#david bluebook
thessaliah · 2 years
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I really don’t want to see anyone claiming Daybit talked bad against his friends due to that bait scene with Guda. He shows complete understanding of Kirschtaria here. In fact, he says he wishes to be fulfilled as him, correcting Kadoc about how he never moved his dying body (he knew of Kirschtaria’s condition) based on getting results, but of a matter of “will” to complete his order to the end.
This is one of the two biggest clues he’s the mysterious David Bluebook too. Since that was his sheer motivation to keep him going although there was no salvation for him to be found.
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Welcome to my ted talk where i will explain why Rusty AC6 and David Bluebook FGO activate the same parts of my brain and why this is bad news for me
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kaibutsushidousha · 2 years
What is Daybit' status after LB7? Is he still alive or not?
Daybit is dead and chilling in Mictlampa. Exactly as dead as Fujimaru was in their first 3 minutes of Nahui Mictlan chapter 2.
Tezcatlipoca’s Mictlampa is, in the boss's own words, a spa of the soul. Not a permanent underworld. Just a place where the defeated rest so they can fight again later.
The Mictlampa scene spells as plainly as it can that Daybit will be back, ready to win next time. He pretty much hasn't done anything yet, after all.
Expect him in Antarctica after Ordeal Call, when we finally get the resolution to the David Bluebook plotline.
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cyborg-squid · 4 months
Traum was... kind of a mess.
I'm predisposed to liking most FGO chapters even before they're released, and maybe Traum a little more than others since it had a summon pool I was looking forward to for a while, but the majority of Traum really fell short to me. I might even go as far to say that... I dislike it, and I can't really say that about most FGO chapters, the most I normally say is that one isn't as good as another, but Traum might be my lowest ranked of Arc 2. It's not like, bad bad, no Agartha, but it just really falls short of the simplest 'good chapter' benchmarks. Which sucks because normally I really like Higashide's stuff, and it has a really good cast and some well done moments. But a fair amount of other attempted emotional ones didn't feel earned or weren't given enough setup. The Salome moments in particular I did like, but really could have used more time to settle, and weren't brought up again after like the first 1/4th of the story. Also, Charlemagne's Spirit Origin unlock quest being locked behind Traum clear... doesn't make any sense? I kept expecting that third form, the Karl de Große aspect, to come out in the story because of that, but no dice.
The Faction War, both in premise and meat of the story, felt more like an FGO event's story, if that makes sense. Heian-Kyo also felt kinda event-y to me, but I liked it more.
But this is largely about the Faction War Arc... because the culmination of Holmes vs Moriarty story, and the reveal about (quoting directly from Moriarty's interlude here) "the pure madness-- pure and cold enough to make even our eyes pop out of their sockets-- that lies at the heart of this incident". The madness of Subject E and, seemingly (potentially), the remains of David Bluebook.
This whole portion was very good (helped in large part by how beautiful Holmes' CG was) there's not much more I can say about it. One of my few worries, about how Young Moriarty's nature would intersect with that of Archer of Shinjuku's, proved unfounded, and it actually kind of confirmed what I'd been thinking: that Archer Moriarty is the one who is truly evil, enjoying it to it's fullest extent, while Ruler Moriarty is one still at the precipice, not yet taken the plunge (I also believe Ruler Moriarty was the "Mephy-type" Moriarty was talking to in Enkidu's interlude).
In a way, the excellence of this last fifth or so of the chapter, as well as it's ties and lead in to the future, reminds me of the last quarter of Olympus, Kirschtaria and Caenis and that excellence, but Olympus's finale was both longer and had had a somewhat stronger prior story than Traum did, imo.
Guda was written a little... dumber than normal, lol, but that was in order to really flesh out Kadoc more and give him a role, so I can forgive that this time. And Mash. Our first Servant. Halo dropping from the Storm Border. Severing the artificial ties of fate. A+ (or should I say A~) stuff. The nature of the buffs and debuffs being slung back and forth in the final battle was actually really fun, it helped convey the feeling of this weird and chaotic duel really well, without being too difficult.
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Hmm, I wonder if the confessor looked at some of the older confessions about Traum. I know I left a few of them two years ago trying to vent some of my frustrations with how it was handled.
But most of them either stem from geographical errors of astounding value (you'll see soon enough), or Higashide's brand of research - namely doting on his favorites and forgetting to read more about the new characters' backgrounds. *cough*-Konstantinos XI-*cough*
Don't you dare think I've forgotten about the minarets in his NP when he first came out...
Traum is fine. If you like cool character moments like with Vlad, Siegfried, Kriemhild, Astolfo, Charlemagne, the other paladins, or Don Quixote, to name a few, you'll like the singularity.
Just don't think about the details too much like I did.
And also, don't get your hopes up about regional servants from the area the singularity's in - a certain Geronimo drawing using one the silhouettes for Traum came back to haunt me later thanks to that.
And yes, I still hold a grudge for that and LB7's bait and switch location from Brazil to Mexico, even if I like LB7.
But don't let my distaste for it stop you from liking it.
I mean, that's plausible, but I don't wish or want to assume.
I'm aware of the geographical location of where Traum takes place, and while it makes sense from an ongoing story angle (because of Area 51, David Bluebook, and CHALDEAS), it is still irritating when no Servant/s from the US, either previous ones or potentially new ones, appear (I'm also well aware that LB7 has a very similar problem, but I think that's more on certain kinds of information that's more available to us than in Japan, and mostly just plain-out not thinking things through on Nasu's part).
I haven't really looked into how Constantine is treated in Traum beyond his reasoning for fighting against Proper Human History (reasoning being more than a little dumb, imo), but since I'm familiar with how (presumably) Higashide treated Abigail in Summer 5 compared to her writer Meteo in Salem, I wouldn't be that surprised if he didn't do that much research on Constantine beyond the bare bones.
