astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
Just a quick note apologising for my slowness. My fibromyalgia is flaring up so typing is hard. 😭
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
Nonverbal RP Starters
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
What kind of relationship does your muse want with mine?
❤️ romantic 💛 platonic 💙 family 💜 mentor/mentee 💞 friends with benefits 💕 unrequited love [specify who] 💚 rivals 🖤 enemies
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
replied to your
Hey guys, I just need some advice for want of a...
if you’re concerned about not covering a particular trigger, you can always stick it under a read more too!
I didn’t even think of that! Thank you thank you thank you! 
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
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“When I point up, it’s bright. When I point down, it’s dark. What am I?“
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
Hey guys, I just need some advice for want of a better word. I’m working on an intro for Rebecca from Eden’s Zero and since it is going to be angst fueled and essentially her having a panic attack about being away from Happy, does anyone have any specific trigger tags I should be aware of aside from, well, #tw:panicattack.
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
❝ Apartment 350? ❞
𝓘t was almost as if the princess appeared out of literally nowhere to assist the stranger. Star was terribly attentive that way… Come to think of it, Star had been living in the city for maybe half a day now and still hadn’t discovered the townhouse she had been assigned upon entry to the city.
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❝ Hey, I think I saw some apartments over this way!!  ❞
Mind you, Star only associated apartment buildings with normal buildings considering the real estate in Mewni and Echo Creek. How different could they be? There was probably a plaque or something stating apartments, right? And then… maybe this lady can help Star find … a townhouse.
There was no way Lucy hid her gasp at the sudden apparition. 
“Yeah, I have no idea what an apartment would look like here...” Or anything for that matter.
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“Do you think so?” Most of the buildings were nothing like any she had seen. A townhouse would probably have been an easier destination for the mage. Then again, finding one would be a needle in a haystack. 
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“How would you feel about coming with me? I’ll buy you a treat as a thank you.” Well, food worked with most people, what was the harm? And she would be truly grateful for any help. It was daunting being alone in an unfamiliar city even if she had technically been there before.
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
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“…So your name is Lucy, yes?”
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“Yeah, that’s me. We met once, but that city was different, maybe you are too. I’m still trying to understand things here..”
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
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“Does not seem of any use, where it is.”
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“And what is that supposed to mean!? My head is of great use I’ll have you know!”
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
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 “But I suppose if thats what people do for fun… then again you make it sound like you were forced into it. “
Well there was no judgement here at all, Muzaka having seen worst things since he became the wolf lord so someone cosplaying a fetish isn’t something he would judge at all. Considering that its probably a great deal more cloth then what he’s used to. 
“They do...”
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“but I was forced...” Oh the memories, how they made her shiver,  “I know some strange people.” For the other outfits, she had no such excuse. Though, given her current circumstances, she would give her left foot to be able to access one of her star dresses. 
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“Aha, I’m Lucy.” 
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
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 “Of course not. Its a good boat and powered by eld technlogy. Given to me by the Mikado himself. “ He stretches, one arm over the other, lean built but filled with muscles for someone his age. fluffy ears perking up and down as he figures out what to do next. He trained already this morning, at the very least he won’t let his sword skills get rusty. 
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 “They take away everything that makes a person powerful. I understand that.”
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 “And you, young lady. What did they take from you.”
It was hard to keep her eyes from his ears. They were oddly cute. A thought that reminded her of someone. Pushing it aside, she considered his words. 
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“‘Eld technology’? I’ve never heard of that. Is it a power source?” Now she was very curious. 
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“Ah...they took most of my keys. Without them, my magic is limited.” She said with a hopeless sigh. 
Though, in her case, it wasn’t simply a limitation of her power that caused her such anguish, but being cut off from the spirits those keys connected her to. Her friends. 
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
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“What good is a mage with such limited magic?” 
If talking to herself was the first sign of insanity, then Lucy was well down that rabbit hole. Carelessly letting her shoe-less feet tease the water of the Koi pond, it was hard for her not to succumb to melancholy. 
Her head told her to suck it up and get a job but her heart was still longing to be home despite knowing from experience that she wasn’t going anywhere any time soon.  
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
Was it a relief that there was a library in the city? For Lucy, the simple answer was ‘Yes’. Having access to literature from a number of different worlds was perhaps the only perk of finding herself in Spirale. 
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“I wonder if they have my novel..” a small, embarrassed laugh followed as she glanced at the small white ‘dog’ at her feet, “That’s a little vain, right Plue?”
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“Pun pun~” 
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
Who are you thinking of reapplying?
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Brandish and Kofuku. 
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
“When I was here last time, there was really just that great big hole,” Lucy said, aimlessly wandering as she tried get her bearings. It was disorientating, not to mention frustrating being back somewhere again but finding that everything had changed. Still, at least she had Plue this time. 
Speaking of...
Noticing that her small dog/bug/Nicora companion wasn’t replying with his usual, enthusiastic ‘pun pun~’, she stopped and looked at the spot beside her where the spirit had once been.
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“Plue? Plue?!”
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astralsummoner-blog · 6 years
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When you should be writing or making icons but you’re two busy resisting the urge to app old characters and lurking.  
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