#david keirsey
wickedslip · 2 months
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HOW ABOUT WE DISSECT THE PERSONALITY OF OUR FAVORITE NEIGHBORHOOD WITCH; I’ve indicated that Nausi is an INTJ to a perfect T.   The INTJ: introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging.
Sometimes referred to as the "Architect" or the "Strategist," Nausi is highly analytical, creative, and logical.She is independent, ambitious, and has goal-oriented traits. Super logical and well-informed—she loves staying caught up on the latest facts and events of the world and her city (this trait is already super important / relevant as she is a witch, which defines her, first and foremost). She is highly curious and has a passion for learning and knowledge but is willing to consider multiple points of view and reconsider their opinions considering new information.
Being that Nausi is tortured by her art, she is always wanting to develop different strategies and medium for control. She goes to school to learn everything she can to try and cope with the stresses of it. If she can take it apart, she can get a better understanding and grasp on it so it can’t get a grasp on her.
INTJ subtypes:
INTJ-A: This subtype is known as the Assertive Architect. An INTJ-A tends to have more self-confidence than an INTJ-T, particularly when handling life’s ups and downs.  If things don't go the way they expect, an INTJ-A is not likely to second-guess their initial actions or experience regret.
INTJ-T: This subtype is known as the Turbulent Architect and has a greater concern about the areas where they may fall short, whether in reality or perception. They also tend to use this concern to their advantage by pushing themselves harder and paying more attention to detail.
Nausi is highly intuitive, and she does take matters to heart, especially as she has an altered sense of perception.  While she does have self-confidence in her achievements and obtaining her goals, her past often foreshadows her, and makes her constantly question herself. With the loss of her brother, she has the aspect of always falling short, losing herself in the process. But on the same token, she pushes herself, her craft, her goals and her abilities to extremes to make up for what she considers as her failures. In this regard, she is an INTJ-T.
According to psychologist David Keirsey, approximately 1% to 4% of the population has an INTJ personality type. This makes those with this personality quite rare.
INTJs tend to be introverted and prefer to work alone. Nausi is self-confident and hard-working, which is a strength. However, it can also be a weakness as they may come across as insensitive or callous.
As an INTJ, Nausi looks at the big picture and focuses on abstract information rather than concrete details. She also tends to be a perfectionist.
She tends to emphasize logic and objective information rather than subjective emotions, and talking about emotions makes them uncomfortable.
INTJs like a world with control and order. As a result, Nausi prefers to make plans well in advance. Some INTJs may even employ manipulation to get a specific outcome.
Nausi is a creature of habit. She is independent and has only RECENTLY allowed help at the apothecary. She operates and thrives on productivity, both in her art, her work, and her crafts. You won’t find creepy cobwebs hanging throughout the apothecary, as she is orderly and organized, sometimes even closing the whole shop just to give it a deep clean before reopening. She is a very inward girl, highly reserved and very much introverted in every aspect. Because of this, she keenly hones into her crafts to the point of single-minded precision, not stopping or giving up unless it’s perfect. Very driven and innovated with her ideas and the way she gathers information to make decisions, she always creates new ways of reinventing herself.
Enjoys theoretical and abstract concepts
High expectations
Good at listening
Takes criticism well
Self-confident and hard-working
Can be overly analytical and judgmental
Very perfectionistic
Dislikes talking about emotions
Sometimes seems callous or insensitive
Nausi has a very vivid imagination, and she thinks outside of the box, often gathering thoughts and ideas of fancy that no other sane person would think of. On the same token, sometimes she has this inclination that everyone thinks the same way she does, since she isn’t involved with lots of people like others would. She prefers to surround herself with likeminded individuals when she wants to be surrounded at all. She has high expectations for friendships and relationships, and for those she wants to impress (even if she doesn’t think she needs to impress them). Since she doesn’t talk a lot, she listens and hears everything, even when others might not think she’s heard them. She doesn’t give confirmation as she considers it small talk—something she doesn’t care to do. With someone like Nausi, you wouldn’t think she would attune herself to constructive criticism, but she does well with it. She likes to hear other’s points of view, seeing how it might contrast to hers. She is self-sufficient and has an air of confidence, most indebted to her hard work, Rosethorns Apothecary, and honed skills.
On the other hand, while she takes criticism well, it’s on a case-by-case basis. She can be very hard on herself and judges not only others but what she does and how she reacts to certain situations. She does not forgive easily, and as her original coven betrayed her, she has still not forgiven them for what they did. She cannot fathom being a part of something that is so wrong in their actions, that the end narrowly justifies the means. She surrounds herself in her day-to-day tasks, whether it is work at the shop or her courses, just so she doesn’t have to think about the past. She would rather achieve, to the point of being OCD, her goals from the smallest down to the largest with precision, even if attainability seems impossible. She cannot stand talking about her feelings and emotions, and that is why she hasn’t wanted to reach out to a therapist. Having someone pick at her brain, and dissect her on a table, would be torture for her. Because she is reserved others might take this as apathetic or emotionless. And while she is apathetic, she IS fundamentally curious.
There is a dominant function that sets the tone of a personality. In addition to the dominant, there are auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior functions that play supporting roles in making up an person's personality characteristics.
Dominant: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Nausi, being an INTJ, uses introverted intuition to look at patterns, meanings, and possibilities. That means that instead of looking at concrete facts, she is more interested in what they mean behind the scenes. She also enjoys thinking about her future and exploring possibilities. She likes to consider all the possible options and imagine different possibilities, which can influence her day-to-day decision-making.
Because she is more of a big picture person, she tends to remember impressions more than exact details. So, while she struggles to remember the specifics, she is good at recalling the general gist or idea behind past events. Abstract thinking comes naturally for her. As a result, she is good at "reading between the lines / reading the room" to figure out what things might really mean or how to perceive something.
Auxiliary: Extraverted Thinking (Ti)
This brings balance to her personality. If she uses her dominant function all the time, her personality will be one-dimensional. While the dominant function drives personality, the auxiliary function is there to offer tips, directions, and support. For Nausi, it's the extraverted thinking that steps in to offer assistance. As a secondary function in her personality, extroverted thinking leads her to seek order, control, and structure in the world around her.
Thanks to this function, INTJs can be very deliberate and methodical when approaching problems. Nausi tends to make decisions based on logic. She organizes her thoughts to see cause-and-effect relationships and can see it playing out before her eyes.
Tertiary: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Nausi is often less conscious of using this function and doesn’t necessarily feel comfortable using it if she does become aware. It tends to emerge when she is under stress.
This function involves her being able to grasp her emotions, including understanding her feelings and feelings regarding others. When it moves to the forefront, she makes decisions based on emotion rather than logic and in greater attention in detail. As a result, she is more drawn to people and activities that are aligned with her values.
Inferior: Extraverted Sensing (Se)
The inferior function is the least developed part of Nausi’s personality. It is not used often, and when she does, she runs into problems. It represents the polar, extreme opposite of her dominant function.
With her specific personality, extraverted sensing is the least developed of her cognitive functions. While weak, it still exerts influence. This allows her to process information through her senses—it would also explain why she has great difficulty getting control on her premonitions.
When she uses the inferior, she can become distracted by herself, becoming less confident with her decisions than she normally would, feeling the need to perform and project, becoming a people pleaser.
Nausi is introverted and reserved and spends a lot of time in her head. She works best by herself and strongly prefers her solitude in personal, hobbies and work environments.
