#david fricker
grahamstoney · 9 years
My Highlights Of The 2015 Melbourne International Comedy Festival
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My Highlights Of The 2015 Melbourne International Comedy Festival
I totally smashed the 2015 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, going to over 30 shows during the 3 weeks I camped out in the Melbourne Central Youth Hostel, and then Nomads All Nations after the YHA kicked me out for overstaying my visa welcome.
Tickets From Some Of The Shows I Saw
I take my hat off to all the comedians who showed up and strutted their stuff for my amusement. It’s hard to rank all the shows I saw, or compare them on any sensible basis as there was so much variety and talent on show and they were almost all highly entertaining.
But nevertheless, here’s my best attempt starting with my most favourites:
Rich Hall
Measured by sheer quantity of my own laughter, Rich Hall was my highlight of the festival. I laughed so much, I lost it completely many times. At one point I thought the rather conservative-looking woman next to me was going to have a go at me for enjoying myself too much. Rich’s acerbic wit, cynicism and rapid-fire delivery made me laugh so hard that muscles in my head which I didn’t even know I had went into spasm. It was just extraordinary. And if I thought his bit about Target was hilarious, that was nothing compared to his song about Bob Dylan which was just hysterical.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Rich, you are an inspiration.
Arj Barker
Arj Barker is one of my all-time comedy heroes. Not only did I love his character Dave in the Flight Of The Conchords HBO series, I think his music video The Sickest Buddhist is hilarious, and he never fails to deliver live.
This festival I had a bonus treat when I bumped into him on the street corner outside Town Hall. I was a little star-struck and the conversation went something like this:
“Hey Arj!”, I said suddenly upon noticing my comedy idol right in front of me while crossing the street.
“Oh, Hi”, said Arj, appearing slightly startled.
“I’m Graham. I saw your show last week. Love your work.”, as I extended my hand.
“Hello Graham”, replied Arj as we shook hands.
Quick Graham, think of something intelligent to say: “I really like how you weave spiritual themes into your stand-up routine.”
“Well you’ve got to talk about something”, Arj replied.
“I’m a comedian too; but I’ve only just got into it. Where do you find your inspiration?”
“Just everyday things, you know”, my spiritual comedy leader opined.
“Like, personal experience hey”, I agreed naively.
“Yeah… At first, everything that happens to you, you’re like ‘how can I make a joke out of this’? Then after a while it gets a bit more difficult.”
“Right… like first album syndrome!”, I empathised misguidedly.
“Mmm… more like fourth or fifth album syndrome.”, he replied.
“Well great to meet you Arj!”
“Thanks Graham… nice to meet you too”
Top bloke; even remembered my name.
Dave Callan
Where to begin with this one? Well, the title A Little Less Conversation 2: A Little More Less Conversation made me laugh even before I turned up. It was an extension of Dave’s previous show titled A Little Less Conversation, where much of the talking was replaced with contemporary dancing. Not the dicky interpretive style, but the music video type. Then after explaining that there would be no silly dancing in this show, Dave Callan and four hot young dancers led us through a hilarious music video dance journey backwards through the alphabet.
The weird thing is Dave is actually remarkably flexible and despite what you’d guess from his appearance, he can dance. Beat It took on a new meaning, his pole routine was extraordinary, there was an awkwardly funny male wardrobe malfunction, and I’ll never be able to listen to Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off again without just hearing that the bakers are gonna bake, bake, bake, bake, bake.
Puddles Pity Party
I first heard about Puddles Pity Party when an excited group of people got on the tram while on my way home on night, and kept raving about what a great night they’d had at some show they’d just seen. I couldn’t help but ask “What have you been up to?”, and they replied: “Puddles Pity Party… you’ve got to go see it!”
And so I did. Puddles is called “The Sad Clown With The Golden Voice”, and rightly so. It’s hard to put into words just how entertaining he is, from the way he sings to the way he interacts with the audience; the whole thing is just magic, especially considering that he never really speaks during the whole show. I’ll never hear Dancing Queen the same way again, nor the hostile audience refrain from Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again? Just amazing.
Ronny Chieng
Even just the publicity photo and title of the Ronny Chieng‘s show You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About made me laugh, and that was before I’d even booked the tickets. I can just imagine him leaning back on that seat telling me off for speaking before my brain was engaged. His acerbic wit is hilarious live and he seems to have risen to prominence quite quickly; although I have a hunch it might not have seemed quite so quick to him.
Aside from his comedy, Ronny had by far the best neon sign of the festival. I also bumped into (that’s a synonym for accosted) him crossing the street in Melbourne, and said a quick “Hi”. Seemed like a decent guy who appeared to be going somewhere that didn’t involve hanging around chatting to a random stranger like me for too long.
Steen Raskopoulos
Earmarked as one of the leading emerging comedy talents of the country, I think I’ll claim Steen Raskopoulos as a friend of mine since I’ve been to several Improv classes taught by him, and I reckon by now he probably even knows my name. I saw Steen’s preview show back in Sydney when he was road-testing material for this festival, and it was a real treat to see the final work on stage in Character Assassin.
Steen really takes his audience on an emotional journey which includes involving audience members with no Improv background up on stage. He has a way of making you feel safe. I did laugh though when he said “I wouldn’t ask you to do anything that I wouldn’t do myself”. I know he’s sincere, but as a seasoned Improv guru, I’m pretty sure the scope of what he would be prepared to do himself is probably broader than most of his audience.
Nevertheless I’m sure his participants went away grateful for the experience. He also ties the various themes, characters and stories in his show together brilliantly. The whole set-up, execution and finale to the Old Man And The Ducks story was a work of art. Pure genius.
Another highlight for me was Steen and Susie Youssef’s Bus Stop Romance at the Festival Club mime night. Funny thing is, I think I’d seen it before, yet it still works. Or are they just such likable performers that it feels familiar even first time around?
Stephen K Amos
Another one of my favourite comedians is Stephen K Amos, whose voice and persona just make me laugh right from the word “go”. I got the feeling he’d only just stepped off the plane when I saw his preview show. He just hilarious though and the fun he’s clearly having on stage is infectious. I was particularly impressed with the way he handled a heckler about 40 minutes into the show, when a guy down the back yelled out:
“First one mate!”, implying that he’d only just found something funny.
Mr Amos smiled broadly and said proudly, “I know how to handle this”… and then proceeded to demolish the guy. Can’t remember what he said, but it was awesome to witness. I wish I’d videoed it… but I get the feeling Stephen really hates that.
Sammy J & Randy
Everyone’s favourite wildly successful man-puppet musical comedy duo (we’ve all been there!), An Evening With Sammy J & Randy is always entertaining, with their bizarre absurdist musical comedy storytelling.
I got laid after the last time I saw their show, so I had high hopes this year. That’s all I’ll say about that.
I passed up a unique opportunity during the Upstaging bit in their show, when Randy lept from the stage in a full-body puppet outfit and clamoured all over me in the audience in an attempt to upstage Sammy J, who was delivering a monologue from his drama studies thesis about the perils of upstaging. It suddenly occurred to me to pull Randy’s mask off, thus upstaging them both. Who is the guy playing the purple puppet anyway? Sadly, I chose to let them have their moment and watch passively instead. I’ll endeavour to be more pro-active next time.
Randy’s lip-sync battle at The Festival Club was also had me seeing double for a while. #YOUJUSTHADTOBETHERE.
