#date tarot
nymphia-tarot · 28 days
Your first date with them 🌸 [PAC]
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pile 1 ----> pile 2
pile 3 ----> pile 4
Paid readings ($2.99)
🌸 meditate on the pics and pick whichever one calls to you the most. you might feel drawn to more than one pile, which means you may have messages in other piles for you as well! if you don't feel particularly drawn to any pile, the messages in this reading might not be intended for you. since this is a general reading, take what resonates! 🌸
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🌸 Pile 1:
I'm getting that this date is something that was a long-awaited thing. Like you or your person might have been planning or dreaming of this for quite a while. You might have met this person at a very crucial time of your life, almost as if the stars aligned perfectly at that moment, and they've been fairly impactful to you. Maybe you met them at school/uni or somewhere relevant to your educational field. This is a person that has been overall pretty important to you in your life, for maybe some sort of karmic lesson, and your connection has been fated to occur.
Pile 1, this is someone you're carefully considering as a serious option. And I feel like the date is a way for you to determine the course of your future with them. A lot of individuals who picked this pile are independent thinkers with a discerning judgement on people. Lots of sapiosexuals too. You want someone to match you at your level and it seems like the date between you two will be a very stimulating experience. The two of you will have a lot of deep conversations and get to know each other better at an intellectual and philosophical level.
There's a good chance of this relationship ending up in marriage for a lot of you. A proposal or offer from your partner. However, I feel like the future of the relationship isn't really that good? Like you're both very fine people but after a while the initial passion and spark would just die down, making the relationship feel very stagnant. Some of you might even stay and do your best to make it work even though it really isn't working. I'm also getting the possibility of cheating for some? If the worst happens, I feel like the best thing to do is to let go and give yourself freedom.
🌸 Pile 2:
Maybe a lot of yall in pile 2 have a tendency to get lowkey delusional when it comes to matters of love. Like getting infatuated and idealising the other party, mostly living in fantasy and maybe you guys read way too much love tarot. I'm seeing a lot of you guys won't really go in with a clear head for this date overall. Hampered intuition, reading too much into lines, limerence, etc. When you actually do get to date your person I'm seeing that it'll finally ground you and make you see them for who they really are and evaluate your own feelings and the future of this relationship from a more realistic lens.
Maybe a lot of you guys' partner here is rich or at least financially stable or abundant. They may even have generational wealth. You guys are going to get spoilt on your date though. Lavished materially, lowkey sugar daddy/mommy vibes, etc. You guys might go to a really fancy place and enjoy a luxurious date with them. However, there's a chance there's a sort of power imbalance in the end, like maybe they're someone who is on a more powerful position systematically or in any other way, they have power over you. I'm getting it's mostly financially though for most of you guys.
Overall, you might end up feeling disillusioned from your previous notions and expectations in this date and they might feel restricted or caged in some way by how you view them. It's like they'll realise that the idea you have of them in your mind does not represent who they are. You might even end up having conflicting views/mentalities.
🌸 Pile 3:
I feel like this is a connection thats mostly fueled by physical attraction/lust which is passionate, fiery and can be all-consuming. You might have been in a bit of a slump before the date occurs and I'm getting that one or both you felt unfulfilled by the current situation of your relationship/where you stand with each other. Maybe the relationship you guys have is something that's a bit unconventional so it can get tough.
It seems like the date will end up in heartbreak for one or both you in some way. I'm getting a serious breach of trust and breaking a promise or vow you had made to each other. It can either end in a break up or continuing to nurture a tattered/unfulfilling relationship. For most of you the one who betrayed the other is your partner in this relationship. Maybe you've wanted to be official with them for a while only to have the devastating realisation that it's not feasible to happen.
After this date, your feelings for your person might dull down or even fade completely. You might get your joys shattered and end up deciding that happiness for you doesn't lie here. As for your person, I'm ngl they seem very physically-driven. They might be trapping you in some way in this relationship in a way that isn't healthy. Like, even if you're unhappy, your person doesn't see it and continues to thrive and take and take while keeping you constrained, not letting you break free of unhealthy cycles. Their feelings for you are mostly lust.
🌸 Pile 4:
The dynamic/relationship between you two might be kinda slow-moving and the lowkey. Maybe you both took a long time to ask each other out finally and was in a sort of stalemate before deciding to go "screw it, you only live once" and shooting your shots. Since it feels like something that happens more haphazardly and on impulse, the date might be slightly awkward for you guys. One or both of you may stumble over your words a lot or kinda not know what to do. This feels kinda frustrating yet adorable from an outside perspective and there might be a lot of internal cursing involved lol.
However, once you actually get through it, you'll realise it really wasn't that bad and overall end up quite fulfilled and happy. At the end, the date might actually go pretty well despite the initial awkwardness once you get the hang of it. If you guys do continue with your relationship, it might actually lead to a lot of growth and development for both of you. I'm also sensing that there's a lot of travel involved? Maybe you guys are from different cultures or cities, etc.
You might be the more composed and rational one during this date and be lowkey analysing everything. Virgo vibes. You might end up intimidating your person a bit lol. Your person on the other hand is full of anxiety and nervousness and it might be more visible on their end lol.
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biowho · 3 months
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The first woman I ever fell in love with should at least have a tarot card if she's not going to be in Veilguard
here's bethany
Edit!!! I’ve never been more happy to be wrong
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scorpihoe1111 · 6 months
Astrology Observations: Part 3🎀🩷
Mars aspecting the ASC can give the individual a dominating demeanor, but also mainly depends on which aspect. Ex: Harmonius Aspects (trine/sextile)=Straightforward, honest, stand their ground, strong boundaries, not one to be pushed around. Harsh Aspects (square/opp)= Aggressive, domineering, rude, blunt, obnoxious.
(TW: Death) Your 8H sign and planet may tell you how you pass away. Ex: Gemini moon in the 8H= Lungs, breathing problems, asthma. Moon= emotional turmoil, stress, heart break etc
Asteroids like Medusa (149) or Aphrodite (1388) can show you what people envy about you, what they admire, where they may attempt to bring you shame etc. Ex: Medusa in the 1H can attract envy over their appearance, their aura and demeanor. People could attempt to “humble” these individuals often. Aphrodite in the 2H can make others admire your money, your possessions, may wanna know how you have what you have so they can have it too.
