#death swap au
gayemeralds · 1 month
death swap au im thinking the adaptation of games goes end of sa2 -> sonic advance 2 -> shadow 2005 -> sonic heroes -> sonic unleashed (which a sonic 06 side story between heroes & unleashed). shadow 2005 & heroes are switched because i think eggman would take more care to keep Sonic’s location a secret than shadow’s, so it takes longer for rouge to set him free, and you could probably argue some sort of butterfly effect occurs. it also neatly splits the four major games into two arcs, one that’s shadow focused and one that’s sonic focused.
the idea is that end of sa2 kicks of the au with sonic dying as the prologue. arc 1 beginning with sonic advance 2, introduces shadow to the idea of fulfilling sonic & Maria’s promise by saving cream & vanilla and learning he IS more than a weapon, that he can make people smile and he can save the world. shadow 2005 is used then to solidify his path as a hero and cultivate his relationship with knuckles, tails, and Amy who all have a complicated time becoming his friend after the loss of sonic.
then arc two kicks in which becomes focused on sonic side of this au, where he wakes up amnesaic in one of Eggman’s laboratories and teams up with rouge and omega. sonic eventually comes to the conclusion he’s uninterested in his past and brushed off conversations with shadow, tails, knuckles, and Amy to focus on who he is now, unhindered by the past. which then discusses the concept of how experience can shape a person vs their unique personality. sonic unleashed is then used to have sonic and chip foil each other as they both lost their memories, and they teach each other equal but opposite lessons- to live in the moment, but also acknowledge the past. Sonic’s memories don’t return by the end of the au, but when sonic unleashed comes to a close, and chip and sonic say their last farewell, sonic ends the au by going to tails’s workshop to learn more about who he used to be.
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gentlelemon99 · 4 months
Hey apple!
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(It is your fault mike..)
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dreamilyleftballon · 3 months
Huskerdust Death Swap AU
So pretty much everything the same but Husk dies in the 40s and Angle dies in the late 60s early 70s.
So Husk dies during the war he was in the airforce and died by plane crash. He still has the same demon form when he comes to hell. but some details would be different (don't know yet but if anyone as any good ideas please let me know). In this Au Husk didn't become an overlord he just kept to himself. But he did sell his soul to Alastor for protection from the exorcist during the 60s.
Angles design would be similar to @FevaDreamsicle design of their swap Angle over on twitter. When he died Angle joined his family in the mafia. Angle didn't sell his soul in this au but he still wanted out of the mafia business. so when Charlie offered him a place at the hotel he accepted. He is a much better resident in this au not because he believe in redemption but because he believes he's got nothing left to lose. He still dose drugs but not as much as he used too.
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ender-afton · 6 months
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From and au me and my friend made
The tags give some info
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thedeathswapp · 2 years
what if Noah never died, but Gansey did? What if Noah turned 25 but Gansey stayed 10?? Tho, Whelk still tried to murder Noah? (They need couple therapy fr)
Gansey died on the leyline and was found by Noah and Whelk (both 24 then) on their journey to find Glendower.
Now we have mini ghost Gansey and Noah/Whelk and a bunch of psychic teenagers 🤲 (ofc inclusion of the rest of the Gangsey 🤝✨)
Blog is run by two VERY COOL people who can create angsty and wholesome headcanons + thrashy (and maybe not-so-trashy) art
Result: follow us, we’re cool and will make sure you’ll have a good cry and smile sometimes 🔫
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waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years
Death swap au. Would Percy become the champion of the Raven Queen?
Do you think that would change his relationship with Vex?
yeah, i think he would, and i think he would have a much more contentious relationship with her than vax did. i think he'd chafe under the hand of a god, and tbh idk if he'd ever get the deathwalker's ward to its exalted state.
i think it would take longer for him and vex to get together. i think that where vax clung to whatever pieces of life he could get his hands on, percy would see himself as a doomed man and not want to bring anyone down on a sinking ship. i think it would take a lot of forcefulness from vex to get him to see that she's willing to love him even if it means losing him.
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ixloom819 · 1 year
My Afton Death Swap AU
*Note: feel free to use it or make stuff from it, but please credit me if you do so. Also, send me anything you might make, I'd love to see it!
The story shifts one fateful afternoon as William Afton is working on one of his first animatronics, Circus Baby. He had a running theory on a mix of machinery and death to make immortality. Once he had gotten these new animatronics made, he could let them catch children for him and use them to further test his hypothesis. The claw at Circus Baby was acting a little fidgety so he was focusing on fixing that-
The claw suddenly shoots out from the chest cavity and latches onto William's torso. It pulls him in and his body is crushed in the containment space that was meant for a child, certainly not big enough for an adult. The chest cavity closed, but his arms and legs were still sticking out, broken, and unable to fit. The metal clamped on metal and the limbs were cut off. Feeling the life drain from his body, William had but one thought left: Were all his efforts to be in vain? Or was this the start of something new for him?
