bootlegdemon · 10 months
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effyneprin · 1 year
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Battleborn commission
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battlebornmemehq · 2 years
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Where it all began.
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technolilly · 1 year
Feel like pure shit just want her back (Alani, Beatrix, Deande)
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I need a new marketable plushie pfp but I don't consume enough media to have anything I particularly want to change it to
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rustys-lodge · 8 months
Heyyy! i was wondering if i could request a supernatural fic. Deand and sams little sister (10) has been having really bad nightmares and one night she wakes up in a wet bed. This fic would mean a lot because i struggled with this for a long time🤍🤍 Lots and lots of comfot!!
A/N: sorry for the delay, i accidently didn't save every time i wrote something so i had to rewrite it many times. Also ik the gifs dont match the story but id personally rather have a picture in my mind of who im reading about so yeah ❤️
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You had just woken up-jolted awake-in the dead of night when sticky pyjamas started itching your legs.
You sleepily pulled your leg up, your fingers roaming around to feel for the itchy part when realization hit you-You wet the bed. And as a storm of thoughts started hitting you, tears pooled down your face.
You didn't mean it. You didn't want that to happen. The things haunting your dreams took full control of you. Of your body. You didn't mean for this to happen. What will Sam and Dean think of you. What would they-
A little gasp escaped your throat before you went quiet. You blinked through the tears, still under the shock and fully unprepared.
"Get out, get out. Get out." You histerically shouted, pulling the covers up to hide your body. "Get out!"
But Dean's furrowed eyebrows showed no cooperation. He wasn't about to leave you. And his careful steps contrasting your harsh demand for him to go only showed that.
Your small hands gripped the covers harder as he closed in on you. "Kid, what's gotten into y-"
"Don't ask me to leave when you obviously need my hel-"
"I don't. Please lea-NO"
A yell that you did not permit escaped your lips when Dean's thigh was only inches away from resting on the bed. "Don't sit! i-i-" A storm of choked up sobs welled up and burst . And it seemed like Dean finally understood when he sighed, understanding and sympathetic.
"Oh kiddo..." His hand gently went for the covers, which you held tighter, but he tugged at it a couple of times and you let go, bringing your legs close to your upper body, enveloping them in a defensive manner.
And just as if you weren't humiliated enough, Sam entered your room, a mixture of worry and sleepiness puzzling his features.
"She..." Dean hesitated, causing embarrassment to flush your cheeks and more tears to gather in your eyes.
"I...I'm sorry. I-I was having such bad nightmares and i-" You sniffled, unable to hold the tears in. "I don't kno-"
"it's okay...Honey, come here." Sam came over, holding his hand out for you to hold. "come here." He softly pulled you out of bed. "Let's go take a quick bath."
You followed Sam to the bathroom, and a shower and a fresh change of clothes later, you find yourself settled in between your pillow,ms, right beside Sam.
He handed you your little bunny when he noticed a change in your features. "Don't...think about it too much, pumpkin." Sam spoke. And it somehow arose that embarrassement and fear within you again. Your cheeks heated up. You were once again feeling the same you were earlier.
"I'm sorry that i caused you troub-"
Your little mumbled was halted when Sam cupped your cheeks, enveloping the entirety of your face. "We're sorry that you have to go through that every night. And that you had to witness the monstrosities of the world at such a young age."
You lowered uour gaze to the ground as he continued. "Please do not apologize to us."
Your brother shifted his body to lay on his side, facing you, and as you did the same, he wrapped his hand around your back, pulling you close to him.
"Nothing can hurt you now. I got you."
I'm sorry you struggled with that ❤️❤️ i hope this fic brings you the comfort needed ❤️
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sleptwithinthesun · 2 months
requests are open! i’d love to see any allergy scenario with either chase or sam winchester!
requests are indeed open !! i haven't written anything here with s/am so i hope you enjoy 1.3K of allergic s/am. i tried getting a bit more... descriptive? with this one? if that's okay :)
Look, it's not really Dean's fault if his idiot of a brother decided that he could handle things on his own and got himself so drugged up on his allergy medication that he can barely see straight, much less fire a gun with any semblance of accuracy. Dean's responsibility, maybe, but certainly not his fault. 
