#deadeye murphy
gin-draws · 1 year
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When you realize you like women because there’s a six foot tall lesbian outlaw stuck at your farm…
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dizzybevvie · 5 months
maybe its cus im on my period but forever thinking about Moonshine holding Deadeye in her arms as he died, as he returned to the crick. Deadeye's body being a prison cell for him for decades - centuries - until moonshine waltzed into town, reconnected him with his family, culture, and love for life. And when its time, Deadeye looks at Moonshine and finds himself in the crick again, his prison cell decomposed by mushrooms
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The thing about the ending of The Cybin Siblings (1x64) is that not only is the set up of everything some of Murph’s best work, not only is Moonshine’s last scene with Deadeye some of Emily’s best work, but the whole ending and his soft goodbyes as Deadeye is some of Brennan’s best work. And it’s beautiful.
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sunshinemakesmesleepy · 8 months
One of my favorite moments from ep 62:
Dead Eye: Do you not understand how psychotic it is for you to thank a goddess who hasn’t done shit when there’s actual people people putting their lives on the line for you?
Bortrum: —We’re not gonna say the s word, when talking about the dusk mother—
B: —no, HEY—
Moonshine: this is all happening in rapport spores, right?
(Murph: yeah)
Moonshine: alright, just making sure—
Bortrum: —technically I don’t know what the rules are for “rapport sports” but uh, I think that was sacreligious
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emiko-matsui · 1 year
and regarding the precvious poll...
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smallest-clown · 3 years
I found screenshots from 2019/2020…….so I guess it’s finally time for
Naddpod as things my friends have said!
(and if it isn’t evident enough, spoilers ahead for NADDPOD)
Beverly to Hardwon: Hey tall ass! Just know that the threat to remove you from the ‘one big bed’ still stands if you’re not nice to Moonshine!
Moonshine: I don’t understand!!!!!
Beverly: That’s love!
Balnor: That’s why you don’t understand.
Moonshine:......I hope you didn’t like your kneecaps.
Beverly to Galad Rosewell (pre galadaron saga): wtf he’s so pretty!!!!
Hardwon: This is turning into a problem
Moonshine: You need an intervention.
Beverly: NO!!! I love him!!!!
Beverly: tall god man is so pretty and fights good and-
Beverly, talking about one of his graphic scrolls: did you read it?
Beverly Your fucking watchin it! and reading it!
Moonshine: I can’t read.
Beverly: Audio books!!!!
Moonshine: i can’t hear.
The Watchman: I don’t take course in most of the internets paraphernalia for I am a deific forest god, so nix, I do not discern the answer to your query.
Moonshine: Fuck off shakspeare.
Deadeye, threatning Beverly: I’ll tell Hardwon about your fanfictions
Beverly: He wouldn’t care
Beverly: He’d just be confused and forget about it in a week.
Beverly: he’s a goldfish
Balnor, talking about the band of boobs: they drag me around the forest, watch me practice karate, then have the audacity to eat chicken with their bare hands while holding a fork.
Some poor shop keep: Sir please exit the store.
Hardwon: I am not a crackhead, I have a tote bag!
Moonshine: Welcome Beverly to therapy time! Do you want the daddy issues ice cap with a topping of toxic school bullies????
Beverly: You forgot suppressing homosexuality.
Hardwon: NO EMOTIONS IN THIS HOUSE!!!! *slams the gemma drawing on the table*
Beverly to moonshine and hardwon: Your brains are....marvellous, wonderful, and beautiful!
Beverly: and completely fucking empty
Beverly: I’m glad that one brain cell is working so hard to give us this
Hardwon: You’re asking too much from people Bev, it’s hard to roast babies
Beverly: It’s really not.
Beverly: They fit on the grill easily
Moonshine: We’ll find each other when we come back as bears.
Deadeye: Dial it back.....dial it waaaay back.
Beverly: I consider ever wooden staff a long stick.
Balnor:.......Bev you don’t know how much that hurts me.
Moonshine: Battle branch
Hardwon: Sexuality is fake and so is the moon.
Moonshine: The moon is a lovely lady that could top me at any time.
Beverly: Deadeye is like the Phil Swift of gun shooting
Deadeye: I wish you didn’t say the things you did Bev.