While she tends not to be particularly interested in other people's thoughts and feelings, Nausi does care about the emotions and feelings of the select few she is close to. In personal relationships, she is willing to devote time and energy toward making her relationships successful.
She sees little value in social rituals and small talk, making it more difficult to get to know others in different social groups. Others might view her as cool, aloof, and disinterested, which can make forming new friendships with her challenging. This explains why she doesn’t want to belong to a coven, even if there was no betrayal. She prefers her solitude and works best as a solitary witch, solely relying on herself.
Il figlio del diavolo? All ill omens aside, personality types that mesh well with hers, and potentially when making good relationship choices, include ENFP, ENTP, and ESTP. INTJs, as a whole, tend to have less compatibility with someone who is an ISFP, ISFJ, or ESFJ personality type.
When Nausicaä develops an interest in something, she strives to become as knowledgeable and skilled as she can in that area. She has high expectations and holds herself to the highest possible standards. INTJs are good at gathering information from the outside world, analyzing it, and reaching new insights. She tends to be very analytical and logical.
She values information, knowledge, and intelligence, and would make excellent scientists, detectives and mathematicians. INTJs also tend to do particularly well in fields that require efficiency and the ability to interpret complex information, such as engineering, academia, law, and research.
INTJs typically do well in careers that integrate their strong ability to understand and evaluate complex information with their ability to put this knowledge into practice. Careers that allow the INTJ to work independently and autonomously are also ideal.
If you have a NAUSI in your life, here are tips for interacting with her based on your specific relationship.
She tends to be solitary and self-sufficient, so establishing friendships can sometimes be difficult. Because she is an INTJ who tends to think so much of the future, she may avoid getting to know people because of her belief that a long-term friendship will just not work out, so why bother.
The good news is that while she may not have a lot of friends, those that she does become very close and committed to, she cultivates and cares for. INTJs tend to prefer friends who are also introverted, rational, and low on emotional drama. Anything more, she will vehemently disregard out of her circle.
If she ever became a parent ( yeah not in this lifetime—the curse ends here, mate ) , being an INTJ she is typically not high on affection. INTJs have high expectations for children and offer support by helping children think logically when faced with decisions. They encourage children to be self-directed critical thinkers who are capable of solving problems on their own.
For INTJ children, they focus on finding ways to encourage their intellectual strengths but try to find a balance to avoid excessive perfectionism. They need to develop their emotional strengths and find ways to express their feelings, something that Nausi is specifically stunted with from an early age. Imagine her bringing another person into this world that she must ultimately be responsible for. It’s a no for her.
Because she can be difficult to get to know, romantic relationships with Nausi and any other INTJ can falter. Loyalty and understanding are important and are the key foundations for success. Don't be afraid to show your dedication, but also don't pressure them to spill their emotions. Communication is critical when in a relationship with her. Rather than expecting her to pick up on your subtle cues (or fragility), focus on being straightforward or even blunt about what you expect.
It’s important to remember that Nausi is unique. No one is just like her or anyone else. Learning your own personality, and its traits, will help you to better understand your own tendencies, appreciate the value in your strengths, and feel prepared to deal with some of the challenges you may face with them. She’s an icy little spitfire. Good luck.
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melliae · 2 months
MBTI(?): Philemon & Nyarlathotep
Okay, there’s not much to explain about this. The title is quite self-explanatory… Though I lied a little bit, because the only thing I’m using MBTI for to type Philemon and Nyarlathotep is the code/letters of the types, with every other piece of content being derived from these sources:
Jung’s “Psychological Types”
Marie-Louise von Franz’s “Lecture on Jung’s Typology”
Daryl Sharp’s “Personality Types: Jung’s Model of Typology”
David Keirsey’s “Please Understand Me II” (Which, all around, I find quite useful)
Naturally, the conclusions derived from (most of) these are widely different regarding the more known MBTI. The more glaring is, first and foremost, the nature of the Judgement facet: In MBTI, it’s commonly used to indicate the first extraverted function due to, if I’m not wrong, modifications on Isabella Briggs Myers's part; in the method I’m using, it’ll refer to the nature of the dominant function, independent if it’s introverted or extraverted.
The second difference is the attitude of consciousness. In MBTI, the attitude of the functions follow the ie/ie and ei/ei pattern, where both the conscious (first half) and the unconscious (second half) are introverted and extraverted. I’m not going to explain why, since there’s already a better source here (pitifully, it was removed...), but Jung’s writings differ since he proposed that consciousness is purely introverted or extraverted, not mixed; meanwhile, the unconscious adapts the contrary attitude to compensate for consciousness, with no mixing of attitudes again.
Between these two things, the types belonging to the MBTI and those that Jung wrote about are completely incompatible: while a MBTI ISTJ has Si - Te - Fi - Ne, a “jungian” one has Ti - Si - Ne - Fe. And as I stated, I’m going to follow this last pattern due to some personal choices.
Now, let’s begin the typing.
A World of Mythology and Possibilities
Okay, first and foremost, Persona is a series defined by the perceiving axis of introverted sensation (Si) and extraverted intuition (Ne): It’s about a secondary world - the Sea of Souls/Collective Unconscious and its countless worlds - composed out of the memories and experiences of all living beings (Si), and where several possible universes (Ne) join.
But why do I connect these things with those respective functions? For that, let’s analyze the attitudes:
Extraversion: Arguably, this is the easiest attitude to describe since it’s the most observable one due to its nature. Extraversion is the attitude that focuses on the object and the external world, in the happenings of the moment and things that can happen, as well as its elements and laws. It’s the constant “outpouring” of libido towards the objects, attracting consciousness towards it and establishing an “emotional” (not feeling, though) connection towards them.
Introversion: As Edogawa put it in his class, this attitude is attuned to the personal sphere - to one’s own thoughts, feelings, valorations, sensations, experiences, hunches, and so forth. It’s the attitude that correlates with the internal reality of the person, retaining all libido within the subject itself while withdrawing consciousness from the external world because there’s no clear “emotional” connection with it.
That's essentially the biggest difference: One’s turned to the outside world and everything it has to offer, thereby being mostly public, responsive and ultimately localized in the space and time correspondent to the world (if not necessarily society), adapting and working with it in impeccable ways; the other it’s turned to tself, to their inner world and reality, being more withdrawn, distant, and quite personal to the point they may be unable to adapt to the outside world and will likely have problems working with it.
And really, I need to hammer those points, because extraversion and introversion, in a psychoanalytic way, aren’t about “recharging energy” or “sociability”. They are about the focus of an individual, to where their mind and energy naturally goes. An introverted may be sociable and approachable, maybe even a leader, but they need to work to be able to do so, because that’s not what they naturally are, and maybe they won’t be able to fully go beyond their quiet or reserved attitude; and the contrary happens with an extraverted, needing to work to connect with their own authenticity and individuality, to form a meaning and relationship that exists only in, by and for themselves, with no references to the outside world.
With this in mind, it’s not surprising that I think of the physical and normal world as an extraverted thing, while the Sea of Souls is introverted. In fact, the Collective Unconscious is called “内なる宇宙” in Arena, or “Inner Universe”. This can be further justfed by the fact that introversion, due to its focus on the subject, is “timeless” in a way, existing independently of the external world and only tied to the own subject’s perceptions and judgments - fitting for the timey-wimey nature of the Sea as seen through the entire series.
