#darling iza
simlit · 1 year
5, 10, 13, 23 for you know, the usual two suspects!
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How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
I'll answer for both at once since it's a similar answer. This comes as maybe no surprise in Taryn's case, but Yehl, I think, is just as equally driven, given the right circumstances. Once Yehl has the power not to take no for an answer, whether it be through his influence over Taryn, his eventual power as Celaedian, or his own growing self-confidence, he steadily starts to stand up for himself more and more. I think once he reaches full adulthood, one would be pretty foolish to try and stand in his way. To protect or keep what they love, these two would lie, steal, cheat or kill (depending on who needed killing), hands down lmao.
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
I've had this idea in my head for years now, but never the time to even kind of conceivably work on it, it's called Last Train Out. A pseudo-30s/40s AU based on this old photoset I did wherein Yehl is a successful jazz singer and Taryn is a seasoned soldier about to be shipped off to war and they have this sort of dreamlike whirlwind romance before the separation. I do also have some early drafts of their modern AU, which more closely resembles the actual events of AoA, called Forevermore, and actually have some sets built and plans to post that one (maybe someday). But LTO I'm sure will never see the light of day so we can be sentimental about the might have beens ;)
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
LOL. I'd love to say I'd get along with both of them, but given their high standards, I don' think they'd get along with me. At least they can both bond over their superiority complexes.
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Taryn - Empathy. Love being a close second, but I think he manages to bridge that gap as best he can. His "love" for Yehl might always be slightly different than your conventional idea of love, but is just as, if not more intense. Empathy, however, is not something he ever learns. He rarely feels remorse for others, though does feel guilt for the things he's done in the past that have directly caused pain or trouble for his own kin. But that comes more with his burden of responsibility as king, and if he was anyone else and not born to fill a role, I doubt he'd feel the same. He only outwardly protects the elves on Yehl's command, and later spares mankind out of sheer civility. Even with Yehl, he struggles to feel sympathy for his struggle, oftentimes using this knowledge as a means for manipulation, but he does have a fondness for Yehl's brokenness. Again, I don't think any of that is particularly healthy, but he is still a dragon and very much falls back into animalistic behaviors as a baseline nature. Yehl - Ah, this is so much harder. I'm going to say... isolation. Which is... he's not unaccustomed to loneliness, but he fears being entirely abandoned. This is a sentiment that expands rapidly upon meeting Taryn, but even when he was younger, he's always has someone to rely on. First his mother, then Nuuriel, Judine, and eventually Taryn himself. But because of what Taryn is, Yehl is constantly put in a position where he feels sort of... left out to dry, for lack of a better term. Taryn can only meet him halfway, and for most of act one, he doesn't even allow him that much. Ironic, considering I can safely say Taryn fell in love first, it's just that Yehl's emotions manifested faster and in a way Taryn couldn't understand or reciprocate. This breakdown in communication and behavioral differences causes them so much strife, and a lot of pain, mostly on Yehl's side. Just because he's literally standing next to the person he loves most and feels a thousand miles away.
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textvoid · 2 years
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It's been a while since I've indulged with miss Iza ☀️
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viovio · 1 year
I wanna draw d'arce like I drew her earlier but I didn't have any references so that's why she looked off. I forgot her bangs curled inwards and was like hm I got the bowl cut down so what's wrong.
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atarathegreat · 5 months
No Nut November Part4
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Ft: Kokonoi Hajime, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Izana Kurokawa, Hanma Shuji.
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Koko wasn't one to join in on the silly games, preferring to stay on his own tasks and goals. Something about the way you joked with Inui about some stupid month and challenge set him off. You knew better than to flash that pretty smile at anyone who wasn't Koko. So, he decided that he got to cum, ramming his cock as deep as it would go to chase his release while denying yours. "Next time you'll think about freely handing out that smile, hmm?" Kokonoi wiped at the sticky essence he left behind, "Remember who that smile is meant for, darling."
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The headboard had been slamming against the wall for hours and your voice had become nothing but a jumbled mess of nonsense that was so quiet Sanzu couldn't hear it. Hearing you was the least of his worries. You had earned orgasm after orgasm, but Sanzu refused to cum, but he battled with wanting to feel your insides. The whole month, you'd been warned, would be spent like this: with Sanzu edging himself every hour and bringing you to absolute brain rot. He'd cum on the first and, gods, he didn't care if you got pregnant.
