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OP, do you think feminism is when you plagiarize women for tumblr clout?
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Imagine plagiarizing Dworkin lol
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On your other account as well
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1237 days since the Taliban banned teenage girls from school.
777 days since the Taliban banned women from going to university.
Afghanistan stands alone as the only country in the world systematically denying girls the freedom to learn.
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“peter (a young english girl)”, a portrait of the painter gluck (born hannah gluckstein, also known as peter to friends), painted by romaine brooks, 1924
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someone-will-remember-us · 3 days ago
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wikipedia is a gem
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someone-will-remember-us · 3 days ago
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someone-will-remember-us · 7 days ago
Why are men becoming more right-wing? - according to men
the answer, it would seem boils down to entitlement and misogyny
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someone-will-remember-us · 12 days ago
to all my researchers, students and people in general who love learning: if you don't know this already, i'm about to give you a game changer
the basic rundown is: you use the search bar to enter a topic, scientific paper name or DOI. the website then offers you a list of papers on the topic, and you choose the one you're looking for/most relevant one. from here, it makes a tree diagram of related papers that are clustered based on topic relatability and colour-coded by time they were produced!
for example: here i search "human B12"
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i go ahead and choose the first paper, meaning my graph will be based around it and start from the topics of "b12 levels" and "fraility syndrome"
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here is the graph output! you can scroll through all the papers included on the left, and clicking on each one shows you it's position on the chart + will pull up details on the paper on the right hand column (title, authors, citations, abstract/summary and links where the paper can be found)
you get a few free graphs a month before you have to sign up, and i think the free version gives you up to 5 a month. there are paid versions but it really depends how often you need to use this kinda thing.
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someone-will-remember-us · 12 days ago
Women in music history
You may not know the name Teresa del Riego, but maybe you should. The Spanish/English composer wrote more than 300 ballads. Her music was performed routinely throughout her long lifetime (she lived from 1876 to 1968), including at the coronation of King Edward VII in 1902. She was popular in her era, and yet, her music has not endured to the same degree as many more celebrated male classical composers.
Pianist and conductor Mary Box wants to change that — and not just to reintroduce the world to del Riego, but to many other female composers whose music has been too often underappreciated in a male-dominated classical world.
Box is the founder of the Montrose Project, a nonprofit trying to raise the visibility of music composed by women.
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Pianist and conductor Mary Box, founder of the Montrose Project.
In the audio above, she tells Houston Matters host Craig Cohen what led her to start the project, how she hopes to raise the profile of classical works by women, and why that should include composers past and present who can inspire the next generation of female classical composers.
They also discuss the role established ensembles and music schools can play in highlighting current female composers and encouraging more to take up the craft.
See comp,ete article
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someone-will-remember-us · 14 days ago
Dude showed fuck-all and thinks that somehow proves that "the West" is lying about women in Afghanistan being oppressed. As if these men would ever tell the truth regarding a woman's plight.
This is lazy propaganda and anyone who isn't completely delusional can see right through it.
(Channel name is Arab)
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someone-will-remember-us · 14 days ago
“The core of patriarchal ideology, as with all exercise of power, is not the rules but the double standard.” It’s amazing how often this point, expressed here by Kajsa Ekis Ekman, is missed by those claiming to take an enlightened stance on all matters relating to sex and gender. 
It’s not that they haven’t got part of the way there. They’ve noticed, for instance, that many of the rules relating to gender are arbitrary. They’ve realised that people with penises can wear pink, and people with vaginas can have short hair and harbour aspirations beyond becoming a tradwife. Alas, they haven’t got much further than that. It’s one thing to be irritated by seemingly random dress codes, quite another to recognise, as Simone de Beauvoir did in The Second Sex, that changing those alone “does not change the core of the problem”.
When it comes to addressing the more ingrained manifestations of gender in relation to sex — expectations of who owes what to whom, regardless of who is literally wearing the trousers — the average right-side-of-history gender identitarian gets a bit stuck. Gender as a meaningless system of differentiation they can cope with; gender as a social hierarchy that imposes different moral codes on male and female people tends to be more of a struggle.  
Placed on the spot, they might offer up a deliberate misunderstanding of Beauvoir’s famous “one is not born, but rather becomes, a woman”. This they will take to mean that being born with male genitalia doesn’t prevent anyone from putting on a dress and demanding that those around them use ‘she/her’ pronouns, as though this might magically change male/female power dynamics. Of course, Beauvoir’s actual point was to do with socialisation and the positioning of female people in relation to male ones (this is made clear in the line that follows, referring to “the figure that the human female takes on in society”). 
Woman, Beauvoir observed earlier in the text, “determines and differentiates herself in relation to man, and he does not in relation to her”:
… she is the inessential in front of the essential. He is the Subject; he is the Absolute. She is the Other.
It is not simply that he is different to her, or that differences can be exaggerated in particular ways. It’s that he matters more. He is more real. His feelings and perceptions shape what is understood as reality. This is the case regardless of whether he is wearing feminine clothing or whether he is demanding to be called “she”.
