#darian speaks
honestly i think the duskborn rune is really burying the lead narratively. like, "death restored" just seems so... patently false as a descriptor? fia & co are kind of trying to do the Opposite of that.
like, ok, those who live in death came about because of ranni's two-time fracturing of the rune of death—once to unleash a tiny piece of it, and a second time to split the death between her and godwyn. explicitly, because of that second fracture, godwyn exists trapped in an in-between state, simultaneously dead and unable to die. he is dead but his corpse is also a living thing, growing blindly without consciousness. TWLID are similarly afflicted. their bodies are reborn over and over without release, and do not seem to... uh, retain a consciousness.
presumably, putting the rune of death back into the elden ring would stop the cycle of rebirth for everyone, not just them. if death were permanently unleashed onto the lands between, i think even godwyn would probably find release. b/c it's not just that ranni split their deaths—she also did it using a tiny stolen fragment of the rune, with maliketh still holding onto most of it. and you need The Whole Thing to end the game. so these... tiny traces are not really doing it.
crucially, fia could, but does not, ask you to restore that rune. instead, she gives you a new one. the one that she created by merging ranni's half-wheel with godwyn's. that will embed "life within death" into the order. if fia isn't trying to spread undeath to everyone in the lands between, wtf is she trying to do?? why does the rune seem to want to imply that she's restoring the natural order, when she herself seems to be so strongly against that possibility??
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stormvanari · 8 months
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favorite Titan’s Councilor gets redrawn a year and a couple months later (left is today, right dates back to June 2022)
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hereforyourdispleasure · 11 months
Well heeeeello sailor 🧐😏
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commissionsdarian · 1 year
You are not alright, you have mentioned it.
We're... We don't know.
I'm alright. It's ok to not know how you are, just make sure to look after yourselves
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bisexual-ashe · 1 year
How do you feel about this slander ✋
im cackling LMSDKLFJSKL
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You know how people draw characters with their pokemon team? I wanna do that but it's instead of pokemon it's de skills instead
0 notes
wraith-caller · 7 days
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@li-binauje-artisse left this as part of their response to me dissecting Darian's dialog about Rogier, and it encapsulates everything that frustrates me about the way this pair are interpreted. Not just as a couple/friends, but as individuals. It's indicative of how large chunks of the fandom, in spite of apparently desperately clamoring for complex characters and nuanced storytelling, can't actually handle it.
Let's start with Rogier. "Innocent martyr fighting for social justice". It hits the nail right on the head. I see him characterized as any of the following: hating the Golden Order, a rebel, defiant, a revolutionary, 'the good guy', a progressive. But does his story actually bear that out?
No, it doesn't. Here he is, talking about the Golden Order:
The battle art you've learned is of the glintstone family. They were conceived at the great Academy of Raya Lucaria, to the north of this castle. In the past, they obeyed laws which contravened the Golden Order, or so I'm told. Fascinating, isn't it? That the Golden Order was pliable enough to absorb practices that contradicted itself in the past. With the Order broken, twisted, and in need of repair, such adaptability is more important now than ever.
Nowhere in Rogier's dialog does he speak ill of the Golden Order itself. Nowhere does he say he's intent on tearing it down, that it needs to be stopped, that it needs to be erased. He's not a champion of human rights looking to topple a cruel and violent regime. He admires the Golden Order's pliability, knows it has a flaw, and seeks to fix it. He's an academic with a single-minded obsession, and that obsession is repairing this error. Even his interest in the undead seems less about the undead themselves being oppressed and more about the fact they are a consequence of a broken system. From his perspective, if we were to simply fix that bug, then everything would be fine again! Nevermind that the Order is founded on violence and genocides, that it is built on a brutal caste system which denies those who don't fit within it their basic rights. His perspective on it has narrowed down to this one issue - which, don't get me wrong, it definitely is an issue needing fixed. But it's like putting a band aid on a paper cut while ignoring all the stab wounds. There are a lot of terrible things at work here, and it's going to take more than one thing to fix any of it.
