rnoni · 20 days
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lowvoltagehouston · 10 months
Navigating the Digital Landscape: The Importance of Network Wiring Solutions
In an era dominated by technological advancements, businesses are constantly navigating the complexities of the digital landscape. One crucial aspect that often determines success is the quality of network wiring solutions. As the reliance on technology continues to grow, the demand for seamless connectivity and efficient data systems installation becomes increasingly pronounced.
Businesses across the USA are recognizing the significance of robust network infrastructure, searching for solutions that go beyond the conventional. The keyword driving this search is "Connectivity Optimization."
Connectivity Optimization: A Gateway to Business Success
Enterprises are seeking connectivity optimization to ensure their networks are not only compliant with industry standards but also tailored to support the unique needs of commercial spaces. The focus is shifting towards integrated solutions that simplify the intricate areas of video, voice, and data.
Certified technicians play a pivotal role in the quest for connectivity optimization. Their expertise goes beyond mere installation, encompassing on-site consultations that provide valuable insights even when businesses are unsure about their specific requirements. This approach extends to a range of systems, including security, fire alarms, wired and wireless networks, and surveillance solutions.
Elevating Business Communication Standards
The commitment to maintaining the highest quality voice/data communications and installation standards sets the foundation for businesses to thrive in the digital age. This dedication ensures not only scalability but also the solidity of the network infrastructure.
As businesses navigate the challenges of the modern world, having a partner that prioritizes connectivity optimization becomes a strategic advantage. The keyword "Connectivity Optimization" encapsulates the essence of the journey towards a more efficient, reliable, and future-ready network.
Empowering Businesses with Connectivity Optimization
Are you ready to empower your business with connectivity optimization? Discover how tailored solutions can elevate your communication infrastructure to new heights. Contact Low Voltage Houston to explore the possibilities. It's time to not just connect, but to connect smartly and optimize your business for success in the digital era.
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excelworld · 1 year
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govindhtech · 7 months
Deutsche Bank’s Serverless Trade Surveillance Data System
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Trade Surveillance Regulations
Every bank must meet regulatory standards. An investment bank like Deutsche Bank must recognize and prevent market manipulation and abuse, even though financial regulation is wide. This is trade surveillance.
Deutsche Bank’s Compliance Technology division implements this control function technically. The Compliance Technology team monitors all bank business lines’ transactions by retrieving data from front office operational systems and performing scenario computations. Any worrisome trends trigger an internal alert for a compliance officer to examine and resolve.
Many systems provide input data, but market, trade, and reference data are most important. The team had to duplicate data between, and sometimes inside, several analytical systems to source data for compliance technology applications from front-office systems, which caused data quality and lineage difficulties and architectural complexity. Trade surveillance situations demand a system that can store and interpret massive amounts of data utilizing distributed computation frameworks like Apache Spark.
Innovation in architecture
With its full data analytics ecosystem of products and services, Google Cloud can assist big organizations tackle difficult data processing and sharing challenges. BigQuery, Google Cloud’s serverless data warehouse, and Dataproc, a managed Apache Spark service, can enable data-heavy corporate use cases like trade surveillance.
The Compliance Technology team used Google Cloud managed services in their new trade surveillance architecture. In the new design, operational front-office systems submit data to BigQuery tables. BigQuery now provides trade, market, and reference data to data users like Trade Surveillance. The Compliance Technology team doesn’t need all the front-office data, so they may generate numerous views using simply the input data that contains the necessary information for trade surveillance situations.
In BigQuery, Spark, Dataproc, and other technologies, trade surveillance business logic is executed as data transformations. This business logic detects abnormal trade patterns that indicate market abuse or manipulation. Written to output BigQuery tables, suspicious cases are processed through research and investigation workflows by compliance officers, who detect false positives and file a Suspicious Activity Report to the regulator if the case indicates a compliance violation.
Surveillance alerts are kept to measure detection effectiveness and reduce false positives. Dataproc uses Spark while BigQuery uses SQL for these computations. They are conducted frequently and reported back into trade surveillance scenario execution to enhance monitoring systems. Cloud Composer, a managed Apache Airflow workflow orchestration solution, orchestrates ETL procedures for trade surveillance scenarios and effectiveness calibrations.
The advantages of serverless data architecture
The architecture above indicates that trade monitoring needs several data sources. Using BigQuery to source this data allows Deutsche Bank data users to use it without copying it. By reducing hops, a simpler design enhances data quality and decreases cost.
