#danny is a fanfiction writer
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dpfantasyzine · 3 months ago
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bibliophilea - Tumblr | AO3 | Website Lilianade-comics - Tumblr | Instagram Maebird - Tumblr | AO3 | Bandcamp
Phantasmal Nights is a fantasy themed Danny Phantom zine available for preorder digitally, in print, and with merch! For more information on the zine, check out our pinned post. Preorders open Dec 13 – Jan 23.
Title: Death Spiral
Summary: A Madoka Magica AU, in which Jazz is a magical girl with time-based powers, going through timeloops trying to save Danny from dying. Spectra is a witch — a creature of despair — who remembers the timeloops and wants Jazz to become a witch.
Content Warning: Death, Violence, Light Gore, and Suicidal Ideation
The shadows swarm.
“Failure! Failure! Failure!”
“Your fault! Your fault! It’s always your fault!”
“You killed him! You did this! You keep doing this!”
“Monster. You’re a monster. And you know it.”
“What kind of sister are you?”
The thoughts reverberate—each her own voice, promising to destroy her—but imagine the sweet release—
And finally, the telltale claws slither up her shoulders.
Jazz snaps her hand out, grabbing Spectra by the neck.
The swarm disperses, revealing a leering shadow cut from Jazz’s figure.
“I told you to leave my brother alone.”
“You never visit, and when I call you, this is what I get? Pity.” Spectra’s claws linger on Jazz’s pulse.
“Danny is off limits!”
“You know how bored I get. Eating the same misery again and again gets stale.”
Jazz wills herself to remain stony.
“I could do with some fresh teenage angst—”
Jazz unleashes a wave of blue energy, rapidly aging Spectra’s figure. Releasing the witch, she turns away.
“That was for Danny.”
Spectra cackles and slowly dissolves. “I missed our sessions, Magical Girl.”
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•~{ Heyyy so you gremlins choose this one out if the poll so here you go! }~•
•Cafe Ghost•
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A new cafe has opened just on the edge of Crime Alley.
It’s in one of the old buildings that was a front for one of the older gangs that have long since been destroyed. It’s known to serve anyone as long as you don’t do these five things.
1: Insult the Employees or the Owners guests.
2: Try to hurt or have hurt anyone in the cafe.
3: Mess with the alley delivery kids.
4:Do not lie to the alley kids about payment they always tell Owner.
5: Make promises you will not keep.
If you do anything on this list your going to get cursed into silence or something worse if it’s the Owner but if it’s the Employee you’ll just get back talked to hell and back or in worse case stabbed. But no one in the alley really cares as the food and drinks are so good and cheap for Gotham so even the alley kids who don’t work there can get food and the Alley doesn’t rat out safe spaces.
But it has caught the attention of the Bats for the mysterious nature of the Owner and his Employe so three members of the family will go undercover and investigate the cafe
Damien and Tim will go undercover as Dion and Ivan who are two Alley kids that are looking for a way to make money the legal way after being backstabbed by their old boss. And Jason will be going as Otto who is an ex-con who is also looking for work after getting caught by the bats a few years back.
Let the investigation proceed.
Danny was just going about his [ half ] life.
Danny came out to his parents about being a ghost and him being phantom with jazz there and Sam, Tucker listening in with a go-bag if they need to skip town fast but that wasn’t needed as his parents immediately went into apologizing for what they said and how scared he must have been and omg we shot our son!!!
So that when very well after that his parents views on ghost changed for the better and thankfully they cut all ties with the G.I.W even if there still somewhat a problem but their manageable so as long as they all keep them at bay it should be fine.
And Jazz “accidentally” •~{ I heacannon that Jazz hates Vlad with a passion for how weird he is about Danny }~• and everything he’s done and how he acted towards Danny…let’s just say the Fentons were in need of new Fenton-bats as all of there’s were bent out of shape.
Anyway with the less stress from having your parents shooting you every other night his grades have been get better admittedly slowly but there getting better! And everything in Danny’s life has finally chilled out and he can just relax.
Until Vlad decided to be a problem.