Nina Conti
Nina Conti has perfected the art of externalising the monkey-mind of her inner critic for our amusement, and she does it brilliantly. Then she takes ventriloquism to a whole new level when she gets members of the audience up on stage, straps a remote-controlled mask with huge lips on them, and says “Don’t worry, I’ll do the talking for you.” All they have to do is stand there for the most part, and the result is hilarious. She either knows intuitively what they’re really thinking, or lives in a fantasy world that’s even funnier.
In one part of the show, Nina’s alter-ego monkey put her in a hypnotic trance, took control of the show and then proceeded to ask for questions from the audience. Feeling like a smart-arse, I yelled out: “What’s the meaning of life?” This led to a fun, engaging and somewhat nihilistic dialogue, which worked even better given that I was down the back of the room where Nina, being in a hypnotic trance, clearly couldn’t see where I was and had to ask which direction to point the puppet in. Surreal and hilarious. Monkey asked “Are you a seeker?” and “What do you do?”, to which I replied “I’m a comedian”. Judging by its curtly cynical and amusing answer, pursuing comedy won’t lead me to enlightenment… but I’m still willing to fail trying.
Akmal Saleh
Whenever I see a show by Akmal Saleh, I never really know what it is about. I don’t think he knows what it’s about either. But hey, the guy is funny so who’s complaining? Rockhampton, apparently.
Miles Allen
I was a late bloomer: I got into Breaking Bad late in life, when season 5 had just come out on DVD. Thanks to my local library’s phenomenal DVD collection, I had a month-long Breaking Bad festival where I barely left the house except to hunt for food, and the next instalment. It was rather heavy-going. So imagine my delight to find Miles Allen had packed all 5 seasons into a single hour of One Man Breaking Bad. This was a really fun way to revisit the show without having to spend another month, nor wind up with a crystal meth addiction. Bitches!
Sara Pascoe
What a welcome treat to have a comedian including vital lessons on evolutionary psychology, sociology and human sexuality in her act. I’ve also read Sperm Wars (or perhaps it was Sex At Dawn, which covers similar ground), and appreciated the in-depth analysis of why modern relationships don’t work as well as we expect, as much as the comedy. Apparently Sara Pascoe‘s partner is also a comedian, and they use each other in their respective routines. If that’s not symbiosis, I don’t know what is.
Kitty Flanagan
Kitty Flanagan is funny, sexy, sassy… and single? How can this be, or is it just a comedy ruse so that she can do routines about her ex-partner? Well, it was funny. I can’t help noticing that the audience was about 90% female, which improved my odds of hooking up significantly. I’d say more, but I’m afraid that she’ll see it as use the material against me in a future show.
Tom Gleeson
One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on TV was Tom Gleeson‘s iPhone rant from Good News Week. The great thing about seeing him live is that you get the adult version, not the PG-rated one that we usually see on TV. With years of experience making people laugh, he can even make stories about his kids entertaining to other people. As he said in his act: “I nail this, every time”. Cocky, yes; but also engaging and funny.
Genevieve Fricker
What do you get when you take a musical comedienne with a strained arm and put her on-stage with a piano and a busted electric guitar? No, it’s not a joke; it was the plight of Gen Fricker the evening I saw her at the festival. An unfortunate incident helping her father move furniture (you’ll know not to do that again) had left her arm in a sling, and although the guitar issue turned out to be a problem with the speakers, she only found that out later. Ms Fricker handled the situation like a pro, using it all for comic value. Definitely one of the most likeable performers at the festival, she’s also great value when you run into her off-stage.
Jeff Green
What are you to do on a quiet Monday night at the festival, when most other comedians are recovering from their weekend hangovers? Check out Jeff Green, that’s what. What is it with UK comedians coming to Australia to steal our women though? Surely it’s not just for residency in Australia, is it?
Susie Youssef
Another recently-claimed friend of mine from Sydney, it was great to see Susie Youssef doing her own show at the festival. I’ve seen Susie do Improv before many times, but not stand-up… so what a treat!
Ray Badran
My mate Ray Badran was Dazed & Confused after pulling the PR coup of the festival with a brilliantly mis-executed audience interaction during a pre-festival show that got his name into papers as far away as the U.K. All publicity is good publicity, Ray. Nothing like a little controversy to get the word out there.
Joel Ozborn
Took a random punt on Joel Ozborn, who I’d never heard of before. He was funny, and he did it without putting anybody else down. My head was pretty much spinning by this point in the festival so I can’t recall much else about his show except that it included a little guitar, a little less keyboard, a shoe, and that it was held in the kitchen.
Luke Heggie
Luke Heggie has finely honed cynicism into an art form. If I ever have another BBQ, he’s invited. His bit about gentleman’s clubs had me falling off my seat, and although he says he isn’t special, I’m not so sure. He has a show at the Melbourne International Comedy festival, and that’s pretty special. I also chatted to him after the show and he seemed pretty cool.
Stuart Daulman
I took a punt on Stuart Daulman because the title of his show Stuart Daulman Is An Absolute Credit reminded me of the hilarious (to me, anyway) airline food reference from The Castle. I really wasn’t quite sure what was going on during most of this show, but by the end I reckon I almost got it. It’s a performance, not just a dude telling stories. I also learned how to use for dead birds for the art of seduction. I hope the beautiful Haaaaannah gets to see his show one day.
Rob Lloyd
I was stunned by Rob Lloyd‘s show Rob Lloyd vs The Monsters, based on his childhood anxieties. I was hoping for some helpful insights into my adult anxieties, which I suspect go back to my own childhood. But mainly I was just stunned. You can take that however you like. It was, nevertheless, an impressive performance piece; if you’re into that sort of thing.
The Festival Club
After realising that returning to my hostel to sleep any time before about 1 or 2 am was completely pointless given the two trams and a suburban train line right outside the window, I abandoned the idea of getting a decent nights sleep altogether and ended almost every night late at The Festival Club. Some of these nights were recorded by the ABC for Comedy Up Late, which was cool because it meant I got to relive them on iview after getting home.
Acts I remember include:
Mark Watson had my favourite line from the festival: “I would do that religiously. And by religiously I mean: without really thinking it through in detail”.
John Kearns had impressive teeth.
Kano Mami was hard to describe, but fun to watch.
Djuki Mala got their dance moves on.
Rhys Nicholson reminded me why I’m straight.
Lawrence Mooney made me laugh.
DeAnne Smith had a sweet song with helpful pick-up lines in it.
Die Roten Punkte at Haus Party were either a really silly duo of German musicians, or taking the piss.
It was nice for Mike Wilmot to be here.
So You Think You Can Mime. I think they can.
The guy who won the Lip Sync Battle with an unforgettable rendition of What A Feeling from Flashdance.
Set List
Let’s face it: we like seeing other people suffer. It’s funny, because we know the pain is happening to someone else. And comedians are funny for a living… So what could be funnier than a comedian suffering on stage? That’s the dark side of Set List. The light side is that it can inspire comic genius by assisting with the free flow of streams of consciousness as topics that the comedian has never seen before appear on the screen.
The highlight here for me was Sara Pascoe’s improvised four walls to the prison of the mind; and the guy who literally ran off-stage mid-way through the “set” after freaking out. He made me feel a lot better about myself.
Shaggers, the show where comics talk about sex, became a regular feature of my festival calendar after first seeing it 2 years ago on the suggestion of my mate Peter. On that night, one of the comedians went totally ballistic riffing on the audience, and it was absolutely hilarious.
