#deals for surplus stock
brandedsurplus · 1 year
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Buying Surplus Clothes in Bulk: How to Get the Best Deals
Are you looking to buy surplus clothes in bulk? Whether you are running a thrift store, a boutique, or just looking for some affordable clothing options, buying surplus clothing can be a great way to save money and get quality products. But how do you go about finding the best deals? We will give you some tips on how to buy surplus clothes lot in bulk and get the most bang for your buck.
Research Your Options
Before you start buying surplus clothes in bulk, it is important to do your research. Look for companies that specialize in selling surplus clothing and check their online reviews and ratings. You can also look for trade shows and industry events where surplus clothing vendors will be exhibiting. This can give you a chance to see and touch the products before you buy.
Consider Your Needs
When buying surplus clothes in bulk, it is important to consider your needs. What sizes do you need? How many pieces do you need? These are all crucial factors to check on before making a purchase. By knowing your needs, you can avoid buying too much of one thing and not enough of another.
Check for Quality
Just because you are buying surplus clothing doesn't mean you should sacrifice quality. Before making a purchase, inspect the clothing for any defects or damages. Check for tears, stains, and other imperfections. If the clothing is damaged, it may not be worth buying in bulk. You will also want to make sure the clothing is made from quality materials that will hold up over time.
Negotiate Prices
When buying surplus clothes in bulk, you may be able to negotiate prices with the vendor. If you are buying a large quantity of clothing, you may be able to get a better price per item. Don't be afraid to check for a discount or find it at a low price. You may be able to save a significant amount of money by doing so.
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Have a Plan for Storage
Once you have purchased your surplus clothing, you will need a plan for storage. Make sure you have enough space to store the clothing and keep it organized. You may also want to consider investing in storage racks or shelves to keep the clothing off the ground and protected.
Before you start shopping for surplus clothing lots, make sure you know what types of clothing you need. Are you looking for specific sizes, styles, or brands? Knowing what you are looking for can help you narrow down your options and find the best deals on the clothing you need.
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Research your suppliers
Not all suppliers of surplus clothing are created equal. Do your research to find reputable suppliers with a good track record of delivering high-quality clothing at competitive prices. Look for reviews from other retailers who have purchased from the same suppliers to get an idea of what to expect.
The whole point of buying surplus clothing lots is to save money by purchasing in bulk. Make sure you are taking advantage of this by buying as much as you can afford at once.
When you receive your surplus clothing lot, be prepared to sort through the items and organize them for sale. Some items may need to be cleaned or repaired before they can be sold, so factor in the time and resources needed to get your clothing ready for the sales floor.
Buying surplus clothes in bulk can be a great way to save money and get quality products. By doing your research, considering your needs, checking for quality, negotiating prices, and having a plan for storage, you can get the best deals on surplus clothing. So start shopping and find the perfect pieces for your store or personal wardrobe!
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my problem w glass onion is that it said 'idea smart but guy dumb', when whatever janelle monae scribbled on that napkin looked incomprehensible. if you want to extend the musk metaphor, hyperloop travel in a modern urbanizing world is a dumb idea, fully automated driving is a dumb idea. there’s simply no reason to give alpha ANY credit....there are better ways of satirizing elon musk’s success than ‘he stole a good idea’ (namely, focusing on all the dumb desperate idiots comprising the international financial class looking to get rid of their surplus capital SOMEWHERE like hot potato because the capitalist machine needs to be keep running!)
and I lied I have 2 problems. see, at the executive level, andi would have been raking it in. you’re telling me she lost all her money in the court case to live in some modest sympathetic suburban home where she pours her own guests tea? you’re telling me the edward norton character didn’t settle quietly so as to not frighten the stock market and instead controversially carved her out in a public court? i mean her implied complicity in all of the klear stuff up until the moment of signing the big deal + her estrangement from helen (who seems to bear the general burdens of a working class life but does not seem to have gotten an assist from her sister) + her hanging about these assholes makes her a total asshole to me. I get why helen wants to solve her murder, I get why its important to establish andi’s intellectual property in order to establish motive for the murder, I just don’t understand why that last is supposed to be cathartic. again, the burning mona lisa, very cathartic. but am i supposed to feel emotional about backstabbing venture-capitalist legislator-buying weirdos stealing each others bad ideas and having public cat fights over their shitty start up, just because one of them happens to be smart and have a fabulous sense of fashion 
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hualianff · 1 year
Shadow hunter HC who tries to summon a major demon to do chaos on earth but accidentally drops a dirty sock on the pentagram so he ends up with XL, a little and peaceful soul collector demon.
