#dark lilac drama
selfconsciousfangirl · 7 months
I’m having so much fun reading up on the Lamy Dark Lilac situation. Utterly fascinated by how a company that produces a somewhat niche product (fountain pen ink) has absolutely no idea said ink has a cult following. How could they not know?
(As someone who missed out on the original Dark Lilac ink I must say I’m disappointed. It’s not the same colour, it shouldn’t be called the same, my quest to find the perfect purple ink goes on)
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monster-match-if · 2 months
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Welcome to Paradise!
A few decades after the mystical veil between the human and supernatural world was shattered there are still efforts done to fully integrate the two societies. What better way to achieve that than an international & interspecies dating show?!
Ten lucky beings are going to be selected for the first ever edition of Monster Match, and embark on a month-long vacation on a tropical island. Follow your heart or mind when making decisions and win the public’s favour. At the end of the month, the fan favourite couple will win a whopping cash prize of €500,000, to keep or split between them.
Couple up, have fun with the various challenges and most importantly stay alive find love!
And beware of what’s lurking in the shadows!
Genre: Reality TV dating show, monster fu- lovers. Love island the game, but with monsters. Strictly 18+!
WIP - some things may still change on the way.
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Play as Male or Female.
Choose to be a Sweetheart, a Charmer or a Flirt.
Have fun or stir up some drama between the other contestants!
Find love or do it all for the money.
Split the prize, or keep it all to yourself… if you win.
Choose between 5 gender selectable ROs and two male partial ROs.
Try to figure out what's happening to the eliminated contestants or ignore the gnawing feeling.
Entirely choice based, the stats are there for flavor text. This is an excuse to write monster, ermm, loving content. The story is rated 18+ and will contain NSFW and maybe some gore along with other dubious things. There will be fade to black options and skippable scenes as well as preference options and some pretty tame and sweet routes, but why are you here if monsters are not your thing? Read at your own discretion!
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Morgan → Vampire🦇 - M/F - 6’  Tall and pale, with dark hair and crimson eyes, and an infuriating naturally gorgeous body. Always has the hair styled neatly and preferes classy clothes. An incurable flirt. Expect: Blood and biting related activities. Not particularly loyal.
Elindorn / Eli → Deep forest elf 🏹 (basically a drow) - M/F - 5'7 / 6'4  Tall with an athletic swimmer’s body. Dusty lilac skin, long milky white hair and pale silver eyes that seem to look into your soul. Expect: actually… the most well adjusted of the bunch. Elves mate for life.
The bombshell - Blake → Incubus/ Succubus🌶️- obviously M/F - 5’8/ 6’4  Deep brown skin, short curly black hair and vivid blue eyes. Horns and tail in their “true” form. Skimpy clothes to attract potential vict- partners. Expect: open relationship, multiple partners, life… sucking?
Kitai → Kitsune 🦊- M/F - 5'5 / 5'11 (Casa Amor contestant) The shortest of the group, but the most attentive and ready to please. Ivory skin, long jet black hair and yellow eyes.  Expect: probably the sweetest, most wholesome route, tails - nine of them.
Fionnlagh / Fion → Cecaelia 🐙 (yes, tentacles) - M/F - 5'6 / 6'3 (Casa Amor contestant)  Tanned skin, long wavy red hair, and green eyes. Eight crimson tentacles in their “true” form. Expect: foursome options, but otherwise tentacles and fun, dubious consent-ish if you squint.
Partial ROs
Ragnar → Werewolf 🐺 - M - 6’9/ 8' when in werewolf form Only RO available strictly to F MC and only one who will break up with MC if they cheat or don't have the same views. Tall and built like a mountain, with lightly tanned skin, brown hair and beard and kind brown eyes. Covered in tattoos. Expect: *sigh* knotting, breeding, bestialityithink??
Seishish  - Sei  → naga 🐍 (yes 2 🍆) - M - 6'2 / 11' long with tail out  The Host - not being a contestant will limit interactions in the first half of the story, but he is also an endgame RO. Rich olive skin with a golden hue, long wavy platinum blonde hair, hazel snake eyes. Gains a lot of length in trier half-snake form, the tail an iridescent golden colour. Expect: dubious consent-ish if you squint, ovo…ovi… the eggpreg thing.
Other OG contestants
Warlock/human - Gael - M Human - Kat - F Siren - Oralla - F Fairy - Feyre - F (original name, I know) Angel - Arael - F Demon Azrorath - M
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Demo coming soon
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ddreamywitch · 2 months
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Chapter Two - Butchered Tongue
knight!benjicot blackwood x princess!reader
word count: 3.7k
a/n: a little late but here we are :)) I’m so grateful for all the nice people who have reblogged and commented!!
warnings: mentions of an orphanage, dead mums and Benji is still a little drama queen
song: Butchered Tongue - Hozier
chapter one
Benji hates the capital.
It stinks and it is always busy, with narrow dark alleys that lead nowhere and depraved people lining them.
His life has been ripped from him and handed into your hands. Hands free of calluses and scars, not a speck of dirt caked beneath their nails and yet, no matter how delicate and weak, they hold his fate.
He isn’t meant for a knight’s life, all honour, no freedom. And least of all he is meant for the life of a knight in this godforsaken city, which seemingly offers nothing but sin and tragedy.
Benji has always found the king to be terribly unlikeable. A slimy little man, who had been quick to put to the torch what his ancestors had built up in this realm. He had forgotten just how severe it all is, with his home so far removed from this but now, as he stands next to you, he thinks he could just vomit. He won’t of course, he isn’t like you, with your weak demeanour, to faint at that little bit of sun.
Today you still look pale, though you’d spent the last three days on bed rest, days which he had to spend simply waiting around in front of your chambers.
He was almost glad when he was informed that you were to visit one of the city’s orphanages.
In your hands you hold a woven basket and you listen to the nun introduce you to the children, with little humility.
He doesn’t understand why all the realm is always fussing over you, so far you have yet to live up to any of the tales that have been spun around your name.
Well except, perhaps, those of your beauty. Though it may pain Benjicot to admit it, it is clear as day that you are exquisite.
But still you do not seem as clever or as kind, let alone charming, as he had been led to believe, to him.
He hopes that you are vain and offended enough to want to be rid of him by the end of the week. He would likely be exiled then, but it seems a better destiny than spending the rest of his life devoted to some strange girl he’s only just met.
He had refused all marriage deals before this, and in this scenario he would never be able to bed anyone again. Truly an awful thing for a young man of his age to behold.
Uncomfortably he shifts from one foot to another as Sister Linda continues to rattle on. He’s avoiding to look into the sad faces of abandoned children, so he regards you instead, boring holes into your frame with all his might.
You are wearing the same smile he’d seen you wear during the knighting ceremony. Practised and detached. It seems quite unbelievable that anyone should fall for this masquerade of yours, but apparently it works.
You’re dressed in the colours of your house, though a paler version of them. Lilac. It has only very thin sleeves and he can see the fading imprint of his fingertips on your arm. He had gripped you a little harshly during your little incident, too much taken by surprise to consider his own strength, and then, of course, he was immediately praised for being the perfect pick for his position, so eager to protect his princess.
He should have just let you tumble to the ground, he thinks. But his instincts had betrayed him.
You do not shift every few minutes like he does. You’re very still, hands gripping a woven basket filled with gifts for the children and only every now and then do you react to something.
A humble laugh here, an interjection of a ‘thank you’ there.
Your brother had informed him that you do this every week with a different charitable institution. Much to his dismay, he would have to accompany you to an infirmary next time. As though the city itself didn’t spout enough risk of infection.
It is so foolish, to have you, of all people, visit all these poor souls, give them your feigned smile and a present which leaves not even the tiniest of scratches in the wealth of your father’s house.
Pretentious is what it is. You’re nothing more than a third-born woman, you hold no importance to the politics of the land.
The nun finishes her ode to you and you bow your head graciously. “Thank you, Sister,” you say.
The old hag blushes, like a little girl and Benji simply cannot help the little scoff that escapes him.
Your head shoots around, eyes widened as though you had forgotten about his presence at all, but you compose yourself quickly.
“Ser Benjicot, would you help me hand out the baskets please?” You ask, voice dulcet and melodic. You had chosen a different path than him, after your near catastrophic first meeting.
You have settled on greeting him with exaggerated sweetness.
A farce, he knows it. It is just a question of time before you would tire of it and go crying to your brother that you want a different knight.
He nods at you and the children are quick to line up, each of them eager, with glowing eyes.
You kneel down before them, dress skirts puffing up around you and begin to give them their gifts. There are toys and clothes for the winter time and little cakes and he wonders how in god’s name this is to be of use for longer than a blip in time. They’d outgrow the clothes and they’d fight over the toys the moment you would leave.
It is money which they need, money that currently adorns you in gold and fine silks.
Most of the younglings do not speak to you directly, too shy or too worried about what to say but some grin at you in that untamed way that only children do.
You ask them if they would like a hug or not and they all say yes.
Benji keeps giving the next basket to you, slowly emptying all the trunks that had travelled with you on your carriage. He is about to hand you the second to last one when he finds a little girl perched in your lap.
A redheaded small thing, fragile with scuffs and specks of dirt all over her. Her hair is matted.
“She just arrived this week,” Sister Linda tells him, despite him not having asked. “She’s refusing to take baths.”
He looks at the nun and then back at you.
Surely, you must also notice that stench radiating off the girl, even the other kids have taken a step back, but you do not react.
“My mumsy said yer’ a baker of hope,” the little one mumbles, grimy fingers clutching at the pendant which dangles from your neck. It is amethyst, a dark one, set in precious gold.
You laugh, soft and careful and pat her back. “I believe she said beacon, sweetling. I am not much of a talented baker.”
The girl shrugs. “Your necklace is nice.”
You hum.
When your carriage had entered the heart of the city, you had scrunched your nose in disdain, Benjicot had seen it. It is somewhat paradoxical to this interaction.
You lean even closer, dip your mouth down to the girl’s ear and whisper something. Her mouth drops into a big ‘O’ and she nods before slipping off of you.
You twist your upper half towards him, opening your arms to receive the last basket.
The little girl takes it into her hand and then you do something entirely unbecoming and wink at her. She giggles and with that you get up, knees clicking.
When you grab Benji's arm for support, he almost rips it away before coming to his senses.
But you notice his little twitch and raise an eyebrow at him, hand returning to your side.
“I believe we have done all for today, Sister Linda,” you say. “We shall see each other in about two moons, if god allows.”
The sitter curtsies. “We owe you and the king our deepest gratitude. It is always a delight to have you visit, your grace.”
Benjicot rolls his eyes at this and then, reluctant as ever, offers his arm to help you down the stairs.
You ignore it, surprisingly, dress bunched in your hands, and hurry down the hallway, him hot on your heels.
He catches up within two steps, with no layer of tulle holding him back and practical leather boots in lieu of your ornate heels that click along the cobbled grounds beneath you rapidly.
“Are we in a haste?” He asks and you stop only when you’ve reached the door.
“Ah, so he speaks,” you say, with none of the kindness you had just displayed a few moments ago.
You’re right. Holding his tongue is likely more effective in his ploy to gain freedom back.
He huffs and opens the door, you are halfway through it before you turn right back around and this time he can barely bother to rush after you.
Your hands fiddle with something at the back of your neck and then from where he stands he realises that you’ve taken the necklace off and suddenly the little girl appears from the top of the stairs, where all the other children had disappeared from already.
You hand it to her, crouched down to her level once more.
Now he regrets not having gone after you, too far to hear what you tell her.
And just as abruptly as your manoeuvre had begun, it is over again.
“Let us go back now, I am quite famished,” you tell him, not a single look spared in his direction, as you pass by.
Still, he thinks your cheeks are flushed.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
It is quite laborious to not speak.
Especially for a man like Benjicot Blackwood, who is so often quicker with his tongue than his better judgement, who so loved to brag and yell and debate and laugh loudly.
Silence does not suit him.
The only person he has spoken with at court so far, is your brother, if only to request that he isn’t made the full armour of knighthood, a wish that he was granted.
He is almost entirely certain that it is his reputation which allowed him this luxury.
You had addressed the wardrobe change and told him that you were glad that he wasn’t forced into all the steel, the way Ser Rickon before him had been.
Benjicot had only grunted in return.
That is all he allowed himself towards you: grunt, scoff, huff, sigh. Perhaps roll his eyes, or make some other dismissive gesture.
You have yet to abandon your stubborn idea of being patient with him. You don’t chastise his behaviour and you can’t have complained to anyone because in turn nobody has told him to get it together.
As it is now, nobody speaks to him, most courtiers preferring to whisper.
Bloody Ben, they all still hiss behind his back, even though he does not at all feel like him anymore.
Bloody Ben is in the Riverland, in the rise and fall of its hills, buried in its luscious high grasses.
Here he is Ser Benjicot, a trapped up bird.
But he does grow hopeful each day, with every little crack in your angelic facade, with the thinning of your web of false amiability.
When he’d walked with you to the stables this afternoon, you had pushed him to the side to enter first.
Very subtly, maybe not even noticeable to any passerby, but he had felt your well-kept nails in the soft leather guarding his forearms.
And then after, as you had mounted your horse, you had barely waited for him to join you before galloping on out toward the private part of the beach.
Fury, your horse is called, which he thought so ridiculous that he had laughed upon hearing it, but seeing it now, he understood why.
It is bloody enormous. A black Friesian, the kind that is usually bred to the north of the kingdom. And just barely tamed, vehemently refusing to let Benjicot near it.
You’re leaned forward on her now, arms wrapped around her neck, your eyes trained on the sea.
The weather is rough today, strong winds tearing at your hair and coat.
Laughable, he thinks again. Your attire is made to resemble that of the cavalry, deep purple overcoat and a brooch resembling a horse attached to it, right on your chest.
But you are the princess, so of fucking course, your overcoat is embroidered with a golden sun. Of fucking course it is neat and clean. It’s a costume.
Everything you put on is a costume, down to the faces you make.
He’d say he hates you, but then again he has actually hated people in his life before and he doesn’t care that much for you.
“Quit that, will you?” you say, voice raised enough for him to hear you over the roar of the ocean. You look at him, brows pulled into a frown.
He tilts his head, redirects his horse to parallel yours, rather than face it. “What do you mean, your grace?”
You sigh. “Do not act stupid, Ser Benjicot. You look as though you may push me off my horse at any moment.”
He snorts. “I do not.”
“You do. It’s tiresome. I cannot make this feat easier for you, but why do you insist so on making it harder for me?”
This time he doesn’t snort. “Harder for you? Just because I refuse to be your friend, does not mean I am making it harder for you. It isn’t common to be so close with one’s knight. Just because you let Ser Rodrick do all sorts of things with and to you.”
You do not miss the implication of this. “It is treason, what you hint at. It is treason that you should think so lowly of one of the most honourable men in the realm. It is treason to speak of my maidenhood in such a lewd manner.”
Benjicot directs his gaze into the skies. They are grey, waiting to erupt. “I did not say it, did I?”
You huff. “Toad.”
His laugh startles you, he sees you flinch in the corner of his eye. “Too well behaved to even curse properly,” he mutters. “Do you have no emotion left, princess? Was your outburst in the garden the peak of it?”
