#dean Thomas
Half-Blood Prince is like:
Hermione: I wish Ron liked me back
Ron: I wish Hermione liked me back
Lavender: I wish Ron liked me back
Ginny: I wish Harry liked me back
Dean: I wish Ginny liked me back
Seamus: I wish dean liked me back
Harry: I wish Ginny liked me back
Draco: The only way to save myself and my family is to kill Dumbledore which will end the rest of the entire wizarding world, Snape and Harry won’t get off my back, and i have no idea how to fix the magic cabinet but if i fail GrayBack will kill me and my mother
Snape: I wish Lilly liked me back
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tinygxrilla · 1 year
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rival bands lightning era au (and it’s all sapphic)🎸💕(post 1 of 2) - the firebolts! 💥
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theprettieststarfr · 4 months
Sometimes I forget that Deamus was literally a wolfstar variant, but in Harry, Ron and Neville's dorm this time???
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leviosatothestars · 5 months
just imagining (canon compliant) Theodore Nott dating fem!Wolfstar!reader and like the angst of it because realistically, Sirius’ daughter dating a Slytherin?? Sirius’ daughter dating a Nott?? A very well known family of followers of Voldemort? And all Remus knows about Theo is that he was the quietest of the boys in reader and Theo’s year and that he didn’t spend time with Draco and Draco’s friends. Sirius tries to get information from Harry and Harry doesn’t even know Theo exists so he asks Hermione who Theo is and Hermione rolls her eyes because Theo is not only a lone wolf and quiet, but he’s highly skilled in Potions and Ancient Runes and it frustrates Hermione because she has never once seen Theo in the library studying.
(Non-canon compliant because Enzo is a fanon character) So Harry asks Neville, Seamus, and Dean for more information because while Remus knows enough information to judge now, Sirius is still not too happy about this arrangement. Harry learns from Neville, Seamus, and Dean that Theo rarely speaks, but they have seen the boy hang out with Enzo and Blaise on numerous occasions.
Sirius is still not too pleased because while he now knows Theo is not a complete loner who’s intelligent is normal Pureblood subjects, Theo is friends with a Zabini, a rich and powerful family, and a Berkshire, a Pureblood family not part of the Sacred 28 and Sirius isn’t too impressed in the choice of friends the Nott boy has made. Sirius asks Harry to get Ron’s brothers, known pranksters and troublemakers who are good friends of reader, to pull a prank in Theo’s vicinity to see how the Slytherin reacts. Sirius believes that a guy who doesn’t enjoy pranks isn’t good enough for his daughter.
So Fred and George pull off a prank on Lorenzo Berkshire while Enzo’s spending time with Blaise and Theo. The twins somehow, I’m not good at writing pranks, get paint all over Enzo and Blaise and Theo by accident. Enzo’s trying to laugh it off because it’s Fred and George, they obviously didn’t mean any harm while Blaise is disgruntled and trying to not hex the twins because now he has to wash paint out of his hair which is not an easy task and he’s just praying the paint Fred & George used wasn’t acrylic. Theo’s smirking and holding back a chuckle at Enzo and Blaise’s reactions, not even noticing the paint that splattered onto him. Fred and George are rolling around on the grass, laughing so hard their lungs hurt and while all of this is happening, reader is only standing a distance away, mouth ajar and eyes wide because Fred and George had sworn Theo would be off limits now that Theo was dating reader.
I might honestly end up writing this myself because I’m so hooked on it now. Also, in my mind fem!Wolfstar!reader is also a Ravenclaw and secretly highly mischievous.