Little does HC know, XL is indeed a major demon - he just likes to do lesser demon’s jobs and is considered the laughing stock of hell because of it. 
HC instantly calls summoning XL a mistake, asking how to send XL back ASAP.
(XL: “ok, what happened to hello? How are you?”)
But it’s okay because XL is a chill demon and is used to being ridiculed, so he ends up telling a tiny, white lie: he claims HC can’t send him back until XL fulfills a wish HC wants granted.
Except the problem is, HC can’t seem to think of one genuine wish he wants from XL. And he can only summon the demon he wants after sending XL back.
So, they’re stuck together for a bit.
Much to HC’s surprise, XL doesn’t use his powers much. Why in the world does XL want to learn how to cook without using magic as a shortcut? And clean? Do laundry? Who has the time for that?
HC refuses to bring XL on his side missions but after one goes horribly wrong in the blink of an eye, XL ends up showing up at the last second to help because HC wasn’t back in time for dinner.
XL insists on tagging along on missions after that.
HC is a much-wanted shadow hunter, therefore rogue demons often try to attack him. Possess him? Harm him. But of course, XL isn’t going to let that happen, not when the company - even if it’s forced - has been really nice.
Something makes him want to protect the shadow hunter. XL, who has always been told his soft spot for non-demons would be his downfall, does everything in his power to help HC. 
And HC begins to notice.
HC grows used to XL’s presence. Despite XL’s title labeling him as a low rank bottom-feeding demon, HC realizes XL happens to know much more than he lets on. He also seems to know all of the shadow hunter’s weak spots but fortunately hasn’t used them against HC or his fellow shadow hunters thus far.
Before he knows it, one month has passed, and he looks forward to seeing a smol demon flit around his kitchen, chopping vegetables up and adding them to a bubbling concoction on the stove. Or the surplus of plants that have made their way into HC’s living room, soaking up sunlight and adding a nice change of scenery to the space.
XL has also gotten hooked on a variety of dramas that HC himself was never interested in. Now, HC can’t help but watch over XL’s shoulder, and eventually sit down next to the demon to squeeze in a quick episode before bed.
Except that sense of peace is soon shattered when HC is reminded of the chaos he desperately wanted to. The other powerful demon, Bai Wuxiang, had visited HC’s dreams, offering a once-in-a-lifetime deal in exchange for his powers. 
(“Or has the vicious Crimson Rain gotten too soft?” BWX taunts, circling around HC in the dream. “Perhaps you never intended on executing your plan in the first place?”)
HC realizes he has been distracted from his initial goal, and the familiar emotions of anger and frustration with the world he’s a part of arise once more. Ignoring his conflicting turmoil, HC seethes at how dare XL sidetrack him from his carefully crafted plan to disrupt the corrupt bureaucracy of the higher ups that choose to neglect the humans they should be servicing. 
It’s all XL’s fault for making HC feel so content by just being in his life.
HC must quickly deal with this.
And so, the next morning, when XL is shuffling around the kitchen making breakfast, humming to himself, HC slowly walks in with a grim face.
“Oh, wonderful, you’re up! I made some simple congee for you,” XL says, stirring the pot. 
HC curls his right hand into a fist.
“I remembered your instructions to let it simmer for an hour longer than I’m used to, so the consistency has definitely improved-“
“Xie Lian.”
XL pauses his movements. He doesn’t fully turn to see HC’s expression, but somehow seems to know HC has something serious he would like to say. 
“You haven’t called me by my name in a long time,” XL says with a light chuckle. See, to prevent others from realizing HC has summoned an ancient demon by openly throwing around Xie Lian’s name, both decided it would be easier if HC called XL by a nickname - and Gege has sufficed. 
HC rounds the counter to stand a few paces away from the demon. He angles his chin down, looking down at XL with a stone cold exterior. He’s bracing himself in preparation for what’s to come.
“I’ve figured out my wish,” HC reveals quietly. XL stares straight ahead, refusing to meet HC’s eye. 
XL does, however, smile. 
It’s a small and sad smile - a knowing one. He fiddles with the dial before turning off the stove.
“You haven’t. You only think you have,” XL responds in a delicate voice.
HC inhales sharply. He takes another step towards the demon, the demon who he knew would be difficult. It’s so clear now, having shared a space with XL for a few months now. 
HC can’t even fathom how he thought XL was as useless and weak as he once concluded. 
HC shakes his head.
“You’re wrong. This is what I want.”
I want you to leave, remains unspoken.
I want you to leave and unbind yourself from me, something you’ve always been capable of from the moment I summoned you.
