#dante ;; headcanons
rodeoxqueen · 1 year
The Sparda Twins With A S/O Who Gets The Late Night Munchies
I’ve noticed as of late I’ve been getting out of my room at 2 AM and damn near eating everything in sight.
Will join you in your late night escapades.
His high metabolism made him a midnight menace in his younger years, shirtless and disoriented, looking for leftover pizza.
If you wake him up with the noise you make in the kitchen, he’ll join you.
“Whatcha eatin?”
“Cool. Can you boil a few packs for me?”
Eventually, you start waking him up to join you.
Sometimes you’ll get sidetracked and end up watching a show with him. The quick food fix becomes a sitcom marathon, you and Dante eventually passed out in the living room together.
Your dishes in the sink seem to add up exponentially more since your midnight habit started. You know damn well Dante is not helping with the dishes.
Is a light sleeper and notices your absence quickly.
You’re heating up leftovers when Vergil literally appears right behind you.
“My love, it is 3 AM.”
“JESUS!” You scream, dropping the plate.
He sure knows how to sneak up on someone.
Won’t join you in your late night snacking but will help you cook.
Doesn’t understand why you’re up but is still supportive.
“Could this not wait in the morning?”
“Vergil, nothing is more bussing than some ramen at this time of night.”
Helps you clean the dishes.
Enjoys spending time with you, even if it’s at the oddest hours with the strangest food combinations.
“I call this girl dinner.” You start to sing the song but Vergil doesn’t know the reference.
“That is three cheese sticks and a bag of chips.”
“Yeah, girl dinner.”
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xerith-42 · 9 months
Dante hesdcanons pls pls pls pls pls
I'll admit, I haven't given blue hair and pronouns enough love, so let's give it to him.
Dante was like 18 fresh out of the guard academy when Aph met him, compared to Garroth and Laurance who are in their mid to late twenties, and he was kind of just a little feral. Dante is just used to being a bewildering presence for people and he loves it. Like "Yes, I am basically a very tall child (5'7) and yes I will kick your ass." He likes confusing people, but he also really likes that Aph isn't thrown off by him. She treats him the way she would treat any guard she got roped into helping on a mission.
Dante's favorite color is magenta. Don't ask me why.
Dante carries on the honored tradition started by Gene of being a completely disastrous bisexual. Then again, with Garroth, Aph, and Laurance as his other role models, he really didn't stand a chance. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he thinks about the possibility of just being with Nana and Nicole at the same time. He knows it's impossible, they've already pushed the situation past the point of no return because of his and Nicole's refusal to communicate, and he can't even begin to fathom how he'd explain it to the kids if Nana and Nicole even agreed to it.
Dante's favorite sweet that Nana makes is strawberry tarts. Strawberries are just his favorite fruits and Nana is always able to make something delicious with them.
This is basically canon but I want to turn up Dante's "I love my wife so god damn much!!" energy to 11. Like even if there's problems with Nicole, especially after they're resolved, he's so in love with Nana it's ridiculous. Y'know the way Maes Hughes is in Fullmetal Alchemist about his wife and kid? That's how Dante is.
And nobody can even really be mad at him because he's so earnest and loving and especially his mentors are so proud of him for really finding love and learning to cherish it. But there is more than a few times when Dante is gushing about his wife to Laurance while they're sparring and Laurance just groans and rolls his eyes. "Dante, I literally knew your wife before you did." "But you don't understand how she makes me feel Laurance! She's so brilliant, and beautiful--" "I've already heard you go on this rant before!"
There are some days where he's sort of distant. They became more and more frequent after Aph and everyone disappeared. Sometimes he would just go out to the gates of Phoenix Drop where he waited for them, or to that spot in the forest where they were last seen. He doesn't really say a lot, just stares at those spots, letting his brain feeling the crushing loneliness of missing almost everyone important to him. History has repeated itself. Due to forces that were honestly largely out of Dante's control, he's lost his entire family.
When Nana told him she was pregnant, Dante started crying. Tears of joy, relief, terror, grief, adoration, hopefulness. He just falls to his knees while holding her hand and cries. And Nana kneels down and comforts him. She knows what this means to him, how important and yet twisted Dante's relationship to having a family is. But neither one of them doubt that the other wants this. Dante wants this more than anything.
Oh my Irene he must have been a MESS after finding out about Dmitri. I know the show gave us some of this, but he probably hid a lot of it from Aph because she hasn't been around for so long, and he saw the kind of relationship bull shit she is still kind of getting up to, so he doesn't want to burden her with this. But when everyone's gone home for the night and it's just Nana and Dante in their bed together?
