the minecraft movie couldnt possibly recreate even a shred of the humor found in these screenshots
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burning text gif maker
heart locket gif maker
minecraft advancement maker
minecraft logo font text generator w/assorted textures and pride flags
windows error message maker (win1.0-win11)
FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)
image to 3d effect gif
vaporwave image generator
microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)
you're welcome
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Dang that was something
Submitted to discord by yellow wing member Dennom and originally recorded by lupolindsay
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Casually out preforms s class cars with a b class elite
Post submitted by blue wing leader Whisper the wolf
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What the cop doing
Post submitted by magenta and yellow wing leader: Night sketch
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Classic asphalt physics moment
Post submitted to discord by magenta and yellow wing leader: Night sketch
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Sometimes people are just better than you. But that doesn’t stop you from making a clutch play
Post submitted by blue wing leader: whisper the wolf
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The bridge
Post submitted by magenta & Yellow wing leader: .nightsketch
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Clip posted to twitch and linked to discord
What a way to win a race against a hacker
Clip made by blue wing member: lupolindsay
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A spicy nitro trick for Nevada
Post submitted by Blue wing leader: whisper the wolf
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Clip posted to discord
Alternate route trick
Submitted by blue wing member lupolindsay
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Barrel role… on a 360 ramp. It is stranger than you think, free PC check now
Submitted by blue wing leader: whisper the wolf
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Sometimes a intense race can go unnoticed while focused
Post submitted by blue wing leader: whisper the wolf
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Originated from discord
Submitted to discord by magenta wing member: Gaskx
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Hello welcome to the blog of the asphalt legends unite club: purple feathers
On this page you will see the shenanigans that comes from the members of our club
All names seen here are what you will see in the discord and in game
Also any clips seen here that are not from Whisper the Wolf have been pre-approved by the members credited
Leaders and roles pertaining to the club
Club founder and club discord admin: MauWorld
Discord admin: Dr Bizkits
Magenta Wing Leaders: Night Sketch & Zio P
Blue Wing Leader: Whisper the Wolf
Yellow Wing Leader: Night Sketch
Tumblr blog manager: Whisper the Wolf
Recruitment info
Are you in need of a club of the same feather as you. Then purple feathers is a good choice for you.
We are a international club with members spanning the globe
Basic requirements: be active, be respectful, and have fun
Additional (but not mandatory) requirements: active on discord (mainly for wing based updates)
Wings requirements:
Magenta wing: high skill + play every day. Club ID: # 34d3c
Blue wing: minimum garage level 15, 10k reps per season. Club ID: # 6387
Yellow wing: small club anyone welcome. Club ID: # 07ae
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