You are no ordinary demon. You are one of the most powerful and destructive demons who is mentioned in earliest shadow hunter records of demon kind. 
But you cannot give me what I desire. You will not, more so, as those days of violence and bloodshed are far behind you, and I refuse to keep you around to witness my heinous intentions come to fruition. 
I refuse to taint the simplicity of life you’ve chosen for yourself.
“Hua Cheng, I-“
“Leave, Xie Lian. Leave this place and never come back.”
The two are silent for a long moment. It feels like eons have passed in what was just a few seconds, but the damage has been done. 
XL nods once, then steps away from HC.
“Very well. I do not intend to overstay my welcome.”
XL raises his right hand, his thumb and middle finger touching. 
“Goodbye, Hua Cheng.”
With the snap of his fingers, XL dissipates into thin air. 
*** Prompt by @no-one-says-hi
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sparkiekong · 4 months
Day 23 - 200 Word Challenge
The patrons of the bar grew quiet and started to quietly leave when they realized who it was that was arguing. The absurdity of the situation seemed to cut through their anger. They exchanged glances, then burst into laughter and then into frowns at him and his desperate attempt at quelling their argument.
Hands to hips, they turned their anger towards him, “That is a lot of expensive rum wasted.” His older sister replied. She had a bit of a motherly disapproving tone in her voice, but he was simply happy they weren’t fighting each other.
“I think that’s a capital offense really, if not it should be. I need to add it…” said his younger sister.
“Now, I don’t think that’s necessary. We have a surplus in stock in the backroom.” He watched the two of them closely, “Now that I have your attention, you know none of this would have happened if you two would have just talked with each other. You’ve only known each other for a few months, and it takes time to learn how to live with people. Communication is key.”  
“If you say one more thing in that tone, I swear I’m going to punch you instead. I’ve tried communicating and it’s just not getting through. I can’t help it that I don’t know the proper etiquette for dealing with those people. No one taught me these things and SHE thinks it just should be natural to me. I’m not like you guys. I didn’t grow up here. Where I’m from, this shit isn’t even a thing.” The younger sister sat down at the table and drank what was left of her drink.
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georgegraphys · 5 months
@grbambi63's theory really made me peek into Daimler's 2018, 2019, and 2023 annual report to see the difference between Zetsche's management to Kallenius' management.
Zetsche's objective:
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Kallenius had a similar objective on that too but I won't include it for today because we're not talking about the similarity but... the one thing Kallenius had that Zetsche didn't.
2019 & 2023's Kallenius-term annual report objectives:
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Lower cost base. Reduction of (...) costs.
This isn't just some move that Kallenius added just because he loved saving some pennies but it might be due to the chaos that happens in his first year as a CEO. I am going to highlight two major events here.
1) Diesel Emission Scandal
In the beginning of 2018 (Zetsche's term), Daimler was accused of having shit devices on their control software for their US products but they denied this allegations. Then it was reported that the US authorities were investigating them for diesel emission cheating scandals.
In June 2019, Daimler had to recall 60,000 Mercedes diesel powered cars in Germany, the model affected is the Mercedes-Benz GLK 220 SUV produced between 2012 and 2015, the car is fitted with software aimed at distorting emissions tests. And during the same year, Daimler was fined 870 million euros in Germany for "negligent violation of supervisory duties" in relation to not fully complying with emissions regulations. In 2020, they had to pay $2.2B in settlement.
The scandal got serious actually as "The Daimler boss is also putting the german federal government in trouble. It has its back against the wall internationally because of the fraud committed by its flagship industry. US President Donald Trump has targeted Daimler in the trade dispute and threatened that he no longer wants to see Mercedes cars on Fifth Avenue in New York" source
This crisis ironically started at Zetsche's management but the peak of the case was handled during Kallenius' early stage of leadership 💀💀💀 (I FELT BAD FOR HIM NGL LMAOOO)
2) COVID 19
Do you think Kallenius' trials decrease after his first year? No. COVID-19 happens. They still profit as they are THEE Mercedes but sales were slow at one point. Kallenius and other executives had to take pay cuts due to COVID and even before, COVID he also had to struggle with Daimler's stocks dropping drastically while having to deal with the lawsuit and satisfying the investors. He also said this: (source)
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Looking at how they have interesting differences as CEO. Kallenius is definitely all about cost efficient and maybe this was due to the crisis he felt in 2021 and as a preparation for Daimler's future ventures in focusing more about EQs
Update: Yeah this confirms that he had a pretty rough start to his management year in 2019 due to diesel scandal (source)
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And bold of you to think that Zetsche retired from Mercedes with a bang. No he didn't. (source)
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AND THE BEEF THICKENS as some board member reportedly are against his rise to be the chairman of the supervisory board (source)
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Just a personal thought from me, but what if the reason Kallenius was pissed at LH in 2021 is caused by all these financial wrecks Mercedes are in during these years? They were hit again and again. To add that, Kallenius is very adamant on his cost efficient and cost reduction objectives after these hardships. And at that time, just after 2020, LH demands a raise. A raise from a company who is literally in the trenches fighting for a surplus and good result from all the legal battles they're in and COVID that caused the board members and employees to get paid cuts. Maybe this was what pissed Kallenius off? Because at that time, Mercedes wasn't doing so well and suddenly, LH asked for pay raise to a guy who is very set and clear about saving every pennies 😭😭 That must've pissed the hell out of him. I'm not saying Lewis is wrong but kinda 💀💀 to think that the butterfly effect from that moment of their contract negotiation in 2021 to what is happening rn in 2024 💀💀.