It's not like the accountability changes their current situation, anyway. Sammy's lying down on his bed in their motel room, giggling at nothing and rubbing his nose every couple of minutes, while Dean's covered in dirt and a bit of blood from digging up the grave on his own and getting tossed around by the ghost. He'd thought that the medication would have worn off a bit by now, but apparently, Sam's still high off his ass. 
"Deand!" he croaks nasally as the door closes behind the elder Winchester, his excitement still coming through his tone in spite of the raw stuffiness choking his voice. Okay, maybe it is wearing off. "Where were you?"
"Closing our case," Dean responds. He's being gruff, he knows, but digging a grave up solo is a bitch of a task and he really, really wishes Sam had the wherewithal to realize that before he took his meds. 
Unfortunately, his brother nods sagely, like Dean's communicated secret information to him, and makes an attempt to sit up. It must cause something in his sinuses to shift, though, since he immediately screws up his face once he's upright.
"You okay there, Sammy?"
"I'mb finde," he lies, and poorly, given that he's scrubbing at his nose and flaring his nostrils for a brief moment before his breath hitches. Dean rolls his eyes. So predictable, his little brother is, like he forgets that Dean practically raised him. He knows each and every one of Sam's quirks and signals that there possibly is to know.
He sits down on his own bed as Sam hitches, breaths gradually getting deeper and deeper until—
"Bless," Dean says distractedly, pulling off his outermost layer before starting on his boots. 
Of course, Sam's not done. His brother gears up for another sneeze, head tipping back as his mouth drops open, and then Sam's bending forward into his elbow with a slightly more contained "H'RRSCHh!"
"Ugh, thangks." Sam, instead of being a normal person and blowing his damn nose, swipes a tissue from the box on the nightstand and wipes at the underside instead. It's not going to do anything, Dean knows that from watching Sam have allergies for years.
He doesn't understand how he can learn all this and Sam, the one who got into Stanford, doesn't ever seem to realize.
Dean sheds his flannel next, leaving him in just a T-shirt and jeans. "Sammy."
He's staring off into space again.
"I'm going to take a shower. You going to survive?"
Sam waves him off, movements sloppy and uncoordinated. "Yeah, Deand. I was finde while you were ond the case, wasnd't I?"
"You were unconscious for most of that," Dean mutters to himself, but nods in acquiescence. "Just stay on the bed, okay?"
His brother's responding nod almost causes him to fall over, but Sam straightens himself up and shoots Dean a loopy grin.
Yeah, he's most definitely going to be asleep by the time Dean's finished showering.
"hH-hih? hih'hh... hhkt—!"
Sam pants, loud enough that Dean can hear it from the other side of the bathroom door. He sounds miserably congested, his breaths taken in through his mouth. Dean wastes no time in pulling on sweatpants and another T-shirt and exiting into the main room.
His brother looks awful, his bloodshot eyes puffy and nose tinged pink from the amount of friction that Sam's leveled against it, and that's without even mentioning the additional fact of Sam being stuck in a loop of hitching followed by scrubbing at his nose, scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing at it, as if the itch is simply too deep for him to reach.
"Christ," Dean says, rolling his eyes. "You're really in the thick of it, aren't you?"
"Gedd mbe oud of dis friggin townd," Sam mumbles, so congested Dean can hardly understand him.
He chucks the roll of toilet paper he'd carried out under his arm at Sam. "Blow your nose, Sasquatch," he orders, clearing the empty tissue box off of the nightstand. At least he's had the decency to confine his used tissues to the trash can.
Toilet paper tearing off the roll sounds behind him, and instead of blowing his nose, Sam sniffles yet again.