You do not answer yourself at first, the crashing of waves, the sea gulls, they seem to do so for you. Benjicot wonders if this would be your last straw now.
He decides to push further.
“You are pampered and spoiled. You think you can give away necklaces and make up for it that way. You think that if you’re patient enough, I’ll come to like you as everyone does, but I’ll tell you now, I never will. I am not like the courtiers, blinded by the colours of your clothes and the shine of your royal hair. I do not care for your title or your wealth or your looks.”
He makes a point of staring at her then, surprisingly to find her expressionless and already looking at him. “You are nothing but shackles to me.”
Again you don’t speak. You hold his eyes and for a moment he thinks you would be the one to push someone off their horse
“Get down,” you say.
Benjicot’s smile grows. He’s been told that he smiles like a shark and he hopes you share this sentiment.
“Get down, Blackwood.”
He obliges. He’s done it, he’s hurt you enough. He is triumphant. He is already planning to find the next tavern.
Then you slide off your own horse.
“You have no idea of shackles, you imbecile.” Your voice is laced with venom, angry and acidic. “You are here because nobody wants to tolerate you. You are here because you are a child, a child with an affinity to violence. You are here because with you remaining in the Riverlands, the Brackens would have never agreed to my father’s attempts to finally bring peace upon your houses.”
He towers over you, but you do not appear to mind as you step closer and closer still, so close that he can smell your saccharine perfume emanating from everywhere and engulfing him like a cloud of roses.
“You think it is good that you are feared, but it is the opposite. Good people are good. Good people do not have others crossing the room to be removed from them. You are nothing short of a small babe throwing a temper tantrum. You should consider yourself lucky that somehow you managed to make your contribution to end this foolish bloodshed between the Brackens and the Blackwoods, even though you worked so hard to keep it alive. Perhaps God will be gracious when you go to meet him then, knowing this. I cannot rid myself of you, without having you killed, you are essential to this plan, so unless you wish to meet our Lord himself sooner than planned you must either learn to be civil or learn to be silent.”
You exhale deeply.
“I do not wish to order your execution, I have never had to do such a thing before in my life and it should be a pity that I were to soil my hands on your youthful blood,” you end.
Benji can see the way your chest heaves, the little specks of red that decorate your cheeks. You are nervous but still you don’t waver.
The two of you stand in your positions, you with your arms crossed in front of you and him with his hands by his side.
Useless hands, he realises now. All is useless, no part of him has any power in this play.
He clears his throat and steps back, unsure what else he should do, for what is likely the first time in his life.
You nod, lips pressed together. “Silence it is then,” you say and he can’t help but wonder whether he imagines the tinge of disappointment in your voice.
It is very benevolent of you to not further comment on his indecencies, more benevolent than you should be but you are aware that he wasn’t raised in this pit of snakes. He doesn’t know of the conniving vipers that surround you and he is not learned in making up plans.
The urge to scream gnaws at Benjicot, at the dawning of how final his place by your side is.
There is no way out.
The king and his uncle promised the Brackens that he is no longer a threat to them. He is the debt that was owed and this is his price to pay.
And so is his gratitude for being a wonder boy, for having wielded swords and bloodied himself so early and so well.
“Ser Benjicot?”
He looks at you, upon your horse once more. It is becoming a thing of frequency for one of you to have to look up at the other.
He nods and so the two of you make your way back to the castle.
It is different this time.
He had dreaded it, a few days ago, when the city had come into sight on the horizon, but back then he had thought that he would weasel his way out.
This time, as you approach the castle, he feels himself suffocate.
Garden strolls, orphanages, banquets, infirmaries, this small beach.
You have no idea of shackles.
You trail ahead of him, high up on Fury, no tiara but hair wreathed around your hair in such a way that it is hard to mistake you for anything other than what you are, even sparing your very obvious clothes.
House Aprikate has historically brought forth women of the utmost charm, soft skinned and smiles that ballads are written about and many say it is their princesses that are the backbone of it all. Kind and warm. The mothers of the realm.
Your dynasty is one of greatness, for a century now your house has ruled the kingdom but it is withering now.
The smallfolk grows unhappy, uneasy beneath the sloppy sovereignty of your father.
He is shackled to you and you are shackled to your house and to this place.
And worse so, he has been free before. You have not.
He swallows his ache, as best as he can, still it tastes bitter on his tongue and by the time you reach the stables, he wonders if execution is still better than this appalling place is.
Maybe your father would marry you off to somebody far enough away from this place. A Bracken, for example.
God. Maybe your future husband would dismiss your knight and replace him with a man of his own. Yes that might be his out.
You’re an Aprikate woman, you would marry soon, he is sure of it.
The sun begins to set and paints the skies in shades of magenta and orange when you walk to your chambers.
“I shall take my supper alone tonight, should my brother come by to ask,” you tell Benjicot. “And I do believe it would be best if you do not mention our initial disliking for one another to anyone. The people here do so love to be blabbermouths.”
He nods and gallantly opens the wooden doors to your chambers.
“Goodnight Ser Benjicot,” you say and rush inside.
He glances along the hallway but it is empty, much like your room. He sticks his head in the tiniest bit. “I believe Benji shall suffice, your grace. Ser Benjicot is such a mouthful,” he says, quick and before he can change his mind again, almost stumbling over his own words as he does.
You smile. A good one, a real one this time.
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lucienarcheron · 3 months
Spirit Meets the Bones XXVII
Genre: Angst/Romance/Drama Warnings: Mentions of physical abuse. Author's Note: I appreciate your patience darlings.I hope you enjoy :) here's a moodboard of the Vanserra brothers you'll meet today HEHE.
shoutout to @abruisedmuse for being part of this journey with me!!
Tagging: @climb-the-mountian / @vanserrass / @zenkindoflove / @animezinglife / @readthelastpaage / @teddyhoneybear / @positivewitch / @clockwork-ashes / @carnythian / @secret-third-thing / @runningwiththeoceans / @readychilledwine / @goldenmagnolias / @thedarkinmansfield / @mali22 / @maidr-00 / @electromagnetic-waves / @eastofatlanta / @moobell55 / @bibliophiliaxvignette / @devilsfoodcake22 / @weesablackbeak / @ladywhilemia / @alohaangels / @feysandfeels / @corcracrow / @thelovelymadone / @dawneternal / @gracie-rosee / @mage-neve / @queenoftheworld1998 / @wolvesnravens / @illyrianvalkyrie / @rainbowsnowflake
Find it all here.
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Eris waited for a beat, his senses open and aware of any sounds, any shifts in the air. 
His brother had been very specific with the directions to where he lived and if Eris missed a turn, he wouldn’t find it so easily and Izak would be very obnoxious about it. But Eris understood; being stuck in The Forest House with his father, he knew what it meant to have a place that was hard to find. 
He now stood at the front of his brother’s house, hidden in a location only meant for a select few, in a neighborhood where privacy seemed to be prized; there was significant space between each house and it was a quiet area, scarcely a sound. Eris turned his head one last time, his power expanding to test for curious ears and eyes but again, found none.
No one would dare tail him but it never hurt to be extra cautious, especially when secrets were to be shared. 
Taking a breath, he straightened and knocked sharply when he heard light footsteps come to the door. Given the sensitivity of the circumstances, he was surprised Izak let Helene be the one to open the door and quirked his brow as she stood before him.
His new sister-in-law was a pretty thing. She blinked at him with almond-shaped emerald green eyes, her expression careful as she watched him observing her. Her dark brown hair was to her shoulders, tousled lightly and she was dressed in a fitted lilac gown that gave him a slight idea of his brother’s taste in females. While he had known of the mysterious Helene for many years, Izak had guarded her like a dragon guarded its treasure trove so they’d never been allowed to meet. And Eris was very curious.
He became even more curious when his eyes zeroed in on the delicate chain at her neck, the letter I dangling from it.
“I didn’t take my brother for a romantic,” Eris said, his hands clasped behind his back. “Lovely necklace.” 
“You’d be surprised.” Helene said carefully and the corner of Eris’s mouth curled up.
“No doubt. He’s managed to surprise me more than once already,” he replied then ran his tongue over his teeth. “Helene. I’d say it was a pleasure to meet you but the little stunt you and my brother pulled puts me in quite a tight spot.”
“I’d apologize but it wouldn’t be honest of me and I don’t think it wise to lie to my brother-in-law in our first meeting.” She replied and Eris had to fight back a laugh. 
He had a feeling his wife would get along very well with her sister-in-law. 
Thundering footsteps announced his brother’s arrival and soon Izak was calmly moving Helene behind him as he faced Eris.
Izak’s wide shoulders filled the doorway and like Finn, he had been born to hold a blade. Standing about an inch taller than Eris, Izak had a full beard, a two-block style with an undercut, and the top of his hair was messy enough that Eris could tell his brother had been running his hand through it in stress. His russet eyes matched their mother’s and Eris allowed him a moment to scan him, knowing the confusion on his face was at the difference in his appearance. 
His brother’s hands fisted at his sides and he scowled. “You’re here.”
“I am.” 
“You cut your hair.”
“I did.”
“You’ve never had your hair this short.” 
“It wasn’t really my decision,” Eris said, his hands falling to his sides and Izak’s mouth tightened. “But my hairstyle isn’t what I’m here to talk about, is it.” 
Izak flushed, his scowl deepening and Eris couldn’t help but smile pleasantly. 
“I hear congratulations are in order, brother.”
A minute passed. Then another as Eris waited in the tense silence, Helene’s eyes darting nervously between the brothers. 
Finally, a lifetime later, Izak sighed and rolled back his shoulders. “You get one,” he warned. “Make it count.”
Eris chuckled. “Trying to tough it out in front of your wife?” he taunted. 
“Don’t worry about my wife.” Izak replied, widening his stance and gently pushing Helene back. 
“Now where have I heard that before…” Eris mumbled, disturbed by the thought that he and his brother might have more in common than he cared to admit.
“I’ve heard that –” 
And before said brother could finish the thought, Eris had curled his hand into a fist and slammed it into Izak’s face followed by a quick punch to his gut. A cry left Helene’s mouth but Eris kept his eyes on Izak, who staggered back a step at the impact of the blow and doubled over. 
“Gods fucken dammit.” Izak spat, a hand covering his now bleeding nose, the other arm curling back to Helene’s figure still behind him. “Been holding on to that, have you? I said one.” 
Eris fought back an eye roll. “You gave me such good news, I owe you at least two more.” he said and shifted his shoulders back, his back stinging at the movement. 
“Oh fuck right off, Eris.”
Eris sighed rather dramatically. “I would if I could — I assure you, but you and I have matters to discuss,” he said. “Are your moronic brothers already here?” 
“Yes.” Izak snapped, gingerly touching his face. “Emil is making things uncomfortable sitting in silence and Finn is eating all my fucken food.” 
“You brought this upon yourself,” Eris said with a snort. “May I come in now?”
The two brothers watched each other and Eris could see Izak weighing the risks of inviting him inside; while they all had an understanding, it was different when someone they loved was involved.
It was different when Izak allowed Emil and Finn inside. They didn’t possess the same risks Eris did. 
And Eris knew better than anyone the stress underlining Izak’s demeanor. He knew what it meant, to allow someone who could easily betray you into the heart of your loved ones’ space. 
It didn’t make the hesitation in Izak’s expression hurt any less.
“No harm will come from me. You know that.”
“You just punched him twice right in front of me!” Helene snapped and Eris lifted a brow at his sister-in-law who shoved a cloth in her husband’s hand and faced Eris. 
“We’re brothers. If you think a punch is harmful, you have no idea what’s in store for you and your husband should my father find out about you two.”
“Did your hands have to come with the warning?” she grumbled, even as color drained from her face and Eris would’ve felt guilty if he didn’t know better; it was better to be straightforward when it came to his father’s wrath. 
“Helene, it’s fine,” Izak said, his hand pulling Helene back again and giving his brother a knowing look. “He’s my brother. This is how we say hello.”
Eris tried not to make the hard swallow too obvious at Izak’s words. It shouldn’t mean as much as it did but gods damn it, it did. 
So instead, he quirked his brow at Helene who was still glaring at him, her mouth in a thin line. “Do you have something else to add, sister-in-law?”
He tried not to let his amusement show as she worked her jaw, clearly holding back the many things she wanted to say, and gods, her expression reminded him so much of his wife, he almost laughed. 
“Please keep your hands off my husband in my home.” she finally said. “I don’t care if you’re a prince, I’ll kick you right out.” 
“Noted, Mrs. Helene Vanserra.” 
Eris couldn’t help his smirk when she flushed and Izak sighed, then stepped back. “Just come in. Let’s get this over with.”
Cautiously following his brother, Eris stepped onto the threshold of Izak’s home. He glanced around, cataloging every detail of their space as they walked and it shocked him to find photos adorning the walls, capturing moments frozen in time — cherished memories Izak and Helene had somehow cultivated in secret. How the hell had his brother managed this? All without anyone knowing a single thing. 
His expression remained stoic as he watched his brother’s happiness bleed through and a sharp pain expanded through his chest. He was having difficulty describing the emotion he felt but that longing struck him again. That longing for a sense of normalcy he always seemed to crave. Iris made him feel like it was tangible, like he could grab onto it if he wanted to but watching the way his brother walked in front of him, his hand on Helene’s lower back made the pain in his chest tighten. 
Eris had kept his distance to keep them all safe. How much had he missed out on the company and family he desperately desired by doing so? 
As Eris followed Izak further inside, open dark wooden French doors greeted them, the living space coming into view and he found his other brothers already seated on opposite ends of the room.
A polished wooden table stood at the center of the room, adorned with intricate carvings and scattered trinkets— a chess board with pieces toppled over and a painting lay drying. While Eris’s taste had always leaned towards elegant and timeless, much to his surprise, his brutish brother leaned towards…cozy. 
Izak had been holding out far longer than Eris had anticipated, this place had been lived in. A house that was truly a home. A safe space away from the parasite that was their father.
The green monster of jealousy reared its ugly head and Eris had to squash it down hard. He had pushed them out for their own benefit. He had no right to be jealous. 
“You’ve certainly been living comfortably.” Eris finally spoke, his hands clasped behind his back. 
Izak worked his jaw, his hands clenching and unclenching by his sides, his eyes flickering to Helene by his side then back to Eris. “We’ve made it work.” 
Eris forced himself to take a quiet breath, his thumb tapping against his hand and slowly, he turned in place, taking in more of the space. The sheer life that was in this room. He wasn’t sure how to feel about it…was he allowed to at least envy his brother’s ability to have a safe place like this a little bit? He assumed so. Was he relieved that at least one of them had managed to find some happiness somewhere else? Yes. Did it still make him feel like his whole chest was on fire and he wanted to burn the city down? Gods yes.  
He turned to face his other two brothers and both Emil and Finn seemed to straighten. Eris and Finn were in each other’s orbit often enough but he hadn’t seen Emil in about a month since their last check-in. 
He had always been the quietest of his brothers. Serious, content in his own solitude, and of his brothers, the most educated despite his father’s objections. Emil was also deadly with an arrow. He could ruin a person with words alone so if he had to resort to pulling out an arrow, the person was truly fucked and Emil was not known as someone who holds back; he’d sink that arrow into a victim with his bare hands. His brother was Eris’s eyes and ears on the ground; his network was almost as impressive as Eris’s. Almost.