Beverly: We do not have Mushrooms and the spinach is expired.
Beverly: This has been a terrible experience and I will never try to cook again
Bev’s mom: I will beat daddy tonight because of that.
Bev’s mom: He likes it.
Beverly: I’m trying to complain mom, keep your kinks to yourself.
Hardwon: I just want to know if someone has ever used a wii remot as a strap on.
Moonshine: Don’t do that kids.
Hardwon: Unless you’re trying to get the world record for the highest score on mario by using your vagina
Hardwon: Get in the mario pussy olympics
Bev’s dad: Bev
Bev’s dad: Please come downstairs.
Bev’s dad: Mom is driving me insane
Bev’s dad: It would be a pity if you were a prison orphan
Bev’s dad: A child of the system
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Things this place is:
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weekly-mtg-posts · 6 years
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Plunder & Glory
Deadeye Quartermaster | Josh Hass Swaggering Corsair | Scott Murphy Captain Lannery Storm | Chris Rallis Mass Mutiny | Sidharth Chaturvedi Angrath's Marauders | Victor Adame Minguez Brazen Freebooter | Randy Gallegos
Visit the Archives for more themed posts.
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magpiedie · 5 years
absolute FILTH in this episode tonight fellas
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rooolt · 2 years
I agree with you it's so frustrating to see Emily have to purposely hamstring herself to appease the people who don't want to see her have it too good ESPECIALLY because she gets how fun and rewarding it is to do OP stuff when you earn it. Like when you whomp the encounter while remaining strictly within the rules as established by being witty and creative and combining mechanics that are unexpected. Plus the praise Brennan got for deadeye felt a little bit undeserved bc it was a combination of assassin rogue and a homebrew gunslinger fighter that was poorly designed to begin with. Like it's hypocritical to get mad at HER for getting homebrew rules if people are gonna praise Brennan for the same.
Furthermore, Brian Murphy has demonstrated that he's a fantastic DM and he gets how to create enticing and enriching challenges for his players so even if something he created/allowed seemed like it lowered the stakes, he wouldn't let it stay in the game for long!!
This is all put so well. Like most often, everything Emily axford does is completely within the rules of the game because she’s got a great sense for the rules and is extremely clever. Some later bahumia fights are insane because she has so many spells as moonshine and knows exactly how to use all of them and they’re great. I also heavily agree with the point abt Murph, like this whole aggravation of mine was most recently sparked by Emily saying “I was kinda planning to take mounted combatant, but it’s too good so I won’t” and it would be one thing if she and Murph had a conversation where he was like “idk it seems maybe a little broken so maybe we could figure out a way to make it a little less so” but Murph didn’t say that. Emily straight up said “I’m not taking it because people will get mad at me” like that fucking sucks, it’s no one’s business but hers how she plays a GAME.
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gin-draws · 1 year
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-we’re gonna develop a codependency that’s so toxic, you wouldn’t believe.
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dizzybevvie · 2 years
"If we built a little shed in the doorway, call it my house, and not invite him in, can he not leave?" might be the funniest shit the boobs have ever glossed over
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this is truly one of the best moments on the show.
transcript under the cut
Hardwon: Hold my your jacket.
Murph: Deadeye, you fully know that it’s - you would assume that, um, it’s because Beverly’s a virgin. You know that, like, Waylon and Scarlett have like particular tastes.
Brennan: Uh, um, uh, Deadeye, Deadeye -
Moonshine (overlapping): Man, I can’t believe they singled - they must love just like young men, right?
Brennan: Deadeye gets a -
Hardwon (overlapping): Virile.
Brennan (continuing): - horrified expression on his undead face, grabs Beverly, pulls you close and says
Deadeye (harshly, whispering): You listen to me, if you want to survive, you gotta fuck Hardwon right now.
[intense group laughter]
Beverly: What journals of mine have you been reading???
[louder group laughter as video ends]
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oots-digitalmedia · 3 years
Queer Rep in NADDPod
Title: Not Another D&D Podcast
    Status: Ongoing
    Cast: Brian Murphy, Emily Axford, Jake Hurwitz, Caldwell Tanner
    Queer Creators: Yes
    Accessibility: Fan transcription in progress
Summary: Welcome to the campaign after the campaign! Three unlikely adventurers attempt to right the wrongs caused by a party of legendary heroes who screwed up the world while trying to save. DM Brian Murphy is joined by Emily Axford, Jake Hurwitz, Caldwell Tanner for this D&D play podcast.