Aphrodite (1388) can result in people not just admiring wherever the house it’s in, but also being malicious and petty over it since they feel they deserve it more.
Lilith in the houses is similar to this, and can result in those around you being annoyed when you do things in regards to the house and sign it is in. Ex: Sagittarius Lilith in the 2H= people could be upset when you relax, when you have fun, when you don’t play by made up rules and standards, when you’re genuinely happy, when you have nice things, when you take a break, when you indulge etc, because they have this mindset of “I never got to do that/have that, why should you”. Lilith in the 1H= people getting annoyed that you may be beautiful and they’re not, painting you as a villain because you’re pretty.
Cancer moons are surprisingly really good with holding boundaries with people in their lives. These people can be lover girls/boys, for sure; but they refuse to let people take advantage of them. Their love, effort and care is reserved for those who will appreciate them in return.
(TW: Mental Health) Take this with a grain of salt since it’s just an observation and not a fact, but those I’ve met with a combo of Scorpio/Gemini in personal planets in a chart are usually diagnosed with BPD, while those I’ve met with either Virgo/Aries/Gemini in a chart combined have usually been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder/OCD. 12H and 8H stelliums I’ve also met have had some sort of mental illness such as BPD or Schizophrenia.
Jupiter in the 1H, Sag/Pisces risings and/or Jupiter aspecting ASC/personal planets usually manage to get out of difficult situations easily. These people easily attract the help they need, the resources to do what they need, the money to get them where they want to be; very easily. Even when people with these placements/aspects get in trouble they usually manage to make it out very easily as well. Jupiter blesses and makes lucky anything it touches.
People think that Mercury in the 1H might usually talk alot about themselves, and while that may be true; it’s also true that they simply attract people who love to know about them and ask questions in regards to them. Mercury 1H individuals seem to be interesting to others and peak others curiosity about them. Others find them fascinating, thus constantly asking questions about them.
On the other hand, Mercury 3H individuals may be very close with their siblings, or their siblings can be popular/known/famous which could make the 3H person known for their siblings. This results in the 3H person consistently hearing about their siblings, getting asked questions or discussing topics in regards to their siblings. Same thing with school, this person may have either really good or really bad grades in regards to school so their main conversations with others could be in regards to school topics.
A Virgo rising individual at their worst can be obsessed with popularity/attention/validation (Leo 12H) amongst their peers. They may not come off that way, and they themselves may not even know that they secretly love being in the center. Without realizing, they subconsciously try their hardest to be the best at everything, the smartest, the prettiest/handsomest, and when at their lowest they have no issue with taking down others who they deem threatening to their spotlight. They can also be secretly judgmental of those who they deem to be lesser, or not as attractive than they are.
Similarly, I’ve noticed Scorpio Risings at their worse can be very jealous and insecure individuals as well when it comes to appearances/validation. I’ve noticed this in women with this placement mostly, but when they’re at their lowest/undeveloped, they’re the type to only be friends with or surround themselves around people they think are worse than they are whether appearance, status, popularity wise etc. Undeveloped Scorpio rising females can be very competitive and refuse to have someone who’s possibly better than they are around them, since they don’t want to be compared to the other person or not chosen/not the favorite.
Libra moon’s are the people that start the drama and then say “I don’t like drama” lol. What they really mean is they love it, as long as they’re not involved
If you find that you always have bad experiences with those whose signs fall in your 11H, check your sidereal chart. Odds are your 11H sign in your western chart is the 12H sign in your sidereal, which would explain the bad experiences.
Aquarius women are always so successful in everything they do, I’ve rarely met an Aquarius woman that doesn’t have their shit together in every category. They’re giving face, body, money, career, healthy love life and social life etc. The men on the other hand…
Yes, those with Saturn in the 7H have a hard time finding the one. They go through years of cycles and repetitive situations in love but those who find their person find their FOREVER person. People with this placement may be the last to be in a relationship/get married amongst their peers, however they’re usually the happiest and most successful once they do compared to friends or family who just hurried up and settled and usually separate/divorce. Saturn 7H’s standards and boundaries may also seem to high or unrealistic to those around them, but they’re just asking for bare minimum. It only seems that way to others around them because they were raised in a group or environment that had no standards low key.
The good thing about 2H stelliums is that you attract money, possessions and success super easily. The bad thing is that those around you could ONLY see you as your success/money, and may try to bleed you dry of what you have and take advantage. Strong boundaries and not being overly giving is recommended with these placements.
Mars in the 12H can attract people who are secretly aggressive or hostile towards them. They may never know someone is holding a grudge on them and they may attract secret animosity or competition as a result. May have issues with male figures in their life and won’t even know it.
Jupiter in the 6H, especially with Cancer or Libra there; get along with animals sooo well. These are literal pet whisperers and it’s rare for them to not have at least 3 cats/dogs. They love animals more than people sometimes.
Part 4 will be out soon. 👏🏻
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mr888sworld · 10 months
The sun through natal house’s (1-12) where do you shine?
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The sun in astrology can symbolize our Ego, our sense of identity. Where we shine! Our conscious mind 🧠
The sun can also show up as our authoritative figures/ our father/male friends etc
The sun can also show up as our conscious confidence, our vitality, creativity
Your identity is heavily tied to your looks/physical body! Openly confident/they shine brightly when they are allowing themselves to be who they are! Unapologetically
Extremely outgoing, might have a lot of friends
Your father might be a huge influence on your physical appearance. Or he could be a controlling father
You could have really good skin. Especially if your sun is in a trine/conjunction aspect to Jupiter 🙏🏾
Depending on your aspects to mars/pluto, you could potentially have authority constantly trying to change or control you
Huge potential for modeling ⭐️
You could have a good physique or amazing physical health.
Sun in the 2nd house 🏠💰
Your identity can be attached to your possessions, & How much you own.
You could push yourself constantly, especially if you aren’t working or hustling
Strong desire for stability!
Your father could spoil you rotten or he could potentially manipulate you with resources.
