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"Grant us, Lord, the necessary serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other." Reinhold Niebuhr. I am developing the interactive games Blood Legacies and New Era ,My name is Laura/Ldnunes.(she/her) N: I am not accepting ask for Headcanons at the moment.
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
hey may i ask, what copyright issues are you aware of for Arthurian lore? I know of some iterations which are copywritten (Fate, BBC Merlin, etc), but I was under the assumption the characters were free domain... sorry, I'm just worried other Arthurian interactive fics that I read could be unaware of something important;;
Actually, as far as I know, there are no such problems. So it's fine, but at the time I was still planning things, I didn't know for sure, so in the end Blood legacies turned out not to be based on the Arthurian legends.
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
When can i kill lord robert? Cant wait to kill him 🙏
(i hate all of petrus nobility except for my homies the marven clan)
#i aint no cup-bearer
it'll take a while... but you'll have the chance
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
My mc can have her legacy with her offprisings ruling the three kingdoms but she will still carve for Cecilia affection even if she have the loyalty and true love of two Queens
you like drama and anguish, huh? poor Cecilia in the midst of this
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
My MC be like: "At least my partner will be experienced". Nothing wrong in having a nice first time with someone who knows what they're doing.
Will still give Hayden shit for using Carvin like that first, though - you don't just do these sorts of things to people.
Fair, but, well. Carvin knew a little too much about where he was getting involved.
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
Ive a question, will we be able to get rid of the eye patch?
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
Ask Spoilers (Serah/Lord Marin Son)
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Yes, but you'll have to find out later so you can talk to them. And yes, he appears in the demo later on if you have saved him and choose to go with the others to the castle. However, if you haven't chosen to return with the others, you can find him again during the ball
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
Has Alexandra pegged Eleazar at least once?
My god 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
So something tells me that the Nix/Hayden poly is gonna be the messiest route. Just out of curiosity, can you tell us how much drama is in each RO route? Like scale 1-10
And the scale.
I'm taking into account the political and social problems, and of course the "drama" in the relationships
Elia 5
Caio 7
Tyler 8
Cecilia 9
Nix 9
Hayden 9
Nix-Hayden 10
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
Spoiler Ask /Patreon
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Not exactly. The creature can feel the mc's emotions, and act accordingly, as well as the mc's intentions, so that the mc doesn't even need to speak, just the intention will make the creature act if the mc wants it to. And yes, the creature will be able to sense where the mc's presence is, so finding them won't be a problem. I intend to explain it more properly soon, but the two of them may end up communicating in a more empathic way, rather than telepathically.
In the case of Mage and elemental, both can sense each other's emotions, and also each other's presence when they are close or far away. The distance can be a little difficult, but bearable over time (unlike that of the elemental and creature, which if it's too far, can be painful). The bond between elemental and mage is a rare one. It can't be a random mage and elemental, not just any mage or elemental can connect with each other in this way. It's an even rarer connection possibility than the elemental ability to connect to creatures.
Any more questions about this?
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
Is the MC still hot with the face scar? did it fade or does it still look gnarly in the future?
Also, If you choose the blinded option will the eye remain closed or like would you be able to open it but it would look like a nick fury type situation (his eye white bcuz of the flerkin ifykyk)
Yes, and the eye remains open, even covered by the eye patch. And yes, it's similar to the situation with Nick Fury's eye. the eye is more like this:
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And a much lighter, more vivid blue, the mc wasn't completely disfigured because the light elementals used their gifts to try to heal the face, but they only partially succeeded, and mc eyesight was already lost at that point, but there will be an opportunity for you to recover more fully afterwards
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
MC in the very beginning
"but the cold never bothered me anyway"
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
"yes. and Hayden learned a little too much"
Nyx come here I got a proposal for you 🗡️
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
In which book we can have heirs?
The second, but it would be in the epilogue. And I plan for there to be only 2 books (although I've thought about a third, for now, it's up to the second book).
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
I had an idea.
A bastard with Cecilia so her fans would be happy if they go to another path 👀
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
Just recently followed, I like the story while MC power is Ice they doesn't need to be cold, just wondering if MC can play match making like influence friend to like each other. Well playing as third wheel sometimes will add more humane aspect to MC and maybe good story for ROs MC didn't pursue. Not sure of there will be poly as well but won't hurt to ask😁
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it 😁 and I'll think about it, but about Poly, yes, there is a Poly V. It's Nix and Hayden as a Poly option. However, I'm still seeing if I'll develop this in book 1 or more towards the beginning of book 2, we'll see how it goes
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
Hi, I wanted to ask if, when you announce the next update, could you add a general list of the things that are new in the update?
Of course, yes. I used to do that, I stopped for a while but I'll go back to making lists of the things that are added with each update from now on
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bloodlegacies · 1 month ago
I don't know if this has been asked yet, but what animal companions have been added to the rewrite so far?
so far Direwolf, but the others will be presented soon too
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