#deaf jensen
compo67 · 7 months
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Hellooooo y'all!
This "From the Archives" piece is "Hope You Don't Mind." It's a J2 High School AU fic featuring Deaf!Jensen and hearing!Jared.
If you're looking for something humorous and sweet to read, with plenty of nerdy references, this is the fic for you.
Read it on AO3 here.
Also... please consider joining my Patreon. It's one way I support myself while living on SSDI. I would greatly appreciate it if y'all took a minute to head on over there and see it for yourself. :) Thank you!
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lightofraye · 2 months
It's come to my attention that most people are... not as skilled at reading body language as they'd like. Now, I'm not saying I'm a "certified" reader of body language (is there even such a thing?!), but I have an advantage most people do not have.
See, I was born into a deaf family, though I myself am not deaf. As a result, American SIgn Language is my first language. With American Sign Language, there's a lot of body language with it--it's not just gesturing with hands. It's reading facial cues, it's shifting the body this way and that, to convey the tone that would normally come with a tone of voice.
Why do I mention this? Because... well. I'll show you.
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People don't realize that Jensen rubbing his face, pulling his hat off, running his hand through his hair was a stress response. He's stressed--with Misha. He's not happy being there, but had to be there.
Especially after being asked what he admired about Misha.
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This? Not playful. Look at Jensen's face. He really didn't want to, but he's in a professional setting and therefore had to give Misha a hug back.
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Again, a polite hug, not a genuine one.
Trust me, folks. Jensen merely tolerates Misha. He shouldn't, given all the bullshit Misha's put him through over the years with the Cockles nonsense (that Danneel supported, the witch!), had sexually assaulted Jensen during the filming of Supernatural, and so much more.
Edited to add information.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 14 days
Nasty shipping inspiration/material
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Let me just be upfront here. While I have been watching some Supernatural videos on Youtube and reading some fanfics for fun, I will never get into the SPN fandom the way I did for Star Wars and Harry Potter.
I know about the destiel stuff but I have no interest in people's shipping preferences. I just stroll the anti-destiel tag for laughs (and because Dean will never be gay or bi to me sorry).
But I wanted to point out this destiel post because I found it very tone deaf.
Like how can you write a post about destiel when Jensen looks absolutely disgusted in this photo. The dude is revolted. But what makes it even worse is that Misha is honestly creepy here. He's holding a cut-out version of Jensen and cupping the crotch area...with his costar literally right next to him! What the hell! I would feel so uncomfortable if a boy or anyone else did that kind of thing to me.
Call me crazy but I did not know one actor being grossed out and the other being a borderline pervert was prime shipping material. I have literally never seen this kind of thing for any other shippers I have interacted with on Tumblr. It's weird man.
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royalsweetteaa · 2 years
Child’s play
Pairing: bully!Johnny Storm x teacher’s pet!reader
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WARNING - the following fic contains: explicit smut/dub-con, public sex, oral sex (male & female receiving), high school AU (Johnny & reader are 18 in this story), Johnny is an asshole, other character appearances (Wanda Maximoff & Jake Jensen), mild dark humor, blackmail, dom!Johnny, dom/sub, daddy kink, stubborn!reader, needy!Johnny.
Summary: As a teacher’s pet, you take it to your advantage of making Johnny - the bully of the school to stop his torment against others. You later discover the reason why he bullies in the first place.
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Grade 12 in High school was probably the chillest year. While it had its challenges with harder exams and tests, I found myself acing those easier than previous years as I had found an efficient way of learning and memorizing the needed subjects.
In the beginning, puberty and finding our place was the hardest part of settling in, but now we were finally past being teenagers and going into adulthood at our last year, - which meant more control over ourselves.
Most of us changed for the better, while others….didn’t.
Johnny Storm was a perfect example of someone who had gotten worse from when he first started high school with the rest of us.
He has been viewed as a huge bully since year 2, first doing the ridiculous old school low blow of throwing 8th graders’ backpacks over the rooftop, which recruited him a group of boys who also seemed to enjoy being a huge menace.
He had recently been more active with his ruckus, and today wasn’t much different from that. I left my classroom, and the first thing I saw was Johnny picking up Jake’s sunglasses, swaying them around as he threatened to loose them to the floor.
“Guys, please stop messing around….these are expensive.” Jake pled, but it went deaf to their ears.
Johnny’s and my eyes met for a split second, and he grinned before he continued mocking the shorter guy who was desperately trying to get his glasses back while the group of guys behind Johnny laughed their asses off.
I looked over my shoulder at my friend, Wanda, and we rolled our eyes in sync. “Here we go again…” I muttered, before I walked over to Johnny to stop his nonsense.
“Johnny, stop it. Give his glasses back.” I demanded, but he didn’t seem to be paying attention at first. I was about to open my mouth again, but he finally tossed the glasses over to Jake, and thankfully Jake caught them without crushing them.
I sighed in relief and turned to Johnny again, “Can you please stop picking on Jake? He has literally done nothing but exist and you keep taunting him every chance you get.” I stated, scolding the taller blonde.
Johnny scoffed at my attempt to reason with him. “Maybe him existing is the problem, sweets. His only solution might be to jump off the school balcony if he wants me to stop, right boys?” He looked over his shoulder where his friends stood behind him, laughing and snickering at Johnny’s edgy humor.
I wasn’t amused in the slightest though, and I shook my head with full disapproval. “That’s just low. How less pathetic can you be to say something like that? It’s easy to tell you have nothing interesting going on in your life if this is all you do, - making people miserable.”
Johnny huffed, but didn’t say much else as he began walking away with his friends, calling me names above whispers as they followed him.
My focus was quickly shifted to Jake, and I held his shoulder as I asked out of concern, “Are you okay?”
“Uh, yeah I think so…” Jake responded as he adjusted his glasses onto his face. He then turned to me and gave a smile of gratitude. “Thank you for saving me, Y/N. I can always count on Johnny’s tyranny to be put to a stop when you’re around. Something tells me he likes you with how he actually listens to you.”
I laughed at Jake’s theory, “I don’t know about that. I think it has more to do with the fact that my aunt is the principal. Not to mention I’m known as a notorious teacher’s pet, but I don’t mind the title as the benefits overweigh of being one.”
Jake snorted as he nodded his head. “Yeah, I don’t mind you being in the school council’s favor either when you’re using it for the greater good. Makes us feel a little more safer. Like uncle Ben said to Peter once in Spider-Man issue #15, - With great power comes great responsibility.”
I giggled at the reference Jake had provided through his share of thought. He is such a nerd, but in a cute way.
“That’s right.”
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It was just another Wednesday again, and Wednesdays were the days where my class would be done and leave 2 hours prior to most of the students at this school. I was looking forward to arriving home earlier than usual.
As I was walking down the hallway, I heard a familiar series of sniffles and sobs come from the girls restroom, and I was too curious to continue walking out.
I quietly entered the restroom and saw none other than Wanda, my friend crying by the sink as she wiped her tears with paper.
I immediately rushed over to her and held her by the shoulder, urging her to tell me the reasoning behind her tears. “Wanda, what happened? Why are you crying?”
“Johnny, h-he…” Wanda paused as she sniffled again, “he took my phone during science class while I was distracted with working on our project, and he went on my private messages with Vision and found nudes I had sent…and then he airdropped them to his own phone and teased me about sending them to his other guy friends when he gets home…”
I was mortified to hear this, almost questioning how Johnny could steep that low. But considering how he usually is, I shouldn’t be too surprised.