His long hair was tied back neatly today, wearing the glasses he reserved for private settings only, the Courtier in him sitting calmly, hands resting in his lap, and ready to take in all the information he could.
Eris jerked his chin towards Emil. “I like your new glasses.” 
“Thank you. You cut your hair.”
“Courtesy of our father.” He replied and Emil’s expression darkened slightly. 
“I didn’t know our sperm donor had an interest in becoming a barber.” 
The corner of Eris’s mouth ticked up. “It must’ve bloomed recently,” he said. “He used a new method with a whip. All the rage lately.” 
Emil’s expression shuttered and before it could change into what he knew would be concern, Eris turned to Finn who had been in the middle of eating an apple. 
“Finn. Still chomping away like a hyena, I see,” he said and Finn halfheartedly flipped him off. “You should consider saving some food for the expecting female in the family.” 
The energy in the room tensed immediately at the elephant in the room and Eris’s eyes landed back on his sister-in-law. “I’d say welcome to the family but honestly, it’s a tough crowd.”
Helene straightened next to Izak and shared a glance with her husband. “I have brothers. I can imagine.” 
Eris chuckled darkly. “No. No, you can’t.” he said, his hands fisting behind his back and the room descended into silence. 
And the more Eris watched her, the more difficult he knew this conversation was going to be. Rather than see her as a threat, Eris could see an anchor. He saw the way his brother fidgeted next to her, trying not to touch or hide her. He saw how Helene watched him and despite knowing they all must smell the fear on her, she was determined to stand her ground in front of them. He had to respect her for it even when he wanted to wring her neck. 
He blamed Iris. It was her fault he felt guilty being mean. 
His sister-in-law watched him carefully for a heartbeat then swallowed. “I’m…going to get everyone a drink.” she said. “I’ll be right back.” 
They all watched her with barely contained curiosity until she disappeared, then Eris turned back to Izak and said, “She seems almost as demure as my wife.” 
Izak snorted. “I don’t think anyone that gets involved with us would be anything close to demure.”
“I like the quiet ones.” Finn said with a small grin.
“We know.” Eris, Emil, and Izak said in unison and Finn scowled.
“Oh, fuck off.” 
A light chuckle escaped his brothers and Eris was glad for it because he didn’t know if he had it in him to keep things light, to not explode. 
Eris eyed the room again before his gaze settled on Izak. For all the room his brother usually took up, he couldn’t help but see how young he actually seemed. Wild in his actions. Reckless with his decisions. 
But Eris wasn’t sure how to start. Did he tear his brother a new one and scare his new sister-in-law into tears? Did he crush whatever little joy they had found? If he wrapped his hands around both their throats and wiped them out here, would it be considered a mercy compared to what his father would have in store for them? 
Eris watched his brother’s hands fist as Izak’s gaze flickered towards the soft noise coming from the kitchen and he couldn’t help but see just how similar their situations were. His gaze shifted to his other brothers and he thought about how Finn hid his affections for Theo out of necessity — so nothing happened to the soft-spoken Blacksmith. He thought about Emil’s surface-level indifference to relationships when he knew for a fact that there was a female he paid just a little too much attention to that no one was ever allowed to bring up.
Most importantly, he thought of his mate waiting for him when he returned. How stressed he was to be away from her. How anxious he was to make sure she was alright. 
With everything that had happened to him since he met Iris and all that had changed in his family’s dynamic since then, it felt like a sign that better things should be coming.
The cynical part of him also considered how he and his brothers were getting a taste of something good before it got viciously ripped away and it all ended in blood.
“Whatever you have to say to me, spit it out already.” Izak said gruffly.
“I’m trying to figure out when you lost your sense of judgment,” Eris said. “You’re the General of one of my armies and yet…” 
“He was already deformed as a child. Stupid decisions aren’t that out of character for him.” Emil quipped.
“This is why we’ve always picked on you, Zakkie. We knew you’d do something disappointing at some point.”
Izak scowled, then pointed at Eris first. “Fuck off.” He then pointed at Emil. “Fuck you.” And lastly pointed at Finn. “Go fuck yourself.”
“All those fucks and you couldn’t have bothered to pull out at the right moment to save yourself all the trouble coming your way,” Finn said with a snort and Emil chuckled when Izak flipped them both off again before turning back to Eris.
“Say what you have to say. I know that look on your face and I’d rather Helene didn’t have to hear whatever it is.” Izak said and Eris’s eyes narrowed.
He stared Izak down, suddenly wishing very badly, he had brought Iris with him. He was almost too embarrassed to admit to himself but he was getting used to having her as his support system. He wondered what she’d think if she was here and how she’d react, especially when he opened his mouth and said, “I’m trying to consider whether it would be a mercy or not if I just killed you both here.”
Silence filled the room, the tension so thick, Eris felt it like a noose around his neck. Izak stared at him, his expression shifting from shock to anger to distress and finally settling on grim acceptance.  
“I understand you’re angry about this but don’t fucken threaten my wife.” Izak snarled.
“I am not threatening your wife. I am sharing my thoughts. We both know I wouldn’t make you suffer.” He said calmly. “I would snuff you both out now and it would be quick and painless. Father would not do you the honor.” 
Izak worked his jaw, his expression tight and he licked his lips before speaking again, “What happened has happened, Eris. I’m not going to let him ruin anything else for me.”
“Oh, you think he’s going to just ‘ruin’ it for you.” Eris said lightly. “Give you a little slap on the wrist and have you walk on your merry way?”
Izak scowled. “Don’t speak to me that way. I know the risks.”
“Do you?” Eris said and his tone dropped. “Does your wife know the risks of being involved with you?”
“I don’t appreciate that fucken tone, Eris.” 
“And I don’t appreciate you and your foolish wife not keeping your feelings to yourself so you’re not viciously murdered by our father.” he snapped, waving a hand. “Did you think I came here to pick out baby names with you? Tell me, Izak, how did you envision this conversation going?”
“I’m not a fucken child, Eris. We have a plan.” 
“Oh? Please, enlighten me on how this plan is going to work.”
“I’m not going to tell you shit if you keep talking to me like I’m an idiot.”
“You are the biggest idiot I know at the moment.”
“Fuck you, Eris. I didn’t ask for you to come here and patronize me.”
Eris chuckled drily. “You didn’t ask me to come here at all though, did you? If it was up to you, this would be kept from me and I bet it would’ve looked wonderful for you if I had found out while I was with your father.” Eris snarled, taking a step towards his brother, his eyes aflame. “Do not mistake my calm demeanor as anything other than a very tight leash I hold myself to. I am simmering with rage at the fucken stupidity of the two of you.” 
Izak flushed deeply and opened his mouth but Eris pointed one threatening finger. “You better start talking and saying the right things because if you’d rather sit here and listen to us try to plan a way to keep Helene from getting strung up at the gates of the Forest House as an example of what happens when you do things without the High Lord’s consent, by all means, keep us in the dark, brother. We’d love your input on which dress you’d like her to be wearing when Beron carves out her uterus to kill your fetus while you watch because you two dared to find a moment of happiness. And then of course, once Father turns his sights on you, if Helene’s lucky, she’ll already be dead not to witness it.” 
A crash sounded behind them and they all whirled to Helene frozen in the doorway, the tray of drinks in pieces on the floor. She stood frozen, her expression stricken and Eris had to fight hard not to set the place on fire. He worked his jaw, breathing deeply through his nose then jerked his chin at his brother.
“Emil.” Eris muttered and without saying a word, his brother stood, giving Helene a tight smile, walked around her, and started to clean the glass. 
“Izak told me I should expect the worst,” she whispered, her hands dropping to her sides. “But I don’t understand w-why he would react so badly.” Helene swallowed, blinking rapidly. “My father is a commander of one of his armies. I come from a good family. We’ve never done anything to step out of line and have always supported the High Lord even when it’s not right.”
“Your mistake is you are assuming the High Lord is rational, Helene,” Eris said calmly. “But he will do what he likes because he can, especially when secrets come out. He is very sensitive to being made a fool.” 
“We’ll be careful. I’ll stay in hiding and move out to another territory when the baby comes. There’s no reason for him to find out.”
Eris blinked then blinked again and turned to his brother. “Is that your plan?”
“We got married a few days ago, Eris.” Izak said flatly. “And only found out a few days before that about the baby. Sorry I couldn’t scheme a better plan than that when I’m trying to be happy.”
“I see,” Eris replied. “So not only are you an idiot, you think you have time to be one. Did you forget what family you came from? Are you being deliberately delusional?”
“I’m doing my fucken best, asshole.” Izak snapped. “You all are coming at my neck acting like I want to have my life and my wife’s life threatened. As if I don’t know the kind of shit that our father is going to pull. I know.”
“Well, you sure as fuck don’t act like it. With your cozy little cabin, and your pictures, and your paintings – all this evidence that anyone could share with the High Lord.” Eris sneered. “You sure got comfortable enough that now you have a child in the picture.”
“How can you stand here knowing what you know about us and think we want any of this to happen? As if we are trying to cause this chaos to everyone.” Helene said and Eris grimaced at the crack in her voice. “What kind of a brother says these kinds of things?”
Eris gave a dry laugh then his expression hardened. “And how could you get involved with my brother knowing what you know about our family and the likelihood of your demise should our father find out about you?” 
Helene blanched but Eris didn’t have much room for sympathy. His nerves were already frayed as it was and while he respected his brother’s decision to fuck up his life by putting himself and his wife in danger in defiance of their father, Eris had very little patience for people arguing with him. He stared down Izak for a fleeting moment, then his gaze returned to his sister-in-law. “I’m the kind of brother that is trying his very hardest not to have history repeat itself with you here,” he said, his tone ice cold. “The kind of brother that has to watch time and time again everything around him going up in flames because we are in the kind of environment where you’re not allowed to breathe much less think for yourself.” 
He took a step closer to his brother and sister-in-law and Eris tried with everything he had to keep his anger leashed. “The kind of brother who has had to push everyone out and as far away from The Forest House as possible so maybe the High Lord won’t give you a lashing because he didn’t like the way you stood. So maybe he won’t shove you off your moving horse because in his eyes you were riding like a bitch that needs to get fucked and he can’t have a son that does that. So maybe he doesn’t send you flying off the dinner table because you dared to pass your mother a plate instead of forcing her to get up and crawl her way to get it herself.” he fumed. “You’re new to the family so I’ll excuse your misunderstanding of this situation thinking you have a say in much or I want your unsolicited opinions. I’m sure this is a stressful time for you with getting married and being pregnant but my brother must not have truly warned you about the consequences of your little surprise because I assure you, whatever I may or may not say or do, will be heaven compared to what is coming.” 
“That is horrible.” she whispered and Eris fought an eye roll. 
Izak glared at his brother despite taking a step back, his expression a mix of anger and regret. “I understand you’re angry and I’m sorry I caused this but I don’t appreciate you speaking to my wife in that tone, Eris.”
“And I don’t fucken care. We’ve all witnessed this before so my tone should be the least of your worries,” he said and tension returned in full force, the room heating drastically. “I have to dance around my father on a daily basis so he leaves my own wife alone because I happen to not mind her presence. He tied me to a flogging pole three days ago and whipped me within an inch of my life because I happened to have defended my wife. I can’t even let myself —” Eris cut himself off, his fists clenching tightly. “Horrible is an understatement. Horrible is a joke. So forgive me if I am trying to save you from what is to come.”
Eris felt his brothers’ shock at his statement shift through the room as Helene’s hands flew to her mouth. He forced himself to breathe and casually ran a hand through his hair. This conversation had already gone off the rails and he hated that the first impression his sister-in-law had of him was a terrible one. It made Eris scowl, thinking of his wife and how she’d only learned the true dynamic between his family a few nights ago and what that conversation had been like. His eyes flickered to the photos of Izak and Helene around the room and he couldn’t help but think with how long they’ve been together, they should’ve known better.
“You stand there asking me what kind of a brother I am when I have stood between them and him in every moment that I could,” he added quietly. “I am the kind of brother that has clawed my way to where I am and kept them all at a safe distance so he won’t touch them. So he can’t scar them as much as he’s scarred me and our mother and I still can’t protect everyone the way I want to. It is because of me that Izak had a chance to get out and not be infested with the poison that is our father’s cruelty. That he stands there somewhat whole despite the shit we’ve seen and you found a partner in him.” Eris ran his tongue over his teeth and forced himself to take a breath. “What has happened can’t be helped and this isn’t how I would’ve preferred this initial meeting between us to go but do not comment on what you do not know. I have low tolerance for it and you will not like how I respond to you.” 
A heavy silence covered the room and Eris watched as Helene swallowed, her bottom lip trembling and the sound of her sniffle that followed made Eris grimace, the self-loathing in him fighting its way to the surface. He avoided looking at her until he felt her take a step towards him and saw the grim determination on her face that seemed to mirror her husband’s.
“So what will you have us do then?” she finally asked. “How do I avoid getting hung from the gates?”
Before he could open his mouth again, Izak’s hand slid to his wife’s, and giving his brother a warning look, he said, “Enough. We need a minute. Don’t fucken touch anything.”
No one said a word as the two left the room and he let a moment of silence pass before he rubbed a hand over his face and sighed quietly. 
He turned his head and found both Finn and Emil sharing an expression of solemnity he wasn’t used to from them.
“What can we do?” Finn asked quietly.
And suddenly he was very, very tired. This was why he hated talking. It led to feelings and truths and sharing things he’d rather not share.
“Don’t get married in secret or get anyone pregnant and you’ll be off to a great start.”  Eris mumbled. “Don’t even think about saying anything sentimental. I’ll deck you both in the face.” 
The corner of Emil’s mouth lifted as Eris watched him. “You have such a way with words.” 
“I have a way with my fists too.”
“I told you this the other day and I’ll say it again, but I’m sorry.” Finn said. “We don’t say it enough but we are and we know the kind of crazy shit you’ve had to deal with and do. So.” 
The urge to vomit returned at full force and Eris scowled so deeply, he wondered if his face would be permanently set that way. “What did I just say about getting sentimental.” 
“Fuck off, I’m trying to say something nice.”
“Well, I don’t want to hear it. Go back to saying the stupid things you usually do.” 
“What if I told you I actually like you as a person.”
“I will slice you where you stand.”
“Damn. What if I went in for a hug?”
“Finn, I swear to the gods if you don’t shut the fuck up –”
“It pains me to say this, but Finn is right.” Emil interrupted and fought back a smile as Eris almost groaned. “We don’t say it enough. Maybe it’s time we start to and not be so disgusted by it.” 
Eris sighed deeply, rubbing a hand over his face again. Was his wife somehow infesting them all to be like this? Was the disease of feelings she spread over him contagious and now his brothers had caught it or something?
“It’s not necessary.”
“We think it is.” Emil simply said.
“Oh, you three are a collective now?” Eris said with a snort despite the tips of his ears heating. “Having drinks behind my back while discussing me?”
“We’d invite you but you seem to be glued to your wife’s side since you got married.” Emil replied with a small smile and Eris rolled his eyes. 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean.”
“Nothing. We’re happy you seem to like her considering she was forced on you.”
“Oh, he more than likes her,” Finn said with a smirk. “He let her touch him in front of me.”
“Did he now?”
“He did.”
