#dark goo
kailings · 5 months
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Don't Eat That!? (Tw:Eyes, spooky, moldy rotten apple)
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iwillwringyourneck · 5 months
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upsurgecomic · 2 years
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upsurge-esp · 2 years
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pobblebonked · 4 months
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girl slimed!!
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swedenis-h · 10 months
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Honk shoo honk shoo
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
[ cw: referenced mind control / parasites / intrusive thoughts (only in the tags) / ]
(This is just a fun “what if” so bear with me-) I know we make mention of the potential for Krang remnants to be stuck with Raph and/or Donnie, but Mikey and Leo also had a moment with the other two where a type of Krang goop was crawling beneath their skin (this being immediately after Raph broke free.)
So I raise you the potential for all four of them to have a bit of that Krang parasite on them…and for that to have unforeseen consequences.
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
Can I request Yandere goo ? Thanks
Sure :)
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As annoying and childish he can be at times, he is well aware of his surroundings, he has a hidden darker twisted side to his childish personality and that side would make people SHIVER in their shoes. Despite his playful demeanor, you have to hand it to him, he is one determined person when it comes to you. You were having trouble fending off a few creepy men who started leering after you and made inappropriate comments about you as you were backed against the brick wall behind you huddled in fear. Goo was in a slightly pleasant mood, he just finished extorting money from a local gang and beat those schmucks with ease, he was almost longing for a fight when he saw you, a pretty little thing being bothered by creepy older men. He's always wanted to play 'knight in shining armor' to defenseless little things like you after all
"It's rude to make such comments about people like that you know, old man? How about I knock some of your teeth out and cut your tongue off? Or how about I gouge your eyes out so you won't look at someone with that filthy gaze of yours again?" asked Goo with a sinister smirk on his face as the men could tell by his tone he really wasn't messing around. However one of them stupidly decided to try punching him when Goo intercepted the punch and grabbed the man's arm as he kicked his shin and kicked the man to the ground swiftly, rendering him unconscious. The other men fled away in terror as Goo called out "OH COME ON, THAT WASN'T EVEN A REAL FIGHT, EVEN A MONKEY SWINGING A STICK CAN FIGHT BETTER THAN YOU MORONS!" as he cackled to himself while you still looked at him in confusion and terror as his smirk widened
"Well...hello there pretty...don't worry. I don't bite...yet..'' said Goo as he winked at you while his eyes surveyed your features. "Um...thank you for saving me'' you mumbled and bowed down politely as he chuckled softly to himself, how adorable you were, bowing to him and everything. What a goody little two shoes you were, it hadn't even been 15 minutes since he'd met you and he was already starting to like you. "You know, I don't go around doing things like this for free...I expect some form of payment sweetheart'' spoke Goo as he watched you closely. "I only have a few Won if that's what you're after'' you mumbled and tried to pull out your wallet from your bag. He couldn't believe he was doing this either but for the first time, he just waved his hand dismissively when you offered him your money
"Keep your money sweetheart, I expect something different from you...it would be such a shame to lose a pretty thing like you...let's stay in touch then?" he asked you as he leaned closer and his mouth was curved into a cheshire like grin which made you slightly nervous. Alarm bells started ringing in your mind when he stepped closer to you and something about him was just off putting and your gut was screaming at you that something was VERY wrong with the situation you were currently in. "Okay I guess?" you said hesitantly as his grin widened and he looked pleased. "Well, wonderful then. I'll catch you later. Don't miss me too much'' he spoke in a sing song voice as he winked at you and walked off in the opposite direction as he started humming to himself
You thought that would be the last you'd see of him but never have you been more wrong of something in your entire life before. He started appearing out of nowhere into your life and just managed to worm his way into your life and schedule, always following you around like some lost puppy with his usual smug cocky grin on his face. You don't need to know the details of how he managed to get your address, or how he managed to know where you did your part time job or what time you fall asleep...what you don't know wouldn't hurt your pretty little head. When he wants something, he goes through whatever lengths needed to achieve it even if he has to get his hands dirty so be it. He has no qualms of eliminating people from his path and making them drop dead like flies if he thinks they're getting too close to you. Don't you know that you belong to him now from the very moment he set his eyes on you?