"I'b fide."
"No, you're not. Seriously, are you telling me that all the medication you took did nothing for you?"
Sam's breath hitches again, then settles into another false start, and he shakes his head lightly. "Id worgked for a liddle bid."
"Blow your freakin' nose, Sam," Dean orders, dropping his voice into the tone their father used to use when he wanted them to obey him without any further hesitations or questions. "I'm serious. You're only making yourself miserable. Either that, or you're going to give yourself a sinus infection."
Sam honest-to-God whines at him, pouting with those big damn puppy eyes and everything.
Dean rolls his eyes. This kid. "Blow. Your. Nose."
Finally, Sam relents, taking up a wad of toilet paper and pressing it to his twitching nose. Dean glances away, if only to let Sam hold onto the illusion of privacy as he exhales into the tissues. There's a couple long seconds of nothing except for the painful sound of air struggling to force its way through blocked nasal passages, and then a wet, gurgling blow as it turns productive.
It's like a dam breaking. Sam's barely taken in another breath, already halfway through folding the stack of toilet paper to keep clearing out his sinuses, when his chest expands, rising and falling rapidly as Dean's giant little brother tries to contain the barrage of sneezes brewing inside of him.
"De-hhe'eh! Deand," he gasps out, although Dean's already moving, ripping more strips of makeshift tissue off the roll and shoving them into Sam's hands, overtop the damp wad already in his hands.
"Just sneeze it out, you'll feel better after," he advises.
Sam shakes his head, eyes pinching closed as he tries in vain to postpone the inevitable sneezing fit. His entire face is contorted with the desperate attempt he's making to hold it off, nostrils flared wide and mouth hanging open as he takes increasingly shallow breaths. "Dohhnd't wadda... hih'hh'HUH!"
"The longer you hold it back, the more you're going to sneeze," singsongs Dean. Seriously, Sammy. One would think that the guy would have gotten over it by now.
"hh... hH'HAH'HUH—"
Sam manages to crush the first sneeze into near-oblivion between his thumb and forefinger, the only thing giving it away being the soft "hkt'ff!" From there, however, it's a losing game.
"hh'hRR'SCHH! HR'RSCH'uh! uKT'SHH'Hh!"
Dean can only go and rub Sam's back, at a total loss for what to do. Sam's allergies haven't acted up quite this badly in a long while, and to be honest, he's not sure if there's anything he can do besides wait the fit out.
"HK'SHH! KT'SCH! TSHH! TSCHH'uh! hh'huh'hHRR'SSH!" Sam pants, bending forward with his hands cupped over his nose and mouth, toilet paper a soggy mess in his hands. "h'RR'SCH-huh! hh'hDT! HRSSH! USCHH!"
"Christ, Sammy, how much do you have left?" asks Dean.
His brother only shakes his head, emerging from his palms, the outer rims of his nostrils slick with mess. "Cadd't... stob... hGKT'SHH! HH'SHAH! ATSCH'uu! TSCH'iu!"
It's a good sign when his sneezes get open and pitchy like that. Sammy's winding down, even if he doesn't realize it yet. He's clearly exhausted, though, given by how little his back is expanding with every sneeze that comes barreling out of his lungs.
"hDT'SHuu! H'ASCHH'iew-ADTSSH'uh! hh... h'HH... huh..."
Sam looks up and blinks, then, sniffling furiously. As if he hadn't just learned his goddamn lesson.
"Bless you," Dean finally offers. Sam only glares through watery eyes, though the effect is diminished by how spent he looks, with mess still outlining his nostrils and making his upper lip shiny. "Come on, dude, let's get you cleaned up."
