#darkpilot rp
stylesmilky · 1 year
Imm looking for some Poe Dameron Role Players! I mainly rp as anyone!
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larriestyless · 3 years
Let's Role Play!!!
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extenuaeting · 3 years
really wanna get some things started so like this for a thing!!!
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killshope · 5 years
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demon of chandrilla     /     heir of ruination     .          written by kore .
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iomeglerp · 6 years
Lost Darkpilot
I lost an rp earlier with padawan!Ben and Resistance pilot!Poe - I played Poe, he broke his pelvis in a crash, my internet was glitching, and then my phone died spontaneously and I'm really sorry we lost it, I would love to reconnect, I feel awful! Please message me if this was you!
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Messages From The Past
The projection was unstable - constant waves and flickers disturbing the image before him. Just like the tremors running through him when the fear would strike again. He was not sure whether his voice would be just as distorted as that of the other boy, the older boy, the only friend he had. He knew he should not do this. Should not try and contact anyone outside of the temple. But how could he not? How was he to survive, so far from home, from Mom and Dad and Chewie, so lonely and without a friend? How could anyone blame him for asking a favor of Artoo? For reaching out to the only one who ever understood him? “Hello Poe... how are you?” His voice was barely above a whisper. Noone could hear him, hiding away in the supply closet with uncle-- no, Master Luke’s droid. Noone should hear the little rasp in his voice, brought forth by tears and tears and even more tears. “Can you... can you hear me? Does your new droid.. can he... is the holo working?”
He was stumbling over his words again. Just one of many habits that made the other Padawans pick on him. After that usually came the blushing and more laughter and then the tears. But not with Poe. Poe had always been kind to him. Poes mind was not yellow-green-cold-disgust. Poe’s mind was warm and peaceful and bright. Poe’s mind was a place that calmed him, a place where he liked to stay - but now he was so, so far away. And the unstable holo-projection was a substitute that just had to work.
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kyberxcracked · 3 years
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ONE, nothing wrong with me TWO, nothing wrong with me THREE, nothing wrong with me FOUR, NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!!!
ONE, something's got to give TWO, something's got to give THREE SOMETHING’S GOT TO GIVE!!!
let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor
independent. mutually exclusive. kylo ren / ben solo ruled by doc (29+) reylo, darkpilot, benpoe, bendemption friendly!!!
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sanktasmorozova · 5 years
i counted days, i counted miles  benpoe. 1,423 words. rated t. originally posted here.
you’re a kid and you’ve got a dark voice living inside your head. you know no one else can hear it. your parents don’t understand why you’re always so fidgety, why you can’t focus, why you’re so afraid of the dark that you sleep with the lights on in your room. the voice asks you to do terrible things. it wants you to hurt other people and yourself. it tells you that the pain will be worth it one day. that you and it are going to change the galaxy.
you’re content with your loneliness because it’s all you have. because your parents are always away and leave you in the care of a protocol droid. you don’t resent them, not at first, because you’re too young to know better. because your dad doesn’t know how to keep his feet planted firmly on the ground (it’s not in his nature). because your mother has a namesake and a purpose that you desperately wish was your own. when they’re home, both of them at once, it’s almost worse than when they are away. the more they are around, the more they start to realize you are something other.
but there is also a boy.
you meet for the first time at his mother’s funeral. it’s more than a little morbid to think that the death of one thing is the beginning of another, but you think it anyway. you think, he’s beautiful when you follow him from the gathering and into the cockpit of his mother’s a-wing and sit with him while he cries. you think, i am only six and i know what love is when you try to leave and he grips your arm and asks you to please stay. because even if he thinks you’re a little weird, you’re the only person who hasn’t said you’re sorry for his loss and patted him on the shoulder, as if death is as simple as losing something easily replaced.
so you stay.
your parents are friends and it’s a blessing because you are allowed to see the boy. he comes to the city and you travel to his little moon until years turn into a decade, until your first kiss beneath the force tree in his backyard, until you know every nook and cranny of his body, until saying i love you comes easily and keeps the insistent voice at bay.
your power grows with you. you never asked for it and it’s unstable now, an ever-evolving presence that causes more harm than good. but you try. you try so hard to reign it in, to not let your emotions rule you to the point of destruction, but destruction is second nature. your parents reel away in fear because you come home from school, broken and bloody from a fight, but it’s not you they are concerned for. it’s the kid that pushed a little too far and the knowledge that when his femur had snapped in two, you were three feet away with a single hand outstretched and force surging through you. they’re looking at you as if you’re some kind of monster. as if they are afraid of you.