I'm not saying Rogier is a fervent acolyte, or that it's totally unreasonable to think he may care about some of these other issues, but we don't see any of that. He's also not a defiant person. He's not a rebel. In fact, his behavior often displays the opposite, that he is quite the people pleaser, that he is someone who is not keen on 'rocking the boat' and drawing potentially negative attention to himself. His repeated apologizing to us for things like being paralyzed or getting injured, his willingness to lie to others to avoid upsetting them, his pleasant demeanor in spite of his inner turmoil, and his about face in his cut dreambrew dialog where he switches from resentful to gracious at the drop of a hat are all evidence of this. He is not some free-spirited revolutionary who will proudly defy the oppressive system. Even with the issue of TWLID, he's cautious about sharing his perspective on it, knowing it is an uncommon one that would raise someone's ire. He says we "may find this peculiar" when he tells us he wants to save the dead, not just because of one bad conversation with Darian, but because this is likely an unusual perspective period, among the majority of people.
What frustrates me about people taking these traits away from him and making him into some self-assured and confident trailblazer is that it erases a story about someone finally being able to find their spine after a potential lifetime of setting himself aside to please others. He expresses nothing of himself, none of his miseries and griefs, except this one belief that has become so important to him that he's willing to lose someone he once cared about over it. Rogier is not someone who was always brave and defiant. He is someone learning, at the last minute, how to stand up for himself and have the courage to put his foot down. Making him out to be some hero of the underdogs robs him of that, and kind of minimizes a lot of his emotional issues. It also often overlooks his own participation in this oppressive system - not just that he used to likely hunt the dead alongside Darian, but that he encourages us to become Elden Lord and perpetuate the existence of the Golden Order. Maybe we fix this one problem he's invested in solving, but what about all the others that will continue to exist?
Okay, so how about Darian? "The Hater." "Fascist zealot," as @irithylldancer (and let's be real, anyone who has looked at any discussion about Darian at all) has seen him called before. After all, how could anyone hate zombies cursed to live without a soul who enact violence on people without apparent cause? A lot of folks point out that any enemy is like that, and will just attack on sight, but that's just plain not true. Variants of wandering nobles will actually flee from you and beg you to spare them, so it's not like the devs couldn't have thrown a few TWLID with these behaviors in if we were really supposed to think it's just a matter of us terrorizing them.
But that's besides the point anyway. This is about lost nuance in characters. The nuance with Darian is often lost at this: people see the game use the word 'Fundamentalist' and think instantly of the real world group that is referred to with the same term. That is, Christian conservatives who are often quite regressive, with racist/bigoted biases. Sorry folks, but that's not what a Golden Order Fundamentalist is. So what are they?
Law of Regression: The fundamentalists describe the Golden Order through the powers of regression and causality. Regression is the pull of meaning; that all things yearn eternally to converge.
Law of Causality: The fundamentalists describe the Golden Order through the powers of regression and causality. Causality is the pull between meanings; it is the connections that form the relationships of all things.
Golden Order Principia: Prayerbook of the Golden Order fundamentalists. A dense and complex academic treatise that contains the Order's fundamental principles.
Golden Order seal: Fundamentalism is scholarship in all but name.
Is that clear enough? GO Fundamentalists are not "the racist part". They are not "the bigoted part". They are the SCHOLARS. They are devoted to understanding the fundamentals of the Golden Order. This is NOT the same as real world Christian Fundamentalism. The hunters aren't trying to destroy a culture that's foreign to them, or eliminate a racial group, or put down the disabled(though obviously the GO is still horrible and does things like that), or 'hunting the dead for sport' like it's just a fun game for them. They're fighting a literal plague, a curse that undoes death and leaves soulless corpses shambling across the lands, inflicting violence on others. It's not bigotry to think deathroot is a problem. It's not fascism to want to stop an illness from spreading. It's not cruel to want to prevent corpses - who inherently can't consent to anything - from being plucked out of the ground like daisies and forced to shamble around soullessly and suffer existence whether they want to or not. Even Goldmask, in his criticism of the hunters, is not upset with their treatment of TWLID. He's disappointed in their desire to have an evil to defeat, which he doubts is even a possibility. Order Healing says:
The noble Goldmask lamented what had become of the hunters. How easy it is for learning and learnedness to be reduced to the ravings of fanatics; all the good and the great wanted, in their foolishness, was an absolute evil to contend with. Does such a notion exist in the fundamentals of Order?