BigQuery’s lack of instances and clusters eliminates the need to duplicate data. Instead, data consumers may access any table if they have the necessary rights and query the table URI (i.e., the Google Cloud project-id, dataset name, and table name). Thus, users may access the data from their Google Cloud projects without copying and storing it.
The Compliance Technology team needs only query BigQuery views with input data and tables with derived data from compliance-specific ETLs to conduct trade surveillance scenarios. This avoids data duplication, making data more trustworthy and architecture more robust owing to fewer data hops. Above all, this zero-copy strategy lets data consumers in other bank teams besides trade surveillance utilize market, trade, and reference data in BigQuery.
BigQuery has another benefit. ETL orchestration is easy with Apache Airflow’s BigQuery operators since it’s connected with Google Cloud services like Dataproc and Cloud Composer. No data copying is needed to handle BigQuery data with Spark. Instead, an out-of-the-box connection reads data using the BigQuery Storage API, which streams massive amounts of data straight to Dataproc workers in parallel for quick processing.
Finally, BigQuery lets data producers use Google Cloud’s inherent data quality tools like Dataplex automated data quality. This service lets you set criteria for data freshness, correctness, uniqueness, completeness, timeliness, and other aspects and apply them to BigQuery data. This is serverless and automated without infrastructure for rules execution and data quality enforcement. Thus, the Compliance Technology team can guarantee that front-office data meets data quality criteria, giving value to the new architecture.
The new design uses integrated and serverless data analytics tools and managed services from Google Cloud, allowing the Compliance Technology team to concentrate on Trade Surveillance application business logic. Unlike a big, on-premises Hadoop cluster, BigQuery doesn’t need maintenance periods, version updates, upfront sizing, or hardware replacements.
The new architecture’s cost-effectiveness is the last benefit. The architecture uses pay-as-you-go services to let team members concentrate on business-relevant features instead of infrastructure. Compute power is solely used for batch activities like compliance-specific ETLs, trade surveillance scenarios, and effectiveness calibration, rather than 24/7 machine operation. This reduces the cost even more than an always-on, on-prem option.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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Data System una empresa con más de 10 años de experiencia, revisión y presupuesto gratuito. Visítanos en una de nuestras tiendas. Estamos en la calle Dr. Esquerdo 12 (local 6) cerca del metro Manuel Becerra. También nos encontramos en la calle Hernani 13 dentro del mercado maravillas local 97 cerca del metro Cuatro Caminos.
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destinedtobeloved · 7 months
Takeshi looks for her everywhere. He looks for Sarah in every woman that fills his bed and every woman he follows around like a dog.
He sees Sarah in Tanya Wardani’s dark black hair and in the way her face morphs into a very rare grin. Her determination and her smarts.
He feels her in the way Trepp would lean on him and drag him around the city and engage in drunken chemically-upped conversations that never did truly make any sense.
He sees Sarah in the way Slyvie holds her guns and the way she leads. He sees her when she invites him to her place and sits next to him on the couch and the way she could somehow just be so comfortable like that with a stranger.
He sees her in Kristen and their closeness towards the end of the case, how neither one of the pair had ever truly wanted to let go. He sees her in her quick wit and her sharp tongue.
He feels her in Cruickshank and the eagerness of hers to be with him. The child-like joy and playful banters, and a sense of naivety.
When he closes his eyes, he can almost pretend each of those women are her.
And I can’t help believing—hoping, maybe—that an orbital platform that can reach down and wipe out at one and the same time a hoverloaderfull of people and the minute bindings on two individual humans’ hands, that can destroy and record at the same time, that can decant whole minds back into datasystems on the ground —I can’t help believing that the same system may be able some day to look down at the fringes of the Nurimono Ocean and find a pair of decades-abandoned weed grown cortical stacks.
And bring back to life what they hold.
- Takeshi Kovacs.
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entomoblog · 9 months
Expéditions Corse : carnet de bord des scientifiques
See on Scoop.it - EntomoScience
En mai 2019, les scientifiques de La Planète Revisitée entament en Corse un programme d’expéditions de 3 ans conduit par le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, en partenariat avec la Collectivité de Corse et l’Agence française pour la Biodiversité. Ce programme a pour objectif de réaliser un échantillonnage des espèces d’algues et d’invertébrés marins et terrestres de l’île.