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Since when did girls take part of no nut November? Izana didn't really care as he lazily guided your hips over him. "Iza, I can't..." Normally your whining was annoying to him, but this was cuter than anything. Seeing you try to keep yourself together for the sake of some stupid bet with your friends, while it was a pain for the last week, Izana understood you. doesn't mean he cared. "You know what I want, baby. Let me have it." Izana cooed, reaching down to pinch your clit, "Let me have everything."
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During sex, Hanma often sent pictures to Kisaki (that man has been pining for Little Hina since elementary there is no way he has had sex with anyone). His excuse to you was that Kisaki needed a push to get laid, while he would simultaneously be sending a text that said check this out, loser, got her whining my name. He used the excuse of needing to send Kisaki pictures to get balls deep. NNN aside, this man never knows what month it is.
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paingoes · 2 months
First Base
(Content: living weapon whumpee, past slavery, guns, dehumanization, broken bones, needles, conditioning, referenced child abuse, kinda ambivalent caretaking?)
“It’ll be okay,” Kitty whispered, “Levon pretends to be a hard-ass, but he’s actually really nice.”
Her voice was so low, Delta thought she must have been talking to herself. She ran her claw in circles over his palm. He’d woken up already clutching her hand; he would not have dared touch her otherwise. While his grip had since relaxed, hers had not.
He’d been lucid for such a short while before they had to go again. Kitty had felt so bad about it. There’d been so little time to explain. She explained the plan. He had already known the plan. She explained who she was. He already knew who she was. She explained he had been sick. He had known that simply from how bad he felt all over — his insides felt like they’d been cooked — but the delirium episode did came as a surprise. He had no memory of it, but when he had finally came to, he did not feel himself in a foreign environment. His surroundings had integrated themselves slowly into his awareness through a state of fever. 
The ship was small, without enough seats for everyone who had come. The captain — Iza, he had heard the others say her name — sat at the helm. She was flanked by two others at their own stations. Everyone else was on the floor. Sunny — Apollo? — tossed restlessly in between sleeping and waking. He had not wanted to go out, but he simply couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore. His brother(?) Lun(?) laid his head down in their lap, propping up their jacket beneath his neck. The mechanic sat towards the back of the ship, the only person visibly unbothered by what was about to happen.
Levon, Levon, Levon. None of them could keep his name out of their mouth. Kitty had not needed to introduce him to Delta. She knew there was no need. Even in the heart of Empire, they printed his face on t-shirts. He had been the revolution’s darling when he was younger. Now that he was older, he was the revolution. He had lived his entire life in its service. There was no single person Empire hated more.
“It’ll be fine,” Kitty insisted.
The ship pulled into the dock. 
The boy in the chair next to Iza let out a low whistle, “Lotta guns.”
It was true. There was a ring of guards posted around the inert ship. All of them were armed. Iza stood up abruptly, throwing her helmet down onto the panel and slamming the ship’s doors open.
“It’s me!” She was furious. 
Apollo shot awake, fumbling to put his glasses back on. He started talking before he could even see properly, “That’s not- uh-“
One of the guards entered the ship, putting her hands up in what was meant to be a pacifying motion. Just checking. Her gaze traveled to Delta’s collar. Delta flinched once from Iza’s outburst, again as the guard approached. Her finger slipped flush against the inside of the collar, checking the fit, the stability, the power level. She gave it a light tug to see if it would give; it didn’t. Apparently satisfied, she stepped back. She hopped back out of the ship, offering one hand out to Iza to help her down. Iza ignored her completely.
“So sorry,” Apollo muttered. It took Delta a second to realize he was speaking to him. Kitty guided him to stand, letting him lean against her. It was hard to move with the broken ribs and he kept getting dizzy whenever he stood. She helped him out of the ship. The others poured out soon after. 
“Medbay,” A different guard said, “We only need him.”
“He can barely walk,” Kitty protested. 
“Only you two, then.”
Apollo frowned, but she waved him away.
“I’ve got it,” Kitty made a little circle with her fingers. O.K. They were escorted away before Apollo could respond.
For the third time, they recast Delta’s arm. It wasn’t that Apollo had done a bad job; just that it could have been better. They put a new splint onto his nose. Kitty was ashamed she had not even realized it was broken. In her defense, it was a bit overshadowed by the myriad of injuries that otherwise marked his body.