He's also quite the delusional one, he believes that you both are in a relationship already from the very moment he laid his eyes on you. You just need to know about it. So when he sees you hanging out with some other random moron when you're at your part time job, he hates it. He just hates seeing you around other people, there are times when he feels like wrapping you in silk and locking you in a room and just throwing away the damn key so you wouldn't be able to leave his sight. With such delusional, possessive and obsessive thoughts churning through his mind, it will just fuel his desire to show you who you REALLY belong to. When it comes to him dealing with so called rivals for your affection, it's just straight up death for them. There's no in between, he doesn't even bother using his sword. However he won't be smiling since he views it as something serious when someone's trying to steal you from him, he views it as a threat for your relationship, even if you still don't know he CONSIDERS you both are in a relationship
He finds it amusing and endearing how unaware you are of your surroundings, it just boosts his ego that he's playing your knight in shining armor and feeds into his overly large god complex and gives him an impression that he's protecting you from all the evils of the world as your protector. He's amused about how you haven't managed to find out about the hidden tracker he placed in your phone, how he always watches you wherever you go even in the shadows, the little cute gifts he leaves for you at your doorstep, most of them being letters with the words 'I love you' written over and over again which would make you get creeped out. Then he'll have the audacity to PRETEND to be concerned when you tell him you have a stalker secretly pleased you're rushing into his arms for comfort. There's nothing you need to worry about, he's always there for you to keep you safe after all
It won't even be a full month before he decides to just kidnap you and take you fo himself, it'll be better for him to spend more time with you that way. When you wake up crying and screaming, he's confused. Why are you so upset, he's doing you a favor you know, he's keeping you safe. He just coos at you and holds you in his arms as he tells you about your current living situation with him, gently wiping away your tears and kissing your cheeks holding you in his arms and hugging you in such a way you won't be able to escape from his grasp
He's extremely clingy, privacy be damned. He's always holding you one way or another and he likes having you in bone crushing hugs and smothering you with his love and affection, don't try resisting him, just don't. He'll just see you being a grumpy little brat and smother you even more, your protests of indignation and pleas of wanting to be left alone would fall on deaf ears. Don't try anything silly like thinking of starving yourself, he'll make you sit on his lap and force feed you if he has to as he shoves spoon after spoon of food down your throat while he keeps talking on and on about the recipe of the dish he's feeding you followed by a story of how he had a fun day beating people up and traumatizing them. Your average and typical Tuesday 💀
Escape? From him? Don't make him laugh, honey. He'll find you easily without even breaking a sweat. It'll be like a silly little cat and mouse game, in his opinion, you're just bored and you're playing around and messing with him and he's more than happy to indulge into your little game and scheme. But he won't chase after you immediately, no, no. You'd try your best to get away from this blonde manchild of a madman and he'd just be sitting on the couch staring at his phone with a knowing smirk on his face, able to trace your every move. He'll lull you into a false sense of security wanting you to think that you've escaped from him, till he finally finds you and he just loves how your face falls in disbelief and utter shock when he comes strolling towards you like nobody's business, taking great pleasure that he burst your little bubble. "Had your fun darling? Time to go home now'' cooed Goo as he held your hand though the grip was a bit harder than usual
If you've received someone else's help to escape from him that's when things will get messy and complicated. He doesn't have a problem with you attempting to do it on your own because he knows you'll fail in the end and he'll find you eventually so he isn't too worried about that. What he doesn't like is you taking someone else's help and then trying to escape from him, it's like you're trying to leave him for them and his jealousy will just spiral out of control completely. You'll know something is seriously wrong when he doesn't have his usual smirk on his face and his face is grim and stoic as he glares at the poor soul who decided to help you escape from him, as he pulls out his sword and with one clean strike, the person is now on the ground dead with their blood flowing around their lifeless corpse. When he sees a potential rival, he always goes for the kill because no way would he spare some pathetic idiot who tried to take you for themselves
There's no escape for you from him at all. Not even Gun would be able to help you, as much as Gun says Goo is annoying he would actually ensure you're with Goo and won't leave him. If he's the one to find you after you tried to run away from Goo, he'll be quick in dragging you back to Goo and carry you like a sack of flour, telling you how silly and childish you were for running off like a little brat. Goo wouldn't hurt you or be mad at you but he'll impose some HEAVY restrictions around the place you both are living at barring all sorts of escape routes for you and cutting off internet access for a while till you can be trusted again that you won't pull a stunt like this again. You can hate him and scream at him as much as you want, your insults and pleas would just go into one ear and right out of the other
He likes physical intimacy and physical affection a lot. He just likes to hold you and be around you. However he gets agitated and will sulk and annoy you if you decide to ignore him. This one time when you were reading a book, he spoiled the ending for you and you just glared at him and didn't even bother to look at him for the rest of the day to which he got really sulky and started whining and complaining and annoyed you till you finally relented after he caged you in his arms and tried to guilt trip you with the expression of a kicked puppy. He'd like to do cheesy domestic things with you like applying flour to your cheeks and nose and running off while you chase after him. He's too far gone in his delusions of building a future with you. You both are already a couple in his mind, the next step is straight up marriage. Besides, you'd look so pretty with HIS ring on your finger, proving to the world that you're his and his alone...