This time around, most of the comics talked about how they hadn’t been laid in ages; so it was more of a show about not shagging. Desperation isn’t attractive; and maybe it was a bad omen because I totally failed to hook up with any of the cute girls in the audience that night too.
Other Randoms
A few other random highlights were:
Seeing Simon Taylor totally own a room full of screaming drunk idiots in a pub.
I’m the kind of person who sees Bob Downe in Big Top Bob.
If I wasn’t in a bad mood, Greg Fleet was probably funny.
Rebecca De Unamuno did some remarkable improvised characters.
Reliving Becky Lucas‘s bestest childhood best friendship.
59 Free Comedy inspired a pleasant tram ride to Richmond.
Outdoor Performers
I also saw plenty of outdoor performers in Federation Square and just across the road from the Town Hall. The most memorable ones were:
Mr Moriyasu: I’m still not clear if he’s actually Japanese, or taking the piss. But he’s funny, and he really does go inside that balloon. I’m hungry!
Trash Test Dummies: Who knew wheelie bins could be such fun?
Jessica Arpin nicked some girl’s boyfriend on a Swiss bicycle.
Sharon from Canada’s voice really grated on me.
Random Meetings
Another fun highlight of the festival was bumping into or seeing famous people from TV. They’re a little different in person; for one thing, you can talk back to them:
Julia Zemiro was friendly, engaging, and even helped me with my social skills.
Andrew Hansen was also really friendly and even gave me a helpful response to my silly question: “How can I get on TV?”
Lawrence Leung was busy filming something outside the town hall when I saw him, so I didn’t interrupt.
Claire Hooper looks pretty much the same in real life as she does on TV. Fancy that.
David Collins questioned my judgement for seeing Bob Downe’s show Big Top Bob, asking “What kind of person goes to see that?”, which I thought was a bit mean… so I decided not to mention him here.
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ogradyfilm · 4 months
Recently Viewed - Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever Made
[The following review contains MINOR SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
The first time I watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I felt unclean afterwards, as though the grime and grit of the setting had infected my skin. It is, after all, a thoroughly unpleasant cinematic experience: every frame resembles a murder victim’s last known photograph, and the climactic descent into insanity seems far too genuine to have been staged for the camera (if Leatherface actor Gunnar Hansen’s personal accounts are to be believed, grueling conditions behind-the-scenes indeed reduced the cast and crew to a mad delirium). Few movies since have had such a profound and visceral impact upon my psyche; only Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever Made has come close.
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In this case, of course, the effect is entirely intentional; whereas Tobe Hooper apparently considered Chainsaw Massacre to be a dark comedy (which does come through in the finished product… if you squint), Antrum is deliberately designed to assault the subconscious, from the early disclaimer warning any audience members suffering from weak constitutions to leave the theater (William Castle would be proud) to the fake-out closing credits that roll approximately ten minutes prior to the actual ending.
I hesitate to discuss the plot and themes in further detail; much of the story’s suspense lies in discovering its intricacies and idiosyncrasies as it unfolds, and I’d hate to deprive potential fans of that thrill. Suffice it to say that recognizing the various visual tricks and sleight-of-hand techniques employed by directors David Amito and Michael Laicini—the documentary-style prologue, which elegantly creates a palpable sense of anticipation for the terror to follow; the fabricated “snuff” footage randomly interspersed between shots, which within the context of the overarching meta-narrative is obviously meant to be “authentic” (an homage, I believe, to Michael Findlay’s infamously trashy Snuff); the enigmatic occult symbols scratched into the “celluloid,” which linger just a bit too long to fit the textbook definition of “subliminal”—hardly diminishes the film’s mystique and allure.
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Ultimately, the word that best describes Antrum is “unsettling.” Its oppressive, foreboding atmosphere lingers in the viewer’s nightmares; I’ve jolted awake in my bed with Alicia Fricker’s moody musical score ringing in my ears, tormented by the overwhelming dread that I’ve been irrevocably tainted by the sin of witnessing something taboo, forbidden, cursed. That is the essence of true horror.
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mintsworkshop · 4 months
Higher Education Freedom of Speech Act and The Jester's privilege
If they want the freedom to do and say whatever they want - let them have it. But only if they wear silly, jingling hats.
The Higher Education Freedom of Speech Act has gone into power through the king's assent (whatever that is) in early May of 2023 after a legislative limbo that lasted a few years. Since this bill seeks to protect people from any repercussions regarding their 'challenging of conventional ideas' and 'voicing ideas and opinions', it makes academic institutions legally responsible for upholding freedom of speech by not discriminating against viewpoints. Immediately it seems rather questionable, as many have pointed out, whether there truly aren't any views that may be discriminated against in an academic setting - such as Holocaust denial.
In response, now-accused of bullying MP Gavin Williamsion stated that such speech would still be prohibited under different Bills and that this merely concerns freedom of speech within the law. MP David Davis cited four examples of problematic no-platforming which, curiously, are one member of his own Party and three others who have had hooplas regarding the rights of trans people and how they presented them. I am not interested in these individual's views in particular, but one might get the idea that there is a certain group of people that are the motivation for this law. Ein Schelm wer Böses dabei denkt - as the Germans like to say.
It should, then, come as no surprise that Kathleen Stock had nothing but positive things to say about this bill. The Bri'ish philosopher who has left her university position has been criticised by the philosophy undergrad student Christa Peterson of the University of Southern California numerous times. In response to this criticism, Stock would continously accuse her of defamation while calling her obsessive, a troll and exhibit an overall refusal to engage with her criticisms and points - something any reasonable person would expect from an academic. Repeatedly, she has retaliated against university students criticising her; criticism that was largely in response to her e-mailing every single student of the Sussex philosophy department about her being Gender Critical, ironically urging them that abuse and harassment of an individual are not acceptable.
This may seem as nothing but hypocritical to a normal observer (or perhaps a sign of mental unwellness) but the based and CRT-pilled are, of course, aware that this is nothing if not business as usual.
Academia, as a whole, is a very selective and elitist institution for better and for worse. While this Bill seems to seek to solidify a right of a certain group of people to be part of this illustrous circle; discriminating against unfounded views, lack of evidence and lack of training and/or knowledge is a key part of academia as an institution and science as a whole. This form of what one might call discrimination of speech is, fundamentally, part of the essence of academia. One may only wonder whether we will have academic Flat Earth Congresses in the future lest the university be sued. I, for one, am looking foward to it.
So much for the idealist form of this discrimination. In parctice, people are excluded from academia and its processes for a number of reason that have nothing to do with their scientific endeavors. I have no doubt that there are hearing- or visually-impaired people who are excellent in their field - and yet you will only rarely find them in academia. Miranda Fricker and Charles W. Mills have written poignant works about this discrimination against women and black people respectively. Through and because of their work, it is apparent that academia is (perhaps) last but (definitely) not least a structure that reproduces hegemony while pretending it is not. Class and social issues that are omnipresent in our society do not magically vanish within one institution. When one makes accusations of, or points out, racism, homophobia, or other types of discrimination, this nexus of domination is the most apparent and vitriolic, as the social structure is built in such a way that makes those not affected by these types of violence and domination blind to them. As Mills said: „White supremacy makes White people deny what is in front of them.“ While transphobia and racism are hardly the same – both structurally as well as historically – I am under the impression the cognitive distortion can be quite similar.