It was dinner time and Mrs. Afton had sent Elizabeth down to William's workshop to fetch him. Elizabeth knocked on the door, but no response was given. She quietly entered the room and found nobody. Maybe he was in the back, where he worked on his robots? She was very excited about this new robot, Circus Baby. Daddy was making it just for her, this proved he cared about her. She couldn't wait to meet her-
Elizabeth opens the door to find the bloody mess. She hasn't had any experience with blood, so she doesn't quite understand what is happening at first. Then she sees the limbs. Aren't arms and legs supposed to be attached to a person? And... was that Daddy's arm?
Elizabeth didn't know what was happening, but she had a feeling something was wrong. Daddy was gone, but she didn't know whether he was coming back. She glanced at the desk. She didn't know it at the time, but it was all the research and plans about Remnant and all her father's plans and inventions. All she knew was that these papers were important to Daddy. She needed to keep them safe for when he came back. She gathered all the papers and hid them in her room, which was in between the workshop and the rest of the house. After she had gathered all she could find, she went and got her mother, telling her something was wrong.
The police determined that it was some sort of freak accident with the ice cream dispenser. They cleaned up the area but left Circus Baby with the other Funtime animatronics. William had created the Funtimes with very aggressive AIs, so once his soul had taken over Baby, he became even more ruthless, ruling over the Funtimes with an iron fist, waiting for a day when he could come back to the outside world.
Henry felt partially responsible for William's death, as it was their work that got him killed, and he was also close with his business partner and his family. So he offered to take care of the Afton's finances in William's stead since he only had his daughter, Charlotte, to take care of otherwise. Mrs. Afton was able to keep being a stay-at-home mother and helped her children. Michael wasn't so aggressive and Evan was able to overcome his fears.
Elizabeth, however, wasn't as positively influenced by her mother's love. While she did appreciate her mother's effort, she was a daddy's girl, and she was old enough that she could read and understand the papers she had taken on the day of her father's death. They showed... that he might have been still around; just possessing the robot that had killed him. She had to know if it was true, so she went down to his old workshop... and found him. He was there, his research was right. Having these suspicions confirmed, she knew what she had to do - continue her father's work, so that his legacy lived on.
She was very careful though. She knew she couldn't get caught. Along with studying robotics in her father's footsteps, she also studied criminology and law enforcement to know what tendencies to avoid and what tricks she could use to throw any suspicions off. She went all around the area and kidnapped children, bringing them to her father's workshop and killing them to use their souls and the Funtimes to make Remnant. The angry souls and aggressive programming weren't exactly the best mixes, but luckily William was able to keep them in place.
Eventually, Elizabeth got curious about what would happen if one injected Remnant into a dead or dying body. And what better subject to try it on than her dear, loving mother who was home all day? She would understand, it was for Daddy's work. Elizabeth lured Mrs. Afton into the workshop, then trapped her in the scooping room, with the scooper containing Remnant infecting Mrs. Afton as it pierced through her body.
It took a while, but Mrs. Afton did manage to come back from the dead. It had worked! Now Elizabeth had to figure out the extent to which Remnant worked on a living corpse. But Mrs. Afton tried to escape. Elizabeth couldn't understand why - didn't she want to help her and Daddy? To keep her from going anywhere, Elizabeth took off Mrs. Afton's arms and legs, so she was stuck on a workbench being experimented on after death.
After Mrs. Afton's mysterious disappearance, Henry decided to officially adopt the Afton children and they went to live at his house. This worked fine for Elizabeth since that meant there was less of a chance that one of her brothers could run into her work. Time passed and the Afton and Emily children were now young adults and were working at Fazbear Entertainment. Michael was working as a mascot, Evan and Charlie were security guards, and Elizabeth worked as a mechanic on the animatronics and other electronics at the restaurant.
One day, there was a fatal accident. The Springbonnie springlocks went off while Michael was getting out of it, the sweat of a long day triggering them. His screams were heard quickly, but it was too late to save him; his body had suffered too much damage. While it seemed the whole Afton-Emily family mourned, Elizabeth could only feel excitement and curiosity. Would Michael's soul possess Springbonnie even if his body was removed? She had to know.
Practically no one was around at night, and Fredbear and Springbonnie were held in the safe room, where there weren't any cameras. Elizabeth took this opportunity to take the two animatronics and bring them back to her workshop. What she didn't know was that Evan was on night guard duty and saw Elizabeth's actions through the other cameras. He was very confused by her actions, but decided not to report it and instead ask her about it after his shift.
