
• Associated Deities: Apollo, Isis
• Use: Used in dream pillows or burned to enhance trance states.
8. Dittany of Crete (Origanum dictamnus)
• Magickal Uses: Spirit summoning, astral travel, love spells.
• Element: Fire
• Planet: Venus
• Associated Deities: Aphrodite, Hades
• Use: Burned to enhance spiritual contact, especially in necromantic rites.
9. Figwort (Scrophularia nodosa)
• Magickal Uses: Protection against hostile spirits, shapeshifting, banishment.
• Element: Earth
• Planet: Saturn
• Associated Deities: Hekate, Anubis
• Use: Worn as an amulet for protection during spiritual work.
10. Fleabane (Erigeron)
• Magickal Uses: Exorcism, warding off pests (physical and energetic).
• Element: Fire
• Planet: Mars
• Associated Deities: Thor, Sekhmet
• Use: Sprinkled around a home to drive away negative energies.
11. Goat’s Rue (Galega officinalis)
• Magickal Uses: Strength, endurance, prosperity.
• Element: Earth
• Planet: Saturn
• Associated Deities: Pan, Cernunnos
• Use: Carried for perseverance in long-term endeavors.
12. Golden Ragwort (Packera aurea)
• Magickal Uses: Wealth, success, protection of one’s legacy.
• Element: Earth
• Planet: Jupiter
• Associated Deities: Fortuna, Lakshmi
• Use: Used in prosperity spells or worn to attract wealth.
13. Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum)
• Magickal Uses: Luck, secrecy, invisibility.
• Element: Air
• Planet: Mercury
• Associated Deities: Loki, Hermes
• Use: Carried to avoid detection in magical workings.
14. Ladies’ Bedstraw (Galium verum)
• Magickal Uses: Love, protection, attracting kindness.
• Element: Water
• Planet: Venus
• Associated Deities: Aphrodite, Freyja
• Use: Placed under the bed to attract love or harmony.
15. Lungwort (Pulmonaria)
• Magickal Uses: Breath control, speaking the truth, strengthening the voice.
• Element: Air
• Planet: Mercury
• Associated Deities: Hermes, Saraswati
• Use: Used in spells for eloquence and clear speech.
16. Masterwort (Peucedanum ostruthium)
• Magickal Uses: Power, dominance, authority.
• Element: Fire
• Planet: Sun
• Associated Deities: Zeus, Helios
• Use: Worn as a talisman to strengthen personal influence.
17. Moonwort (Botrychium lunaria)
• Magickal Uses: Unlocking hidden doors, breaking barriers, lunar magick.
• Element: Water
• Planet: Moon
• Associated Deities: Hekate, Selene
• Use: Used to enhance lunar rituals and to aid astral travel.
18. Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
• Magickal Uses: Banishing, repelling unwanted influences, protection.
• Element: Fire
• Planet: Mars
• Associated Deities: Ares, Lilith
• Use: Burned for spiritual cleansing or carried for warding off manipulation.
19. Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris)
• Magickal Uses: Healing, self-improvement, resilience.
• Element: Earth
• Planet: Venus
• Associated Deities: Brigid, Isis
• Use: Used in healing rituals or teas for emotional restoration.
20. Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris)
• Magickal Uses: Warding off curses, preventing deception, protection.
• Element: Fire
• Planet: Sun
• Associated Deities: Apollo, Ra
• Use: Carried to prevent betrayal or used in warding spells.
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21. Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria)
• Magickal Uses: Protection, prosperity, hex-breaking.
• Element: Earth
• Planet: Saturn
• Associated Deities: Hekate, Pluto
• Use: Used in protection sachets and to anoint tools for grounding energy.
22. Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia spp.)
• Magickal Uses: Spirit communication, trance work, crossing between realms.
• Element: Water
• Planet: Neptune
• Associated Deities: Hekate, The Morrigan
• Use: Placed on an altar to enhance dream work and astral projection. (Highly toxic—do not ingest.)
23. Azedarach (Melia azedarach) – Chinaberry
• Magickal Uses: Warding off evil, breaking toxic attachments, commanding respect.
• Element: Air
• Planet: Mars
• Associated Deities: Ares, Kali
• Use: Leaves are carried in a sachet for personal empowerment and protection.
24. Bistort (Persicaria bistorta)
• Magickal Uses: Fertility, purification, emotional healing.
• Element: Water
• Planet: Venus
• Associated Deities: Brigid, Freyja
• Use: Used in fertility rites or healing spells for emotional wounds.