If that is true then Zetsche is the catalyst for the butterfly effect happening rn:
Zetsche diesel scandal>Him retiring>Kallenius' rise to position>Mercedes financial flopification due to dieselgate and covid>LH demanding more salary>Cost efficient and suffering Kallenius, with his hands full on Zetsche's mess, getting pissed at LH>LH and Mercedes fallout>Kallenius using George as a piece in the contract negotiation>Toto Wolff power decrease in Kallenius' era>George to Mercedes>Another contract negotiation problems>Ambassadorial promise getting yeetus deletus-ed>LH pissed>Ferrari move early>George steps forward as team leader
If this is real. If the butterfly effect is real, then it's crazy.
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I think most people have had a "They don't have it in my size." moment with clothing before and knows how disheartening it can be.
For me, it's usually shoes that give me the biggest struggle for a multitude of reasons (sizes available, quality of the product that is in stock, and style), but ya know what almost made me cry in the hardware store today?
Fucking work gloves.
They only had medium to xl sizes for the work gloves I needed, and none of the other gloves would have fit either (I wear small to medium, but the actual mediums do not fit me, because they're sized for medium to large hands, and the small to medium ones are for the smaller side of medium... because sizing is stupid like that.).
And to kind of add to it, they didn't have the tiling I needed, and the next store we went to didn't have the other things I wanted either, so what started as a mild annoyance devolved into me just having a shit time.
I was looking at my dad, because he knew I was not having a good time, because I got so quiet and couldn't even enjoy picking out plants for our garden like I wanted to, and was like, "Look, I need to get something for me, because otherwise this whole trip was a wash, and I need a win."
But even while I was looking at the board games and stuff, because I needed something to boost my mood, and I was like, "I don't even know if I want anything, because I had things I wanted and they didn't have them."
So I'm standing there, looking at puzzles and stuff going, "I just want to go home."
And, ya know what?
I almost did go home with nothing.
But at the same time I kind of knew if I did that, if I didn't get at least something small, I'd probably regret it/be upset about it, and in turn that'd make my dad upset about it, and I had to articulate to my dad in the hardware store prior to this that, "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the situation." because he thought I was upset with him.
Which is a big ol' lesson in taking accountability for your own emotions, because I was aware of why I was angry, and because I told him why I was angry, he was more sympathetic than defensive when I was still upset leaving the store.
In the end, I did buy something for me, and I also paid for my my dad's purchase as well because I was like, "I need to do this."
So, yeah, I, as a grown ass human being, almost had a breakdown over gloves today.
It happens, and there's no real lesson here other than that if you communicate your feelings and find a way to accomplish something, even if it's kind of a silly/arbitrary task it can help at least a little bit more than just stewing in it.
I say, still kind of stewing in it, but mostly because, of all things to have in stock in surplus but not in the size you need it... gloves?
Like, I can't be the only person with little hands doing the work I do.
And if you're wondering why this is a big deal, I need to be able to manipulate/hold things while wearing gloves and would like to not have the finger material bunching up at the tips or slipping off my hands when I'm cleaning duck shit or hammering nails.
Anyway, that's my rant over.
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king-midas-fortnite · 2 months
Hey I heard you can magically turn things to gold... I was wondering what it would take to get some things turned to gold, I'm recently running a bit lower then I'd like to have.... Kind regards,
Hello, Jittershock. I have heard a bit about you. Nothing immediately comes to mind that you could do for me, but how about we make a deal for the future?
I'll supply you with some surplus of mine, enough to keep you stocked for at least the next few weeks, and in exchange I simply keep the favor you owe in my back pocket. I'll try not to call on you for anything too dangerous, but maybe you can do a task somewhere down the line for me?