“Three of your ribs are broken. Did you know they were broken?” The nurse asked. Her voice was muffled through the mask. Delta nodded mutely. 
Kitty hadn’t known. If Apollo had known, he hadn’t mentioned it. And that wasn’t like him. 
“Is anything else broken? That you know of?”
Delta shook his head. The nurses went back to their hushed chatter. Kitty’s tail flicked from left to right. Delta wasn’t talking. He’d given the bare minimum response back at house, when he was still coming out of the fever. The only reason she even knew he was lucid was because his eyes had cleared up and because he’d stopped talking total nonsense. He did not give any indication that he was okay. Just that he was present again. Kitty pulled her legs up onto the chair, chittering aimlessly to fill the silence. Delta didn’t mind so long as she did not ask him questions.
The nurse lightly tapped Kitty on the elbow, gesturing for her to follow out into the hallway. She did so unquestioningly. The other nurses followed them out of the room. It took Delta about ten seconds to realize he was completely alone in the room. That…was unusual, right? He did not have enough time to feel true apprehension. The knock came first.
Levon was tall. He had known that. It was a good bit of trivia, a good running joke, but that had not translated cleanly into Delta’s physical understanding of him. It was not adequate preparation. He’d had to duck his head a bit to step through the doorway. The door shut silently behind him.
Delta got off the bed and down onto his knees in an instant. It wasn’t adequate, he realized. He bent forward to press his forehead to the cold tile floor. It was deeper than he could ever remember bowing and it put too much pressure on his still healing ribs. He would have gone lower if he could. It was in surrender, of course. But more than anything else, it was in apology. 
He stayed still and unbreathing. He felt the air swishing above him. Levon’s voice came much closer than he had expected.
“I appreciate the gesture, but you should probably keep the IV in.”
Delta slowly raised his head up, rolling back into a kneel. He took in his surroundings. The IV cannula had been yanked out of his arm from how quickly he’d gotten onto the ground. The post wobbled dangerously behind him. And Levon had bent down to Delta’s eye level. 
He did not look the same as he did on the T-shirts. His eyes were darker. His hair was not as wild. There was stubble all along his jawline and a pure roughness to his flesh that the photos could not convey. In none of the posters had he ever looked so worried.
“Sit up, please.”
To his absolute awe, Levon extended a hard to him. Delta hesitated, certain he was misinterpreting the gesture. He cautiously offered his unbroken wrist. Levon slid up to grasp his hand instead. He carefully pulled him up to his feet.
Delta pushed himself back onto the bed. Even with help, it was still a lot harder to get up than it was to get down. He sat on the edge of it, resisting the urge to curl up. He kept his hands folded in his lap — as best he could with the cast on.
Levon towered over him. Delta bowed his head, both in respect and for the sake of his own nerve. He could not bring himself to look in his eyes. The shame felt hot and weighted. It was the first time he had ever been around someone he knew would not enable what he had done in Empire’s name. Before, all his shame had been wholly internal. Facing that same disapproval from someone else — someone he was entirely at the mercy of — was terrifying. He knew he deserved it. It did nothing to quell the fear.
“As much as I wish we could have met under different circumstances, I have to put the safety of my people first. I would not have had you siloed off like this otherwise, nor would I have to go through with this line of questioning while you’re still injured. Unfortunately, your friends have put me in a situation where I have to do just that.” He sounded very tired, but his cadence was clear and steady in spite of this.
Delta could feel the gaze on him without needing to look up. He did not know what it was Levon was searching for, but by the end of it he seemed a bit more certain of something.
“Your friends promised you amnesty. They shouldn’t have. It was never within their power to do so. Even if it had been, you did not tell them what you were when the deal was arranged. It’s void.” He paused. 
Delta did not outwardly react. Levon’s voice was still conversational, not injecting any threat or anger into it. He glanced up to try and parse Levon’s expression. What he learned was that Levon had been staring straight at his face. He’d caught the glance Delta had intended to be discreet.
“Yes?” Levon asked. It was that which made Delta flinch. He hadn’t meant to challenge him, nor to draw more attention to himself. His voice was still hoarse from where the fever had pushed the blood up and his nerves were even worse. But Levon let the silence hang.
“A.” Delta’s voice caught, “Am I allowed to speak, sir?”
“Please.” Levon nodded. Delta gripped the fabric of the bedsheet tightly, absolutely desperate for any support it could provide. 
“I did not expect amnesty, sir. I came to surrender,” Delta whispered.