25. Bog Myrtle (Myrica gale)
• Magickal Uses: Psychic enhancement, dream work, repelling negative energy.
• Element: Air
• Planet: Mercury
• Associated Deities: Odin, Hermes
• Use: Burned as incense to enhance lucid dreaming and divination.
26. Bugloss (Anchusa officinalis)
• Magickal Uses: Courage, strengthening the will, truth-seeking.
• Element: Fire
• Planet: Sun
• Associated Deities: Apollo, Thor
• Use: Carried or worn as an amulet to boost confidence and resolve.
27. Carline Thistle (Carlina vulgaris)
• Magickal Uses: Warding off disease, exorcism, strength against enemies.
• Element: Fire
• Planet: Mars
• Associated Deities: Ares, Sekhmet
• Use: Hung in doorways or carried as a charm to ward off malevolent forces.
28. Celandine (Chelidonium majus)
• Magickal Uses: Success, legal matters, prophetic visions.
• Element: Air
• Planet: Jupiter
• Associated Deities: Hermes, Zeus
• Use: Used in court-case spells or placed under the pillow for prophetic dreams.
29. Centaury (Centaurium erythraea)
• Magickal Uses: Strength, breaking bad habits, healing emotional wounds.
• Element: Fire
• Planet: Sun
• Associated Deities: Chiron, Asclepius
• Use: Brewed into teas for spiritual cleansing and breaking negative patterns.
30. Cudweed (Filago vulgaris)
• Magickal Uses: Spirit communication, necromancy, ancestor work.
• Element: Earth
• Planet: Saturn
• Associated Deities: Anubis, Hel
• Use: Burned as incense during séances or placed on ancestral altars.
31. Dropwort (Filipendula vulgaris)
• Magickal Uses: Love, attraction, enhancing charm.
• Element: Water
• Planet: Venus
• Associated Deities: Aphrodite, Freyja
• Use: Added to bath rituals for attracting a lover or enhancing beauty.
32. Elephant’s Head (Pedicularis groenlandica)
• Magickal Uses: Dreamwork, expanding consciousness, energy flow.
• Element: Air
• Planet: Uranus
• Associated Deities: Thoth, Morpheus
• Use: Used in rituals for astral projection and dream enhancement.
33. Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis)
• Magickal Uses: Exorcism, purification, breaking hexes.
• Element: Fire
• Planet: Mars
• Associated Deities: Hekate, Kali
• Use: Burned to cleanse a space or added to baths for spiritual protection.
34. Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis)
• Magickal Uses: Strength in adversity, courage, endurance.
• Element: Earth
• Planet: Saturn
• Associated Deities: Odin, Athena
• Use: Used in talismans for resilience and overcoming hardship.
35. Hound’s Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale)
• Magickal Uses: Binding, loyalty, controlling gossip.
• Element: Water
• Planet: Mercury
• Associated Deities: Hekate, Hermes
• Use: Used in spells to stop malicious talk and encourage faithfulness.
36. Jacob’s Ladder (Polemonium caeruleum)
• Magickal Uses: Divine connection, wisdom, accessing higher knowledge.
• Element: Air
• Planet: Jupiter
• Associated Deities: Zeus, Thoth
• Use: Used in meditation to enhance spiritual insight.
37. Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)
• Magickal Uses: Peace, balancing emotions, calming conflicts.
• Element: Water
• Planet: Moon
• Associated Deities: Kuan Yin, Selene
• Use: Burned or carried for emotional balance and conflict resolution.
38. Mouse-ear Hawkweed (Pilosella officinarum)
• Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, invisibility, sharpening the mind.
• Element: Air
• Planet: Mercury
• Associated Deities: Loki, Hermes
• Use: Used in vision-enhancing spells or to increase focus.
39. Pellitory of the Wall (Parietaria judaica)
• Magickal Uses: Breaking barriers, removing obstacles, gaining access.
• Element: Earth
• Planet: Saturn
• Associated Deities: Janus, Ganesha
• Use: Used in road-opening spells to remove blockages to success.
40. Scabious (Scabiosa columbaria)
• Magickal Uses: Protection against deceit, uncovering hidden enemies.
• Element: Fire
• Planet: Mars
• Associated Deities: Ares, Nemesis
• Use: Carried as an amulet for protection in matters of secrecy or deception.