Needless to say a lot of tears were shed, apologies were stumbled through, and Dante ultimately resolves that he wants to be an even better father than he is to make up for not being there for Dmitri. And Nana assures him he's already a great father (because he is), but adores how dedicated her husband is to making up for his past mistakes in a very substantial way.
It takes a very long time for Dante to forgive Nicole. He still loves her, he never won't love her honestly, but he can't forgive her for hiding Dmitri from him. Even if they weren't together when he was born, he still would have done anything Nicole needed. Whether that was keeping Dmitri in his home for a few weeks, or just giving Nicole monthly payments, Dante would have taken what he could get. He's heartbroken that after all the time they spent together Nicole didn't realize that about him. Even if he'd "moved on".
I don't think Dante is capable of moving on. He's a character who constantly gets stuck in the past and shoulders the consequences of not only his own mistakes, but the mistakes of many others around him. Even when he tries to move forward, his past keeps coming back to bite him in the ass.
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ruinaimagines · 1 year
I love you and I am throwing money at you mentally (drop that link if I can do it genuinely)
Can you write Dante x Reader where they're both healers but the reader is more "if you get out of bed after spraining your ankle I am wrestling you to the ground" (to compliment Dante's "PLEASE DONT HURT YOURSELF" vibes)
First of all, I love this dynamic, and second I am kicking my feet at this THANK YOU SO MUCH! My goodness, I don’t have anything special set up because I was unaware of the potential support I’d get, but if you are interested I do have an ol’ cashapp with the name $Aeroroot or VIA paypal! https://paypal.me/aeroroot?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US . I want to specify it is totally optional as I get a lot of joy solely from your enjoyment alone, but if you want to go the extra mile then I thank you especially!
Dante x Healer Reader Headcanons:
I love Dante but lord do they need this extra help. Both recovering memories from amnesia with no clue on how they got here, in charge of a group of unruly sinners who get killed practically every single mission, and going through excruciating pain every time they have to bring them back. Not pleasant!
Honestly a bit of a pushover and I say that with love. Do I blame them? No, but sometimes someone else needs to help out a little around here. And that someone happens to be you, which Dante is very grateful for, if not a little… Concerned.
You seem to be the only one aside from Sinclair maybe who pays attention to the strain that bringing people back puts on them, whenever anyone approaches them for trivial injuries you snag them into your grasp and usher them to sit down.
They look up to you a bit for your strong sense of self, and lack of fear when it comes to dragging people back into their seats no matter the complaints so you can patch them up. Some are easier and more patient than others, some are a little more rowdy (cough Heathcliff cough Ryoshu cough). Still, you seem to have no fear putting someone into a headlock so you can bandage them even if your main skill isn’t meant to be combat.
Dante has witnessed you firsthand tackle sinners to the floor who were about to be staggered with very little sense of self preservation. Despite being so determined that the people around you are in good shape, it doesn’t seem to extend to you in your mind.
Will insist that you need to be just as aware of your own quality as you do anyone else’s. Surprisingly not that afraid of scolding you, probably because they know you won’t retaliate. It’s all out of care too.
As stubborn as you are, you are very appreciated by your colleagues, even ones like Heathcliff who may complain but ultimately are thankful. You have a sense of authority without even intending to, many follow your advice because they know that you’ll just haul them back to bed.
As for your and Dante’s relationship, I can see them being initially intimidated but glad for your assistance. You even check in on them from time to time, claiming that they are as important of a patient as anyone else. They’re a bit confused because they don’t directly participate in fighting, but you reason that the pain they feel from rewinding time counts as enough of a reason to look out for them. 
They do make the mental note to just comply with you if ever they get injured themselves. Your sheer will to keep people in best condition, including the force you are willing to apply to do so, is something they do not want to reckon with.
I imagine that if they did get injured and attempted to leave, likely with the reasoning of ‘the sinners need me to bring them back’, a single glare from you would shut them up and sit them down. You tell them that they can resurrect them later, right now they are not budging.
Despite not really having a face to make expressions with you have learned to understand how they feel from body movement alone. When other sinners are pestering them to heal them back up, and you visibly see the hesitance, then you will step in. 
You don’t really see Dante as your manager (sorry bud lot.
Dante doesn’t actually know the first thing about healing. They just rewind back time and through some miasma of events everyone is back in one piece. Watching you get to work yourself is so interesting because you actually know what you’re doing. They will stare over at you to try and figure out what is going on and take little notes, like you’re teaching them.