Johnny had done plenty of things that wasn’t acceptable, - such as setting up a full bucket of water over the gapped door to have the hot substitute teacher be soaked through her white shirt, causing her breasts and bra to be more prominently visible. He was a mixture of being perverted, way too curious and provocative.
“Wanda,…we need to tell someone, - either the principal or one of the teachers. They can confiscate his phone and make him delete them.” I reasoned.
She shook her head, “Are you kidding me? If we tell them and it becomes a case, my parents will freak out once they find out I’ve been sending inappropriate pictures to my boyfriend! It doesn’t help that they have been disapproving our relationship since the beginning.”
That I have been aware of, and I wanted anything but to have Wanda split from her boyfriend, the guy I was sure she will end up marrying one day because he was just that good for her despite what her parents thought.
An idea came to mind of how we could solve this. A risky but easy one nonetheless.
“What class does Johnny have right now?”
Wanda furrowed her eyebrows but answered anyway. “I-I think he has P.E.? He goes in the same class as Steve,…why?”
My face lit up, “That’s perfect then. If we could get Johnny’s phone, I could ask Jake if he could hack the phone and get the password so we can delete those pictures. Jake’s good with that stuff.”
Wanda slowly shook her head in disbelief, “Y/N, you can’t be serious…are you suggesting on sneaking into the boys’ locker rooms? That’s insane! I still have classes anyway, I won’t be able to make time for it.”
“But I have plenty of time. I’ll quickly rush inside, find Johnny’s bag, and boom! Phone snatched! We don’t have to make this complicated.”
“But — couldn’t we ask someone else to do it? It’s too risky! Why don’t we ask Jake or some other guy to do it?”
“We don’t have time!” I reasoned. “Jake’s god knows where and we’re not about wasting precious time. Now please listen to me and only keep for a look out for as long as you can while I get the phone. I promise you, it’ll be okay.”
“O-Okay,…thank you, Y/N. I owe you so much.” Wanda said, shedding a happy tear.
With that, we ran towards the locker rooms.
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Second person POV
Sneakily, you entered the boys’ locker room with quiet steps while Wanda stood by the door to keep lookout.
You looked through the shoes placed in front of the lockers, trying to see if you could recognize Johnny’s shoes to save time from going through each locker. You spotted the dirty white Nike Air Force 1 shoes that were a match to what Johnny usually wore, and you opened the locker and rummaged through what you recognized as his bag.
You went through every zipper, one by one, only to be disappointed to find nothing. Where could it be?
“Well look what we have here…” your head snapped behind you where the voice came from and you stiffened as you saw Johnny, standing there naked, bare chested with only a towel covering his manhood.
“Looking for this, sweets?” He asked mischievously, as he raised his hand where he held his phone. “Somehow I knew Wanda would send someone to show up and try stealing my phone from my locker, so I left P.E a bit earlier. Didn’t expect the teacher’s pet to show up though. Not that I’m complaining.”
You straightened your posture, nose flaring as you glared at him, “Delete Wanda’s pictures, Johnny. You have no right keeping them.”
Johnny only laughed at your attempt to make him listen, and you grew irritated, - angry even at how much less he could care of terrorizing a girl. “Fine! You leave me no choice. I’ll report to the principal about how you’re keeping nudes without consent. It’s an invasion of privacy, - a crime.”
Johnny’s face fell and turned sour at the thought. He tried to hide it as he chuckled darkly before he said, “Oh yeah? Well if you’re going to report me, I’ll send in a report of my own…” Before you could predict his next move, you heard the sound of a picture being taken as Johnny held his phone up.
Your eyes widened as you realized what he had done, and he amusingly snickered. “Wait until everyone hears how the teacher’s pet snuck into the men’s locker room and tried to get a glimpse of me naked. I’m sure it’ll make headlines on social media if that principal aunt of yours doesn’t do shit about it. It’ll ruin the school reputation if they don’t take invasion of privacy against boys seriously too.”
In shock, your mouth remained open and eyes almost popping out as you realized what situation you had gotten yourself in. You didn’t know what to say.
“Now you decide to shut your mouth, hm? What, the teacher’s pet has nothing to say anymore?”
“Johnny, please don’t…” you pleaded. He was right, - you had nothing else to say as you weren’t prepared for this to be the outcome at all. You were stuck, and now Johnny had a clear image of you in the men’s locker room, enough evidence to get you kicked out of school. This was such a bad idea.
Johnny had caught on your distress, and condescendingly added, “Hey, don’t look at me like that, baby. You don’t have to be sad. We can come with a compromise….”
You glared at him with suspicion, “What do you want?”
His eyes dropped down to your body, and he bit his lip as his mind went through a dirty path. You grimaced as it was visibly obvious what he was thinking, and you started to shake your head immediately. “No.”
“Baby, I haven’t even said anything.”
“But I do have an idea of what you will say. It’s not happening.” You said sternly.
He sighed, “Come on, no need to make a big deal out of it. All you gotta do is drop on your knees and give my cock some attention. After that, I’ll delete Wanda’s nudes and the ones I took of you just now. It’s so easy.”
You thought about it for a moment. Oral sex was never a big deal to you, but you weren’t exactly used to handing out blowjobs in exchange for something. You hated the idea of giving the bully pleasure for him to do something right, but it was in exchange of saving yours and Wanda’s future.
For once, you came to the conclusion of giving him head just to save yourself from more trouble.
“Fine. I’ll give you what you want if you delete those pics as soon as we’re done. And you better not tell a fucking soul about this.” You said the last part through gritted teeth.
Johnny smiled victoriously. “Deal.” He then put the phone in his locker securely, and made you move in front of him. “Follow me, baby. I know the perfect spot where we can have more ‘privacy’.” Johnny said, as he began to walk and have you follow him to the shower stalls. He picked the one furthest to the corner, and he gestured you to walk in first. You did hesitantly before he locked the door after him.
“On your knees…” Johnny ordered as you turned to face him. You did as he said, carefully placing yourself down on your bare knees, your face now in front of the tent that had formed around Johnny’s towel.
Johnny turned on the shower, and you shrieked when you felt a few droplets land on your head.
“Ugh, I’m going to get wet..” you complained through a whine, and Johnny snickered.
“I’m sure you will,…we don’t want anyone to come by and get suspicious of what we are doing here, do we? Now go on. We don’t have all day..”
You peeled off the towel he had wrapped around his waist, his cock springing free as you did so. You wanted to gasp at how big he was than you had anticipated, but you knew it would only stroke his ego more, and you didn’t want to give him that satisfaction.
“Liking the view?” He asked smugly, and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up.” You muttered as you began to stroke him, making his head dip slightly back as his hand landed on the towel handle. You quickly began working by using your mouth, wrapping your plump lips carefully around his tip before you bobbed your head around his shaft. You spat on his cock once to make it more slicker for you to suck on properly.
“There you go…what a good girl. You take care of everything and help everyone when they are in need of aid. Now it’s time for you to help me, pet.” He purred, and started to buck his hips forward, fucking your mouth. You gagged at first, but got the hang of it after a few thrusts.
He grunted and closed his eyes with his mouth agape, enjoying the feel of your hot and wet mouth. “Mmh, fuck yes…so fucking good..” he moaned, trailing off the swear word more than usual.