He had never believed in their promise of mercy. It was ignorant. He did not care to be forgiven. What he had wanted was to be out of Empire — both his mind and his body, unavailable for them to take advantage of or to harvest. That wish had already been granted. In return, he would accept any punishment Levon deigned to give him. 
Levon paused to consider this. After a while, he responded, “I would very much like to believe you. So much that I am willing to take you on the honor system. I want you to answer truthfully. Did you come of your own accord? Or were you sent here on assignment?” 
Delta realized all at once how he must appear. He was a traitor to the heartland. He had bitten every master he’d ever had. He had lied to them all about who he was and what he had meant to do. He was a snake. He was too sneaky. Why would Galatea have any reason to trust him? How could they have known it was not just another plot?
“I came to surrender, sir.” It was all he could say. “I came alone.“
“Do I have your word?” Levon asked.
“Yes, sir.”
“And do I have your word that you do not intend to harm us? That I will not regret letting you inside?” 
“Yes, sir.” His eyes watered. 
Levon’s expression softened a bit. He produced a handkerchief from his pocket, extending it gingerly. Delta stared at it in confusion. He did not grasp its utility at first. He did not understand why Levon had noticed him crying and not immediately punished him for it. Still, he took it gratefully. He wiped away the dried blood and dabbed at the tears that threatened to rehydrate it. Levon was watching him closely.
“…How old are you?” Levon tilted his head to the side.
“Nineteen, sir.” Delta replied. It was only an educated guess. He knew he’d hit eighteen a while back because there had to be new legal paperwork filed. Some time had passed since then.
“And you’ve been active what? Five years, by our count?” Levon raised an eyebrow. 
“Yes, sir.”
“Okay.” He nodded, “I’ll have to sort out the particulars, but I will give you my assurance that you won’t be hurt. We can wait until you’re healed before we move forward. I think that would be in your best interest.”
Delta nodded. He played absently with the handkerchief Levon had given him, tracing his fingers along its embroidered edges. It was a lot to process. Too much, really. Levon said he wouldn’t be hurt, at least not yet. Levon wanted him to heal. It was too easy. Delta felt like he was getting away with something. It wasn’t right.
“Again, I’m sorry it had to play out like this,” Levon’s tone lightened considerably, “Appreciate your patience. I probably won’t bother you again until you’re feeling better. Do feel better.”
He left just as abruptly as he’d arrived. Delta was once again alone in the ward. The nurses soon filtered back in, picking up their work as if nothing had happened. If he had not kept the handkerchief, Delta would have thought the whole encounter was just a remnant of the fever.
@catnykit@indigoviolet311@snakebites-and-ink@vivulapom@scoundrelwithboba@whatwhump@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire @micechomper
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agentartemus · 9 months
Kissy doodles for my darlings
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Bright blue (Tenai) and purple (Zeiyva) characters belong to @zealfruity
Yellow character (Iza) belongs to @kebiinika
Green character (Surom) belongs to @powdered-kneecaps
Bright pink is Vanilla, grey is Providence, and the dusty blue boy is Artemus, they belong to me.
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Tell me ur fav vat7k fics
I’m hungry for bedtime story but I can’t eat your fic yet bc it will melt my mind and I’m already melty on the edges just knowing it’s there and I’m waiting
YES YES OK I GET TO RANT ABOUT MY FAVORITE FICS!! I'm not going to include my favorite longfics because you specifically asked for a bedtime story.
(s)wing and miss by @aziraphalesbookkeeper is the only (?) wingfic in the fandom I've read and it's CUTE AND FUNNY AS FUCK.
This one has six chapters but also how to train your werewolf is in the same vein of FUNNY AND CUTE and fucking unique when it comes to varigo werewolf fic.
this collection of oneshots by @cayenneavocado makes me insane if you just wanna sit down and read through a bunch of SITUATIONS. A fun mix of angst and comedy and I don't think any of them are connected so you can just pick what you want! Anyway read all of them 🔫
hello my old heart by iza (don't know their blog handle!! </3) was the first varigo fic I ever read!! And still absolutely my favorite oneshot!
Lesson in Luxury by @varibean is two chapters in and ALREADY MAKING ME EAT DRYWALL. Head the trigger warnings but it's SUCH A GOOD READ.
