#dark coming-of-age
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septemberkisses · 1 year ago
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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joncronshawauthor · 2 months ago
The Role of Lost Innocence in Fantasy: A Dark Perspective
The loss of innocence isn’t just a theme in dark fantasy. It’s often the whole point. These stories show us not just that innocence dies, but how it dies. One compromise, one trauma, one impossible choice at a time. Through characters forced to grow up too fast, we explore how harsh realities reshape those who face them. Soren’s Journey in Guild of Assassins My novel Guild of Assassins…
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goryhorroor · 9 months ago
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horror sub-genres/techniques: anime horror
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radiance1 · 5 months ago
"Okay, so." Danny began slowly, very, very slowly. Testing the rope that bound his arms behind his back. "This is new... Ish."
"Sorry, sorry." The kid Danny had, unfortunately (but also fortunately), saved from multiple kidnappings from cultists. Said, hands raised in his direction but also not going any further and instead fidgeting in place. "Are they too tight? Do you want me to loosen them?"
"No, no. They're fine." Danny shrugged, silently hoping the Infinite Realms isn't going to smite the unfortunate boy across from him for, you know, kidnapping Danny and all that. "I would say this is one of the more comfortable kidnappings, to be honest."
"Oh, okay. That's good." The kid nodded slowly, though a bit hesitant before deciding not to follow that line of conversation. "Alright, so, my name's Billy." Billy introduced him, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand as he gave an awkward smile. "Y'know, the guy you saved from multiple kidnappings and, uh, kidnapped you too."
"Cool, cool." Danny hummed lightly, leaning back against the wall. "Name's Danny, nice to meet you Billy."
"I thought your name was Phantom?" Billy asked, understandably confused.
"It is." Danny confirmed.
"But your name is also, Danny?" Billy tilted his head a bit.
"Yes." Danny said, unhelpfully.
"Is Danny your secret identity?" Billy asked.
"Is Phantom your secret identity?"
"Yes but no."
A beat.
"That makes no sense." Billy said flatly.
"What can I say," Danny shrugged. "Not a lot of things in my life make sense."
"Right, yea." Billy nodded politely, drumming his fingers against his leg. "Interdimensional prince and stuff."
A moment of silence.
"So-" Billy began.
"No, the Ghost King isn't going to hunt you down. No, every other ghost in existence isn't going to hunt you down either and, no. This isn't going to start a war."
Billy blinked.
"Not what I was going to ask, but okay. That's nice to know." He nodded, a certain amount of relief unknotting unknown pressure in his chest he only knew till now.
"Oh." Danny blinked, then tilted his head. "Soooo, what did you want to ask then?"
"Do you want to be my boyfriend-"
"Let's fucking GOOOOOO!" Zeus roared, throwing his fists into the air. "Haha! Take that Solomon! I told you it would work!"
Solomon pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in exasperation, reaching into his robe and pulling out 5 gold coins.
"Thank-a you!" Mercury swiped the money right out of his hands then hid them... Somewhere, on his body. Then gave Solomon a wink. "Pleasure doing business with ya!"
"Oh, it finally happened." Clockwork remarked calmly, barely pausing as he continued to run the comb through hair.
"The Realms seem out of sorts." Pariah Dark said slowly, twisting his head to try to look back at Clockwork only to turn it right back from the gentle whack of Clockwork's staff. "Should I be concerned?"
"No," Clockwork said casually, running the comb through his king's hair. Honestly, it amazed him that Eons of Eternal Slumber, yet his hair wasn't a rat's nest. "Let it sort itself out, it shall be done in the next century, or the next two millennium, either or."
"You're unsure?" Pariah tilted his head forwards the slightest amount, doing so very carefully as to not disturb the Master of Time's work.
"A rough estimate, though I can give a more accurate statement," Clockwork hummed lightly as he combed through the few knots left. "It is unimportant."
"Ah," Pariah Dark, both trusting and not knowing enough about said subject seeing as he does not have dominion over time, nodded slightly. "I see."