Upon your repeatedly voiced concerns, your colleagues have learned to stop relying on Dante to fix the smallest of wounds, most of them at least. Your manager appreciates this greatly as it gives them a breather from the repeated experience.
When neither of you are busy and some questions have been brought about, Dante will come to you to ask them. It’s easy to forget that they remember almost nothing about the city or who they are, but they find that you seem to be willing to answer even the most minute of inquiries.
You are a lifesaver both literally and figuratively and they appreciate that you take some weight off their shoulders. That said, you also give them constant heart attacks by the fact you are not afraid to plunge into extreme danger to drag someone else out. Are you two exploring a building and you hear someone familiar yelling outside? You will do whatever you can to get to them quickly even if that means jumping out a two story window. It’s like a summoning call for you.
Dante is very adamant on restoring you even if you tell them not to. They see it as the least they can do when you’re so willing to sacrifice yourself not only for the sinners, but them. Your words to stop letting people walk all over them come back to bite you, because they will not take no for an answer.
Generally more comfortable in coming to you for advice considering the trust that you have gained from them. They quite literally have been thrusted into a position they know almost nothing about, and chances are if they don’t learn fast then things are about to go downhill real fast. You yourself aren’t a manager – you’re a medic, but your decisive nature is something they respect even if you can throw yourself impulsively into situations to save another. 
Considering how you put others before yourself, you likely are on the more empathetic or compassionate side too, even if it may not show in the same way that Dante’s does. Obtaining the Golden Boughs is a rigorous and emotional process for every sinner, and Dante doesn’t always know what to do. There isn’t ever one clear answer, but they may come to you for how they should approach it.
The confusing things going on in their own head never really got to be talked about until it came to you. Not always are they looking for a fix, because a lot of the time there isn’t one, but just someone to rely on.
Dante is adorable, and I think that a large reason why you care deeply for them is because of how they are like a fresh canvas, free from the city’s imposed expectations. They’re just some honest, worried person who has yet to become shut off to being vulnerable like so many have. It’s refreshing, and yes most of that is caused from memory loss, who they were beforehand is a complete mystery, but that doesn’t change who they are in the moment.
Dante likes you too because there’s a sense of special camaraderie between you two. Whether it’s because you both deal with the aftermath of battles together, or because they find you both genuine and look up to you, they often stick by your side. You both stay exhausted and overworked, but it’s not too bad because hey, you’re in it together.
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suvidrache · 1 year
Dancing with Demons
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 107 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad
Featuring: Dante, Vergil, V, and Nero.
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Dante loves dancing!
He'd do just about any dance.
May not know all the steps to the tango, but he will learn for you.
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Vergil doesn't really like dancing.
He would prefer to watch you.
He would only learn a dance if you taught him it.
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V would prefer to slow dance.
Something that's nice and slow, and doesn't take too much energy.
Something that would last a lot longer.
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Nero doesn't dance often.
He wouldn't break out and start dancing randomly like Dante.
He'd be okay dancing whenever you want him to.
He would either watch you dance or join you if you start randomly dancing.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag list: @phantomheiko & @thevoidwriting / To join my tag list apply here!
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sparx-png · 1 year
One must imagine Dante at his local laundromat
with his sword on his back and everything
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dmc-brainrot · 1 year
Hello! Dunno if you do headcanons or not, but I have an ask for you. How do you think Dante would behave when he's in a disagreement/fight with his s/o? I see him as a rather conflict avoiding person, tbh. If there's a problem he'll do his best to ignore it and sweep it under the rug. Which is obviously not good, neither for him, nor his partner. So it really takes something special to force him to acknowledge the situation head on, I think.
Also. Do you think he would be first one to apologize afterwards or nah? Or depending on who's wrong? Just gimme some thoughts. Or don't, up to you :)
Have a nice day!
Dante (DCM5) Headcannons (part 1):
a.n: I think the whole ‘sweeping it under the rug’ behaviour would be the most accurate for him, but here’s some of my own!(i never did headcannons before so apologies if the formatting is weird?)