Moving Through a Portal of Two Green Eyes by @sundropsapphic!!! You ever wanna see Varian go through A Scenario. Like really see him DEAL WITH HIS TRAUMA?? Yeah this is the fic for you. Also Nuru's in it =P
The Simple Act of Scraps Unravelling by @hybrix-hidings (hope I'm @ing the right blog here bestie) is the Hugo fell first but Varian fell harder manifesto and I'm losing my mind.
Darling, so It Goes (Some Things Are Meant to Be) by @littlemisslol-fic was her submission for varigo week and ITS!! SO!!! CUTE!!! Y'all ever just wanna MACRODOSE on a varigo proposal?? WELL HERE'S SEVEN CHAPTERS OF IT.
Gonna also rec one of my own fics bc I giggle and kick the air whenever I reread this one bc like ninety percent of it is just based off the groupchat vibes me and some of my friends have. Anyway vampires discord fic.
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lonelymoonowl · 2 months
✴.·´¯·.·★🎀𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼, 𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 𝓯𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓷 𝓽𝓸, 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓲𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓮𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼 (𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓲𝓼 𝓬𝓸𝓸𝓵)🎀★·.·¯´·.✴
heeey darling thank you for sending me!
ok maybe i'd do a little different this time and choose the 5 brazilian songs I enjoy listen to
tempo perdido - legiao urbana
razões e emoções - NX Zero
outrória - anavitoria
canção de hotel - anavitoria
dona de mim - iza
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thewickedrpg · 2 years
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Antigua comunidad de sirenas y tritones que desapareció siglos atrás, cuando el anterior líder decretó que la alimentación se basaría en el consumo de animales y vegetales marinos para dejar atrás sus costumbres arcaicas y violentas.
Seguidores de Leviatán, consideran a la bestia marina una criatura sagrada, a quien deben obedecer y rendir culto. Creen fervientemente que descienden de él, por lo que para ganar su favor, consumen la carne de los mortales. Su aspecto bajo el agua difiere bastante con la de los Caballeros de Poseidón, dado que no son agraciados, puesto que son muy parecidos a los peces abisales: sus ojos son oscuros y grandes, sus dientes aumentan su tamaño y se vuelven alargados y afilados, sus pieles y colas son traslúcidas y con rasgos bioluminiscentes. Sin embargo, son muy atractivos cuando están en su forma humana, lo cual los hace peligrosos e impredecibles.
Aquellos que se aferraron a las viejas costumbres acabaron por convertirse en parias, tritones y sirenas con los que nadie se relacionaba y vivían a las afueras de las zonas marinas habitadas, siendo despojados de sus talismanes bendecidos, por lo que castigados a no poder pisar tierra firme. Aunque, con el paso de los años, la comunidad se fue reduciendo poco a poco, llegando a convertirse meramente en un puñado de tritones que se encontraban fuertemente controlados por las autoridades para no poner en peligro el secreto de la existencia de su raza.
Tras la subida al poder del nuevo líder, las discrepancias entre los tritones y sirenas han provocado que la estabilidad se tambalee, consiguiendo que los Inquisidores se vayan reagrupando poco a poco, tomando nuevamente la forma de organización que fueron en el pasado. Una la cual se alimenta única y exclusivamente de carne humana, en la que la violencia, no solo contra otras razas sino contra la propia, se iza como bandera. Orgullosos y puristas, no les gusta que los relacionen con las sirenas y tritones que no respetan sus tradiciones.
Con su resurgimiento, la figura de Stellan se ha erigido como líder de los Inquisidores. Un líder arcaico, violento y narcisista que no respeta a nadie y se hace respetar a la fuerza.
Stellan. Edad: 39 años. PB: Jon Kortajarena.
No hay figura más respetada dentro de los Inquisidores que el mismo Stellan. A pesar del aire de misterio que rodea su pasado, la mayor parte de la comunidad lo respetan por su devoción al Leviatán y a las antiguas tradiciones que seguían antes de que sus costumbres fueran prohibidas y tachadas de arcaicas. No hace falta decir, por supuesto, que posee un apetito voraz por la carne humana. A pesar de que sea respetado, su verdadera naturaleza violenta le causa temor a muchos, y es ese mismo temor lo que provoca que los tritones y sirenas que no estén de acuerdo con él lo sigan sin rechistar. Temido o respetado, a Stellan solo le importa ser visto como la luz en la oscuridad para los Inquisidores, una luz que promete darles gloria.