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iamacolor · 2 months
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Let's go.
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artemis32 · 7 months
hii !! if you don't mind can you write a romantic yandere goo?
Yandere Kim Joon Goo
i think i got this like a year (two) ago and it's been sitting in my drafts gathering dust :))
mbe masterlist
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Goo is many things - easily excitable, loud, outspoken, somewhat childish - he's all those things and more. But most of all, above his playful demeanour and nonchalant façade, he’s determined.
On the surface, most people might say that his outwardly childish act meant that he doesn’t do things properly, didn't get the results he wanted. Truly, that’s possibly his aim - to make people think he isn't a threat, not someone to be taken seriously.
But he is. He's determined and very good at what he does.
So getting you by his side is no problem at all.
Getting you to like him on the other hand. Well, that's very difficult.
Like I said, he's childish and kind of annoying, so he isn't really surprised to find that you don't really like him straight off the bat. That's fine though. He can work with that.
After all, he doesn't have any qualms about playing dirty to get what he wants.
He tends to show up wherever you are, following you around like a lost puppy. You might have thought it was cute if he wasn't so annoying.
But again, he's nothing if not determined, and you refusing his advances only makes him want you more. And one thing about Goo? He always gets what he wants.
Thinking about Goo who, somehow, finds you every time you leave the house. Literally every single time, without fail. Is he stalking you? Does he have a tracker in your phone? Does he just know you that well? You'll never know.
What you do know is that since he met you four months ago, you haven't had a singular peaceful moment. Even when he wasn't around, he made sure you never forgot his presence - sending you bouquets of flowers too large for you to carry, tons (literal tons) of candy, delivered to your door, school, or place of work by the bagful, spamming you with texts about his day, strange emojis that didn't fit the mood at all, odd, lopsided stuffed animals that admittedly had a strange charm to them.
He'd declared, quite brazenly, that he'd make you his girlfriend, the instant he laid eyes on you too. You, as expected, hadn't taken it well, shutting him down immediately. Instead of backing down, as you thought he would, he'd doubled down, claiming then that he'd make you his wife.
You'd taken to avoiding him since, but it'd been a pointless endeavour, given his seemingly inherent talent for finding you. He found out where you lived a mere two days after your first encounter, which had creeped you out a lot more than his declaration to marry you.
All your avoidance and attempts at ignoring him had amounted to a tall serving of nothing. It hadn't deterred him at all - in fact, your insistence seemed to spur him on more than anything else.
"Come on, just one date. Please? Pleeeeease? I'll pay you if you don't enjoy it. I'll buy you that giant stuffed animal, the panda? I'll give you my favourite sword? I'll--"
Goo stands before you, grovelling so hard he's nearly a puddle on the ground, glasses slipped halfway down his nose, brows scrunched up midway though a whining plea. He pauses when you interrupt him, seeming to process your words.
A moment later, he jumps to his feet, straightening his suit as if he hadn't been begging on his knees a moment earlier. He pushes his glasses up, runs a hand through his hair, and bows at the waist, offering you his arm.
Tentatively, you grab his arm, and you're immediately dragged down the main street a moment later, clutching your bag as he sprints down the sidewalk, knocking pedestrians down left and right. Goo, in all his unbridled joy, seems oblivious to the scathing glares of the old ladies and middle school students, skipping down the sidewalk far too merrily.
"There's this great new restaurant I booked a table at, I think you'll love it- Oh! And the have this really nice strawberry cake dessert thing - I checked the menu..."