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hpseeker99 · 4 months
Dean: Nice onesie, does it come in men? Harry, annoyed: Oh I think you come in men enough for all of us Ron: Hermione: Neville: Ginny: Luna: The entire Gryffindor common room: Seamus: Oh I'm so proud of you <3
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Dean Thomas, the man. I loved drawing him, he gave me all the right feels. And I don’t want to make too big a statement, but… I feel like he’s giving bi vibes. Thoughts? 🌌⚡️⭐️
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anyaharveyii · 1 month
poor ron weasley. first, one of his roommates goes with his little sister to the yule ball. then, another one of his roommates starts dating her, and then another one of his roommates falls head over heels for her and ends up marrying her. (if seamus hadn't been such an ass for the first half of fifth year, he easily could've gone down in history as ron's favorite roommate.)
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marauderstars · 2 years
Ways J.K Rowling did poc dirty in canon:
Making the last name of one of her most powerful black characters “Shacklebolt” - a crude af reference to slavery and just in very poor taste.
Naming her only east Asian character “Cho Chang” - a Korean surname as a first name for a Chinese character - proving she did no research whatsoever into Chinese naming traditions.
Cho’s characterization also leans in to the trope of tragic Asian female characters being defined by their romantic connections to white men, as in “Miss Saigon” or “A Quiet American.” Cho’s storyline centers on her romantic involvement with Cedric, Harry and Roger Davies. She gets no meaningful arc of her own.
The sidekick-ification of Lee Jordan.
Michael Corner being referred to as “the dark one” which is bad enough, and then him being whitewashed in the films.
Pansy Parkinson’s comment about Angelina Johnson’s braided hair looking like “worms” goes completely unpunished. Rowling treats this as standard bullying instead of a racially-charged comment. Rowling clearly didn’t understand the serious implications of this comment and its rooting in deeply-ingrained discrimination against black hairstyles, or she would have written a similar reaction to this as she did to that of Hermione being called a “Mudblood.”
House Elves as a metaphor for slaves is highly problematic because they are depicted as “liking” their enslavement and being complicit in it, much like the black slaves in “Gone With The Wind.” Despite Dobby being a beloved character, he is also seen as an anomaly for desiring freedom, and many other House Elves are depicted as grotesque, fawning, ridiculous or sinister. Pretty garbage metaphor for black slaves.
In Goblet of Fire Rowling describes a group of “African” wizards wearing “long white robes” and “roasting what looked like a rabbit on a bright purple fire.” This is just… *sigh* The way this is worded is very clearly just token exoticism and includes no genuine detail about their clothing, cultural food or nationality. It’s just “wow those zany rabbit-eating Africans and their purple fire.” Once again black characters are being used as examples of otherness rather than shown as human beings.
Rowling has openly admitted that she created a detailed backstory for Dean Thomas, one of the series’ few black characters, but did not include it in the books and included the backstory of Neville Longbottom, a white character, instead.
Approving the casting of a white actress in the role of Lavender Brown in the films, a character the majority of readers assumed was black.
The portrayal of Blaise Zabini’s “famously beautiful” black mother who was known for offing her husbands and taking their money. Like. Come on. Tbh she sounds like a queen but violent woc gold digger is still a shit trope.
Just the entire treatment of the Patil twins at the Yule Ball, the way Harry and Ron treated them and Rowling’s garbage attempt at describing their traditional clothing.
Padma Patil’s portrayal in Cursed Child as the stereotypical controlling Indian wife. The idea of ending up with her instead of Hermione being positioned as some kind of horrible alternate reality for Ron had very xenophobic undertones, and while Hermione is portrayed as black in the play, I don’t believe that Rowling originally intended her to be a black character nor that casting directors deliberately set out to cast a black actress as Hermione in Cursed Child initially.
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Every time there's a rainbow, the Gryffindor boys of the 90's are torn between making a gay joke about Seamus or making a leprechaun joke about Seamus
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fangirlingismygame · 7 months
[When asked about their about their break-up]
Dean: Oh we would've never worked out, the love of her life was sleeping in a bed next to me, dreaming about her
Ginny: Well the love of your life was also sleeping in a bed next to you and dreaming about you, so I'd call us even
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basiatlu · 7 months
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Confident and sweet, Dean Thomas!