Any underprivileged person is keenly aware of the fact that there are things they cannot say in many social contexts. Being reprimanded or fired for calling a customer dumb (even when it is objectively true) is an everyday occurence for those who do not sit in the comfortable position of university tenure and have grown fat with content. But the speech and freedom of peasants is not what’s at stake here: It is the speech of an elite group of people that gets to see a university from the inside in the first place.
Academically, the problem with racism or transphobia is not that they are dehumanizing and demeaning, but, rather, that they are empirically false. As Christa surmises in her (long, researched, and cited) article: "When you dismiss the actual, peer reviewed research on the matter in favor of obviously statistically incompetent Twitter threads and start saying anti-gay hate groups "have some relevant expertise" about how trans kids should be treated, you do look like you have an agenda."
This brings us to our other issue: All of this is, objectively, very funny. Stock, purpoting to be a serious academic, quoting the American College of Pediatricians and, when it is pointed out to her that they are a conservative hate/advocacy group that promotes gay conversion and lobbies against abortion, not retracting her statement, but saying ‚they are onto something in this case‘ is hilarious. Her encouraging her followers to Follow the Money while the Spectacle around her person and position have landed her a book deal and her most cited year in her career, is hysterical. Long we have now struggled with the problem that Donald Trump or Alex Jones are incredibly funny, but, unfortunately, potentially quite dangerous for marginalized people.
Perhaps the problem today is not that these people are incredibly silly, but that some take them seriously.
Take, for example, Jordan Peterson’s monologue about the question „Do you believen in God?“. He, correctly, asserts that the language that someone uses already betrays a certain ideology or framework of reference. So does asking such a question to begin with, may I add. But instead of simply pointing out this arguable fact, he asserts there is „mysteries“ in these words; „what do you mean ‚do‘?“ (?????) To say such a thing with a straight face while routinely denying the implications of adopting (read: making it up) that Chaos is a black, feminine dragon and Order a white, masculine serpent is so fucking hilarious, I don’t know how else to put it. I could talk about J.P.‘s unintended comedic genius for literal hours. But I can’t because some people are tricked into believing him to be a serious person.
To solve this conundrum, medieval societies had the genius idea to let some people say whatever they want for the comedic delight of other people in exchange for their credibility and what I would call epistemic dignity: Nothing they said or could say in the future should ever be considered or met with anything but a laugh. Fittingly, the French, German and Spanish called this what it is – liberté du fou, Narrenfreiheit, libertad de bufón: The freedom of the idiot.
I have to commend the fact that this serious issue is, once again, brought to the forefront of our societies. One can only imagine how the Weimar Republic would have turned out if we would have honored this tradition and mandated the NSDAP to wear the funny, jingling hats. At least, their victims would have heard them coming.
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profestriga · 9 months
My 2024 Reading List
So, last year I didn't do a very good job of keeping up with my reading list, but I did a pretty good job of keeping up with my reading! So, this year I'm going to aim to keep this updated about once a week. This year I'm no longer a student! They done gave me a doctorate. Instead, I'm on the academic job market, so this will be a little more reflective of what I'm reading as I'm trying to get published. Once again, there'll be quite a bit of rereading as I'm both teaching classes and writing articles, so entries marked with an asterisk are things that I'm rereading. The rest I'm reading for the first time. Once again, I'm using a pretty rough and ready citation style, given the weird citation norms for academic philosophy. I'm going even more loose here than last time, basically just author, year, title, and publisher. I'm also trying to read more for pleasure this year, and I'll be including a section for that as well.
Updated: Jan 24, 2024
Alcoff, Linda. 2010. “Epistemic Identities.” Episteme.
Coady, David. 2010. “Two Concepts of Epistemic Injustice.” Episteme.
Cullison, Andrew. 2010. "On the Nature of Testimony." Episteme.
Fricker, Miranda. 2010. "Replies to Alcoff, Goldberg, and Hookway on Epistemic Injustice." Episteme.
Goldberg, Sandford. 2010. “Comments on Miranda Fricker’s Epistemic Injustice.” Episteme.
Hanser, Matthew. 2008. "The Metaphysics of Harm" Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
Hookway, Christopher. 2010. "Some Varieties of Epistemic Injustice: Reflections on Fricker." Episteme.
Thomson, Judith Jarvis. 2011. "More on the Metaphysics of Harm". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.*
Tobi, Abraham. 2023. "Intra-Group Epistemic Injustice." Social Epistemology.
Toole, Briana. 2020. "Demarginalizing Standpoint Epistemology." Episteme.*
Stanley, Jason. 2005. Knowledge and Practical Interests. Oxford.
For Fun:
Austen, Jane. 1813. Pride and Prejudice. Project Gutenberg.*
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dualredundancy · 2 years
DR407: The 30th Anniversary of Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
In this week's special episode David, John and Kyle discuss and break down the 1992 Christmas family comedy film Home Alone 2: Lost in New York in celebration of the film's 30th anniversary.
We break down the film scene by scene, discuss some behind the scenes facts and decide who was tortured by Kevin more this time: Marv or Harry. Directed by Chris Columbus, Home Alone 2 was released November 20th 1992 by 20th Century Fox and stars Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, John Heard, Tim Curry, Brenda Fricker and Catherine O'Hara.
This episode was originally recorded on November 21st on and can be replayed on YouTube. You can also listen to past movie podcast specials including our Home Alone 1 podcast by clicking either link. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and follow us on social media! 
Here is a freshly posted brand new episode of Dual Redundancy!
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polhwashington · 2 years
Olympic daily schedule
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Head to the 7plus website or download the 7plus app on your Smart TV, mobile or tablet, then register or log in to get started. While Channel 7, 7mate and 7two will have you covered for all the big events, 7plus is the destination to live stream even more of the Olympics for free. Friday, 8/6 Friday’s medal events include baseball, basketball, beach volleyball, boxing, cycling, golf, field hockey, karate, modern pentathlon, soccer.
Credit: AP How to live stream Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games The delay caused by the pandemic means the Tokyo Olympics is the first to be pushed to an odd-numbered year. Tokyo Olympics: Day-by-day guide to the key events and British medal hopes. Highlights Thursday include the women’s gymnastics all-around competition.
Seven’s coverage will continue throughout the day and past midnight AEST. Here’s the Tokyo Olympics TV schedule for Thursday July 29. Reminder that TV coverage also streams on and Peacock TUESDAY, JULY 20 (DAY -3) SOFTBALL Japan-Australia (8 p.m., NBCSN) U.S.-Italy (11 p.m. Because when NBC pays 7.65 billion to broadcast the. Daily schedule highlights and events to watch during the Tokyo Olympics (all times Eastern, which is 13 hours behind Tokyo). This is true of the Olympics too, just not in 2020. Sunrise with David Koch and Natalie Barr will be live to Mark Beretta at the centre of all the action in Tokyo. Beijing 2022 Sports Winter Olympics schedule: Day-by-day guide Winter Olympics The 2022 Winter Olympics in China have finished after a record 109 gold medals were awarded in 15 disciplines. Typically, the heats are held during morning sessions and the finals are raced at night. Wrestling Finals (LIVE) Greco-Roman 67kg Final Greco-Roman 87kg Final Women’s Freestyle 62g Final Men’s Freestyle 57kg Semifinals Men’s Freestyle 86kg. Visit the Olympic schedule page for listings sorted by sport and TV network. Every single event streams live on, the NBC Sports app and Peacock, and many are also on the TV networks of NBC. Watch the Olympics live and free in Australia on Channel 7, 7mate, 7two and 7plus, with coverage beginning from 5.30am AEST on weekdays and 6am AEST on weekends. Each day of the 2022 Winter Games, NBC Olympics will run down every sport in action, highlighting the biggest athletes and marquee events.