Goldmask isn't mourning the undead, and he isn't condemning the hunters for their treatment of them. He is saying what the game itself repeatedly says to us through these nuanced stories told with every single character: there is no absolute evil to be found. You can quash this problem of deathroot and its consequences, and there are still a thousand more flaws in this Order because the very nature of rule by man is itself flawed, because humans are imperfect creatures. Rogier tells us the undead aren't evil, they simply exist whether they want to or not. The problem is the hunters like Darian are looking for an outside evil to defeat when there isn't one. The undead may be violent, they may kill, they may be cursed, but this doesn't make them inherently evil. They only exist through a loophole in the Order, and the hunters deny that such a loophole could exist because the Order must be perfect.
Even with his flawed beliefs, Darian is far from hateful or a fascist. He laments the death of a criminal when we meet him. He tries to deter us from harm. He offers us help by showing us the waygate to Caelid, and asks - not demands - that we take his place in serving Gurranq. He never asks us if we're allied with the Golden Order, never asks us to prove we're ideologically pure or even aligned with him. He eagerly calls us a comrade, and in spite of his disagreement with Rogier, continues helping him with his research. The only thing he despises are TWLID, and yes, his hatred of them is intense, and it is probably irrational to some degree - it's very unlikely they're as aware and conscious as a normal, non-undead human being would be, and we know they didn't spring up out of the ground because they felt like defying the Marika's will. But his hatred is also not baseless. It's not him hearing from the Order that these are his enemies and he must hate them because they are Different. His hatred is a result of witnessing their violence firsthand. The game didn't go out of its way to introduce him mourning a victim of the undead for no reason.
And beyond this, there's a far more personal reason he must preserve the Order, why he must fervently believe they are right about who is accursed and who isn't. He and Devin were completely shunned from every society except the Golden Order. Of course he's attached, of course he's invested. If his options are "Golden Order or nothing", he's going to take the Golden Order, and it's really difficult to blame someone for making a choice like that. If you are rejected from birth by every society except one, you're going to be desperate enough for that acceptance that you'll do anything to keep your place in it. So when met with Rogier's revelation that the Golden Order is wrong about who is cursed and who isn't, doesn't it make perfect sense that Darian doesn't handle it so well?
No this isn't the first time I've ranted about this and it probably won't be the last. I just love these characters too much and hate seeing their rich potential for interesting storytelling reduced to a black-and-white narrative for easy consumption. No aspect of this game includes a simple, straightforward progressive vs regressive, hero vs villain, good guy vs bad guy story, even down to characters as minor as Rogier and Darian.
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bloodlegacies · 1 month
Wait! So Serah was the half-sister of Cecilia and Caio? Did that happen before the Great Duchess married Cecilia's dad?
We know that Cecilia's mom doesn't like/trusts even kid!MC, are there other reasons, beside the old story of Northon's betrayal?
Spoilers spoilers
Yes, it happened before, so much so that they had to hide that case, and yes, it was discovered by the queen, Hayden's mother, but not by all the rest of the court. And yes, Serah technically speaking is Caio and Cecilia's half-sister.
Well, neither the king (Martell) nor Erianne (Grand Duchess) are very fond of the Darians, but concerning Erianne, this is also due to the fact that she was jealous of Alexandra. Even though Martell ended up with her later, he still had a crush on Alexandra.
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byneco · 2 months
blog intro yet again
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QUICK DNI’S: Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, Realdeal, human beings
DO NOT: claim my art is yours, talk to me in a flirty way, beg for something i rejected
QUICK INTERACTS: Homestuck people, People who are interested in my art, Codythehomestuckfan (myloove), driven-to-insanity-au (silly 😼😼💞), numberonedevsuporter (FRIEBD!!!!!), pbthesimp (always always always, my son!!), the-one-and-only-moldy-cheese (FRIEND!!!), South Park fans, Multishippers, FOP fans (it has infected me), theater kids
other than that i dont give a shit who interacts because i love everyone (except for weirdos)
crappy strawpage
roblox: 7a1ch1
Rant 1, Rant 2
Im Dave/David, most of you just know me as Darian, this is my main blog as i own many rp blogs and many au blogs - (i do free commissions too so if you wanna request something go to my ask box)
i will also be a silly fuck and write lyrics for whatever your heart desires, go to the ask box for that too
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I care a lot about these two, dont act surprised when i constantly send or post photos of pim and constantly talk about my husband !!