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the-banks-of-lethe · 2 months ago
Epithets of Hypnos
I'm sure many people have posted about his epithets before, but whats one more? Also, I'm going to be adding some epithets that I have made personally for Lord Hypnos. Feel free to use them! [CE = Cult Epithet. PE = Poetic Epithet]
[transliteration - meaning - greek]
Epidotes - Bountiful Επιδοτες CE
Paean - Healer Παιάνας CE
Makar - Blessed one PE
Pannikitis - All-vanquishing Παννικίτης PE
Melamkhrotos - Black-skinned Μελαμχρωτος PE
Dios apate - the deception of Zeus Διός απάτη PE
Nychtopouli - Nighthawk Νυχτοπούλι
the nighthawk is one of Hypnos’ (sacred?) animals. I also took into consideration how this works as a metaphor for what he does each night [in myth]. Nighthawks are nocturnal birds, only awake and flying at night. And although He is awake throughout the day, every night he rises to the earth with His mother Nyx, and flies across the skies giving sleep to all. Flying at night? Nighthawk? Get it?
Dianomeas - Deliverer (of woes) Διανομέας *
Apeleftherotis kaimo - Liberator (deliverer) of woe Απελευθερωτής καημό *
Eleuthereus - Liberator (tion) Ελευθερευς *
Eirinikos - Peaceful (the peaceful one) Ειρηνικός
Oneiropolos - Dreamy Ονειροπόλος
Evgenesteri - Gentlest Ευγενέστερη
*I believe these three can be used in conjunction with each other, as they have similar meanings, although can also be seperated if the meaning needs to be specifically one or the other :))
If anyone has any epithets that they've made for Lord Hypnos (or any deity!) please feel free to share!! Hope everyone is having a lovely day/night, wherever you are. May Hypnos bless you all!
Sweet dreams 💙
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apiswitchcraft · 1 year ago
greek god epithets (pt.2)
this post includes hades, persephone, aphrodite, hermes, apollo, artemis, dionysus, and hekate. for part one including zeus, hera, demeter, ares, athena, poseidon and hephaestus click here
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-PLOUTON= of wealth
-THEON CHTHONIUS= god of the underworld
-POLYSEMANTOR= ruler of many
-NECRODEGMON= receiver of the dead
-NECRON SOTER= savior of the dead
-ADESIUS= of grace
-STYGIUS= from the Styx
-URAGUS= of fire
-NIGER DEUS= the black god
-CHTHONIA= of the earth
-CARPOPHORUS= bringer of fruit
-SOTEIRA= the savior
-MEGALA THEA= the great Goddess
-HAGNE= the pure/holy one
-DAEIRA= the knowing one
-PRAXIDICE= the exacter of justice
-PROTOGONE= the first born
-BRIMO= the dreaded/vengeful
-URANIA= of heavenly/divine love
-PANDEMOS= common to all people
-MACHANITIS= the diviser/contriver
-EPISTROPHIA= she who turns to love
-CALASCOPIA= the spying/all seeing
-PSITHYRISTES= the whispering
-PRAXIS= of sexual action
-MELAENIS= the black
-SYMMACHIA= the ally in love
-APATURUS= the deceptive one
-NYMPHIA= the bridal
-MIGONTIS= of unions
-DORITIS= the bountiful
-MORPHO= of shapely form
-AMBOLOGERA= the postponer of old age
-NICEPHORUS= the bringer of victory
-HOPLISMENA= the armed
-AREIA= the warlike
-EUPLOEA= of fair voyages
-PONTIA= of the sea
-LIMENIA= of the harbor
-XENIA= of hospitality to foreigners
-PHILOMIDES= the laughter loving
-PHILOMMEDES= the genital loving
-CHRYSEA= the golden
-DIA= the golden/shining
-POTHON MATER= the mother of desire
-EUSTEPHANUS= the richly crowned/the well girdled
-EN KIPIS= of vegetation/agricultural fertility
-EPIMELIUS= keeper of the flocks
-OEOPOLUS= the shepherd
-AGORAEUS= of the market place
-DOIUS= of crafts/wiles
-ENAGONIUS= of the games
-PROMACHUS= the champion
-HERMENEUTES= the interpreter/translator (of the gods)
-TRICEPHALUS= the three headed
-DIACTORUS= the guide/messenger
-ATHANATUS DIACTORUS= the immortal guide
-CHRYSORRHAPIS= of the golden wand
-CLEPSIPHRON= the deceiver