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marta-bee · 7 months
In which Sherlock is a brat, Mycroft is longsuffering in a maliciously-compliant sort of way, Lestrade is just --well-- perfectly Lestradish, and if you're not clicking the link after reading the sample below to just go read the thing, well, more's the shame for you.
Seriously. I. am. chortling.
(And do follow @eventhorizon451 for more delightful Mystrade if you're not already.)
      “Hmmmm… alright, so you don’t deny Mr. Holmes’s accusations, whatever they may be… I’m still not solid on that but I suspect it’ll tease out at some point.”
      “That is what you gleaned from my speech, Lestrade?”
      “If you say so, sir.  In any case, are you the person responsible for removing the original walkway and replacing it with those concrete slabs?”
      “I am.”
      “Destruction of private property….”
      “Don’t write that down!”
      “Gotta keep the facts straight, sir, so you get fair treatment by the law.  Might I inquire as to where you obtained the cement?”
      “Adding Theft to the charges list.”
      “I did not confess to stealing it!”
      “Can you produce a receipt for your purchase.”
      “Receipts are boring.”
      “Theft stays on the list until such time as the owner of the shop corroborates your purchase or is first informed of his inventory loss and files his own complaint.”
      “There was an extreme surplus of materials at the construction site!  I was reducing the inevitable waste to benefit the environment.”
      “I’ll jot that down as a mitigating factor.”
      “I do not need mitigation!”
      “Making a note that you not only confessed to the crime but are proud of it.  Not that you asked, but my advice is not to say things like that aloud as they tend to work against you in court.”
      “I am not a criminal.  Mycroft’s anti-science biases are, however, and he should be tossed in the stocks as a target for young children practicing their aim with slings and catapults they made during their art instruction at school.”
      “Is that a threat, sir?  Mr. Holmes, are you feeling unsafe due to this person’s words or conduct?”
      “Let me think…”
      ‘Oh, piss OFF, Mycroft!”
      “Yes, I believe I am.”
Mycroft’s smug smile made Sherlock boil over like a pan of milk left on the stove – spectacularly and with a great deal of future promise of more aggravation to come.  Stinky, crusted-on aggravation…
      “Alright, that goes on the list, also.  I think there’s enough here for me to take this individual into custody and see him processed.  I can take your statement here and draw up the paperwork for a formal complaint once I’m at my desk.”
      “Thank you.  It is good to see my taxes well being used for the civic good.”
      “Anything for you, love.”
Sherlock’s gasp drew in all available oxygen in the London area, which explained both Mycroft and Greg’s being frozen in place for several long moments.  Some information was not, at present, slated for certain infantile and hysterical ears.  Though the infant’s ears were now positively dripping with information.
      “You… you… you…. you!”
And the hysteria was commencing.
      “I’m… I’m me, sir, yes, thank you for noticing.”
      “Enough of your failed pantomime, Lestrade – confess!”
      “That’s my line, sir.  Please stick to the designated script.”
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brandedsurplus · 2 years
Warehouse of Branded Garments Discount upto 80%
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coyoteprince · 1 year
Because of the unicorn print getting way more traction than expected, I’ve gotten this question a lot this week! “Can I still sign up for the postcard if I missed the sign up window?”
The answer is generally yes. I always order a surplus of prints partially to allow for a grace period for people to sign up if they just happened to miss the sign up window for some reason. 
The grace period is roughly one week after sign ups are suppose to close. After that time, I can’t guarantee a late sign up will be part of the mail out- and always be sure to DM me on Patreon if you’re a late sign up to reduce the chance of me accidentally missing you when I go to print my mailing labels!
“What if I’ve missed the grace period?”
  Extra prints enter my store stock immediately for in-person tabling events, and roughly 1 year after their Patreon release to my online store. They remain the same price as the postcard sign up- $10- but the initial Patreon release is the better deal since it also comes with a collectible Tidbits newsletter, a sticker (or similar bonus print, zine, etc), and free shipping all at no extra cost.
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nihongoseito · 2 years
vocab pt. 1 from おじさまと猫!