“Oh, he really does like her.”
“I would say he even lo–”
“I will strangle you both if you don’t stop right this moment.” Eris snapped and he truly did want to snap both their necks as they smirked at him. Since when did they tag team on him? And tease him? Was he getting soft enough that they just did this?
He scowled deeply. This was all Iris’s fault. She would just love this.
“Speaking of Iris.” Finn started with a smirk. 
“Finn.” Eris warned. 
“Now that you’ve traumatized Helene,” his brother continued, ignoring Eris completely. “How much is Iris going to just love how rude you were to our new sister-in-law?” 
Eris narrowed his eyes on his brother. “What did I say to you about mentioning my wife?”
Finn smiled. “I asked an innocent question.”
“Nothing about you is ever innocent,” Eris muttered and turned to Emil. “It’s not like I did it on purpose. Helene happened to walk in at the wrong moment.”
“I think it went better than expected. She barely started crying.” Emil said calmly, settling in his seat once more. “At least you didn’t have to witness Finn asking her inappropriate questions and Izak almost ripping his face off before you arrived.”
“So alongside eating all her food, you’re making her uncomfortable and have the audacity to worry about me being rude?” 
“You literally just told her how father dearest is going to hang her from our gates! That is not worse than me asking her if Izak was a disappointing lay or not.” Finn said with a snort and Eris rolled his eyes hard enough to see the back of his head. “I wanted to know if she’s staying with him out of pity or if he’s blackmailing her.” 
“Clearly, they are in love.” Emil said and chuckled at Finn’s immediate gag and Eris’s snort. “Love shall conquer all, I suppose.”
“I’m sure our father’s weapon of choice won’t stand a chance against feelings,” Eris replied and it was Finn’s turn to snort. “His wrath will be defeated by confessions of love and the High Lord won’t murder us in slow and painful ways.”
“It concerns me how apathetic we all are to the attempted murder by our father,” Emil mused. “We find humor in things at the most inappropriate times.”
Eris waved a hand. “We’ve dealt with this a long time. We’re lucky to feel anything at all at this point.” he said, focusing on Emil. “Until the newlyweds return, any new information I need to know?”
His brother crossed one leg over the other. “There’s a rumor going around that I’m planning a coup against you so I can get into Father’s good graces and take your place,” he said calmly. “I plan to try assassinating you in the next week.” 
Eris snorted as Finn laughed. “Good to know,” he replied. “Try not to overpower me too easily so I can die with some dignity.” 
“As you wish, brother,” Emil said, the corner of his mouth curling up for a moment before his expression turned serious. “Finn let me know about your situation with your father-in-law. I’m assuming your new look has something to do with that.”
Eris’s fists clenched. “Father didn’t appreciate that I didn’t allow that asshole to touch my wife and get away with it. I managed.” he said and paused for a moment before adding in a quieter tone, “I assume you know about Mother.” 
Emil nodded grimly as Finn sat up in his seat angrily. “She hasn’t allowed me to see her yet.”
“He put his hands on her again?” Finn said, his eyes flashing. 
“She came to my defense so of course he did,” Eris muttered, running a hand through his hair. “But I saw her before I came. She’s what I’m here to talk about as well.”
Izak’s thundering footsteps announced his return and they turned to find his expression dark. He closed the door to the room and Eris felt a shield go up alongside his own. 
“I will only say this one time and one time only,” Izak began. “If you ever speak to my wife like that again, I will rip your fucken throat out. That warning goes to all of you.” 
Eris faced his brother, his eyes narrowing. He couldn’t exactly fault Izak for his response but again, hearing the words that sounded so similar to his own when talking about Iris disturbed him. 
“You realize the only reason I let her speak to me that way is because of you, right? Don’t push your luck with me.” Eris said and a muscle feathered in Izak’s jaw as they gazed at each other. “I don’t love how this conversation went and I would’ve rather not had it happen this way. But your wife should know better. You should definitely know better.” 
“Is that what you call an apology?”
“I don’t apologize for speaking the truth, Izak.” 
“You didn’t have to fucken say it to her like that!” his brother finally snapped. “I know what she said was uncalled for but we’re already stressed enough and she’s hardly keeping anything in her stomach as it is. I know we should’ve done this differently and I know we should’ve been more careful but it is what it is now. I can’t change it and I don’t want to. I got sick of waiting to marry the only person I’ve ever wanted as my wife. I don’t regret anything.”
Eris watched his brother’s expression as he stood there, angry and breathing hard. Underneath it all, he saw the stress. He felt his anxiety. 
“You have to know how reckless this is,” Eris said quietly and waved a hand around the room. “You two aren’t even trying to hide it. You have photographs all over the place. This has been going on for years.”
“Don’t be a fucken idiot, Izak.” Eris snapped. “It’s bad enough you married her and she’s with child. You know he will have someone lined up for you just like he has someone lined up for each of your brothers. How well do you think he’ll take it that you’ve disregarded that and have been happy with someone he won’t approve of for years while lying to him? ”
“Do you think I don’t know that?” Izak snarled. “Do you think that I’m not aware that the only thing in my life I give a shit about is at risk? That the only person who understands me and makes me feel like I’m not a thing – like I’m not just a piece of shit that helped murder his brother’s lover and lets his mother be abused — do you think I don’t know what I’ve signed her up for? Do you think I’m worth this kind of fear?”
Eris tried not to flinch at the words but the room heated immediately as the brothers stared at each other. He had to clench his fists hard to keep the shaking at bay, to not let his brothers see exactly how these words impacted him. How it mirrored his own emotions. 
“You know our people don’t all think that about us.” Finn said quietly. “They know the truth.”
“Maybe.” Izak said with a shrug. “But enough don’t and we can’t blame them. Her parents were against it for so long because they knew what would happen to us if our father found out but what else am I supposed to do? Just keep kneeling over for him? So he keeps taking away from my life like he’s doing to all of us?”
“Izak,” Emil began, his tone placating. “We know –”
“How?” Eris asked, cutting his brother off and waving a hand around the room. “We knew about your interest in Helene but how have you gotten away with all this?”
Izak ran a hand over his beard and looked around the room, his expression tight. It took him a moment before he quietly began, “When you gave me this territory and told me to shape it up, thinking about anything beyond making it through each day was not on my mind. I came here because what happened with Jesminda could not happen again and I had no way to get that off my hands.” He swallowed. “I still think about that day but the other assholes are dead so they don’t have to worry about it. It’s why I have a hard time being around Lucien even if he’s moved on and I’ve apologized. I still think about his fucken face watching it happen. So meeting my wife was never on the table. I focused on getting to know the people of this place and spending time with them. They didn’t know what to make of me. They certainly didn’t trust me and I didn’t want to be like him, beating people into submission.”
Eris kept quiet as his brother swallowed hard again and ran his hand through his hair. “I met her accidentally. She was helping her father organize the training grounds and…I had never been so attracted to someone in my life.” he continued softly. “She made me feel like I’m a person. A person worth time and effort and not just some wild dog his father sics on others. The people of this territory love Helene and her family. They like me. They believe in me.” His gaze hardened. “But they also know what happens to people the High Lord no longer favors. And make no mistake, everyone here gave me so much fucken grief before I could even court her. I had to prove I was worthy of her and worthy of protecting her and every single day, I know I’m nowhere near that. But these people…they know what we have is real. They know I will go down swinging for her and them. So they will watch over us and take care of us.” Izak waved his hand around the room. “We have this because despite what Father believes, this place is not some forgotten land the High Lord ignores. It’s a community and we protect our own.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me all of this?” Eris asked. “You know I would’ve helped you prepare for it better. I would’ve helped you marry her without the secrecy.” 
“Because I’m fucken terrified, Eris.” Izak snapped. “I never thought I was a family man. You think I ever thought about having children? With the way we live our lives? When we all know Father is going to decide who we marry whether we like it or not? You think I wanted to put Helene through this shit?” He ran a hand through his hair and tugged, his expression anxious as he confessed quietly, “When she told me she was pregnant I wanted her to get rid of the baby.” 
The room fell silent as Izak took a breath and Eris had the feeling his brother was two seconds away from collapsing. “All I ever wanted was Helene and a life with her, however way we could manage it. A baby was never on the table. We have been so careful for years and I knew there was no going back if we kept this baby. That I could lose her in the process and I didn’t want to risk it. I know what he’d do if he found out. I know how he’d react and I am not worth having her die because of me.” he said, his voice cracking at the last word. “But she refused. She said it was a gift. This baby was a gift and we all know how hard conceiving is. So I did what I’ve wanted to do since I met her and proposed. She said yes and now here we are.” 
“Here we are.” Eris repeated and couldn’t bring himself to say more. He thought back to Iris coming into his life and what events have taken place since then. How much he’s had to push back on his father and what it’s been costing him. And yet…he had something he looked forward to each day because of it. He had a purpose that extended past getting his mother out and killing his Father. A purpose that was just about him.
Eris looked at his brother and saw a mirror. Izak had a life he was willing to die protecting. Despite everything they had dealt with, he had found his someone. He had found hands that didn’t hurt. Hands that soothed. 
“You’re scared shitless.” he finally said softly.
“I’m constantly on the verge of vomiting.” 
“Gods, we really are related.” 
A chorus of chuckles passed between the brothers and then Eris sighed for what felt like the millionth time today. There were many pieces at play but they all needed to see the stakes. He turned his head towards Finn and Emil. 
“Cards on the table?”
His brothers straightened, glancing at each other and then at Izak.
“Cards on the table.” Emil said.
“You both have someone you care for. Do they have an out?” Eris asked. “And can they get out soon?”
“How soon are we talking?” Finn asked. 
“Soon. Three weeks to stagger their departure.” Eris said and his brothers all shared a glance of confusion.
“Why three?” Emil asked.
“I’ll explain that in a moment,” Eris said and raised a brow at Emil. “Does she have an out?”
And Eris couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Emil get flustered. His brother shifted in his seat and avoided everyone’s gaze. “Yes. She has family in Dawn.”
“Good. Send her there.” Eris jerked his chin to Finn. “And you? Does he have an out?”
Finn scowled. “He’s a well-known blacksmith. He can’t just up and leave.” 
“He’s going to have to. Things are going to get ugly.”
“How ugly are we talking?” Izak asked with raised brows. 
“Very.” Eris replied. “You know we’ll need to get Helene out of here. Taking cover within the Autumn Court will not be enough. He can always reach her here.” 
“I don’t have ties to get her out without it being suspicious,” Izak replied, running a hand through his hair. “My ties are all within this court.” 
“I have someone that can help with that.” Eris said and he couldn’t have timed it better himself when a sharp knock sounded at the door. 
“Who the fuck is that?” Izak demanded. “I never said you could give my address to others.”
“I know.” Eris said. “But I need you to trust me and trust that I know this person will bring you no harm.”
Izak scowled, sharing a glance with Emil and Finn before stalking towards the seating room door and yanking it open. “You better be right or ugly is going to come at you a lot faster than you think.”
“I’ll take my chances.”  Eris said with an eye roll and waited a heartbeat for Izak to reach the door, his eyes following his brother’s movement as he yanked his front door open and froze. 
Because standing at the door was none other than the Heir of the Day Court and youngest of the Vanserra brothers. Lucien had joined the fray. 
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the-orange-tabby-cat · 4 months
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last updated: August 4th
Tabby note: All my fics are currently in a small hiatus cause I'm moving! I will be back soon enough, meanwhile, why don't you read one of my recs?
Howdy! 🤠
I'm an orange tabby cat that writes fanfic about Pedro Pascal's characters. Welcome to my masterlist, cowboy (gn). If you'd like to request a drabble, feel free to drop a purr on my asks. To check my WIP list, click here. I'm also doing some album reviews connecting my favorite albums with a Pedro character, check it here for a soundtrack. To guide you better, here's a small resume of what you will find bellow:
💣 smut | 🧡 fluff | 💀 dark | 🌵 angst | 🌻 sad/grief | 🦋 slow burn
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Wings Of The Dawn
tags: 💣🧡🦋 AO3 | Fic masterlist | Spotify playlist |  Work In Progress | 6/?
Summary: You are Jackson’s librarian, a doll with good heart, that has your life changed when a handsome man and his kid decides to start again in your small town. Having a hard time ignoring Joel’s dark brown eyes, you found yourself wishing to have him closer as you both navigate through love triangles, teenage drama, city gossip and ghosts from both your pasts.
This is a comfort fic filled with slow burn and small town dynamics.
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By The Window
tags: 🧡💀🌵 AO3 | Fic masterlist |  Work In Progress | 1/4  Alternate Universe - Haunted House, ghost!Joel Miller
Summary: Wisteria grew over the wall, year after year, covering the sidewalk in a light purple petal tapestry. The windows that hadn’t been open for at least a decade no longer contained finger marks over the white paint, just a dust layer. Between the bricks, the bindweed made a delicate pattern covering most of the façade in green. The house sat quietly at the bottom of the valley, undisturbed and unnoticed. Sometimes walkers passed by it, but it didn’t matter, they never saw the building or what lives inside. The thing that lives inside the house waited patiently for her, until she came and changed everything.
tags: 🧡🌵🌻🦋 AO3 | Fic masterlist |  Work In Progress | 2/?  Alternate Universe - grief support group
Summary: For the last 5 years, every Wednesday you watched a handsome man walk by your street with a lilac bouquet in hands. Except he doesn’t stroll on your street this Wednesday, he shows up at your grief support group. 
The Renegade
tags: 💣🧡🦋 AO3 | Fic masterlist | Work In Progress | 1/4
Summary: This is why I’m writing to you, Tess. Do you see how much trouble am I? How unstable and not anywhere good for him? I can’t fall in love with him and he can’t get closer, I’m a weak bitch: I’m gonna fall for him if you don’t help me. I walked too many meters of bad decisions before, I can’t cross another ocean. You are my only hope, The renegade - Your parents ask you to try seeing a therapist, Tess, and you agree under one condition: she can't let you fall in love with Joel Miller. A fic in the format of letters, from you to Tess.
The Season Of The Witch
tags: 💣 AO3 | Read it on Tumblr
Summary: October 1986 - The Miller brothers start the Halloween season by going to a carnival to try some luck with a fortune teller. Unfortunately for them, she is real and spills out about what the future holds for them. Wanting more answers, Joel flirts with the occult and gets way more than just a palm reading. Almost pure smut for your enjoyment. 
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A Lesson In Nature
tags: 🧡 AO3 | Read it on Tumblr
Summary: A hike with your handsome co-star made you believe two things: 1. Your agent would be fired as soon as you got signal, 2. Dieter was a full pain in the ass. Forget about having the starlet breakout of your dreams, you were about to murder whoever cast you both together. But first, you need to survive this.
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tags: 💣🌵 AO3 | Read it on Tumblr
Summary: Javier sees you again years after the end of your love affair. Torn between the memories of what happened then and what is now, you both face the weight of your actions from Bogotá to Madrid.
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lizaluvsthis · 8 months
The Girl in Fatal Lavanders
Fanfic Written and Illustrated by @lizaluvsthis
Idea of creation by @itsajjanea
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First (Prologue)
Author's note: I'd like to thank @itsajjanea for drawing three that describes out the song Heathers by Conan Gray (I loved that song before and still do) the song gave so many feels <3
For now- onto the fanfic!