-MECHANIOTES= the trickster/contriver
-PHELETES= the thief/robber/rustler
-ARCHUS PHELETEON= leader of robbers/thieves
-DAIS HETAERUS= comrade of the feast
-CHARIDOTES= giver of joy
-CHARMOPHRON= the glad-hearted
-DOTOR EAON= giver of good things
-ACACETA= the guileless/gracious
-EUSCOPUS= the keen sighted/watchful
-CYDIMUS/ERICYDES/AGLAUS= the glorious/famous/splendid
-CRATUS/CRATERUS= the strong/mighty
-POMPAEUS= the guide
-THEARIUS= of the oracle
-PROUPSIUS= the foreseeing
-CLERIUS= of distribution by lot
-CLEDONES= of omens
-HECATUS= the shooter from afar/the archer
-AGRAEUS= of the hunt/the hunter
-MUSAGETES= the leader of the Muses
-ULIUS= of good health
-PAEON= the healer
-ACESIUS= of healing
-ALEXICACUS= averter of evil/harm
-EPICURIUS= the succoring/helping
-BOEDROMIUS= the rescuer
-LYCIUS= of the wolves
-SMINTHEUS= of the mice
-DELPHINIUS= of the dolphin
-ACTIUS= of the foreshore
-THEOXENIUS= the god of foreigners
-ARGYEUS= of streets/public places/entrances to homes
-VIROTUTIS= the benefactor of humanity
-AGROTERA= of the hunt
-PHERAEA= of the beasts
-ELAPHAEA= of the deer
-DAPHNAEA= of the laurel tree
-CEDREATIS= of the cedar tree
-CARYAE/CARYATIS= of the walnut tree
-LIMNAEA/LIMNATUS= of the lake
-HELEIA= of the marshes
-EURYNOME= of broad pastures
-LYCAEA= of the wolves
-LEUCOPHRYNE= of the white (bird)
-PAEDOTROPHUS= the nurse of children
-PHILOEIRAX= the friend of young girls
-ORSILOCHIA= the helper of childbirth
-SELASPHORUS/PHOSPHORUS= the light bringer
-SOLEIRA= the saviour
-HEMERASIA= she who soothes
-HYMNIA= of the hymns
-HEGEMORE= the leader of dances/choir
-ARISTE= the best/the excellent
-EUCLEIA= of good repute
-CALLISTE= the very beautiful
-BASILEIS= the princess
-HIEREIA= the priestess
-HEURIPPA= the horse finder
-PEITHO= the persuasive
-PYRONIA= of the fire
-BROMIUS= the noisy/boisterous
-MAENOLES= the mad/raging
-NYCTELIUS= of the night
-LAMPTERUS= of the torches
-HESTIUS= of the feast
-PHALLEN= the phallic
-ANDROGYNUS= the androgynous (of sexuality, he bed all genders)
-PHLEON= the luxuriant
-STAPHYLITES= of the grape
-OMPHACITES= of the unripe grape
-LENAEUS= of the wine press
-THEOENUS= the god of wine
-AGATHUS DAEMON= the good spirit (as in a ghost, not a drink)
-OENOPS= the wine-dark
-ACRATOPHORUS= the bringer of mixed wine
-CISSEUS= of the ivy
-CITIOPHORUS= the ivy bearer
-ANTHION= of the flowers
-CISTOPHORUS= the basket bearer
-DIMETOR= twice born
-IRAPHIOTES= the goat child
-AEGOBOLUS= the goat slayer
-MELANAEGIS= of the black goat-skin
-ANTHROPORRAESTUS= the man slayer
-LYSIUS= of release
-ELEUTHEREUS= of liberation/freedom
-PSILAX= uplifted on wings
-SAOTES/SOTERIUS= the savior
-AESYMNETES= the dictator
-POLITES= the citizen
-MYSTES= of mysteries
-CHTHONIUS= of the earth
-MELPOMENUS= the singer/of the tragic plays
-BRIMO= the dreaded/the vengeful
-CHTHONIA= of the earth
-DESPOINA= the goddess/our lady
-ENODIA= of the crossroads
-AENAOS= the eternal/the ever loving
-AGLAOS= the beautiful/the bright
-APOTROPAIA= the one that protects
-EROTOTOKOS= the bringer of love
-INDALIMOS= the beautiful
-KLEIDOUCHOS= the keeper of the keys of Hades
-KOUROTRPHOS= the nurse of children
-PHOSPHOROUS/LAMPADEPHOROUS= the bringer/bearer of light
-SOTERIA= the savior
-TRIMORPHE- the three formed
-TRIODIA/TRIODITIS= she who frequents crossroads
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sarafangirlart · 1 year ago
Why are tumblrinas so insistent on saying that Zeus and Hera’s relationship was normal by standards back then? It really wasn’t like when he yelled at her in the Iliad everybody was so uncomfortable and Hephaestus approached his mother and told her to stop arguing with Zeus bc he might get violent like yeah Hera and Zeus’s relationship is interesting but it can only be interesting if we acknowledge it as toxic.