I like Kai, Homestuck, Hamilton, the heathers, ride the cyclone, south park, craig of the creek, rick and morty, baseketball, weezer, the crane wives, nirvana, mitski, invader zim, giraffes, cats, my brother, my husband, my mooties, madoka magica, sakura cardcaptor, birds, rabbits, Trey and Matt, jthm, f is for family, FOP, 36 questions, the book of mormon, ect
i dislike my ex, tdac, karnaks dream of life, zombie movies, drama, jane doe, charli x thing or whatever you call it, swifties, basically any influencer on yt shorts, dogs, people who basically decide that if i say i eat a lot im automatically fat (im scrawny)
srs dni: specific people i dont like, people over the age of 23 or something (babkastien is aokay), nsfw commissions (go 2 my other blog), pedos, misogynistic people, misandristic people
im not the type to participate in comforting others, im not good at speaking or finding the right words to help, please don’t come to me for comfort unless i give you permission
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I am abromantic and that thing up there, that thing might explain some things i say so keep that in mind
CIS MALE 😼😼😼‼️‼️ (totally most definitely hahah) - /hj
i love cute things
im an young author and artist with audhd and bipolarism and dyslexia so yappe (please keep some of that in mind too as i dont think before i say when feeling some sort of way and i might offend others, it isn’t intentional.)
i admire hugmeis and codythehomestuckfan ‼️ ^_^ (also support how2bmotorized VERY MUCH)
What i did: Voice milkjug and mudpile in TCT S2 EP2, voice Scaramouche in TCT S1 EP5, fail the lines of Scaramouche in TCT S1 EP5, create dhmis x south park, create the character Emmy Tyson in TCT, half-create the character Ezekiel in TCT, go by r3dd7 on here, dub as characters from sentipark, make designs for overpark, animating Donny & Doggy lost files, Voice Joe in Donny & Doggy, be the 1# roachdeal supporter, own many blogs, create another sdv x homestuck au
thats all for now, this may change from time to time
me btw
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troglodytepixieeater · 9 months
Tarnished Blood: Part 1
Disclaimer: want everyone to know that the future is not the canon of the series! This is my own personal headcanon of what I imagine my MC to have in the Blood Legacies (creator: @bloodlegacies). While I have read probably every piece of lore for the blog, there might be some things that are not canon in my story. If there are, then you can message me and correct me for future fanfics; however, it might not change said fanfic where I got the lore, magical properties, or anything else wrong.
Paring: Hayden x OC!Bianca
Warning: none?
The sound of tapping brought Bianca out of her thoughts; however, she did not look at the source and instead stared at the key points that she would have to cover in the next meeting with the court about the trade routes written on a piece of parchment.
Maybe I should ask my father about this?
Bianca sighed. She missed her father dearly, and although she knew he would drop what he was doing to help her, she felt guilty bothering him with simple trade routes just for an excuse to check up on him.
He was still in Darian; however, it was really Bianca who kept her house in power and her people happy as she had come of age to rule. However, that did not mean her father just sat on his ass. No. If anything, he helped take most of the stress off her shoulders, making sure everything went smoothly. He wasn't just her commander anymore; he was her commander if the crown on her head was any indication.
It was odd having her father follow her orders and not the other way around; however, Bianca knew deep down that she would never be the one in charge when it came to the relationship with her father. She respected him too much. Maybe she should try not to rely on him too much and let him enjoy his time in his older years with that new lover of his.
What would I do without him?
That thought came with an aching feeling of grief at the thought of losing another parent; however, she scowled at herself for having such a morbid thought. Bianca knew that one day it would come when her father wouldn't be around, but she would get through it; it would be full circle as it would now be her turn to teach her own children to slowly let her go as they grew into adulthood.
Speaking of children, the tapping became so excessive that Bianca finally looked up from her notes to see her middle child tapping away at the table with her right hand, her index finger having just a hint of ice on her tip as she mulled over her notes. In her left hand sat a quill as her daughter wrote something down and then frowned before roughly scratching through the paper again.