You could tie your identity into your values
Usually rich early in life/has a lot of resources
Could end up potentially gaining wealth through a father figure.
The sun in the 3rd house 🏠 🧠
Your sense of identity is heavily tied into how much you know 🧠/ logical mindset/ You might actually have lots of friendly neighbors
You could have been the teacher’s favorite
Very analytical mind/lots of school friends
You were The favorite classmate
Your father could be a teacher/or he has taught you lessons growing up
You are most likely a researcher
You have the ability to see through bullshit 😂.
SUN IN THE 4th house 🏠🌊
Your sense of identity is heavily tied into your family home/maternal energy
Your father could be well known & highly favored in the family. Or he could be resented & rejected by the family.
You are a natural empath/very intuitive.
Could be into tarot or energy readings.
You could be the star child in the family.
Your mother could be well known/famous or highly respected.
Could live with an overly aggressive dominant male personality.
Listen to your intuition.
Your identity is heavily tied into your creativity/confidence & star quality.
Highly creative
The sun is in domicile in the fifth house/ruled by Leo. Strong sense of who you are!
Huge potential for acting 🎭
Father might already be in the industry ⭐️
Children could love you
You are highly seductive.
You are passionate about the art you create
Highly confident
Fiercely loyal
You could potentially become a mother early.
Highly sought after
Sun in the sixth house 🏠🏥
Your identity is heavily influenced by your health/routine
You could be a germaphobe
You are a super organized individual!
Analytical mindset
Your father could be a doctor or into the medical/health field.
You are the star in the work field
Confident in the way you handle your work
Others could be jealous of you at work
You get alot of attention at work
Your pets can be stars as well
Active pets as well
You could be judgmental at times.
You are most likely the best nurse or doctor in your field 🙏🏾
Sun in the seventh house 🏠 💍
Your sense of self is heavily influenced by / your lovers/contracts &. Legal rights
You could gain wealth through a famous partner
Legal actions against you always work out in your favor
Could potentially marry young
Heavily sought after
Balanced personality
Exceptional communication skills
You are super flirty
A happy marriage could bring you a sense of fulfillment
Could gain notoriety through a partner ⭐️
Sun in the eighth house 🏠 🪦
Your identity is heavily influenced by the occult/mystical arts/death & rebirth
You could be into anything deep/esoteric
You could be a famous tarot reader/astrologer
You read energy like no other 😂
You shine when you are chasing after the desire for the mystical truth
You are a truthful individual
Your father could have been spiritual or you could have grown up in a religious family
You have seen ghosts before 👀. No denying it
You are a phoenix
You go through stagnation sometimes to force transition & transformation
Very curious individual
Others could be jealous of how much you know
Very intuitive individual
Sun in the ninth house 🏠 ☯️
Your sense of self is heavily tied into your luck/spirituality/truth & religion
You are heavily passionate about what you believe in
Attracted to different cultures & philosophy
A natural born traveler
You could be a philosopher or maybe your father is.
Your father could be a preacher
You are a lucky individual
Open minded & optimistic
Can be stubborn at times
Your faith will get you far
Can gain notoriety through travel/foreign land
You could be an expert in foreign language
You shine when you are doing or learning something new.
Sun in the tenth house 🏠 🌎
Your sense of identity is heavily tied into your status/fame/reputation.
Your father could be the boss/ or he could help you become successful easier than most. You are the hardest worker
You gain attention everywhere you go
The world will see you shine
Everyone likes you
Popular individual
Could gain fame in the workplace
Others are jealous of your business mentality
You could be an entrepreneur
Your reputation could be tied into how you act publicly
Very analytical individual
Most likely to work from home.
Could gain alot ofwealth/power worldwide.
Karma could work in your favor often
Sun in the eleventh house 🏠 🕹️
Your sense of self is heavily influenced by your wishes/friendships/ & humanitarianism
You are the most liked friend
Your manifestations come quicker than most
You are attracted to helping the collective consciousness
You thrive in social groups
You shine brightly on social media
Could potentially be a famous YouTuber
You could own a lot of electronics in the house
Your father could be your best friend/ or he could be a huge part of your upcoming fame on social media or he could be rejected by you
Could have friends from every background
Super analytical
Loner at times
Very rebellious
Sun in the twelfth house 🏠 🧙‍♀️
Your identity is tied into endings/beginnings/karma/old age & the after life
Very intuitive individual
You could have a tumultuous relationship with your father or a very spiritual one
You are heavily spiritual
You could potentially be a shaman
You likely have psychic dreams very often
You are attracted to the occult or after life
You are a daydreamer
You read people easily
Human lie detector
Genuine individual
Easily hurt/taken advantage of
Can be delusional at times
Highly creative/ potential to be a famous painter.
Very powerful empath 🕉️
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That’s all folks 🙏🏾 if anything resonates please feel free to dm me for questions or a reading.
My sun in the tenth 🤧. Where is your sun located? Should I do more? Lmk. 🕉️🧿
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ponytarot · 3 months
pick a garf ! what does your crush think about you ? (tarot reading)
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Garfield 1 ( windy , static hair )
this is one of the funnier things i've read in awhile ... pile 1 you may be very emotive , and come up with very creative ways to describe things , maybe you're interested in theatre or are very fond of comedy movies ... regarding your crush , you're very off an on . for a week or two i see you being very needy , texting them often , wanting to be around them 24/7... and then the next couple of weeks you have a "resting period" kind of lay off on messaging them or interacting with them . you ... are very confusing ?? but also not really , because this is kind of in your nature . that's what your crush thinks . youre so confusing , in an ... endearing way ? i guess ????? a little scary and intimidating but whimsical ... i like you pile 1
song - big weenie by eminem
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Garfield 2 ( sleepy , angry )
you have a very hot girl summer vibe to you , you may be drawn to aesthetics like clean girl , maybe a little basic but that doesn't have to be a bad thing ! ( this reading isn't gender specific by the way ) i think your crush assumes you have too many options to be concerned with them , you may be very stuck up when it comes to your friends ... not in a bad way just extremely close nit to them , not opening yourself up to others . i feel like your crush is ... more of a secret ? your crush may be very non-conventional compared to what maybe your other friends would like , or maybe compared to what you like . i feel like theres some dangerous territory to admitting you like this person , there may be some kind of backlash from people if you admitted to liking this person . anyways though , i think they notice you stare .. like ... a lot . i just see your eyes darting to them immediately , almost in a comical way .