but the boy is not afraid.
in fact, the boy is angry. not at you, as you expect him to be, but at the bully, who had shoved and kicked you until your ribs were bruised and your nose was broken. he says he loves that nose, presses his fingers gingerly to it after it’s beginning to heal, looks straight into the hollows of your eyes. they are a sick shade of purple, a result from shattered cartilage, and says that he would have done the same thing if he were there. worse, maybe, to protect you. he kisses your hands, torn knuckles and all, and you feel seen. it’s so overwhelming that you begin to cry. the boy holds you until there are no tears left.
there’s another war. or perhaps the last one never stopped, but there is a need for soldiers. so the boy flys away to do his duty because there was never going to be another life for him. he understands the call of legacy just as you do. it’s in his blood. it’s in the way he rights himself and says he has to, because it would make his mother proud. he loves you, he says this too, and you know it’s true from the way he can’t seem to stop looking back when he walks toward the transport that’s going to carry him off to training and then into battle.
there’s a ring on a chain around your neck now and a promise, even when your parents tell you they’re sending you away to train. they want you to hone your power under the tutelage of uncle luke, who does not like the boy. he does not like the way you can’t look at him when he asks if you remember what it means to be a jedi, if you remember there are vows to take, if you’re willing to devote yourself completely to the order. he asks if you’ve been talking to the boy again and that’s why you were up until three in the morning and can’t stay awake for training.
you are a terrible liar. even more terrible is the knowledge that you haven’t heard from the boy in weeks, and not for lack of him trying. you don’t answer his comms anymore because the voice says you shouldn’t. the voice makes food turn to ash in your mouth. the voice tugs and pulls through the folds of your brain until you forget the easy smiles of your father, the gentle press of your mother’s lips against your forehead, even the way the boy smiles when he sees you, as if you are an entire star system worthy of such awestruck devotion. the voice wants you to stay awake, to test the limits of your resolve, and digs at the back of your mind every time you feel the ring against your sternum.
the voice says this is not allowed. the voice says that when you go home to visit for life day, you should take the necklace off and give it back to the boy, who doesn’t understand. who doesn’t know that when you scream that you do not love him anymore, loud enough that his father and your parents come running down the hall thinking you must be killing each other with the way the walls rattle, that the tears in your eyes are a direct result of your heart tearing in two.
the boy – no, he’s a man now. the man is told you are dead two days after the destruction of the jedi temple. your mother flinches when he kicks a chair, overturns a table, beats his hands against the wall. she holds him when he falls to his knees and sobs. you think you feel it somewhere in the hollow of your chest, when you kneel helplessly before the supreme leader to pledge your devotion, in the space where your heart had been before you’d broken it on him.
only an ache remains. the supreme leader, in his wisdom, says you should use the ache to fuel your hatred. and so you do.
there is a man and a monster, an eyeless creature behind a mask, and a dimly lit interrogation chamber and the snap of a skull against metal as you sift through the man’s mind. you catch flashes of memories you have tried to forget: sitting on the branches of the force tree, hasty and fumbling first kisses, more confident touches as you learned the measure of each other’s bodies. it had made you breathless and light-headed, once, and now they spur a churning in your middle because maker, what have you become?
that boy that you were is still there, clawing at the monster when the man’s lips part to release a scream. it’s swallowed by the confines of the room, but the man can feel it, too, with such resolute certainty that it almost shocks him more than the pain you have inflicted. his eyes roll back into his head but you think you hear your name rasped from his mouth, a question mark tacked onto the end, before unconsciousness consumes him.  
and you look at him, bloody and beautiful, and swallow the bile at the back of your throat. because ben solo is dead. because he was weak and foolish, and in love, and so you killed him.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Fandom browse.
Hello! 21+ here seeking 18+ characters and partners (preferably 20+ partners). I live in the U.K. but don’t mind partners from elsewhere. I do like detail and lengthy replies. Quality AND quantity, for I tend to write quite a lot and slow down when it’s dialogue heavy or a more fluffy scene. I always endeavour to match my partners though, so don’t fret. Just give me something to reply to - no one liners, no mini paras.
