valentivy-creates · 2 months
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It's still you...
I've seen many people say that this trend needs to be put with Wilford, so I decided to draw it! I hope you like it! (also posted on my Kofi!)
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70-percent-water · 4 months
Something about the Markiplier cinematic universe I think needs to be talked about is the fact that literally 80% of the reason it's so compelling is because it doesn't take itself seriously at all. It's just a story that's an absurdly chaotic mess, and I mean that positively.
Who Killed Markplier is a tragedy at its core, a very well done example of, even if you try to do all the right things, sometimes you still fail, and there's no way to fix what's already been said and done.
'DAMIEN' has hauntingly beautiful scenery, it's an outsiders perspective of an altercation between two unreliable narrators that gives little context to its premise, immersing us in our place as a bystander.
All that being said, it's juxtaposed by;
-The man cast ending up in space with zero explanation.
-Two men getting into a fistfight in a movie theater parking lot in borad daylight in a violently slapstick manner.
-William telling the group he once got sucked into jumanji and nobody even questioning it.
-The viewers very existence being used to play up a series of visual gags with absolutely no context, (Pocket Sand, for example.)
-Darks tendency to pull a 'draw me like one of your French girls' while speaking to us in fucking riddles
-The stunt dummy being kept in after the editing phase
-Literally 90% of the shit Actor does despite being a revenge fueled monster, he wears crocs everywhere like c'mon
Honestly I think it's great because it allows you to play with the worldbulding extensively as there's debatably no concrete facts one way or another. I'm writing at the moment and using it to my advantage and will probably post more about that soon.
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bubblesbinxs · 4 months
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This guy.
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endersketch · 6 months
I made something sad. :)
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deeeens · 7 days
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his mommy called him handsome!
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mcharon · 4 months
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puffledthomas · 2 months
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i love market pliers characters
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meo618 · 2 months
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I feel like Dark is like my 81year old great uncle and still buys the sunday newspaper every week.
And like my great uncle, he occasionally wonders where young people read about the news (Dark has an old Samsung phone from 2014 that's holding on for dear life, but he only uses it for calls/texts) while scoffing at most social media platforms, but especially TikTok (fair) :')
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sp8ce-queen · 3 months
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someone on twitter said make actor a vampire and the autism took me over
link to the tweet: https://x.com/BlueWolfAngel28/status/1770718880660681077?s=20
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thatsmercysart · 4 months
Just wanted to remind you all that you have a date today!! You didnt forget did you??? Quick grab your wallet and shoes we cant be late to dinner, it is a date with markiplier after all 🤭
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lucky us ❤️ @markiplier
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lov3vivian · 6 months
Who Killed Markiplier in the style of the Book of Life.
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valentivy-creates · 25 days
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reference images from pinterest (i didnt know what to replace the phone with so its just a black box 😭)
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70-percent-water · 4 months
Ok, something that came to my attention is that if you frame Actor as being Mark's self insert character, the entire way the character carries himself is immediately ten times funnier.
Typically a self insert is a reflection of a persons desired traits, but Mark decided to back that train of logic into reverse in the most drastic way possible.
I mean just look at Actor-
He's divorced, he's been to prison, he has zero sense of direction and no idea what's happening a good chunk of the time, he wears crocs with a three peice suit like it's a normal fashion statement, he didn't have pants on the entire time he was executing his revenge plan, hes a sopping wet rag of a human and he is so violently depressed, he's the inventor of what's commonly known as 'Gaslighting'-
Darkiplier is at least one third his ex wife, Mark didn't need to make that a plot point, he just did and the fact that nobody brings that up is wild to me, good for him though.
The cast at large is a collection of people who are all at fault in their own ways, but Mark took one look at the story he was crafting and said 'I'm going to be the worst person in the room' and I respect that so much.
Even the way Mark carries himself differently from his normal speaking tone when playing this guy is immaculate, the voice acting is absolutely wild. I still can't rewatch 'Damien' because as soon as I hear that asshole start yelling it kicks in my fight or flight response.
TL;DR Actor is a great villain but his execution is so violently off the wall it's absurd, props to Mark for making me genuinely afraid of theater kid.
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bubblesbinxs · 4 months
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Had a dream where instead of A Date With Markiplier i was on a date with dark and trust me when i say i had the most horrible time realizing none of it was real the moment i woke up. anyways here’s some self-indulgent art hihi ^.^
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icedhotkopi · 11 months
POV: you’re on a date with Darkiplier
(Or alternatively, what might’ve happened after one of the endings in A Date with Markiplier)
Song : Red Flags (ft. Montaigne) - Tom Cardy
Favorite frames under the cut!
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andaboop · 4 months
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He said send this to someone you love and I love all of you, happy valentine's day! 💖💖
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