Bianca couldn't help but have a small hidden smile as she stared at the twelve-year-old. At only twelve, her daughter, the second heir and princess of Petrus, was probably one of the smartest scholars that their kingdom has ever seen.
The way that she consumed knowledge was amazing; unlike her siblings, who saw their studies as chores or a responsibility, it seemed that her middle child enjoyed her studies. Now only if Bianca could get her daughter to pick up a sword like her oldest than would she be unstoppable.
Bianca just stared at her daughter, watching as her nose wrinkled when she got frustrated, and the tapping got louder and louder. Unable to sit still, just like her father, getting him to sit through a whole meeting, people would think you were sending him off to war at how he moped and pouted, but with a few threatening comforting words, he seemed to make it through the "torture."
Although Hayden wasn't nearly as focused as their middle child, when mentioned to him once when they were alone, Bianca remembered him saying that her nose wrinkle reminded him of his sister when she would get annoyed at him.
Bianca smiled at the thought, and she remembered thinking than that the name of her daughter was even more fitting.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Bianca finally pressed her lips together before speaking.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Serah did not look up from her paper, and the tapping only seemed to increase, which put Bianca on edge.
"Serah." Bianca said again, a little more bite in her tone, and she noticed that her daughter's whole finger was covered in frost.
 Tap. Tap. Tap.
"Serah Gloryann Elkar!"
The princess looked at her mother, letting Bianca get a more full view of her daughter. Serah's light blonde curls were even more messy than usual, and Hayden's eyes stared back at her in a wide-eyed state.
"What is wrong?" Bianca spoke with a calmer voice, her expression remaining cold as usual.
Serah bit her lip as she looked down at the paper again and looked back at her mother, nervousness clear on her face as she shrank back.
"N-nothing." Serah spoke quietly, in her usual timid tone.
Bianca wished now more than ever that her daughter had not gotten her quiet nature from her; however, maybe that trait would stop the rumors that Serah was not her daugher. If she heard those whispers herself she would gladly show the stretch marks along her stomach. No one questioned if Serah was Hayden's child. Everyone could see she had Elkar blood through her veins just by looking at her eyes.
"I do not like being lied to by Serah." Bianca said this with a raised eyebrow and looked at the parchment in front of her daughter. "Does it have something to do with whatever you are writing?"
Serah's cheeks turned pink. "What? No!"
Bianca's eyes narrowed, which made the girl in front of her squirm in her seat. She needed to teach her daughter to have a better poker face if she wanted to survive in court.
I will make sure to give her a lesson some time next week.
The Queen made a mental note in her head as she studied her daughter's flushed expression and dilated pupils, and it all clicked into place. There was only one person who had any kind of effect on her daughter in such a way.
"You are writing to Zemislav." It was not a question but a statement as Bianca leaned back to get an even more perfect view of Serah's wide-eyed expression once again.
"He was just asking about something." Serah fiddled with the corner of her paper.
The...infatuation was clear on Serah's face, and Bianca held herself back from killing the young preteen that seemed to wiggle his way into her daughter's heart.
The queen side of her knew it would be a great match. Zemislav...while he was nothing like his mother, Sofia, who only wanted a sweet release of sleep, it seemed that Zemislav, from what Bianca had seen, never slept and was always a ball of energy ready to go off at any moment. Poor Sofia. But still, it was a good match for both families.
The mother side of Bianca wanted to strangle the young man; her daughter was only twelve, and now Bianca had to worry about crushes. She didn't even think that her eldest had become smitten with anybody as of late; however, that wasn't surprising since her eldest would rather be left alone with a training dummy than any kind of person if it didn't have to do with achieving progress in their kingdom.
Bianca shook her head and tried not to let a scoff slip. This Zemislav was fourteen and already in the academy; what in the gods names was he doing writing to her daughter when he should be focusing on his studies? Maybe she should write to Sofia.
Worry gripped Bianca like a viper, and she had to force herself to remain stoic. Serah could make the most successful battle plans and strategies; however, it was no secret that her middle child was naive about the setting of the court and the wicked ways that would try to use a young princess for their own personal gain, especially a marriage alliance.
