#day6 interview
day6source · 4 months
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[@ STAR1] DAY6 “A turnaround, a pleasant burden… We will continue to make ‘music that never gets old’” [Star@Style]
Reporter Hwang Yeon
An 'unbelievable' welcome return. DAY6, who finished their military service, proved their potential as the representative K-pop band by taking the 'Best Band' and 'Best Rock Ballad' trophies at 'ASEA 2024' all while simultaneously making their comeback as a full group. DAY6, the protagonists of 'You Were Beautiful' and 'Time of Our Life' shot to the top and shined as of recent. All the songs on their new album 'Fourever' charted, and achieved the top spot on major music charts in Korea with the title track 'Welcome to the Show'. Their 1,064-day hiatus has now been overshadowed. DAY6 is continuing in 'work mode' as if to quench their thirst, and expectations are high for the brilliant second page they will write.
Q It was the first award ceremony as a whole group after being discharged from the military. How do you feel about winning two awards?
▲ It was a huge honor to be invited to the first ASEA 2024 awards ceremony, but we're so thankful that we won the Best Band award. Thank you to NewsN and @ Style for giving us such a great award. Above all, we want to say thank you and love you to My Day (official fandom name) for always showing great love and support. Young K also received the 'The Best Rock Ballad' trophy with his first full solo album released last year. We're so happy to receive this precious award not only as a group but also as a solo artist at the first ceremony as a whole group after being discharged from the military. Thank you very much once again.
Q How does it feel to be performing performances that are not alone like the lyrics of the new song "Welcome to the Show" after the full comeback?
▲ It's been a long time since we attended an award ceremony as a whole group, and it's been about 5 years since we performed in Japan, so we were even more excited. It was a huge feeling to be able to sing DAY6's representative songs in front of those who love and care about K-pop. These days, with our loyal members and fans, we couldn't be happier or more full of love. Like the lyrics of 'Welcome to the Show', we plan to continue to run as DAY6 as we give it all, so we hope you continue to stay with us.
Q. Since you released an album after 3 years of hiatus, I think this comeback was a time to quench your thirst. How do you feel about the whole group?
▲ The entire group has been waiting for this comeback just as much as the fans. You'll never know how happy and excited we were when we were working on this album. We worked hard with the mindset of repaying the fans who waited for us for a long time.
Q If you were to score the result of this album, how many points would you like to give?
▲ Since it's been a while since we released a full group album, we had a lot of musical greed and what what we wanted to fulfill. We tried our best to embody all of them. As always, we made it with all my heart with the attitude that any of the songs could become the title. We're so proud that you all love the songs on the album, including the title track 'Welcome to the Show'. There are so many things we're thankful for along with the release of the album. The score for this album result…we want to give i 100 points (laughs).
Q Since you were together with the members for the first time in a long time, were there any new aspects you learned or areas where you felt you had grown?
▲ We definitely felt relaxed and felt that we got to meet again in a healthier way. Especially so is our attitude towards music. While preparing for this album, we tried to make the bass, drum, keyboard, and guitar sound richer, and tried to give it more depth in terms of genre as well. Hopefully the listeners felt that the sound was more detailed and detailed than the previous ones.
Q The team's status changed drastically during the hiatus. During the military enlistment period, 'You Were Beautiful' and 'Time of Our Life' recorded unusual chart rankings, and I wonder how you felt when you encountered the love?
▲ When we first heard the news, we thought, "Is this real?" and "What's going on?" We were definitely surprised and amazed. We're so thankful that we can receive such great love. Please look forward to DAY6's new music that made with a pleasant sense of pressure due to undeserved love!
Q What do you think is the secret behind Day6’s songs being able to 'turn around'?
▲ From the beginning of our debut, we promised to make 'timeless music' together, but that was only possible because of our efforts. Rather than focusing on the results while working on the music, we focused our hearts on the music we making at that time. Thinking like that, the music we've made as DAY6 has really been able to touch the heart of listeners.