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thetisming · 4 months
yeah another one of these. sorry (brighter timeline)
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🌹 beautiful-rose Follow
fuck fuck fufk fuck tehyre all goje my friendns are dead my husbandns deand evenoyorn id ddead then laxt tging is aid to jim was tbsf idon w nand ralk to hbm fuks whaty habne i done
🦅 eaglegreetings Follow
this is probably a bad time but i just remembered your husband and i made out in high school?? hilarious tbh lmao
🌹 beautiful-rose
Del what the fukc is wrong with you
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🏳️‍⚧️ zombieboy Follow
URL change! its-super-dope -> zombieboy
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💙 francois-dubois Follow
They're... they're gone they hate me I'm never gonna see them again I don't know what to do I can't breathe
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📖 writinganddreaming Follow
i think maybe we just made horrible mistake
👓 musicalhusband Follow
Oh no I don't think so Mary I think leaving our best friend to die was a GREAT idea actually!
#/sarc if it wasnt clear
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📚 greendales-lesbiannie Follow
icanr believe all my friends are deadn whatsthe fuck why did i elet them fo tabf
🇮🇹 aromantic-annie Follow
damn babe that sucks can we make out now
#genuinely though i hope you're okay #who knows maybe they survived! #im here for you annie
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🇮🇹 aromantic-annie Follow
i miss being in Cats tbh :/
🏳️‍⚧️ zombieboy Follow
well hey if youre May and i's technical sister now uou can join in on our Evil Broadway!!!!! it's where we do broadwya shows but we play all the roles and also are cooler
🇮🇹 aromantic-annie
yeah okay im in
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🐯 hearmeroar Follow
okay but they have to be alive righr ?? i mean they cant die they canr they canr they canr theure FINE they have to be
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🪶 the-bard Follow
Guys I can't find my wife where is she I lost her please
-Very small
-Pre tyu
-Mean to me :(
-I love her
-Her nam eis Anne
-She is my wife
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🌹 maydubois Follow
i should probably change my url actually, my last name is Dubois now so it doesnt really work
🌹 maydubois
going simple until i figure out a better one! beautiful-rose -> maydubois
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💙 francois-dubois Follow
THEY POSTED! They're okay it's okay they're alive!!
🌹 maydubois Follow
darling im so sorry about what i said i love you so much
i miss you so much im so scared rjghr now i need you
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deanclitoris · 2 months
dean deandean deand eande dean deandeand dean deandean deande andea n de ande an dean dean
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444names · 1 year
mortal kombat characters + french forenames