song - the ? remainz by gang starr
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Garfield 3 ( playful , aggressive )
i think the gif speaks for itself as to who you are , you can be very aggressive towards this person in a flirty way ... i think they like aggressive people , and even if you are mean in some ways you appeal to their emotions heavily . it feels a little toxic , almost like you say something rude in a joking way and make up for it immediately . you're kind of the same as pile 1 , you're super confusing . i think also , you've genuinely hurt this person with some of your words , so be careful with what you say . this person is very hard to read , they hide their feelings a lot . you guys may text through instagram a lot , or just text in general ( but for some reason i see instagram ) ... i think this person has a hard time texting , but you're almost addictive to talk to . try inviting them out if you can , i feel like they'll open up a lot more .
song - its on by eazy-e
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heaven444child · 3 months
Pick a pile
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which pile drawn your attention choose it and please take what resonates with you and leave the rest ✨🍀🫶💜
AND Read these readings mindfully 👻and if you want a personal reading then DM me✨🍀
Pile 1
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pile 1 You and your would-be spouse are getting out of a car 🚘 You are wearing a dark green dress 👘💚 When you and your would-be spouse both get out of the car, your husband gives you pink flowers 🌷 and you get very happy seeing those flowers 👱‍♀️ and you both are going inside together like a couple with your arms around each other 👫 and then your husband like a gentleman pulls back the chair for you so that you can sit on it 🤵 and then your would-be spouse is calling someone for the surprise he had planned for you 👋 but you feel something strange 🤨 You get worried that your husband is paying his attention to someone else other than you 🤣 due to which you get upset but when you come to know that he had planned a surprise for you only and then you get happy outside 🥹 and realize your mistake 👀 And you tell this to your husband that you felt that you were paying more attention to that waiter than me 😅 Then your husband smiles and tells you that it's okay but I am happy that you shared your feelings with me which were bothering you 🫠 Oh... your future life partner is very nice, really a gentleman 🤵
(I hope this reading resonates with you) ✨💕 Stay blessed 🫶❤️ AND thankyou for your support ✨🤝🍀😍
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Pile 2
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pile 2 Mostly you and your boyfriend will be working together at the same job 💕 I think you or your colleague will go on a date 🥰 I think you will be wearing a white top or dress 👰🏻‍♀️ I think your colleague will take you to a place where you both have never been before 😍 and you will feel like wow😲 this place is so beautiful🍀🪴 you will ask him why didn’t you bring me there before 👩 then your colleague says to you that then how will this place be special 😱 then you say “special” then your colleague says because if I had brought you here before then where would I have brought you on a date today 😜 and hearing this you start laughing ☺️ and you both enjoy a lot on your first date 🥰 you both click a lot of pictures of yourself 📸
(I hope this reading resonates with you) ✨💕 Stay blessed 🫶❤️ AND thankyou for your support ✨🤝🍀😍
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Pile 3
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pile 3 I feel like your first date will be such that your crush 🤵 will become your lover 🫅 🍀 I feel like your crush/lover will call you 📱 and when you pick up your crush/lover's phone, then your crush/lover tells you that I am sending you an address, please come there 📧 and when you go there, you have no idea that they have invited you for a date 🎏🎀 and I feel like you go wearing a red colored dress 👗❤️ and when you reach at that address, then your crush/lover sees you coming from the window 🪟 your crush/lover then starts setting his/her hair 👻🤭 and when you enter inside, then your crush/lover is unable to look anywhere else after seeing you 👀💕 and your crush/ Seeing you coming closer to them, the lover/ crush stands up from his seat 😁🫣 Your crush/lover also doesn't know why he starts feeling like this after seeing you 😱🤔 He feels that you have cast a spell on him 🔮 📿 Or you are so magical that he can't stop himself ❤️‍🔥 🫠 And when you look into their eyes, you wish that I wish you had invited me for a date today 🍀🩵 You have so much love and feelings for them in your heart 💖💓 And then you both greet each other 🙏🏼👋 And then your crush/lover asks you to sit 👩‍🦰🧑‍🦰 And when you sit on the chair, you ask him why have you invited me here 👀😏 Then your crush / lover asks you what happened to you 🧐 Are you in a bad mood ☹️ Then you say that there is nothing like that 😌 You feel good when they care for you 🥰👀 Your crush / lover tells you that you know everything that I date anyone but I don't feel the way I should 😐 You know that I am not getting the kind of relationship I want. That's why I haven't dated anyone for so long 😬 Because I was not getting any girl the way I want 🫨 Then you say hmm…. I know. 🙄So what do I say now 😑 Then your crush/lover asks you if you would like to date me 🫣 And when you hear that your crush/lover has asked you for a date 😳 And then you were drinking water or juice at that time 🍹🥤 And you get shocked at that time 😨And your crush/lover calls you taking your name and asks if you are okay? 😲 And he gives you a tissue and pats your back lovingly 👀 and you feel very good seeing that he cares for you 🥺🥰 and he says that you can take your time to think ⏰ and then give me your answer 🍀 then both of you are about to leave after finishing your dinner 👠 then your crush/lover tells you that he will drop you home 🚘 then you say no, I will go myself 🥰 but then he holds your hand and takes you to the car and opens the car door for you 👀 and you sit 🚘 and when both of you reach your home, your crush/lover gives you some gifts 🎏 these look like two tinydolls to me which he gives to you both 🎏 and you say while smiling 🤭 you keep one and I will keep the other one 🤭 and then you hug them 🫂and they hug you back 🫂 They will love it when you hug them 💖🍀 and then you both say bye to each other👋
(I hope this reading resonates with you) ✨💕 Stay blessed 🫶❤️ AND thankyou for your support ✨🤝🍀😍
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lovepeaceandtarot · 1 month
Pick a card - What will your first date with your future spouse be like?