The Infinite Realms was very, very happy to see one of its blorbos gain a lover.
It knew interrupting various kidnappings and marking the boy as a good Realms token so they could meet would work out eventually!
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timethehobo · 7 months ago
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Love drawing rain scenes tbh.
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onebizarrekai · 11 months ago
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do endgame progression barriers mean nothing to you, ralph
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brekkie-e · 3 months ago
Thinking a lot about how the devs basically said there is no conflict in the team or between historically opposed people in Thedas in this game because "the stakes are too high, everyone has to work together." When the stakes are very very similar to Inquisitions?? Albeit we as a player know it's "real" this time. The big one.
But correct me if I'm wrong here (I'm not) the previous antagonist was a blighted OP mage with a knock off Archdemon trying to tear down the veil and ascend to godhood? And we are currently trying to *checks notes* defeat a blighted OP mage with an Archdemon trying to fuck up the veil and ascend to godhood? Oh sorry. Two.
Yes, the Blight. But it's hardly as though there weren't Blight concerns in Inquisition. Adamant, anyone?
Anyways, my point being is that the characters of Inquisition have no reason to see the stakes of that story as any less dire than the characters of Veilgaurd. And bless their hearts, those kids have Issues™️. They're all in on petty conflict. That was part of the genius, that the stakes were so high these deeply different people had to find a way to work together despite butting heads.
And the rest of the world didn't suddenly forget it's drama as well? Halamshiral's underlying elven rebellion. Orlesian civil war. The Mages vs the Templars. Chantry infighting. Seeker infighting. Tranquility. They didn't all go, "wait! there's a hole in the sky! we should put aside hundreds of years of systemic issues in the name of togetherness." Excluding the Inquisition that is.
Okay, Blight. Let's talk about the Blight. The Fifth one. You have the most rag tag group thrown together to stop the spread. This is literally the game that founded the series. Its defining features were political conflict. The king was betrayed! In a battle against Darkspawn! During a Blight! What a time to not stand as a united front, Loghain. In your own party, you're trying desperately to prevent Morrigan from emotionally assasinating Alistair. Oh! More conflict. While we are here, let's murder her mom real quick because *checks notes* Blights are when we all come together to hold hands.
If you play as an elf, you're putting up with human nonsense. If you play as a mage, you put up with mage nonsense. If you play as a woman- oh boy. I would make the argument that the realness of that setting, the way it highlighted human nature's best and worst qualities- is why it sunk it's claws into so many fans hearts.
It just.... whatever they've got going in Veilgaurd on only works for a YA novel. Which Dragon Age has never tried to be before. And, frankly, is a weird thing for it to aim for.
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vasiliquemort · 8 months ago
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Lies? In my house of God? More likely than you think.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months ago
Writing Notes: Coming-of-Age Story
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A story featuring an adolescent making the mental leap from child to adult.
In real life, this happens over the course of several years.
Literature, films and some television series are media that have the space to show the story at a slow pace. Things have to be compressed to several months at the most, so expect some really accelerated character development.
Writing Tips: Coming-of-Age Story
When writing a coming of age story, consider these steps to increase the emotional power and appeal to readers:
Develop a clear voice. Many coming-of-age stories are in first person, giving the reader an immediate impression of the protagonist. Work on developing a voice for your protagonist—think about how the character speaks, how they address other characters vs. how they address the reader, and what kind of opinions they have.
Seek originality. Try to find a novel way of approaching the experience of character growth. You can create an unusual character or a strange event to highlight the change and its effects.
Work motifs into the story. As with any narrative, the use of motifs, such as images that resonate with the theme, can be a great way to strengthen your story. Carefully evoke some of the possible throughlines, like markers of change, loss of innocence, childhood versus adulthood, moral growth, and knowledge.
Find the conflict. Reaching adulthood has plenty of built-in conflict. To make a solid, affecting story, focus on specific instances of conflict. This can be between a child and their parents, between the character and an institution (such as school), or between different youths with varying experiences and personalities. Having these scenes in mind can be especially helpful when planning the plot points of your story.