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the seitokai book club is reading the first volume of the manga おじさまと猫 for the next few weeks! come join if you’re interested :)
嫁(よめ) = wife, bride
必需品(ひつじゅひん) = necessities, necessary item, essentials
首輪(くびわ) = collar
押し売り(おしうり) = aggressive selling; forcing on someone
粒(つぶ) = grain, bead, drop
解釈(かいしゃく) = explanation, interpretation
認識(にんしき) = recognition, cognizance
追加(ついか) = addition, supplement
買い置き(かいおき) = stock (e.g., goods)
排泄物(はいせつぶつ) = excrement
手探り(てさぐり) = fumbling, groping
決意(けつい) = decision, determination
揃う(そろう) = to be complete; to be equal, uniform; to gather, assemble
飢える(うえる) = to starve, thirst
掘る(ほる) = to dig, excavate
被せる(かぶせる) = to cover (with something)
飛び散る(とびちる) = to fly around, scatter
数え切れない(かぞえきれない) = countless, incalculable
ありふれた = commonplace, mundane; trite, hackneyed
どっさり = heaps, oodles; with a thud
生後(せいご) = since birth (e.g., age since birth)
早々(そうそう) = as soon as, just after; hurriedly, quickly
余分(よぶん)に = extra, surplus
のち(後) = later, afterwards
ずるずる = dragging, loose, trailing
もはや = already; no longer
安心安全(あんしんあんぜん) = safe and secure
用(よう)を足す(たす) = to take care of business, do an errand; to relieve oneself
手(て)がかかる = to be a handful, take a lot of dealing with
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Circuit Breaker Buyers in Clovis | Top Deals by TheCircuitbreakersource
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Do you have Circuit Breaker Buyers Clovis and want to sell them quickly? TheCircuitbreakersource is a trusted buyer, offering competitive pricing, fast service, and hassle-free transactions. Whether you have residential, commercial, or industrial circuit breakers, this service ensures that you get the best value with ease. Selling circuit breakers can seem daunting, but with a professional buyer like Circuit Breaker Buyers Clovis, the process becomes straightforward. They have years of experience in buying electrical equipment and are known for their efficiency and reliability. Selling your circuit breakers to the right buyer can make all the difference in how much you earn and how easy the process is. Here’s why TheCircuitbreakersource stands out as the best choice for sellers in Clovis. TheCircuitbreakersource offers top market prices for circuit breakers, ensuring you get the most value. Whether you have surplus from home renovations, business upgrades, or discontinued inventory, their team will assess your equipment and offer a fair price. TheCircuitbreakersource makes the process of selling your circuit breakers simple and quick. All you need to do is provide details about your breakers, and their team will give you an immediate quote. Once the offer is accepted, they arrange a quick pickup, ensuring the transaction is completed efficiently.
Selling heavy or bulky electrical equipment can be challenging, but TheCircuitbreakersource takes care of that with their local pickup service. Their team will come to your location in Clovis, saving you the trouble of arranging transportation or shipping. This convenient service allows for a smooth and easy process. Once your Circuit Breaker Buyers Clovis have been collected and verified, you can expect fast and secure payment. TheCircuitbreakersource offers multiple payment methods, including bank transfers and checks, making sure the payment is processed quickly after the transaction. TheCircuitbreakersource buys a wide range of circuit breakers, from small residential models to large industrial ones. Whether you have modern equipment or obsolete breakers, they are interested in your stock. If you have leftover or unused residential circuit breakers from home renovations, TheCircuitbreakersource is ready to buy them. They accept breakers from leading brands such as Square D, Siemens, and General Electric. Businesses that upgrade or replace electrical systems often have leftover commercial circuit breakers. TheCircuitbreakersource purchases these breakers, helping you clear out inventory while earning a competitive price.
Selling your circuit breakers to Circuit Breaker Buyers Clovis is an easy four-step process. They’ve streamlined the process to make it convenient for sellers in Clovis. Start by contacting TheCircuitbreakersource. Provide information about the circuit breakers you want to sell, including the brand, model, and condition. Their team will quickly assess your equipment and provide you with a competitive quote. After the breakers are collected and inspected, you’ll receive your payment promptly. TheCircuitbreakersource offers multiple secure payment methods, so you can choose the one that’s most convenient for you. Holding on to unused circuit breakers takes up space and wastes valuable resources. Here are a few key reasons to sell your surplus equipment to TheCircuitbreakersource. Unused circuit breakers can take up valuable storage space. By selling them, you free up room for other essential equipment or projects. This is particularly useful for businesses that regularly handle electrical components. Even old or unused circuit breakers hold value. Rather than letting them collect dust, selling them to TheCircuitbreakersource allows you to earn money that can be reinvested into your home or business. Selling your circuit breakers to a reputable buyer like TheCircuitbreakersource is an eco-friendly decision. It allows the breakers to be reused rather than discarded, contributing to a more sustainable and circular economy. If you’re ready to sell your surplus or unused circuit breakers in Clovis, contact TheCircuitbreakersource today. Their professional team will provide you with a competitive offer, handle all logistics, and ensure you receive quick and secure payment. With local pickup and top-notch service, selling your circuit breakers has never been easier.