(Escolha uma carta - Como será o seu primeiro encontro com o seu futuro esposo?)
If you want a reading on your energy, just schedule a paid reading with me in DM!
(Se quiser uma leitura na sua energia, basta agendar uma leitura paga comigo na DM!)
If that found you, it was for a reason. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t resonate.
(Se isso encontrou você, é por uma razão. Pegue o que ressoar e deixe o que não ressoa.)
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Card 1: For some of you, your first date may be in a park. For others of you, it may be in some very large lake or in some river, because it may be that you take a boat trip this summer. For others of you, it may be close to some famous tourist spot. For others of you, it may be in Scotland because of the castle or somewhere that has a castle such as Disney in Orlando or Disney in Paris or some museum in the shape of a castle. For others of you, it may be that the first date is in a very luxurious and fancy place
(Carta 1 - Para alguns de vocês, o seu primeiro encontro pode ser em algum parque. Para outros de vocês, pode ser em algum lago bem grande ou em algum rio, porque pode ser que vocês façam um passeio de barco nesse verão. Para outros de vocês, pode ser perto de algum ponto turistico famoso. Para outros de vocês, pode ser que seja na Escócia por causa do castelo ou em algum lugar que possua castelo como a Disney de Orlando ou a Disney de Paris ou algum museu em formato de castelo. Para outros de vocês, pode ser que o primeiro encontro seja em um lugar bastante luxuoso e chique.)
Card 2 - For some of you, it can be on a walk in the forest, that is, it is a sporting gathering. For others, this is a walk in the park. For others, he may take you to see the lanterns in Thailand, if you meet him on a trip in Thailand.
(Carta 2: Para alguns de vocês, pode ser em uma caminhada na floresta ou seja é um encontro esportivo. Para outros, isso é uma caminhada no parque. Para outros, pode ser que ele te leve para ver as lanternas na Tailandia, caso você o conheça em uma viagem na Tailandia.)
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valyrfia · 5 months
Hi! I hope you are doing great. Can you please do a detailed reading about Charles Leclerc future spouse? Who is she? Her character, job, look etc. How they going to meet and their first impressions about each other? What charles' friends (especially close ones) and his family (especially his brothers and mother) will think about her? How they will confess their feelings to each other? What are fans and society going to think about their relationship? Will the relationship be successful? Thank you :)
Hm so I’m getting….blond-ish, blue eyed. They’ll meet through work. Character….well they could be a bit abrupt and brutally honest at first but their honesty is one of their best traits, they wear their heart on their sleeve. Charles’ family already loves them and has known them for a while. Their job is…..multiple F1 world champion. The relationship is giving written in the stars, casually embedded in the very fabric of the universe kind of thing.
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bijoutarot · 1 year
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Your Next Date
Pick An Image
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Image 1
Your next date is going to warm your heart. This person caters to your sentimental side. They will spoil you rotten with beautiful gifts that has meanings. During the courting phase they paid very close attention to your interest. They listened to stories of your childhood and memories that softened your eyes when you spoke about it. This person has good intentions. They want to show you the world and give you everything you never experienced. They want to be the first. For the first time you will feel comfortable to let your guard down. You will not be afraid to be open emotionally and share things about you that you would normally hold back. This will be the date that sets the tone for this connection. They will make you feel soft, beautiful, TREASURED, and most of all HEARD.
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Image 2
Your next date will be something unexpected. It will be a time where you are having a bad week and in a terrible mood. It will be a date where it is not planned. You won’t be dressed up or looking the way you normally want to. This date will be a spontaneous outing with a friend zoned person in your life. Surprisingly you will have a great time. This person will lift your spirits. You literally will feel like this person just remedied everything that was going wrong. They will simplify the problem and create a solution for you that made you consider your initial reaction. You will have a great time with this person and want to hang out again.
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Image 3
Your ex will take you on your next date. This person will literally be at your feet wanting to make things right. This person feels how cold abs skeptical you are towards them. This person will spoil you telling you to order whatever you want. They aim to impress you. They might have come into some extra income and they want you to see how responsible they are now. They want to show you how much they have matured since you guys broke up. They want to show you that they can take care of you now. This person is all grown up now and want to prove to you that they can be a strong addition to your life. When you guys were together they were not carrying their weight and this frustrated you. Now this person is ready to spoil you and earn your forgiveness. They want a second chance.
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Image 4
Your next date will be in an area that is new to you. They will take you somewhere that is far from where you live, surrounded by water and nature. This person will not be in a rush to commit. They are not yet ready because they want to fully experience dating. This person might have recently gotten out of a serious relationship. This time they want to show you how to be free and experience something different. They will be taking you out of your comfort zone. This person will be well dressed, charming, and have the gift of gab. They can talk themselves out of any sticky spot. They are very flirty which can make the date really fun. For the first time you will be dating to get to know someone without the pressure. You won’t be focused on finding your spouse instead you will be immersed in the experience. This person will teach you how to live in the moment without expectation. This date will literally be a breath of fresh air.
Which image resonated with you?
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witchescollection · 3 months
literally why is dating so hard... where are the polyamorous pagans??? i know they exist!!
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changbinsboobs · 19 days
Hii i love your channel btw! I’m curious bcs as you’ve said chan could/can be sleeping w commoners🙊, Who in skz is most likely to date a fan?
Who in Skz is most likely to date a fan?
So i did a quick card draw and theres 2 members that seem the most likely to - Han and I.N. Chan also seems open to it, tho i don't see it being as likely as the other two. Lee know seems open to being friends with fans, potentially if a friendship turns into romance why not, but with him its more of a platonic energy. Hyunjin and felix seem closed off to it - something like they have a rule or boundary to not engage with fans romantically/sexually. Changbins is a bit weird?? Maybe he has dated a fan before and it turned out really bad so he doesn't do it anymore(?). And lastly Seungmin seems strongly opposed to the idea.
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scorpihoe1111 · 6 months
Synastry Observations: Part 2💞
Your Moon/Mercury falling in someone’s 3H can open the house person up to bigger ideas of logic and emotion. A person who can be closed minded, ignorant or emotionally immature can possibly become more open minded and emotionally mature and considerate when they have 3H synastry with someone as the house person learns through the planet person.