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honey-bitch · 8 days ago
୨⎯ Castillo in the Signs ⎯୧
I would like to thank anon (u know who u are) for recommending I do this. It was fun researching about this placement. Castillo (15594), a nymph, was seduced by Zeus, betraying her vow to Artemis. Hera, then became furious, turned Callisto into a bear and tricked her son into hunting her. Zeus then made them constellations to avoid the tragic fate of patricide. It's a story about betrayal and a mother's love. Castillo in the chart can indicate how you were betrayed or how you act to guard yourself from betrayal.
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Aries: You're a natural fighter, and you probably learned early on that not everyone's on your team. Betrayal might have shown up in competitive situations – maybe someone undercut you in a sports game, a workplace rivalry, or even within your family. But the cool thing is, you're incredibly resilient. You can get knocked down, but you always get back up. Your journey with Kallisto is about reclaiming your power without losing that fiery spirit.
Taurus: Trust and stability are everything for you. So, when betrayal happens, it hits *hard*. It could be in love, finances (think shared resources, investments, or even inheritance), or with people you thought you could always rely on. Healing comes from realizing your own worth, not depending on others for security. You have this amazing ability to rebuild, stronger than ever.
Gemini: Words are powerful. You might have experienced lies, deception, or two-faced behavior. Maybe you've been in situations where you just didn't know who to trust. You're quick-witted and adaptable, but real healing comes when you trust *your own* voice and intuition. Remember, not everyone deserves access to your thoughts.
Cancer: You have a huge heart and feel things deeply. Betrayal could have come from family, close friends, or people you considered family. Maybe you felt abandoned or emotionally manipulated, perhaps even in childhood. Your journey is about nurturing yourself as much as you nurture others. True strength is knowing when to let go and protect your own emotional well-being.
Leo: Loyalty is your thing. So, when someone betrays you, it feels like a public wound. Maybe you were hurt in situations where you were vulnerable – in love, creative projects, or leadership roles. But you're a star! You rise again, refusing to let anyone dim your light. Your story is about taking back your power and shining brightly, no matter what.
Virgo: Your betrayals might have happened at work, with health issues, or in situations where you were always helping others. Maybe you felt used, underappreciated, or even blamed unfairly. The key here is setting boundaries. You are worthy, not just for what you *do*, but for who you *are*.
Libra: Relationships are your testing ground. You've probably experienced betrayal in partnerships, love, or friendships. Maybe you gave too much, only to be met with dishonesty or disloyalty. Your journey is all about finding balance – loving without losing yourself, and choosing relationships that truly value you.
Scorpio: Your wounds run deep. Betrayal might have involved power struggles, manipulation, or intense emotional situations. Maybe someone took advantage of your trust, your secrets, or your deepest vulnerabilities. But nobody transforms like you do. Your power is turning pain into strength, darkness into wisdom.
Sagittarius: Your betrayals might have happened during travels, education, or with people who shared your beliefs. Maybe a mentor, teacher, or someone you looked up to misled you. The lesson is learning to tell the difference between truth and illusion, and creating your own personal philosophy – something no one can take away. You're meant to explore and discover your own truth.
Capricorn: Your betrayals could be public, career-related, or involve authority figures. Maybe you felt wronged professionally, or like the system let you down. But you're a builder. You create your own empire. Healing comes from realizing your value isn't based on what others think – you're already enough.
Aquarius: You might have felt like an outsider, betrayed by friends, communities, or even movements you believed in. Maybe you trusted a cause, only to be disappointed. But your strength is your ability to reinvent yourself and be independent. You don't need to fit in – you're meant to lead with your unique vision.
Pisces: Your wounds might come from illusions, dreams that didn't come true, or people who took advantage of your kindness. Maybe you trusted someone who wasn't genuine, or you've struggled with feeling lost. Healing comes from honoring your intuition and realizing that being kind doesn't mean being naive. You're powerful in your sensitivity.