Vlad after healing from the beating the Fentons gave him, his obsession started to change from marrying Maddie to taking Danny as his [Not in a romantic way like the Batfam will think, IF I SEE THEM BEING SHIP HERE YOU WILL BE BLOCKED THAT IS A CHILD AND A GROWN MAN] so he had to get Danny and keep him but with the Fentons protection he couldn’t get Danny that way so he kidnapped Dani who has come back to Amity park to visit Danny Mama and got grab by Vlad.
Vlad started to destabilize Dani to create a new clone as a place holder until he can grab the real Danny, But he was unable to destabilize Dani all the way as Danny blasted through the wall and grab Dani and booked it back to his house. [This is very simplified, I’m just shit at writing this type of shit]
So 16 year old Danny and a de-aged 2 Dani ( Who has been renamed Arsa ) feeling very uncomfortable and unsafe with Vlad being around but as Danny’s still in high school and under Fentons protection and not to mention Danny would finish the job his parents and the portal couldn’t.
So he stays until he finishes high school well it was a bit more difficult to keep his grades up with his new daughter but he managers and when he graduates he gives his family+Sam and Tucker a way to connect them and promise to visit every once and a while and books it to the ghost zone and into his liar where Vlad can’t get in as Danny wouldn’t let him.
And Danny + Arsa stay there for 11 years [on the earth side of it ✨Time difference✨] well visiting everyone when Vlad was in the ghost zone doing what ever shady shit he does or trying to get into Danny lair and when Danny feels like Arsa and protect herself from whatever may try to hurt her they move back and decide to move to Gotham as amity park is far to close to Vlad then Danny likes to be.
And they open the cafe just for some extra play money and for fun and that’s how we got here.
•Little Facts•
•Danny is trans in this Au
•Asra doesn’t have memories from when she was Dani but she does have feelings
•Maddie and Jack are keeping the G.I.W at bay so they don’t start a war and keep Vlad on his toes while Jazz is in star city as a therapist or psychiatrist
•Danny and Asra choose what age they want to look like so Danny picked 21 and Asra will also probably pick 21 but she still wants to act like a kid or teenager for a few hundred years before than [it’s for Dani who never got the chance to be a kid or teenager]
•Danny somehow found a beanie that looks exactly like the one Dani wore and gave it to Asra as a gift now she wears it with her dagger pins with the magic Danny taught her :)
•Danny is really good at magic, the Fentons think it’s because down the line they most like had witch’s and fea folk in their family tree
•Jason starts to have a crush on Danny after seeing him beat the shit out of Vlad or the Joker or the alley kids
•Danny mother hens the shit out of the alley kids and the alley kids love it as most don’t have the best parents, Damien and Tim are no exceptions :)
•Danny has chilled out with age but is still a feral fucker at heart, Asra doesn’t hide it
•Asra call Danny “Mama” or “The boss man” when on the clock and will call Danny “Papa” if she feels like it
•Asra added to the Vlad and Danny misunderstanding because she is tired of having to deal with this vampire from Temu
•Danny and Asra are always up to some good old gender fuckery
Dannys appearance•
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[Danny likes to wear pants when working so the skirt doesn’t get stuck on anything]
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[ But when he can wear skirts and dresses he makes sure to add pretty shinys ]
Asras Appearance•
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[She likes pants not much to say]
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•~{ And that’s it I hope this is what you gremlins wanted until next time byeeee }~•
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snaileer · 1 year ago
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A writers haunted past.
I’m literally having this issue with a fic right now🥲
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kettlefire · 2 years ago
DP x DC Angst Prompt
Inspired by the song Preacher by Roe Kapara
"This is a distress signal from Amity Park Illinois." A scared teen girl was the face to meet the staticy camera. Red hair pulled up in a messy bun, tear stains clear on her face, eyes rimmed red.
All options were running out. They had two days, two days before the hunt began. Two days before they lose everything.
A distress signal, broadcasted on loop, over and over again to any frequency they can get their hands on with the limited equipment they had.
"This Friday, at 3:15am, my town is going to make an irreparable mistake."
A soft clang rang from somewhere of screen, but that didn't shift her attention.