Draw from personal experience. Many coming-of-age stories are wholly or partially autobiographical. While your own experiences can be a valuable resource, such self-exposure takes courage and often involves personal details of others who might not want to be written about. Carefully choose personal information to work into your story.
Identify the pivotal events. Often, coming-of-age stories center around a particular event or a few key events that are formative to character development. This will be one of the most significant emotional beats in the narrative
Find your writing approach. No two writers have the same approach to writing a story. Some take extensive notes, while others meticulously plan every scene before writing the details, descriptions, and dialogue. Other writers make much of their narrative up as they proceed; finding out which approach is right for you takes practice and a certain amount of trial and error.
Types of Coming-of-Age Stories
Bildungsroman: Bildungsroman, which translates to “novel of education” or “novel of formation,” chronicles a character’s journey from young innocence to worldly adulthood. This is a specific type of coming-of-age story in which the character gains knowledge and experience, even as innocence is lost.
Sexual awakening: Many coming-of-age books and movies center around the momentous changes brought about by discovering sexuality. This can be a highly-charged emotional experience to write about, and the dramatic possibilities are rich and varied, making it an excellent material for revealing personal growth.
Discovery of identity: This type of coming-of-age tale involves a character coming to discover, and hopefully embrace, their identity. This type of story might focus on gender identity, sexual identity, political identity, racial identity, or a combination of identities to expand the depth and emotional heft of the story.
Betrayal: Growing up can be a painful process. When shaping a coming-of-age narrative, it can be helpful to emphasize how increased knowledge, especially about other people and their motivations, can cause suffering for the protagonist. A character might emerge from this experience with more pain but more knowledge of themselves and the world.
The words bildungsroman (Ger. "educational novel") or bildungsgeschichte (Ger. "educational story") are sometimes used to describe these kinds of stories.
A note on the translation: the terms originated in the Age of Enlightenment, when "Bildung" meant not only "education" but also "self-improvement" (cf. English "building") — or as Werner Heisenberg put it, Bildung is "that which is still there after you've forgotten everything you had ever learned".
In other words, it's not a "novel to educate the readers" but a "novel about the hero becoming someone".
Examples of Coming-of-Age Novels
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (1951): The main character is Holden, a jaded teenager expelled from boarding school who is easily annoyed by everyone and everything. The book follows his journey from living a life of angst to finding true happiness.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (1960): This novel tells the story of a young girl who experiences hate from her community when her father defends a Black man accused of committing a crime in the south. At the beginning of the novel, she’s an innocent, immature girl. But as the story progresses and she witnesses injustice and racial prejudice, she learns that life isn’t always fair.
In Film
Coming-of-age movies belong to a genre that focuses on young adults.
A coming-of-age movie - a film that follows a protagonist as they transition from childhood to adulthood.
This genre of storytelling is popular for literature and movies in Hollywood and often features stories about critical junctures between childhood and adulthood, such as first romantic relationships, graduating from middle school or high school, and moving away from home.
Characteristics of Coming-of-Age Movies
Coming-of-age films typically feature these standard storytelling devices:
Character growth: These films usually follow a character realizing their future, which propels their development from an innocent child to a perceptive young adult. The films focus on the characters’ mental, emotional, and personal growth.
Dialogue: Coming-of-age films focus on the interior lives and emotions of the characters, rather than an outside action or adventure that’s driving the narrative. These films feature more dialogue and moments of stillness than dramatic actions or events.
Social commentary: Coming-of-age films address issues that teens face today, like coming out in Moonlight (2016), teen pregnancy in Juno (2007), or race and violence in Boyz n the Hood (1991).
Examples in Film
The Breakfast Club (1985): Arguably one of the most well-known teen films and coming-of-age films, John Hughes' movie is set one weekend where a group of teens from different backgrounds are trapped together in detention.
Boyhood (2014): This coming-of-age movie from filmmaker Richard Linklater was filmed over twelve years. It follows one boy from age six to eighteen.