Neptune synastry, esp when in the 1H/7H can project on the planet individual a lot. The house person can see the planet person as someone better or worse than they actually are. They refuse to see the person for who and what they are, whether in a good or bad sense and have rose colored glasses.
I noticed those with 9H synastry usually have issues with one another’s in laws. It can be that the in laws might not approve of a relationship or marriage between the two, seemingly because one of the partners might be completely different from what the others parents expected their son/daughter to be in a romantic relationship with.
Ladies, if your 1H falls in a man’s Venus sign or is sextile/conjuct his Mars/Venus/ASC, he may just be obsessed with you 🫢
Same can be said if your moon falls in his 8H/12H. They can obsessed with trying to know how you feel about them and wanting to own you basically
Pluto square/opp Moon in synastry indicate an emotionally abusive relationship sometimes.
10H synastry can indicate the friendship/relationship being a publicity stunt or something that’s very much in the public eye. Many people may know of you two being together.
Unfortunately, 10H synastry can also include a lot of your beef/fights with the person to be publicized or all over social media a lot esp if 11H synastry is involved too.
Your personal planets falling in someone’s 6H or aspecting Saturn/Neptune (esp harsh aspects) can indicate someone who is consistently trying to change or “fix” you.
6H synastry can also be indicative of someone making you do physical labor for them as well.
Jupiter opp Saturn can make the Jupiter person feel like they’re being held back or tied down in a relationship with the Saturn person but usually the Saturn person is just trying to give Jupiter some responsibility.
Uranus aspecting ASC in synastry is a sign of the ASC person feeling oddly vulnerable and comfortable around the Uranus person. They usually feel like they can be themselves.
Not sure when I’ll be doing a part 3, but thanks for all the support 👏🏻
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brinnanza · 7 days
most gays and reasonable people: you can't judge people for immutable aspects of their being like their sexuality or race or county of origin; bisexuals are not a monolith they don't all like iced coffee
some of those same bitches without a shred of awareness: except for your birthday which can determine your entire personality my girlfriend the moon told me so
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[PAC - Your first date together. Please do not copy or repost any part of the reading.]
There are 4 piles. This a general, collective reading as usual, take what resonates, this is for fun! Regardless of the banner, it doesn't have to be a romantic relationship - it could be friends or relatives.
This extensive reading includes sub-questions, signs and quotes! I also read possible things about you and about them, because why not! You can take it as further confirmation that it's your pile. XD
Take a slow breath, clear your mind and intuitively pick an image or number (you can ask your higher self and your spirit guides to help you choose it).
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Pile 1
It's 1:11PM I'm not even joking, number 8, relating to each other, reciprocated feelings, sudden confession and realising it's reciprocated, February, Lewis
No way I just got a poem on reciprocity by Cleo Wade!!! Two messages on that; for some it's reciprocated, for others don't waste time on someone who doesn't reciprocate your feelings!
United States, North America, Mexico, area between North and South America.
Astrological placements: Moon domiant, Cancer, Jupiter dominant, Sagittarius, Pisces, Moon conjunct Jupiter. Virgo rising, Gemini rising, Mercury in Aries, Mercury in Capricorn.
Possible things about you:
Life path 7, deep thinker, big on self-improvement and self-reflection. Maybe you're into manifestation as well. You might be very pretty according to societal standards, or you like to take care of yourself and your appearance. I think you're someone very kind and caring to others too. Do you do the same for yourself? Such an empathetic soul. You're a gift on Earth my love, know that.
Maybe you want to fly away, you want some freedom and get away somewhere far, but for some reason you've got to stay where you are. It's alright, all in due time.
Some of you may like Aphrodite or Venus, or you're in that phase of your life that she rules over, such as beauty, goddess energy, sacredness, femininity, etc.
Some of you may want to be a mother really bad, you want your own baby, you love children. A small minority of you could have a child already, but some may get pregnant/be a new father in the near future. :)
Possible things about them: 2 groups came up so you may intuitively pick 1 or 2, or both!
group 1:
they're the ones who feel the same about you haha!
they may also want a child or want their own baby, that's so sweet Pile 1. very caring individuals too and maybe that's something you relate on between each other.
they may feel like you uplift them whenever you speak or are physically with them. I feel like whenever you're around, they don't have these dark thoughts anymore. Maybe you ease their anxiety naturally, without even trying. I feel like they really feel comfortable and safe with you, and whatever the future holds, they hope that you don't let go of them. Actually, they wish to not let go of you. They don't want to. They see you with such respect and admiration, they really love you in that sense. It's not just infatuation or attachment, they love your traits/character.
their love language could be gift giving or handwritten notes.
group 2:
wow, we've got an ambitious and hard working person here. very powerful and independent. wants to rise to the top, they want to be successful and go higher. they want to excel at what they do, career wise or romance. it's like Suga singing "I wanna big house, big car, big ring" (something like that lol). great at multitasking and overseeing plans, but they could tend to be a bit controlling as a result. like their work mindset spills over in the personal life and relationships. it is not very bad though, but they may not realise. For some of them, if you tell them honestly that they're being a bit controlling or disrespectful in certain ways, they will feel bad and apologise and try to correct their attitude. They're not a bad person, they want to do their best so much that they are less self aware.
Your first date together:
How - probably not in the most romantic way? whatever is going to lead to that first date is not peaceful. maybe some misunderstanding or friction has to happen for you two to take that step forward.
Where - somewhere dry or far from water. Or there's not much around, far from the city. i.e. you might go hiking with them for the first date...are y'all dating a German? LMAO. On a more serious note, if you're a woman don't go on first dates where there's literally no one around. Safety first.
What - again could be hiking, rock climbing, risky/outdoorsy activities, dates in nature...
"Friendship is a sheltering tree" (Cornwall, L., 2015)
"When we focus solely on validation from the outside world, we end up being very easily controlled by circumstance, but when we remain humble and firmly rooted in our ever-present goodness, we can celebrate our accomplishments and learn from our disappointments without letting them be the things that define us" (Wade, C., 2018)
That's it Pile 1, I really enjoyed reading for you. Remember this is a collective reading, so take what resonates only.