After a disagreement:
Dante is the first one to leave the argument, either by saying ‘I am not arguing with you right now/about this’, or simply walking away and leaving you talking to yourself
Dante is not a good listener when you share your argument, and rather ignore it completely to avoid stressing about it
Dante doesn’t raise his voice, but I don’t think he’d make eye contact either, especially while you’re talking, always looking down or to his surroundings as a way to deflect his attention as well
After a fight (yelling, etc):
I feel Dante would let you scream alone, and this is a double edged sword because it could  be perceived as manipulative (since you’d be seen as the emotional exploding mess and him the calm and collected rational guy), but also mostly because he REALLY doesn’t want to waste his energy yelling or getting worked up
He’d be the quiet type to just let you exhaust yourself, and then maybe have the audacity to ask ‘are you done?’ afterwards
I think to make him actively participate in a fight like this, it really would depend of the subject, if it’s something he perceives as unimportant by his own standards (even if in a general sense, it could be important), he is not going to give himself trouble getting personally involved
I think also that the only way to make him ‘care’ to participate is to really hammer it into his head until he snaps (which is also not really healthy for neither side), because I feel Dante is also the type of person to think one conversation fixes the problem, and once he realizes that’s not the case and you keep bringing it up, he’s going to eventually get fed up and then participate to see how to end it for good. But again, you’d be the one who’d have to lead this, which can be mentally exhausting.
a.n: also I know all of these make him sound like a terrible person, but I think toxic behaviours don’t necessarily make someone an exclusively toxic person, and all of these passive behaviours CAN be changed through enough communication
Who’d apologise first:
This is a toughie because I think Dante would definitely apologise first but mostly to end the argument faster, and only after you properly discuss everything that he’d give a genuine apology and offer to make it up to you somehow (can be an extensive process)
When he’s wrong, I think the more severe it is the more he’s going to try to avoid seeing it as his fault, because he wants to do things his way. In this case, I think the only way to get him to apologise first would to let him get his shit wrecked lol, to really beat the pride out of him
Final Thoughts:
Overall I think Dante when it comes to arguments, fights, and etc, is a really passive guy. He may give off the impression he doesn’t care or as dismissive, but I think mostly because he doesn’t know how to solve problems without fighting or killing. Throughout the games, from what I could gather, specially in DMC5, he lacks communication and prefers to handle things his way than to actually sit down and have a talk. Talking for him is just fighting, but with his S/O I feel he’d be at such a loss on how to handle the situation properly, it’d take a lot to make him go from “seemingly uncaring” to “understanding”. The main issue would be the ‘sweep under the rug’ mentality of him letting things pile up before they explode in his face, because he’s the kind of guy to say he can just ‘fix it later’.
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ykaarus · 9 months
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I am a Dante dad bod truther 💪🏾💪🏾
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phonkscribes · 11 months
Dante probably hates when his nails grow out the most. They’re sharper than a normal person’s and grow back faster too, with the tips being pointed no matter how he seems to cut them. They seem to hold this claw-like shape, and they’re always there whenever he enters his devil triggers. It’s a bitch to fight with nails, and he hates the way they feel dragging across something, especially skin. The only good thing that comes out of nails like his are scratching his scalp or head until he draws blood. He hates them so because it’s like his body is rebelling against his wishes to be human, even after coming to embrace his demonic heritage for the greater good and all that, it’s still a little uncomfortable at times. He’s put up with it now, granted it’s a part of him, and that’s not really something he can change much himself.
At the very least, he knows he doesn’t toil with this alone. There’s Trish who also knows what it’s like to have a body that doesn’t quite abide by her wishes, having been made in Eva’s image while being able to make it her own. Her and Dante probably have talks about it sometimes while she helps to do his nails and have little spa-days on occasion with Lady(at Dante’s expense of course.) This way it’s relaxing, even if they’ll grow back in a day or two, and he doesn’t mind getting pampered every now and then.
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[XIII - Death] ; Are they willing to date someone else?
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Fandom: Devil May Cry
Characters: Dante, Vergil, Nero
Relationships: character x reader
Note: There it is, another dmc arcana drabble after a long, long time. As always, please leave as many comments as possible I love to read them.
Hugs and kisses,
With Dante, it’s difficult to decide. It can go two ways. It was already difficult for him to let someone into his dangerous life. To let someone else in is highly improbable. Unlike Vergil and Nero, it’s Dante’s experiences with relationships that hold him back. He never had much luck in his love life and that, combined with everything else in his life, makes him cautious when building relationships. On the other hand, because it worked out between the two of you once maybe his game is not so bad. Maybe he can give it another try. I picture him as a guy who wouldn’t break up with you on bad terms, and you two could remain friends or acquaintances even after your breakup. In that case, he would ask you for advice or your opinions, if you’re open to it. Likewise, if you were to pursue a new romantic relationship, he would encourage you. If you were to leave the relationship prematurely, meaning you passed away, it would more difficult for him. It would take a special kind of person to mend his broken heart. They would also have to respect that he would still hold you dearly in his heart. Somewhere in there is a special place meant just for you.