“You’re the reason I keep harassing people, did you know that?” Johnny suddenly confessed, and you pulled a frown through your daze. “Yeah, I got bored from doing it a while back, but It’s the only way I get your attention. To be honest, I get kind of horny when you tell me off. You’re a feisty girl…I knew you would be good at this.”
You grew flushed at his confession, not believing your ears. While you weren’t obliged to do it, you cupped his heavy balls and massaged them, making him suck in a sharp breath as he took in the new sensation.
“Fuck, you’re a good friend for doing this…but I bet a part of you is enjoying this. You like sucking my fat cock, don’t you?”
You whimpered around him, and Johnny didn’t need an answer to that. “I know you do…I’m going to bust my nut and you’re going to swallow it all. Don’t want to make a mess on your pretty face.” He pulled your face forcefully and facefucked you until his grunts and gasps grew louder, finally orgasming and letting his cum shoot down your throat for you to have a taste of his substance. He tasted bitter, but it wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. You gulped down every last drop with little effort.
“Drink it up, slut. That’s it,…such a good fucking pet.” Johnny grunted with a low voice. Once his grip loosened, you pulled away and wiped your mouth, giving him an annoyed look as you wanted more than anything to step out of the shower and complete Johnny’s part of the exchange.
Just then, you heard the noise of a door opening, and several male voices speaking amongst each other. Johnny held you back against the wall, his arm around your stomach with his other hand on your mouth.
“Damn, that last session was intense!” One of the boys exclaimed, and your stomach dropped as you realized it was the rest of the boys coming back from P.E.
Fucking damn it.
The steam from the hot water was getting thicker, and your baby blue top was becoming see-through from the moisture. Unbeknownst to you, while you were concentrated on keeping quiet, Johnny watched over your shoulder to take a peek at your breasts, your white bra being visible to his eye.
He bit his lip lustfully, and without warning he grabbed a handful of your breast, squeezing it through your bra. You whipped your head back with a glare, and Johnny had to hold back a snort.
Your glare was quickly replaced with the face of someone being sex dazed, with your lips being parted as he put his hand underneath your shirt, getting a handful of the soft flesh of your breast when he pulled your bra down below.
“Let me return the favor...” he whispered quietly into your ear as his hand left your breast and hoisted up your skirt. He began doing a circling motion onto your clit through your panties, making you throb with pleasure.
You nearly moaned, but Johnny’s other hand which he had placed on your mouth was a reminder that you couldn’t make a sound, - not when a whole bunch of other men were now occupying the locker rooms.
On top of that, his hot breath against your neck gave you tingles, and you put your arm around his neck as you lost all feel in your legs from the stimulation he was providing you with.
“Johnny, are you the one in there?” One of the guys asked, - you assumed one of Johnny’s buddies. “You’ve been in there forever..”
“Sorry guys, I’m going to be in here for a while. Been trying to find some good MILF porn to jack off to. Think I found the right video, and now I’m really going to enjoy myself…” He responded out loud as he began rubbing harder on your clit, and you let out a weak whimper involuntarily.
The whole locker room started bursting out laughing, and you internally rolled your eyes at how childish they were. You could hardly make a face though as he continued to stimulate your clit, his mouth on the skin of your neck as you could feel his smirk.
“Have fun with that, dude. We’re on our way out to catch an early bus. See ya tomorrow.” They greeted, and you heard the foot steps of the boys heading to the exit, the door finally shutting, leaving the two of you alone again.
Johnny proceeded to sneak a finger through the outline of your underwear, rubbing directly onto the sensitive skin of your pussy which made your head snap back onto his chest.
“Are you gonna cum, sweets? You probably haven’t had an orgasm in such a long time with how tense you always are…” Johnny claimed mockingly as he began sucking the skin on your neck, not for too long to leave hickeys but it felt certainly sensual. “You’re so fucking gorgeous. I always admire the view you provide, - showing off your pretty legs when you wear a skirt.”
“Johnny…” you moaned, almost babbling his name with how close you were getting off. His finger found your quivering hole, and with the use of his arm, he hooked one of your legs up to get better access.
His finger entered inside of you, and you let out a strained cry as your mind went almost blank before you.
“Call me daddy, baby girl. Only then I’ll let you cum…”
You shook your head and whimpered, denying his order in efforts of keeping your dignity.
“Say. it.” He commanded through a sharp whisper. He inserted a second finger, and he dug further in until it hit the spot, making you unravel completely.
“A-Ohh, - D-Daddy! ~” you moaned out desperately as you felt the pressure in your abdomen increase. “Please make me cum!”
He smirked, satisfied with your answer, and he granted your wish by continuously fingering onto your weak spot, until your body trembled and you came, your juices oozing out and onto his finger. You let him hold you up until you got down from your high, and with a shaken breath you stood up on your own, wiping your sweaty forehead as you looked behind you. You quickly put your bra and undies into place, suddenly feeling shameful even if there was no reason to as he had already seen everything.
Your eyes widened in shock when you witnessed him sucking off his finger clean, - the one coated with your stickiness.
“That was unnecessary.” You remarked breathlessly as you stepped out of the shower stall, and Johnny laughed as he followed you out.
“I think it was very necessary actually. You taste delicious.”
You were far too gone to be humored by him, you threw a dry towel at him as you took out his phone from the locker again. You stood there, with his phone in your hand. “The photos, Johnny. Delete them. Now.” You ordered firmly, and Johnny raised his arms up in defense.
“Okay, okay, calm your tits…I’ll do it now.” He said as he took his phone from you, typing in the password and let you with your very own eyes witness him deleting the images in his album before he deleted them permanently from the ‘deleted images’ folder.
“There. I deleted them, just like I promised you. I can be a good person when I want to be, baby.”
“Knock off calling me that.” You spat at him as you tried to straighten your wetted skirt. “And that doesn’t put you in a better light.”
“I can be good permanently, - but only exclusively to you, babe.” Johnny said huskily as he walked past you to go to his locker and put on some clothes. “Let me take you on a date and I’ll consider apologizing to the nerd you always rescue.”
You scoffed in response as if it was a dumb joke. “Not a chance, Johnny. Just so you know, if you tell anyone about this, I’m going to bring hell upon you.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. You can trust your daddy to keep his mouth sealed, baby girl.” Johnny responded while winking at you.
“You’re not my -! Ugh, you’re unbelievable!” You bursted out, before you angrily left and slammed the boys locker room behind you.
All in the meanwhile, Johnny dried his body with the towel, muttering to himself ‘you sure are,’ as he grinned with pride.
You walked out of the school building from the back entrance, avoiding being seen as you were still soaked from head to feet. Luckily it was a hot day, which helped you in getting dry before you reached home.
You stepped into the house and went straight to your room where you plopped into bed, groaning into your pillow as you realized what had went through today.
Minutes later you checked your phone, opening your messages to see what Wanda had sent.
Hi, did you get the phone? A teacher caught me in the hallway and sent me back to my classroom, so I couldn’t stand for long. :(( Hope everything turned out well.
Y/N L/N (Me)
Hey! The phone wasn’t in the locker room, so I waited for Johnny to walk out and I told him to delete the photos, to which he did. :)
You’re safe! ♥️
Oh, thank god. 😪 For a moment I was worried you were caught in there…
Anyway OMG that’s great!! 🥹♥️ Thank you so much for making him delete them. You’re a life savior!! Coffee at Starbucks is on me next time!