Q. When it comes to DAY6, I think of being a "Step Band" and a "Growth Textbook." Were you sure that the day would come when you see such bright lights?
▲ I think we're growing more beautifully than we could've ever vaguely dreamed of in the early days of debut. We had faith that good music would work someday. We also had pride and confidence in our music, so there were always expectations that people would recognize us someday and that more people would sympathize with our songs someday. Now that our expectations have become a reality, we're just grateful. We will continue to grow as DAY6.
Q It seems you're as close to your family as you are to each other now, what do you mean to each other?
▲ We like to describe it as the most precious 'everything' in our lives. It felt like we were 'a place to stay' for each other. It was thanks to the members we never felt lonely even when were traveling and keeping busy. We spend more time with each other than with our parents, so we feel like we are 'home' to each other.
Q This year marks the 10th anniversary of your debut. Can you give me some ideas on your future plans?
▲ The new album ‘Fourever’ is a bit of an album that serves as a bridge between DAY6 of the past and DAY6 of the future. We're grateful to be able to present a meaningful album 10 years after our debut, so thank you. Next year will already be the 10th anniversary of our debut. We're looking forward to seeing what DAY6 will look like when as we turn ten. We'll will work harder and busier to repay the love of our fans.
Q The military enlistment time is over, and you've have renewed your contracts. Act 2 of DAY6 is just beginning. What kind of music do you want to show in the future?
▲ There won't be any major changes, but we definitely plan on show how we're moving forward. Our music was able to be known and loved so much thanks to the fans who recommended DAY6 music to their acquaintances. We'll continue to make music that our fans are proud to recommend. Thank you. ♥
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monstermp3 · 9 days
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"I'm not scared of anything when we're together. I feel invincible. Like I can accomplish anything in confidence, good fun, and trust. Of course when we work, there'll be times when we feel stressed and sensitive and we fight. But we move forward by protecting what we have to. We may stumble as life goes on, but as long as I'm with my hyungs, even failing together wouldn't be so bad." — DOWOON, TOP CLASS MAGAZINE INTERVIEW, 2024
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brianskangs · 10 months
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the secret behind young k's heartbreaking lyrics...?
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ishikawayukis · 2 years
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missing young k hours D-97
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8ightisfate · 3 months
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briankang · 3 months
chris in the kitten interview = brian w/ all those tiny ass dogs on dekira send tweet
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daily-twice-content · 3 months
20240618 {RADIO} KBS CoolFM Day6 Kiss the Radio
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kpop · 6 months
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K-Pop Spotlight: DAY6
Come one, come all to a K-Pop Spotlight that is sure to dazzle and delight ’til the final curtain. This week, all eyes are on DAY6 following the release of their eighth mini-album, Fourever, and brand new title track, "Welcome to the Show." We caught up with the band to discuss their goals as they approach their 10th anniversary and their ever-growing connection to their fans through their music. Check out our full interview below!
Tracks like “Welcome to the Show,” “The Power of Love,” and “Get The Hell Out” seem to have very different themes. Can you tell us a little about how these songs relate to each other and what aspects make this album cohesive?
SUNGJIN: As we pursue the idea of being a 'band that sings every moment,' it seems like our albums, including the recent one, prioritize diversity in songs and situations rather than unity. Consequently, our albums contain various genres and narratives. However, there seems to be a commonality in most songs, depicting situations that everyone has either gone through or might experience.
Young K: First and foremost, I would say this album is a compilation of the best songs we could create. There's definitely a theme of love running through it. "Welcome to the Show," "The Power of Love," and "Get The Hell Out" all talk about the concept of love.
What goes into creating titles for DAY6 songs and albums, especially those that don’t come directly from your lyrics? Do you find it hard to condense the intentions and themes of a song into a title?
Young K: While there have been cases like that, all the songs on this album came from the lyrics. Sometimes, when choosing a title, we select the one that best describes the song—other times, we choose to give it a twist or make it more intriguing.