Aberook Alendette Alestan Amayana Ancifer Andrenks Andro Anikaël Anmatheel Annik Annya Anowene Anoît Arick Arione Arkand Arlogisa Arraphi Ashraak Astorged Audrah Auren Bacquent Batar Beant Bearloïc Beathi Beine Benelex Bennikaël Bette Betth Bilor Bisabilli Blazefang Bosenk Boyant Bring Béanire Caegadeng Cagad Caletrine Camek Camon Canne Caribby Carie Cassan Chacque Chame Charomire Charro Chartavin Chaël Cheles Cheuter Chille Cholok Chranpai Chrenée Chricte Chrill Chrion Chris Clake Clanues Clatands Clathel Clauline Clérie Colavine Colivet Collists Color Colorbrus Coloïc Coman Comorge Crette Cyric Cyristons Dabrichan Dacklen Dacque Daessim Daine Dakevai Dameath Davane Deackanne Deand Demilyn Dennede Dermang Derrada Derrie Dette Drémi Eatryu Edider Elleepte Emara Emien Emikath Emman Emmancer Emmohaël Emplaule Encetter Enorgeng Erojachi Erree Etice Evamil Excla Excléan Execian Fabrianad Fabriu Fahao Famas Faument Fessivic Filegin Fille Filyne Firahre Firenor Firtion Firèneuni Flavikkon Flayn Flogers Flogilex Flood Foryptant Frale Gadecrek Gadionn Gadow Gaétine Geatwoods Gerichrai Geste Ghtine Giletter Gille Gillexans Gilyn Gilyne Gitarle Gohst Golad Gonie Gonietine Gorbrum Gormegis Gorris Gotanna Grandrée Grant Greans Gribby Grile Gronne Guestreen Gélian Haege Halie Haline Hamel Hamurnon Hanno Havalle Heennew Hembus Hence Henkhani Hskands Hskang Hstsunge Hugodion Hujimana Hérèse Icklette Iessate Imbelle Irette Jadaviers Jaden Jadraymon Jamanne Jamath Jamel Janneshop Jatmale Jeadon Jeale Jeand Jeane Jearnbuck Jeatal Jeath Jeatonka Jenne Jenranne Jentilien Jertin Jimeide Johaynd Johne Josetz Jossia Jostert Josébal Jériustes Kabraine Kahaya Kahri Kanloge Kenfro Kerbran Kiren Kirolor Kobeng Kochine Komarce Komart Komeine Krean Krette Krorge Kryourogy Kuaire Kuliang Kulicie Kurey Kurie Laink Laire Lanonque Larisek Laude Laumon Laurant Leorber Lexan Liandmas Lianne Libose Lizan Lochri Locéa Looke Lorce Lorcept Loéminks Luchrine Lucieu Lydraymon Léande Mactor Madanny Madelle Madoc Madon Madonnya Magalegon Magesa Magnèse Maine Mainkons Mannic Mannique Mantahn Maraces Maran Marand Marka Marre Marrieth Marth Marthre Marus Mashanck Mashring Masiant Mastian Mastrin Mator Matuutung Maude Mayndell Meatilene Micell Michano Micien Milibby Mille Milor Mineu Mobric Modial Moling Monifené Morier Mormege Morpette Myric Mélisass Méliseing Mélène Nadier Namanient Natarine Nedeliven Nette Nichanne Nimadow Nimbactim Nimbaro Nitia Nivikath Nivin Noéming Ocess Omomon Ondro Onnonadow Ontorcero Orearoods Paine Paril Passine Paste Pastéph Pathille Paurale Peanstric Peasimen Petth Pirebiet Plakans Prianmi Ptice Qalaing Quanciets Rallene Raphao Rarons Reane Reidet Reilad Reylvien Rinet Rolen Ronces Rooker Rusti Ruuther Ryptarcer Rédraymor Rémything Samel Samuris Sarge Sarienme Saronk Sartine Sasing Schamavie Schne Schral Scolok Shart Shasga Shaëlle Shertan Shien Shies Shine Shrie Sinkhanck Sivain Skerogis Snons Sonier Speange Spert Stark Stivie Stéph Stéphaël Sudricer Suill Surna Suzager Sylace Sylas Sylaul Sylval Talémy Tanfor Teferafan Tegod Termeide Teste Thaet Thargueni Thimon Thotal Thuguy Tomilora Tomor Tonne Torafant Toratine Torgan Torgils Tound Trienrion Trons Tsundre Usine Vamel Vethéro Vickgre Vonis Véricel Warna Winges Winèse Wolfiliet Womeid Wookk Yvenang Zebri Zefeen Élibacu Élibby Éline Éloïc Étanste Étiame