Summary: SMG4 has found someone new, much to Three's dismay. He couldn't help it but feel like something is wrong with his new "Girlfriend" and that there is something more going on with her than just being all 'kind' and 'polite' to people, especially with SMG4.
will SMG4 still end up being inlove with the Lavender Girl? or does he end up with Three's open heart
Tags: Enemies to Friends, Sun and Moon, angst, betrayal, catching feelings, comfort, hurt/comfort, drama, enemies to lovers, enemy, fluff, oblivious, slowburn, fruityass, gayness
Mario & Meggy Spletzer
Meggy & SMG3
SMG4 & Original Character
PuzzleVision(TvAdware) & Original Character
SMG3 & Mario
SMG4 & Mario
Beginning Chapter - 1 New Person, 1 New Goal
An announcement breaks out from the castle of SMG4's as he calls everyone. "The hell did you bring us here for?" Bob angrily asked, ruining his dating plans with another chick.
"Whatever it is, I don't care." Three calmly said sitting peacefully on the couch waiting for SMG4 to say something. "Prepare yourself to be blinded by this but..." 
"But first- promise you guys won't laugh..." SMG4 held back in reassurance from his crew's support. Boopkins being the bright one of the team, spoke. 
"Awe don't worry SMG4! We won't laugh or judge you!" SMG4 gave Boopkins a weak smile and proceeded, taking a deep breath. 
"I know it has been a few weeks now since I've gone out for a few or most days, I never bothered to check the castle much because I went away. Now that I'm back again... I wanted to surprise you all with something..."
"Ohhhhh is it spaghetti-os?" Mario cheered in excitement, but with a disapproving look on four's expression, he wasn't talking about that. "No, but it's something else... I uh- I've met someone new" 
Four gave a nervous chuckle at the end. The whole crew felt silent as they all began to laugh. SMG4 felt embarrassed and humiliated himself, grunting and blushing down. Mario spoke up.
"Are you sure you're not high or anything S-M-G-4 ? Or haven't you gotten enough B-tches from the past few years you've attempted dating a girl? Oh no wait- you don't have any!" This caused the whole crew to laugh even more, except for Boopkins and Meggy.
"C'mon, guys! At Least Four is trying his best here- say- SMG4, we haven't met this person yet- what's their name?" SMG4 looked at Meggy bringing his smile up again.
"This is a surprise everyone- but... here she is!" A door opens from the entrance, with a first footstep from the opening. Is seen with purple scandals following on with a pair of white socks exceeding up to the leg reach.
Slow opening, the person dressed in dark magenta overalls. With the length of the pants put a match near the sock's leg reach. With cute navy blue buttons, and lilac color of cloth from their shirt.
Up to the face with a smile, oddly enough with a non-patterned color of red as the hat's signature. Almost near to Mario's similar color but gave off soft and dark.
The symbol from the top spots out a "#" Then the hair gave out a brunette color, and the excess ends to the shoulder length gave out curls. 
Oddly enough, Lavender colored eyes are rare to have. And a mole near the corner of the left cheek.
She gently closed the door, seeing from her second hand, it was a phone with the color of cyan. "Hello there everyone! Wow! I'm super excited to meet you all!" Everyone went silent.
"Guys, meet my new girlfriend..." SMG4 let out his hand extending to the brunette. She gladly accepted the handhold, getting pulled slowly by SMG4s. She looked at everyone who still smiled, side-hugging SMG4 with his hand touching her back.
"Haha- very funny SMG4-" SMG3 crossed both of his arms, there is no way SMG4 could pull out someone with the likes of HER... (plus- she looks kinda mid...) SMG3 thought to himself squinting his eyes at Four's new 'Girlfriend's' face.
"Are you brain damaged?" Three pulled out his sarcasm to see how his 'girlfriend' would react to that and how she'd deal with it. Unfortunately for three, however, She was pretty aggressive for action so he brought back what he said.
"Aren't you emotionally unstable?" The crew went on with the hums of "oohs" as Four quieted them down pushing three out of the way. "Hey- slow down- we don't want to settle up fights here, right "Three"?" 
SMG4 tilts his head, side-eyeing at Three. He just wished that the man wouldn't do anything stupid. "Right." Angered by the purple and black. 
"Anyways- six, you have the microphone" SMG4 lets go of her to make the brunette feel welcomed and comfortable. "Hello everyone! My name is T-A-G-6, I'm just a lovely and polite girl who loves to play video games and helps out with editing videos! I do find memes funny too besides with this cutie" 
Six looked at Four with a smirk and winked at him, four giggled like a blushing boy from high school. This made Three's brows change out with a more angered expression giving her the looks.
"My name stands for 'Totally-Average-Girl' then there's six! You can call me Tag or Six if you prefer it that-" SMG3 decides to break in again, approaching her confidently smiling. 
For three who wanted to show her who's boss at being close with SMG4.
 "how about bombers? You sound like a horse and you play like a hooker tiny wrink-" 
TAG6 took a step back summoning a big solid grey hammer, whaming Three's chin then up to the roof where he gets thrown out to the space leaving him screaming.
"So- any questions?" Her left eye twitched from Three's sudden call from her. (Why he... better get a taste of his own medicine! ) Six pouted her mouth just putting a thought about Three's immediate reaction.
"Ooh! Ooh! How did you two meet?" Tari asked intrigued with TAG6's special skill and appearance. "Funny to answer that but- we met online" SMG4 walked in looking back at Tag's lavender eyes.
Four and Tag explained to the crew how they met while on a public server from multimedia works. Four noticed Tag has the same interest as him, and a few more days of him taking her on dates.
The two finally made it official. "Wait wait! Did you both kiss?" Saiko looked at the two with an amused look when Four and Tag struck eye contact and then back to her. "Umm- no we- haven't yet... we're taking this whole thing- slow..."
TAG6 made a sheepish grin and with Four scratching his back, "We uh- we're not there yet..." SMG4 looked down sadly but forced a smile just for TAG6 to not worry her.
"But- that's okay! We can- do that if... we're both ready..." simply patting Four's back gaining comfort from her.
The crew showered her with questions and conversations, as Meggy left in hopes of finding where SMG3 had gone right after TAG6 blew him off the roof.
"SMG3? Are you here?" She said following three foot tracks from the mud. "SMG3!" Meggy shouted his name to be left with faint sobs near the bush.
Meggy quietly sneaks in, to see SMG3 crying silently hugging both of his knees. "What am I gonna do now? Four has a girlfriend and he didn't even tell me... I don't even know WHY this bothers me so much-" 
Meggy felt bad at Three, he didn't deserve any of this. She began to back away but snapped a twig from under, getting Three's attention as he looked at the sound.
"Squid. What are you doing here...? Came to make fun of me?" SMG3 wiped out his tears after seeing Meggy, getting up properly from the ground.
"I didn't mean to barge in like that, I saw you crying and... well- sorry..." Meggy held her left elbow in a single shell of comfort.
Three sighed, but seeing him not pushing or telling the orange squid to go away. She continued. "He means so much to you if that's what I would've guessed" 
Meggy stood next to him, looking down at the ground. "Ever since before and after three, I know. I saw how you acted... you know, you can't keep your feelings in there for too long" 
“I can’t say that I’d let it all out only idiots do that.” 
Meggy turns around. “It’s your choice, only you decide what you pick. Please remember SMG3… it’s not healthy to cover up wounds without someone doing so.” 
“But at all costs, you’ll be okay three” Meggy placed her hand to his shoulder. “I can’t promise that sh-t.” SMG3 shrugs off Meggy’s hand leaving her out of the way.
In the castle, SMG4 enjoys getting compliments on how he just got a girlfriend along with them congratulating him. For Mario however, he doesn’t see anything changing from the man.
“Boy, you sure know how to charm a woman SMG4” Mario gave out a laugh to which SMG4 gave along. “Guess I bring out my luck to 'em” he finger guns at TAG6 with a wink.
TAG6 played along to her role, acting in love, acting happy, acting fine, acting okay. Everything was fake behind the mask, she felt anger, disgust, hatred, and pity with his crew and SMG4 to himself.
(How cheesy could this guy get along with his members? It’s so boring…) The goop who controls its own human body, rolled its eyes for who knows how many?
But no matter… I still have the Meme Guardian in our grasp, there is no way of escape for the man and the plan itself…
TAG6 made a sly face behind his shoulder. This plan is just getting started…
“Hey! U-uh- Meggy Spletzer… was it?” She caught the orange squid’s attention by surprise. “Yep, that's my name! You know me from somewhere?” Tag gets too excited and squirms, hugging Meggy tightly in results crushing her ribs.
“OH MY GOD OH MY GOD- OH MY GOD!!! I’M SUCH A BIG FAN! I SAW YOU ON TV, YOU WON ON SPLATOON FEST!” Tag shook her from side to side, nuzzling under her neck. “Sorry- heh…Again- I’m such a big fan!” Disgusting. 
Meggy swoons her head from left to right, trying to recover her strength after Tag lets her go. “How long have you been a fan? Now that's a shock, but- well- it’s an honor to be known as your splat star!” 
(Everything is going smoothly as it is… remember the plan… get close to his friends and never let them know about his disappearance.)
With a quick glance on the brunette’s, it is now Mario’s turn again to speak with his closest friend. “Don't you feel a bit happier now that you got a girlfriend SMG4?” Mario asked, in such a simple question. 
This made SMG4 rethink about his whole life, yeah he is happy that he got a girlfriend. But why does he feel like something else is missing? Why did it feel so wrong? Where does he even get this? It couldn’t possibly be SMG3.
The SMG3 he knew wouldn’t be having these kinds of feelings to him… right…? He's never been the intimate guy that he knew who would be pulling these stuffs... or would he...? Nah- three doesn't have these stuff its just SMG4 being an overthinker...
But really tho... he doesnt have these feelings to him right...?
“Pshh- You’re talking nonsense Mario- TAG6 is a perfect girl and a perfect person to me! Why would I be less happy about this?” SMG4 re-arranged his hat and pulled his collar.
It felt that something inside of him cracked, from this hurting and deep tingling he’s touched. He couldn’t get a hint.
Mario points up his hand, speaking of his joy rate. The more the red italian spent the time with SMG4, the more he knew every move and every breath of his best friend.
There is a high difference on how he acts around them, yet this one is giving him a vibe that- he couldn’t understand.
Something is telling him that this person does NOT have a soul… nor this person is even living...
Next Chapter - One is off, theres two but one
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roguelov · 1 year
Crimson Stained Petals (Ch. 2)
Summary: Set in the 1880s, rumors and mysteries swirled around a quaint town, mostly about a lord tucked far into the woods. Arriving in town, you could not deny your curiosities, but you were not here to stay. Or so you thought. Low on funds, and a job for a live-in servant advertised in the paper, you now found yourself in the home of Lord Morpheus - the source of all rumors. Passions and tensions will grow. Questions will be answered, but may come at a hefty price. And a promise may be broken. But, is Lord Morpheus, and those few residents, truly as scary as they seem?
Words Count: ~3.4k
Reader: Neutral (unspecified now, however fem leaning)
Warnings: Minor angst (hints of Morpheus’s past), mutual pinning, some fluff, hints of bloodlust
Chapter 1, Chapter 3
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After a week of working in the manor, you quickly found routine in your new life. It was far easier than anticipated, although somewhat tiring at points. And despite exploring the manor, you still tended to become lost or forgetful where certain rooms were. It was massive to say the least, but you adored the architecture, the different colors and styles of each room, and the obvious love - even if slightly dusty due to negligence - poured into it. Two rooms in particular captured your interest and attention: the upstairs library, and the sunroom.
The sunroom was magical. The glass - a soft sea green - dome roof sparkled in any and all lighting. On sunny days, it was as if the heavens rained down on this secret cove. Plants of all colors and variety outlined the room from vibrant dark green ferns - nearly an envious green - to signature staple of the manor’s passionate red roses as well as strong and proud sunflowers, delicate lilacs, and the intricate petals of the blushing pink carnations. Fern leaves as large as dinner plates bent towards the doorways like curtains. You could not help but imagine you were an explorer traversing the jungle as you entered.
In the center, a couch, two chairs, and a table were set out. However, there was a very obvious empty space for furniture to be pushed aside. The true beauty of the room was it could double as a ballroom if needed. You could see where a musician could sit, you could imagine a dozen people dancing in unison, you could feel the air crackle with potential energy. When you walked the pristine tile floor sang with every step of your shoe, heels clacked and echoed like a chorus; imagining a group of people in here, and oh how the room would harmonize.
The library, on the other hand, was quaint and far less grandiose compared to the sunroom. Yet, it held its own type of magic, one of comfort and warmth. It was draped in rich dark browns, glowing oranges of the sun and lanterns, and overall warm tones. The walls had built-in shelves and overflowed with books. A single thin window with a nook to sit and read by sunlight was nestled between two shelves. Two long wooden tables with chairs were placed in the room, almost more of studying than reading comfortably.
The air in the library was calmer, and gentle like an escape, or a brief pause on life. If you strolled over to the collection of books, most were published from Morpheus’s company ‘The Dreamer’s Palace’. Which wasn’t too surprising, but the library held many other books from the popular to the unknown. Every genre filled the shelves: drama, contemporary, romance, horror, fantasy, mystery, nonfiction, mythology, and poetry. You had worlds at your fingertips and each of them called to you.
When you had time, you would eventually borrow a book, with Morpheus’s permission of course. Maybe you could take the book and lounge in the sunroom, now that sounded like a lovely idea.
However, you supposed there was another place besides the sunroom and library to entertain you and your thoughts. You desperately wished to explore the ground, especially the maze. The rose maze enthralled you. The hedges must be ten feet tall, barring all from sneaking a single glance in. The full, perfect lush red roses filled the hedges and dazzled in the sunlight while somehow seemingly glowed in the moonlight. With the moon above, they tempted you like some Greek tragedy. The maze was your labyrinth. Maybe a monster lurked among the roses, maybe you would become lost and lose your sense of self, or maybe it was simply just a maze.
One day.
One day, you would run freely through the hedges and happily lose yourself amongst them.
Late in the morning, Morpheus had requested some tea. If it wasn’t in the morning after what you expected a long night, then he requested afternoon tea for one last boost to finish the day. Light seemed to always shine under the crack of his door. His footsteps creaked along the home constantly even as you laid still in bed.
Maneuvering up the stairs, you carefully balanced a kettle and a tea cup with a saucer. Stepping onto the second floor, you immediately veered left. Morpheus’s study was the first door. You knocked, announcing yourself. His reply was muffled, but allowed you in.
Opening the door, Morpheus was hunched over his desk. Stacks of paper covered his desk, with his pen scratching away editing and making revision notes on a new manuscript. A dying fire crackled as embers burned a reddish orange hue casting the room in a radiating warmth. The curtains were opened showing off the dreary morning. Rain tapped against the window, adding to the ambiance.
You beelined for Morpheus. You efficiently, as possible, set up his tea in the small corner space free of papers. Morpheus - who had been watching not just since you walked in, but since you first arrived - wondered about something that had been bothering him for a few days. The scratching of his pen seized, and he glanced out of the corner of his eye. “May I ask you a question?”
You paused as you set up his tea. It was one of the few other times he addressed you, besides your first interaction and occasionally calling for tea. Shaking yourself out of your stupor, you poured his tea. “Of course, sir.”