You, for the most part, tune him out. To hear him say that he'd already reserved a table before you'd agreed to a date wasn't anything new - he'd done it several times before, though this was the first time you'd actually humoured him enough to agree.
Maybe he'll see that I'm not all that great. Maybe he'll drop all this nonsense after a date.
Somehow, you knew that indulging him would only make his interest worse. Just like you knew that his 'interest' was a lot more sinister than you wanted to acknowledge.
You also knew that he did bad things, a lot of which you didn't know about. What you did know about scared you, enough not to pry or dig deeper. It should've been enough to scare you away completely, but Goo was like a plague, one that took over every aspect of your life and would keep returning, no matter how far you went to shut him out.
A few weeks after you'd first met Goo, you'd run into a group of middle aged men while you were out one night, coming home from a late night study session. They'd said foul things, but you'd been able to ignore them easily enough, at least until they started following you.
For the first time in those few weeks, you'd been glad that Goo seemed to instinctively know where you were at all hours of the day. He'd found you within mere minutes and had been able to scare the men off with one look. He'd given you his jacket and walked you home, a surprisingly comforting presence to be with despite his annoyingly chatty personality.
A few days later, all five men that had terrorised you had been declared dead in what the media had ruled off as nothing more than a casualty of gang violence in the area.
It seemed too convenient, and since then, you'd known that Goo, despite his cheery disposition, was a man you should fear. But, strangely enough, you didn't.
You should. You really should.
But... he was just so sweet. Kinder to you than any other man you'd come across.
He was the first person you'd met in all your life that went out of his way to make your life better - to make sure you were safe, happy, and having fun.
So, you'd decided to give him a chance. One date, one chance.
It couldn't hurt, right?
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asoftepiloguemylove · 3 months
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Goo Goo Dolls Iris // チェンソーマン Chainsaw Man (2022-) dir. Ryu Nakayama & Makoto Nakazono // pinterest // KT Tunstall Strange Sight // Djuna Barnes "Nightwood" from Selected Works // pinterest // チェンソーマン wr. Tatsuki Fujimoto // Rainer Maria Rilke // ZEROBASEONE In Bloom (tr. by laobalaomadecai) // pinterest // SEVENTEEN - Ready to love (tr. by colorcodedlyrics) // @ruhlare Our souls are Reborn in Autumn // チェンソーマン Chainsaw Man (2022-) dir. Ryu Nakayama & Makoto Nakazono // Jenny Hval Girls Against God
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furbysareillogical · 2 years
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Forgot to post this a few days ago, redraw of this post because I get whiplash every time I see it
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schnaf · 5 months
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Little Things (어리고 부끄럽고 바보 같은)
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stimming-puppet · 2 months
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salvatore moreau stimboard with fish, cheese, movie and green goo 1/2/3/4/x/5/6/7/8
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Best Shakespeare Adaptation
since the 1600s, people have been rewriting shakespeare and writing spinoffs in good, bad, and frankly just kind of insane ways. today, they will compete until only one is left standing!
during the poll craze i ran a lot of brackets and had fun, but ended up with a couple spare blogs i ended up having to delete, so i'm running this one off my main.
q. is this a tournament for productions or adaptations?
a. adaptations! stuff that changes dialogue or medium (beyond play -> movie) or takes a really new spin on it! west side story counts, romeo and juliet (1996) doesn't.
q. will there be a limit on contestants?
i'll cut it at 64 or 32 depending on how many submissions we get! if we get a lot of adaptations of a few plays and less of others, i won't cut any of them out, but i'll make some of them face off in round one
q. are you biased?
yes. fortinbras sweep. i've been reading 'these violent delights' too and it's pretty good. oh and can't forget haider, and requiem of the rose king is an all timer... basically, yes i really like rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead, but i have much room in my heart
q. is it most best portrayal/analysis, or best on its own merits?
a. a little of both, but mostly the latter
q. does [x thing] (that's pretty different than the original inspiration) count?
a. if it is common knowledge that it's shakespeare inspired
q. does the lion king count?
a. yea
signal boosting! if yall great bracket blogs will help out @gayest-classiclit @byronicherobracket (this one's still in qualifiers, it seems cool!) @straightplayshowdown (this one's getting going again!) @bestadaptationtournament @gayestshakespearecouples
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spectraling · 1 year
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DARK s02ep05 | s02ep08 | s03ep04
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