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thefallofbyzantine · 2 years
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I posted 852 times in 2022
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822 posts reblogged (96%)
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#sam winchester - 28 posts
#my edit - 27 posts
#jared padalecki - 27 posts
#sam and dean - 16 posts
#samedit - 11 posts
#lol - 10 posts
#cordell walker - 10 posts
#corespnedit - 8 posts
#babyboy - 4 posts
#walker - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#deand: we’re not a married couple. married couples can get divorced. we’re like siamese twins
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444namesplus · 1 month
Abaalus Abale Abidulk Adoragenn Adwe Aelionter Ahlaathulk Akmaktorzat Alen Aliuscadhen Alonarase Alroneclas Amalmoth Amazka Amion Ande Andest Aneir Anir Anmuireus Ansish Anth Anther Apapra Apapria Apja Aquel Arbaelong Ardhuarine Arger Arks Arnel Arth Arthich Ashanathia Ateo Athel Aundianwen Auskair Ayaalius
Baalan Babbala Balenutemera Bany Barwerradete Bath Bazziz Beacataarosa Beae Belf Belionaalam Bellbrooshar Beter Beth Bhrezzikovan Bhruzkarine Blacolius Blaropald Blicel Bligaluc Blinassir Blius Bloamag Blon Blornorthe Blorysmil Blus Bokza Bokzika Bomaw Bomplil Bongstriner Borie Borstmaor Bozine Brac Brake Brakeen Braken Brea Brellanglac Breth Breus Brighar Bril Brimbra Brodmeth Bros Brotwamia Bruurus Bten Bter Bthu Buth Butlen Bynesmacayed Bynit Cair Cama Camehehnch Canguddy Cath Ceard Ceaslyahren Celakemorman Char Chenamoulda Cher Chiarpy Chiger Chight Chii Chogrefer Chorione Chovaril Chynafal Chyrin Cilene Ciloombrin Cindmot Cing Ciniland Cladight Clam Clashack Cleth Colemyon Condrimmscil Cone Copa Copalashun Cophearenak Cornax Crameht Cranalvosh Crantered Cranympeter Cronfix Croy Cruk Crus Crusahan Cudjenal Cuol Cuteak Cuthavaeold Cuthuater Cynaien Daaggochord Dahjobara Dahlas Dakaulot Daker Dalaseteen Darasar Darusharinah Daseefk Daurend Deand Deathager Dech Decuturash Deleviil Demouth Deraza Desanalog Desunlorgnum Deval Dhaurmscous Dhia Diek Dill Dillath Dimeroo Dirga Distio Dowkest Drakeyric Dral Dran Dravmak Drene Drernalen Drosele Dueloren Dulok Dulung Duncherielin Dundia Dundight Duren Duruz Duus Dyil Dytald Eaelernan Earago Edilli Edurgerenar Eejot Eend Eggandhil Egrokkorros Egsrix Eidecacinum Eller Eluk Elvy Emaor Emasloothel Emaw Empetre Enax Ened Enguldabom Ered Erus Escalle Eselue Esharow Estallr Estir Etron Exxel Eyeyrre Faakmawaalel Faar
Fahlarasha Faler Famneb Fane Fanomala Fanshazkaden Farne Fatundess Feae Feiddyndol Feidramal Fenit Feolus Ferene Fhel Fhelvy Fher Fheter Fhewen Finas Findisirul Flahviizin Flaleve Flamirtice Flanalemelha Flaril Flatulgix Flel Flon Flor Formelk Forudhuc Fous Fren Frodaier Frol Frolaargu Froodimpen Froy Furvalelooth Fyrigh Gaba Ganax Ganchi Gang Ganghandassa Gantal Gantiik Garaz Gard Garter Garumuld Gena Gerdii Gerrag Ghrot Ghrusci Giah Gillorinval Glastictharn Glastjurker Glen Gliveloody Gocea Goch Gorenymplen Goril Goth