©️ 2024 honey-bitch All Rights Reserved
DISCLAIMER: this post is a great generalisation and may not resonate with you. I would recommend buying a reading from a professional astrologer (or me) to get more insight
Dm for Paid Readings
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tylermileslockett · 1 year ago
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Hekate is known as a protector of entryways, borders, and crossroads. She is also a Cthonic (underworld) goddess who exists on the peripheries of the pantheon, and teaches witches like Circe and Medea their magical crafts. Therefore, she has darker associations with death, the underworld, the moon, magic spells, and spirits.
In Hesiod’s Theogany, Hecate is the daughter of Titans Perses and Asteria. For defeating the giant Pergamon in the Gigantomauchy (epic battle between Olympians and Giants), Hekate is the only Titan to retain her powers under the rule of Zeus, who gives Hecate a share of earth, heaven and sea.
One of the most famous myths involving Hecate is Hades’ abduction of Demeter’s daughter, Persephone. Hekate assists Demeter in the underworld by leading the way with torchlight, and later becomes an attendant to Persephone. Hecate’s sacred animal ally is a black dog, said to be Hecuba, Queen of Troy, who was reincarnated by Hekate after suicide. Another sacred animal servant is the Polecat (weasel), who was the handmaiden Galinthias punished for a deception involving the birth of Hercules.
  Around the 5th century B.C.E. we see the first sculptural totem figures portraying Hekate in the triple body form surrounding a central column. These votive statues for the protection of travelers would be placed at crossroads with each figure facing a different path.
Hekate is associated with a variety of frightening Daimones (minor divinities or spirits which could be good or evil.) the Empusae was a shapeshifting specter with the body of a woman, and one leg of brass and the other of a donkey, with hopes of devouring a traveler. The Lamia was originally a vengeful Libyan serpentine woman who devoured children, but later was seen to take the form of attractive, voluptuous woman who would seduce a traveler and feast on their fresh blood. The Mormo was another phantom bogeyman said to be sent out by Hekate to nibble on misbehaving children. 
Thanks again for everyone's suggestions. Hope you like the final painting! Please share it if possible. Xoxo
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loverangels · 1 month ago
I got Leo x Adopted daughter of Hera. Basically the girl (or reader up too you) is basically just a mortal who can see through the mist and hera is like 'that's my kid now' and then time skip and Hera is like 'erm I heard you're dating Leo so I want to meet him' and then that's my idea. Ba bam. 🥸
meeting the family
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pairings: leo valdez x fem!reader
a/n: I think I fell in love with this ask. I can totally see Leo and hera having the most intense beef with each other 😭 also in this I kind ofade it so Leo and hera have never met.....hope you don't minddd!!
You adjusted the hem of your shirt nervously, your stomach twisting into knots. "So," you began, glancing over at Leo, who was fiddling with a random bolt from his tool belt, "any advice for meeting a literal goddess? Or... is this just going to be as disastrous as I think?"
Leo grinned at you, his dark brown eyes glinting with mischief. "Babe, you’re talking to the king of disasters. If anyone can charm Hera, it’s me. The gods love me."
You raised an eyebrow, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, really? Like when Zeus almost fried you with a lightning bolt?"
"Hey," Leo protested, pointing the bolt at you, "that was a misunderstanding! Zeus can’t take a joke." He hesitated, his grin faltering slightly. "But Hera… she’s, uh, a whole different level of terrifying. She already doesn’t like me, does she?"
"She doesn’t like anyone," you muttered, chewing your lip. "She’s... protective. Especially of me. You’re the first person I’ve dated since she, you know, claimed me."
Leo blinked, and then smirked. "Claimed you? What, like, ‘that’s my mortal now’? She stamped you or something?"
You rolled your eyes. "Yes, Leo. I have a tattoo that says 'Property of Hera.' Very funny."
Before Leo could make another smart remark, the air in front of you shimmered, and your heart sank. Hera didn’t need an invitation. She never did.
The goddess materialized in a flurry of peacock feathers, her golden eyes fixed on you with an unnerving intensity. She was breathtaking, her presence radiating power, but the thin line of her lips told you she wasn’t here for pleasantries.
"Child," Hera greeted, her tone cool and regal. Her gaze flicked to Leo, who stood frozen, bolt still in hand. "And you must be the boyfriend."