Moonlight (2016): This film follows a man through three stages of his life—childhood, teenage years, and adulthood—as he slowly comes to terms with his sexuality.
Call Me By Your Name (2017): This Italian-set movie is a love story, following the relationship between a young man as he falls in love for the first time.
Lady Bird (2017): Lady Bird is Greta Gerwig's solo directorial debut. It follows a teenage girl applying for college far from home in New York and navigating a fraught relationship with her overbearing mother.
We wouldn’t call all films or books “coming-of-age” stories simply because the main character matures.
The genre has certain hallmarks denoting not just change, but the loss of innocence in the transition.
To put it another way, childhood must be left behind and the lessons of adulthood will be complex, ambiguous, and arduous.
That’s not to say that every coming-of-age story is a downer, but there is a realization that the past is lost and gone forever, so there is a bittersweet element at play.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 ⚜ More: Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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felix-krain · 8 months ago
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they should make a collab
[open for better quality]
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shadow-turtle-234 · 5 months ago
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Starting an Infection AU, dubbed The Ooze, so here are the first few designs I have: Team Dark! :D
Art, Rouge and Shadow's designs & The Ooze AU (c) @shadow-turtle-234
STH (c) Sega
Reblogs & Likes are appreciated!
No reposting onto other sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.,)
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joncronshawauthor · 3 months ago
The Best Dark Magic Academy Books You Need to Read
If you’re a fan of magical academies where the lessons are as dangerous as the students, these dark magic school stories will enthral you. Filled with treachery, ambition, and moral complexity, these tales delve into the shadows of magical education. Guild of Assassins by Jon Cronshaw In Guild of Assassins, Soren, a former sculptor’s apprentice, joins a brutal assassins’ guild to avenge his…
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wastedpotentialsblog · 3 months ago
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I don't know how to explain it but like THIS is why the Eliksni will always have my sympathies and my utmost respect. In D1, The Cabal Empire was ever looming on the horizon, promising more soldiers and a greater invasion. The Hive had gods and courts and powers we couldn't even fathom at the time. The Vex were an enigma plaguing time itself with the implication that they have already won. But the Eliksni were just there. Holding themselves up with scrap and community and intellect. No power. No gods. No one to look to but the biggest and strongest among them, no matter how ruthless and cruel. Nothing to worship but machines of their own creation, designed in the image of a god that left them to die (in their eyes).
Oh Eliksni, no one could ever make me hate you.
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radiance1 · 2 years ago
Danny is so, oh so very tired about the amount of marriage proposals that popped up in front of him. Not even a day past his announcement as Crown prince either.
He's thankful that neither of his four parents are pushing him towards accepting it, but it's everyone (besides his friends of course) else who either try and subtly suggest it or outright asks him if he's chosen a spouse yet.
He's only 14! He doesn't need a spouse! And they were probably far older than him too!
Even Vlad of all people took some kind of pity on him and just decided to be a normal (for a billionaire) guy who isn't trying to kill his dad.
...However, that doesn't mean he wants him to seduce him either!
(Danny: Stop trying to seduce my dad you low-budget vampire!
Vlad, calmly sipping tea: No.)
If he wasn't majorly burnt out from the number of proposals he has to sort through, he would most definitely throw him far across town, away from his dad and mom.
He needed to find a way to stop all of these letters that just keep coming, and fast. He doesn't know how much longer he could take of reading fancy script over and over and over again, his eyes already hurt enough.
He tried to ask his Father for help, his only response was to choose a consort that he saw fit to stand alongside him. Then he had to flee before he gushed about his pops.
He asked his pops, who only said that the answer would come to him in time. Which was of no help whatsoever.
He asked his mom, she at least tried to help somewhat. Giving him some equipment to ward off any ghost who would try and forcibly take him as a consort, which had a low chance of happening considering his strength, but he was happy about it regardless.
He then finally asked his dad, after making sure that vampiric leech isn't near any of his human parents. Surprisingly, he had a pretty good idea of what to do.
He was a halfa, wasn't he? Why limit himself to just ghosts? Surely, due to his half-human status he could choose someone near his age among humanity.
