strange matter between time and space always at hand, yet everlastingly humble.
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Movie: Cut, Camera, Action
Two of us are big on one screen
The other third is shaking vividly
One with color
Another black and white
These images present into thirds of wire until they film on the large screen one day
Let’s do both.
In front of the camera for others.
And behind for the serious inquisition in me-
And the plunderer in you.
We’ll question the topless
Make them crazy
Press record
And play
Don’t ever forget me
Please remember me
I think of you everyday
Sound good?
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Bears talk to sand in men
After I’ve seen you
Take it down
Duress any moment
You’d pretty much be a monster
I did in fact always love dolls
They’re magical and romantic
They teach us the way to be
If it were a shoe you’d fit in it
Untied because I was bopped
Head bobbed with a face palm
Mine snaps honey
I roar
I growl
I howl
I bark
I purr
Forget that last one.
Find your teammates
I’m out
I just needed your yellow clean to find my caramel stains.
He’s doing amazing.
More than a comic too.
Caballeros out.
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Couldn’t Be Luckier To Love You
You’re wrong
You’re song sings though
You’re swimming constantly
You’re pining for nothing ever, however
You like to strike
You hit bottom lies
You pull out the truth
I don’t want to say I love you anymore
I want to tell you my memories
Get wrapped in folded shiny sappy paper
Leaving emboldened men behind your tapper
The crowds are big for your fans
I’d like them to be drugged by the Klan
I don’t make this up
I take bold emboldened cream and pour it thoroughly in my coffee every morning
I’m a pleasant flap for stop signs.
I’ve never stopped loving you.
But you’d have to know, I’d never hit Black near you.
That means about you.
That means because of you.
That means I dole out the utmost respect for my colored grounds until it’s caramel brown.
Whichever color sounds the best.
I’m spiked.
But their horses-
Are entwined with whom crosses the line.
The hare.
I don’t love me.
I don’t love-
Just you.
I love the stories you tell.
That’s the truth.
Their fun.
Spin some more.
‘TIL next spine…
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Oops Stoop
It fell down yesterday
My mind
All over the place
You picked me up.
You said the biggest idea hit when I didn’t quote you while writing.
I said I’d rather be a bit better at moving up and down and all around unquoted as well.
Yet, I speak.
Hear me.
You got the point.
Don’t compare me.
I was looking at you yesterday and I figured it was better than knowing a good thing didn’t find me. It was better than understanding that a bad thing will always move me. It shakes me. Down to my core. I like to know the difference between you and I, I like to know me as good and you as bad. Then, I hurt myself to see it that way. Because all you do is protect me when you walk away. But you’ve walked away. You’ve said we were over. So why am I writing this about you? Am I supposed to accept that you are good and I am bad? I’m noticing those differences after all.
Did we get back together?
It’s a valid question.
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Stop Making Me Mad On Purpose
I always forgive you!
I tell the truth.
You tell the truth.
You’re turn!
Thank you for knowing better than to compare yourself to anyone else that fills their time following you.
You should know…
I said, “No, I didn’t say that.”
You’ve been slipping.
Get your feet back to covered.
Speak, then!
Since you won’t leave…
And I swear to our holier
That better be a full set of complaints you’re wearing.
Not the end of a strong man with me.
I try.
I do.
I always have.
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I want you to leave.
I want to leave you.
I want you to leave me.
I need all my coats to find the zero
Luck charm posting nobodies
Summing up slam clunks
Pasting weirdo low clots
He blames me
He shames me
He perpetuates the same occupancy to horse stables that a large conglomerate would preach to the cereal box that he thinks prizes come in the form of-
As I leave every man I’ve ever been with,
Even my last love.
The first one, at that.
I hate you.
I need Mercedes and Fords, with several doors that rise and hang low-
I need Limousines and Pick-Up Doilies for Cars
Because we’ll need to leave on the storages of horses in all the barns, you’re leaving in to say you’d like to be with my old best friend in all places.
I used to love myself and you.
Now I love only myself.
I wrote that!
Because I love her!
I loved you!
I loved you more!
Never see me.
Go away before you are disowned by my own.
I will erase you.
This whole thing-
Was about loving myself anyways.
Stop telling me the truth.
Not towards me-
But afar from me.
A different way.
Leave me.