Campaign 1 (Behumia):
Tags: Queer woman PC, Gay teen PC, multiple queer NPC
Campaign 2 (Eldermourne):
Tags: Non-binary NPC
More details under the break:
Check out our other queer podcast recommendations here.
Campaign 1 (Behumia):
ID tags: Moonshine Cybin (PC): queer woman, Beverly Toegold (PC): gay teen, Deadeye Cybin (guest PC): m|m, Erlin Kindleaf (major NPC): m|m teen, Jaina Bronzebeard (major NPC): w|w,
Details and/or Spoilers: Bev enters a relationship with Erlin, Moonshine enters a relationship with Jaina
Campaign 2 (Eldermourne):
ID tags: Syb Bonkginya (NPC): Non-Binary
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emiko-matsui · 2 years
a family isn't always a mom dad and kid. sometimes it's an incredibly fertile woman, the pride of the dwarphanage, a boy scout, the most fucked up guy you've ever seen, a college student, and a snowboarder
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melleonis · 6 years
Wifelink but like a rococo steampunk version
Let’s get to it!
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Chandra, Pyrogenius (art by Jason Rainville)
You’d think Chandra would be on this list more often - she shows up in a lot of sets, and I do like her - it’s just that most of her art involves her being very much On Fire, and my emotional response to that involves more adrenaline than arousal. I admit that there’s not always a clear distinction between “fuck yeah give em hell” and “hell yeah fuck me up” but she tends to stay in the former category. This, though...I dunno, it’s not even that she’s sexy - though she is - as much as it is that it’s just really nice to see her this happy. Is that too sentimental? Sorry, I’ll try to stay strictly carnal for the rest of this.
Anyway Kaladesh is Chandra’s home plane, and as you can see behind her there, it’s a fun place - super colorful, fanciful architecture, loads of airships. This is going to be a fun, colorful wifelink, and ain’t that just what I need right about now?
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Deadeye Harpooner (art by Ryan Pancoast)
Look, I’m a simple woman. I like solidly-built girls with fuck-off huge harpoon guns. Can you even imagine how safe it’d feel to come home to her?
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Dhund Operative (art by Magali Villeneuve)
I’m not sure relying on your good looks to distract your target long enough to assassinate them is a high-probability strat, but it would take me a good three seconds to tear my gaze away from this woman’s under-eye circles and perfect mouth, which would certainly give her long enough to slip one of her slender blades through my ribcage. I can think of worse ways to die.
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Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter (art by Magali Villeneuve)
Yes, yes, this is certainly a May-December hypothetical scenario. No one is surprised that I’m okay with that. Look at her kindly face! Look at the pretty construct she made! Look at the quote on her card: "Inspiration is reciprocal: we all have a responsibility to each other to create." That’s so fucking good, you guys. Also she’s canonically gay - a widow in whom the loss of her wife has only engendered compassion. It’s difficult to imagine being queer and growing old - difficult to imagine growing kinder under the weight of tragedy. It would be an unambiguous honor to be able to provide solace or pleasure to such a woman.
Right, sorry, trying to stay carnal here. I’ll do better.
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Ovalchase Daredevil (art by Winona Nelson)
Well, now this is gonna make staying carnal reeeeal fuckin easy. Reddish-purple undercut? Those eyebrows? That mouth? Smudges of some kind of grease on her face? Taking her helmet off while walking away from the smoldering wreckage of her vehicle, presumably in slow motion? (And don’t miss that still-rolling rim in the bottom left there.) The quote on this card is "Let me guess. You thought I was dead." - which, like. Just fuckin slam me into a wall already, you perfect unkillable survivor.
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Aether Poisoner (art by Yongjae Choi)
I really appreciate this woman’s under-eye circles and almost haggard features. You can tell she works late nights. Again, she’s not a young woman, and again I find I’m into that; she certainly hasn’t grown kind with age, however. Tired, yes, and cynical. Pragmatic, hard, and merciless - but not cruel. I can’t believe she’d use anything but the most painless poisons - a drop of some dark, sweet liquid in your coffee, and you slip into a gentle, hazy paralysis, the last thing you see her blue eyes, piercing and level.