  → Carnet de bord des scientifiques | Expéditions Corse https://laplaneterevisitee-corse.mnhn.fr/fr/carnet-bord/carnet-bord-scientifiques
La publication
  La Planète Revisitée en Corse 2019-2021 : un grand inventaire de la biodiversité négligée dans une île méditerranéenne.Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 128 (4), 2023 : 353-382. ISSN 0037-928X https://doi.org/10.32475/bsef_2285 eISSN 2540-2641
  Résumé. – De 2019 à 2021, des missions scientifiques de terrain ont été organisées en Corse par le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, l’Office français de la biodiversité et la Collectivité de Corse dans le cadre du programme d’exploration naturaliste “La Planète Revisitée”. Cet article présente le contexte, l’état des connaissances biogéographiques et taxinomiques avant le début du programme, les objectifs, les méthodes ainsi que les premiers résultats obtenus. L’objectif était d’établir un inventaire moderne des espèces présentes dans une série de sites représentatifs de différents écosystèmes et d’enrichir les collections d’histoire naturelle de nouveaux spécimens et nouvelles espèces, et en y associant des codes-barres ADN standards, utiles à leur identification. Pendant les trois ans, 19 sites ont été inventoriés de façon semi-standardisée dont trois ont bénéficié d’un dispositif de piégeage d’ampleur. L’accent a été mis sur l’échantillonnage des espèces forestières, ainsi que sur les pièges à interception et les assiettes colorées pour les diptères et les hyménoptères. Au total, 34 experts ont participé aux inventaires de terrain et plus de 80 ont contribué à l’étude du matériel. Les données d’observation sont mises à disposition dans l’Inventaire national du patrimoine naturel (http://www.inpn.fr), et pour les individus associés à des codes-barres ADN, les données des spécimens et les séquences ADN seront accessibles dans le Barcode of Life datasystems (BOLD : http://www.boldsystems.org). Début 2023, les jeux de données produits comprennent 31 100 données d’occurrence pour 3900 taxons d’arthropodes terrestres, ce qui représente une augmentation de 53 % des données publiques disponibles pour l’île. Les codes-barres ADN de plus de 6800 spécimens d’arthropodes ont été produits, ce qui représente 14 fois plus de séquences existantes pour les insectes de Corse que ce qui était disponible avant le début du programme. Jusqu’à présent, 148 signalements nouveaux et 12 espèces nouvelles pour la Science ont été publiés.
  Keywords. – Arthropoda, Arachnida, Insecta, Crustacea Isopoda, expedition, sampling technique, survey protocol, survey strategy, map, sample processing, barcoding, integrative taxonomy.
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politirapporten · 2 years
Den tidligere it-medarbejder hos Østjyllands Politi er den 20. januar 2023 ved retten i Århus idømt to års fængsel og 250 timers ulønnet samfundstjeneste for bl.a. at have hacket op imod 114 nu tidligere kolleger, venner, bekendte og tilfældige privatpersoner. Tre måneder af den to år lange fængselsstraf gøres ubetinget. De restrende et år og ni måneder gøres betinget. Ud over fængsel og samfundstjeneste er manden dømt til at være under tilsyn af Kriminalforsorgen, og han skal om nødvendigt i sexologisk behandling. Dommen faldt efter at den tiltalte, tidligere it-medarbejder, i retten havde erkendt de 10 forhold han var tiltalt for. Forholdene er begået både på arbejdspladsen og på hjemmeadressen i en periode fra 2016 til den 29. marts 2021, hvor han blev anholdt. Hacking af kollegers telefoner Den tidligere it-medarbejder er blandt andet dømt for at have hacket 114 tidligere kollegers telefoner, hvorved han fik adgang til formentlig hundredetusindvis af private billeder, beskeder og kalenderoplysninger. De fleste ansatte ved politiet fik hacket deres mobiltelefoner én eller få gange, men enkelte ansatte fik hacket deres telefoner betydeligt flere gange – heraf har én af de forurettede fået hacket sin telefon ca. 50 gange. Misbrug af stilling Manden er også dømt for blufærdighedskrænkelse og for at have misbrugt sin stilling i politiet til at skaffe sig adgang til efterforskningsmateriale i afsluttede straffesager. Han kopierede således indhold af telefonudlæsninger fra over 100 afsluttede straffesager. Derudover skaffede han sig adgang til materiale fra 50 sager om deling af intimt billedmateriale. Endelig er manden dømt for - fra sin hjemmeadresse - at have forsøgt at skaffe sig adgang til andres datasystemer. I nogle tilfælde har han købt brugte harddiske, som det lykkedes ham at gendanne, og derved få adgang til datamateriale. I andre tilfælde har han skaffet sig adgang til datamateriale, når han har hjulpet venner og familie med forskellig it-problemer. - Det har været en bemærkelsesværdig sag, fordi der er så mange forurettede, og det gør indtryk. Ofrene har fået krænket deres privatliv, og så har de fået brudt den tillid, de havde til en person, som de stolede på enten som deres kollega, familiemedlem, ven eller som medarbejder i en myndighed som politiet. Med dommen i dag har sagen fået en foreløbig afslutning, siger Jakob Thaarup senioranklager ved Fyns Politi. Fyns Politi har stået for efterforskningen af sagen, da Østjyllands Politi er inhabile. Når dommen foreligger, vil Fyns Politi forelægge den for Statsadvokaten i København, og Statsadvokaten har så 14 dage til at beslutte om dommes skal ankes til Vestre Landsret.