WONPIL: Naming songs involves a lot of deliberation. We often contemplate which title will catch the eye and capture the song's essence. Usually, we try to take it from a verse in the chorus. This can be a challenging part of the songwriting process.
Is there a creative project you’ve always wanted to work on but haven’t gotten the chance/found the time?
SUNGJIN: I'm very curious, and have a principle of "trying to experience as much as possible." There are so many things I want to try musically and personally, especially among the things I know but haven't tried yet.
DOWOON: I hope we can have a song that we can collaborate on with My Day, like a choir.
What does your work/studio setup look like? Where do you feel the most creatively inspired?
DOWOON: We try to keep the studio as tidy as possible and make it comfortable for practice sessions.
WONPIL: When working on songs, we talk a lot. We get inspiration from little conversations, joking around, sharing stories, and listening to music from various eras regardless of genre while giving opinions. We also try to build emotional connections with the songs. There’s a lot of communication going on. The songwriting process takes place in the studio of our long-time collaborator, composer Hong Jisang, with whom we've been working together since our debut.
How do you want to evolve as a musician/producer?
Young K: I want to be eagerly anticipated and awaited as an artist. Without those who wait for us, we wouldn't release or even step onto the stage. So I’m always thankful for My Day.
WONPIL: My biggest goal is to make good music for My Day and the public, so I think I'll continue to ponder. When working on songs, I pour my sincerity into them. I constantly strive to express this sincerity musically, fully capturing the emotions I want to convey. I hope to create songs that can still be listened to even after 10 or 20 years.
Design your own Tumblr blog: choose an aesthetic, a blog name, and would you be a frequent poster or lurker?
SUNGJIN: I think I’ll use it to catch up on friends' updates. For the blog name, THUMB BLUR sounds good to me. I might end up being a lurker who never posts.
DOWOON: Maybe a blog for plants? I think I'll post it like a diary.
Want more DAY6? Check out their new mini album Fourever and the music video for the title track “Welcome to the Show,” both out now!
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joongbin · 1 year
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you're seungmin’s childhood friend who had been supporting him through thick and thin, seungmin hadn't thought of you as anything besides his bestest, most lovable friend he had, until one day he had felt an unfamiliar attraction toward you.
pairings ; kim seungmin x male reader
warnings ; reader is oblivious, seungmin is head over heels, one sided pining (sm).
genre ; fluff 2 angst.
inspired by im serious by day6 .. u could also listen to you were beautiful by day6 ,, set the mood up!! also idk attempted angst
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You and Seungmin were friends for as long as you could remember, right up until now. You supported him through his idol life, and even attending a few concerts just to see him.
He appreciated all of them, seeing you in the crowds just made him wanna perform better to impress you, yes, of course his members notice it, but they don't mind.
You two hung out whenever his schedule wasn't packed to the brim. You had asked him to meet up at a local coffee shop near his agency, just to catch up with the recent events in your life.
Seungmin immediately grabbed his phone, a smile on his face appearing as he looked at the notification; it was you. Changbin chuckled and nudged his shoulder.
“ (name) again? ” Changbin smirked at him, earning a slap on the shoulder from the younger male. Seungmin replied to your text swiftly with an okay and a cute emoji before leaving the agency.
He hadn't seen you in weeks since the new comeback, he was busy with music shows, collabs, interviews, and more. He was unexpectedly excited to meet you again.
Seungmin walked through the doors and saw you sitting at a table. He walked over to you, smiling brightly as he sat opposite to you.
“ Min, it's so good to see you again! How are you? ” you say, a cheerful smile appearing on your face. He'd always see this smile whenever meeting you, but for some reason, today he felt different, like butterflies were flying around in his stomach.
“ It's been good, and busy. What about you? ” Seungmin couldn't hide his feelings at all, but he didn't know what the feeling was, looking at you just made him .. feel weird.