In Vergil’s case, it’s not as much of a matter if he would want anyone else, but if anyone else wanted him. He’s…not easy to understand, even harder to love. He’s aware of his flaws though. He would handle the breakup better than the other two, simply because it’s easier to emotionally detach himself from certain things. But sometimes, in the dead of night, he would lie awake in his bed, thinking about your shared past, and feel a twinge in his chest. Then, he would look sideways at the spot you usually slept in and realize it was empty. Another reason Vergil would probably stay alone is entirely practical and unromantic. He would have to get used to someone new, and that’s just too hard for this hermit. He probably wouldn’t have problems residing with Dante in Devil May Cry for the rest of his days, surrounded by books and cats to keep him company. His brother may be annoying sometimes, but he’s still his family and Vergil does not mind Dante’s company as much as he pretends he does.
Nero’s still young so I can’t see the reason why he would not find a partner. Don’t be mistaken though, it’s not easy for him either. Nero is a sweet and honest man. Out of all Spardas, he’s the most emotional one. Nero’s not the one for occasional hookups or casual relationships. He won’t be fooling around with someone unless he gets something real out of it. It’s hard to say what kind of relationship the two of you would have after a breakup. You would not be friends per se, like with Dante, but Nero would be nice to you. If for no other reason than the bond you once shared. When the breakup is still fresh, he’ll immediately dive into work to get over it. After some time, he gets back into the dating scene. He’s of age to have a dating app and I can picture him finding someone new that way. But not before some hilarious dating fails. Some of them even became funny stories to pass amongst friends and family. That is if he’s not too embarrassed to share them.
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ghoulsister1 · 1 year
☆•☆Dante With Punk!Reader Headcanon☆•☆
Requested by @bucketinyourwalls
Who says punk is dead?
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When Dante met you, he could tell right away you were a firecracker. Lit the fuse, step back and watch the sparks fly! And sparks flew between you two that's for sure!
You were a punk too. Dante could tell by your dress code. Anarchy symbols, spikes, punk rock band t shirts, doc martins, denim jacket and various accessories adorned your figure. Your hair had shaved sides but not shaved as in completely, with a big strip of hair like a mohawk in the middle. The hair got spiky when you gelled it up some days.
You had a mouth and could fire back just as good. Your humour was kinda dark at times but not deep dark or too dark. Dark enough that it was funny. Some would say you had a few screws loose and you'd agree with them on that!
But what some people didn't know was that you were always a kindhearted and caring person. You stood up for people who weren't able to fight back and you weren't afraid of a scrap or two.
And another thing they didn't know, was that you were a Devil Hunter. But Dante knew a hunter when he saw one. And he was impressed.
Your signature weapon of choice was a large steel blade that you'd attach to your arm. You also had a specially customised pump action shotgun that Dante couldn't help admiring.
"Nice gun you got there!" Remarked Dante, impressed. You smirked proudly.
"Had it made by Nico" You Said and Dante chuckled. He could definitely tell it was Nico's handiwork alright. That girl could whip up anything and it would slaughter demons effectively and with style!
You moved in with Dante at his place, becoming his partner and you two would take on jobs together, hacking and slashing up demons and devils with sick moves and all the while, having some laughs and jokes along the way.
There was injuries. Comes with the job naturally. Understandable. Dante had no problem, being half Devil came with a great healing system. You being human was different but somehow you could keep up with Dante. Though at times when you got injured a little too much, Dante saw you had a stubborn streak, like him almost.
"Y/N, just rest up and heal. Me and Vergil will take care of the demon until you're back on your feet okay?" Assured Dante as he patched you up. You shook your head.
"No! Come on Dante, I can take this demon on! Let me atta 'em!" You Protested. Dante sighed.
"Just relax for now. I need you alive to fight demons okay? Please?" Pleaded Dante. He admired and appreciated you, he'd be heartbroken if you lost your life because of being stubborn.
Of course, when your scruffy half Devil is pulling the best puppy eyes, how could you refuse him?
"Okay Dante. I'll rest up, just promise me you'll be alright" You Smiled softly. Dante chuckled and pressed a kiss to your head.
"I promise" Dante Promised with a smile, making you smile.
On days you two had no jobs, you two would chill out. Ordering up some pizza and soda, blasting up some heavy rock and punk music on the jukebox, playing snooker and doing bets with each other.
"If I win, I get the last slice of pizza and you have to clean the place up!" Teased Dante lining up the cue stick. You giggled.
