#date night :)
icimdekikayipcocuk · 2 days
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bluebanana-art · 1 day
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With this drawing I'm participating in @zero_lawliet 's challenge for his 30k (I'll put the link to her post on X at the end). Just redo her drawing as you want, but the deadline was today (tomorrow she'll announce the winner) so if anyone wants to participate, maybe you can do something last minute, there are many of his gadgets as prizes. 🥰🥰
I'm happy that I can finally draw Stolas and Blitzo without copying another design but I'm still not satisfied because they come out very crooked. Blitzo for example, I wanted to make him 3/4 from the back, but in the end he came out with the torso 3/4 while the head and legs are from the side... And the horns are too low! On the other hand I remembered to draw the tails, both of Blitzo and Stolas, which I usually always forget to do, it's satisfying!! XD
Reblog if you want, thx!! :3
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dolly-rose · 2 days
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froginamoodboard · 2 days
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Goldenheart date moodboard
Requested by: anon
x x x x x x x x x
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chrissykens · 3 days
Aquarium Date
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might make a cute little date moodboard series 👀
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brooky22924 · 2 days
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Sometimes,every now and then,she is enough to be all your world and all you have ever needed to exist in this world. But you were never so selfish as to keep her all to yourself. That's where my wife @ajs-hotwife-84 and I have found ourselves. After 30+ years of combat tours,service and moving around we've retired together and she has been my rock and soul provider. But the hot wife life has been so much an extension and expression of who we are. My wife is sexy,beautiful, smart and loving. Take the time to get to know her and explore her if you dare.
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unholy-biscuits · 16 days
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icimdekikayipcocuk · 2 days
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Evidence of a great night if you ask me! 😉🥰
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canisalbus · 11 months
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✦ Barbenheimer ✦
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berrypaints · 7 months
I put them on the bus train lol 🚎 🎨
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You see Aziraphale and Crowley on the bus train, I wonder what they’re talking about? 👀 🎨 🚎
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pikavani · 6 months
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Jax and Ragatha couldn’t really reach an agreement what movie to watch… but luckily there’s one movie the both enjoy watching! ☺️
Day 3 of the bunnydoll prompts - „Date“
„Sharknado“ is just a dumb example for a movie only a guy could enjoy… but if any of you guy friends have better suggestions I‘m all ears xD
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beebox-illustrations · 2 months
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Some creek stuff :)
Have a good week guys✨
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teddys-draft · 3 months
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A love language ✨
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fullcravings · 28 days
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Chocolate Mousse Cake
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gleafer · 7 months
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The ineffables go to the show!
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