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Top Circuit Breaker Buyers in Rancho Cucamonga, CA | Double-D-Circuitbreakers
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If you’re in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, and looking to sell your surplus, used, or new circuit breakers, finding a trustworthy buyer can make a big difference. You want to ensure that the buyer offers competitive pricing, a smooth selling process, and hassle-free pickup. Double-D-Circuitbreakers has established itself as one of the most reliable Circuit Breaker Buyers in Rancho Cucamonga CA in the region. With years of experience in buying electrical equipment, they provide a fair and efficient service to sellers in Rancho Cucamonga and surrounding areas. Selling circuit breakers can be a daunting task if you’re unfamiliar with the market. But Double-D-Circuitbreakers simplifies the process, ensuring that sellers get the best deal for their equipment. One of the primary reasons sellers choose Double-D-Circuitbreakers is the competitive pricing. Whether you have new, used, or outdated Circuit Breaker Buyers in Rancho Cucamonga CA, their team evaluates the equipment and offers the best price based on market demand. In Rancho Cucamonga, this makes Double-D-Circuitbreakers a top choice for those looking to maximize their returns. Selling your circuit breakers to Double-D-Circuitbreakers is a streamlined experience. You can easily request a quote online or over the phone. They provide fast responses, ensuring you don’t waste time waiting. Once the offer is accepted, they handle the logistics, including pickup, ensuring a hassle-free transaction. No need to worry about shipping your heavy circuit breakers. Double-D-Circuitbreakers offers local pickup in Rancho Cucamonga, which saves you time and effort. Their team will come to your location, making it easier for you to sell without dealing with the complications of transportation.
Double-D-Circuitbreakers purchases a variety of circuit breakers, ensuring that whatever type you have, there’s a buyer ready to make a fair offer. Whether you’ve upgraded your home’s electrical system or have surplus residential circuit breakers, Circuit Breaker Buyers in Rancho Cucamonga CA is ready to buy. Popular brands like Square D, Eaton, and Siemens are in high demand, and even if the breakers are lightly used, you can still get a good price. Commercial and industrial circuit breakers, especially those used in larger facilities, hold significant value. Double-D-Circuitbreakers actively purchases commercial breakers from top brands such as GE, Schneider Electric, and ABB. These breakers are essential for maintaining electrical infrastructure in businesses and industrial buildings, making them a highly sought-after item. Have obsolete or discontinued circuit breakers? Double-D-Circuitbreakers specializes in buying these hard-to-find items. Discontinued brands or models can still be valuable to certain industries, and selling them to Double-D-Circuitbreakers ensures they don’t go to waste. If you have surplus stock or new, unused circuit breakers, Double-D-Circuitbreakers offers competitive rates for these as well. Whether you purchased too much stock or had a change in project needs, selling your surplus equipment allows you to recover costs and declutter your inventory. Selling your circuit breakers is a simple, step-by-step process that ensures you get the best deal without any hassle.
Once the breakers are collected, Circuit Breaker Buyers in Rancho Cucamonga CA processes payments quickly. Whether you prefer to be paid via check, bank transfer, or another method, they ensure you receive your funds promptly. Double-D-Circuitbreakers offers several key benefits to sellers in Rancho Cucamonga, CA With a streamlined process and local pickup, selling your circuit breakers has never been easier. You don’t have to worry about complex shipping arrangements or long waiting times. If you have surplus or obsolete circuit breakers taking up valuable space, selling them to Circuit Breaker Buyers in Rancho Cucamonga CA allows you to free up room for other equipment or projects. Decluttering your space can also improve organization and efficiency. By selling your unused or obsolete circuit breakers, you’re contributing to the recycling and reuse of electrical components. Double-D-Circuitbreakers helps ensure that these components are repurposed, reducing environmental waste. Double-D-Circuitbreakers stays informed on the latest market trends and values for various types of circuit breakers. This ensures you get the best offer based on the current market demand for your specific equipment. Selling your circuit breakers in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, is easy and hassle-free with Double-D-Circuitbreakers. Their competitive pricing, local pickup services, and fast payment options make them the go-to choice for sellers. Whether you have new, used, or obsolete circuit breakers, Double-D-Circuitbreakers ensures you get the best value. Contact them today to sell your circuit breakers and enjoy a seamless selling experience.
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insulationking · 4 days
Where to Find Cheap PIR Insulation: A Comprehensive Guide
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Insulation plays a crucial role in maintaining energy efficiency within buildings. Among various insulation materials available in the market, Polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation stands out for its impressive thermal performance and versatility. However, many homeowners and builders often seek ways to minimize costs while ensuring quality. This guide will explore where to find cheap PIR insulation and offer tips on how to make the most of your investment.