You owe me so much more than a Starbucks coffee, was all you could think, but then again you had agreed to Johnny’s dirty agreement when you could have maybe come with a different solution.
Finally you put your phone down as you let out a defeated sigh. You felt bad for lying to Wanda, but you would rather be caught dead than admit what had actually happened in the locker room.
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As I walked through the hallway to my locker in the morning, I could already eye something unusual. A pink bag with a rose taped onto it was tied around the locker, making my face scrunch at the unexpected romantic gesture.
There was no name tag but I already knew who could have put it up on my locker.
It just has to be him, I guessed confidently.
The note that came with it further proved my suspicion right.
‘Cheers to being each other’s dirty secret.’
I quickly shoved the note into my pocket, embarrassed I had even read that.
Jake came by just then together with Wanda, and both of their jaws dropped when they eyed the package.
“Oooo, a secret admirer!” Jake teased over my shoulder, and I groaned as I lowered my head.
“Please, just don’t.” I almost whined, not wanting to get into it but I knew Wanda and Jake wouldn’t leave it there so easily.
We started to walk towards our classrooms, and they were already keeping the topic afloat.
“So, who do you think it’s from?” Wanda asked, seeing as there was no note, - not to her knowledge anyway.
“Probably some weirdo.” I replied with a shrug.
“Aren’t you going to see what’s in the bag?” Jake asked, wondering why I hadn’t given it a glance.
“I don’t want it. You can keep whatever’s in it.” I said.
He opened the package with care, and brought out the item. “Chocolate,” Jake mumbled as he studied the heart shaped box. “…sure you don’t want it?”
“Yes. I don’t eat chocolate unless I’m on my period. I get acne all over my face otherwise.” I explained, and Jake shrugged, convinced enough that he could have a piece.
“Give me some of that too. I want some.” Wanda pleaded, and Jake gave her the box once he had a handful in his palm.
As for the rose, I felt too bad to throw it out. I ended up putting it on an empty vase by the window of my classroom.
While I worked on our given exercise of the day, I couldn’t help but feel flustered every now and then as I glanced at the rose.
Was it really true what he had said yesterday?
The part where he said the only reason why he bullies is to get my attention?
It was the least I had expected to be the reasoning behind his taunting. All this time I had thought maybe he had it bad back at home, — that he had major mommy/daddy issues. Come to think of it, he might have that if he was craving attention of someone like me, - where our only interaction with each other was through my scolding.
Regardless of the psychological reasoning behind Johnny’s crush towards me, I wasn’t going to entertain the thought of us becoming something, knowing he was a remorseless asshole by the end of the day.
At least, he would remain that way until he proves otherwise.
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Luckily I had been able to avoid Johnny as he had been out of sight. When the school hours ended, Wanda invited me to have Starbucks coffee like she had promised.
A few hours passed by and I returned home late in the evening. I hadn’t checked my phone since the last hour of school, and when my Lock Screen lit up, I frowned at the several messages I had received from an unknown number.
I sat down on the couch comfortably and checked out the messages.
Unknown number (possibly Johnny Storm)
Hey, TP. ♥️😏
Why did you give the chocolate to the nerd? 😑
I saw you kept the rose tho. Nice place to put it by the window where you’re sitting. Glad you liked it. ;))
I groaned tiredly. ‘TP’? Really?
I began to type my response.
Y/N L/N (Me)
How did you get my number?
Johnny Storm
I might have sneaked into your classroom during break and taken a peek at the student phone catalogue inside your teacher’s desk drawer…
Keyword: might have. 👀
Y/N L/N (Me)
Sure. 🤨 I’ll just block your number then.
The three dots were fast to appear on the screen, and before I could put my phone away, a new message appeared from Johnny.
Johnny Storm
NOOOO!! - C’mon, don’t be mean. 🥺
Y/N L/N (Me)
You’re one to talk. 😒
What do you want?
This time he took longer to type out, - assumingely writing a longer message this time.
Johnny Storm
Just wanna know if you’ve changed your mind about that date. There’s this really nice place I want to take you to. You’ll like it, I promise. 😘
I’ll also apologize to your friend - regardless if you accept my invite or not.
I was being a noisy prick, - I’ll admit that. Boredom makes me do dumb things.
But hey, at least it led you to me. ;)
I held back a snort.
The confidence of this guy. It was baffling, but I couldn’t lie and say it wasn’t a smidge charming. His self reflection was also somewhat refreshing.
Y/N L/N (Me)
Apologize to Jake too and I’ll consider it.
Only then I’ll let you speak to me. But first you gotta go through your part of the agreement.
Johnny Storm
Okay, cool! I won’t let you down, TP 😚
Nightie, baby girl 💫♥️
I smirked as I bit my bottom lip unknowingly, butterflies swirling in my stomach as it was unfamiliar yet pleasing to receive a farewell message from a boy who was interested in me. Someone who was actually willing to correct his wrongs to have a chance with me. Why did it feel so good?
Yet, despite the cute message he had sent me with the heart emoji and a wishing star, I replied dryly, not wanting to give him the impression he had won my heart just yet. He had to prove himself.
Y/N L/N (Me)
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The morning after I met Wanda by the main hallway as per usual, though this time it looked like she had seen a ghost with how shocked of an expression she wore.
“Y/N, the strangest thing happened this morning…” Wanda began. “Johnny…he -“
“Y/N, you won’t believe what happened to me just now.” Jake interrupted our conversation as he came over to us, but we let him with how his bewildered expression intrigued us. “Johnny apologized to me. Like, he said he was sorry for treating me like shit these past years and said he hopes I forgive him. Can you believe that?”
“No way! He said that to you too? I was just about to tell Y/N how he said the same thing to me this morning…” Wanda said.
While Jake and Wanda shared looks of complete awe, I held back a smile of pride.
He actually did it, I thought.
When class started, I sent Johnny a quick message.
Y/N L/N (Me)
Meet me behind the building after school.
Johnny Storm
That sounds suggestive.
Gonna reward me? ;)
I grumbled under my breath, aggressively typing my response.
Y/N L/N (Me)
No you idiot. 😑 We’re gonna talk like we agreed.
Johnny Storm
Sounds good either way. :)
I quickly put my phone away, blushing a little as I tried my best to suppress my excitement. This bastard was really making me feel things I usually don’t feel, and I stubbornly held a grudge against it.
I was aware it was childish, but it was too much in his favor, and that I disliked. Still, it interested me in getting to know this side of Johnny who wasn’t mean nor influenced by his so-called buddies.
The final bell rang at 03:00 PM, and I excused myself away from Wanda, walking the other way out to meet the tall blonde.
Johnny stood behind the building like we agreed, staring at his phone expectantly. Then he looked up and made a toothy grin as he spotted me.
“Proud of me, baby?” He asked smugly while I made my way over to him.
“Come on, what you did was the bare minimum of human decency…” I replied unbothered. He pouted, and I quickly added, “- but a deal is a deal. I’m giving you a chance.”
His pout was replaced with a smile, and he leaned in with his face, his lips approaching the closest, making my eyes widen as I pushed him back.
“Woah, not so fast. You gotta take me on that date first.” I said.