"Alright, if I win I get the last slice of pizza and YOU have to pay the electric bill!" You Teased and you both laughed.
Sometimes Dante would win, other times you'd win and there was times you both tied.
Whenever the electric was cut, you'd two huddled up on the couch in blankets and with lanterns, telling each other stories and if your phone was charged up, you'd listen to podcasts or music, just snuggling away as your half Devil purred away. You didn't have to worry about being cold, Dante was practically a hot water bottle!
And whenever Morrison would restore the power, you two would celebrate by watching your favourite TV shows or rocking out together with jukebox on full blast.
Patty would sometimes visit Devil May Cry. She'd take you out shopping for pink and more girly clothes. You didn't mind her style and didn't mind trying some on, but you ultimately wouldn't wear the clothing. You did wear a cute bracelet that you did find charming though, but that was it really.
You'd train with Dante, having sparring matches and practicing your skills with your shotgun and blade. You'd also train with Trish and Lady at times two, you becoming close to the two hunters and admiring their skills and power.
You also tried sparring with Vergil at times. Though you had to persuade him at times. One time you took the Yamato and he was pissed.
"Give me back my sword!" Demanded Vergil angrily. You stood, holding the sword tightly.
"Spar with me then" You Replied, smirking.
"Insolent brat. You either give me the sword or I'll take it back by force" Warned Vergil stepping closer.
"Try it then! Come on, spar with me! I need the training!" You Cried. Vergil sighed.
"Fine. I'll take it back by force. Let's spar" Vergil Agreed.
It was over in a few mins. Vergil got his sword back but although you were defeated, Vergil was impressed by your bravery and eagerness to keep up with him, so he whenever he could he'd spar with you on occasions and Dante was happy seeing his brother and you get along.
When you and Dante officially started dating more, you also got close with Nero. You'd try and look out for him even though you knew he was more than capable of taking down demons. But Nero appreciated your concern and you two would hang out in Nico's van, talking about your past and how you came to meet Dante and how you got into Devil Hunting and music tastes.
"So punk music is thing?" Asked Nero. You nodded.
"Hell yeah. Been into it since I was a kid" You Replied smiling. Nero smiled at you two.
"You and Dante are totally made for each other" Nero Remarked and you chuckled.
"That we are Nero. That we are" You Smiled proudly.
You and Dante just fit so perfectly together, you two are definitely a powerhouse team and couple. Demons tremble and Devils cry when they see you two heading their way!
❤️Thanks again for the request! I enjoyed writing this very much! Hope you enjoy the headcanon!❤️
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imma-write-stuff · 1 year
Crossover Headcanons: Dante Reacts to His Adopted Jotnar Kid Reader Helping Nero Fight Vergil With Their Shapeshifting Abilities (Some Vergil)
Author’s Note: I’ve been watching too much DMC and God Of War Playthroughs. I’m planning to play both of them soon I’m excited. This was inspired by Atreus and Angrboda. Love these two so much.
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- I think Dante would’ve laugh his a$$ off watching you and Nero. Seeing you using different animal forms to screw with Vergil or at least distract him.
- Vergil would be like: Wtf?
- But at the same time he would be a bit worried about your safety. However you kept a safe distance and used different ideas to keep his brother on his toes. This would ease Dante a bit.
- After the fight is over and you return to human form to check on Dante. He would let you know he’s proud of you and Nero in his own way.
- I can imagine Vergil wondering what kind of being you are, you were clearly not human but not a demon or a devil. I think Dante would explain to his twin during their thing in the Underworld.
- Vergil is wondering how a Jotnar managed to come to this world and how of all of people you choose Dante to be your adopted dad. Dante reveals what you been through losing your family to Odin. How you managed to escape thanks your bio parents, meeting you and all the jazz.
- Vergil is curious, he read books about Norse Myths in the past. (He’s got questions,)
 - Dante will tease his brother how he try to shoo his kid while you were in bird form. Or you biting his ankles in mouse form. (Why does this image makes me laugh idk lol)
- Vergil: -_-
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rodeoxqueen · 1 year
How the Sparda brothers help you study.
Howdy darlings. I wrote this on account that I will be spending the rest of the summer studying for the GRE.
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Is absolutely no help.
Helps however with distracting you when you really need it. Great at accompanying you during study breaks.
Will order you a pizza to save you and him cooking time so you can keep cramming.
“You need food for your brain, babe!”
Brews the strongest cup of coffee you can ever have. Had you wired for days.