"Uh," Leo started, quickly stuffing the bolt back into his tool belt, "hi, Your Majesty. Big fan. Love what you’ve done with, uh, peacocks?"
You smacked your forehead. Hera’s expression didn’t change, though you swore her eye twitched.
"Charming," she said dryly, crossing her arms. "So, this is the one you’ve chosen?"
"Mom," you groaned, immediately regretting it. Hera raised an eyebrow at the title, but she didn’t correct you. "Can we just... not do this? Please?"
Leo, seemingly unbothered, stepped forward with a cocky grin. "So, uh, Mrs. Hera—"
"It’s just Hera," she cut in sharply.
"Right, Hera," Leo continued, undeterred. "I know you’re, like, super protective of your kid here, but I promise, I’m not that bad. I mean, sure, I’ve accidentally blown up a few things—"
"A few things?" you muttered under your breath.
"—but I’ve got a good heart. I’d never let anything happen to her. I swear."
Hera’s gaze bored into him, and for a moment, you thought she might smite him on the spot. Instead, she smiled—a cold, calculating smile that sent shivers down your spine.
"Tell me, Leonardo," she said, her voice deceptively sweet. "Do you always think so highly of yourself?"
Leo blinked, his confidence faltering for a split second. "Uh, well, yeah? I mean, I’m pretty great. People say I’m funny, smart, devilishly handsome—"
"Modest," Hera added, her tone laced with sarcasm.
You groaned, stepping between them before the situation could escalate. "Okay, that’s enough. Leo, stop talking. Hera, please don’t kill my boyfriend. Can we just... get along for five minutes?"
Hera sighed, her gaze softening ever so slightly as she looked at you. "For you, child, I will tolerate him. But do not think I am fooled by his... charms."
"Charming is kind of my thing," Leo quipped, earning a sharp glare from both you and Hera. "Okay, shutting up now."
To your surprise, the meeting didn’t go as badly as you’d feared. Sure, there were a few tense moments (like when Leo accidentally implied that Hera’s sacred cows were overrated), but by the end of it, things had smoothed over.
You should have known it wouldn’t stay smooth for long. Somehow, Hera had conjured up a lavish dining room that looked like it belonged in Mount Olympus itself—probably because it did. The table stretched endlessly, laden with food that looked too perfect to be real. You sat between Hera and Leo, the tension thick enough to cut with a celestial blade.
"So," Hera began, delicately slicing into what looked like ambrosia-glazed salmon. "Leonardo, tell me. What exactly do you bring to this relationship?"
Leo froze mid-bite of something that looked suspiciously like roast pheasant. He swallowed and grinned. "Oh, you know, the usual. Genius inventor, dragon mechanic, hero. And I’m not bad to look at either, if I do say so myself."
Hera’s golden eyes narrowed. "Yes, I’m sure your... charisma will save her in a battle against monsters."
"Hey, my dragon helped defeat giants," Leo countered, gesturing with his fork. "And I built him from scratch, thank you very much."
"And yet," Hera said, taking a slow sip from her golden goblet, "your dragon has also exploded... how many times?"
"Okay, that was one time," Leo argued.
"Three," you muttered, earning a betrayed look from Leo.
"Thank you, child," Hera said with a nod. "At least someone here is honest."
Leo opened his mouth to retort, but you shot him a warning glare. "Can we please just have a nice dinner? Without bickering?"
"But bickering is how I show affection," Leo quipped, leaning back in his chair. "Isn’t that right, Your Majesty?"
Hera’s lips twitched, though whether it was a smile or the beginning of a smite, you couldn’t tell. "How charming," she said flatly.
The rest of dinner passed in much the same way: Leo making snarky comments, Hera responding with icy jabs, and you desperately trying to keep the peace. By the time dessert rolled around, you were ready to crawl under the table.
As you said your goodbyes, Hera pulled you into a hug—a rare show of affection that left you momentarily stunned. "You’ve chosen well," she whispered in your ear, so softly that even Leo couldn’t hear. "But don’t let it go to his head."
When she pulled back, her regal mask was firmly in place once more. She turned to Leo, her gaze piercing. "Take care of her, Leonardo. Or you will answer to me."
Leo saluted, a nervous grin on his face. "Yes, ma’am. Loud and clear."
As Hera vanished in a swirl of feathers, you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. Leo slipped an arm around your shoulders, his grin returning full force.
"Well," he said, "that went better than I expected. I think she likes me."
"She doesn’t hate you," you corrected. "That’s a win."