From 15.30 - Women’s Swimming, Fencing Bonus, Riding Show Jumping, Laser Run (Marina Carrier) Tokyo Stadiumġ6.00 - Men’s 10m Preliminary (Sam Fricker, Cassiel Rousseau) Tokyo Aquatics Centreġ6.30 - Women’s Sprint qualifying, 1/32 and 1/16 rounds, plus repechage (Kaarle McCulloch)ġ8.15 - Women’s Madison final (Annette Edmondson and Georgia Baker) Izu Velodromeġ5.47 - Men’s lightweight semi-final (Harry Garside) Kokugikan Arena 1547Ģ0.30 - Team Technical Routine (Australia) Tokyo Aquatics Centre How to watch the Tokyo Olympics in Australia
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milliondollarbaby87 · 3 years
Veronica Guerin (2003) Review
Veronica Guerin (2003) Review
Based on a true story about Irish journalist Veronica Guerin who was a reporter for The Sunday Independent and exposed some of Dublin’s most powerful crime barons and drug lords in 1996, ending her life in tragedy being gunned down by assassins hired by the criminals she had exposed. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (more…)
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thegaminggang · 4 years
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A Monstrous Manual: Call of Cthulhu Malleus Monstorum Reviewed
With Malleus Monstorum, Chaosium delivers a jam-packed two volume reference that blends flavor and mechanics to offer Keepers a detailed accounting of Mythos-based threats.
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 1.) Animals with the Tollkeeper - Hayvanlar, Melekler ve İnsanlar (1998) / Fantastik
Ø  Yönetmen : Michael Di Jiacomo / Oyuncular : Tim Roth, Mili Avital, Rod Steiger
 2.) Andrey Rublyov - Andrei Rublev (1966) / Dram, Biyografik
Ø  Yönetmen : Andreï Tarkovski / Oyuncular : Anatoli Solonitsyne, Tamara Ogorodnikova, Ivan Bykov
 3.) Back to the Future - Geleceğe Dönüş (Seri Film I, II, III)  / (1985) / Bilimkurgu, Macera
Ø  Yönetmen : Robert Zemeckis / Oyuncular : Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson
 4.)  Twelve Angry Men - 12 Öfkeli Adam (1957) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Sidney Lumet / Oyuncular : Henry Fonda, Martin Balsam, John Fiedler
 5.) Krótki film o zabijaniu - Öldürme Üzerine Kısa Bir Film (1988) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Krzysztof Kieslowski / Oyuncular : Miroslaw Baka, Krzysztof Globisz, Jan Tesarz
 6.) Krótki film o milosci - Aşk Üzerine Kısa Bir Film (1988) / Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Krzysztof Kieslowski / Oyuncular : Grazyna Szapolowska, Olaf Lubaszenko, Stefania Iwinska
 7.) Alice in den Städten - Alice Kentlerde (1974) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Wim Wenders / Oyuncular : Rüdiger Vogler, Yella Rottländer, Lisa Kreuzer
 8.) Amadeus (1984) / Dramatik, Komedi, Tarihi
Ø  Yönetmen : Milos Forman / Oyuncular : Tom Hulce, F. Murray Abraham, Simon Callow
 9.) Before Sunrise - Gün Doğmadan Önce (1995) / Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Richard Linklater / Oyuncular : Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy, Andrea Eckert
 10.) Being There - Merhaba Dünya (1979) / Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Hal Ashby / Oyuncular : Peter Sellers, Shirley MacLaine, Melvyn Douglas
 11.) Big Fish - Büyük Balık (2003) / Dramatik, Komedi, Fantastik
Ø  Yönetmen : Tim Burton / Oyuncular : Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Jessica Lange
 12.) Blow Up - Cinayeti Gördüm (1966) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Michelangelo Antonioni / Oyuncular : Jane Birkin, Gillian Hills, Julian Chagrin
 13.) Blue Velvet - Mavi Kadife (1986) / Polisiye, Dram, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : David Lynch / Oyuncular : Isabella Rossellini, Kyle MacLachlan, Dennis Hopper
 14.) Breaking the Waves - Dalgaları Aşmak (1996) / Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Lars von Trier / Oyuncular : Emily Watson, Stellan Skarsgård, Jean-Marc Barr
 15.) Chung Hing sam lam - Chungking Express (1994) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Wong Kar-Wai / Oyuncular : Brigitte Lin Ching-hsia, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Faye Wong
 16.) Dancer in the Dark - Karanlıkta Dans (2000) / Müzikal, Dram, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Lars von Trier / Oyuncular : Björk, Catherine Deneuve, Peter Stormare
 17.) Das Boot - Deniz Altı (1981) / Dram, Savaş Filmi
Ø  Yönetmen : Wolfgang Petersen / Oyuncular : Jürgen Prochnow, Erwin Leder, Herbert Grönemeyer
 18.) Dead Man - Ölü Adam (1995) / Western, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Jim Jarmusch / Oyuncular : Johnny Depp, Gary Farmer, Crispin Glover
 19.) Delicatessen – Şarküteri (1991) /  Komedi, Dram, Korku, Fantastik
Ø  Yönetmen : Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Marc Caro / Oyuncular : Dominique Pinon, Karin Viard, Ticky Holgado
 20.) Der Himmel Über Berlin - Berlin Üzerindeki Gökyüzü (1987) / Fantastik, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Wim Wenders / Oyuncular : Bruno Ganz, Solveig Dommartin, Otto Sander, Peter Falk
 21.) Dial M. for Murder - Cinayet Var (1954) / Gerilim, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Alfred Hitchcock / Oyuncular : Ray Milland, Grace Kelly, Robert Cummings
 22.) Dogville (2003) / Gerilim, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Lars von Trier / Oyuncular : Nicole Kidman, Paul Bettany, Patricia Clarkson
 23.) Dolls – Bebekler (2002) / Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Takeshi Kitano / Oyuncular : Hidetoshi Nishijima, Miho Kanno, Tatsuya Mihashi
 24.) The Grapes of Wrath - Gazap Üzümleri (1940) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : John Ford / Oyuncular : Henry Fonda, Jane Darwell, John Carradine
 25.) Hable con ella - Konuş Onunla (2002) / Dram, Komedi, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Pedro Almodóvar / Oyuncular : Javier Cámara, Dario Grandinetti, Leonor Watling
 26.) Hair - Bırak Güneş İçeri Girsin (1979) / Müzikal
Ø  Yönetmen : Milos Forman / Oyuncular : Michael Jeter, Donald Alsdurf, John Savage
 27.) Harold and Maude (1971) / Dram, Komedi, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Hal Ashby / Oyuncular : Ruth Gordon, Bud Cort, Vivian Pickles
 28.) Idi i smotri - Gel ve Gör (1985) / Dram, Savaş Filmi
Ø  Yönetmen : Elem Klimov / Oyuncular : Olga Mironova, Vladas Bagdonas, Juris Lumiste
 29.)  In the name of the father - Babam İçin (1993) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Jim Sheridan / Oyuncular : Daniel Day-Lewis, Pete Postlethwaite, Emma Thompson
 30.) It's a Wonderful Life - Şahane Hayat (1946) /  Komedi, Dram, Fantastik
Ø  Yönetmen : Frank Capra / Oyuncular : James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore
 31.) Kes – Kerkenez (1969) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Ken Loach / Oyuncular : David Bradley, Colin Welland, Freddie Fletcher
 32.) Ladri di biciclette - Bisiklet Hırsızları (1948) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Vittorio De Sica / Oyuncular : Lamberto Maggiorani, Enzo Staiola, Lianella Carell
 33.) Land and Freedom - Ülke ve Özgürlük (1995) / Dram, Savaş Filmi
Ø  Yönetmen : Ken Loach / Oyuncular : Ian Hart, Rosana Pastor, Frédéric Pierrot
 34.) Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Ateşten Kalbe Akıldan Dumana (1998) / Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Guy Ritchie / Oyuncular : Jason Statham, Nick Moran, Dexter Fletcher
35.) Los Amantes del Círculo Polar - Kutup Çizgisi Aşıkları (1998) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Julio Medem / Oyuncular : Najwa Nimri, Fele Martínez, Nancho Novo