Doodles on your old practice tests. Used a scantron as a plate once.
Dante doesn’t care much for school but supports you none the less.
Will drive you to your exam location on that devilish motorcycle.
Great at massaging the tension out of your neck, studying over his desk all day.
When you get your results back, he’s going to be the most supportive of whatever score you get. If it’s not the ideal, no biggie. If it’s exactly what you wanted, Dante practically pops a bottle of champagne open.
Supportive from a distance as knowledge is part of the pursuit for power.
Might read through your test booklets to understand what you’re up against.
Thinks you’re so much smarter than him for taking this exam but will never admit it.
Makes Dante give up his desk for you to have ample space to study.
Silently brings you nourishment when you’re too invested to get up and get a bite to eat.
Cuts a portal for you to access your testing location. Nods sagely at you and wishes you well.
He will literally cut whoever grades your papers if you don’t get the score you want.
Would have cut them already but he knows you want to do well by merit and not by your connections. Offer is still on the table.
When you get your score back, Vergil will silently express his empathy as you either get your ideal score or do lesser than expected.
If you don’t do as well: “You will prove yourself once again. Do not lose hope. You will prosper in the next trial.”
If you do well or even better than expected: “I knew you would succeed. I had no doubt.” + kiss on the forehead.
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Super invested in your academic success.
Will read the reading sections out to you.
Will help act as a pseudo proctor so you can get into the testing mentality.
Grades your papers for you.
Brings you tea and is sure to make sure you don’t overdo it with the caffeine.
His familiars have a bad habit of distracting you. Especially Shadow. Damn it you adorable cat the desk is not a bed get off the desk!!!
Wants you to succeed so badly it hurts to see you so stressed over this exam.
Asks Dante nicely for once to take you to your testing location. He owes him one. He’s glad to.
“My sweet, do your best and know that is enough.”
He’s there to offer his arms if you don’t do as well and soothes you, promising to be there for the continuation of your studies.
Also embracing you if you do get your projected score or better.
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writingwarthog · 2 years
Dante’s №3 on Spotify is Cupcakke
You can’t disagree with this
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checkadii · 3 months
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suvidrache · 11 months
Could you possibly do Dante x Depressed!Reader?
If not no worries! Love your work! <3
Dante's S/O Has Depression
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 154 | Read it on AO3
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Dante wasn't the type to be sad and depressed. He kept himself entertained in any way that he could. Whether it was with pizza, women, or even magazines. He kept himself entertained and never bored with anything.
When you came into his life, he was slightly oblivious to your depression. It wasn't until you refused to come from your room. Preferring solitude and quietness, he began to think something was wrong. He tried offering you some pizza to help you get over your cold. When that didn't work, he tried his best to make you some soup. It was burnt, but he tried. You would have to tell him that you were depressed. Even then, he was still kind of confused and oblivious. You would have to walk him through it and help him understand. From there, he would do what you told him to do and do his best to help you out.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @imagineherbrightskies, @sunmoongoddess, @queendeeshorrorimagines / Join my tag list here!
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starhvney · 3 months
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: garroth, laurance, dante, travis, zane, vylad, blaze, daniel, dottie, katelyn, lucinda, nana, & cadenza
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, slice of life, headcanons on the characters on a beach vacation!
𝐂𝐖: none!
𝐀/𝐍: justice for not including the zvahl siblings during love love paradise or starlight in mys, rip you guys would’ve loved a beach vacation. anyways it’s summer guys! i’m not even a huge fan of summertime but i kind want to go to the beach?? so weird cause i’m totally a zane when i’m at the beach
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☆ if it’s a surfable beach, he’s going straight out to the waves
☆ i mean, look at him, he looks like the classic surfer boy from the 2000s
☆ gets really excited if you surf too or want him to teach you
☆ he comes back to slam down some sandwiches before he tries to run back out. you have to pull him back and restrain him to put on more sunscreen and let his food digest.
☆ he always wants to stay or at least come back to watch the sunset over the ocean. it’s the best part!
☆ also goes out to surf with garroth, but he’s not as good so he comes back to shore sooner than garroth does
☆ he’s the guy you go to for getting good beach pics, he just has that good artistic eye
☆ he actually prefers going out to the beach in the evening/at night, loves shell hunting and walking along the boardwalk when everyone is quietly fishing or minding their business. plus the weather is cool! he loves how peaceful it is.
☆ this freakin goober 
☆ bro will purposefully let the ball out frisbee fall into the direction of groups of people he wants to talk or flirt with because so he can have an excuse to strike up a conversation
☆ when he gets bored he will be nagging everyone to go eat at the seafood restaurant “it’s like a five minute walk from here and i’m hungry guys, come on!”