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izacore · 2 years
awwwwww happy birthday iza!!!! Wishing you lots of happiness <33
thank you darling 🤍🤍🤍🌻🌻🌻🌻
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sweet-beezus · 2 years
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Of course the only time I draw these guys it's for one (1) silly gag-
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textvoid · 2 years
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I suppose I shall create emotes if only for Miss Iza-
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viovio · 3 years
"refugee-shy" what if you killed yourself right now.
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isabellaofparma · 3 years
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i’d go to war for u. i’d go to fucking war
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cleaetpauline60 · 5 years
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Part 3 - part 4 -part five
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The clan leaders could never agree on anything except for two things.
The first being their love for their siblings.
The second was that they both wanted (name) more than anything.
They couldn't even understand why they were so obsessed with the Omega, anyone else who dare talk to them like that would be dead within seconds but they let him just order them around and give them shit.
It was invigorating.
His home destroyed and those who harmed him either devoured or killed for sport.
With no grey area the brothers decided to bring him to the one place they both felt safe at.
The Black Dragons estate.
(Name) slept in a trance in Mikey's arms, nothing in his home salvageable as the respective clans flew to their destination and their demonic forms fully present.
Shinchiro was shocked when he heard that not just his brothers but their respective clans were coming, he quickly had arrangements for them made as his Alpha watched amused at the beta who fretted over everything as he sensed them at the Gates....with a human.
"Waka...do you sense that?" Shinchiro asked slowly as his mate nodded before standing and wrapping his arm around the black haired man's waist "let's figure out what those idiots did, yeah?" Wakasa said softly, kissing his mates cheek before they made their way to the entrance of them Manor where his brothers checked on a sleeping human... wait.
An Omega?
A male Omega was practically unheard of.
The two were in shock as they watched the two men fret over the sleeping Omega, the sweet little thing lay helplessly in Mikey's arms "Manjiro...what happened?" Shinchiros voice broke the two Alphas from their fretting to stare at their older brother "we needed a middle ground...humans tried to take him away from us" mikeys voice was soft as he allowed the eldest to come near the Omega "you are all trying to claim him as your mate?" Wakasa was a little stunned but knew the affects an Omega could have on Alphas and these men were no exception...unmated Alphas all vying for one male omegas attention.
Was hilarious honestly.
"Let's get him some nice soft things, he's gonna wanna nest when he awakens" Shinchiro said looking over the Omega, this wasn't any of the Sanos first experience with an Omega as their sister was Infact an Omega herself.
"You both know the drill yes? Take him to a guest room and try to avoid scenting any items for his nest...we don't know how he will be when he awakens" Shinchiros voice resonated through each alpha in the area as he led roughly thirty or so men within the walls of the clans estate, a few upper members of the clan poking their heads out to see what the commotion was.
Three little heads poked out from behind Benkeis legs, all in awe at the large Alphas walking towards the guest area.
"Uncle iza and uncle Mikey are here!" Takemichi said excitedly as he glanced at his two packmates Hajime and Seishu who both had stars in their eyes at their uncle's and their packs who walked with such power and dignity, they were so cool!
Takemichi, Hanjime and Seishu were the youngest in any of the familial clans, the boys only the sweet age of 100 or so but physically they seemed almost the age of five and gosh were they darlings.
"Do you think uncle Mikey and uncle Iza will tell us stories?" Seishu asked shyly while clinging to Hajimes robes with big doe eyes and Takemichi nodded, blue eyes filled with nothing but pure certaincy as the small children followed the clan leaders, curiously staring at the person they were holding oh so carefully.
(Name) snuggled into warm blankets and pillows, eyes blearily opening to a room he was unfamiliar with and no longer mentally present as his omega took over to keep him safe from any harm.
He couldn't recognize the scents or the ornate room he was set in as the omega began releasing his scent in the air to mark it as his own and to ward off any unwanted guests.
Eyes dilated he began examining the room for any danger and when deemed safe, he began hoarding blankets and such in the walk in closet, tossing any materials that didn't look or feel right to him and scenting every article that would go into his nest.
Mikey and Izana sat Infront of their brother and his mate, tea served before the clan leaders "so care to explain what happened and why you are both fighting over the poor thing?"
Mikey and Izanas glared at each other slighly before explaining each side of their stories before colliding into one anothers stories and delving into the time with the omega...then the town and now here.
"Can't say I blame him, coming in with not even a courting gift and what? Destroying his life?" Shinchiro chastised the two who hung their heads in shame, accepting the chastising from the elder with a pout "you both are acting like pups fighting over a toy!"
