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goryhorroor · 10 months ago
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horror sub-genres/techniques: anime horror
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norteenlinea · 1 year ago
Startup argentina se luce frente a inversionistas de Estados Unidos en el Biohunt Summit 2023
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maxpnj · 2 years ago
necro – creepy crawl AMV kite/mezzo forte/biohunter
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skateweeb · 1 year ago
Biohunter 1995 is one of the many 80 and 90s OVA's that, to me, is more in the domain of appreciation than that of raw enjoyment.
I loved the artstyle and it had some very well animated scenes and cool monster design.
Point of an audiovisual experience is that audio and visuals should combine into something... nice? But I might as well look at gifs if all the positive I feel like saying about it is purely about the visual aspect.
Story sucked. There are many OVA's that did equally cool things visually but actually had a fun story to go with it. I did like gramps tho.
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BioHunter (1995)
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georgeromeros · 2 years ago
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Bio Hunter (1995) dir. Yûzo Satô
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apathbacktoyou · 3 years ago
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Jemma Simmons rents a secluded cottage to get away and combat her writer’s block. Fellow romance author Lance Hunter has the same idea.
Through a mix-up, they end up in the same cottage. Arriving late and exhausted, they agreed to sort it out the next morning - only to find themselves snowed in...
Happy Birthday to the lovely @libbyweasley
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libbyweasley · 3 years ago
The Fic That Must Not Be Named - Chapter 4
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Thanks as always to @agentofship
Ship - BioHunter
Rated - T
Chapter 4/9
Read on AO3
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agentmmayy · 4 years ago
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a little late but here’s some soft biohunter for @libbyweasley 💚
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elenarodriiguez · 3 years ago
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the start of something new | l.h. & j.s.
summary: leo fitz may be a dead man walking, but jemma’s life isn’t all that bad.
pairing: lance hunter x jemma simmons
word count: 1347
read it on ao3
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If there were ever a time that Jemma needed to abandon her friendship with Fitz, now would absolutely be the time. The smug git had run away grinning after he’d announced to the whole lab that Hunter had been staring at her arse. Not that she could blame the former mercenary, she knew it was one of her many assets, but realistically the other scientists that Coulson had managed to hire didn’t need to hear about it.
There had been an incredibly awkward silence that arose in the wake of his departure, one that makes Jemma wish that Hunter’s attention didn’t make her stomach fill up with butterflies, obviously not real ones, that would be impossible, not to mention incredibly dangerous depending on the breed of butterfly. But even so, she feels like an absolute ninny just standing there with shattered mug fragments scattered around her feet.
Eventually, with some prompting from a particularly helpful lab tech who she’d be personally seeing to them receiving a raise, they both get back to cleaning everything up, Hunter grabbing a dustpan and brush from the cleaning cupboard. It seems as though they can’t stop bumping into one another now there was another undiscussed facet to their relationship which had been brought to the forefront by her less than helpful best friend.
Once the mug has finally been dealt with, their little spectacle amusing everyone working in the lab who are not so subtly staring at them, Jemma asks Hunter if he would be against joining her for lunch, internally grinning to herself when his cheeks adopt a rosy tint and his cocksure façade cracks momentarily, all for her viewing pleasure. It is drastically harder to mask her happiness once he’s left for the gym, her smile refusing to leave her face even when her diagnostic exam of her highly modified mass spectrometer reveals a dodgy section of code that would not only procure incorrect results but also destroy the samples used in the process.
But eventually, after coding for so long her back aches from standing over her desk for so long, lunch time rolls around and she leaves the lab in a matter of seconds, completely missing the lab technician she’d insisted needed a raise texting Fitz and updating him on mission ChemHunter? HunterSimmons? The title was a work in progress. She makes a quick stop in her bunk, self-consciously undoing her ponytail before patting down the bump left in her hair, before heading to the common room that they’d agreed upon.
When she locks eyes onto the man, she feels she’s made a grave mistake. Because the only thing that made her feel more flustered than an equally flustered Hunter, was a fresh out of the gym, slightly sweaty Hunter. She resists the urge to turn and run (and kill Fitz on her way) and instead offers to get him a glass of water, giving her a few much needed seconds to get herself together without making it terribly obvious.
However no amount of time in the world could have prepared her for this conversation, and she relishes in the seconds that Hunter waits to take a gulp of water (definitely not because she got to admire his Adam’s apple bobbing and could stare at the junction between his neck and shoulders that just looked so bloody biteable).
“So.” He says, placing the glass on a coaster which just makes him tick another box in Jemma’s book.
“So.” Jemma mirrors, smiling at him. “Fitz is a right bastard, isn’t he?”