Serah got Bianca's own quiet nature. Yes. But instead of the cold expression that Bianca was blessed with that sent people on their way or even Hayden's mischievous smirk that kept people on their toes, it seemed her daughter was blessed with an open, friendly smile, which made Bianca often question which side of the family she got it from.
Not Serah's grandfather...that was for sure.
Bianca let go of the chair arms that she didn't even realize she had gripped, which were now covered in a thick frost. Hopefully her daughter didn't see, and from her daughter's open expression, she did not.
"What did your friend want?" Bianca said the word "friend" with distaste that Serah didn't seem to catch.
"He was asking if you were going to be announcing that Martella was going to the academy soon......everyone is curious." Serah whispered, her voice cracking a little; however, her eyes were trained on Bianca, studying her.
Smart girl.
Bianca kept the fear off her face, and her hands shook under the table. "Tell Zemislav that there will be an announcement soon."
Serah bit her lip. "Mother, rumors are spreading of Martella's elemen-."
"That. Is. Enough." Serah shivered at her mother's cold tone.
Bianca continued. "I don't want to hear another word about this." Grayish blue eyes met light teal, and a look of understanding crossed over the table.
Serah nodded, looking back down at her quill before uttering a quiet. "Yes, mother."
The sound of the doors slamming open made the two royals turn in their seats.
Masterpost | NEXT
Note: Blood Legacies is such an amazing story, and I can't wait for another update. While we have only touched the surface of what the author has planned for the series, I just appreciate the lore and the world that the author has created.
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erika-xero · 2 years
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Having a small break after I finished working on a huge commissioned piece, so I’ve been doodling around with my imaginary friends for a few nights or so. You can read some brief info about Savi, Darian, Hildegarde, Emergelde von Breitenbach, Wilhelm and Misha here, the other guys are:
- Seheria von Tessen, the sorceress who lived a few centuries ago and was a councelor to the king whose name was erased from the history. The king was famous with his enormous violence towards the court members and his vassals and his experiments with magic which were far beyond any ethics. He was also responsible for creating a huge anomaly which was later named The Great Gate by the historians (and which was a huge magical disaster). She was supposedly killed the very same night the rebellion started and the King was slaughtered.
- The mysterious cannibal lady who’ve lost anything human within her;
- The Ears, the Eyes, the Voice of the Emperor. The Oclarian Emperor is paranoid so he rarely shows up on council meetings, usually sending three mysterious women instead of him. No one knows their names and no one saw their faces.
- The Jester. Are they truly a jester? or a bard?are they a hallucination? are they a mysterious entity from outer worlds? Who knows. I am also not sure whether or not to keep their original red and black color scheme, because it was kinda fun? But it would also be fun to make their outfit yellow. The Yellow Jester does not play, But gently pulls the strings, And smiles as the puppets dance, In the court of the Crimson King;
- The Deadman. Whoever he is, Misha sees him in his nightmares frequently. Sometimes the Deadman sits there in silence looking him in the eyes. Sometimes he speaks the ancient tongues. Sometimes he laughs. Sometimes he is surrounded by people with no faces. Who or what is he?
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chxotic-dxcklings · 21 days
Chase Darian
Rarity: 4 Star
Path: Nihility
Type: Ice
Species: Human
Fraction: Intelligentsia Guild
Character Introduction: A student of Veritas Ratio that's laid back with a hidden side of mischief. Despite seeming lazy, he takes his studies very seriously.
Design: He has pale skin with white hair and blue eyes. He usually wears a white shirt with a blue plaid button up, jeans, and boots. Sometimes he will wear a white dress shirt with navy blue suit pants if he is feeling a bit classy, but most of the time he wears his usual outfit. Similarly to his sister, he doesn't really care what he wears as long as it's clean and makes him feel comfortable.