 36.) Ma nuit chez Maud - Maud’la Bir Gece (1969) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Eric Rohmer / Oyuncular : Jean-Louis Trintignant, Françoise Fabian, Marie-Christine Barrault
 37.) The Miracle worker - Karanlığın İçinden (1962) / Dram, Biyografik
Ø  Yönetmen : Arthur Penn / Oyuncular : Anne Bancroft, Patty Duke, Victor Jory
 38.) Moulin Rouge! - Kırmızı Değirmen (2001) / Müzikal, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Baz Luhrmann / Oyuncular : Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, John Leguizamo
 39.) My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown - Sol Ayağım (1989) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Jim Sheridan / Oyuncular : Daniel Day-Lewis, Brenda Fricker, Alison Whelan
 40.) Naked – Çıplak (1993) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Mike Leigh / Oyuncular : David Thewlis, Lesley Sharp, Claire Skinne
 41.) Nema-ye Nazdik - Yakın Plan (1990) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Abbas Kiarostami / Oyuncular : Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Abolfazl Ahankhah, Mehrdad Ahankhah
 42.) Network – Şebeke (1976) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Sidney Lumet / Oyuncular : Faye Dunaway, William Holden, Peter Finch
 43.) Pink Floyd The Wall - Pink Floyd Duvar (1982) / Dram, Müzik
Ø  Yönetmen : Alan Parker / Oyuncular : Bob Geldof, Christine Hargreaves, James Laurenson
 44.) Pleasantville - Yaşamın Renkleri (1998) /  Fantastik, Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Gary Ross / Oyuncular : Tobey Maguire, Jeff Daniels, Joan Allen
 45.) Pulp Fiction - Ucuz Roman (1994) /  Polisiye, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Quentin Tarantino / Oyuncular : John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman
  46.) Rain Man - Yağmur Adam (1988) / Komedi, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Barry Levinson / Oyuncular : Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino
 47.) Reconstruction - Yeniden Sev Beni (2003) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Christoffer Boe / Oyuncular : Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Maria Bonnevie, Krister Henriksson
 48.) Rosemary's Baby - Rosemary’nin Bebeği (1968) / Korku, Dram, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Roman Polanski / Oyuncular : Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes, Ruth Gordon
 49.) Rumble Fish - Siyam Balığı (1983) / Aksiyon, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Francis Ford Coppola / Oyuncular : Matt Dillon, Mickey Rourke, Diane Lane
 50.) Secrets and Lies - Sırlar ve Yalanlar (1996) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Mike Leigh / Oyuncular : Brenda Blethyn, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Timothy Spall
 51.) Shichinin no samurai - Yedi Samuray (1954) / Macera
Ø  Yönetmen : Akira Kurosawa / Oyuncular : Toshirô Mifune, Takashi Shimura, Keiko Tsushima
 52.) Sin City - Günah Şehri (2005) / Aksiyon, Gerilim, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller, Quentin Tarantino / Oyuncular : Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba
 53.) Singin' in the Rain - Yağmur Altında (1952) / Müzikal, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly / Oyuncular : Jean Hagen, Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds
 54.) The Sixth Sense - Altıncı His (1999) / Gerilim, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : M. Night Shyamalan / Oyuncular : Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Toni Collette
 55.) Solaris (1972) / Fantastik, Bilimkurgu
Ø  Yönetmen : Andreï Tarkovski / Oyuncular : Natalya Bondarchuk, Donatas Banionis, Jüri Järvet
 56.) Some Like It Hot - Bazıları Sıcak Sever (1959) / Komedi, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Billy Wilder / Oyuncular : Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon
  57.) Spellbound - Öldüren Hatıralar (1945) / Gerilim, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Alfred Hitchcock / Oyuncular : Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman, Leo G. Carroll
 58.) Stalker (1979) / Dram, Bilimkurgu
Ø  Yönetmen : Andreï Tarkovski / Oyuncular : Alexandre Kaidanovski, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Nikolai Grinko
 59.) Strange Days - Tuhaf Günler (1995) / Bilimkurgu, Aksiyon
Ø  Yönetmen : Kathryn Bigelow / Oyuncular : Ralph Fiennes, Angela Bassett, Juliette Lewis
 60.) Sullivan's Travels (1941) / Macera, Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Preston Sturges / Oyuncular : Eric Blore, Torben Meyer, Victor Potel
 61.) Sunset Blvd. (1950) /  Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Billy Wilder / Oyuncular : William Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich Von Stroheim
 62.) Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo - İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin (1966) /  Western
Ø  Yönetmen : Sergio Leone / Oyuncular : Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, Lee Van Cleef
 63.) The Graduate – Mezun (1967) /  Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Mike Nichols / Oyuncular : Anne Bancroft, Dustin Hoffman, Katharine Ross
 64.) The Hours – Saatler (2002) / Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Stephen Daldry / Oyuncular : Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore, Meryl Streep
 65.) The Man Who Wasn't There - Orada Olmayan Adam (2001) /  Polisiye, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Joel Coen / Oyuncular : Peter Schrum, Billy Bob Thornton, Frances McDormand
 66.) The Others – Diğerleri (2001) / Fantastik, Dram, Korku
Ø  Yönetmen : Alejandro Amenábar / Oyuncular : Nicole Kidman, Elaine Cassidy, Christopher Eccleston
 67.) The Truman Show -Truman Show (1998) / Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Peter Weir / Oyuncular : Jim Carrey, Laura Linney, Natascha McElhone
 68.) The Usual Suspects - Olağan Şüpheliler (1995) / Polisiye, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Bryan Singer / Oyuncular : Chazz Palminteri, Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrne
69.) Thelma ve Louise (1991) / Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Ridley Scott / Oyuncular : Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Harvey Keitel
 70.) They Shoot Horses, Don't They? - Atları da Vururlar (1969) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Sydney Pollack / Oyuncular : Jane Fonda, Michael Sarrazin, Susannah York
 71.) Trois couleurs - Üç Renk: Mavi, Beyaz, Kırmızı (1993) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Krzysztof Kieslowski / Oyuncular : Juliette Binoche, Hélène Vincent, Philippe Volter
 72.) Trainspotting (1996) / Dram, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Danny Boyle / Oyuncular : Ewan McGregor, Ewen Bremner, Jonny Lee Miller
 73.) Une Femme est une femme - Kadın Kadındır (1961) / Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Jean-Luc Godard / Oyuncular : Anna Karina, Jean-Claude Brialy, Jean-Paul Belmondo
 74.) Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux - Hayatını Yaşamak (1962) / Komedi, Dram
Yönetmen : Jean-Luc Godard / Oyuncular : Anna Karina, Sady Rebbot, Andre S. Labarthe
 75.) Welcome to Sarajevo - Saraybosna’ya Hoşgeldiniz (1997) / Dram, Savaş Filmi
Ø  Yönetmen : Michael Winterbottom / Oyuncular : Stephen Dillane, Woody Harrelson, Marisa Tomei
 76.) What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?  - Bebek Jane’e Ne Oldu? (1962) / Dram, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Robert Aldrich / Oyuncular : Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Victor Buono
 77.) Smultronstället - Yaban Çilekleri (1957) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Ingmar Bergman / Oyuncular : Victor Sjöstrom, Bibi Andersson, Ingrid Thulin