"My town, my home, has fallen to the manipulation of a deranged woman."
A choked sound came from off screen, sounds uncomfortable close to a sob.
"Amity Park has always been disconnected from the rest of the world. A small town, in it's own small world. Things have been happening here for the past two years, and now..."
She paused, glancing off screen before wiping her face.
"Now we aren't enough to save it. We did took too long to notice the cancer that was spreading. The hysteria combined with fear of the unknown that drove out town to follow her.
My name is Jasimine Fenton, I'm here with my father Jack Fenton. My mother, Madeline Fenton, is the reason the world might be facing war."
The video footage grew worse, static starting to over take the image and the audio.
"Dad, we're losing it!"
"Sorry Jazzy-bear" The new voice clearly came from a man, even if he stayed clear of the camera view. A moment passed before it was fixed.
"We don't know how long we gave before they find us, but... My baby brother Danny Fenton is going to be brutally hunt down Friday morning.
There's no time to put all the information needed in this signal, but I'm begging anyone who sees this. Please send help.
Anyone who has spoken against the plan has been imprisoned, the only ones from the team that's fear is us."
Jazz let out a shaking breath, staring off screen for just a moment before coming back, fresh tears rimming her eyes.
"All Danny every wanted to do was protect his home, and all he got in return was pain and hatred. Please, you might not know us, but you need to know. Danny holds a high position with in the ghostly realm.
Whatever you want to call it, the ghost zone, the infinite realms, or purgatory. Doesn't matter, all you need to know of the living kill Danny, the ghosts will rage war."
A heavy thud filled the room, the camera seemed to shake at the sound. Fear filled Jazz's face.
"Dad, they-"
"It's okay Jazz, finish the recording, they can't get in yet."
Jazz nodded, moving toward the camera. She seemed to cup it in her hands and tried to speak over the loud thud that continued to penetrate the area.
"We're running out of time, I hope this reaches someone somewhere. More than anything, I hope this reaches the Justice League.
Reaches them before Friday. Before the world is in true danger. Danny is the only link to peace between worlds. Don't let a woman driven by hatred be the end."
This time instead of a thud, it sounded more like a crack. The camera shifted and a view of a large man built like a tank was caught. A strange gun in one hand, and what looked like a strange grenande in the other.
"Jazzy-Bear, there's an escape tunnel in the back. Go, I'll hold them off as long as I can."
"No! I'm not leaving you!"
"No. I don't care, I'm no use to anyone by myself. We need to stick together."
"I'm setting the recording to loop."
Loud crash broke through following another crack. Heavy footsteps followed. Voices screamed through the air.
Jazz's face filled the screen completely as gunfire could be heard.
"Please send anyone, I can't lose my baby brother too."
And just like that, the screen went black. Barely a couple seconds passed before the screen lit up again.
The video starting from the beginning. Hoping for anyone to view it.
A cry for help cycling through an endless loop until it found it's self broadcast for the League.
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robinsegghead · 3 months ago
Not sure if this counts as the ao3 writers curse, but the day i started writing a new chapter i got struck with a two week illness that left me bedridden for 3 days and without a voice for 4 so....
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hunterrapunzelao3 · 1 month ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Danny Fenton/Jason Todd Characters: Danny Fenton, Jason Todd, Red Hood's Henchmen (DCU), Batfamily Members (DCU) Additional Tags: Mentioned Batfamily (DCU), they sorta appear at the end, but they're not really important to the plot - Freeform, Inspired by Fanfiction, it's linked below, Sex Pollen, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Bisexual Danny Fenton, because I say so, Gay Jason Todd, Red Hood Identity Reveal, to Danny, his family already knows, Protective Danny Fenton, Confused Danny Fenton, Kidnapped Danny Fenton, Smut, Fluff and Smut, My First Smut, Well - Freeform, my first published smut, Not Beta Read, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Bruce knows that Danny is Phantom, but nobody else does, Danny Fenton is a Justice League Member (DCU), he's technically in the reserves until he graduates, College Student Danny Fenton, Relationship Reveal, Established Relationship, i guess, Mildly Dubious Consent, Red Hood is Pollened, But Danny isn't, He's fully aware and willing, Don't Like Don't Read Summary:
Danny was having a normal day.