Gothus Grah Grakoodwel Grang Grashele Grasmer Grastrapap Gravdrok Grengther Gridravither Grie Grinametrak Gririnrum Gris Grook Grutburan Grynia Gulaamer Guldas Guls Gunfal Gungle Guol Guom Gurk Haak Hadras Hadu Hahk Halatir Halemphil Hanedy Hanthriggot Hapzgic Hargar Harra Hasmak Havmazdalan Heder Hehnatro Hehviv Heinelft Helaathrya Helgor Henikalinah Herrum Hestyra Hobher Horda Housken Hres Hrkria Hrks Hrye Hryestooknia Hulgriang Hundrashacer Huntulgii Huugh Huuramo Ihaeolnamal Ikkey Ikothogrefin Ilel Imerth Inaar Indy Infard Inferselooth Ingulorap Intil Ipguel Iraak Iraku Irelen Irige Iril Irix Ironis Irrostma Irwamdild Isnia Ivele Ivenur Ixyed Ixyediralio Izzik Jadrin Jahrel Jahrilangue Jawall Jikameso Jindran Jnexuhia Jobeath Joblanoryeug Jyklot Kaglort Kalenaw Karag Karen Karustorza Kashadorgane Kasheren Kaurndigh Keesmgano Kemotnaar Kessild Kimenit Kimhorel Kindirend Kiner Kinn Kivene Kjaieak Klevinumae Klianag Kloks Kodusturiiz Kohminulp Kone Konfer Konol Koodmer Koombsca Kooth Korilag Korildis Kost Kothurilla Koviizzulok Kovil Kraz Krel Kril Krio Krionlis Krond Kruze Kulle Kund Kundided Kuray Kurgan Kuris Kurl Kurmuus Kuur Kzik Laadel Laalin Lack Laendomaj Lahla Laiek Lajaw Langen Lanlial Lanweroth Lasmyraverth Lasselokuul Laws Liahrielel Lial Lialannal Lian Licathuskyn Lice Licea Licktorkruna Lidardia Liggulk Lighter Liidaghaduk Lilasmyn Lilin Lilor Ling Linthara Lioni Lionlor Lionneir Lloelnyil Loehshax Lokneb Loknoxia Loks Londhi Loodrood Loolenama Loomblan Loorit Loostjahrye Lora Lorel Lortal Lothuce Luchagh Luchruz Lulgarman Lulk Lyag Lylbril Lyobelacktoo Maar
Maarak Maas Maash Macamasamrof Macor Maeoneb Maes Majaw Makril Malda Malel Malilmothu Mallonelion Malor Mandesil Manlelonia Maorgal Marn Maschelot Masha Mazakes Mazka Mehvine Melededmorel Merimtor Mesill Messirag Meth Mhon Mhuath Mhun Mhunaroon Mhunarra Mhuoles Ming Minwe Mion Mirassorth Mirodurcha Mirreake Mohmir Moice Moos Mora Morex Morgnuntil Moth Mothaal Motnaalvax Mozu Mozuldo Mozumansh Mulid Mulint Mull Mulp Murrien Myolaw Mzalga Nace Naglaktor Nahmazzefar Naidaidara Nakin Nakonch Nbth Nchoring Nchyn Nebre Necath Neleleda Nemohnch Nesikon Nhado Nhahlon Nisnor Nispir Nithalfaleiz Nithidish Niwysrilmo Nolnic Norie Norni Nulokh Numreleny Nunduk Nunger Nuria Nuris Nurvarstor Nuta Nyag Obheth Oblaw Oceriat Odbirumang Odblil Odun Ofsunaan Ohmaw Ohmen Olenaak Olerennan Olharsnit Olin Oloothung Olor Olsa Oolkyril Oria Oriere Oriijbinax Orilmotnirie Orimel Orith Orne Orth Orzalius Osha Oxia Oxiah Oxiahmihil Oxiandarzuk Ozaidar Ozaken Ozather Ozic Oziklondo Ozot Paala Pafais Pafana Pafark Pafarren Pafrog Pala Paprie Pardin Pele Penaarp Pene Penillch Perinun Pers Pesarene Pest Pestazal Pestemotal Pestoodardil Pezzik Phek Phil Prad Praylanwe Preard Priania Prieangwen Prindasha Progen Prombrasmal Prot Proth Qijbinmu Qragg Qunal Raakaironil Radumirgerot Rakemeth Rashard Rasher Rashus Rasper Reae Reathril Reatvulander Redecous Redhac Refant Relokda Reruga Reter Reum Rhefk Riah Riantharum Rigger Rilawen