"Close enough." Leo leaned down to kiss your temple, his voice warm. "See? I told you I’d charm her."
You laughed, shaking your head. "Let’s just get out of here before she changes her mind."
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mariposakitten · 5 months ago
Something I find very interesting about Kaos is how we, the audience, perceive (and are meant to perceive) Dionysus, Persephone, and Hades.
Because... they know. They DO know about what I will call, for the sake of avoiding spoilers, The Great Deception. I thought maybe Dionysus didn't know, but no, the last episode makes it clear that no, he's in on it too. Hades and Persephone are actively complicit in it! And when they protest, it's not for the humans' sake, not because it's inherently cruel or unfair, but because it's unsustainable and about to blow up in their faces. Dionysus, for all that he genuinely likes humans, seems vaguely sad about the concept but doesn't speak against it. And yeah, Zeus is scary and powerful, but you'd think they'd at least try!
By any realistic, mortal sense of morality, they're just as much monsters as Zeus, Hera, and Poseidon.
And yet.
And yet we DO like them! And we DO see them as "the good guys." Despite knowing about their complicity in this betrayal, we want them to be happy, we want Dionysus to find love, we want Persephone to get some goddamn respect, we want Hades to get a good night's sleep, poor guy. We want them to survive whatever's coming as this prophecy comes to pass.
Maybe it's just because they don't indulge in petty cruelty (or at least not the permanent/fatal kind - Dionysus's trick at the pawn shop wasn't particularly kind, but we can forgive it for Dennis's sake) like the others do, or maybe it's because we see the other three being mean to them and we feel protective, or maybe it's just easier to sympathize with a party boy who wants to prove himself and a harried pair of overworked administrators than with the rich and powerful. Maybe we're just judging gods on a different standard from humans.
But I think it's interesting! And this isn't a criticism, please don't read this as me arguing that we SHOULD hate them - I love them too! It's just really neat how the narrative has sold us on these characters that we love them despite knowing what they're doing.
What I do wonder, though, is how the humans, living and dead, are going to react to them in-universe once the truth gets out.
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theproverbialpen · 13 days ago
Cold, Dark, and Ruthless (?) (EPIC: The Musical)
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So uh, remember how this was supposed to be a story told in 3 chapters? Yeah, well...I only wrote the preamble to the proper smut yet somehow ended up with nearly 9k words and thus decided to split this bad boy up. Sorry for the bait and switch 😅
Anyways, as always, fic preview under the cut! This excerpt is taken from a conversation between Poseidon and Amphitrite regarding you, the current object of Poseidon's obsession. Click on the banner above to read the whole thing!
“Okay, so!” Amphitrite clapped her hands together softly then pointed her fingers toward her husband. “The young weaver. What exactly is it about her that has you so out of sorts?”
Poseidon placed his elbows on his knees and sighed. “She is…well, as you say. Deceptively clever and cunning, wrapped in such a sweet and servile exterior. It is…infuriating.”
Amphitrite crossed one arm over the other and pointed an accusatory finger at Poseidon.  “But such a combination alone would not have you this smitten,” she admonished.
“I told you, I’m not-” Amphitrite stared at him through her eyelashes, daring him to finish his sentence. Poseidon let out a deep exhale, knowing full well it was past the point of trying to deny things to her. “She is one of my faithful,” he relented. “No…not just ‘one’. There are few who have ever been as faithful as her. But it’s not just that, it’s… She said something to me, Amphitrite. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”
“Well?” Amphitrite leaned toward him with a playful nudge. “Don’t keep your wife in suspense now.”
“She told me that she follows me because I care,” Poseidon explained through gritted teeth. “Because of the warmth I’ve shown her. It- it irked me.”
“Why? Because she didn’t buy the whole cold, dark, and ruthless image you’re so attached to?” Poseidon turned to his wife with a look that was meant to be stern, but in reality just came off as sullen. Amphitrite rolled her eyes at him. “By the tides, DonDon—you and Zeus always talk about how far above the mortals you are, but I swear you men are all the same when it comes to your reputations.”
“Not helping, Tritē,” Poseidon glowered.
“Well neither are you,” came Amphitrite’s retort. Poseidon did his best not to pout at her. “Have you lain with her yet?”
“...in a manner of speaking.”
“Poseidon, what does that even-” Amphitrite froze, her eyes wide in revolted disbelief. “Is that why you’ve been so glued to the conch shells?”
“By the tides, Amphitrite—it was one time!”
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