(However, it’s quite rare for an introvert to be that independent of the outside world. After all, an individual also has a very real and effective unconscious, which balances the conscious attitude with the contrary one, even if it's in a delayed, clumsy and even archaic way)
So now, why sensation for introversion and intuition for extraversion? Well, before the definition, I need to clarify something: The functions are divided into rational ones - Thinking and Feeling - and irrational ones - Sensation and Intuition. They are called that because the rational functions make decisions, while the irrationals only perceive the (internal/external) objects.
Obviously, any individual has a conscious function of each type to perceive a thing and make a decision. Their correlation changes and that’s what determines the nature of a type. However, the existence of a particular and conscious function implies the existence of the other at an unconscious level due to its compensatory nature: conscious thinking implies unconscious feeling and vice versa, conscious sensation implies unconscious intuition and vice versa, and everything attuned to the complementary attitudes of the conscious and unconscious.
Naturally, the Sea of Souls must be an irrational thing. It’s a place. It can’t make any judgment or decision, unlike an individual. But to understand towards which introverted function goes, we need to understand the functions:
Introverted Sensation (Si) is all about concrete sensations, but of internal nature. It doesn’t only have to do with succinct sensations, without any outside input, but also about the impressions they leave within the mind, the qualia of the individual. So not only memories fall in this classification too, but also the recognition of internal and psychic images and processes, just as Extraverted Sensation "detects" outside objects and processes.
Introverted Intuition (Ni) is about the “empty space” of the objects within the internal world of an individual, and the relationship between the contents that lie there. It sees what joins the psychological phenomenons, what creates them - the archetypes themselves, the unconscious patterns of the mind. It sees the relationship and meaning of the internal images of Si, going beyond them as they are nothing but a symbol of something else.
While the direct mention of archetypes could point towards Ni, the Sea of Souls is not itself about relations. Quite the contrary. It’s all about concrete (and symbolic) things regarding the personal, human nature. You can see it in every game, with the distinct worlds it holds as well as the numerous characters and entities that inhabit it, born out of the feelings, thoughts and interpretations of all living beings - about both individual and (somehow) collective qualia.
“Introverted sensation apprehends the background of the physical world rather than its surface. The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, of the primordial images which, in their totality, constitute a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror with the peculiar faculty of reflecting the existing contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but, as it were, sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year-old consciousness might see them.” - Psychological Types
Personas, Shadows, Demons, and Gods - all of them are entities born out of the collective, but ultimately quite personal view of life. Even the archetypes themselves, which should be all about Ni and the meaning of the psychological realm, are written as entities that not only are symbols of certain psychic processes and wishes, but that they themselves are those wishes and processes. Damn, their realm is directly called the “dreamlands” by Igor, and dreams fall 100% under Si since they are full of concrete and internal images, not relations.
And as I said before, a function always implies their contrary, and Introverted Sensation always implies Extraverted Intuition (Ne), which sees the “absence” between physical objects as possibilities and things that can happen: just as internal things are seen as symbols for archetypical things, external objects are seen as indicators of what’s about to happen externally. And Ne fits marvelously with the idea of not only the multiple worlds inhabiting the Sea, but also the very own physical multiverse that exists in the real world - everything that can happen.
Now, in particular, Philemon and Nyarlathotep are described as “incarnations of the collective unconsciousness”, from which every “soul comes from”. By definition, the two of them must have Si and Ne (and the same likely applies to every other antagonist hailing from the Collective Unconscious).
However, it’s obvious they are not the same. Philemon described himself and Nyarla as “sides of the same coin, inseparable from each other”. This tells us that they have not only different types, but contrary and complementary ones - they share the same functions. And I think certain quote on Nyarla’s part is indicative of that... quite indicative, indeed
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That's peak Introversion vs Extraversion
In essence, Philemon is the one who slowly, but reliably guides the protagonists, appearing very few times and being ultimately only present as such within the furthest depths of the Collective Unconscious, in the internal reality of life. He is a distant and passive watcher (I), but ultimately being present within the journey of P1 and both P2 as a stable presence (S).
Nyarlathotep, on the other hand, is the tricky, devil figure, only appearing at the end of the games, but with his presence encroaching every point of the story. He’s an “ever-changing” and abstract figure (N), but nobody can deny how he manipulated everything to his favor, and how just overwhelming his presence is (E) in both P2. In fact, one may say that he made the two games happen - an initiating entity, which is certainly more extraverted.
In other words, Philemon is an ISxx, having conscious Si and unconscious Ne, and Nyarlathotep, being his “Shadow”, is an ENxx, having conscious Ne and unconscious Si.
Furthermore, considering what they represent is literally “stagnated unconsciousness” and “chaotic unconsciousness”, it tells us the dominance of their perceiving functions. That’s to say: Philemon is an ISxP, and Nyarlathotep an ENxP.
And guess what? Those types do fit. A consciously dominant Ne is all about the possibilities and futures the outside world holds, jumping from situation to situation without too much waiting - a chaotic mess, right? On the other hand, since a consciously dominant Si implies a fully unconscious - almost inaccessible - Ne, ISxPs can be seen as the most static types, being satisfied with their own perception and impressions of things, without having any desire to express them due to introversion, being lead into a rut and a slow-moving life.
“But since this is the exception, the introvert’s characteristic difficulty in expressing himself also conceals his irrationality. On the contrary, he may be conspicuous for his calmness and passivity, or for his rational self-control.” - Psychological Types.
Marie-Louise (or Emma Jung. I’m not sure who gave the description) described ISxPs as “looking stupid, staring with no reaction and looking like a piece of wood because the impression is being absorbed, falling deeper into the psyche”. I think it fits the passivity of Philemon awfully pretty well.
On the other hand, Nyarlathotep is, as I stated before, the most active between the two. He’s the one who chose the masked circle, Sudou, Jun, the New World Order, Tatsuya and so much more. Yet, he can’t be a rational type because, while having a very clear goal mind, he actually plays with everyone - for him, this is a challenge, a game. Even in EP, when Maya and co. stopped the New World Order, Nyarlathotep didn’t get angry. He laughed at them, and decided to take the matter in his hands in an “amusing” (read: cruel) way… and even there, he gave them “help”, connecting his realm to several stores. And that’s not speaking about his role as the Time Count.
All in all, Nyarla is open to whatever happens and modifies his plans accordingly, without hard feelings (until you defeat him), which fits (N)P better than J. Besides, there’s a interesting detail about him I think fits conscious Ne better than Extraverted Sensation (Se), the perceiving function of the physical world as it’s: while every deity hailing from the Sea can (likely) change their shape, Nyarlathotep abuses that ability to extremes. I think such disposition could be explained by the fact that his extraverted consciousness doesn’t have sensation - a static element - but an intuitive and mutable one, and such he should see (extraverted) sensation as completely irrelevant. In fact, the rumors approach could be considered an extension of this, filling the physical world (Se) with all kinds of crazy happenings and possibilities (Ne).
However, there’s a little bit of a problem here regarding Philemon as ISxP…
“As Jung once noted, for them the future does not exist, future possibilities do not exist, they are in the here and the now, and there is an iron curtain before them. They behave in life as though it will always be the same as it is now; they are incapable of conceiving that things might change.” - Lectures on Jung’s Typology
I don’t have to say that description doesn’t fit that well with Philemon’s belief in human potential. However, I don’t think that’s necessarily a deal breaker.