He laid down his pen, and turned his head to address you. His eyes - an enchanting pale blue in such dim lighting - locked with yours. “You are not afraid of me.”
You stepped back from him, having finished your assigned task. The kettle left besides his cup if he wished to have more later. You folded your hands in front of you with the empty tray in your hands. His sentence tossed over and over in your head. You frowned slightly in thought, “That is not a question.”
The corner of his lips twitched upward. “You are correct, apologies. I suppose I was more inquiring about your opinion.”
“On what?”
“Myself, and said rumors that circulate the manor.”
You didn’t need time to think. Most people warned you of this place whether directly or indirectly. “The townspeople have their beliefs and I have mine.”
“So you have no care for the matter?”
“I can form my own opinions.” You cocked your head quizzically, “I’m sorry, but did Lucienne not inform you of my answer? She asked a similar question during the interview.”
“She did, but I wish to hear it from you especially given you have been staying with us for more than over a week now.” He twisted his body in his chair, facing you directly. He gave you his full undivided attention. “So what are your opinions? What do you think of the rumors?”
You paused, considering his question. “Do you want my honest opinion, sir?”
You had your opinions. Ones that had been slowly formulating since your arrival, ones that may be an unpleasant truth to hear.
“I do.” He saw the hesitation written plainly on your face. “You can be blunt.”
You nodded, and sighed releasing any tension. “If you wish -“ you cleared your throat - “the way I see it you revel in said rumors. You can easily dispel them by ingraining yourself more into society, but you don’t. You do the donations, you have the well liked bookshop, but you do not show your face. Either you isolate yourself to protect yourself, or because you believe you deserve it - deserve the isolation.”
Morpheus hummed, utterly fascinated by your answer. “Truly? And what do you think? Why would I sever my connection to society?”
Your eyes dragged up and down over his body - you were dissecting him. Morpheus noted how a change came over you. You were not a servant, head bowed, but an equal with a sharp eye. You were clever, far more clever than you let on. A mask had momentarily slipped. “Because you deserve it or so you believe.”
He nodded. You may have indulged a mere facet of his curiosity, but somehow stirred more within this one conversation. He turned back to his work, “Thank you for indulging me.”
“Is there anything else you need, sir?” You smiled, and your tone suggested a hint of teasing, “Any other of my opinions you wish to know?”
His smile was hidden from you. “No, thank you.”
“Of course.” You bowed and swiftly left.
“And do not feel frightened to share your honesty.” He spoke the next sentence softly, whispering, “I enjoy it.”
You paused at the door. A faint flutter hummed in your chest. “If you wish, sir.”
I do, he thought.
You turned your head, glancing back once more. He had returned to his work. Your mind thought back on the conversation, on Morpheus’s self imposed isolation. You opened your mouth, only to quickly close it and simply left. As the door softly clicked shut, Morpheus put his head into his hands.
A mortal.
A foolish mortal who had unknowingly walked into the lion’s den. His thirst rose when you walked by, and the smell of you now imbued his home. Before he remembered a time when his thirst could be quelled for months at a time, unbothered or unaffected by hunger. But now as you freely roamed his halls, he could barely go a few days without feeling its intense and paralyzing effects. The taste of human blood has not touched his lips in nearly a century.
Idiot, he thought. Why did I allow this?
“I believe it would do you some good sir,” Lucienne pressed. She had approached her lord, proposing to introduce a servant, more so a cleaning servant, into the manor. Or more accurately cornered him in his study.
Morpheus huffed under his breath. “Lucienne, I respect you and your opinions, however, this is ridiculous and out of the question.”
“Lord Morpheus, you need to try more or dare we have another fiasco such as the last manor.”
Ah, yes, how could he forget.
He had gotten complacent in his solitude. He kept to himself, and worked on new stories that continued to be sent in from all over. He only cared about his work, and nothing else.
No. That was incorrect.
No, he was purposely drowning himself in it; all to forget the painful heartache. No, he had not gotten complacent in solitude, he had gotten complacent in his endless grief. Let the people gossip, he bitterly thought. Let them believe in the monster. He did not care for his world were these dingy walls with the ghost roaming amongst them.
But, a strange man who lived on the outskirts of town stirred vile imaginations. After a decade and possibly longer of living - in what Morpheus ignorantly believed to be peace - the townspeople charged one night forcing everyone to flee.
He had to rebuild.
He had to remake himself in this new town. He had hoped his donations would soothe the townspeople, but mortals were weary of newcomers and indulged in their superstitions far too often.
Even if their intuitions were right most of the time.
A tap on the window broke Morpheus out of his thoughts, his memories. Through the haze of the night, a small black mass was perched on the window sill. Morpheus wordlessly strolled over and opened the window. A bird, a raven specifically, swooped in and landed on the desk.
“And what do I owe the pleasure, Matthew?” Morpheus asked, facing the raven.
The raven shuffled, his talons clacked against the wood. “Sorry to interrupt, boss, but Merv is asking for something for the pain again. He says his supply is almost out.”
Morpheus’s features softened, a miniscule change. “Okay, tell Merv I will send for more immediately.”
Matthew nodded, but he did not move.
“Is there something else you need?” Morpheus asked, raising his eyebrow.
Matthew sighed, sinking a bit. “I may or may not have been listening to yours and Lucienne’s conversation.”
Morpheus’s lips thinned, not angered Matthew was listening - it was nothing new - but because he knew Matthew would side with Lucienne. “And what do you think of the matter then?”
“Well,” he drawled out, “I have been visiting the town a bit, and some of the people have begun to talk and they’re not too … happy.”
Morpheus barely contained his eye roll. “I have done all I can to appease them, if they want to make speculations then let them. I don’t harm them in any capacity.”
It was true. His diet these days consisted solely of animals.
“Maybe an appearance at the bookshop then,” Lucienne suggested. “But, I still urge you to hire someone. If others see someone unharmed in your care then it would lessen the problem.”
“I will not bring a stranger into my home just so mortals can stop gossiping.”
“If not for you then for us, for the manor. We already had to run once.”
Morpheus frowned.
Lucienne cautiously stepped forward. “You opened your door to me - for Mervyn, and Matthew - you brought in a stranger once before.”
“That was different. This will be a mortal, Lucienne.”
“And do you not trust yourself, or do you not want a repeat?”
Morpheus’s shoulders tensed. An intense, chilling, glare settled into his eyes. His eyes glowed ominously like a feral animal. “Lucienne, I will ask you once to not bring that up again.”
Lucienne stepped back, but did not look away. She held her ground in a way. “Apologies, sir, but I do not want to find a new place so soon.”
Matthew chirped up, disliking the heavy tension in the room. He flapped his wings to turn all the attention onto him. “And it would be nice for you, boss. The manor has been gathering dust, so it would be good for all of us, right?”
Morpheus closed his eyes then exhaled slowly. Opening his eyes, they had returned to a normal shade. “Fine.”
“What?” Matthew muttered, stunned.
“Bring someone in, do what you must.” He turned his back. “If we can survive another decade here peacefully then do so. I don’t want to start again so quickly.”
“Of course, sir, thank you.” Lucienne bowed her head and left as Matthew swooped after her.
Look at all the good it has done, Morpheus thought.
Morpheus was confined to these walls with you lurking around. You were haunting him, and you reminded him of -
He shook away those memories. He had a new ghost in his home and he had to deal with this unfortunate reality. This wasn’t about him, this was about Lucienne, Matthew, and Mervyn. They were lucky last time to escape before the home burned, but luck always ran out. If people discovered the truth, if they came in the night unheard, he couldn’t forgive himself for anything that would happen to his friends - his family.
This was his family unlike the one born from blood.
Meanwhile as you strolled away from Morpheus’s study, your thoughts were tangled together. He was odd. Polite, yes. But, odd. He created a wedge between him and most; a wedge you clearly saw. In the short time you were living here, it was becoming obvious who Lord Morpheus was: a tortured soul. But, why? What drove him to this state? If you were to continue to live here, you would find out.
Curiosity was powerful, and you had your reasonings to do so.
Taking the tray to the kitchen, you once again passed by another oddity in the manor: the plain wooden door under the stairs. Earlier in your adventures of the manor, you tried to open it to no avail.
“I wouldn’t keep trying if I were you.” You whirled around - panicked you had been caught - and thankfully only saw Lucienne. She smiled, a joking smile, at your reaction. Her eyes darted to the lock door. “It leads to the basement where the plumbing goes.”
You frowned, disappointed.
“Sorry, I know it’s not as wondrous as you might think.” She strolled forwards, eyes kept on the door. “But I assure you, it’s not pleasant down there. It’s damp and dark with old pipes.”
Her eyes flickered over, locking with yours. She peered over her glasses to ensure she looked at you directly. ‘Don’t’ was all her eyes said.
“I suppose the wonders of plumping is something I’m not too keen about,” you chuckled lightly.
Her smile softened, and laughed along with you. “No, I don’t think most are. Now, if you excuse me, I was going to get a drink.”
She skirted by you towards the kitchen. Once, she was down the hall and out of sight, your eyes swiveled back to the door. Only one thought ran through your mind: she’s lying. You pressed your hand to the door. In your chest, deep within your bones, something hummed on the other side.
Stepping back, you searched and no one was around. If not today, but one day you will see what was behind that door. A voice told you to be cautious in your curiosity, but to also not let it die out. Trust your gut. And your gut needed the door to be opened to reveal all its secrets.
You paused, running your hand over the grain of the wood. The hum still called out. Similar to how you swore to uncover the secrets of a Morpheus, this door fell under it as well. This manor reeked of secrets and lies. It did not frightened you, not in the least. It compelled you. And the rumors only spurred your thirst for knowledge.
But, today was not the day. All of this required a touch of patience.
A skill you honed over the years.
Brushing past, you made your way into the kitchen dropping off the tray. Glancing out the window, the late rainy morning reminded you of all the hours you still had left in the day. You sighed.
Now, what should I do?
The rest of the day you decided to busy yourself with cleaning the kitchen. Most of the appliances were new, and strangely did not seem to be used as frequently since some dust had collected on them, much like the rest of the manor. You scrubbed the cabinets and the floor, cleaned dishes and silverware, and threw away any rotted food - which was surpassingly little. The kitchen nearly sparkled by the end of your work, and luckily the day had passed between all of it.
You retired for the night and drew a well deserved and needed bath. You soaked for almost an hour, letting your skin prune and your thoughts wander: thoughts of the manor, thoughts of Lucienne, thoughts of the mysterious gardener, thoughts of Morpheus, and thoughts of your past and life now.
You sighed, sinking into the water until it barely touched your nose.
Here was a new start with new promises while the past still loomed heavily over your shoulders. No, you truly couldn’t start anew until the past was settled. You knew this, and you were constantly reminded of it.
With the water now cold, you decided to get out. You dried off and pulled on your night clothes. Shuffling out of the bathroom, you passed the writing desk.
You paused.
Changing direction from your cozy bed, you veered to the desk. You needed to write a letter, one you had forgotten - and may have purposely neglected - to write. You plopped down into the creaky wooden chair and began to write a letter. Amongst your initial search of the desk, you were surprised, and thankful, to find paper and ink already inside the drawer.
You had an old promise to keep.
You pulled out a paper and addressed it to your uncle. An uncle who raised you and taught you many things. An uncle who you spoke exclusively in letters since leaving his home nearly over a decade ago. You loved him dearly, and hoped maybe one day after your journey of self discovery, and possibly after truly settling down, you would visit him again.
Under a candlelight, you wrote about the past week. You spoke of your new job, your new lord, and the others who lived here - even if you spoke only to one. You spoke how this job could be the one, the one to change your life. You told him he was still always in your thoughts, and wondered how he was doing since his new retired life per his last letter. You smiled down at the letter, and signed it. You neatly folded it, and tucked it into an envelope to send at the earliest convenience.
Maybe Lucienne could take it to the post office for you, or maybe you’ll make a visit into town.
The decision will come later, for now you need to sleep.
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temporalhiccup · 8 days
How was the paper?
aaaaaaaaaaaaa thanks for asking! (for folks who don't know, stationary drama is afoot and folks are freaking out over bad paper they paid a lot of money for) I did a test on my hobonichi cousin A5 2025...there was no feathering which I was most worried about (feathering just kills the enjoyment of fountain pen writing and most cheaper planners/paper feather)
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thankfully it looks like no feathering is happening and it seemed like most of the ink properties were coming through. notably the sailor ink amamoyoi (the first one from the top) has its lovely dark faded green shifting into pink properties, and the lamy dark lilac (second ink) seemed to have its green sheen intact (hard to take a picture that captures that green sheen in particular). After a few days though (I kept looking at the new page and comparing it to my current Cousin 2024 paper) I was worried about the third and fourth inks...none of their sheen seemed to be coming through. But was I writing too quickly because I was stressed/hopeful?? So the ink couldn't pool and sheen like it normally does??
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Sooooo before answering this ask I went ahead and skipped ahead to like a May page and tried it again, and forced myself to write slower.
Once again, hard to get pictures to really show the sheen properly but the night time soda (third ink) and lady emerald (fourth ink) did have their purple and red sheen come through properly (thank gawd).
it's really too bad about the sanzen tomoe river paper being so inconsistent. I still don't have any other notebook/planner that seems to come close to highlighting fountain ink properties as well, even if they purport to use the same source of paper. It must be something about how hobonichi manufactures and treats the paper for the magic to happen, I suppose. Still, if this inconsistency keeps up it's just too stressful to spend this much money and not know what you're going to get. I'll probably switch to something else for 2026, and I won't be picking up anymore hobonichi notebooks/planners either. (please imagine that I'm saying the lasts two paragraphs like a Victorian gentlemen, discussing these matters of great importance with my fellows at one of those gentlemen clubs full of cigarette smoke, I've got a forlorn look on my face and I'm letting out huffs and sighs every few words as I look off at the distance, distracting myself from my important woes with another beautiful man's visage)
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spongeaddict · 6 months
My SINCEREST apologies that I’ve been MIA, here are some headcanons to hopefully tide you over until I can get my GD crap together!
Fraphne engagement/wedding headcanons!
Fred proposes with a trap, of course
Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby are all in on the proposal
Fred doesn’t have a ring when he proposes because he was afraid of getting the wrong one (even though Daphne promised she’d love anything he picked out) 
Instead he tells her they’ll go ring shopping together, which delights her to no end
Daphne is anti-diamond, so she chooses something more unique, like an opal or a sapphire
While both Daphne and Fred would have been happy with a small wedding with just the gang and close family in attendance, both sets of their parents insist on throwing them a huge wedding
They can afford it after all
It’s definitely a spring wedding; sometime in late April or early May
Daphne’s wedding dress is practical but gorgeous; a classy ivory strapless mermaid style gown with a short train, if any
Her something old is a string of pearls that all the women in her family have worn an their wedding days
Her something new is her dress/veil
Her something borrowed is her mother’s best pearl earrings
Her something blue is the insoles of her shoes
She’s got two pairs of shoes by the way; heels for the ceremony, comfortable white sneakers for the reception
Fred doesn’t wear a tuxedo; instead he wears a classic dark gray suit
But instead of a tie, he wears his ascot
Shaggy’s the best man, Velma’s the maid of honor, Scooby is the ring bearer (but you knew that!)
