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klara019 · 4 years ago
Angstpril day 23
Bedside Vigil
(check tags for tw)
Kya had never seen someone as proud as Lin Beifong. She would never tell her if she was hurt, she would never tell her if she was scared she would always keep her emotions hidden. And Kya truly understood and accepted that even though it was making her mad.
Lin came from work late as usual. She sighed, taking off her coat and hanging it in the wardrobe.
“I’m home,” she said with a tired voice. Kya turned around and showed her a bowl full of nice smelling soup. “I’m not hungry.”
Kya raised her eyebrows and tilted her head. Then shrugged and when she was about to get back into cooking she heard Lin’s laugh and hoarse cough.
“That didn’t sound very good,” Kya came closer and put her hand on Lin’s forehead. “You have a fever.”
“I’m fine,” she said the same time she shivered.
Kya nodded but didn’t want to argue, she knew Lin was too stubborn to listen to her advice, so instead she waited until Lin herself found out that all she can do is go to bed, cover in blankets and wait.
Lin laid down on the coach and curled up. Kya brought her a duvet and a mug of hot tea, she enveloped her in and gently and stroked her cheek.
“How are you feeling?”
“Cold,” Lin said without opening her eyes.
Kya turn off the main light. She knew that Lin complained only when things were getting really bad. She began to worry.
“Call me if you’ll need something.”
Lin didn’t answer, she was already asleep. Kya took a seat on the old armchair and looked at her sleeping wife, she leaned against the comfortable pillows. She wasn’t going to sleep, just in case.
It didn’t take long when she heard Lin chattering her teeth, she went to the bedroom for another blanket. She covered Lin in another layer of warm fabric.
It worked for a while.
Kya didn’t notice when she fell asleep. She was woken up by a shy, quiet groan issuing from the mountain of blankets. Kya rubbed her tired eyes and squatted in front of the sleeping woman. She winced like she was in pain, Kya noticed that expression, she knew what kind of a nightmare Lin was dreaming. She tenderly touched her shoulder and tried to wake her up. Lin soon opened her eyes, her gaze was full of fear.
“I’m here, I’m here,” Kya held her face between her eyes. She felt the burning tears, flowing down her palm. “I’m here, I got you.”
She embraced her tightly, looking for safety in her arms. She was trembling.
Kya was whispering to her until she calmed down. She relaxed a little and sat, so she could hug her closer.
“How are you?”
“I’m fine,” she whispered harshly.
Kya sighed with relief.
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ilonga · 4 years ago
angstpril day 23
prompt: Bedside Vigil
follow up to day 4, betrayal (aka Palpatine decides to cut his losses and get rid of Anakin while he’s still young and easy to take care of)
He sits by the bedside until his eyes ache from the flourescent lights of the Healing Halls.
He's been practically sleeping here, for the past week, in the chair by the bed; it can't be good for his back but that's the least of his worries right now. He thinks the silhouette of the crumpled form beneath the sheets must be burned into the insides of his eyelids by now.
"It's just a nasty bout of Corellian Flu," Master Che had said, a week ago. To be fair, he hadn't worried much either. It had just been a cough and fever; unpleasant, surely, but nothing serious. Anakin was young and—well, as healthy as he could be, considering his upbringing. He'd gotten vaccinated for most of the common strains, so while he'd be in for an unpleasant few days, his immune system should have been able to fight off the disease with little issue. 
But now Anakin's in critical condition. And Obi-wan doesn't know what to do.
The door creaks open, and Master Che enters. "You ought to get some sleep, Kenobi," she says neutrally. She flicks her gaze to Anakin, who's hooked up to so many machines and wires it makes Obi-wan's head spin. He hasn't woken all day. "You're no use to him dead on your feet."
She may have a point. But it'll be a cold day on Mustafar before Obi-wan leaves Anakin here to suffer alone. 
"I'm not on my feet," he replies. He nods his head towards Anakin. "I've been resting almost as much as he has."
Master Che gives him an unimpressed glare, but luckily lets the matter rest. "We need to take some tests. You'll have to at least move towards the back."
Obi-wan complies as the team of healers floods in. Hopefully this time they'll be seeing some progress.
There is no progress. And now, three days later, Obi-wan finds himself in the same position, slumped by Anakin's bed side, as they wait for the inevitable news.
How could they have let this happen? For force's sake, he was supposed to protect the boy, guide him, teach him, and yet, only a few years into their apprenticeship, Anakin is—is dying. Of a preventable disease. 
How could he have failed his padawan this badly? How could he have failed Qui-gon this badly?
He reaches forward to take Anakin's hand in his. Anakin, still unconscious, doesn't react. His hand is limp and frail in Obi-wan's—he's lost a lot of weight, this past week. Even his breathing—through the respirator chugging air into his lungs with a determined, haunting rhythm—sounds weak.
"I'm so sorry, Anakin," he says to thin air. Anakin doesn't even twitch. "I'm so sorry."
Master Che enters quietly. "Obi-wan?"
"It's time."
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anastpaul · 4 years ago
Day Twenty three of our Lenten Journey - 11 March - When will You be all in all to me?
Day Twenty three of our Lenten Journey – 11 March – When will You be all in all to me?