Johnny’s eyebrows furrowed, “I literally fingered you in a public shower after you gave me a blowjob. I think we’re past that, don’t you think?” He asked, finding my limits to be confusing.
I narrowed an eye, as if I was beginning to question my decision of giving him a chance, and he immediately retorted with, “You know what, - Nevermind. We can go slow.”
Truth be told, I felt a little awkward as he wasn’t wrong. It could come off as strange to be so carefree about sex and not want to kiss at the same time, but I did have a reason.
“I just…I like to think kissing is the most intimate thing two people can do. Sex isn’t of much importance to me as it can go without passion but you can’t like kissing without feeling something, you know?” I tried to explain.
He nodded his head, “No I get it. You’re scared of how easily you’ll fall for me me once I show you how great of a kisser I am. Don’t worry, - I like you playing hard to get anyways. Gets me horny.”
I gasped at his audacity and hit his shoulder, “You perverted asshole! You’re always thinking with your dick!” In response he laughed, finding my reaction to be hilarious as I started to walk away. He followed and caught up to me by jogging.
“C’mon, I’m just playing with ya! At least partially!” He defended himself. “I’ll walk you home. We can plan out our date on the way.” Johnny offered.
At that moment, I hadn’t considered how far this relationship would go. Let’s just say it wouldn’t be the last time Johnny walked me home.
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N/A: Public sex & Johnny goes so perfectly well together, I can’t even begin to explain how much. Thank you for reading!
Hearts & Reblogs are very appreciated! <3
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ronearoundblindly · 5 months
Pirate & Pin Cushion (3)
Jake Jensen x gn! ops!Reader
Painful...But In A Good Way (see previous or JJ Masterlist)
The last thing you remember is the awkward kiss Jake planted on you during a screaming match. Now, awake and healed, your friend and teammate is acting more awkward than usual around you.
Warnings for foul language, *super skimmed over action,* canon-level betrayal (Roque), completely vague mentions of injuries, suspicions, doubts, misunderstandings,--GO FIGURE--an argument, and I just wanted this done honestly. Not that I don't love them, but I need a win in the COMPLETED department. WC ~1.5k
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You’re a Loser through and through now.
Months have gone by since you were stabbed and unceremoniously, sorta-kinda-maybe-not kissed by Jake Jensen. You woke up six days later with Pooch by your side, disappointed it wasn’t your Banter Bro.
The last thing you remember is turning away from Jake to hide your face. After that, nothing. You suppose he feels awkward about it. Maybe he regrets it, even if the ‘kiss’ was just part of a gag to him.
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The most frustrating part is everything is exactly the same. Jake keeps you at arm’s length, a holding pattern to get no closer as teammates but no farther as friends.
Is this…are you in the friend zone???
It blows.
You’d still prefer this over being a pariah, so on you quip from interaction to interaction.
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For all Jake’s hype about loving Halloween, he shuts down when you ask him what costume you should choose. Then he goes home to his sister and niece for the holiday.
You console yourself knowing this is for the best. You’d promised yourself no attachments, and nature clearly pushes for you to keep that promise.
You’ve almost—almost—resigned yourself to actual pin-cushion-status, jabbed repeatedly by his indifference. You are PC: perpetually crushing on Jake Jensen. It sucks.
You can be professional though. You can keep up with the jokes and take the hits to your heart and body that come with the job.
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Until you can’t.
Los Angeles. The port. The shitshow.
While scrambling to get out of the line of fire in a showdown gone wrong, Jake cuts his leg vaulting over a concrete barrier, and you get him to a nook between shipping crates.
You squat down to change the mag on your MP7 and suddenly hear Roque’s voice behind you. He’s not on the comms.
“Should’ve told ‘em, Jensen."
The look on Jake’s face is shocked and bitter.
Roque clicks his tongue. "At least then they’d know…”
Before you can so much as turn to look, Jake’s raised his own weapon, firing right over your shoulder and within inches of your ear.
The pain is sharp and hot, sending you stumbling into the warped metal wall of the nearest container.
Jake wraps a thick arm around your waist and yanks you away.
You catch sight of Roque dead on the asphalt.
It’s complete chaos, pure survival mode for the next twenty minutes, deaf and deftly tying a bandage around Jake’s leg in an open, empty crate while he’s on comms and frantically hand-signaling you the plan.
But you make it. Everyone but Roque makes it.
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Eventually, when the ringing subsides in your non-ruptured ear, Clay lays outRoque betrayed the team. Aisha teaches you a way to cup your occipital and tap to reduce the tinnitis. Pooch leaves to see the birth of his first child.
You’re left to ponder if Jake is a traitor, too.
Did he kill Roque to keep his own cover? Was he supposed to recruit you into his and Roque’s plan? Is that what he ‘should have told you’ so Roque wouldn’t need to kill you?
The possibilities haunt you. Is this why he’s kept you distant for months? Was Jake worried you’d catch on?
You blame your stupid crush for stopping you from telling Cougar your concerns. You trust Jake—or you want to trust him, so badly—so you confront him alone.
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Dinner. At your place. Away from the team so he can feel safe to admit it. Away from the team so you can pretend your forgiveness isn’t already secured. You’ll deal with the consequences once you know the truth.
Jake seems an odd mix of totally psyched and forcefully reserved when you invite him and a nervous wreck when he arrives at your door.
It’s just pizza. You were too distracted to do more.
He doesn’t pick up his slice because you don’t either, running your hands up and down your thighs compulsively, then quietly asking, “about what Roque said…”
Jake leans back in his chair, leg bouncing frantically, rubbing at his neck. “Yeah,” he replies, eyes on the floor.
“Was he…were you his partner in that? Were you suppose to take me out, too?
Jake’s head snaps up, his mouth askew and brow pinched. “WHAT?”
“Just tell me the truth. I swear, we can work it out with the rest—“
“Is this what—what the fuck—“ he shoves the chair back and steps away “—that’s the reason I’m here right now? I thought you were finally gonna say it!”
Jake rips his glasses off his face and harshly runs his fingers through his frosted tips.
“Say…what? What am I supposed to say? I’m not the one Roque had a damn secret with.”
He’s visibly upset but with bugged-out eyes like he has no idea what to do.
“Well, I’m not a fucking traitor,” he mumbles.
Jake replaces his glasses and takes his phone from the pocket of his low-slung jeans, hitting a few buttons and tossing it onto the table. It slides until it knocks your plate.
His own recorded laugh cuts off quickly. “Okay, PC, what were you saying about Halloween? One more time,” and then comes another slow voice, “I should have told you before I died.
“I love you.”
Your whole body freezes, brain turning the words over and over until it occurs to you…that is your voice.
“I didn’t say that.” Your knee-jerk reaction comes swiftly. “I don’t remember that.”
Jake snorts without humor. “Got that part.”
You’re too stunned to speak. You can’t even imagine when you would have…oh god.
Jake rushes to fill the silence as you die inside, again, maybe more realistically because what.
“Did you at least think I was a badass, like, ya know, a sexy traitor or whatever? Or…were you gonna wrestle me to the ground after I ate a whole pie?”
You keep sitting with your mouth agape.
“You didn’t poison the pizza, did you? Right? Say 'no.' That’s overkill, or just, kill—were gonna kill me?!”
“I’D KNOWN YOU FOR TWO WEEKS,” you explode, bolting out of your own chair.
“Yeah,” Jake squeaks, “I know.”