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Exquisite Archangel (art by Brad Rigney)
Extra arms. Wings. Fuck-off huge sword. Blindfold headgear, like Elesh Norn. Or Dark Sun Gwyndolin. Or the Maiden in Black. Or...huh, this is A Thing for me, isn’t it. That’s...probably worth investigating. Okay, yeah, next Wifelink Gaiden is gonna be about blindfolds and blindfold-equivalents.
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Scrapper Champion (art by Magali Villeneuve, who is just knocking it out of the park this block)
Speaking of extra arms: this fuckin badass steampunk cyborg who is dual-wielding spears. I trust I don’t need to explain the appeal.
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Quicksmith Spy (art by Ryan Alexander Lee)
A big pair of goggles on a woman will never not be attractive to me. This lady has taken that to its logical conclusion and constructed the Most Goggles, which definitely shouldn’t work but definitely does. Always love those errant strands of hair down over the eyes.
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Maulfist Revolutionary (art by Scott Murphy)
That messy hair is such a delight, and so is her Giant Blade Gauntlet. With her clenched fist and determined gaze, one could almost believe in her ability to overthrow governments by punching them with a big sword.
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Kari Zev, Skyship Raider (art by Brad Rigney)
Here she is: queen of the sky AND my heart. Pirates are hot, as previously discussed - skyships are dope - her cocky little head-tilt is extremely good - but let me show you something even better.
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Kari Zev and Ragavan (art by Sarah Winters)
Okay so this is technically cheating because this is not actually card art. It’s official MtG art and was used in promotional materials and the like, but it does not appear on any actual card, to the best of my knowledge. But like, look: that smirk Does Things to me. Sure, you’ve got goggles and the hair and everything is very good but I am In Love with that smirk. That smirk is the entire reason I started doing this dumb project. That smirk says “I can go anywhere I want and do anything I want and no one can fucking touch me because I am a G-d Damn Airship Motherfucking Pirate, and I am totally, absolutely free.”
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Rashmi, Eternities Crafter (art by Magali Villeneuve)
Um, hey, so look - I’m not actually going to talk about Rashmi here (sorry Magali, but you’ve had three other cards this block so I don’t feel too bad about it.) The thing is - I don’t know if you could tell - but I’m afraid. Like, I don’t actively seek out news anymore, because it’s always, always bad and nothing I read is ever surprising no matter how dire, so I’ve just stopped, but I’m online all the time anyway because it’s 2018 and sometimes I see things and like - I’m not a historian but I know enough history to know how this is all going to go, and my life expectancy is so fucking short right now. I mean, all of our actuarial tables kind of terminate in 2040 when climate change leads to global collapse, but I’m a trans woman and I am definitely going to be murdered in the next five years by either my own government or by someone emboldened and legitimized by my government.
Which is a shame, because - well, because a lot of things. For one thing, I know what I have to do with my life now, and it’s a big, terrifying thing but so worth doing, and that feeling of purpose is incredible - only it’s not going to matter because society is ending, and it’s not going to happen because I’ll have been murdered before I can finish it.
But also it’s a shame because of things like this stupid project, which I enjoy and would like to keep doing as long as they keep making Magic cards. Little things like this, and music, and D&D. Friendship, love, food, Shabbat services, hot showers, cold mornings. All the small experiences which accumulate somehow into A Person, which is something I would very much like to continue being forever, and I know forever is an unreasonable ask - but hell, I would have liked to make it to forty.
So, you know, I Wish Therefore That Candles May Be Brought - which is to say, I’m gonna keep living until that becomes impossible. I’m going to keep working on my Great Work, even though it won’t see completion. I’m going to keep doing this project, and all the other little things that have made my life enjoyable. I’m going to vote in November, even though I don’t believe that those currently in power will peacefully relinquish it no matter what the law says - and though I can’t imagine anyone reading this wouldn’t already be voting, please fucking do if you care about my life at all. And, I don’t know, take care of yourselves and each other. Maybe scroll up again and look at that picture of Kari Zev. It’s a really good picture. Her monkey has a little pair of goggles too.
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