☆ professional swimmer here! well, not really, but he was really good at it in highschool! he competed and everything. someone always has to swim out and yell at him to not go out too far, cause he’s always trying to swim out to the third sandbar by himself
☆ comes back and his face and shoulders/back are always more tan because the sunscreen wore off and he was swimming all the time. (not the pale leg combo, is this just as bad as a farmer’s tan?)
☆ comes back starved from using all of his energy swimming and trying not to drift away from where you guys are on shore, ends upp eating too many sandwiches and everyone gets mad at him cause there aren’t enough
☆ lathers himself in lotion and sunscreen and is either staying under the umbrella or dunking himself into the water
☆ he’s really not a fan of the beach, he’d rather vacation in the mountains or something like that, but he still goes since everyone else is going
☆ he just hates the humidity, the texture of the sand, and the stickiness of the salt water. it’s just not his thing
☆ he keeps how miserable he is to himself, but the silly little grumpy pout on his face says everything
☆ like someone get him a drink with a lil spike to it please the poor boy looks like he’s on the verge of death
☆ he’ll enjoy himself a lot more if you give him a sweet treat or if everyone goes to the pool after (except for the…incident)
☆ so chill. he’s such a great guy to lounge with
☆ brings a book to read or a sketchbook, loves to sketch the different kinds of people on the beach and what they’re doing. (major people watcher)
☆ something about everyone else being busy and him being there so calm makes it so easy to get into a deep conversation with him, you two could talk for hours and not even realize the time has passed
☆ oh my gosh
☆ he’s all over the place
☆ wants to build a sandcastle! no, wait, that’s too boring! wants to play frisbee! dang it, he threw it too hard and now he’s running through the ocean like a madman trying to get it back from the waves! shell hunting? nah, he’s gonna race that person’s dog down the shoreline cause it barked at him so now he has to show him who’s boss!
☆ sandcastle building king
☆ spends the whole time dedicated to building the most extravagant castle, hauls a huge bucket of the sand molders and starts digging a moat immediately
☆ someone has to come regularly just spray him down with sunscreen cause he’ll forget the world around him and most definitely get burnt
☆ you might pull him away from building if you offer him a sandwich
☆ eventually you may learn that just bringing an extra umbrella and putting it over where he’s building is the best option
☆ she wants to be at the beach to play, not relax!
☆ beach volleyball? she’s in until there’s no one left to compete with! (her and katelyn could compete against each other for hours) frisbee? heck yeah, she wants to play frisbee!
☆ she loves going to those outdoor showers to wash off all the sand, then is so excited and looking forward to the crazy good nap she’s going to have back at the hotel/condo/rent house. won’t wake up until everyone decides to go eat at a restaurant for dinner
☆ if you can’t find any sunscreen, you can without a doubt go to her and she will have some
☆ gets super competitive with beach volleyball
☆ if no one wants to play volleyball anymore she ventures out into the ocean and doesn’t return until it’s time to leave
☆ if you’re not scared of going out too far in the ocean, she will go out with you to where you can reach the bottom and calmly jump over the larger waves. she could do it all day
☆ she’s another person you have a good bonding talk with while chilling out in the ocean, she opens up to you and you learn stuff you had no idea she had even experienced before
☆ opposite of katelyn, has hawaiian tropic tanning oil on her at all times
☆ doesn’t go into the ocean unless she’s ready to go straight to shower off. can’t stand the sticky feeling of salt water and then going back into the sand
☆ is the one who brings the speaker, and she has such a good beach playlist
☆ sunbathes and sips on a drink the whole time, queen really enjoys herself
☆ she goes to whatever nearby beach bar there is to order the drinks that come in pineapples or coconuts and has the umbrellas in them for everyone
☆ packs an entire picnic for the beach
☆ like, legit carries a full icebox with a selection of drinks and a bag full of sandwiches, chips, sweets, etc. 
☆ is obsessed with seashell hunting! she gets so excited when she finds large or colorful ones. she runs to everyone when she finds a conch shell telling them to listen to the ocean inside of it. brings home a small collection every time and has a box full of (mostly pink) seashells in her room.
☆ has so many swimsuits and outfits planned
☆ if yours gets dirty or messed up she drags you to her suitcase to choose from like ten different pairs and combinations you can mix and match.
☆ makes handmade jewelry from different trinkets and shells she finds, she goes hunting for potential charms with nana
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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