“Two weeks, and then you taped me saying ‘I love you?’”
“But, like—“ his usually deep timbre pitches super high “…did you?”
“Why would you just sit on that, Jake?!”
He shrugs. “You weren’t exactly sober.”
Too much, too many feelings, all at once. You try to get away, to make a break for the bathroom, but Jake grabs your wrist and swings your momentum to the wall.
Your back hits with a soft thud, pinned in place by Jake’s chest. He’s not breathing heavily, but you are, pushing you against him repeatedly.
That just makes it harder.
Yes, you said it (you guess), and yes, you meant it. Jake, however, hasn’t said word one about if he feels some sort of way for you. Your brain can’t intuit his romantic inclinations two minutes after accusing him of treachery.
He’s…there, not moving, not speaking, lips slightly parted while he stares at you.
You clear your throat.
“You’re…you’re touching me,” you say softly.
Jake doesn’t skip a beat, gently tightening his hold on your arms. “That’s what I do, PC. Finger keyboards.”
You gag as he quickly shakes his head.
“What the fuck?”
“Sounds sooooo bad," Jake moans. "I’m so sorry.” He let’s go of you, steps back, and slaps his hands in the air frantically. “Wait, okay? That was not the joke. I can do it.”
“You’re sick, man.”
Jake rubs at his temples, muttering something about keys, computers, and Halloween. “Hold on...so dumb. This is why I was trying to record it! It’s your joke. You were laying on the bed and--”
“I would never say you fin—“
“He was standing right there,” Jake bursts, scaring you to silence. “Roque. When you said that into the phone, I mean, he was standing at the door and he heard.”
Jensen sighs. Defeated and deflated, he rests his hands on his hips, inhaling sharply.
“So at the port when… He aimed a gun at you and I just—“ he makes a finger gun to point over your shoulder, adding a soft pow sound-effect “—Roque was saying I should have told you before he tried to kill you.”
“About the recording?”
“No.” Jake rocks on his heels.
“About the joke?” Your voice is so small.
His stupid, beautiful blue eyes lift to meet yours.
“No, pin cushion, not about the joke.”
There's a horridly long pause of nothingness.
"Fuck it."
Jake lunges forward with startling intensity, fingers lace behind your head to draw you to him.
You don’t turn away this time.
His lips are soft yet determined, slowly pulsing to transform one kiss into dozens, and he adjusts everything—his height, his stance, his proximity to get even more of you in a single embrace.
“I love you,” Jake whispers, shifting to tilt you left while he goes right. “I should have told you ‘I love you,’ too.”
You promised yourself no attachments, but who are you kidding? You're such a loser, and you found your match.
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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supernaturalconvert · 4 months
To the anon in my inbox, this is for you.
Firstly, I am not making anything up to praise Jared. He is effing brilliant. There are thousands of accounts from people saying that even his haters. Just say you are jealous and move on.
The fact that Jensen can be rude is something I've seen in panels myself and people who met him have corroborated very recently as well. Just check my blog there are numerous instance of how tone deaf he can be which he gets away with without even a blip of criticism.
Also, People hold Jared accountable - don't come at me with that lie ever again. I can see that you are one of those people/haters as well and I want to tell you that all of you are the biggest hypocrites out there. One of the recent examples of your bullshit is the copaganda narrative which is now gone coz it's Jensen.
Further Misha says the most horrid shit every other week and then posts a Castiel Gif and all is forgotton. So stow with your lecture, I am not in the mood. Jared being incredible and better than the other two is my truth, if it hurts you block and move on.
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ohtobeleah · 8 months
Was it Over? Sneak Preview
“What my wife decides to share with me has nothing to do with you–” Jake growled, you could just see the way he was grinding his teeth. Jake's jawline had never seemed more profound. His knuckles were almost entirely white as he leaned against the railing of your hospital bed. Lowered down for convenience of getting in and out.
“Does when I’ve been the one listening to how much she wishes you loved her the same way she loves you.” Jensen shrugged. “Come on man, don't play this game, don't pretend that I don't know what been going on–”
“Enough!” You couldn't have shouted it slider if you tried. “Both of you, my god we’re all supposed to be adults here?” You sighed as you looked at Jake and then over to Jensen. Something was off with him, this wasn't the Jensen you knew. He seemed off, very off. “Can you two just back up, let's start over.” However, it was a plea that fell on deaf ears.
“Nah–” Jake shook his head as he let out a sigh. This was bullshit, you really had him fooled. He really did think that there was a possibility here that maybe, just maybe, the two of you could fix what he had unintentionally broken while focusing on your health. “Nah, I'm not gonna put up with this dickhead.” Jake hissed as unclenched his hands from the railing on your bed. “I'm gonna go get a coffee, try not to catch each other's cancer cells while I'm gone.”
“Jake, don't leave!” You begged as you sat up a little straighter in your bed. “Please—“ The panic that followed was something otherworldly as you watched Jake round out of the hospital room that had become your home away from home. “Please!”
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splatarsenal · 3 months
ok look look I'm all here for dean not knowing castiels confession was romantic yeah Jensen I hear ya buddy but have you ever thought of the fact that he did?
but it wasn't so clear to him before because he was tone deaf to the angels ways. Not until castiel uttered the words "I love you" dean knew all those years. the real reason why castiel did everything and went against his own kind, because of the Sher amount of love he felt for one pathetic little man named dean Winchester. he didn't feel like he was good enough to deserve this type of love. not that he was complaining but everything coming together in his mind, he couldn't do much but beg castiel not to do this. and then it was to late, left alone with sheer regret of not using the words "I love you to" he'd never been the type of guy to be up right with his words. even Sammy knew this, hell Sam didn't remember the last time dean told him he loved him fully Or just straight up said "I love you" he had his ways of using other words to avoid saying that one. Small sentence he feared so much. and now his one chance at any true love was gone like a blink of an eye, how stupid could one man be? he's done stupid things, but this had to have been worst then that (I am half awake HELP). why? Why couldn't he say one sentence not even a full one at that, nothing more then three words and seven letters. Everytime he'd ever tried to it felt like his jaw would lock up as if it tried to keep from saying something he either didn't really mean or something he couldn't promise. couldn't even tell the people he cared so dearly about he loved them. Maybe it was the shame he felt when he let out his side that was weaker then what he wore. The side that would shatter upon any small impact. he was like a ticking time bomb. he missed castiel. he was stunned and couldn't do anything but let his outer shell shatter as the tears came running down like a waterfall. he couldn't make them stop and his eyes started to burn with all the rubbing he was doing, his lungs got tighter along with his wind pipes. Taking small gasps for air with every horrible sob. those words ruinned his life, "I love you" wasn't enough for him. why was he so selfish?
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soulofapatrick · 2 years
Starstruck - Pedro Pascal x reader/OC
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Summary: Y//N plays Eleanor Winchester in Supernatural and is on the red carpet for season 13 where she spots her heartthrob: Pedro Pascal. 
SORT OF LINKS TO Terrible at Secrets
Words: 1.3K 
Warnings: anxiety (?)
Notes: request by @princessmermaid1289​ and photos of dress and hair at the bottom. 