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 2
Hi Pile 2! This is my creative pile <3
November, teenager, architecture, museum, fashion lover, gossiping together or telling each other the crispy stuff, someone with a loyal character, someone looking after a garden or wanting to have one - maybe likes flowers.
Being a romantic, someone wants to be in love, someone has Venus in Pisces, someone thinks about love or their crush.
Be careful of trains.
Someone is going through an experience which pushes them to find their inner strength and resolve, which increases their self-confidence.
Venus trine Saturn, Venus in the 8th house.
Hawaii, Japan, Africa/South Africa cities, East China cities, South Korea, your person can be from Argentina
Possible things about you:
Pile 2, I'm getting some of you like gardening and drawing. In particular, you might like bees and are a strong supporter of saving our bees. You might have a green hand. Not even a green thumb, the whole hand lol! Some of you might have had past lives as nature spirits like faes, you might have an affinity with them or have them as spirit guides.
Some of you might know a lot about nature in general or you might even know a lot about indigenous flora and fauna, or specific species of plants. Some of you may have seen orbs of faeries outside...
Possible things about them:
I think the person you're thinking about likes fashion, or for some they might relate to you regarding nature/gardening. They might have fine features or seem delicate and gentle. It feels like looking at ice in their eyes, but it is so gentle. It is reflected in their personality as well. Very kind and calm. Number 33 on the card is jumping out to me, so you might see this number as well.
Ok definitely they are into fashion. For some, this is someone older than you. For others, your person is definitely more mature than their actual age. Like, very very mature and wise. It doesn't feel like it comes from difficult experiences, it feels like they didn't have as much of a difficult upbringing. Maybe they were naturally this way, and good parenting may have helped.
Side note, they could be a bit dreamy.
I don't usually get the past lives card but here it is, so this friend could be from a past life. Or, I'm getting they might remember theirs.
First date together:
They might tell you straight up that they want to go on a date with you. They might text you or ask you face-to-face. You guys have a good connection, very in synch. You two might be very vocal on your date, as in talking a lot and expressing yourself.
Some people in Pile 2 might go karaoke or sing at some point while you have fun together.
Some of you might actually have a unique date where you dress up, put on makeup, get all pretty and fun i.e. cosplay! You might take photos or film your date, you're going to be out there! Ooh lala so fancy! xD
It feels like it's your usual hangout as friends but somehow it's also different, closer and it's getting more realll. I.e. you might get more touchy-touchy this time, they might hold your waist or your hand, or they might kiss your cheek by surprise... Aw this is cute xD
"the time has always been now"
"I will not be a victim"
"you are going to be okay"
"the timing is always right to love someone"
(Wade, C., 2018)
That's it Pile 2, I wish you the best 🤗. Remember this is a collective reading, so take what resonates only.
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 3
Hi Pile 3! What an interesting and sweet pile.
November, strong friendship bond that was made naturally, finding your tribe, realising your own value and worth, sticking with your real friends, be grateful for the loving people and goodness in your life.
Neptune in Taurus, Gemini Rising.
Australia, Sydney/Canberra, Pacific Islands, Samoa, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Russia.
Possible things about you:
You are very shy, secretive, and value personal space and privacy very much.
Some of you like to read physical books.
I'm seeing of you are teenagers, younger girls.
You are a good listener and confident, people always trust you to keep their secrets, and you will not even tell your best friend or your dog a word of it.
You keep many parts of yourself hidden, for example you are secretly very nurturing and creative. You might like little children.
Possible things about them:
I'm seeing yellow and a ball, so I feel like they really like children.
They are also like a big ray of sunlight. They are that person that illuminates the room as soon as they walk in.
They are very honest and open, and perhaps you like that about them.
They are also very warm and compassionate. They bring people in and make sure not to leave out anyone. Never puts themselves above anyone else and aways try to harmonise everyone.
Like you, they dislike discord. You just have a different way to deal with peace/discord and people. But they like your own way of being and they don't want you to change.
Your first date together:
Interestingly enough, I feel like some of you might have your first date with children around, maybe looking after some, i.e. their little cousins or siblings.
Some you might go fishing and/or have a picnic outside.
During this date, they will absolutely love how you don't hide any part of yourself, you're just being yourself and expressing yourself without restriction. You'll come out of your shell because you'll be influence by him, by the children, and you'll be super comfortable overall. You might actually have lots of fun. Scenario example of the date could be that you, them and their little cousins all go fishing, and then you have your picnic nearby; you have fun all day.
I feel like you and your date are seemingly opposite but actually very similar within. You just express yourself differently and process things differently. You might even be a ENFP/INFP or ENFJ/INFJ duo.
"Shepherd-like compassion means considering the benefit of the masses first, so that we place others first and 'I' last". (Yuthok, L. C., 2005)
Aw that's it Pile 3. Thank you for reading. As always, this is a collective reading so take only what resonates and the general ideas with you.
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 4
October, fake friend, chasing after someone's love - love is to be received, not chased after, someone wise and mature, compassionate, someone who likes include everyone and whose motto is "we're all in this together"
Someone here has to let go of someone that does not deserve them.
Someone here could receive a letter from the person they are thinking of in this PAC.
Someone's person for this PAC is a romantic relationship and it could be very passionate.
Mars in Scorpio, Mercury square Neptune, Mercury square Pluto, Jupiter in 10th, Jupiter in 12th
Sudan, South Pacific, NZ, Hawaii, Cuba
Possible things about you:
You could be very emotional and sometimes letting emotions get to you, and it might be hard for you to be more in control. I feel like you guys might sometimes let your emotions get the better of you or affect situations you're in. And then you suffer the consequences. I.e. getting overly angry and saying things you regret later, or getting upset, crying, and not being able to react properly and also regretting later on.
I sense some of you are super generous, but you're so kind and compassionate that some people take advantage of you. I feel like a minority of this group are super kind-hearted and never see the worst in people; you never expect people to lie or have bad intentions - or you could be neurodivergent and just not realise it. I'm feeling upset for you 😭
Actually, if you're neurodivergent, it would make sense why it's hard for you to manage your emotions sometimes.