Understanding PIR Insulation
Before diving into sourcing options, it's essential to understand what PIR insulation is and why it's a popular choice. PIR insulation is a rigid foam board composed of polyisocyanurate, a type of thermoset plastic. It features a closed-cell structure that provides excellent thermal resistance, making it ideal for use in roofs, walls, and floors.
The key benefits of PIR insulation include:
High Thermal Performance: PIR boards typically have a higher R-value per inch compared to other insulation materials, which means they offer superior insulation with less thickness.
Moisture Resistance: The closed-cell structure helps resist moisture absorption, making it suitable for various applications, including areas prone to dampness.
Lightweight and Easy to Handle: PIR insulation boards are lightweight, making them easier to transport and install.
Versatile Applications: They can be used in a range of applications, from residential buildings to commercial structures.
Where to Find Cheap PIR Insulation
Finding affordable PIR insulation involves exploring various avenues, both online and offline. Here’s a comprehensive list of places to consider:
1. Local Building Supply Stores
Many local building supply stores stock PIR insulation boards. Visiting these stores allows you to see the products in person and ask for any promotions or discounts. Additionally, you may find clearance items or remnants from larger projects that can be purchased at a reduced price.
2. Home Improvement Centers
Larger home improvement centers often have a wide selection of insulation materials, including PIR boards. These centers frequently run sales or offer loyalty programs that can help you save money. It's worth keeping an eye on seasonal promotions, particularly during spring and fall when renovation projects typically ramp up.
3. Online Retailers
The internet is a treasure trove for sourcing insulation materials. Numerous online retailers specialize in construction materials, offering competitive pricing and bulk discounts. Websites that focus on insulation products can provide a broad range of options. When shopping online, always compare prices across different platforms to ensure you’re getting the best deal.
4. Wholesale Suppliers
If you’re working on a large project, consider reaching out to wholesale suppliers. They often sell products in bulk at discounted rates, which can significantly reduce the cost per unit. Additionally, some wholesalers may have partnerships with contractors, providing further discounts if you are purchasing as part of a larger order.
5. Manufacturers’ Direct Sales
Many insulation manufacturers sell directly to consumers, cutting out the middleman and potentially offering better pricing. By purchasing directly, you may also gain access to specialized products or promotional offers. It’s advisable to contact manufacturers in your area or check their websites for direct sales opportunities.
6. Auctions and Liquidation Sales
Construction auctions or liquidation sales can be excellent sources for finding cheap PIR insulation. These events often feature surplus materials from construction companies, allowing you to acquire high-quality insulation at a fraction of the retail price. Keep an eye on local listings or online auction sites for upcoming events.
7. Reclaimed Building Material Stores
Reclaimed material stores are becoming increasingly popular among eco-conscious builders. These stores sell surplus or salvaged materials, including insulation. While the availability of PIR insulation can vary, visiting these stores regularly might yield significant savings and promote sustainable building practices.
8. Community Groups and Forums
Engaging with local community groups, building forums, or online marketplaces can lead to opportunities to find cheap PIR insulation. Sometimes, builders and DIY enthusiasts sell leftover materials from their projects at reduced prices. Platforms like social media or neighborhood groups can be useful for connecting with individuals looking to sell insulation.
Tips for Purchasing PIR Insulation
When searching for cheap PIR insulation, consider these additional tips to ensure you’re making a sound investment:
Evaluate R-Value: Always check the R-value of the insulation boards you’re considering. A higher R-value means better insulation performance, which can lead to long-term energy savings.
Inspect for Damage: Before purchasing, inspect insulation boards for any physical damage or defects. Damaged boards may compromise thermal performance and should be avoided.
Consider Bulk Purchases: If you have a significant project, purchasing in bulk can lead to substantial savings. Discuss options with suppliers for potential bulk discounts.
Plan for Future Projects: If you find a great deal on PIR insulation, consider buying extra for future projects. Insulation can have a long shelf life if stored correctly.
Research Installation Options: Sometimes, the cost of insulation can be affected by installation expenses. If you plan to install the insulation yourself, consider learning proper installation techniques to maximize performance.
Finding cheap PIR insulation doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By exploring local stores, online retailers, and alternative sourcing options, you can secure quality insulation at a price that fits your budget. With careful planning and research, you can make informed decisions that not only save you money but also enhance the energy efficiency of your building projects. Whether you’re renovating your home or working on a new construction project, investing in the right insulation is crucial for achieving long-term comfort and efficiency.
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