Until he got kidnapped and delivered to fucking Red Hood.
Jason as Red Hood gets pollened. His men hear him mention a Danny and find the one he was referring to. Danny is dating Jason but doesn't know he's Red Hood yet. He's about to find out ~real~ quick
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promptcorner · 4 months ago
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Cody and Danny for a fic— A Phantom Indeed, I’m gonna turn it into a comic. That’s the big news.
Time to put my Cartoonist Certification to use.
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bluebird8683 · 3 months ago
Wing AU!
Before the accident, Danny has regular old swallow wings (pretty common) but after the accident, he losses the ability to use his wings (as it was his wing that pushed the button in stead of his hand in this AU).
Danny adapts to no longer being able to fly, until a ghost attack happens and his wings are taken as collateral from protecting his classmates in human form. As a result of the injury, his wings have to be surgically removed.
Danny's echo doesn't like this, so Danny regrows wings... except they are no longer the swallow wings that they were before, they are now the red ones of a cardinal (known in certain circles to carry messages from dead loved ones).
This is an issue, because now Phantom also has wings (skeletal ones, but wings all the same).
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dpfantasyzine · 2 months ago
We're happy to present a preview of the animatic collaboration between EP阿佑, Bibliophilea and FiveRivers! The preview can also be viewed on EP阿佑's youtube.
The full version of the animatic will be available in Phantasmal Nights, a Danny Phantom fantasy au zine! Pre-orders will be open till January 23rd, 2025. EP阿佑 - Tumblr | Webtoons   Bibliophilea - Tumblr | AO3 | Website Five-rivers - Tumblr
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cursedzucchini · 2 years ago
Ok i just wanna add my little idea; he'd write fix it where Lizzie and Charlotte ended together. Bc as much as Lizzie and Darsley (apologies i definitely spelled that wrong) r cute together, when i was younger and my parents played it for me and my siblings in the car, we kinda agreed Charlotte and Lizzie def have something going on. So the fix it would just be the two of them together but Jason would vehemently deny it's actually a fix it. Like the in the summary there's an 'explanation' that this isn't fix it bc how could he, a simple guy who knows nothing could ever wish to fix something by the goddess Jane Austen????? No way people, fix it just kinda....... Fits the best..BUT ITS NOT FIX IT OK??'
Alright now a whole different thing i thought of. What if, Danny wasn't Jason's fan, but rival?
Bc listen that shit has so much potential. Danny would be writing his own fanfiction (warrior cats popped up in my head, might not be a good idea but I'm rn really tired so I'm putting it here anyway) but like half of the comments are about how this xxxnightbirdxxx has a FF under the same name and some imply it's so much better. So Danny, a proud 12 yo goes to this night bird's account and reads all of their work so he could properly destroy criticize them.
But unfortunately, Danny loves their fanfiction. And all their other stuff. BUT! He cannot let that deter him!! And so he gets into all the stuff Jason did (even reads pap lmao) and writes his own fanfictions.
Jason on the other hand is doing good. His fanfictions are pretty popular, not that he cares. ......if only this xXxnightblobxXx stopped annoying him!
First Jason didn't really mind, since to be honest nightbird isn't that similar, but than he discovered they wrote a fanfiction for the same fandom w the same name!! And while yeah it's not a crime, the comments r still annoying.
And than!!!!! The blob has the audacity to start writing under the same fandom?????? And roast him in the notes???????? Without even having the guts to tag him???????????? Oh hell no, Jason's gonna destroy him.
And so starts the rivalry ✨✨ yay!! Tbh both of them think the other one has only one goal and that is to make them miserable. The fans who started this don't really mind bc even if both of them have wildly different writing habits, they're gonna get double the content!! That's a win win right there fellas.
Anyway this goes on for 2 years, and both of them go from casual writers to fandom legends, bc their rivalry?? Immaculate.