 78.) Z (1969) / Dram, Tarihi
Ø  Yönetmen : Costa-Gavras / Oyuncular : Yves Montand, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Irène Papas
 79.) Serenity (2019) / Dram, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Steven Knight / Oyuncular : Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Djimon Hounsou
 80.) The Game – Oyun (1997) / Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : David Fincher / Oyuncular : Michael Douglas, Sean Penn, Deborah Kara Unger
 81.) Equus - Kör Atlar (1977) / Dram, Psikolojik, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Sidney Lumet
 82.) Englar Alheimsins - Evrenin Melekleri (2000) /  Biyografi, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Friðrik Þór Friðriksson
 83.) The Official Story - Resmi Tarih (1985) /  Dram, Savaş
Ø  Yönetmeni : Luis Puenzo
 84.) The Duellists – Düellocu (1977) / Dram, Savaş
Ø  Yönetmeni : Ridley Scott
 1.) Barbarians
2.) The Punisher
3.) Band of Brothers
4.) The Pacific
5.) Tut
6.) The Long Road Home
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cool-magazineznews · 4 years
Australian court rules queen's letters can be made public - Times of India
Australian court rules queen’s letters can be made public – Times of India
CANBERRA: Australia’s highest court ruled on Friday to make public letters between Queen Elizabeth II and her representative that would reveal what knowledge she had, if any, of the dismissal of an Australian government in 1975. The High Court’s 6-1 majority decision in historian Jenny Hocking’s appeal overturned lower court rulings that more than 200 letters between the now 94-year-old monarch…
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24australia-blog · 7 years
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Australia hands back thousands of Japanese records seized in World War II
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alexandrawilbraham · 6 years
First published: https://www.ayoungertheatre.com/review-rosenbaums-rescue-park-theatre/
By Alexandra Wilbraham
Written by A. Bodin Saphir, Rosenbaum’s Rescue is set at Hanukkah in 2001. At a remote home on the snowy Danish coast, it’s time for two old friends to bury the hatchet. Lars (Neil McCaul) and Abraham (David Bamber) have not seen eye to eye for decades, but old tensions refuse to thaw as Lars’ relentless pursuit of the truth concerning the plight of Danish Jews during WWII challenges Abraham’s faith, patience and memories.
When I enter the performance space I feel as though I have stepped right into a branch of IKEA. The stage is transformed into a modern kitchen and living room space. A comfortable sofa stands centre stage, flanked by two side tables. Along with a coffee table and chairs, it completes the living room. Also inlcuded is a kitchen, complete with fridge, oven and coffee set. William Fricker’s domesticated set is almost too pristine, but small details such as a nine-branched menorah and photos attached to the cupboard doors keep it from feeling too sterile. Emma Chapman’s lighting design, using standing and desk lamps to illuminate the space, manages to fill the stage with a warm, early evening glow. Still, the space feels empty and as if someone has measured out the distance between every piece of furniture and kitchen appliance.
The actors are well cast, and Director Kate Fahy has managed to create a tight-knit group whose interactions seem natural. It feels as though I’m watching a family on stage, with all the squabbles and imperfections that come with them. I particularly enjoy Dorothea Myer-Bennett as Eva, the smart, PhD-quitting, aspiring novelist lesbian. Although the character is a stereotype millennial on paper, Myer-Bennett gives Eva the necessary energy to lift her away from that. With lines such as “I added F, E to male, making it far more superior in the process”, Eva adds some much-needed comic relief to the proceedings.
The cast often stumbles over their lines, although this is not the fault of the actors, as I feel the play would benefit from the script being tighter. I checked my watch, and 45 minutes into the play I still couldn’t figure out where the story was going. Too many branches of narrative intertwine, without there being a single main one to guide us through. There is the history between Abraham and Lars, the past romance between Lars and Abraham’s wife Sara (Julia Swift), a son, who in a Waiting for Godot-type narrative never arrives, a call to action to protect the refugees of today, and the almighty question of whether we should put our trust in fact or faith. Although the second half picked up the pace a little, I mostly felt as though I was in the midst of a history lesson, having an ethical discussion about whether something inherently evil can hold a sense of humanity. It’s a shame because the historical context is definitely well researched and treated with great care.
All in all, Rosenbaum’s Rescue is an ambitious debut play. However, it could say a lot more in a lot less time. The way it stands now, someone unfamiliar with the history of the Danish Jews would leave the theatre well informed, but more exhausted than entertained. With a little tinkering and a better idea of what the most important plot point is, I believe this play could far exceed the message it wants to portray.
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winsonsaw2003 · 4 years
Looking For Family Of Paul August Felix David (1874-1938)
Born in 1874 Rutlandshire.Son of Peter Julius Paul David & Auguste Christen.Educated at Trinity College,Glenalmond.He died in 1938.
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.He married Edith Lucille Ernestine Herdman.She married 1stly,William Claude Gardiner.
Their issue:-
i) Anthony Julian Claude Gardiner (1917-1942).
His siblings:-
i) William Wolfgang David (1867). ii) Louise Caroline Charlotte David (1868-1958) married Samuel Gottlieb Fricker. Their issue:-
ai) Barbara Elise Fricker(1900-1973) married Harold Blackhouse Fuller Sandwith.
aii) Pauline Annette Fricker (1908-1997) married Vivian Rene Broadway Smallwood.
Their issue:-
bi) John Adam Vivian Smallwood.
bii) David Paul Smallwood(1943-2012) married Janet Lorelei Marshall.
His issue:-
ci) Annette Joy Smallwood.
cii) Lucy Helen Smallwood married Robert Barker.
Their issue:-
di) Arlo Barker.
dii) Mathilda Barker.
biii) Richard Henry Smallwood.
biv) Catherine Annette Smallwood married Keith Stuart Marsh. Their issue:-
ci) Alexandra Catherine Marsh married David Reeves.
Their issue:-
di) Felix James Reeves. dii) Annabelle Sarah Reeves. cii) Sarah Marsh married Christopher Disney. Their issue:-
di) Florence Rose Disney. dii) Chester Disney. bv) Nicholas Quentin Smallwood married Yolande Bell.
His issue:-
ci) Amy Helen Pauline Smallwood married Luke Parfitt. Their issue:-
di) Finley Parfitt.
iii) Ferdinand August Peter David (1870-1971) married Grace Mary Roland. His issue:-
ai) Felix Percy Ferdinand David (1895-1962) married Mabel Geraldine Peyton. His issue:-
bi) Brian C David (1921-2001).
bii) Lorene Mabel David(1926-2005) married 1stly,William Edwin Proctor and 2ndly, Grover Charles Boyer Jr. Their issue:-
ci) David Craig Proctor(1951-1977).
cii) Daniel Keith Proctor married Rhonda Dunham.
ciii) Raye Peyton Boyer (1943-2019) married Benjamin Frank Foster Jr. Their issue:- di) Benjamin Frank Foster III married Scarlett E Ryan.
dii) David Peyton Foster married Wendy J Forbes.
diii) Katherine Raye Foster married Jim
civ) Kelly Lee Boyer married Bryan W Holder.
aii) Paul David (1897). aiii) Gwendolyn Irene David (1899-?). aiv) Edith Pauline David (1902-1911).
av) Elsie Grace David (1903-1995) married ( Andrew Klaiber) John William Claybert.