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Dropped Ring
Excuse porridge answers
Three small animals became big
Nobody had antlers
Hung twig rigs
Sharing collateral is bank game
Questioning the cost without pain
Minced and…inevitable
Who I was?
I thought…
Profane plunders.
Sure to know buzz
I fought…
While the jack lumbers.
No more.
I fold.
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It Does Not Matter If You Are Happy
Pick it up
I have the right to look at the pain while you’re upset about what you’ve done.
I do
Have knowledgeable forthright self-control to leave you alone while you sulk.
I’d like to bequest you do the same for me.
I’ll pick it up
See how I’m not calling you on MY birthday ;-)
no one is a better dial tone and ringer, that way.
Mesmerize the other
Thanks for coming, but if you’re not Him-
Don’t stay.
¡fiesta feliz!
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Gladly I’ll Be That For You
Break fist
I mean-
Breakfast is ready
Pull up
Slide the chair to the table
Hand me stables for milk and mill bread.
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Coiling Noodles
Sake pace
Late flakes
Cool grace
Shake fakes
You know that I more than love you.
I give up myself to know you.
I stay in and never meet anyone else.
I have a passion for praying in and to your name.
I wouldn’t dare tell another you are ever less than.
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It’s always something that happened too fast.
It’s a mystery if we didn’t last.
It’s also quite alarming if I strike.
It seems you always want a fight.
Last evening I had a protruding lust.
You’re call for the door left dust.
I swept.
You mopped.
It’s not Rocket Science.
Love who you love.
Saying it was enough.
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Praise Me Stacked
All the sums belong to biddies
Summing strong long libels
Couldn’t mean slumbering hardly
Means meaning meanly
Until it hurts
Don’t hurt me if you love me.
She said.
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Titled: Bake A Ball Blonde
Like you see the picture, yo
I write my written language
You steal my love for my word
I will take you out
With an eraser
Don’t do that.
Bake a brain instead.
And if you hate me and you want to get back at your man…SEND THE PICTURE TOO!
Your man in jail OR prison.
Would know me.
You’re dumb for thinking I wouldn’t make it to day 100 sincerely-
Without saying.
Go find your hair supplies then, and let’s be out to MY bathroom-
…if THAT’S a problem for you.
All of you. Any color.
Get a life.
I like what I love.
I simply make sure of it.
Some men don’t really like the over thinkers-
Those are those men.
I didn’t say leave my WON love alone-
I said, why?!
To you hosed horse losers staring at pictures and changing the graphic, instead of doing your job!
…like getting a LIFE!
I don’t have to be anything to be right.
But you do know poetry by decapatation.
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Titled: If You Were The Only One, I Would’ve Watched You Everyday
Sigh dealt.
I don’t like you that way.
Say it the way it is.
Or you’ll end up ruined in between passion and stewing about stoop lessons.
I have a car now.
I’ll drive away.
I didn’t leave her.
She’s no longer my friend though.
So I’m mad.
I’m angry.
I’m evil…now.
Sovereign to the power above,
As I usually make thee or you…
And whomever you’d like to be.
Be careful-
And remember that-
Before the devil catches his tea.
I support all angels.
Know that.
Don’t bounce.
Don’t swish.
Make it.
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Titled: When We Met
Colors blend around the pleasant lines of first speaking
Images of the future arise during discussions of intertwining our bodies
Brown eyes for each other, we are seeking
Maybe just a little bit naughty
His smile gives me a sign
I didn’t know, such a handsome face, I would find
I want him to be mine.
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Congratulations Mr. President.
All will be done. All has been as it could have tried to be, and may I know?
I know you’ll say, “No.”
“…Thank you Mr. President!”
And all was safe.
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Titled: Look Into My Eyes
Be horrible, not better.
You’ll like us together that way.
I think I like you while you slay.
This is too deep.
He said…
Because you’ve been looking down the whole time.
She replied,
Get up.
Look me in the eyes.
It’s every yesterday to peel back my own lids on these old plastic water jugs, I call peepers. However, it’s more a tomorrow’s shake down for flashers through the liquid running away from this visual.
I’m tired.
So like I said-
Look me in the eyes.
I said,
I love you.
Be shy.
Now, is the time.
We’re growing old together and you’re not young, but we certainly will not die.
But don’t look away.
You’ll want to watch this.
You’ll want to stay.
Look me in the eyes.
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