The wedding is outdoors, somewhere like a winery; the tent for the reception is set up next to the vineyard
Daphne’s bouquet has lilacs, orchids, white roses, and plenty of greenery
Fred and Daphne don’t have a First Look; the first time Fred sees her on their wedding day is when she’s walking down the aisle
Daphne is worried about crying during the ceremony, but when the day arrives she’s so happy she just smiles the whole time
Fred, however, goes through the whole ceremony with tears of joy in his eyes 
So do Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby for that matter
Open bar at the reception because again; the Blake family can afford it
Fred and Daphne’s first dance is to something classic and romantic like “Something” by The Beatles or “At Last” by Etta James
In a move that surprises everyone, Velma gives a funny maid of honor speech, and Shaggy gives a serious best man speech 
Both speeches are perfect
There’s no bouquet toss because Daphne thinks it’s tacky
There’s also no garter toss because Fred thinks it’s weird
The biggest drama of the evening occurs when Scooby disappears halfway through the reception and no one can find him for an hour
It turns out he just ate so much food he passed out behind the DJ booth
The song that closes out the night is “Time of My Life” from Dirty Dancing
Fred and Daphne do the lift 😊 
They discussed for a long time about what to do about last names; whether Daphne should take Fred’s or keep her own
What they end up doing is both hyphenating
So their full names after they get married are Frederick Blake-Jones and Daphne Blake-Jones
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dramioneasks · 6 months
I wanted to ask if you can recommend any fics similar to the choices we make
Or any fic where Draco and hermione are dating during the war and Draco is undercover for the order
Thanks !
Amor Vincit Omnia - The Beginning by Twin_Flame_Blues - M, 7 chapters - All of the flashbacks (plus a few new ones!) from the original AVO, organized in chronological order. This is essentially the prequel fic to AVO, telling the story of how Draco and Hermione got together at Hogwarts, how they kept their relationship a secret, and what they went through in the lead up to, during, and immediately after the war. I really wanted to compile all of the flashbacks from AVO into their own story so you could read it all the way through in order for a different experience than you get in AVO. The story begins during 4th year and continues through the end of Draco’s trial after the war. You can read this either if you have or have not read the original AVO, it will make sense either way, and the backstory built in this fic will remain consistent for all other works in the AVO universe, including alternate timeline fics that will pick up where this story ends. Enjoy these two idiots falling in love!
What Is Necessary - Musyc - E, one-shot - War leads to rage - between sides, between enemies, between friends, and between lovers. Hermione and Draco are both enemies and lovers. It is necessary to hide love under rage, and they do what is necessary to survive.
Goodbye, Granger - sweetestsorrows (katschako) - M, 4 chapters - Though he loved her for years, Draco always knew Hermione wasn’t truly his, not for forever. So he did his best to aid her efforts in the endless war, to ensure her success against the Dark Lord, and to create a future wizarding society where she could thrive. He simply never expected that he would be granted the opportunity to share a happy ending with her.
of flavoured names and coloured sounds by Pink Panda (Ejacyeolation) - E, 2 Chapters - “He doesn’t question it at first, the fact that sounds have colours and words have flavours. He grows up with it, grows up seeing powerful ruptures of colour when his mother plays the piano and softer, translucent bursts when the people around him speak. His father’s voice fills his vision with sombre oranges and lilacs while his mother’s is a pleasant mix of delicate greens, blues, and greys. The word father tastes like wet wood and the word mother tastes like the pumpkin juice the house-elves frequently serve him.“ In which Draco just wants to know what colour Hermione’s moans would be. He also wants to know if her skin would taste as sweet as her surname or maybe as intoxicating as her given name.
The Fallen By: Shananigans10 - M, 9 chapters - Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have been a couple for years, trying to toe the line and stay alive during the hard times the war has brought to the Wizarding world. What happens when Voldemort finds out that they’re together, and have been for quite some time? TW: Rape. Spy!Draco, Anti!Lucius, Anti!Death Eaters, Dark story. Rated M for violence, language, sexual situations.
A Melancholy Refrain by Misdemeanor1331 - K, one-shot - Seeing her one last time was worth any amount of pain.
Title:Hanging On Author: eau_bleu Rating: G Genre(s): Drama, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,068 Summary: Draco turned spy with Hermione Granger as his contact almost immediately after the the Golden Trio’s escape from Malfoy Manor when they were brought there by Snatchers . Only Hermione and Andromeda Tonks know of Draco’s position. Draco went to his aunt first, who contacted Hermione at Shell Cottage, on Draco’s behalf. They meet in secret at a safe house, a very small cottage belonging to the late Ted Tonks’ family. The cabin is located in Ireland.
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A list if my fictional crushes (nobody cares but this is a tad bit long 👀)
Hector from Coco
Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender
Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender
Ozai from Avatar the Last Airbender
Bolin from Legend of Korra
Eska from Legend of Korra
Huan from Legend of Korra
Nathaniel from Miraculous Ladybug
Marc from Miraculous Ladybug
Luka from Miraculous Ladybug
Sea Hawk from She-Ra
Horde Prime from She-Ra
Hunter from The Owl House
Raine from The Owl House
Darius from The Owl House
Callum from The Dragon Prince
Runaan from The Dragon Prince
Ethari from The Dragon Prince
Aaravos from The Dragon Prince
Gren from The Dragon Prince
King Harrow from The Dragon Prince
Terry from The Dragon Prince
Corvus from The Dragon Prince
Carmen Sandiego from Carmen Sandiego
Shadowsan from Carmen Sandiego
Devineaux from Carmen Sandiego
Gray from Carmen Sandiego
Dash Haber from Carmen Sandiego
Le Chèrve from Carmen Sandiego
El Topo from Carmen Sandiego
Mime Bomb from Carmen Sandiego
Ollie from The Ghost and Molly McGee
Dark Cacao Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Pure Vanilla Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Clotted Cream Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Stardust Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Capsaicin Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Eclair Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Dark Choco Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Crunchy Chip Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Red Velvet Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Wildberry Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Affogato Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Lilac Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Herb Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Royal Margarine Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Rockstar Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Burnt Cheese Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Smoked Cheese Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Espresso Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Prune Juice Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Werewolf Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Mint Choco Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Vampire Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Crème Brûlée Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Licorice Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Sparkling Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Mercurial Knight Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Adventurer Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Gumball Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Clover Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
Camilo from Encanto
Bruno from Encanto
Augustin from Encanto
Daring from Ever After High
Sparrow from Ever After High
Alistair from Ever After High
Sundrop from Five Nights at Freddy’s
Robaire from Turning Red
Pink Lars from Steven Universe
Ford from Gravity Falls
Eddie from Stranger Things
Cody from Total Drama
Dave from Total Drama
Geoff from Total Drama
Jacques from Total Drama
Noah from Total Drama
Shawn from Total Drama
Raoul from A Monster In Paris
Harry from Harry Potter
Ron from Harry Potter
Neville from Harry Potter
Sirius from Harry Potter
Lupin from Harry Potter
Bill from Harry Potter
Gilderoy from Harry Potter
Percy from Percy Jackson
Grover from Percy Jackson
Leo from Heroes of Olympus
Nico from Percy Jackson
Will from Percy Jackson
Apollo from Percy Jackson
Hades from Percy Jackson
Alec from Disventure Camp
Nick from Disventure Camp
Nick from Heartstopper
Charlie from Heartstopper
Tao from Heartstopper
Aled from Heartstopper
Madmartigan from Willow
Wally from Welcome Home
Eddie from Welcome Home
Howdy from Welcome Home
Finn from Adventure Time
Simon from Adventure Time
Marshall Lee from Fionna and Cake
Gary from Fionna and Cake
Ambrosius from Nimona
Ballister from Nimona
P.T. Barnum from The Greatest Showman
The Other Father from Coraline
Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean
Will from Pirates of the Caribbean
Professor Rocket from Crashbox
Jumpin’ Johnnie Jumble from Crashbox
Sketch from Crashbox
Anyways, I’m done yapping. Just a disclaimer so that people don’t get mad or anything, I’m not sexualizing any of these characters. Also for people wondering about the characters that are minors, I am also a minor.
I have a big obsession with fictional characters 😁
I love how most of these were scrunkly middle aged men and then there’s just two girls (Carmen Sandiego and Eska turned me gay for a minute)
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page-2-ids · 1 year
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[ID: A flag with nine horizontal stripes, the first middle and last are twice the size of the others. The colors get lighter towards the middle and darker towards the edges. The colors are, from top to bottom, dark washed-out indigo, washed-out violet, washed-out red, peach, light yellow, peach, washed-out red, washed-out violet, and dark washed-out indigo. END ID]
Dystrofare: A non-xenogender umbrella term for genders centered around dystopia, rebellion, the falls of empires, rebel movements, loss, destruction, failure, heartbreak, inevitable cycles of rise and fall, etc.
Common themes, connections, and experiences in Dystrofare genders include:
- Burned out candles
- Abundance, want/wanting
- Mist, haze, fog, smoke
- Sunrises, sunsets, night
- Reluctant breakups
- Rebellion, anger
- Melancholy, saudade
- Bad relationships
- Darkness, dramatic lighting
- Fire, lighters, sparks, flares, flames
- Red, orange, yellow, peach
- Purple, indigo, violet, lilac, baby blue
- White, black, grey
- Power, dystopia, dictatorships
- Loss of power, falling empires
- Youth, aging, loss of innocence
- Sexuality, lust, desire
- Conflict, incompatibility, fighting, arguing, battle
- Running from the law, partners in crime dynamics, crime
- Heroism, villainy
- Drama, theatrics, tragedy
- Desolate streets, abandoned bars
however, Dystreds don’t have to be related to any of these things. Due to this term being inspired by my associations with the album 7800° Fahrenheit, Dystrofare genders do fall under the Bonjender, though they don’t have to actually be related to Bon or any of their music or fall under any other umbrellas, unless the coiner wishes. While this term has similarities to Saudania, Eroscoitus, and Ruptura, they aren’t inherently part of the same umbrella, though some may experience it like that.
The name comes from dystopia, destruction, and warfare
The colors are inspired by my associations with this term
Other information, like the related -in-nature term, quality, and some affixes are under the cut
No suggested pronouns
Stro/Strof - Dystrofare equivalent of girl/boy
Faren - Dystrofare equivalent of man/woman
Dystred - A Dystrofare gender
Dystrinity - Dystrofare gender quality (adjective is Dystrinine)
DYSIN - Dystrofare/Dystrinine in nature
Dys- || Dyst-|| Dystr- - Optional Dystrofare prefixes
-ofare || -rofare || -strofare - Optional Dystrofare suffixes
-dystro- || -fare- - Optional Dystrofare affixes
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gracewritesfics · 1 year
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Pov: He's your friend's brother.
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Smut, Mature.
"Guys, summer break is about to begin!" Jissa said, "And we'll not be able to meet at school." "Yes," Haejin had a sullen look over her face. "So I was thinking, maybe you guys could come to my place over the weekend?" Jissa suggested and suddenly our faces turned from gloomy to glowing.
The school was off for the rest of one and a half month. The weekend was here. Haejin called me. "Y/n, I'm at Jissa's, when are you coming?" "Will be there in 5min!" I replied.
My mom pulled over the car in front of Jissa's place and saw me off. Jissa, Haejin and I were best friends since middle school. That would be for more than four years. Earlier we were not allowed sleepovers but now we were in high school. And have been friends for so long that our families knew each other.
I rang the doorbell. "I'll get it, I'll get it!" Jissa ran downstairs as she knew I was coming. But someone else opened the door. I was kinda surprised and amazed. He stood in front of me, Jungkook, Jissa's brother. He's grown up so much since last I saw him. I was twelve then and he was sixteen. Ngl, he looked cute even then. After that, he went to Seoul, for high school and college. I knew that much.
Now, I was sixteen and he was twenty. He's so much taller. He had built his body, muscles and everything. He had tattoos in his right arm. He was wearing a sleeveless tee-shirt, exposing his biceps. "Heyy!" I said. "Hi-"
"you're here!" Jissa chuckles excitingly hugging me tight. She always does this, even if we meet after a couple days. Jungkook went back to the living room couch. He was playing some game and having snacks.
"let's go to my room!" Jissa says, breaking my focus from Jungkook.I nod, "sure!" But as I walked, my eyes were fixated on observing how he has changed. He was a man now. We walked from the side through the hallway, and at one point he noticed that I was looking at him, and I turned away. I went upstairs in Jissa's room with her. Haejin was already there.
"Omg, we're all wearing the same colour just a bit different shades," Haejin said excitingly. I was wearing a lavender top with dark purple hearts on it and white shorts. Haejin wore a purple shirt over light pink pants and Jissa, she wore a midy, which too was lilac purple. We were clicking pictures and selfies.
"Guys, I recently bought some make up stuff online. Let's try it!" Jissa said. Basic girl get together stuff. Next two hours we sat there, doing makeup and clicking pictures again.
"Aren't you guys hungry?" Haejin said. "Yes, I am." I said. "Let me get you some snacks." Jissa said. "Wait, we'll come with you. Let's go to the living room. We're sitting here for quite sometime." I said and they both agreed. Actually, my intention was to see Jungkook again. It had been a few hours. And we didn't even get a chance to meet nicely at first. Well, it would be kind of awkward now, if I talked to him. We're not kids anymore.
To my disappointment, Jungkook wasn't there in the living room. Jissa got some snacks from the kitchen and we sat on the same couch. She switches Netflix on the tv. "What you guys wanna watch?" We looked at each other confusedly. "Some Drama?" Haejin asked? "I'm not in the mood for Dramas!" Jissa said.
Suddenly, the door of the room in the hallway opposite to the couch opens up. Jungkook comes out of his room. "What are you guys up to?" He asks in the air walking towards kitchen. "Deciding what to watch!" Jissa replied. "Can't decide?" "Aniyo, do you have any suggestions?" She asked.
"How about a horror movie?" He smirks. Jissa looked at us. Haejin threw her shoulder up. "It's a good idea," I replied. "Okay, then..!" Jissa went to the horror movies section and began searching.
"You know what, I'm joining you guys too." He said. I turned my face to the side and smiled at myself foolishly doing a "yes" with my fist.
Finally, it was decided. We were gonna watch Insidious, second part. As Jissa put the film on, Jungkook turned off all the lights. "Ayoo, wth?" Jissa said. "I'm creating an ambience." He said, "it's gonna be fun."
I was seated on the couch and Haejin sat next to me. Jissa sat on the one chair sofa. And Jungkook, he came and sat on the couch next to me. I looked with wide eyes at him then turned away, looking at the tv screen. I wasn't the scaredy cat type, but yeah when any horrific scene comes, I would be scared and react.
We had kept snacks beforehand. Popcorn, chips, cola, Jungkook had his banana milk. Yeah, he loved that, even as a kid. I remember. Jungkook wasn't scared at all. I could see. And Jissa too, she would react a little. But Haejin, who was sitting next to me, she was hell scared. She would scream in the middle and even make a normal scene scary. She would hug me tight and I tried to free myself.
At one point, a scene came and Haejin screamed. I was terrified. I threw my hand and grabbed something. It was Jungkook's thigh. I looked at him, he looked awkwardly at me. Then I moved my hand away instantly like a current. Well that was awkward. But why am I getting butterflies. His thigh was muscular, stiff. What am I thinking?