Because patriarchy operates through a system of double standards, most of the accommodating women do for men is taken for granted. Most men do not notice the degree to which their feelings and perceptions are allowed to dominate until women explicitly assert their own, thereby risking punishment and being thought of as “mean”. This is a longstanding feminist observation. As Kate Manne argues in Down Girl, a woman “is not allowed to be in the same way [a man] is”:
She will tend to be in trouble when she does not give enough, or to the right people, in the right way, or in the right spirit. And, if she errs on this score, or asks for something of the same support or attention on her own behalf, there is a risk of misogynist resentment, punishment, and indignation.
I think this is correct. Nonetheless, as I argue in my book (Un)kind, such analyses have a tendency to steer clear of how these dynamics operate in current debates over sex and gender, or within “progressive” politics more broadly. The expectation that one sex exists to take and define what is real, the other sex, to give and reflect back the perceptions of the first, is not exclusive to right-wing or ‘conservative’ groups. It is, as Beauvoir suggested, integral to how patriarchy functions full stop. 
This expectation is in fact highly visible in legal cases where women have sought to preserve the integrity of female-only spaces. In asserting their own boundaries, and the right to describe the world as they perceive it, these women are violating the most fundamental gender norms. They are rejecting the status assigned to them at birth — that of human mirror/giver — in the most powerful way. Naturally, the likes of Judith Butler, still struggling to reach “gender transgression” base camp, are oblivious to those right at the summit. Rather than applaud the woman who exposes this patriarchal double standard, the gender identitarian will accuse her of not having been kind or empathetic enough. Why couldn’t she have smashed the gender binary in a more ladylike manner — using gender-neutral pronouns, perhaps, or binding her breasts, but not actually saying no to a man? 
Nurse Sandie Peggie, currently suing NHS Fife, is one such woman facing “misogynist resentment, punishment, and indignation” for her withdrawal of human giver/mirror services. Peggie was suspended after having complained about having to share a changing room with Dr Beth Upton, a biological male who claims to be a woman. In order to make her case, Peggie has asked to use language which shows she believes Upton to be a man. Upton’s legal team have objected to this, describing Peggie’s refusal to perform her human mirror function as “disrespectful”. The judge in the case, Sandy Kemp, has decided that while Peggie shall be permitted to use accurate sex-based language, he will intervene if male pronouns are “used gratuitously and offensively on a repeated basis with no good reason to do so”. 
Reading all this, it struck me that Peggie’s case is a perfect illustration of how gender actually functions as opposed to how Butlerians like to pretend it does. To the latter, Dr Upton is smashing the binary, defying gender norms, living her truth etc. But here’s what’s actually happening: one man, Judge Kemp, is deciding that a woman’s right to describe her own experiences will be contingent on whether he feels the woman is doing it nicely enough or has sufficient need to do so. At any moment, Peggie’s right to state her own reality can be withdrawn, dismissed as unimportant in a way that Dr Upton’s “truth” never will be.
Meanwhile, in demanding to be referred to as a woman at all times Upton is effectively demanding to be treated as a man. He naturally assumes Peggie’s perceptions can be overwritten by his. He is the Subject, the Absolute, while she remains the Other, whose reality should only ever be determined in relation to his. Peggie is not “allowed to be” in the same way a man is. She is “the inessential in front of the essential” as far as both Kemp and Upton are concerned. She must ask for the most basic of things: her own words, her own spaces, and these are theirs to give, grudgingly (if at all), while weighing up the potential “distress” and “disrespect” caused by her daring to voice her needs. 
This is what patriarchy looks like. Even if Peggie wins her case, the fact that she has been put through it at all is a demonstration of where the power lies. Even if Kemp and Upton disagree on the amount of reality Peggie is permitted to define for herself, both agree that they, as the true Subjects, deserve to adjudicate on it.  
The double standard persists, with women still having to beg for the right not to serve “all these centuries as looking-glasses”. It’s time for the gender warriors who claim to be feminists to see it. Then they can get on with helping the actual rebels.
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someone-will-remember-us · 15 days ago
Once again I'll say I think it's time for women to become radically Anti-Drag. Drag is absolutely outrageous. Even if some drag performers individually are fine- men as a group have done absolutely nothing in the history of the world to earn women's trust to be able to practice this supposed artform where our image, body and identities is their canvas.
It's extremely disrespectful of them to even think female impersonation performances are something they should be able to get away with- much less be entitled to.
They can dress however they want but they need to stop using female pronouns for their characters or adding female body parts. People should see them as the male clown characters they are.