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vyragosa · 2 years
eternally thinking of this david bluebook moment
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animegirlsakurablr · 2 years
Shenanigans in the Grand Order, part 444
Soon May the Argonauts Come
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Two weeks? More like half a year.
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So, did David Bluebook make it to those Lostbelts?
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So, he didn't get into the Lostbelts, but he's able to see whatever's happening above them?
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Yeah, that sounds about right from fucked-up scientists.
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I can pratically feel that sarcasm.
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The funny thing is, he isn't wrong.
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That moment when even the leader of your group goes "yeah no that thing's gotta go".
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Look at how blue that water is!
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Welp, we made it.
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That was very fast!
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nero-draco · 2 years
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Why is Guda dreaming about David Bluebook? 👀
And what's with the multiple black box? Don't think its there the first time we see the scene.
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Tumblr ate my second post - but the way David's journey is resolved is just...
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ac-liveblogs · 3 years
Pepe and Daybit are super cute, but knowing that Pepe is inevitably going to have a tragic death kinda, like, puts a damper on me getting too excited about them
anyway they’re very cute and daybit is a good friend which is kind of surprising given how on-board he is with murder and like. Arjuna’s weird semi genocidal tendencies
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avalonblue12 · 2 years
Okay, so WTF happens in Lostbelt 6.5?
Long story short? Pretty crazy stuff.
Holmes was revealed to be an Apostle of the Foreign God that was sent into the singularities at first to hinder Goetia's plans. He didn't like this so he erased his memories of working for the Foreign God. After he discovers this he allows Young Moriarty to take him out so he isn't turned against Chaldea
Young Moriarty (Ruler) shows up this chapter and he got summoned from the Foreign World (noticeably NOT working with the Foreign God) and is working to stop the Foreign God. We know for a fact he's not Chaldea's Moriarty because the dude hates Ritsuka and tries a few times to get Kadoc to turn against them to take over Chaldea (Kadoc says no btw).
At the end of the chapter Young Moriarty takes Mash, Kadoc, and Ritsuka to Area 51 where they discover Subject E, who appears as a small, white twig with a detached human circulatory system right beside its table. Of note? Moriarty claims Subject E had been tortured by humans for hundreds of years and other facts that directly contradict information that came from David Bluebook.
It's also HEAVILY implied that the Foreign World/the World U-Olga Marie hails from is CHALDEAS itself.
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thessaliah · 2 years
what's the other big clue he's bluebook may i know?
It was brought up here.
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He's beating those genius allegations by claiming that his memory is second to none and Kirschtaria's better than him. One of David Bluebook's traits is that his mega hyperthymesia makes people think he was a genius. Imagine that condition and witnessing everything and everyone he loved be destroyed before his eyes. Of course, he wouldn't be the most expressive individual anymore with that epic PTSD (with or without symbiote existence possibility).
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katoptron-katophlegon · 11 months
everyday im in the trenches (being a david bluebook fan) fighting for my fucking life (waiting for story developments relevant to him)
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kaibutsushidousha · 2 years
What stuff about Daybit did Traum reveal?
Not much about Daybit directly, but more about the alien he's speculated to be fused with. Moriarty said that Subject: E was a victim of experimentation for 100 years, which is a really hard confirmation to my theory presented here and continued two posts later.
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morsking · 2 years
>emiya alter mentions the mage’s workshop at the core of seraphix has coffins to place master candidates inside like chaldea >the coffins are using the seraphix staff trapped and fighting in the simulation of the moon cell as magical batteries constantly generating mana so kiara can achieve her form as a beast of humanity >david bluebook’s account of the bleaching has him describe the trees physically assimilating earth’s inhabitants >kadoc discovered that the lostbelts had already been pruned, and were retroactively reconstructed to exist in the present day, their histories having been simulated to account for the absent time in between their pruning and re-establishment >the alien god could only gain a body by gathering and processing mana through a tree of emptiness rooted in a simulated lostbelt
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I'm a bit reluctant to give my two cents on the story lock, since the event did contain spoilers near the end, but:
A LB6 or LB7 intro lock would have fit better, as those are the portions used in the Christmas event.
At this point I wonder if they're just trying to goad people through 6.5, even through there's already enough of a strong incentive from the amount of grails you get from it. And for what? Nothing to look forward to but mat grinding and empty schedules?
Okay, on topic (somewhat) and more light-hearted nonsense:
Asking a favor from Quetzalcoatl to take Sieg out flying on the Quetzalcoatlus, since Siegfried prefers to stay on the ground. To make up for Steggy.
I solemnly swear not to be a bad influence and fly into a thunderstorm again.
Yeah, I think an Avalon or Mictlan (mostly the former) lock would've been better. While there is a spoiler that does relate to Traum (that being CHALDEAS), that was in like what, the last story portion of the event? Compared to everything else, especially with the line-up, an Avalon lock would've made more sense.
And… maybe they (being the writers/devs, or just Nasu) are pushing players to go through Traum, because besides the grails that you can get, there are story important bits in it (Holmes, Ruler Moriarty, Kadoc, David Bluebook and again, CHALDEAS), but after it was so thoroughly ignored for the Road to 7 campaigns and later became not mandatory to go through, I'm not entirely sure. Would feel like a case of “too little, too late” in my opinion (especially since OC2 is probably around the corner unless Nasu actually is planning to release U-Olga, even though he said that there's no plan to do so, but it wouldn't be the first time that the mushroom man has been contradictory).
Quetz is down for taking Sieg out for a flight, but the instant a thunderstorm is coming, she's turning that old bird around!
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