“Classification does not explain the individual psyche. Nevertheless, an understanding of psychological types opens the way to a better understanding of human psychology in general.” - Jung
Every individual is an exception to the law. And characters are characters. They can be written in every conceivable way, even without consistency. So I think having one or two contradictions but many correlations is good enough.
Besides, Philemon as an SP has its merits too since both P2s are commonly considered to be a “bet” between the him and Nyarla, which fits well with the overall demeanor of SP (artisans) according to Keirsey - optimistic, easy-going, trying to enjoy things, and so forth. However, there’s no mention of any bet in the games per se, but there’s an implication of a “competence” or “battle” between Nyarla and Phil due to their opposite natures, which I think still fits.
Nonetheless, with half of the job done, let’s go to the other functions: the rational ones.
About Morality
Okay, now we can see to which judging dimension they belong… and who am I kidding? Philemon is F and Nyarla is T. I had doubts regarding the perceiving axis (though I think IS and EN are the best fits), but I didn't have such things when it came to seeing the judging one.
As I stated at the beginning, every type has four functions: two conscious, two unconscious. Each of these pairs is composed of a rational function and an irrational one, one of them being dominant and the other being auxiliary - something that helps concretize the “vision” of the dominant. Because that conscious auxiliary function is, well, mostly conscious, some of the common elements associated with it flow into the “characterization” of the type. For example, ISxJs (auxiliary Si) may have problems at the moment of changing or having new ideas, but not at the same level that ISxPs, and the same with ENxJs, which are wasteful as well as “animated”, but in more controlled (classic J vs P) ways than ENxPs.
So, in a nutshell, we need to find the second, most close function to Phil and Nyarla… and Nyarla fits the NT temperament terrifyingly well. The “rational” are seen as cold, skeptical, analytical, complex, strategic, strong-willed, pragmatic, ingenious, and focused on systems and their betterment - all of them fit to a T (pun not intended) with Nyarla. In fact, all of his plans - including P1 and the rumor of the holy lance - seem to have some sort of “systemic complexity”, piling up constantly between each other and creating a “wicked web” as Philemon described it.
“Because their hunger for achievement presses them constantly, Rationals live through their work. For them, work is work and play is work. Condemning an NT to idleness would be the worst sort of punishment. However, Rationals work not so much for the pleasure of action (like the Artisans), nor for the security a job provides (like the Guardians), nor for the joy of helping others (like the Idealists). Rationals work with a single-minded desire to achieve their objectives; indeed, once involved in a project, they tend to be reluctant, if not unable, to limit their commitment of time and energy.” - Please Understand Me II
While I think that it may be a bit too “serious” for Nyarlathotep, it fits well with everything I said before. There’s also how Nyarlathotep called himself the “ultimate obstacle”, both as the Great Father and as the Shadow of all humanity, which fits with the relationship of the rational temperament to the concept of challenge, just as he also seems to want to be challenged.
“Heh heh… I’ll cut the entertainment off here. Now, hurry and return to the waking world. Oppose me not as my avatar but as me in the flesh as soon as possible." - Nyarlathotep, Tatsuya's Scenario.
Now, from a functional perspective, it also makes sense. If he’s an NT, that will make him an ENTP, an Ne - Te - Fi - Si. That’s to say, he has Extraverted Thinking (Te) as his auxiliary function, and this is kinda important, since conscious Te implies unconscious Introverted Feeling (Fi):
Fi is a feeling, rational function, and such it judges according to what’s agreeable and moral. But that morality/agreeableness is not dependent on what the outside and external world says or behaves, unlike Extraverted Feeling (Fe) and its judgment according to society and the “moment”, but entirely personal. It doesn’t seek any (physical/material) benefit, but an encompassing sensation of goodness independent of everything else. However, it’s a deeply personal and reserved judgment (introversion in general), unlike the openness, popularity and shared agreement of Fe.
Te, thereby, is a judging function entirely focused on the external world, on an objective analysis of the situation and the logical conclusions that follow. It doesn’t give any moral judgment, but a practical one, determining and delimiting what exists in the external world - it tells you what the physical presences and objects are. But as I said, it also gives a person a conclusion created through the synthesis of what’s registered on the outside, something that must be done.
In other words, Te is the objective, scientific judgment that differentiates everything on the outside - laws, rules theories, (external) logic - and Fi is the personal, moral judgment that’s independent of the outside. And such, if one is conscious, the other is going to be repressed into the unconscious, seen as “separated” from oneself and possibly from the world itself, and that’s the important thing: the repression and separation.
Obviously, I doubt Nyarlathotep really represses anything, Persona 4 style. However, nobody can deny that he doesn’t believe in humanity and the potential they hold. He’s all about denying it, “showing” and pointing out the logical contradictions of humans (especially those visible and acted upon ones, which points to both thinking and extraversion), something that definitely coincides with conscious Te and unconscious Fi.
“Because of the highly impersonal character of the conscious attitude, the unconscious feelings are extremely personal and oversensitive, giving rise to secret prejudices—a readiness, for instance, to misconstrue any opposition to his formula as personal ill-will, or a constant tendency to make negative assumptions about other people in order to invalidate their arguments in advance—in defense, naturally, of his own touchiness. His unconscious sensitivity makes him sharp in tone, acrimonious, aggressive. Insinuations multiply. His feelings have a sultry and resentful character—always a mark of the inferior function. Magnanimous as he may be in sacrificing himself to his intellectual goal, his feelings are petty, mistrustful, crotchety, and conservative.” - Psychological Types
Again, maybe a bit too extreme to fully fit Nyarla, but that’s because it’s speaking about a consciously dominant Te - ExTJ - instead of auxiliary Te - ExTP. Due to the somewhat more “unconscious” Te and more “conscious” Fi, an ExTP may be more forgiving about people because they can understand more clearly their intentions and morality, their inherent “goodness”, along with how those relate with their actions… Though in Nyarlathotep’s case, he uses that more nuanced vision to mess with and break people, sometimes outright cheating.
And besides, as a general rule, F-types are (seen as) nicer or more “human” than T-types, and I don’t think I’ve to really explain why Nyarla is not… even nice at all. Elegant and charismatic? Yes. Just trying to be nice? Hell no.
So, with all of this, then Philemon must be the contrary: He’s the more “human” between the two, the kinder, understanding one, and such he’s F. Specifically, an ISFP, an Si - Fi - Te - Ne.
As I previously said, having Te and Fi as auxiliaries - one conscious and unconscious - allows an individual to have a better understanding and more nuanced view over the intentions of others and their actions. However, someone who has conscious Fi, just by having Feeling, has more appreciation for the intentions of people and will be more forgiving than someone who has conscious Te (though in a practical level, personal experiences play an important role too), explaining one of the fundamental differences between them: Nyarlathotep focuses more in the contradiction between the morality of a person and its actions, devaluing them in that basis (T over F), while Philemon, likely admitting the cruelty of humanity, puts more emphasis on the intentions than on the actions (F over T), seeing them as reflection of human’s capacity to become “perfect” and “whole” - a concept that may be related to Si as well.
“We could say that introverted sensation transmits an image which does not so much reproduce the object as spread over it the platina of age-old subjective experience and the shimmer of events still unborn. The bare sense impression develops in depth, reaching into the past and future, while extraverted sensation seizes on the momentary existence of things open to the light of day.” - Psychological Types
It doesn’t perceive only the momentary sensation and presence of the object like Se, but the reflection of the collective images - the primordial contents of the unconscious - within those sensations, even if they don’t fully understand it (nor necessarily care about such things). Thereby, in that sensation the potentialities of the unconscious are imprinted, and its manifestations are perceived and felt in a deeply personal and intimate way.