I’m a Semi-regular replier but our real lives come first. I’ll not harass for replies. There might be more for a while because I’m off until after Christmas (three cheers!)
One of my big things is about other characters being included. I like someone who isn’t going to shy away from taking on other characters and writing them into scenes.
Smut is fine but I prefer it to come naturally. Angst and all that is good. I have no triggers but tell me yours and I’ll listen! Let’s talk.
Email only. Please, please, PLEASE don’t just message me saying you’d like to roleplay. Give me a bit about you. I’m sorry to be harsh but if I see one sentence in my emails, I won’t reply. We want to write together, after all.
Here is the list of fandoms/ships
Italics denotes who I want to play and * is current craving level.
Poe/Finn ****
I’m open to anything. AU’s would need to be properly discussed but I’d be interested. Also open to rewriting certain things or just going along with canon and making our own thing up until TROS comes out and we have more content. If we did rewrite, I’d be down for Poe being a prisoner for longer, the escape succeeding and Poe being along during most of TFA... Lets chat!
Poe/Kylo ****
Super rare pair but really fun. My main idea for this is something kinda like Zorri Bliss in that Poe had a connection with Ben before he was ‘corrupted’ and it is something that comes back when they meet again. Alternatively, they meet when Poe is bought in during TFA and we take it slower. What could happen if they got to know each other? Again, open to anything.
Very strict about this, I’m afraid. I’d need a character sheet with info about who you’d be playing. I’ve been burned too many times with Gary Stu’s or canon character copycats. I don’t want to play someone who is exactly like Poe. Another original character peeve I have is when we go along and there are constant additions. The force is mentioned once and suddenly they have it... I’m sure you all know the kind of characters I mean.
Poe/Crossover character - just so long as it makes some sort of sense.
Klaus/OMC **
Klaus/Diego **
Diego/OMC **
The Doctor/OMC
The Doctor/The Master (Simm)
Steve/OMC **
Steve/Billy **
- Ambrose Spellman/OMC
- Harvey/Nick ***
- Neal/Peter
- Neal/Crossover Pairing
- Eggsy/Harry
I’m really looking for either an aged down Harry Romeo and Juliet type thing or a Legend Crossover. Bring me your ideas if you really vibe with this ship anyway.
- Mycroft/Lestrade
Strictly looking for a sort of early twenties vibe with Mycroft and Lestrade meeting when they were younger. Bad Boy/Rebel and Nerd tropes, like we used to love. I don’t want to lose the essence of the characters even in this AU, so someone who really gets Mycroft and maybe has experience writing him would be awesome.
- Daryl/Jesus
- Daryl/OMC
Email only! Find me - [email protected]
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delisalicious · 7 years
I have an RP Blog
It’s @poe-dangit. Poe’s rping with @sithofren right now.  
I accidentally posted the RP here instead of Poe’s blog (I do that from time to time when my computer or phone try to play mean tricks on me.) But feel free to come over and check it out. :)
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I'm bored.
If anyone wants to roleplay with a Loki or a Kylo,
Here in messages or on either kik or discord
Send me a message.
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larriestyless · 3 years
Can somone please roleplay some darkpilot with me?
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roleplayfinder · 5 years
I'm 20yrs old, 18+ please! I'm looking for a darkpilot (or darkgingerpilot) rp! Although, I'm open to lots of m/m ships so feel free to suggest anything else you're a fan of! Message me on tumblr if you're interested, though I prefer to rp on discord! I can do tumblr dms if you'd rather, though. Literate rp only please! I usually like to start with 4-6 paragraphs to keep it interesting. Plus, I'm out of classes this week due to the virus so I'll be free (and bored) all day!
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AU: Poe Dameron is a folk singer dating Armitage Hux, the manager of the out of control heartthrob rockstar with a bad attitude Ren (of the Knights of Ren, previously known as Ben Solo). Things are just fine between them, but TMZ and other gossip rags eat it up every time Poe and Ren are in the same room together. Hux is not pleased.
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killshope · 5 years
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it    feels    like    drowning   ,    but    with    the    faint    edge    of    something    else    .    something    he    can’t    quite    understand    ,     no    longer    a    rising    tide    but    a    hurricane . 
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ironstrangle · 7 years
omegle rpers.
Anyone lose a benpoe/darkpilot rp? I doubt it, which is sad because it’s one of my favorites I’ve done in ages and was such a nice emotional release.
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