Some of you could have been having a hard time taking care of yourself and organising things ahead, almost feeling like a ghost or a shell. You're especially lacking self-care and that's been taking a toll on you. I also sense that it's causing you to feel disconnected from yourself. You could be trying to desperately hold on to yourself.
Overall, Pile 4, you're very wise and mature, very compassionate and you have strong values. You do not tolerate lying or deceiving, unfairness and similar unacceptable behaviours.
Some of you like to bring people together, others like things to be peaceful in a social context even if you're not the social butterfly.
Possible things about them:
I'm getting that they are someone really smart and intelligent in that they are very creative. They like to create and build things. They are innovative. However, they are possibly channeling this energy in the wrong place or activity and it's wasted. Their confidence and self-esteem is affected as a result.
They're very optimistic and positive so once they regain their spirit, they will get a breakthrough.
Might have a very messy mind, octopus mind, or hyperactive mind
Head in the clouds type of person, they don't mean to ignore you Pile 4. That's also how they get all their cool ideas and solutions
Some of you may have manifested them
The smoke in the card is calling at me so perhaps someone will understand bc I don't lol
I think they could also be someone who values justice and fairness, as well as respect in general
Your first date together:
Honestly all I'm seeing is you might spend your first at home with this person, or at least most of you will
Super chill, relaxed, comfy. Doesn't look like you'll be doing much or do anything that requires much effort.
Could be something simple like playing video games at home while eating snacks, but it's just you and them in the house.
I think part of the reason is because there's not much else to do? Maybe you live in a boring area for your age range.
They might gift you something speciallll. Maybe a birthday present. Or a handwritten letter, like I mentioned in the signs part at the beginning.
Honestly I'm just seeing this date is something pure, just nice and you guys are super kind and have a great time with each other.
"Love yourself enough to tell the truth." (Wade, C., 2018)
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
"Often we don't want to act as though we did something beneficial all by ourselves; rather, we feel a need to acknowledge the help of others." (Yuthok, L. C., 2005)
That's it beautiful Pile 4, thanks for reading and I hope you had fun reading this PAC. Let me know your thoughts!
Hi! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed! I quite enjoyed this Pick-a-Pile. I also tried a new format, so that the post is shorter and hopefully easier to read. Let me know if you prefer the paragraphs though 😂
I might do a Past Life PAC next! I want to do something original, so the format could be different again 👀
Enjoy your date! 💕
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lyssq · 4 months
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How They Feel Being Loved by You | CSM Edition
 tags: gn!reader, headcanons, tarot, spoilers for makima’s
a/n: a spin on my usual tarot hcs of how it feels being loved by a certain character but rather how they feel being loved by someone else. something light-hearted to cheer up after a recent, unfortunate event. let’s enjoy csm tuesday tomorrow woo!! i don’t apologize for the person i will become when angel is officially in an episode, i am saying that right here and now. (also for the anime onlys, i’m a manga reader so lwk just assume anything with makima unless specified otherwise isn’t anime only-friendly)
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knight of cups, the emperor, ten of cups, the hierophant
ever the romantic who doesn’t ask for much, denji is wholly satisfied with your relationship and the love you give him. as far he’s concerned, he’s living on cloud nine. you’re the bonnie to his clyde, the thelma to his louise, you’re partners. he’s spoiled by what you do for him, big and small. you make denji feel safe and secure, he doesn’t need to worry when you’re around and if you’re apart, he knows your relationship is just as strong. what more does he have to ask for? although, if denji was asked, he supposes he does have a small list of things he’d like to ask you for. boobs and ass please going on lots of dates together, steak every morning for breakfast and an unlimited amount of jam and butter.
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the lovers, five of swords, the hierophant, king of wands
love was freedom for aki. all these years being pulled by his hate and desire for revenge led him into conflict after conflict with the devil hunters and it wasn’t until experiencing love did he consider following a different path. love for his new family, a new family that includes you. rather than his strength being fueled by hate, aki’s strength is fueled by love and his fear he will lose those that he cares about. he wants you to have a long life even if he knows that you won’t be able to enjoy a long one with each other. he wants to spend as much time as he can with you regardless. he feels your warmth and passion and love for life envelope him completely, that’s the foundation for his actions.
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the lovers, king of swords, eight of cups, the world
power feels like she is on top of the world when she is with you. she isn’t the brightest tool in the shed, nor is she as brave as she claims to be but you make her feel that way 100%. there are tendencies power will never be able to let go of as the blood fiend. she will always thirst for blood and she will always be fond of the idea of violence and chaos and her general dislike of humans will remain. but if it’s you, humans aren’t all bad. meowy likes you after all and if you have her beloved cat’s approval, power knows in her heart that you’re the one for her. you know what she is and isn’t capable of and you accept power, flaws and all and she accepts you human and all. she’s the ultimate, great and feared power and you are her ultimate lover
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angel devil
queen of chalices, the devil, queen of swords, two of pentacles
being loved by you is a sign to angel that it’s finally okay for him to be selfish. he no longer has to put on airs or be fearful of the terrifying beast that keeps him chained to the devil hunters. angel chooses you. you make him feel balanced and like it is okay to release the emotions he keeps quelled inside him; love, happiness, fear and anger. he lets them flow as freely as the newfound selfishness you awakened in him. he can make this work, he can get through any trial his relationship with you may come across. it matters not if he is angel or devil first, angel is first and foremost yours. he will always be cautious of touching too freely, but he welcomes the affection he can receive like its the finest wine
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the world, the fool, five of swords, four of wands
your love is a new experience for makima. until you, every relationship she has had was one that was based upon her powers as the control devil and that fact has haunted her for many years. but you came and freed her from those chains, the one person the control devil can have a relationship with where her powers didn’t play a part. for makima, this is as freeing as it as luxurious. everything about your relationship is something new for her and it makes makima feel as if she has everything and is everything. for makima, close isn’t close enough she wishes she could live in your skin. your love the is the blood that flows through her veins, the air she breathes and if she could she’d live in your chest as your heart. for makima, your relationship is a harmonious one. she hopes that through you, she can form more relationships like your own. relationships that are equal. but you will always be her favorite.
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