"You are lucky Emma is with her mate and not here!"
"Mikey! Iza!" The pup trio giggled out as they ran into the room and affectively saving the brothers from more scolding from the black dragons leader "my my, haven't you three grown" Izanas tone was soft as he and Mikey allowed the children to climb on them though seishu much shyer than the other two and rapid firing questions at the men, Wakasa butting in "they can't answer if you keep asking, pups" the pups puffing their cheeks out at his words before looking at the two alphas expectedly before speaking "did you see anything cool? And who was the pretty man?" Hajime asked softly and fiddled with his sleeves slighlty at the men's fond looks "we so so many cool things that we will tell you for story time tonight yes? And if all goes well that pretty man will be my mate" Izana said sweetly and Mikey glared at him "he's my mate" with a cold tone as the alphas stared each other down.
The pups looked between the alphas confused, why are they arguing about who hes mated to? "But mama said sharing is caring?" Takemichi said softly, pointing to his adoptive parent Shinchiro who in turn took everything not to bust out laughing.
"Well it's not that easy pup" Izana said softly to the three tots who looked confused at his words "why not?" Seishu asked with a slight head tilt "because he has to choose who he wants to go with, they can't force him" Shinchiro said soothingly as the pups waddled towards the clans leader, the one they appointed as "mama" as they didn't really have parents of their own.
Pups abandoned by their Omegan parents to die, found by the black dragons clan and raised as one of their own.
Through Shinchiro would have preferred being called papa... Can't win em all though.
The children though over Shinchiros words before nodding in understanding "then shouldn't you be with him?" Hajime asked curiously at the Alphas "he's sleeping right now pup, he's been through a lot"
"No he's not"
"I heard him moving when I walked past"
The Alphas gently set the pups down before running out of the room to the omegas quarters, pushing each other out of the way to get there before one another.
Mikey gently knocked on the door before both Alphas slowly entered, the scent of the omega strong in the air and almost made the two drunk off it alone as they noticed the slightly opened closet door and both Alphas knelt before the door, crooning and releasing their scent as the door cracked open.
Through the deep haze of his Omega, (name) recognized the scents of the Alphas he had grown used to and slowly opened the door but didn't leave his nest and stared at them frightened but not because of them but rather the fact that the omega didn't know where the fuck he was.
"Hello Omega... Don't worry you're safe now" Mikey crooned gently and released more relaxing pharamones in the air, their eyes never leaving the omegas blown out ones "we will keep you from harm" Izana said watching the omega slowly process their words "you don't have to worry that pretty little head of yours any longer"
The room smelt like cinnamon pastries and (scent), soothing the Omega to slowly come out more though hesitantly and inspect the Alphas before him as the milky sweet smell of pups hit his nose "pup pup pup" (name) chanted quietly, did they have pups?
Did they have a mate already?
Though (name) was still very much deciding if he was going to be a pack omega, his poor omega struggled to choose between the clans, finding the fact that so many Alphas desiring him quite fun and if they had the option they would choose both sides.
Though (name) himself didn't trust them that much.
"Other mate?" (Name) asked softly and Mikey and Izana quickly soothed the omega claiming there was no one else and it was true.
There was no one else.
"As sweet as you are baby, we need you to come back to us" Mikey's voice warm and soothing as he tried to gently coax the omega from his primal state, more pharamones radiating from the men to gently pull him out.
After fourty minutes the lights turned behind those (color) eyes as he quickly pulled away from the Alphas, brain trying to figure out now he got here as memories slowly flooded back.
He covered his mouth in horror as be recalled his mome being burnt to ash... everything he had and worked for...
"We are so sorry love..." Izanas voice barely registered as (name) began sobbing and shaking, the fact that someone tried to kill him again...
He almost died again...
"W-where am I?" (Name) asked quietly, voice barely a whisper as he looked at the alphas "we are at the Clan of the black dragons...our birthplace" Mikey answered honestly as Izanas continued "you're safe now..."
Looking around the ornate room, (name) struggled to make sense of it all "are you hungry? We can get you food love.." Izana gently pulled the omega close and let him sob into his chest, Mikey using telepathy to have one of his men bring food for (name).
(Name) eventually returned to his nest, the smell of disparity hung heavy in the air as Pah brought in food, offering a sad smile to the omega before leaving.