Whenever they have to put an oc in there, they parody each one another, but it goes from "waah, I'm annoying i copy the other ones work" to a whole ass elaborate characters which are sometimes even more fleshed out than the canon characters. It's fuckibg hilarious, like some people just read their work to know the lore of these two.
And yeah maybe along the way they become more friends than rivals, but it's not like they realize it, or even gonna tell the other one. Like seriously they even gave each other their phone number so they could shit talk each other's work. They're very serious about this rival stuff.
And than.... Yeah stuff happens. Jason doesn't post on time and while Danny worries, he's trying to get closer to his friends, so maybe he could check on the other after he hangs out w his irl friends? They're just gonna visit the basement it's not like something can happen haha.
...anyway. Danny becomes phantom, and he totally forgets about his fanfiction career (and legacy, seriously ur fans r wondering if y'all committed suicide ala Romeo and Juliet, where are you guys??)
Years pass by, Danny's still superheroing, Jason gets resurrected, becomes red hood, Danny gets caught by giw, Jason does what he does as red hood, Danny permanently shuts down the portal, Jason becomes lil more sane, Danny has a falling out w his fam, Jason has falling in w his fam and suddenly they're both 22 and and don't quite know what to do with their lives.
Anyway Danny faintly remembers writing something and...posting it? He's not quite sure, his memories of that time r quite fuzzy, and lots of happen since then, but he's pretty sure he had lots of fun. So he hacks (bc there's no way he remembers his password from 10 years ago) into his old email, and oh. Oh wow, he was pretty cringe lol. He goes through his works, and laughs and cringes (a lot) and sees this guy xxxnightbirdxxx. And remembers.
Wow young Danny had no chill... To be honest he's a little embarrassed over what he wrote and what he said. It wasn't even that bug deal. But it's obvious Nightbird was also a lil kid, so it's not that big of a deal.
He's about to check his pap fanfiction (bc he forgot he even read that...... And looking at the summary he must've read it several times, because some of these details and theories...... Oh wow) when a notification comes. Danny's curious who he followed as a little kid so he plans on checking them out when...
It's xXxNightBirdxXx. They updated after 8 years.
Danny cracks his screen, when he sees what they posted.
It's rewrite of that one (warrior cats) fanfiction they met over.
But Danny is an adult and not a petty 12 yo and he can be mature. Yeah, this is making him feel lots of feelings, but an adult. He's not gonna have revive his rivalry w a dude that obviously had enough problems to disappear for 8 years.
That is, until he reads the posted chapter.
Because bird, that copying piece of shit, used some whole ass passages from Danny's fanfiction!! They reused his ideas, and only changed them a little!! They didn't even give him credit in the notes before the chapter!!
Danny reads the whole chapter until the end. He's still trying his best to be an adult, and not be petty, but that all goes out of the window, when he sees the end author's note.
There's no credit for him, but more outrageous is in Danny's opinion his excuse for not posting for 8 years.
(I'm.imagining the nite looks something like this:
[hello lovelies I'm so sorry i didn't update for so long ;^^
I had some issues irl, and it's not quite solved, but that's life right haha
Anyway i guess i owe you explanation. But I'm sure you can imagine. I died, i was resurrected, i was brainwashed by an evil cult, almost killed my brother, i reread pap (it's still as good as i remember), almost killed my brother (different some), caused some mayhem, became a villain, started a gang, tried to take revenge for my death, had a reconcilation w my family, baked some cookies and became an anti hero.
Well i never really thought i was gonna come back to this account, but yesterday i couldn't sleep, and when i looked at the computer in the morning, this was there, so... I guess take it? I know it's not that good, but I've been busy killing people, so i think it's ok.
Anyway thank you so much for your worries, all your comments really helped me through a lot, and in the future you can expect some new projects!! (Recently i read shattered and boy do i have some thoughts)
So bye till next time])
Danny didn't even realize he was typing out a comment, until he posted it. He was just so angry!! How dare bird just disappear for questionable amount of time, and than come back and just..... Use Danny's explanation for why he was away??? Also obviously they must be joking, because ghosts aren't able to use electronics unless they are specialize in it or something idk. So overall Jason's comment was very insensitive to the ghost community. (This is basically just Danny getting offended over nothing, bc sometimes u just hate ppl and it doesn't matter what they do, I'm not sure I explained it in such a way tho)
Anyway Danny's comment is basically gaslight gatekeep girl boss lol. He accuses them of not actually dying, of copying his work, and of making fun of people who survived death.