Within this in mind, it’s no wonder why Philemon believes in humanity: their capacity to do good is interpreted by him as a potential to become whole, incarnations and symbols of the collective memory of life - auxiliary Fi, the sense of “subjective” morality, supporting and reflecting dominant Si, the “subjective” (but quite timeless) perception of sensations and objects. One could also extrapolate this to Nyarlathotep, where this axis is unconscious and thus interpreted as “distant”, maybe even “impossible”; on the other hand, his Ne and Te axis could be represented on his capacity to see all the possibilities in which an individual (or humanity in general) can fall, and then acting upon those (and sometimes just abandoning them altogether).
And as extra, Fi is described as follows in “Psychological Types”:
“Its aim is not to adjust itself to the object, but to subordinate it in an unconscious effort to realize the underlying images. It is continually seeking an image which has no existence in reality, but which it has seen in a kind of vision.”
Naturally, we don’t know very much about Philemon’s history nor particular motivations (if he even needs them due to his nature as a personified aspect of the Sea), but I like to think that particular description of Fi is in some way related to his search for human wholeness - something that can we can say is actually hard, since only two people (that in actually may be just the “same being”) have reached it. However, I don’t think Philemon is an IxFJ, since he isn’t “unrelated”, cold or “banal” enough to qualify for me, nor it fits what I previously said about his relation to the Sea.
There’s not much for me to say here. I just thought it was interesting seeing a couple of contrastive types on a series that has already made references to that concept, besides my own attempt at trying to formulate my thoughts and understanding of the matter. I don’t think myself expert on the topic, so I think there may be some mistakes here and there - especially regarding the interpretation of Philemon’s goal. But overall, I’m satisfied with the result.
As some notes regarding other typings within the series:
Nyarlathotep shares types with characters like Elizabeth and professor Edogawa. Obviously, those two are more common representations of the type.
Philemon shares types with characters like Fuuka, Theodore, and maybe even Yosuke (though an argument could be made for him being an ENFP).
Igor could be an ISFJ, so that would make him a good foil for Philemon's unconditioned belief in humanity, being more cautious and skeptical - more J than P. This is better seen in “Tsumi to Batsu”, where he doubted giving humanity the Black and Red Books is a good idea, but ultimately relented.
On the same line, Yaldabaoth would be some sort of ExTJ, likely ENTJ due to the Si-nature of the Sea, making him a foil towards Nyarla. Where Yaldabaoth prepares himself in all ways to fulfill his goal (Te over Ne), Nyarla sees all possibilities and plays with them (Ne over Te).
And as a final comment: Outside of all the controversies and discussions about the validity of Jung’s theory, characters aren’t people. They are characters. They are constructed, played with, and written in diverse and sometimes contradictory ways. That’s to say, they don’t nor will ever have a type. At most, they can approach or represent them, but they won’t ever have the same depth and dynamicity as a human being. Their attitudes and actions can be interpreted in many ways (and that may be the point sometimes), so they can always be assigned different (but close) types.
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Lloyd Austin to White Hats: Surrender or Else
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Officers in the White Hat community have been receiving letters authored by the criminal regime’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, which hold an ominous ultimatum: relinquish command in exchange for possible amnesty, or prepare to face the music, according to documents reviewed by Real Raw News and sources familiar with the issue.
At least 65 officers across all branches of the armed forces have received letters accusing them of “treason,” and demanding they “voluntarily terminate command and surrender to proper authority.” The proper authority is Lloyd Austin.
A source in Gen. David H. Berger’s office said that Austin sent Gen. Berger a personalized note with instructions to publicly condemn President Donald J. Trump, to overtly recognize Joseph R. Biden as the lawfully elected president of the United States, to order his forces to at once “cease and desist all unconstitutional paramilitary action against elected and appointed officials,” and to surrender no later than December 22, 2022.
Members of General Berger’s council, including Major Gen. Richard E. Angle and Col. J.D. Keirsey, got similar correspondence, with a twist. The letters demanded they renounce Gen. Berger and hinted at possible exoneration if they stated in writing that Gen. Berger had coerced, wheedled, or tricked them into acting in contravention of the U.S. Constitution. The letters also required they write a statement of contrition, admitting that their “lawless and unconstitutional malfeasance” had grievously fractured the country and was inimical to the tenets of the Constitution.
Third tier officers—primarily warrant officers, lieutenants, and captains—were told to author a formal apology saying imprudent behavior and poor judgment had led them astray. “We understand General Berger and his ‘council’ may have inveigled your cooperation in his scheme to destabilize the United States. His transgressions against the United States and President Joseph R. Biden are unforgivable, however, we also understand extenuating circumstances may have caused unblemished officers to follow his lead…While we cannot guarantee your continued service in the United States military, and you will likely receive a dishonorable discharge, you will not face a court martial if you stipulate to the terms of this official document,” part of a letter read.
General Berger, our source said, was quick to quote Admiral Akbar: “It’s a trap!”
“Gen. Berger shredded his letter and encouraged his men to do likewise. He thinks it’s a snare. As far as he knows, everyone who got Austin’s letter tore it up. Their desperate to put us out of business, willing to do anything, and I’m surprised they haven’t threatened our families,” our source said.
As an aside, RRN on November 9 reported that three White Hat officers surrendered to the Deep State because they were disappointed with the midterm election results. Those officers, sources said, have literally vanished from the face of the planet.
“They’re probably dead,” our source said. “Their apologies to Lloyd Austin didn’t make a difference and emboldened him to start his letter writing campaign, I’d guess.”
“If they come for us, we’re more than ready,” he said in closing.
Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall of the United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps, too, received a threatening letter written by Austin. The letter ordered Adm. Crandall to immediately free GITMO detainees, cease all unlawful prosecutions, and turn himself in.
In response, Adm. Crandall wrote back, “I have a better idea. You turn yourself in, Lloyd. We have a seat reserved for you.”
Source - 👇
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twins2994 · 16 days
Reds Thump Twins 11-1.
Reds 11 Twins 1 W-Martinez (9-6) L-Woods Richardson (5-5)
The Minnesota Twins cannot get out of a late season slump. The offense has been sportatic at times and it just got worse tonight at home. The Twins started the scoring in the first as Matt Wallner was hit by a pitch and Royce lewis doubled. Byron Buxton beat out an infield single to plate a run and give the Twins an early lead. Simeon Woods Richardson ran into some trouble in the fourth when Spencer Steer walked and TJ Friedl and Ty France singled. Louie Varland came on and it got much worse. Jake Fraley singled home a run, Noelvi Marte knocked in a pair with a ground-rule double, and Jonathan India drove in two more with a single to right. Elly De La Cruz kept the inning going with a walk and Spencer Steer doubled in two more. TJ Friedl knocked a Louie Varland cutter out to right for a two-run homer to cap off a nine-run fourth inning. Jake Fraley added a solo homer in the fifth and the rout was on in Minneapolis. Nick Martinez finished off six solid innings and the Reds added a run in the eighth. Brent Suter threw three shutout innings and the Reds took the series from the Twins this weekend.