Y/N’s POV:
Being part of such a big show like Supernatural is always breathtaking, especially getting to meet all the other big stars and my fans. I never expected to have such an impact or make a family with J2M. Jared and Jensen immediately took me under their wings when I joined in season seven as Sam and Dean’s little sister - Eleanor aka. Nell
Being anxious and an actor is always something interesting but I have such an amazing family backing me and getting rid of any awkward questions aimed my way during conventions. I love conventions and red carpets, being able to meet my own idols of which I have plenty. I find it so much fun talking to them and getting the fans opinions on everything. My fans are my biggest critics and they’re how I improve. 
Tonights a red carpet for our season 13 with Alexander Calvert. He’s very cute and bubbly and I love him like a little brother and the fans seem to love him even more. He’s going to be big, I just know it, especially when the fans scream at him wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me as the cameras flash.
“Heyyy Y/N,” Jensen appears at my other side, elbowing me and leans down enough he can whisper quiet enough the cameras and paparazzi don’t catch it, “Your man crush is over there, go say hi.” 
I follow his gaze to see the one and only Pedro Pascal. He guest starred in an episode but sadly I never got to see or meet him as it wasn’t with me. My character was off with Kelly and Castiel while Pedro was with Jensen and Jared and I will admit it broke my heart a little as I have always had a huge crush on the sweetheart. He looks drop dead in that crisp white suit and black bowtie. His hair is so fluffy and I just wanna run my hands through it from here. 
“Go!” Alex is agreeing and I’m being pushed in Pedro’s direction so lightly jog over, trying not to trip over my dress. It’s a beautiful thing, not my personal choice but I have to admit it looks beautiful and it makes me feel beautiful when I’m quite a rough and tough person having been around J2M for pretty much eight years. It’s black and flows, making me feel like a character from a fairytale, the sleeves off the shoulder and it sparkles in the flash of the cameras. I think it’s made from a mixture of satin and lace with how light it is despite how heavy and full it looks. It seems my stylist was going for a vintage look as my strawberry blonde hair is pinned back in light curls, it reminds me a longer version of Susan Pevensie’s hair from the last movie where Lucy becomes Susan. I feel beautiful. 
“Hi,” I place a trembling hand on Pedro’s shoulder, causing him to turn to see me. His face breaks into that contagious grin as he looks me up and down with no abash. It has me flushing a bright red, especially when he makes room for me, wrapping a large hand around my waist. 
“Hi there mama,” Pedro’s voice is like velvet and has me weak at the knees. He’s pulling me flush against the side and begin to pose for the paparazzi again, a huge grin on his face so I compose myself and do the same, putting my arm around his back. He’s a lot taller than I realise so it’s easy for me to rest my head on his shoulder and I think I’m going to go deaf at the sound that erupts from the fans as Pedro glances down at me with a look that makes me balling his jacket in the hand that’s around his back. He lips are suddenly near my ear as he whispers “Easy darlin,” while his thumb rubs soothingly at my hip. 
We have move on so Jared and Gen can take our stops and I prepare to go back to Alex as Misha has Vicki and Jensen has Danneel but Pedro grasps my hand in his calloused one. I stumble slightly but he steadies me and my mind races because this is going to be big news and everyone is going to realise I have the biggest crush on Pedro Pascal… who is leading me to the next photo spot. 
The cameras continue to blind me and I have to grip Pedro’s hand tighter as I can feel my anxiety bubbling. I usually try to do the red carpets quickly and usually Jensen; Jared and Misha there to ground me. This beautiful man beside seems to understand what’s happening and is sending one last wave at the cameras before he’s leading me towards the Entertainment Weekly interviewer. 
“Hello there mommy and daddy,” She greets us and feel myself flush again as this never happens to me. I can’t remember her name as I was meant to only talk to a tiktoker turning interviewer as I’m not as big as my on screen brothers. 
“Hey there,” Pedro sends her an amusing smile, keeping a tight grip on my waist. 
“Well this is a nice surprise, I’m a little star stuck right now,” The interviewer turns her attention to me, “I have to admit I’m a huge fan of you and your character, Eleanor Winchester for those who don’t know.” She glances back at the camera and I’m subconsciously grabbing Pedro’s free hand, hoping the camera doesn’t pick up on. 
“Oh! Well, thank you.” I’m laughing nervously, “I’m also star stuck!”
“You’re the star here,” Pedro nudges me and I can just hear all the fan edits about to be spamming my social media feeds in the morning but I don’t care because I’m currently pressed against the Pedro Pascal and he’s acting like I’m the big star, not him. Somehow I feel like royalty, even when the interviewer gets on with her planned interview with Pedro and I’ve never felt like this. I just alternate between watching the way Pedro throws his head back in a hearty laugh every time the interview flirts with me and the way the cameras are flashing blindingly. I should be panicked and breathless right now but that hand on my hip is flexing every so often and somehow it keeps me grounded and this is probably the first red carpet I’ve been able to breathe.
“Well, here’s the question I think most will be asking in the morning, is there something here?” The interviewer is asking, her question making my head snapping round so fast I’m surprised I don’t get whiplash, watching Pedro to see what he says as I try to slow my breathing. 
“I wouldn’t mind having a date with miss Y/N here but we’ll have to see.” He’s sending her wink then pulling me even closer to him and I just look at the camera and fake swoon, laughing lightly in shock. 
“I think I’m hallucinating,” I tell her and it causing everyone in earshot to break into laughter as Pedro presses a kiss to my cheek, the light drag of his beard taking the air from my lungs, “Definitely hallucinating.” 
“She says yes,” Jared’s towering frame appears behind us both, patting Pedro on the shoulders, “Of course she wants to go on a date with Pedro.” 
“A date it is it seems.” Pedro’s grin seems to get wider and I’m not really sure what’s happening right now. I might have a date with the Pedro Pascal and my two older brother figures may have set me up it seems, especially from the way Jared and Jensen high five as they walk away and the way Gen sends me a wink. 
Oh my fucking god. I’m going on a date with Pedro Pascal. 
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dotthings · 9 months
I've been so tuned out of spn and spn fandom happenings, I didn't even learn until just now that some weeks back Jared said at a CE con that he wishes they'd done more with Eileen.
Now I'm laughing. The unintentional comedy stylings of Jared P*d*l*cki, everyone!
Not even mad, tbh. Just remembering his disregard for the character and the Sam/Eileen relationship. How he made comments speaking for Dean pov in a way that flatly contradicted every statement Dean himself ever made rooting for Sam and Eileen, but canon, what's that? Dean who? Dean's actual self-evident hopes, the fact that Dean was the #1 Saileen shipper, totally irrelevant when brosonlies are in a panic about Sam or Dean having anyone, anyone at all, anyone whatsoever, besides only each other.
Watching them scramble frantically a few weeks back when Jared dropped this wish for more Eileen to deny that more Sam/Eileen relationship stuff is even possible also greatly amuses me. "Jared only meant Eileen not Sam/Eileen!!!" lmfao okay?? Breathe!!! LOL
I really loved Saileen but I'll be glad either way just to get Eileen back, while the brosonly Sam stans will be screeching with rage because "spn is only about Sam and Dean not SIDE CHARACTERS *raeg raeg*" after they performatively virtue signaled about how much they love Eileen so long as she doesn't get her icky gross cooties breathing too close to Sam.