And Jason, who was kinda nervous about this, sees this random dude, absolutely unprovoked, telling him he didn't actually die? And yeah, maybe every other author after longer hiatus says they died, but he actually did, so he thinks he has the right to say it.
And so starts Rivalry™ No 2. <3
Like Jason responds Lowkey agressive, and they trauma dump each other and it's beautiful. They exchange phone numbers (again) and i imagine their conversation going like.
Danny: ok gimme a proof u actually died
Jason: *sends photo of his death certificate, like he will prove to this Twink that he died, even if he has to reveal his secret identity dammit* what Abt u huh?? Do u have any proof????
Danny: oh wowwwww so now we shame halfas for no one noticing they died?? Wowwww that's sooooo mature. I bet you even have a grave
Jason: that doesn't sound like an excuse at all. You definitely died, just no one noticed, really.
Danny: I'm sorry for dying in my parents basement???? And that no one discovered my body before i ressurected?????? What the hell dude, not cool. Also doubting how someone died is really dude. You yonlungsters don't know how good you have it
Jason: so your town just have ghosts. And no one heard about it
Danny: i already told you, this local billionare
Jason: this... Vlad masters??? That doesn't even sound like a real name *Jason did not research this, he doesn't care if he's wrong, he just wants to argue lol*
Danny: we had a whole invasion!
Jason: and the justice league never heard of it??? Doubt it
Danny: how do u know if they heard of it or not?? Are you their secretary
Jason, about to call Bruce and become he's secretary: actually i am
Or something like this lmao.
I'm kinda imagining this becoming more and more heated, until Danny mentions pariah, and Jason goes wait a minute this sounds a lil concerning.....
And Jason also mentions the rage and Danny goes yhhhh maybe dude actually died????
And now their biggest concern is how to tell their families, their rival of 10 years who they met through writing fanfiction, might be in something in their jurisdiction.
DPxDC Prompt where when Jason dies, his AO3 account goes sadly untouched for an uncharacteristically long time (considering his near-weekly updates prior to his death). His sudden absence does not go unmissed by his dedicated readers, and Danny’s always wondered what the hell happened to xXxNight_BirdxXx.
He mostly forgets about it– too distracted by the portal accident and fighting ghosts– but Danny never unsubscribes.
Years later, Danny just about breaks his phone when he gets an email notification saying that one of his favorite old fanfics updated. It’s one by xXxNight_BirdxXx, who he’d all but assumed fucking died (considering the guy also dropped off of the other community tabs he used to frequent).
When Danny checks the update, the author’s note is… a little strange. He thinks that xXxNight_BirdxXx might be joking about dying, coming back and digging his way out of his own coffin, and then getting sidetracked by revenge for a few years, but… well, Danny’s seen weirder.
Danny decides to take the most obvious course of action: subtly trying to ask this man a few ghostly questions through his comment section. 
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anonymous-existences · 6 months ago
Chapter 6: Flooded and Shut-Out Memories
Ƒҽąɾ ìʂ ահąէ ʍąҟҽʂ ą Ƕմʍąղ Ϛҽղէìҽղէ, ìƒ ղօէ էհҽղ... Ⱥɾҽ վօմ ҽѵҽղ հմʍąղ ąէ ąӀӀ?
Dante stopped talking for a moment, something wasn't right.... He needs to find Danny quickly, Dante wandered around the Gala Venue and he couldn't seem to find Danny.
Dante hid in the men's restroom for a moment and then in the mirror of the bathroom a sticky note remained plastered, a bright neon green he will always never not recognize.
Dante took the Note with haste and read the words written, it made him furrow his brows in worry and anger, his eyes flashing a bright neon green with red rimmings.
"It's all for Daniel's Happiness....."