-Final Thoughts- Simeon Woods Richards got out of trouble in the third then exited the game with the bases loaded in the fourth. He allowed three runs on five hits over three innings with three strikeouts. Louie Varland gave up six runs in the fourth, Scott Blewett gave up a run in three innings, and Caleb Thielbar allowed one in the eighth. Kyle Farmer threw a 1-2-3 ninth. The Twins scattered five hits tonight and hit 2-for-6 with runners in scoring position. They left five men on base. Carlos Correa was activated off the injured list and DaShawn Keirsey Jr. was sent back to St. Paul. Tomorrow, Rhett Lowder faces David Festa in the series finale.
-Chris Kreibich-
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sojourneronearth · 6 months
Notes from Reading People - Anne Bogel 
accept and understand who you Actually are
There’s no good or bad personality
We’re all ambiverts
Strike your own balance with introversion and extroversion in your planning. Consider work, family, friends
Some things might not be important to you. But consider if it might be really important to someone you love.
Realise there are church introvert or extrovert personalities
HSPs need: clean space, noise. No people
Personality tests are like maps. They don’t get you to places. But gives you better idea of environment
David keirsey - I’m probably an idealist. Wanting to change others. So I end up correcting others out of love. But really, what things are actually Necessary to get 100% correct on
5 Love languages
love bank account
answer Qs quickly. Gut level answer. Don’t overthink. True answer, not who you want to be, or learned to become. What I was like as a child.
Mbti isn’t an excuse to not do certain things. 
Chapter 7: Understanding the 8 cognitive functions of mbti. Pattern of mental behaviour. 
Introvert: directed inwardly, to the inner world. Extrovert: directed outwardly, to the external world. Not to do with sociability
Our personality types don’t change. We just grow in our minor weaker abilities. Dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, inferior
It’s about the functions, and what order
Clifton's strength online talent assessment
for one person, reading might be a helpful way for them to build on their strengths. But for another, not really
Type is based mainly on Motivations. Helps us see junk. And better manage it. Each personality type is seeing the world through different glasses. Pros and cons
Awareness. Acceptance. Action. Adherence. Appreciation - Dr Daniels
Emotionally intelligent couples understand the negative stuff is the fact of life in any relationship. Most marital arguments aren’t solvable because most disagreements are rooted in fundamental differences of lifestyle personality or values. We grow in our relationships by reconciling our differences , not by fixing them - John Gorman
Our personality types don’t determine our life, but inform it
If personality is the lens I look at life through-with awareness of own personality I can look at the glasses, not just through them. And also see how others looks through their lens
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symmetria-dichotomia · 7 months
Part V: Further Research and Resources
(Previous Post: 16 personality profiles and type families.)
It would be foolish of me to write this entire guide without crediting and linking the various resources I've used throughout. Please take the time to read their analyses as well, as I am not the end-all information expert on typology. All perspectives are important to a full understanding.
Tumblr Blogs:
mbti-notes and their wonderful rundown on functions
funkymbtifiction and their masterpost of everything typology
sensa-tion and... well, their whole blog really
External Blogs/Sites:
Michael Caloz's type growth coaching and functions test
Personality Junkie's function stack explained and type profiles
David Keirsey's four type families and his books, Please Understand Me and Please Understand Me II.
Tests With Good Credibility (Because sometimes reading is not enough and we want others to tell us what type we are. Need for external confirmation/validation, especially one seemingly unbiased towards us, is innate to humans.)
Mistype Investigator - developed by MBTI enthusiasts whose goal is to create an unbiased and straightforward test.
Michael Caloz - really, I just enjoy that it takes into account both function and letter systems, as well as type families. Well rounded.
Similar Minds - combination Jung type test and Enneagram.
TypeMatch - Perceiving (Input) functions - tests between Ne-Si/Si-Ne or Se-Ni/Ni-Se axes, and suggests whether you lean intuitive or sensing.
TypeMatch - Judging (output) functions - tests between Te-Fi/Fi-Te or Fe-Ti/Ti-Fe axes.
In Case You're Here Not From Reddit:
r/MBTI - the main location of personality discussion for all types
This post is subject to future editing and adding links.
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drogba-prospect · 10 months
12 Shades of ESTJ: MBTI & the Zodiac | astroligion.com
The ESTJ Leo is someone who likely displays a noble spirit and a feisty style of leadership. People with this mbti/zodiac combo are likely to be friendly, charismatic and popular. They enjoy the attention and being in the spotlight or at least the figurehead. The Leo ESTJ likes to exercise some creativity in tandem with the usual orthodox approach. They don’t mind experimenting a bit but they also place a lot of emphasis on making everything look good. They appreciate the beauty of structure and order in just about all facets of life. They strive to not only play the part but also look the part. For the ESTJ Leo, structure and style go hand in hand and they may often play up the latter. The ESTJ Leo is likely to be very proud and ostentatious but also warm and generous. They may sometimes be guilty of acting sanctimonious and self-righteous but also work hard to cultivate an honorable reputation and dignified status.
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Parenting Style of the INTP Personality Type: A Rational Approach to Raising Children
INTP Parenting Style The Rationals Introduction Understanding the intricacies of different personality types can offer enlightening perspectives on various aspects of life, including the ever-daunting realm of parenting. When it comes to the INTP personality type, classified under David Keirsey’s “Rationals” group, their parenting style is nothing short of unique. This blog post aims to…
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loveditapp · 1 year
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How To Fix Relationship Problems With Miracle Formula
How To Fix Relationship Problems With Miracle Formula
Are you struggling in your relationship? Desperate, even?
Do you notice that your relationship problems always revolve around the same old issues and it seems that we’re always searching for the ultimate answer?
How To Fix Relationship Problems
Moving from one relationship to the next, the partner changes, but the questions remain the same.
To some extent, they’re never fully answered, simply because people are different and humans are emotional beings. When it comes to relationships, logic doesn’t work.
I don’t intend to show you a way to solve all specific relationship problems; they’re endless. The same question is different in different relationships. But I want to help you with my own experiences and knowledge. So, if you listen a little closer, you might be able to extract the meaning behind the words.
Your Precious Past Relationship Experiences
Your Precious Past Relationship Experiences
Your own previous relationship experiences are the first-hand real-world knowledge that will help you work out your current relationship. Don’t neglect and waste them. They’re more vivid than any theory and they can help you to understand your situation fully.
You never lose anything or anybody; rather, you gain experiences. They’re treasures.
Do you learn from your previous relationships? I do and I try to avoid replicating the failures, however, I realize that relationships are more complicated than we think at first. It’s not a leisure recreation, but a learning curve.
Do we interpret our previous relationships in the “right” way? Unfortunately, we all see things differently. A negative thinker may not reach a positive conclusion from his previous experiences.
When you cannot think straight, you need guidance.
The formula that Helps You to fix relationship problems
Learning about temperaments is the first step to using your precious past experiences positively, helping you understand yourself and others, and solving current relationship problems that relate to temperaments.
There’re thousands of relationship books that mention temperaments if you search on Amazon. Many are similar. Reading too many will confuse you. I’ll save you time by sharing the one that inspired me to create this blog. It not only helped me solve my own relationship confusions but also made me capable of helping others.
It’s called “Please Understand Me II” by David Keirsey (American psychologist)
If you don’t really get the essence of the temperament theory, the book will be yet another personality book that only entertains you in the short term.
However, once you grasp its core, you will find the life path in front of you suddenly broadening, becoming a boulevard. The theory is almost a magic formula that solves relationship problems.
Everyone knows Myers Briggs (presently indicator), but it’s David Keirsey who points out why some relationships don’t work.