“ I've been good. I watched .. well, most of your recent comeback videos. You were great on stage, Min. ” you complimented him, you always did, but today was different. He chuckled, looking away from your gaze.
“ Thanks. Well, um — did you order anything? ” Seungmin changed the subject, not wanting to feel such feelings anymore. You nodded.
“ Yeah, I did. Order at the counter if you want something. ” you pointed at the counter before he immediately got up to order. His face was burning up and he didn't want you to see him like that.
He ordered a simple black coffee before walking back to your table.
As you both talked for what seemed like hours, sipping drinks here and there, Seungmin's heart was aching. Aching for you.
But you didn't know that, and he didn't want you to know. He doesn't even know if you like him or not, maybe you do, or don't. He didn't wanna risk it.
As the days went by, he was left staring at the ceiling of his dorm. Asking himself, why? Why does he like you so suddenly? His heart ached as he picked up his phone and started scrolling through past messages he had with you.
“ Damn it. ” he muttered. Seungmin closed his phone and tried his best to go back to sleep.
It was the next day, and he got an unexpected message from you, one that would destroy him completely. You told him to meet you at the local coffee shop from the last time you met.
Walking toward the coffee shop, there you were, with your boyfriend of 2 years. He opened the door, waving at you.
“ Hi guys. ” Seungmin put on a smile, while you greeted him back. He wasn't listening, his heart aching as you introduced him to your boyfriend and back.
God, he was foolish. To think that he had a chance with you. As you talked, his feelings for you grew even more.
“ Min, I'm so sorry. We have to go now. ” You briefly checked your watch before smiling sweetly at your friend, patting his shoulder as he waved at you while you and your boyfriend left the shop.
Seungmin sat quietly in the shop, before abruptly leaving and going back to his dorm. He threw himself on the bed, pouring his heart out as tears stained the bedsheets.
The members were out on their own today, so he was left all alone, crying as he longed for you, but couldn't. You were someone else's.
He was happy if you were happy, but his happiness wouldn't last long. His sniffles and hiccups filled the empty room, his eyes puffy.
He loved you, but you didn't.
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chiveburger · 9 days
okay I lied, jae is actually pissing me off talking about day6... I don't have any obtuse feelings towards him but his little spiel on how he felt about day6 naming their previous album fourever felt SO tactless on his end. especially when day6 is promoting in korea right this second. first of all if I'm being honest I do not think for once that day6 named such an important comeback album emphasizing the number four to be petty. not even ONCE do I think they did that and I don't think that anyone who actually likes day6 and has been a my day for a long time would or should feel like the band would do something like that. jae feeling hurt, jae feeling erased, jae even feeling possible regret is justified. he is absolutely in the right to feel that way but the release of the interview at this time feels so intentional. more intentional than the band possibly naming their album to "get back" at a previous member. he reiterates that he doesn't think the members are behind this and I agree, but why are we all forgetting that jae decided not to renew his contract with jype on his own terms? when the four members did... the reason day6 is together today is because the remaining four members continued to promote their group despite hiatus and enlistments, and it's because of their combined effort that we still HAVE day6 now. so why is it "unfair" for them to be prideful in being four members now?
jae is part of day6's past and his contributions to their success and their growth won't be erased no matter what anyone does but at the end of the day... jae left day6 on his own volition. don't argue that he left the company not the band because it doesn't work like that actually, and he can speak on his history and his relationships and his feelings as much as he likes but I'd be lying if I said as a my day I wasn't bothered by that. especially KNOWING the boys would probably not or even be allowed to say anything back under contract. If this interview gave people closure then great, but if it's more fuel for people to continue this debate on whether what day6 did was right or wrong then I wish he never spoke on this candidly at all.
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day6source · 2 months
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DAY6 for GQ Korea Magazine August 2024 Issue
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fybriankang · 4 months
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DAY6 for @.style interview
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zheniakirsikkalove · 6 months
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Interview with Lee Dong Wook for GQ (11/2020)
During his interview, the actor spoke about wrapping up filming for his latest drama “Tale of the Nine-Tailed.” His character Lee Yeon is a male gumiho (a mythical nine-tailed fox) and a former mountain spirit.