Rimtootnal Rinth Rolk Romate Ronahryn Ronek Rong Rooding Rorn Rosa Rost Roth Rothagon Rotwaaril Rudil Rulturavayed Rumre Ruzin Ruzizt Saas Sael Sahlonoxth Sahmorm Samogrielda Sand Sanel Sang Saradroos Sarls Sarth Save Scailinguer Scas Scashahjoad Schal Schorn Scina Scro Seak Selen Senaariong Setik Shaar Shacilam Shad Shadeduk Shafath Shagarezzuug Shahviik Shaidagg Sharan Sharn Sharrak Shazbug Sher Shesha Shet Shunfeak Shurrum Side Sier Silla Sindirie Sirak Sish Sisin Skaar Skarran Skartil Skaurgassirn Sken Skunchrefer Skur Skuurgicamal Skynaupend Slaen Slilon Sline Sling Sloothuurre Slorgka Smaakandash Smynir Smyri Snanak Snarsint Snos Sobhran Sonalmoth Sonde Soniale Sonlen Sood Soot Soothnchre Speth Spliku Splil Splinu Spmorashar Spmothre Sprimbrice Sprinac Squelawa Squn Squntena Ssienil Ssund Staloure Stass Stja Stjurentteen Stmando Suhlaarthara Sulga Sulp Sulsavaylaw Surgerakost Surgut Suripgu Suulnik Suum Sylbros Syldasmehnus Syvaldaras Taak Taaran Taba Takmalvyr Talight Taluvaras Talvae Taruskalf Taspré Teen Teeng Telaalessar Telcrumaril Temok Teonex Tethobharka Thaulginwe Theeshu Theiniancelu Thelmyr Theloks Ther Therknen Thid Thil Thunque Ticailam Tich Ticheryn Tiiriceyeyed Tilyan Tirel Tisniddle Tjurtheroos Tonden Tonger Tonirwe Toodaruz Toodstuscas Toolawsna Toosel Toothizt Tootnarmoir Toppezzi Torelchor Torgulp Toright Torile Torstrash Tragorneye Tras Trat Traw Treathore Treloot Tren Triekh Trilar Trilokda Troot Tulor Tumather Tunaalgi Tunomia Tunqua Tuntee Turk Twigereman Twinnilanda Tylbozunaal Tylen Tzii Tziil Tzikalae Tzog Uern Ulhadar Ullaas Ullen Ulok Ulon Ulst Umbreae Umionfe Undamallea Unque Unter Unth Unvalk Urah Uria Urie Urorasmirga Urth Urukht Uryn Uugh Uughtnar Uuld Uumanas Uuskit Vaed Vagarevasher Valeldmal Valengwemoth Valoa Valr Vanles Varder Vare Vari Vaynahax Vede Velas Veliarge Vellbrenol Velleval Venam Venatenth Vendolot Venus Verenolda Verezah Vergal Verneis Vesa Vese Veshunda Vhylaelig Vhyler Vhyr Vian Viikkiv Viin Viloord Vionelik Vire Virer Vlahgrum Voifeing Vokuronack Voril Vran Vrang Vroku Wakeye Walregge Wamar Wamir Wapafrosenya Wapaldoldor Wapalon Waprog Wath Welimbscasa Wemascrus Weme Winfeid Wingnu Winrotdara Withasa Xuloraamack Xurelvahkro Yaadronith Yaaslafan Yahlosta Yalootna Yana Yanwer Yeyag Yolhais Yolkyna Yorn Zaat Zadian Zakemrisear Zakesad Zalenikkey Zanth Zarpfair Zathergkart Zattherroy Ziivek Ziives Zikar Zinger Zingull Zizt
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battlebornmemehq · 2 years
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“Oh boy, I sure can’t wait to darken the last star in the galaxy! Varelsi will surely spare my people! I can’t see anything go wrong with this plan!” - Lothar Rendain, 13 minutes before stabbing Empress Lenore. 
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pivianx · 1 year
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Back to School Print on deand by QTEZ!
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izaya-yayoidraws · 2 years
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"Deande Moxxi"
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castielsparkle · 2 years
i have a tummyache. on deands birthday.
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