The laugh that tumbles from Hunter’s lips is loud and boisterous, and just one of the many things that she loves about the man.
“Well I never, you do know how to talk like a proper Brit after all Simmons.”
“I always knew how to, but after having my mouth washed out with soap when I was eleven for saying arse, I got put off of swearing for life. Besides, Fitz is a wonderful anger translator when I need it.”
“You don’t say. Speaking of Fitz-” his words trail off and Jemma wishes he’d just say whatever it is that he wants to.
“Yes, well. In the spirit of honesty, I feel like I should tell you that I do have feelings for you,” she risks stretching her hand across the table, positively beaming when he takes her hand and laces their fingers together, “of the romantic variety. That’s what Fitz was teasing me about when I dropped my mug earlier.”
“Ah, well, the feeling is definitely mutual. I think I would’ve preferred to ask you out on a date rather than Fitz telling you I was staring at your arse, but I can appreciate his approach, it’s certainly unique.”
“Fitz has never had a filter, Ever. But I can’t say I mind all that much.”
Their conversation draws to a stop as her phone starts beeping incessantly, an alarm for one of their experiments interrupting their chat, much to both of their very evident annoyance.
“Duty calls Dr. Simmons.”
“That it does Lieutenant Hunter. You wouldn’t mind escorting me back to the lab, would you?”
“Getting to keep a pretty lady company, how could I ever say no to that?”
They get up from their seats, reluctantly letting their hands slip away from the other’s hold, Jemma putting their glasses in the dishwasher while Hunter straightens up their table. The walk back to the lab is fairly quiet, the two of them holding hands the whole way there, and Jemma can’t keep the smile off of her face, before a terrible thought crosses her mind and it falls off immediately.
“You don’t have a problem with mine and Fitz’s relationship do you? Because if you do I can’t see this lasting.”
She tries to keep walking down the corridor, but Hunter stops in his tracks and she ends up being tugged back to him, briefly stumbling over her own feet before being steadied by him. He checks her over to make sure she’s alright before staring into her eyes, making sure he can emphasise what he’s about to say.
“Woah, Jemma, where’s this coming from? Of course not, Fitz is my mate, I know you guys aren’t involved, why would I have a problem with it?”
“It’s nothing about you, necessarily, it’s just, when I went out with my exes, they all got weird. Like I know everyone thinks him and I are together, even though we never have been, but they’d act as if we were snogging in front of everyone every time we hugged. And I’m not going through that again, even if you are a very attractive and well-proportioned specimen.”
“Jemma, I promise you, if I ever have a genuine issue with yours and Fitz’s friendship, you can get Bob to set me straight.”
“Just so long as we’re clear. I guess I’ll see you later.”
In an unusual bout of spontaneity, she leans over and pecks Hunter on the cheek in front of the lab’s glass windows, ignoring the onlookers as she ducks into the lab, her cheeks now burning bright red. She waves as he passes by the window in a haze, and minutes later, the time it would take for him to get back to his bunk, she receives a text from him, asking if she’d like to accompany him for drinks, the end of the world permitting.
She sends back a response almost immediately, agreeing to the date, before pocketing her phone and getting back to work, the rest of the lab remaining silent on the matter. Even when Fitz walks in, smiling like the cat who got the cream, and is subsequently squeezed within an inch of his life by his evidently very appreciative best friend. However when she starts pestering him about his own love life, everyone can see the look of dread growing in intensity as she mentions double dates and the like.
Perhaps he should’ve waited until after their first date until seeing her again, lest she become mad with power (and loved up sappiness).
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mangacultes80 · 3 years ago
Bio Hunter Movie
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Pouvez Télécharger plus de 1.136 Images dans 1 set de Galeries du Film Bio Hunter Date de sortie de la Film: 08/12/1995
Bio Hunter (1995) (NB Imgs: 1.136) (01 Set)
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Infos film
Titre alternatif : BioHunter
Titre original : バイオ・ハンター
OAV · Japon · 1 × 58 min
Origine : Manga
Date de sortie : 08/12/1995
Genres : Action - Erotique - Horreur / Épouvante - Seinen
Thèmes : Gore - Monstres - Scientifique
Pour public averti : Oui (nudité)
Au Japon, dans un futur proche, deux scientifiques, Koshigaya et Komada, essayent de vaincre un virus baptisé "Demon" qui affecte le code génétique des hommes, et les transforme en abominables créatures sanguinaires. Komada est, d'ailleurs, porteur de ce virus et lutte pour ne pas perdre le contrôle de lui-même. Les choses se compliquent davantage lorsqu'une jeune femme, Sayaka Murakami, la petite-fille d'un éminent médium, se retrouve pourchassée par la plus redoutable de ces créatures infestées et finit par demander assistance à Komada et Koshigaya.