It was approaching daytime when Elizabeth finally made it back to her workshop and dropped the springlock animatronics off. She placed them in a similar experimental area as where she kept Mrs. Afton, the same room where she kept all the notes she and William made about their research and possible new inventions. But she was forced to leave them for the day to keep up appearances. She locked up for the night and went home.
Michael's soul awakened in Springbonnie and he explored the new area. The possessed Funtimes found him and explained to him everything that had been happening. Michael didn't want to believe that his sister was capable of doing such things, but it did explain some odd behaviors he had noticed with her, and the proof was both right before his eyes and evident in himself. He knew she had to be stopped, so he encouraged the other souls to fight against William and Elizabeth so this couldn't continue. Wanting nothing to do with the harm of his sister, he went back into the room he awoke in and waited.
Evan had returned home just as Elizabeth was about to leave for a repair job she had been called in for. He asked for a minute to talk to her, then told her he had seen her take the animatronics the previous night. He asked her why she did that and where they were now. Elizabeth was both angry and panicked and she knew that she was reaching the end of her luck. She tried to dissuade Evan of the importance, but he insisted. Finally done with his questions, Elizabeth picked up a knife and killed Evan. She cleaned up the mess and took his body to a location that couldn't be tracked down to her. She couldn't bring it in her to dispose of the body, wanting to give her brother some form of a proper funeral.
The people for the repair job had been annoying and that mixed with the killing of her brother left Elizabeth in a very bad mood as she descended to her workshop. However, her day wasn't about to get any better. The possessed Funtimes, fueled by rage and inspired by Michael, attacked Elizabeth. William was able to intervene enough to give Elizabeth room to run, and she dashed into the room she was keeping Fredbear and Springbonnie. She knew that she couldn't escape the room with all the robots trying to kill her, so she would need to be in a form where she could take them on. Her eyes turned to Fredbear and she started working on him, trying to make him a more suitable host for her escape.
Michael watched his sister in silent lamenting. The Funtimes had failed and Elizabeth was planning something, he could tell that much. With a heaviness in his metaphysical heart, he realized he would have to be the one to stop his sister. While her back was turned from him, he got up and shoved his sister into Fredbear's jaws, which she had been tweaking. Trying to block out her cries of surprise and fear, Michale activated the springlocks in Fredbear's jaw and watched in horror as it crushed his sister's head.
Elizabeth wasn't expecting to go on to possess Fredbear so soon, nor was she expecting Michael to force her head into it and kill her, but the result ended up the same. Elizabeth gained control of the animatronic and managed to ram past the animatronics guarding the door she had taken temporary refuge from. However, they still outnumbered her, so she left the workshop and was forced to hide out in the streets away from society.
William knew he would have to help Elizabeth if he wanted his work to be continued. He and Elizabeth had been working through the idea of illusion disks that would help them blend into society, but first, he needed to find her. But he was able to be more rational than Elizabeth. He took off Baby's casing, went to the room where Mrs. Afton was 'living', and squeezed his wires into her body, replacing the stumps on her body with his own limbs. He then followed Elizabeth out of the workshop, grabbing some clothes to look more human.
Charlie and Henry were starting to get worried. It hadn't even been a day since Michael had died and Evan and Elizabeth had gone missing. They decided to try and find clues as to where they might be and found the security coverage of Elizabeth taking the animatronics. After finding nothing in their house, they went to the Aftons' old house and discovered the workshop.
The spirits, aggravated by Elizabeth and William's escape, went to attack Henry and Charlie as they entered. But Michael, recognizing them, managed to stop the spirits and convinced them they were friendly. It took a bit for Henry and Charlie to understand, but Michael told them what has been happening and showed them the research papers Elizabeth and William had been doing. Together, the three of them decided they had to stop them.
They learned from the papers that fire released the souls stuck by Remnant, so they tried to talk the possessed Funtimes into letting them burn them. But they were not having it. They were too vengeful and wanted to take their anger out on the people who had tormented them for years. In the end, Michael, Charlie, and Henry were forced to lock the doors of the workshop (after taking the papers) and burn the whole house down.
Since Michael couldn't do much in public being an animatronic. , he and Henry worked on running Fazbear Entertainment with Henry doing all the in-person business and Michael helping with whatever online business needed to be done. Meanwhile, Charlie was out on the street looking for any reports of Elizabeth and William.
Willam had found Elizabeth in an alley and they worked together to get the parts needed for illusion disks. William would leave Mrs. Afton with Elizabeth and sneak around with his wires in various buildings to get the supplies they needed. They were eventually successful and made Fredbear look like a human and Mrs. Afton's body look normal and alive.