Well, not in those exact words, but it was a great idea regardless! Plus, they never did specify if he had to choose a ghost consort anyways.
Now he just had to decide who to pick, really. His two best friends are out of the option, they're close, but not in that sort of way. Plus, Sam is busy with Undergrowth and Tucker bonding with Technus who was apparently apart of his family tree somewhere along the line.
Then, when he was sorting through the letters and was sure his eyes were about to bleed from reading so many fancy words, he felt it. A tug in his chest, gently urging him somewhere, and you know what, it's way better than what he was doing now, so he answered.
He felt the clothes he was swearing in that moment fade into away into the outfit he wore for his coronation. A suit, a crown made of the coldest ice from the Far Frozen, a cape made from the stars along with various little knickknacks made from various gems and a veil hung over his face.
He looked pretty good, if he says so himself. Though he didn't and still doesn't know the purpose of the veil.
He appeared in what looked like an event for a high society party, most likely filled with various rich people. He floated up and quickly looked over the people and released a sigh of relief that Vlad wasn't here, say what you will, but he doesn't fancy meeting with someone who's actively trying to seduce his dad.
He folded his arms behind his back, trying to imitate the imposing figure of his father from his place in the air, looking down at the cultists(?) below who summoned him.
"Who dares summon me." He stated, rule number one, statements hold power, questions do not. The cultist below fell to his knees, either out of devotion or fear, he didn't know.
"Oh, Prince of the infinite, we called you today for the sole purpose of serving this world to one of your standing, please let us be your servants and spare us when you plunge the world into ruin!" Ah, devotion, then. His eyes bore into the woman (from the sound of her voice) below, his silence working well to unnerve her and the other guests.
"Hm." The reward was already stated, but he neither wants too nor will take over the world. "Denied." It was short, swift, and to the point in his books, he thinks he's doing well acting out Pariah Dark!
"B-but my liege, the king-"
"What the king has been known for in the past, has nothing to do with me. You dare to assume something about me, lowly human." The human below him was actually fully blown shivering, now, slamming her head down onto the floor and shouting out a number of apologies.
Rule number two, do not take back requests you have already denied.
Ok, now he feels bad, that probably hurt a lot. But he's already come this far so-
"Is that the only reason you have called me, or do you require something else. Much of my time is not something you can afford." The woman was most undoubtedly about to say something, probably more apologies, or maybe something else, but the sounds of fighting reached the room and the doors slammed opened, the body of a cultist(?) flying through the air and the appearance of what were most likely heroes.
"Well?" He let that question slide, the cold around the room descending around the woman below as a bunch of other cultists tried to fight off the heroes.
The woman seemed hysterical with worry, most likely not wanting to go to jail, perhaps. She quickly took her head off the floor and tried to stand up, almost falling back to the ground but managing to find her footing. "M-my liege, please help us!"
He tilted his head. "And as to what, would you give me?"
"The sacrifice, yes! The sacrifice!" The woman quickly pointed below him, and only then, did Danny realize there was a boy bound below him, only to be met with a glare.
Danny hummed. Yes. That will do. "It shall be done."
Danny waved his hand, ice sprouting from the ground to force the heroes and cultists apart and then blasting a hole through the nearby wall and to the outside, a path of ice leading down to the ground. "Go." He commanded, the woman nodding her head quickly and calling to the others and disappearing outside, he then blocked off the hole with ice.
He then slowly floated downwards, besides the bound human, ignoring the shattering of ice and footfalls of no doubt the heroes trying to stop him from what he was doing. He leaned over the boy- about his age- and asked one question.
"Do you wish to become my consort?"
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ratsoupee · 1 year ago
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Continuation of my AVA!Human designs!
Ever since I saw @navy-leader's Victim design, I literally cannot imagine Victim any other way 🧎
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I think its criminal I haven't seen any art of Blue with the Piglin kid. He'd babysit sometimes
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the-solar-system52 · 2 months ago
edit: new link https://graphicpolicy.com/tag/jim-henson-presents/
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