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someone-will-remember-us · 16 days ago
a 62yo man in a very small, very wealthy suburban city near Seattle, WA has been caught possessing, producing, and selling CSAM. Homeland Security Investigations and members of the Major Crimes Task Force have linked it to a larger international child sex trafficking ring. the man had business cards with sample photos of young (est. 6-10yo) girls alongside his name, number, and "project manager" on them. he also had guns and hundreds of thousands in US and foreign currencies. they found his "staging room" and photos and videos indicating the room had been used for this purpose and for live mobile casting. his houses (because he had two in this neighbourhood, where each house is typically at least $5mil but many are closer to $20mil) were five minutes from each other and just under a mile from the local elementary school. he's currently in custody.
the thing is, he had already been caught before. TWICE.
he had already been arrested (2012) and convicted (2013) for possession of CSAM in California. then, in 2014 a random check by the Canadian border police found more than a thousand images of minors engaged in sex acts on his phone. the arrest report from the border agents claims he reponded to being told he was being taken into custody by saying "that's not child porn, it's just happy pictures." before this most recent arrest in December 2024, he had only been in community custody instead of being in prison.
this story hasn't really broken yet, but I would expect (or at least hope) to see more about it in the news as more of the investigation starts to become available to the public. for now, all we have are the police reports from the arresting this guy and executing the warrants on his properties, as well as a few other relevant records. a local independent reporter and a neighbourhood newsletter have summarised what we know so far and included these documents. neither of these links includes any graphic material, but the reports themselves describe a few clips of what the officers witnessed (when they arrived to arrest him, they saw him through a window actively watching CP on a laptop).
my question is how the fuck was he still freely allowed to move between states, live so close to an elementary school, change his name, exit and enter the country, avoid incarceration, and have such light sentencing with such little supervision that he could operate and profit from a massive international CSAM business fuelled by material he himself produced, entirely uninhibited while in "community custody"??? he was able to have children in his houses after two arrests for CSAM in two states and two convictions (the first was a misdemeanor, the second a felony).
when can we start also holding judges accountable for endangering minors by letting repeat-offender pedophiles go free? seriously, how many more kids suffered because this convicted waste of carbon got an extra decade of unhindered opportunity? I want the victims' families to sue, I want this case to set a legal precedent requiring harsher sentencing, I want a justice system that isn't just a snooze button for holding rich perverted men mildly accountable. at the very least, I want major news sources to pick this up and present it as the big deal it is.
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someone-will-remember-us · 16 days ago
“The idea that women should ‘experiment’ and perform sex acts that they do not want to has become a popular model for women’s sexual behaviour in heterosexual relationships since the ‘sexual revolution’ of the 1960s. It is an idea frequently reinforced and legitimated through sex therapy (see Jeffreys, 1990). Women are still encouraged by therapists to sexually fulfill their male partners, even if they have no desire to do so, or experience pain or discomfort (Tyler, 2008). For example, in the widely recommended self-help manual for women Becoming Orgasmic, therapists Heiman and LoPiccolo encourage women to try anal sex (an increasingly ubiquitous sex practice in pornography) if a male partner is interested in it. The advice from the therapists is: “If any discomfort does occur, try again some other time” (Heiman and LoPiccolo, 1992, p. 187). The central premise is that pain and discomfort for women are not acceptable reasons for discontinuing a sexual practice, but, rather, are reasons for women to undergo further ‘training’, ‘modelling’ and coercion. Instead of understanding that using pornography as a coercive strategy is harmful, sexologists extol pornography’s virtues, stating for example that it is useful for “giving the viewer permission to model the behavior” (Striar and Bartlik, 1999, p. 61). Exactly what type of behaviour women are expected to model from pornography further exposes the way in which the promotion and legitimation of pornography in sex therapy poses harms to women’s equality. Even at the most respectable end of therapist-recommended pornography, sadomasochistic practices and acts such as double penetration, or DP as it is known in the porn industry, can be easily found. Take for example, the Sinclair Intimacy Institute, run by a “well known and respected sexologist, Dr Mark Schoen” (Black, 2006, p. 117). It consists mainly of an online store that sells therapist-recommended pornography. On the Institute’s Website, customers are assured that the pornography available is reviewed and approved by therapists who choose only “high quality sex positive productions” (Sinclair Intimacy Institute, 2007a, n.p.). Among the list of “sex positive productions” are the mainstream pornography titles The New Devil in Miss Jones, Jenna Loves Pain, and Deepthroat. The choice of Deepthroat is particularly revealing given the amount of publicity surrounding the circumstances of its production. Linda Marchiano (Linda Lovelace at the time of filming) detailed her extensive abuse at the hands of her husband and pimp in her book Ordeal, explaining how she was forced, sometimes at gun point to perform in pornography (Lovelace, 1980). She once stated that: “every time someone watches that film, they are watching me being raped” (quoted in Dworkin, 1981). That such a film is labelled ‘sex positive’ by therapists should be serious cause for concern. But Deepthroat is not an isolated case.”
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someone-will-remember-us · 17 days ago
"Two women alone in space for the first time" wrote a multitude of news article. My first reaction was to burst out laughing, before taking my head in my hands in dismay. "Alone" means "having no one else present." So how can two women be alone? Is it because they're not with a man? Can a woman exist in this world, without men, and not be alone? If 1000 women went into space accompanied by one man, would they still be alone? How many men do we need by our side not to be alone? Probably one. - Rose Lamy
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someone-will-remember-us · 18 days ago
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someone-will-remember-us · 18 days ago
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someone-will-remember-us · 20 days ago
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Always remember, the men who say “you’re gonna die alone” as an insult to women are simply projecting
He’s clearly saying that because he feels alone and is most likely destined to go out alone as well……all he needs to do is work on community for himself
Male loneliness is self inflicted and is not my problem nor will it ever be
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