Lee Dong Wook shared, “He’s cool. He’s also very talented. However, I think his heart is much cooler than his physical appearance. This can sound cheesy but a regular personality cannot become a mountain spirit. I think of him as a character with a strong inner self.”
In a previous interview, Lee Dong Wook had explained that rather than specifically preparing for his role in “Hell is Other People,” he acted more on the spot. He talked about using this method again while filming “Tale of the Nine-Tailed,” commenting, “Thankfully, the director gave me the green light. I was able to freely act with regards to the setup of the situation, the details, and the lines. Actually, about a third of my lines were improvised.”
Lee Dong Wook continued, “This was the same for ‘Goblin‘ but I believe that the core of fantasy is the extent of your freedom in the world that the writer has created. It’s not like you can interview monsters or a gumiho so there’s not a lot that you can prepare. You just have to freely let it flow it on set.”
The interviewer mentioned a comment that Lee Dong Wook frequently makes about how being an actor is a career where one needs to be selected and needs to receive recognition. Adding that Lee Dong Wook does not seem to ever have been lacking either, they asked what he thinks is the most important factor in “being selected.”
Lee Dong Wook answered, “You obviously have to be good at acting and being diligent is important. People ask how I’ve worked for 21 years straight without resting but I just worked hard when people sought me out. Now I believe people view me and think, ‘Lee Dong Wook doesn’t take shortcuts.'”
As he’s acted in many fantasy works, Lee Dong Wook was asked what kind of fantasy world he typically dreams about. He revealed, “One of my fantasies is being the frontman of a global rock band. I am so jealous of people who can sing well. I also get curious how it would feel to radiate sexiness while singing on stage.”
He continued, “I also have these fantasies. To become a famous athlete and put on a big celebration after scoring a goal or throwing my bat after hitting a home run. One day, I’ll play one of these roles.” Lee Dong Wook then jokingly added, “Oh, I can’t. If I were an athlete, I’d be at the age where I have to retire.”
Bouncing off his dream of becoming a musician, Lee Dong Wook also talked about his favorite songs of the year. He shared, “These days I’ve been really into DAY6. I especially like the song ‘You Were Beautiful.’ When I hear the lyrics ‘You were beautiful, your eyes that looked at me, your voice that called out to me,’ I think about the heartwarming story between Lee Yeon and Ji Ah.”
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dowoonf · 2 months
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day6’s forever and most treasured maknae, dowoonie
1. “you make me” mv making film (2021)
2. everyday6 june concert ment (2017) / after school club, members asked to write about “a sad moment” (2017) / youth world tour in seoul ment (2018)
3. scentographer, dowoon’s surprise event of a letter written to his hyungs (2019) cr. moonraiijeu / cr. endlessnamelesseternity (tumblr)
4. day6 on killing voice (2024) / cr. thatnordicguy (tumblr)
5. youth world tour in seoul ment (2018)
6. wonpil’s message to dowoon: “dowoon, do you know? you… even when you’re a grandpa, you’ll be our maknae” (2018) / summer sonic interview (2018) cr. jaelavie
7. welcome to the show concert (2024) cr. infinite6udday / cr. pinterest
8. cr. daylight / melting smile / loud like love
9. cosmopolitan magazine interview (2024) cr. dowoonf :P / cr. toyoilohu
10. jukjae’s night room (2021) cr. moonraiijeu
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rainytypology · 1 year
ATEEZ San MBTI Analysis
- ISFP -
An in-depth analysis of an idol's MBTI type. Based on my opinion and observations, may change later. Not an expert.