Another scary scene comes. Haejin grabbed my hand. I didn't flinch anymore. Did not react. "You're not scared?" Jungkook looked at me. "No.. are you?!" He laughed a little. "Me? Nah!" Just then, Haejin screamed and we all were traumatized. Jungkook grabbed my arm from the side, shrinking. His face was too close to my neck. I could feel his breath.
"Yo, Haejin aah? What was that?" Jissa yelled. Jungkook slowly moved away leaving my arm. He got all awkward, ruffling his hair, looking here and there. Finally the movie ended. Jissa turned on the lights.
"what about the dinner?" She asked jungkook. "Mom's not coming home tonight?" "No she and dad went to grandmother's house." She replied.
"So, then it's just us?" Haejin asked. "Maybe we should order something." Jungkook said.
"Pizza it is" Jissa blurted out excitingly and ordered pizzas.
"When we saw each other last time you were too young," Jungkook said. "You too, you were my age then." I said and he laughed a little. Haejin didn't know Jungkook much. At that time, she didn't visit Jissa's place.
There were times you visited Jissa's house, for Christmas or a birthday party. They were cherish-able times.
"So, you're in college now?" I ask him. "Yep!" He replied. "In Seoul?" He nodded.
Next few minutes, we all had pizzas and talked about everything. Jissa reminded me of the childhood and told stupid stuff about Jungkook to which he argued with her and told something about her. They were chaotic pair of siblings. Now that I remember, maybe I had a thing for Jungkook, even back then. I liked him.
Stop being delusional. He studies in college and lives in Seoul. Also, he's four years older than me. I remind myself. He must have a girlfriend..
As the night fell, Jissa made a mattress bed on the floor. "Who's gonna sleep on the floor?" Haejin asked. "You!" Jissa replied. "No way. Not after you traumatized me with the horror movie. There was space for two on the bed. "I'll be on the mattress!" I said. "Really y/n? It's fine with you?" Jissa asked. "Yeah babe!" I replied. "If there's any problem just wake me up!" "Cool" I said.
Well, it was then, 1 a.m. and I realised it was a bad idea, sleeping on the mattress on the floor, alone. I was thirsty. There was no water in the room. I slowly, got up and walked on my tiptoes. I looked around, it was quite dark. I kept my phone handy and switched the flash on.. looking for water. I went to the kitchen and opened refrigerator, there were bottles. I took one and drank from it.
Suddenly, jungkook, who had gone to the washroom, came out and saw the fridge open. He moved towards it. And as I closed the fridge and the flash was on my face he was terrified. He was going to scream when I grabbed his mouth shut, leaning towards him.
"Jissa and Haejin will wake up!" I mumble in a low voice. He moves your hand from his mouth. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Drinking water!" I tell him. "You scared me!" He admitted. "I scared you, I thought you were fearless!" I chuckled.
I take a look at him with the light emitted by my phone flash. We were standing too close. He was wearing his boxers and a vest. He was cute and hot at the same time. "I am fearless until someone creeps out of the refrigerator at 1a.m. at night." He said. I laugh.
"Anyway, good night!" He said and began moving away when I stopped him. "Jungkook." He turns around. "I can't sleep." "Why?" He asked. "I am scared. And I can't sleep on the mattress on the floor, alone!" I told. "Then ask Jissa to exchange places." He suggests. "I don't want to wake her up."
"Then, what do you want to do?" He asked. "I don't know." I said. "Sleep on the couch!" He said. "I told you I'm scared." I said. "So then what? Huh! Do you want to sleep with me or what?" He asked, probably joking. "Yes!" I said, seriously. "What?!!" He was suddenly too awake. Before that he was kinda sleepy. "What'd you just say?"
"Forget it!" I said. He held my wrist. Pulling me back. "Are you serious?" He asked. "About what?" "About what you said earlier." "What did I say?" I acted fool. "That you want to sleep with me!" He blurted out directly. "I said that?" I raised an eyebrow. "Yes I heard it!" He said grabbing my arms by the side..
His chest was rising and falling. I felt the tension. I had provoked him.. he was breathing heavily. "Maybe you heard it right!" i winked. That was it. Guys are easy to melt, like candle, just light a little match and touch the candle with it and it would melt in hot wax.
He was very close, a few inches away, so I planted a soft kiss on his cherry lips. As I moved away he got impatient. He leaned again and pulled me in a deep passionate kiss. He slowly moved me towards the couch. There was no light. I fell on the couch and he fell upon me.
He was literally so nervous, I could feel his breath from inches away. "Are you like... virgin?" I ask him. "No I'm not.. but you are, aren't you?" He asks. I bite my lower lip. "Yes!"
"Do you have a girlfriend?" I ask. "Why? You want to be my girlfriend?" "Answer me first" I say. "No, I'm single, since a year." "That's why you're so desperate!" I said. "I'm desperate? You literally said you want to sleep with me!" He said.
"I was just kidding." I say. "Well, I'm not." He said and picked me up from the couch and walked towards his room. He dropped me on his bed. "Fyi, I'm still sixteen!" I remind him.
"And hot!" He said, "you've grown up too. I noticed. You have curves now." I can't breathe. Holy shit. He takes off his vest. He's got abs. His shoulders are broad. He's a man. Drop dead gorgeous man. I'm gonna die.
He lays on top of me, shirtless. Only in his boxers. And he kisses me. So deep. Our tongues intertwined. I breathe him in with every single breath.
He kisses my neck wet. He gestures me with his eyes to remove the top. I close my eyes in hesitation but I take it off. "You're 16 but you're a woman. Hotter than girls in their twenties! I swear babe!" He says and i shy away. He engraves his face in my cleavage and i laugh because it's ticklish.
He puts his hand beneath and unhooks my bra. I'm shook. I hold my hand in front of me as he removes it. "Move your hands babygirl!" He says but i don't. He pins my hands against the bed with one hand. "Remember, I don't need two hands to handle you, I'm strong enough!"
"Sure.. Daddy!" I said. He chuckled uncontrollably. He's literally laughing. "Say that again!" "Daddy?!"
He kisses me, I can't breathe. He unbuttons my shorts and few seconds later I'm in front of him, completely exposed. "May I?" He asks. "sure as hell"
"why me?!' he asked. "what!?" "why are you losing your virginity on me?" He asked. "Cause you're hot, now stfu, and fuck me!" I blurted out. "You drive me crazy!" He fingers me and finds out that I'm so wet already. He slides himself inside me slowly and I am about to scream but he grabs my mouth. "They're gonna wake up " he said.
I whimper under his hand on my mouth. "If it hurts let me know!" He loosens his grip on my mouth. And I sigh. He moves faster. I can't scream but only gasp for air and moan, not too loud. "Say my name"
"Jungkook!" I gasp. "Not that one, babygirl!" "Daddy!" I whisper in his ear. "A little louder, let me hear!" He said as he continues stroking me. "Daddy!" I say.
Next morning, thankfully, I returned upstairs in my outfit before anyone woke up. As we sit for breakfast, I couldn't stop smiling and I hide my face. I can't bare to look at Jungkook.
"Maybe you guys should do these get-togethers more often!" Jungkook said to Jissa. "I mean, last night was fun. The movie."
"We can do this all summer!" Jissa said. Omg I can't with him. "You guys, you can come over again next weekend?" She asked.
"Why weekend, it's not like you have school, you can come anytime." Jungkook said. And secretary winked at me. Fuck him. What a tease!
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ewanmitchelll · 2 years
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Imagine you are the good girl Aemond Targaryen needs.(II).
Warnings: drama/improper thoughts/sexual tension between the characters.
You know little to nothing where courtly love is concerned. Therefore who’d know your sarcastic remark has captured the attention of this rogue prince who mostly look down as a kinslayer?
You occupy yourself with books and sewing, sometimes being a company to queen Helaena whenever your father and the dowager Queen decide to.
It’s one of these days where silence has been inviting that lord Aemond finds you. He contemplates your alluring beauty, wondering how on earth you are so oblivious at how beautiful you are; at how your innocence makes such a man go on his knees, beseeching for forgiveness towards the Seven Heavens for harboring sinful thoughts to such a creature.
How can you ignore, Lady Y/N, what you are doing to me?
Aemond silently enters the library, unperceived by you. He is discreet, patient even though his lilac eyes devour you impatiently, like the fire of dragon there is in him, burning alone. Yet he cannot treat you the way he does to other women, his past flames he’d been associated with: you are too precious to give in to the pleasures of flesh so easily.
Nay. I shall not corrupt my damsel this promptly.
Swallowing such impure desires, Aemond clears his throat. Finally, he is noticed. And that you are alone with him in such a room is a realization that makes your eyes go wide.
“My prince!”, you exclaim, standing quickly and making a curtsy all the whilst leaving the book aside. “I-I haven’t seen you, I’m sorry. I… I… Is there anything I can do for my lord?”
Aemond chuckles quietly as he remains where he is: close by the window, arms behind his back, eyeing you intently. You somehow feel bothered to be under such a gaze, preferring to stare down at your feet.
Whether you care to admit or not, you are at his mercy. His presence is sinful—every inch of this prince makes you attribute him vices that should be far from your grasp, but darkness in him is so tempting that you fear to be unable to resist it—, he possesses a soul condemned by every tongue and mind of the realm. He has no purity whatsoever when pursuing his heart’s desires.
You, more than anyone else, should stay far from him. But you stay where you are, hands wrung in one another, y/c hair falling loose in your waist, dressed in a court pink gown with details in green.
You simply cannot leave him. Why? A question your heart hesitates to search for the answer.
“There is little need to apologize, my lady. I admit I miss our conversations. Something I’ve been keen to do again since last Saturday”, he finally takes the opportunity to make his move.
You feel you are the prey about to fall under the hunter’s teeth. Somehow the idea makes you wet in between your legs.
“Well”, you raise your eyes carefully. “In this case, I must not refuse your presence, sir.”
Aemond is amused at the subtle suggestion you might’ve considered refusing him. Yet in his heart such possibility dissatisfies him for reason unknown.
“I understand you have been busy with the queen”, he says, getting closer to you. “Have you been finding the attributions of a lady in court of your liking?”
Your response is about to surprise him. When you smile, he feels rather disconcerted. There is an angel right before me, so he thinks.
“Duty is what compels me to serve, my lord, whatever my personal sentiments might be.”
“So are you this ready to sacrifice your feelings and desires to serve my family?”, Aemond knows he might sound rather harsh, and there is concern in his eyes about upsetting you, but when finding none his shoulders relax.
You tilt your head.
“Before your family, there is mine, sir. My sentiments matter very little when it comes to be useful for my house, so I believe one might find that duty is the death of one’s desires.”
"I suppose there can hardly be a balance between duty and love in the same way reason cannot cohexist with sentiments", so he judges.
You know your body reacts to his voice, to his presence. Gods forbid, but you are drawn to him, hypnotyzed by his presence, mesmerized to the core of your soul by the intensity of his words, by the carefulness of his manners and the recklessness there is in his heart.
But of course you struggle against such instinct, unbeknownst to your own reason, strange to your own body, and yet it speaks right to the needs of your soul, the ones hardly spoken, less so voiced out loud: the needs of being loved, being understood in one's crudest and purest state of mind.
"Are you admitting you are uncapable of love, my lord?" This is what comes out of your tongue, a mere shadow of the riot there is in you, risen by the prince. "Never before has any lady bewitched you to the edge of reasoning?"
Aemond stays right behind you, dangerously closer to you. You barely notice you hardly breathe at his surrounding you. He watches as this proximity makes you shiver. It takes all of his control not to corrupt you, not to pull your hair and kiss your neck. Not to dominate you to his will, or even to touch your breasts and explore your womanhood until you scream out his name.
He wonders what would be like to have an angel like yourself to sing his name. A contrast of sin and sacred, indeed, could portray such a scene, designing the corruption of your innocence. And yet he might be as well brought to an odd sort of repenance because Aemond clears his throat and swallows such dark thoughts.
"Is love a matter of bewitching, fair lady? Not a common response of a body to the other?"
You slowly turn around, fearful of the outcome this might bring, but eager to put an end to your internal riot.
"Such cannot be love if it only reaches for your body, sir."
"For such a sweet and naive lady, you disconcert me, Lady Y/N", Aemond remarks when looking at you. He comes to realize that whatever he and Alys Rivers had was nothing compared to this strange bond that you and him are developing. An spark that is now beginning to ignite in his soul.
"My lord must forgive me, but I did warn you that I was not the most appropriate companion for a prince."
"Do not apologize", he cuts you. Aemond lifts your chin, and his gloved hand awakes an odd feeling in your body again, and yet it is his one eye that troubles your soul. "I do not think this happens often. There is more in you than sweetness implies, Lady Y/N. Tell me, are you a witch?"
Your eyes go wide and something about how you react to his words makes Aemond clench his jaw. He hopes he is not pushing you away, but no words reach his tongue.
"I cannot let my lord think of me such a..."
"Why should it offend you? I know many ladies who..."
And there it is. The spell is broken. For now.
"Do excuse me, sir. You might find better companions in the person of Lady Rivers if it so pleases you. I must assure Her Grace is in need of me."
And just like that he is left behind. Aemond watches baffled as you leave him. So many things should be said, but the prince comes to realize that for your affection he must prepare for war. Unlike previous battles, not even Vhagar could aid him for the outcome...
(to be continue)
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madluluwriting · 3 months
tagged by @atelier-dayz
last song: numb by linkin park
fave color: it tends to vary honestly but lately a dark lilac or dark blue
last movie/tv show: Bridgerton season 3 it was enjoyable even if the romantic drama makes me want to slap the protags every time
sweet/spicy/savoury: hmmm a conbination of savoury and spicy
relationship status: single
last thing i googled: guédelon, which is a project where insane people have decided to build a medieval castle using only the technology and materials of the Middle Ages. And I'm going there this summer I can't wait!!
current obsession: uh... I have a lot of them but lately it's been one piece
tagging: whoever wants to do it I'm a bit out of spoons to tag anyone
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daydreamdoodles · 1 year
Project Rainbow S4 Episode 6 thoughts that no one asked for but I'm giving
I really liked Priscilla. I think her personality was consistent and made the flop believeable. I loved her trust fall thing, that was really sweet
The flop made sense. It had potential but the concept didn't work out
The challenge itself was nice!! I liked that they were trying to form unity while still creating a healthy bit of competition between the schools
Until 6 to make a dress???? Shit man, didn't even give them a day to work on it. That's hell of a lot of work
Amara(?) and Glitch's friendship <33 beyond excellent that they bonded over Rainbow Vision
Lilac!!! She's so pretty, love her. Her va kinda sounds like Sabrina from the Rainbow Divas
The definition of black and white being mixed up is still bothering me
Rexx definitely won me over a little this episode. his va is giving his all and I love that he also is obsessed with Poppy's butterfly dress. Dark butterflies is cute, they were hard to see in the show. But I look forward to seeing the detail on the eventual dolls we're likely getting
Over all. It was one of the better episodes this season. I still do kinda miss the overarching plots and drama that spanded episodes from season 3. The timeline still feels a little screw-y bc they're promoting the new Project Runway dolls. But like, it's a show promoting toys. In the end I'm not that pressed
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