"Here... It's something light" Izana said holding the chopsticks/spoon to his mouth, thankful (name) was accepting it with hesitation.
(Name) was quiet and distant for days, his scent filled with disparity and heartbreak.
But who could blame him.
The pup trio were curious as they walked past the door containing their new guest and takemichi slowly toddled over to the closet where the smell was "hello?" Takemichi asked softly, glancing into the closet "pup...?" (Name) asked confused at the pups before his nest because why were pups in a demon clans estate? "Hi! What's your name?" Takemichi asked excitedly and wandered closer to the nest, the other two pups standing behind him shyly "my name's (name)...what are you little ones doing here?" (Name) asked softly, sniffing the air slightly and the smell of honey milk and the tiniest hint of sulfer hit his nose...ah they were demon pups.
"We saw uncle 'jiro and 'zana bring you in...we wanted to meet you" Hajime said softly and Seishu nodded in agreement, fiddling with the sleeves of his little robes "I see, that's very sweet of you pups" (name) said coming closer to the entrance of his nest "may I know your names?"
(Name) was soft and patient with the pups, feeling a sense of ease with them as they introduced themselves "such strong names, you boys must be strong warriors" (name) said kindly, smiling when the boys beamed at his praise, Seishu and Hajime becoming calmer and relaxed around the omega, (name) not even realizing the disparity left his scent and instead (scent) and honey, talking with the boys and for once since he got here he felt safe.
Shinchiro was looking for the pups high and low, growing worried as he followed their scents until he reached the omegas door, the scent of the pups the strongest as Mikey and Izana came with his food "shin? What are you doing at his door?" "It seems the pups wanted to make a friend" Shinchiro sighed and the alphas glanced at the door curiously before Mikey gently knocked on the door, three knocks to notify (name) that he was here before opening the door revealing the pups circled around (name) Seishu in his lap as he told them a story about a boy with a clock heart.
The beta and two alphas were in shock as they watched (name) entertain the boys with genuine happiness and it made them swell with pride at how good their Omega was with pups and how good they would be with their packs pups...
Shaking those thoughts, Izana cleared his throat and alerting the pups and omega and (name) grew quiet at the unknown beta in the room.
"Ah how rude of me, my name is Shinchiro Sano" the black haired man said softly, robes similar to Mikey's save for a few details "I am the pack leader of the black dragon clan and Manjiro and Izanas elder brother " Shinchiros voice calm and even as to not stress out the omega because he was technically in his only safe space at the moment "papa! He was telling us stories!" Takemichi said excitedly and the three pups ran towards their parent happily and (name) froze, realizing he accidentally scented someone else's pups and his scent shifted from calm to anxious "I am so sorry!" He said fidgeting and Shinchiro just laughed "all's good, I'm happy they brought you comfort" Shinchiro soothed as Alphas came towards the omega and offered the food "do you think you're ready to come out of the room?" Izana asked gently and (name) looked away shyly but the pups were having none of it "you can see the garden! It's awfully pretty!" Takemichi said almost dreamily as the other two pups nodded excitedly "don't pressure him..." Mikey warned the children gently but (name) shook his head.
"It's fine... I must have worried everyone"
Mikey and Izana perked at this, soft purring noises escaping their throats at the Omega agreeing to leave the room for the first time since his arrival.
It also gave them more opportunities to court the omega and convince him to go to their respective clans.
Shinchiro led the pups out of the room with some complaint but eventually gave when the beta spoke "he needs to eat little ones, we can see him later" and led the pups out of the room.
"How are you feeling?" Izana asked carefully, both alphas watching his movements carefully"I'm better now... I'm just unsure what to do now... That was my everything " (name) spoke slow and almost lost, as if he wasn't there with them and he just felt his heart break all over again as he sniffled and hugged himself.
"Let me care for you!" Both Izana and Mikey said and glared at each other before looking at the omega "you two only want me because I can bare your clans pups...not like you actually want me for me" (name) said coldly, mood shifting suddenly as he refused to meet their eyes but instead focusing on his food.
"At first...yes but we won't deny that we both have grown feelings for you..." Izana said seriously as Mikey spoke up "we want to know more about you..." With a slight blush and (name) mulled it over "why?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why do you take the time? Not like alphas have taken the time before" (name) spat, a distant look in his eyes "we were raised better than that and...we have an omega sister and I don't think either of us could handle anything like that happening to her..."
"Can we see that garden?"
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