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jeremiahshackelford · 5 years
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[ All ] Pockets of #humankind cannot hate and kill their way out of this one. No matter the scale of #DivideandConquer currently being played. The World is now global heading towards #LowOrbit. It is NOT finite. We NEED to accelerate new economic sectors that require human jobs. And by accelerate, I mean there might not be a bigger priority on Earth (particularly if embedded within mitigating #ClimateChange). There are some information systems and automation technologies available now allowing for consolidations of power. So what do we do? We build #DataSystems that hold/render the current tech benign if necessary. Software isn’t even an adolescent yet, this can be done. #CollectiveData #CollectivePower #inAggregate #asOne The bigger problem is that too many don’t care. They don’t think the rights and resources being stripped away matter. That is insanity. If our society/culture/species has the capacity to NOT care to the point of insanity, the question then becomes, how do we treat it? There’s a good chance a majority of the people that suffer from your hate didn’t cause your problems. We treat it by NOT rewarding not caring. We treat it by protecting the truth. #AI #media #personaldevices : #apathy #anger #anxiety : #rateofchange #predictiveanalytics #patterns : #commonthreads #commoncode #commongood : #FinancialSystem #GlobalEconomy #NewCurrencies (at Tartine Manufactory) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx0xmU5JajU-zgH0mou4ucwWapkq2k4vhaVaSs0/?igshid=16y71n6tu48wt
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melbarrdigital · 4 years
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Plug n play #datasystems @motorsport_sensors vast range of plugs, connectors, sensors and much, much more! Coming to to soon👌. • #BARC #radicalcup #750motorclub #cliocup #c1challenge #enduranceracing #gt3series #ukmotorsport #motosportphotography #superkart #britishkarting #instagood https://www.instagram.com/p/By71HJ_nU0z/?igshid=rgse68gpgh3e
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excelworld · 1 year
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Data System una empresa con más de 10 años de experiencia, revisión y presupuesto gratuito. Visítanos en una de nuestras tiendas. Estamos en la calle Dr. Esquerdo 12 (local 6) cerca del metro Manuel Becerra. También nos encontramos en la calle Hernani 13 dentro del mercado maravillas local 97 cerca del metro Cuatro Caminos.
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kawuli · 6 years
i really want the apartment people to call/contact me because I need an address and also i want to live there and i’m nervous they’re going to say no because I haven’t rented an apartment in this country since 2012
today is officially “oh shit what am i getting myself into” day
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computermanit · 4 years
Improving your IT processes through cloud migration leads to significant cost savings. As a “pay as you go” system, you only pay for what you’re using. The cloud eliminates the need to maintain expensive data systems. This enables you to invest the savings back into your business. In addition, cloud migration will result in significant savings on your energy costs. Know more at https://computerman.com.au/5-benefits-of-cloud-migration/!
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walks-the-ages · 2 years
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[ID: three screenshots from Hero Forge, each one depicting a different version of Murderbot from the Murderbot Diaries in three different poses.
The first pose has it standing in a neutral position with it's arms at its side, the second pose has it turned to the side and kicking out with it's leg as if it were fighting, and the third pose has it in an agressive stance with one fist held up like it wants to punch something.
Murderbot has dark brown skin and shiny copper colored plates on the back of it's hands, to represent it'a built-in gun ports. It's hair is short and black kept close to the head.
The first version has Murderbot wearing a suit of grey and silver armor with large manacles around it's wrists. The helmet is round and has a dark brown faceplate obscuring it's face.
The second version is the same as the first except the round helmate has been changed to a tall, boxy, angular shape with no faceplate and only a small triangular cutout in the center, and is much more robotic looking than the first.
The last version has Murderbot out of it's armor and instead in a blue jumpsuit with white trimming, with blue and white sneakers on. It has no helmet on, and instead it's face has been censored by pixelating it, making it almost impossible to see it's eyes or expression.
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I remembered that Hero Forge exists, so please enjoy some Murderbot :)
Oh no! Looks like the files showing Murderbot 's face got corrupted! That pesky DataSystem must be acting up again! /Joking
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