We communicate in two fundamental “languages”: “abstract language” and “concrete language”. Abstract thinkers talk about the invisible ideas, while concrete thinkers talk about the things in front of their eyes.
If you read this far, then you are an abstract thinker, because only an abstract thinker will be interested enough to read this article written in abstract language naturally by me, an abstract thinker.
Does this answer your question why you and your partner are having relationship problems?
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To be continued ----------------------------------------
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ramrodd · 2 years
Can you explain the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to me? What are some MBTI pairings that make sense to you as a whole person (not just what makes sense romantically)? Why?
Helen Ritchie’s answer is grossly inaccurate and is probably a deliberate attempt to discourage employment of the MBTI/Temperaments in a personal program of individuation.
Katherine Briggs was a school teacher who developed her own typology from her personal classroom observations and data available regarding childhood development and other social metrics.
In 1923, she encountered Karl Jung’s Type Theory, based on the structures and dynamics of the cognitive organization of the human ego, basically the hard-wiring of human consciousness based on Kant’s Categorical Imperative. She and her daughter developed the MBTI from the fusion of Jung’s cognitive functions and their own insights regarding how these functions are displayed in behavior (leading to the Extrovert/Introvert and Judging/Perceiving indicator). This existential grounding is the basis of the statistical validity and reliability of the construct.
The MBTI represents the differentiation of the functions of the ego.
In addition, this grounding allowed David Keirsey to posit a model of the integration of these functions as his Temperament composed of the SP, SU, NF, NT temperaments. These temperaments are anticipated in Plato’s Parable of the Cave and the MBTI is consistent with the Parable of the Chariot, Plato’s essential epistemological metaphor.
The MBTI/Temperament construct is consistent with Hume’s theory of perception and the distinction between noumenal existence and phenomenal reality. Specifically, the MBTI/Temperament construct describes the default, or irrational, response of the individual ego to noumenal existence to create the individual phenomenal reality, while the MBTI/Temperament construct, as a tool of rational inquiry as a diagnostic, can enrich the understanding of the presenting reality and expanding the range of proactive strategies for responding to those same stimulus.
The US Army War College used to introduce MBTI/Temperament to each new class of officers being considered for flag rank, that is, generals and admirals. The construct has nothing to do with the selection process and entirely to do with the individual students self-knowledge.
I have had the same course the War College offered at the time taught by the same guy, Otto Kroeger. I have completed the instrument twice, once for a masters program, which I did clean and sober, and once for my own professional development stoned. My experience of my two results confirmed the validity of the underlying theory: the mind works the way the MBTI predicts.
I recommend the test for personal development, especially around the time of high school graduation. It is not astrology: it deals with what Heidegger called Dasein: the being in the world and is a reliable bench mark for becoming a person
Among other things, if you have a cerebral event in the future, retaking the instrument as part of your recovery for giving you a personal, and experiential, metric of what has changed in your mind. My theory, based on very limited data, is that understanding the insult consciously can provide your unconscious resources to rebuild your cognitive integrity.
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quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
Quadrant 4 Rationals- The fourth quadrant temperament is the Rationals. Rationals are abstract and utilitarian. The element that relates to the rationals is fire. Fire is hot and dry. Hot things rise, like how fire rises. Abstract people have high/elevated thoughts, and thus are seen as strange and different. Rationals and Idealists make up a much smaller percentage of people than Artisans and Guardians. Thus, rationals and idealists are by definition weird. Utilitarian people are not foremost concentrated on getting along and fitting in, but are more set on doing “what works”. Fire maintains a unique form, and thus is more “individualistic”. Fire and Earth are more individualistic. Water and Air are more group oriented. Fire and Earth are more “bad”, since they do not care about others as much. Water and air are more “good.” The first and second quadrants have the quality of being seen as good, whereas the third and fourth quadrants are seen as bad.
In terms of the four primary domains of inquiry, scientists tend to be seen as good. They are practical and have utility in the world. For instance, scientists help create technology that keeps the world system running. They create rockets that take us to the moon. With those trips we can see if we can “mine for resources”. Scientists are helpful. Religious people are also seen as good. They are moral and useful to society. Artists however are often seen as bad. There is the stereotype of the starving artist. He does not provide too much utility for society. Women tend to be attracted to artists though and artists get a lot of sex But again, sex a “physical activity”, and tends to be viewed as bad, and other men are suspicious of the artists taking their women for sex. The third quadrant is the “doing quadrant” and doing is synonymous with sex. Think of Elvis who was a famous artist and was a huge sex symbol. Science is the first quadrant. Women tend not to see scientists as sex symbols, but more see them as nerds and dorks. Also throughout history, action and physicality has been looked down upon. A lot of religions kind of denigrade physicality and sex and look more highly on spirituality and the mental plane, which is more first quadrant oriented. Finally philosophers are also seen as bad. Philosophers also do not provide too much utility. For instance, Socrates was frowned upon by his society, and ultimately killed for “questioning the gods and corrupting the youth”. Societies often do not like their religions/gods questioned. Philosophy, the fourth quadrant, is opposite of the second quadrant religion. Philosophers are often seen as strange and a waist of space. The first two quadrants are good. The third and fourth quadrants are bad.
David Keirsey’s Four Temperaments
Idealist- Abstract and Cooperative
Artisan- Concrete and Utilitarian
Guardian- Concrete and Cooperative
Rational- Abstract and Utilitarian
The four seasons are an example of the quadrant pattern.Spring is creation and is good. Summer is sunny and is good. Fall is destruction and is bad. Trees are dying in fall. Winter is death itself. The fourth quadrant is connected to death. The fourth quadrant often has the quality of being “nothing”.
Also the fourth quadrant often transcends, yet includes aspects of the first three quadrants. For instance, there are four blood types. People with Type O blood can donate to people with types, A, B, and AB. The fourth blood type transcends yet includes the previous three.
The Four Seasons
Idealists are weird, and they want to belong. But they do not belong because they are too weird. Idealists want to be guardians. Guardians are normal and they want to belong. Since they are normal, Guardians do belong, and belonging is their primary motivation. But Guardians kind of want to be Artisans. Artisans have gone beyond belonging, and have become unique individuals. Artisans are doers. Artisans are normal, and they do their own thing. They have broken away from the pack. Artisans kind of want to be rationals. Rationals are strange, and they do their own thing. Rationals are “geniuses”. Rationals do not care so much about belonging and fitting in, and like artisans are more individualistic.
The first quadrant is opposite of the first quadrant. Artisans are individuals and action oriented. They are cool. They are also “bad”. Cooperative people follow rules. Utilitarian people do not follow rules, and thus are seen as bad. Artisans “do their own thing”, as opposed to “follow the laws”. Artisans are third quadrant, and the third quadrant is characteristically bad. Idealists are group oriented and more intellectual and weird. They are not cool like artisans. The first quadrant is always weird and does not belong, although they want to belong. Idealists are cooperative and they follow the rules, and they serve the status quo. The first quadrant is always associated with being weird, and more mental. The third quadrant is fall, which is destruction. The first quadrant is spring, which is connected with creation. Those are opposites.
The fourth quadrant and the second quadrant are opposites. Rationals are strange/abstract and individualistic. They do not care so much about belonging. Guardians are normal and pragmatic and are most focused on belonging. Think of Winter, which is the fourth quadrant season, and Summer, which is the second quadrant season. Winter is death, and Summer is life. The fourth and second quadrants are opposite.