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2minutes2midnight · 4 years ago
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Valentine’s Day with Zuza - day 2:
BioHunter + Valentine’s proposal 💍
For @libbyweasley 💕
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bobbiamorse · 4 years ago
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fics i’ve read in 2021 3/?
crafting the perfect romance by libbyweasley biohunter, E, ~17.8k words
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norteenlinea · 1 year ago
La startup uruguaya Metabix Biotech se lució presentando su innovación en Biohunt Summit 2023
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shirilily · 4 years ago
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If only I could hunt the hunter
[AO3] {Biohunter, rated T, 1.1k}
Summary: While Jemma thought Hunter had left, he was only getting breakfast.
Notes: Happy Mother's Day, @libbyweasley, and I hope you enjoy your fandom baby shower! Banner by the great @accio-the-force
Jemma opens the door just enough to create the smallest slit, and Hunter makes sure to put on his best-smiling face on her direct line of vision. She does open the door even after seeing it’s him, so not everything is lost.
“Hey, I brought coffee and yogurt.” Staying in the kitchen long enough to make something more sophisticated, even toast, felt like an unnecessary risk, so yogurt it was. Besides, Jemma looks like the kind of person who gets yogurt first thing in the morning, unironically.
“Hunter.” She looks paler than he remembers under the harsh lights of the base, and she is already wearing different clothes that feel like armor. “I wasn’t expecting you back.”
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kitweewoos · 5 years ago
Kayti Recs Fics (An Incomplete List)
I’m procrastinating writing so, here’s some fics I love! My favorite number is 7, so here’s seven of my favorite fics! I might do this again sometime in the future, but check out these fics, give them love, and go check out their authors because they’re all very lovely and sweet!!! 
and we’ll stumble through heaven by lazyfish ( @bobbimorseisbisexual on tumble) - biohunter, E, 25k
Summary: When she goes undercover at HYDRA, Jemma almost immediately bites off more than she can chew. She’s saved by a HYDRA agent named Lance Hunter who agrees to go on a date instead of turning her in. Their single date into more at the behest of Hunter’s supervisor, Mr. Bakshi, and soon Jemma’s caught in a tangle of lust, love, and duty. One night reveals the truth about Hunter, shattering everything Jemma thought she knew – maybe beyond repair.
the case of the magically appearing hoodies by JaeRianL ( @acetoshikosato on tumblr) - Fitzhuntingbird, T, 2k
Summary: When Bobbi and Hunter find themselves being taken care of by a mysterious L (who smells really nice by the way), the couple are determined to find out who it is - at least to thank them, and maybe even kiss them.
time and children by besidemethewholedamntime ( @besidemethewholedamntime on tumblr) - Fitzsimmons, T, 4k
Summary: "They always knew it was going to be hard coming back after so long away from home. Even harder coming back with not only a child, but a three-year-old child."
Fitz takes his daughter to visit her grandmother and tries to explain himself at the same time.
(Daisy) Don’t You Forget About Me by sanctuaria ( @aleksandrachaev on tumblr) - Dekesy, T, 3k
Summary:  Daisy doesn’t know quite what she expected, walking into a bar that advertised live music headlined by the most up-and-coming band of 1983. Honestly, knowing him, the black eyeliner, tight red leather pants, and ‘Deke Squad’ band name don’t even really take her by surprise.
What she does not expect, however?
Just how good he looks in them.
After the Storm by AgentofShip ( @agentofship on tumblr) - Scis & Spies, E, 13k
Summary: One night in the lighthouse turns out busier than Hunter expects it to be, but none of his guests are unwelcome.
two of the fairest stars by florchis ( @florchis on tumblr) - Lincoln/Fitz/Daisy, T, 2k
Summary: Fitz leaves a game of Truth or Dare looking for something to alleviate his yearning for Daisy and Lincoln and instead finds so much more.
Broken Wings by shaebae ( @shae-bae on tumblr) - FitzWard, E, 28k
Summary: Grant Ward is kidnapped by Leo Fitz, who is not everything he seems. As Leo struggles with himself and what he must do, Grant Ward learns about the future.
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stanningjay2 · 4 years ago
Happy Holidays From your Secret Satan!
This story is For Al ( @bobbimorseisbisexual )
I very much hope you enjoy it!
The Bouclier a BioHunter fic
{Moulin Rouge AU, kinda, 1900 Paris. Hunter, an ex-soldier turned bouncer/bartender at a dance club in Paris, becomes enamored of a young writer who always sits at the end of the bar.}
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