Voice Lines
First Meeting: Hm? You're talking to me? I'm Chase, and I'm a student at the Intelligentsia Guild. Not much else to say about me. Greeting: Yo, what's up? Haven't seen you around lately, then again I've been doing my own things. Parting: Time to relax and enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate. About Self: I like to keep things chill. I don't cause problems and I don't like to get in the middle of problems. However, I'm always up for a prank here and there and some shenanigans. Chat: Protectiveness: I know I say I'm laid back, but if anyone decides to mess with my sister, I will not hesitate to go after them. I'm the older brother so I have to keep her safe. I have to. Hobbies: I like music. I don't play as much as I'd like to, but I'm always down to show off my skills. Art and literature are also things I enjoy, but I'm pretty busy with my studies. Annoyances: People without common sense. And people who like to cause problems on purpose. Like seriously? What makes you happy about making other people's lives more difficult for you? Something to Share: It's always funny when people try to taunt me about being "lazy" when my grades speak for themselves. I'm not a top student for nothing. Knowledge: Don't stress about the hard things. Take one step at a time and you'll be surprised on how far you can go. About Avana: I love my sister. Especially when we hang out and something ends up going wrong. What can I say? Jasper holds the braincell. About Rivera: Rivera somehow managed to get her own garden on campus. She deserves it though. She's kind-hearted and amazing. About Jasper: Oh, it's the best to get under Jasper's skin. The face he makes when he gets angry is very much worth it! About Ratio: I have the utmost respect for the Doctor. Don't tell him I said this, but he's definitely a dad at heart. How else would he put up with all of us students? About Aventurine: He's eccentric, and he's always buying us the best things. But, I like it best when he just hangs out with us. Eidolon Activation: Come on, let me show you what I've got. Character Ascension: Another assignment complete! Max Level Reached: Who said I was going to stop now? Trace Activation: I'm not going to back down. Added to Team With Ratio: Don't worry about me, Doctor. I'll be fine. Added to Team with Aventurine: Can you show me what that cornerstone can do?
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funeralgrove · 2 months
♔ and ☼ for any or all: Darian, Gladys, Wilhelmine
Tumblr is forcing me to split this answer into two parts, sorry!
☼ — How does your character usually dress in daily life? . . . / . . . ♔ — What (if any) jewelry does your character usually wear?
Darian has absolutely zero sense of fashion. He dresses like one of the most guys ever.
Darian's mode of dress is a nod to 70s and 80s rocker looks as well as biker fashion from the same decades. Jeans, big boots, and often a short sleeved shirt that is either a band or novelty shirt. Lots of times his clothes are a little worn out, or intentionally distressed in some way. Sometimes he'll crop a shirt or rip the sleeves off to make a muscle shirt.
Very rarely does he wear long sleeves, but when he does, the cuffs are ripped off or have been chewed on and stretched to make them less restrictive of his hands. The only long sleeves that do not receive this treatment would be those of his leather jackets and winter coat.
Here are some outfits of his that I have either drawn or would like to draw him in someday!
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As for his jewelry preferences, despite having quite a few facial piercings as well as his nipples done, his jewelry is very plain. He goes for stainless steel with no designs or gemstones. If by chance he is wearing a bracelet or a necklace it was something given to him by Ira.
Gladys is definitely one of my most varied characters when it comes to looks, so there's quite a few options for what she considers to be 'every day' outfits! Generally speaking, though, she sticks to reds, blacks and pinks for all of her clothing. She leans heavily into motifs of love/Valentine's Day as well as certain elements of the gothic subculture, and to a degree is inspired by both the 1930s and the 1960s. I've seen people talk about an aesthetic called coquette, I believe? And I think she sort of falls into that depending on the outfit.
She likes clothes that show off her figure (and some skin) in some way, and she likes to be extra even when she's casual.
She's also a bit of a DIY-or-die girly, so a lot of her clothes she has made herself and are completely original or based off of hard to come by patterns and pieces.
Here's some outfits I have already or have mean meaning to draw her in that can fall under everyday wear!
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Gladys has quite the extensive jewelry collection, and is always wearing earrings. She's fond of big, clunky novelty earrings especially, and has specific earrings to match specific outfits. She likes rose gold jewelry the most, but will settle for any metal.
Outside of earrings, she wears a large choker around her neck to hide the scar from her decapitation [a very recent addition to her character, as she's currently being rewritten.] and occasionally some rings.
Here are either some of her craziest earrings or earrings that would be matched to the outfits above!