According to sociologists, there are technically four world religions. Judaism is not considered a world religion because it does not proselytize. Judaism would be the questionable fifth quadrant world religion. A world religion must proselytize and have a large area of land. The four world religions are first quadrant Buddhism, second quadrant Christianity, third quadrant Islam, and fourth quadrant Hinduism. Buddhism is associated with sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Buddhism is the most mental of the religions. The first quadrant is linked with the mind. Buddhism is all about meditation, and clearing the mind, and phenomenology.
Christianity is the second quadrant world religion. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Christians are stereotypically mainly concerned with “believing in Jesus” and having a “relationship with Jesus”/belonging.
The third quadrant world religion is Islam. Islam is linked wit thinking, emotion, doing and dreaming. Muslims think about and question the Bible. For instance, they question if Jesus is God. Also Muslims are more action oriented. The third quadrant is associated with action. Muslims are concerned with performing activities such as prayer and charity to gain favor with Allah.
The fourth quadrant world religion is Hinduism. Hinduism is abstract and philosophical. Hinduism is related to contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. Hindus will say there are simultaneously thousands of gods, and three gods, and one god. The religion is characterized by deep philosophical abstract concepts.
The Four World Religions
According to the racial positioning model, there are four races. Omi and Winant explained that the way the races are viewed in the world culture. They said that Asians are superior outsiders, White people are superior insiders, Black people are inferior insiders, and Brown people are inferior outsiders. The first quadrant race is Asian people, the second quadrant race is White people, the third quadrant race is Black people, and the fourth quadrant race is brown people. Omi and Winant were the originators of this racial positioning modell. At first they said there were three races, but later the fourth was added. That is an important aspect of the quadrant model. There is a tension and interplay between the numbers three and four.
Asians are stereotypically Buddhist, White people are stereotypically Christian, Black people are stereotypically Muslim, and Brown people are stereotypically Hindu.
The Racial Positioning Model originated by Omi and Winant
Asian- Superior outsiders
Black- Inferior insiders
White- Superior insiders
Brown- Inferior outsiders
According to the Nolan chart there are four political ideologies, communist, fascist, conservative, and libertarian.
Idealist personality types tend toward communism and Buddhism. Guardian personality types tend towards Christianity and fascism. Artisan personality types tend toward Islam and capitalism. And Rational personality types tend towards Hinduism and libertarianism.
Nolan Chart Political ideologies
Liberal- high personal freedom low economic freedom
Conservative- low personal freedom high economic freedom
Authoritarian- low personal freedom low economic freedom
Libertarian- high personal freedom high economic freedom
According to Joseph Campbell there are four stages in the evolution of religion. The first stage is “the way of the animal spirits”. This stage involves shamanism. Idealist personality types tend to have an affinity for shamanism and totemism. Shamanism and totemism appeal to people who are mental oriented and abstract thinkers like idealists. Also there are romantic notions behind shamanism and totemism and idealists are romantic. The second stage of religion is “the Way of the Seeded Earth”. This stage focuses on worship of the Mother Goddess and fertility rites. The second quadrant is connected to the guardian temperament. Guardians are all about order and homeostasis and maintenance. The purpose behind fertility rites is maintenance of the tribe/group. The third stage of development of religion according to Campbell is “The Way of the Celestial Lights”. During this stage Campbell says people worship patriarchal Sky Gods as their main deities. The third quadrant is connected with violence and is associated with being “bad”. The third stage involves a lot of war and violence. Artisans would be linked to the third stage. They are the most active and aggressive of the personality temperaments. Finally the fourth stage of religion is “The Way of Man” which is the Axial age. Campbell says at this stage religions become more philosophical. The fourth quadrant is always more mental and abstract.
Joseph Campbell Four Stages of Religion
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mbtype · 3 years
I don't really care about Keirsey's opinion
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twins2994 · 17 days
Cincinnati Reds-Minnesota Twins Series Preview
9.13.24-Julian Aguiar RHP (1-0) 5.06 ERA Vs. Bailey Ober RHP (12-6) 3.77 ERA
9.14.24-Nick Martinez RHP (8-6) 3.46 ERA Vs. Simeon Woods Richardson RHP (5-4) 3.96 ERA
9.15.24-Rhett Lowder RHP (1-1) 0.59 ERA Vs. David Festa RHP (2-6) 5.08 ERA
The Reds At A Glance- The Reds have been under .500 for most of the season. They have had two bad months in May and August that have taken them out of the playoff race. The Reds close out a ten-game road trip in Minneapolis this weekend. Cincinnati lost two out of three to the Mets then took a makeup game against the Braves on Monday before losing two out of three to the Cardinals this week. Elly De La Cruz is having a solid year with twenty-three homers and sixty-five RBI. He has also stolen sixty-four bases. Spencer Steer is finding a home with the Reds. He has hit nineteen homers and knocked in eighty-six. Christian Encarnacion-Strand has been out with a wrist injury and has recently been cleared for baseball activities. Both Steer and Encarnacion-Strand were in the Tyler Mahle trade. The Reds starting rotation has a 4.16 ERA, which is eighteenth in baseball. Hunter Greene has been out with an elbow injury and is their best starter. Rhett Lowder has been impresive with an 0.59 ERA in three starts. Their bullpen owns a 3.90 ERA, which is in fifteenth in the big leagues. Alexis Diaz has locked down twenty-seven saves, but has a 4.30 ERA. Buck Farmer and Tony Santillan have been good right-handed options for David Bell.
The Twins At A Glance- The Twins got back on track with a pair of wins over the Angels this week. They had Thursday off before closing out the homestand against the Reds. Byron Buxton was activated off the injured list and Austin Martin was sent back to St. Paul. DaShawn Keirsey is just a better pinch-runner and defensive replacement option right now. Kody Funderburk threw a scoreless inning in a rehab outing with the Saints on Tuesday. Carlos Correa and Max Kepler have been taking batting practice off some of the Cedar Rapids Kernels pitchers at Target Field. Kyle Farmer is hitting .325 with five homers in his last 45 plate appearances. Matt Wallner has hit ten homers and knocked in twenty-six since the All-Star Break. Pablo Lopez has a 1.93 ERA in 65 1/3 innings since the break. Griffin Jax has struck out twenty-six in 22 1/3 inning since the break. Cole Sands has given up just four runs in his last twenty-one innings.
What To Watch For- Each team has won seventeen games in the all-time series between the Twins and Reds. The Twins took two out of three in Cincinnati last year. The two teams split four games in a home-and-home series in 2021. Bailey Ober has a 5.79 ERA in 9 1/3 innings against the Reds. Nick Martinez has a 6.75 ERA in five games against the Twins. All four other scheduled starters have not faced their opponent. Emilio Pagan has a 3.67 ERA over 34 1/3 innings for the Reds this year. He has a 2.65 ERA over 74 2/3 innings of work at Target Field. This should be a fun series for Twins fans, who get to see some young talent. Elly De La Cruz and Jonathan India are one of the best up the middle duos in the league. Plus, we get to see Spencer Steer at Target Field.
-Chris Kreibich-
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the-croissant · 4 years
Abstract vs Concrete thought processes
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autodidactlife · 6 years
“Problem-solving for the Rationals is a 24hr occupation, and if they don’t have a problem to work on they will actually set one for themselves as a way of exercising their skills. They are especially drawn to problems that tax their knowledge base, since practice with such problems add to their knowledge and naturally expands their repertoire of useful models.”
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