Their issue:- bi)  Bruce Robert Claybert (1932-1999) married Edith ?. His issue:- ci) Dennis Claybert (1958-2020) married  Linda Ulliac ?. His issue:- di)  Wesley Lillico Claybert.
dii)  Sarah Claybert married ?. Scott. diii)  Kori Claybert married ?.Brent. div)  Maki Claybert. dv)  Shelby Claybert. cii) Gordon Wade Claybert (1962-2017) married Marilyn Ann ?. His issue:- di) Karla Claybert married ?. Adams. dii) Matt Claybert. di) Cody Chase Jake Claybert (1986-2002).
ciii) Clayton Claybert married Doreen ?. civ) Dennis Claybert married Linda ?. cv) Sandra Evans Claybert married ? Bill. cvi)  Waverly Spencer Claybert married ?. Ed cvii)  Kirby Claybert married  Gaylene ?. avi) Harry Noel David (1910-1987). iv) Caroline Marie Auguste David (1871-1923) married Robert Noel Douglas. Their issue:-
ai) Vera Helen Douglas. Please contact me at :- [email protected]
0 notes
brokenquillz · 5 years
Get To Know the Blogger
Tagged by: @egglatte​ (Kinda it said @/everyone so)
Tagging: You saw this? GO FOR IT!
[Info under cut so I don’t murder the dashes. ^_^]
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1. FIRST NAME: Writer.
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: My favorite nickname that I’ve ever been given is ‘The Shipping Drug Dealer’ solely because of all the ships I’ve created and talked about in my Discord server.
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Any fruit aside from strawberries.
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Hm.... Playing levels of Sonic Unleashed that I’ve memorized over and over, begging for a new record.
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Normally, PJs, but I have several sets I think of as ‘PJs’ so good luck there.- Almost always pants/shirt type, at least.
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious. I dated a guy for a week, but he didn’t respect my parents so *SMACK* to the door.
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Once I get to know someone, yes. When I was younger, my mom said I had the personality of ‘never met a stranger’.
12. FAVORITE BOOK: I have read far too many books in my lifetime to actually have one I love above all others.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: That changes every few months, and I worry about how people will feel with me listing a whole ton of OC x Canon, so... I’ll.. Not say. You can ask me in IMs if you’re interested though, folks. Just fair warning.
15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake, I hate pie.
16. FAVORITE SCENT: Chocolate Lava Cake from Bath and Body Works O_O
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: I don’t know any celebrities by name, so.. We’ll just say David Tennant (since he played the Doctor) and move on.
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: Probably Germany, maybe Canada.
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: INTROVERT ALERT- (although I do have times where I act extroverted but that drains me so fast ^_^)
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Hilariously, I scare when someone randomly pops up behind me, but jumpscares mean nothing to me, so... Kinda sorta.
23. DREAM JOB: Published author, fricker.
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Put it in a bank, buy a small company maybe if I could.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: ... I mean... Let’s just... I don’t think I’ve perm-left any fandoms... But I’m not sure, I have no memories of perm-leaving a fandom to this point in my life...?
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eugene114 · 5 years
  1945 Births[edit]
January 25 – Leigh Taylor-Young, American actress
January 29 – Tom Selleck, American actor
February 9 – Mia Farrow, American actress
February 12 – Maud Adams, Swedish actress
February 16 – Jeremy Bulloch, English actor
February 17 – Brenda Fricker, Irish actress
February 20 – Brion James, American actor (died 1999)
February 24 – Barry Bostwick, American actor
February 28 – Bubba Smith, American professional football player and actor (died 2011)
April 2 – Linda Hunt, American actress
March 28 – Raine Loo, Estonian actress
May 24 – Priscilla Presley, American actress
May 31 – Rainer Werner Fassbinder, German director, producer and screenwriter (died 1982)
June 2 – Jon Peters, American producer
June 6 – David Dukes, American actor (died 2000)
June 11 – Adrienne Barbeau, American actress
July 26 – Helen Mirren, English actress
August 2 – Joanna Cassidy, American actress
August 5 – Loni Anderson, American actress
August 14
August 21 – Patty McCormack, American actress
August 23 – Bob Peck, English actor (died 1999)
September 17 – Bruce Spence, New Zealand actor
September 22 – Paul Le Mat, American actor
October 18 – Huell Howser, American actor, television personality, host, comedian (died 2013)
October 19 – John Lithgow, American actor
October 26 – Jaclyn Smith, American actress
October 27 – Carrie Snodgress, American actress (died 2004)
October 30 – Henry Winkler, American actor
October 31 – Brian Doyle-Murray, American actor and comedian
November 21 – Goldie Hawn, American actress
November 27 – James Avery, American actor (died 2013)
December 1 – Bette Midler, American actress, comedian and singer
December 17 – Ernie Hudson,  American actor
December 21 – Mari Lill, Estonian actress
December 24 – Nicholas Meyer,  American screenwriter, director and producer
December 31 – Barbara Carrera, Nicaraguan-born American actress
Steve Martin, American actor and comedian
Wim Wenders, German director, producer and screenwriter
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hyaenagallery · 5 years
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Joseph Daniel Casolaro (1947 – 1991) was an American freelance writer who came to public attention in 1991 when he was found dead in a bathtub in room 517 of the Sheraton Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia. His death became controversial because his notes suggested he was in Martinsburg to meet a source about a story he called “the Octopus.” This centered on a sprawling collaboration involving an international cabal, and primarily featuring a number of stories familiar to journalists who worked in and near Washington, D.C. in the 1980s—the Inslaw case, the October Surprise theory, the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, and the Iran-Contra affair. Shortly before his death, Casolaro told people that he was nearly ready to reveal the wide-ranging conspiracy. David Corn writes in The Nation that the papers Casolaro left behind reveal few clues, except that he was in over his head, but was tenacious. His papers included old clippings, handwritten notes that were hard to read, and the names of former CIA officers and arms dealers. Corn writes that the notes show Casolaro was influenced by the Christic Institute and that he had pursued material fed to him by a reporter who worked for Lyndon LaRouche. Richard Fricker writes in Wired that Casolaro had been led into a “Bermuda Triangle of spooks, guns, drugs and organized crime.” A great deal of the research centered around Inslaw, an information technology company. Inslaw’s founder, William A. Hamilton, in a previous position with the U.S. Justice Department, had helped develop a program called PROMIS, short for Prosecutor’s Management Information System. PROMIS was designed to organize the paperwork generated by law enforcement and the courts. After he left the Justice Dept, Hamilton alleged that the government had stolen PROMIS and had distributed it illegally, robbing him of millions of dollars. After 5 years of litigation, a federal bankruptcy judge ruled in 1988 that the department had indeed taken the software by “trickery, fraud, and deceit,” a decision upheld by a federal district court in 1988, but overturned on appeal in 1991. #destroytheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B55l4UHB_5m/?igshid=omlx2b86ci3k
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