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ISFP (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)
Dom: Fi (Introverted Feeling)
A judging function that uses one's own values and belief to compare and make choices
San is incredibly Fi valued - he has a strong belief of being genuine and wants others to do the same. Fi focuses on authenticity and realness - being a highly moralistic function, it would not feel right for an Fi user to put up a front or particular image just to suit other's tastes/expecations.
His very Fi answers from Singles 2021 interview:
How I look at people
I definitely look at people based on their morality. No matter how nice of a suit they show off, It's hard for me to like them if they are rude to others. There may be achievements that can be achieved by working hard in a short period of time, but because morality cannot be made overnight, I think much more effort is needed.
Impact on the fans:
...Our fans may have received a lot of influence from us, but I hope they can all form their own values nonetheless. As much as possible, I tend to refrain from saying things that are likely to be judged as good or bad because I am worried that fans might get the wrong idea due to what I say.
Aux: Se (Extroverted Sensing)
A perceiving function that uses our 5 senses to process the external world.
San is in tune with his environment, always paying attention to others and events in the moment.
“For San, it’s movies and dramas [that inspire his performances], he takes those characters on,” explains Wooyoung. San, widely lauded for having an explosive stage presence, makes his creative choices the day of". Very Se of him to make decisions without prior planning. I've also noticed Se dom/aux type performers often have "explosive stage presence" as they're usually focused on the image and presentation of their performance.
“If there’s something I think of that I want to do that day, I share it with everyone to see if it will be okay. Then we create that image together and I simply express myself.” - i-D Magazine interview
Tert: Ni (Introverted Intuition)
A perceiving function that uses one's own personal insights and ideas.
San always had a dream of becoming a singer since he was young. Having Fi - Ni, he chose his heart and pursued his dreams. Passion drives Fi and Ni towards their visions.
Inf: Te (Extroverted Thinking)
A judging function that uses established facts and systems to make objective, working decisions.
San uses his Te to plan and pursue his goals. He always gives it his all in his career, constantly improving in his singing and performance. He loves what he does and takes the effort and steps to achieve his goals.
Why he's not an INFP:
Although both types are Fi dominant, their aux and tertiary functions are different. INFP has Ne-Si (Extroverted Intuition - Introverted Sensing), while ISFP uses Se-Ni. From what I've observed, San doesn't really seem to use Ne.
INFPs: IU, SF9 Hwiyoung, DAY6 Wonpil
Other analysis:
Enneagram | Birth chart
Kpop typology list
Side blogs:
Kpop astrology @rainy-astrology
Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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nikalibres · 6 months
About me & my interests
Hi, I'm indy and this is a blog I made for some fandom fixations that won't go away. I'm not new to tumblr (I have another blog that is 12 years old now) but I haven't actively used it in a while. Here's an intro to me and my blog!
I'm a 20+ year old she/they from Europe. I'm passionate about words and languages, so I watch and listen to a lot of music and shows from different countries.
In true escapist fashion, I consume a lot of media (or, more accurately, let it consume me). My favourite genres are mystery, crime, thriller, sci-fi (dystopia) and historical (but not big on xianxia) and melodrama. Here are some faves:
I mostly post/reblog about:
1899, Dark, Dead Boy Detectives, Derry Girls, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Interview with the Vampire, Love 101, Ripley, Supernatural, Warrior Nun
But I also like cdramas, kdramas, jdramas and turkish dramas, so they might appear here from time to time.
currently watching: Gaddar
I love reading books, my favourite genres are magical realism, urban fantasy, dystopia and gothic (some faves: Vita Nostra, The Broken Earth Trilogy, Strange the Dreamer, The Raven Cycle, The Dreamer Trilogy, If We Were Villains, Never Let Me Go).
currently reading: The Vampire Lestat, Jade City
Other notable things I love:
Day6, Twice, Jesus Christ Superstar (2012)
I'm a pretty shy introvert but if we have things in common and you think we'd vibe don't hesitate to interact, I'll be delighted. :)
(lgbt-phobes, transphobes, racists, right-wings, religious fanatics DNI)
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