A rarely drawn character for me so mercy if you see me be super inconsistent with him in the future 💖 - I find I lock in a design and have more fun pushing features with loads of practice (as one does).
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djuvlipen · 24 days
one of the things I love the most about dean Thomas is that he was clearly made in a lab to make Harry (and all the boys of their year for what matters) very mad. he is always described as handsome funny nice friendly, he is artistic he is a part of the quidditch team he doesn't hesitate to argue with umbridge to defend minorities (lupin). where are his flaws? The only one mentioned is that he is too chivalrous to his girlfriend (this is not a flaw) no wonder harry wanted to kill him in hbp lmao. like come on Neville is always described as clumsy and not very pretty and Seamus is kind of annoying but Dean's flaw is he is too cool?? 😭 You just know he could date any girl at Hogwarts effortlessly but choses not too (and you KNOW WHY? I won't tell you why because my deamus days are behind me, let's not open this book again today). another thing I love is that he is clearly one of those characters Jkr wishes she had had more space/time to talk about. you can see this from the way he keeps showing up, he is clearly the character from harry's year we see the most outside of the main 3 + neville + draco. and you know what? If I had been JKR's editor I would have told her girl go for it!! give us a random chapter dedicated to dean that's totally unrelated to the plot just like Victor Hugo gave us a whole chapter dedicated to Parisian sewers in lesmis. I for one would rather read about dean than Parisian sewers!! Anyway if I was in the writers' room for the TV show.....
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 2 months
Seamus: I don’t spit Draco: Sea we did NOT have to know that your gay ass swallows Seamus: Dean already knew Neville: *spits out pumpkin juice* Dean: Oh, so YOU spit, Nev? Seamus: Spitting is for the weak ones. Harry: *chokes on his drink* Dean: Ay, Sea, doesn’t that look familiar? *smirks* Seamus: Shut up. Dean: Make me Ron and Draco: *high-pitched shrieking* Seamus: Well if spitting is for the weak, then you’re the weakest. You don’t spit OR swallow. Draco: *cough* bottom *cough* Dean: Shut up both of you Harry: *still choking* Draco: Why is he still choking? Man doesn’t know how to spit does he? Dean: Bet you know all about that Draco: … Seamus: Dean, you’re being very sassy today for a bottom Dean: Says the one who’s better at blowing up than blowing Hermione: Pansy: Everyone: Ron: Repent and turn to Jayden. Hermione: *leans in and whispers* His name is Jesus. Ron: Jesus.
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rewritingcanon · 2 months
my favourite animal is delphini riddle after she got asked what her tattoo meant
my favourite animal was harry potter after amycus carrow spat in mcgonagall
my favourite animal was harry potter after he and ron found ginny kissing all over dean
my favourite animal was hermione granger after she found ron kissing all over lavender
my favourite animal was albus potter after his dad had just disarmed delphini post-crucio-cursing scorpius
my favourite animal was scorpius malfoy after albus dropped the “i wasn’t a loser before i met you” line
my favourite animal was hermione granger after she fumbled ron to padma patil and became snape 2.0
my favourite animal was lily evans after james tried to ask her out mid-torture on her best friend
my favourite animal is sirius black in his mugshot tweaking out on the front page in poa movie
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crackishincorrecthp · 4 months
Seamus: Hey, wanna help me commit arson? Dean: What the hell?! Seamus: Oh, sorry, my bad! Seamus, whispering: Wanna help me commit arson? Dean, whispering: Of course. What do you need?
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So, I couldn't leave out Dean's other half; my favourite fire cracker. Seamus Finnigan :) I am so into the whole DEAMUS ship. I feel like Dean, being bisexual would have been dating a bit and Seamus would have just watched and felt miserable, but he wouldn't know why he felt that way until he realized he was in love with Dean. Then finally, they'd both crack and realize they have feelings for each other. And it would be difficult, but so sweet. And Seamus would have been devastated when Dean went on the run and he didn't hear from him and just- agh my heart. I'm sorry.
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