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commissionsdarian · 1 year
are you ok 🥺 y so quiet
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Word Find Tag
Moving on to July tags, thank you @dontjudgemeimawriter, for this one :D
My words: tone, take, well, with bonus words - congratulations, blessing
Your words: leave, liked, and light with bonus - leverage
Gently tagging: @sam-glade, @crowandmoonwriting, and open tag
From Shattered Soul
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Prince Marcus' expression darkened. "We were told the fae would be here over a week ago. Have you had word?" His tone indicated that Kadin had better have had word, and the implied superiority rankled deeply. His wings mantled in response, and the prince took a startled step back, bumping into the strange, washed-out human accompanying him today. Kadin's eyes narrowed at the flicker of pain that crossed the other human's face at the contact. Forcing his wings to relax, Kadin leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his mostly bare chest. "Tell me, human prince. Do I look like a messenger bird to you? The fae will come when they come."
Kiala turned his face back to her with a hand on his cheek. "You need to get some rest, Darian." He shook his head, despite knowing she was right. "That's not a request, Prince. I was going to have Aleix sit with her, but if she's capable of speaking mind to mind, then she isn't ifrit-possessed. So, he can take you home instead." "Someone will stay with her though, right?" "Yes, Darian," Kiala said gently. "I will make sure she doesn't wake up in a strange place alone. Now go, and don't come back until you are fully rested, do you understand me?" He sighed, bowing his head. He may be a prince, but Kiala was the ruler of the Hall of Healing, and what she said was law. 
[Darian] fixed up a plate and dug in; he hadn't realized how hungry he was. To his relief, Alaia began eating again as well, although she stopped sooner than he would've liked. She gave him a strange look right as he took a large bite from a meatpie. "I'm really not a prisoner here, am I? Kiala offered me training. You're sitting here eating with me, not even asking any questions. Nobody locks the door. If I could walk more than two steps at a time, could I leave?" The meatpie stuck in his throat at that, and he reached for some water to wash it down. "Do you want to leave?" he asked carefully. Please, don't want to leave.
Congratulations - nope
Blessing - also nope
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sailoreddy · 2 years
I just realized something, the personalities of the Sailor Senshi in the Toon Maker’s pilot of Sailor Moon is poorly researched. The writers do know that their personalities are based in astrology right? I mean the creator of the anime Naoko Takeuchi studied astronomy, so clearly she knew what she was doing on how everyone should act in the show. Let me explain:
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Let’s start with Sailor Moon herself. The moon represents your emotions, moods, and feelings. The moon also rules over Cancer. Cancers tend to sensitive and gentle. This is why Usagi is such a crybaby in the anime. Cancer also rules the stomach, which is why Usagi is a glutton. With Victoria, we really don’t really see any sort of sensitivity or any mood other than happy or heroic. She watches Darian die in an explosion and cries a little, but it also implies that she got over it pretty quickly. Vicky is like “Oh well, my fiancé died 🤷‍♀️”.
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Ami Mizuno is the smart one because Mercury is the planet of the mind. It determines how you think and process information. Ami is also a Virgo, and they tend to be intelligent, organized, and introverted. However with Blue (they straight up named her after a color tf), she doesn’t have much of a personality other than sassy. She speaks in one-liners, and it gives me Chandler Bing vibes.
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They gave Ami’s personality to Sara/Sailor Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of optimism, idealism, and expansion. Makoto is the most determined character out of the Sailor Senshi, with her dream of wanting to get married and owning a cake and flower shop. She is also a Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter, and they fall in love very quickly. This is the reason why Makoto goes after every guy that reminds her of her senpai. They made Sara a one-dimensional nerd by saying stuff like “Ben Franklin believed that electricity could be transmitted right through air and he was right”.
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Mars is the planet of aggression and rules over Aries. Rei is shown to be hot-headed, which is never seen by Dana. Aries tend to be competitive and impulsive. Dana is shown to like sports and planned to wear a sports jersey to a school dance, which doesn’t seem too far off from Aries tendencies, although I’m not sure if the writers were aware of it.
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Toon Maker’s Sailor Venus seems to be the most faithful out of the Senshi. Venus is the planet of love and beauty, and rules over Libra which is Minako’s sign. Libras care about their beauty. Carrie does show that she cares about her looks and what to wear. When she’s fighting monsters, she says “if I break a nail, you’re really in for it.”
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