Michael, Charlie, and Henry knew that Elizabeth and William would most likely try to get to a location where they could continue their experiments. So they opened a new pizzeria (FNAF 6) with very minimal background checks to try and lure them in. Elizabeth and William saw the ads and took the bait.
The illusion disks had a strange effect on the camera, and since the plans for them were on the papers taken from the workshop, Michael was able to identify Elizabeth and William through the camera recording of the interview. Henry gave them night shifts at the pizzeria and locked them, along with Michael, inside.
Charlie and Henry watched on from cameras around the building. Michael set the building on fire and went to confront Elizabeth and William one last time. Elizabeth begged Michael to let them go, promising to tell him where Evan was buried. Michael agreed, leading them to a false exit and Elizabeth told him, Charlie and Henry taking note of what she said. Michael then told her he had lied and Elizabeth's screams of rage were the last thing heard as the building collapsed, leaving Michael and Mrs. Afton's souls to rest in heaven while Elizabeth and William took their place in h*ll.
Charlie and Henry were able to find Evan via Elizabeth's instructions and gave him a proper funeral. Since Elizabeth had been careful to not connect her kidnappings with Fazbear Entertainment, the most legal trouble they got into was with the springlock suits, and the company thrived. Charlie and Henry made sure to burn all the research Elizabeth and William made so that no one could use it, and they were able to live the rest of their lives normally.
In case it wasn’t obvious:
William -> Elizabeth’s death
Mrs. Afton -> Michael’s death
Michael -> William’s death
Evan -> Mrs. Afton’s death
Elizabeth -> Evan’s death
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neverniko101 · 6 months
What may I get for you today?
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Help my baking addiction has infiltrated my tumblr account
I’m curious, though, which would you pick?
If this gets enough attention I’ll make one of them in real life /hj
Update: I made Reaper’s Death by Chocolate!
Ink by Comyet
Dream & Nightmare by Joku
Reaper by Renrink
Underswap sans by P0pc0rnPr1nce
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anamdreams69 · 16 days
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iii wans't sure i was going to post this...
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crimsonsnippet · 1 year
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wammy kids on the scene ⁉️
mello is misa’s successor matt is the second-place renegade and you know near will follow matt for whatever he has planned next
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gayemeralds · 2 years
vector: no wait sonic we really do know you trust me here i can prove it!!! your middle name is maurice!!!
sonic, who had told the chaotix that as a joke because he doesn’t actually have a middle name, now amnesaic and doesn’t remember lying to them: . is it?
rouge, government spy, knows sonic doesn’t even have a birth certificate: it’s a lie. kill them.
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gentlelemon99 · 5 months
Michael has a rough time lmao
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William is like, NU UH
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littl3d0ll-art · 2 months
Narilamb swap species?
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Local death sheep joins the cult and gets sheared for the first time in 1000 years
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transmascsimonriley · 5 months
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Au where Simon died instead of Tommy
(this is from november last year I just forgot to post this here)
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villetela · 3 months
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As all of the people that liked my swap au of LDR..
Don't worry!! More art of them will come soon 😁😁 as soon as I finished some of my wips I'll eventually make some art of my swap au. Their ref sheets are already finished so feel free to draw them I guess (even though I don't get enough attention sometimes.) For those who didn't know their official designs are finally done
Here's their ref sheets:
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(I'm posting this art again in case of anyone else who likes my swap au hasn't seen this yet!)
Also don't mind Sammy being there, that's just my y/n oc lollz. Ignore how Sun's fingers are only four btw.😔
Anyways that's all. I'll sleep right now since it's night. Soo.. Bye! And goodnight ^^
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waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years
You’re probably going to hate me for this but…
Death Swap AU… but it’s not Vex that got blasted by the Matron’s trap in “The Sunken Tomb”.
No. It’s the other woman in Vax’s life.
50 (Somewhat) Unique AUs (Prompt List)
hmm...so i'm going to assume that everything is the same (vax is down in the hole, percy is the one who actually triggers the trap, keyleth crit fails on the dex save), in which case i actually think percy is the one who offers his life for hers first. not that i think vax wouldn't, but in the campaign, liam went last in the ritual offerings, and bc vax and vex were literal siblings, i think everyone at the table understood that whatever he did, it had to be the biggest thing.
but bc percy was the one who fucked up and his relationship with keyleth was different than either his or vax's relationship with vex, i think percy would fucking panic and scramble to make it right as fast as possible. so he'd immediately demand the raven queen take him first. vax would hold her hand, apologize to her for the way he told her that he loved her, and promise that if she came back, he'd do it better, do it right. vex would lean down and whisper something into her ear that none of the others could hear, and that would be something along the lines of, you can't break their hearts, darling, especially not my brother's. i'll never forgive you if you do.
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