They also kept slamming all the Saileen shippers, going on and on how anyone who shipped Saileen was only doing it as part of some nefarious plot to keep Sam away from Dean and no other reason. Meanwhile, the Sam and Eileen dynamic was absolutely delightful, it's one of the best relationships Sam ever had, Jared and Shoshannah had lovely chemistry, I enjoyed every Sam and and Eileen moment. Wow yes how monstrous of me, I enjoyed seeing Sam with a layered, good-hearted human who worked well with him and cared about him and they related to each other and they were good together!! What in the evil Sam hatred!!! LMFAO
Anyone who was on twitter at the time may also remember how they spewed hatred against the ship, gatekeeping, romance shaming, and spewing no-romo and anti-romo hatred, because Eileen somehow would no longer count as a badass female character if she's having sex with Sam, and then they tried to dress their ship hate up as progressive because of how it would supposedly "demean" Eileen.
All of which went in full contradiction of the statements of Shoshannah Stern, a deaf actor playing a deaf character, who spoke in interviews at length about how important it was not only that Eileen was a kickass hunter but why it was significant having a disabled character in a romance with one of the lead heroes on a notable genre tv series.
Meanwhile, the Sam stan twitter brigade pretending to be progressive: "ew icky gross"
As for Jared, yeah, this is just COMEDY. He wasn't supportive, now suddenly he's talking about how he's sorry there wasn't more Eileen. Okay, dude.
He also said he was sorry there wasn't more Michael Dean and same thing. Where was he when Jensen needed support, when that storyline was cut off, and when the ending screwed Dean over while Jared got what he wanted, and when most of his base which pretty much hates everyone who isn't Sam and Dean, got what they wanted.
Don't get me wrong, I'll be thrilled if we can have Eileen back in the revival. I don't know if this means we will or not. But I'm all for it. Yes please let's!!! I just don't think there's substance behind Jared changing his tune. And he did nothing to discourage the hatred from his own base against her and against the ship, and then eagerly went along with how the final eps of spn pandered to their desire for her character and that relationship to be wiped from the story.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Jensen had an opportunity to support the only female driver in the TrackRats group but he ghosted her instead and then bragged about it and because he is "pretty" no one is going to point out the lack of ethics, complete disregard for purpose of the event and for that woman's accomplishments and for the people who ensured he got another car.
Aside from this, pink is the new trend due to Barbie so there is no excuse of saying he disliked pink. Be a bigger man, Jensen, some things are greater than your "fashion sense" and boundless ego.
Being a man has nothing to do with colors, it has everything to do with character and yours seems to be entirely self centered. What's worse is that many mindlessly follow your example and you seem to be done deaf and incapable of expanding your awareness.
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lightofraye · 3 days
you know, I come from a family of health professionals, my grandfather was a doctor, both my parents are doctors, my sister is a doctor and has her own clinic. aunts and uncles are doctors, nurses and dentists, some of my young cousins are on their way to become health professionals too. but not me, I chose a different path in life. but as you can see, I don't go around claiming to be an expert on medicine and capable of diagnosing illness and give treatments, just because my family is made of doctors. because I'm not a doctor and having a family of doctors, doesn't equal to having credentials. you are not a body language expert because you can speak sign language, you are just a bilingual person. and even if you were deaf, deaf people are not exempt of being biased and just seeing what they want to see. because they are just regular people with their own opinions and beliefs.
I never said I was an expert. Please. I even went back and reviewed what I wrote. Nope. No “expert” anywhere. Just said I have experience, layman’s experience. As deaf people do use and read body language better than hearing people. More, I’m a trauma survivor—which means we learn real fast how to read people so we aren’t in danger.
But hey! How about we go by what Jensen’s done and said? That one hug at con? He hugged Misha and then shoved him away. Joked about personal space and then immediately scooted away. Does Jensen touch Misha as much as he touches Jared? Are there fans witnessing Jensen being physically affectionate with Misha that we hear often of Jensen with Jared? Or with Danneel? Hell, on the red carpet, at Wales, we rarely see Jensen being physically affectionate with Danneel. And we never see or hear Misha on social media bragging about meeting up with Jensen or photographs… and you know Misha would brag. He can’t shut up half the time, which is why he’s in a hot spot now with his ex-wife over the kids, why he doesn’t have a job, and is desperately trying to get people to give him their data so he can sell it and make money.
Sure… I know nothing. 🙄
Keep trying, hellers. The only reason you’re darkening my anon ask box is because you don’t like the evidence I have. Because you know I’m right. But if you think I’m not, why are you here? I’m an anti Misha and I make no apologies over it. Go hang out with your fellow hellers and leave us alone.
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littlelioncub43 · 1 year
Jake Jensen NSFW headcanon:
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He is the loudest moaner you've ever been with. This man cannot control his volume to save. his. life. It doesn't matter what you're doing to him, jerking him off, sucking him off, bouncing on his dick— he is letting out the prettiest moans you've ever heard. And the wee thing is self-conscious about it!
He hasn't had a lot of partners, but the ones he's been with told him that he makes a lot of noise, some even said too much. And he knows he's loud, he's not deaf (although there are times you've sucked his cock so good he swears he lost hearing at one point). But he just can't help it, he feels too good, his voice is just out of his control the moment you get your hands on him.
A-Ah! Haaaaaaah! Oh fuck! Fuck! Jesus Christ! Baby, I'm gon— oooooooooooh, fuck, I'm gonna cum! Mm! Mmng! Aaah! He-here it comes! Love you! Love you! Love you so much! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! OOOOOOOOH!
And it doesn't help that you're in his ear, moaning sweet things to him, leaving lovebites along the slope of his neck— it just eggs him on. Which is exactly why you do it, but he doesnt need to know that 😏
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merrymorningofmay · 9 months
Sorry I don't follow that fandom or their actors at all so did "Dean" like a pro Russia post?
not quite. he starred in the trailer for the game "atomic heart", which was released in 2023 and met with a strong backlash in ukraine because it was 1. made by a cyprus-based russian company with financial ties to gazprom, 2. has this whole soviet nostalgia aesthetic, which is tone deaf at best considering that soviet nostalgia is a huge factor driving modern russian fascism (and the developers' stance on ukraine began and ended with "we don't want to talk about politics"), 3. featured a series of references to the current war which, again, were tone deaf at best and offensive at worst (shared and explained here, for example). tldr it was an overall Bad Look. and while i'm no gamer i personally wish people had given jensen ackles more shit for that trailer. because i'm petty
here is a pretty good article breaking down the problems with the game, and another one focusing more on the whole gazprom thing, if you're interested.
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lol-jackles · 1 year
1st assistant director of TW on the strike: https://twitter.com/HoldenDierx/status/1697295500058169534
Jeez is it on EVERYONE'S contract to kiss this guy's ass. Even the strike has to be about finding Jensen and Jensen only a job. So tone deaf.
Link. LoL is this the same dude who was begging on Reddit for SPN fans to watch The Winchesters? (Link) Well he's either looking for work from Jensen of all people, or he's already working for him.
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One of the funniest reactions by SPN fans to the strike is yeah, writers deserve fair pay except for this SPN writer and that SPN writer and...(on and on). Robbie Thompson's name had shown up a few times on those round robin anti lists.
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walkergirlsposts · 7 days
https://x.com/merlep01756164/status/1837303745828245781 Did Jensen really call the crew members on Rust whiny bitches?
Yep. I would've walked out too if I didn't get paid. I'm sure he would have done the same. That's what makes it so tone deaf. No one works for free. That was totally uncalled for without knowing why they walked.
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