Day Twenty three of our Lenten Journey – 11 March – Thursday of the Third Week of Lent, Readings: Jeremiah 7:23-28, Psalms 95:1-2, 6-7,8-9, Luke 11:14-23 Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471) In You is the source of lifeand in Your Light Lord, we see lightPsalm 35(36) “The kingdom of God has come upon you” – Luke 11:20 Oh, when will these evils end?When shall I be freed from the…
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happyrealities · 4 years ago
Titled: Break me off a piece of that.
...this guy is more than
glade plug-ins.
He’s sweetly made.
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dreamsinstopmotion · 6 years ago
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#day23 entry for #hitrecord titled Words Unsaid . There are many in my past I wish I could talk to I desire closure so strongly Though I suppose that's something We all want So often more than anything I want to speak my piece Share my thoughts Make clear my feelings Be understood Sometimes I don't deserve to Peace of mind isn't always Something I've earned When you've hurt someone You don't get to decide what they hear They can turn away You don't always get to voice What you want to say Even if it's just I'm sorry @hitrecordjoe #hitrecordday23 #poetry #poem #poet #poetsofinstagram #originalpoem #freeverse #writing #writersofinstagram #poemeveryday #nationalpoetrymonth #ped #pedday23 #daytwentythree #poems https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxTvbcDtVq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3c5fyoc024js
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faintest-first-starlight · 2 years ago
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143/365 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑#mayphotochallenge #daytwentythree https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7tZCFpu89/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ginovanta · 6 years ago
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#inktober2018 #inktober #daytwentythree #muddy #pig #art #artist #artsy #draw #drawing #illustration #comic #drawings #followmyart #instaart #instagood #beautiful #creative #instaartist #artoftheday  #instaartwork #instaartoftheday #originalartwork #mixedmediaart #artstation https://www.instagram.com/p/BpRhAK5nQwR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qt7ta4t9l4ru
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dkayproductions · 4 years ago
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Inktober 2020 - Day 23 (Rip) #inktober2020 #dkayproductionsart #rip #inktober #2020 #inktoberdaytwentythree #inktoberday23 #day23 #daytwentythree #day #23 #twentythree #dkayproductions #art #traditional #traditionalart #micronpens #micron #pens #pen #man #ink #candelabra #candles #candle #candleholder #tear #holeinthewall #hole #wall https://www.instagram.com/p/CGtIoH3BmZw/?igshid=tve2xq0izjb3
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raphaelius2305 · 5 years ago
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#DayTwentyThree ... #RMO - #MCO ... #StayHealthy ... #BeSafe ... (at Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-_-mzJJS9bOe-kWun_A5aTTZs4_XH_FqM18vE0/?igshid=78icvbl55coy
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osbigodesdamaria · 5 years ago
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Day #23 Fuck you chickenpox! Stay tunned! Follow the stories! . #stayathomejournal #daytwentythree #notinthemood #dontpanic #longdays #staythefuckhome #illustration #osbigodesdamaria (em Porto, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-mIG_sn716/?igshid=12sd5fp5pf5n4
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hannibal-obsessed · 5 years ago
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#hannibaladventcalendar #daytwentythree #hannibal #tinyfreddielounds #freddielounds #hannibaladvent #advent #adventcalendar #hannibalobsessed #funkopops #funkos #christmas #customfunkopop #customfunkopops https://www.instagram.com/p/B6a3BTzFGEG/?igshid=1dzru5w1zz2v0
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jhannamosa · 5 years ago
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February | Month of L.O.V.E. | Day 23 of 29 ❤💞 #february #monthoflove #daytwentythree https://www.instagram.com/p/B85XTqOg6j_/?igshid=182pxy5emmdqu
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godisastagemanager · 5 years ago
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Thursday, January 23rd, 2020. Today is a Thankful Thursday. Thankful for finally feeling better. Thankful for my loving family. Thankful for a job that gives me the opportunity to work with wonderful kids. Thankful that I get to be a teacher. When I’m teaching I feel home. When I’m working with students and helping them achieve their goals, I feel whole. #teacherlife #ibecameateacherforthemoneyandfame #helpingkidsrise #changinglives #learn4life #thankfulgratefulblessed #thankfulthursday #pinoftheday #disneyland #sleepingbeautycastle #home #daytwentythree #daytwentythreeof366 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7sGeM_gzKv/?igshid=1jblgzewo1ebt
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melneedsakidney · 5 years ago
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Today I am moving in the flow of life! I am living the life that flows! #IyanlaVanzant #UntilToday #DailyDevotions #Life #Flow #Spirituality #Religion #God #YouNeedThisBook #DayTwentyThree #ChangeYourThinking #ChangeYourLife (at The House of Tuff) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qV9acgvhX/?igshid=x8bgx0h9sx0x
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revofevil23 · 5 years ago
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Hermione Granger #DayTwentyThree #HarryPotter https://www.instagram.com/p/B6hCMyAFMRO/?igshid=b03e84t07m3e
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chinabambi · 4 years ago
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Day 23: Cryptid 👻🧜🏻‍♀️✍🏻🎃⚰️🖤 ・・・ @inktober #littleboo 🖤 #inktober2020 #yaaay #inktober #draw #drawmore #letsdothis #creative #littlebookofdoodles #artist #illustrator #potd #doodle #october #ghost #friendlyghost #daytwentythree #halloween #happyhalloween #pumpkin #friendlyghost #mermaid #cryptid (at Cheltenham, Gloucestershire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG8dr6-pES3/?igshid=w3ihjve21wwv
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