"Fucking Clockwork- that BI-..." Dante held back his anger and crumpled the note before stuffing it deep in his pocket, he tries to change his face expression as to not make anyone get scared because Danny wouldn't have wanted that.
Dante stared at himself in the mirror slowly calming down, his hair's flames slowly turning back to normal hair and his eyes slowly fading down to a normal green. Dante fixes his tie as he walks out of the restroom, furious that he even let Danny walk away from him. His hand balls into a fist as he walks around both calmly but hastily, he found Vlad who was chattering around some other rich influential people.
Vlad glances at Dante and Dante gave him The Look which in turn made Vlad excuse himself promptly away from the crowd, he carries Ellie gently away from the table of treats.
"What is it? Where is Daniel?" Vlad asks with worry laced in his voice, although subtle he is still very worried. " I can't find him, use the tiny pink Badger to find him." Dante stated bluntly as he pulled out Clockwork's Note, "the Bastard who's Bitch is Time sent this." Dante handed the note to Vlad, Vlad read it slowly and blinking to backtrack what he just read before realizing what clockwork possibly meant.
"Ellie, Princess, will you find Daniel for us?" Vlad kneels down to Ellie's height, Ellie nodded and giggled before running off as soon as she was told a 'favor'.
Dante and Vlad nodded at each other before Following Ellie's little tiny running steps, Danny was infact in the other side of the hall chatting away with Damian Wayne who Vlad told not to interact with but oh well too late for that now.
"Danie—" Vlad was about to speak out to call for Danny but then.
A gas canister seemingly fell out of the higher floor right near Danny. Damian out of Reflex upon seeing a gas canister immediately wrapped his hand's around Danny and jumped back as it promptly blew up, green gas leaked into the room sending everyone in the perimeters In a panic, the three half dead ghosts reflexively stopped breathing. But Danny isn't used to that yet so he covered his nose as Damian literally tries to run through the crowd with Danny to get him to safety.
But more gas canisters fell, surrounding them as each of them exploded one by one releasing even more gas.
Most of everyone was prepared as they brought an emergency gas mask, Danny does not have one.
Vlad and the 2 pink Badgers were given gas Masks even tho they don't need it, but they continued their search for Danny, hoping to find him in the crowd.
Ellie was floating and invisible trying to find Danny, She wasn't so successful as the gas clouded her vision rendering her completely unable to find him. Danny on the other hand was with Damian.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Put this On" Damian tries to convince Danny to put on the gas mask. "But that's your only one! I'll be fine!" Danny just pushes the gas mask back at Damian's Face.
Damian needed to get Danny to wear the mask immediately as the gas was closing in fast. But Danny suddenly grabs the mask and puts it in Damian's Face And Clamped it down as the Gas closes in on them.
"Danny-" Damian was stunned as Danny's eyes flashed a neon green, Danny was also stunned. His human heart beating unevenly at a fast pace, Danny gasps for air inhaling more of the gas as Damian tries to get him out of the gas.
Danny's mind was foggy, he saw Damian holding him... Is it Damian— he doesn't... Remember....
Danny could hear the beating of his heart through his ears, it was loud and impending as if it was beating for the last time, Danny's mind slowly fogged with memories.
Memories of his death, he looks up trying to tell Damian he's hurt but all he sees Infront of him was the portal.
The portal his parents had made and had not yet been opened, he stared at his hands, he was wearing black gloves and he hears Sam and Tucker telling him to be careful going inside.
He felt his body...? No. Soul move towards the portal, No. 'I don't... I don't wanna go. please... It hurts..' Danny thought as he tried to pull himself away from the portal but he just wouldn't budge.
And then.
He tripped and heard a click as he stumbled down and pressed himself on the wall to not faceplant.
For a moment he looked up and all he saw was Green.
Everything hurts.
The voltage running through his veins.
His blood.
The ectoplasm seeping in his DNA slowly fusing itself with each other to try and keep him all alive.
Yet somehow being alive hurts more than being dead.
It hurts.
Ꭵ𝐓 𝓱ยя𝐓丂 丂Ø мยĆ𝓱.
He heard tucker and Sam yell out his name, he felt his skin burn but their gentle touch on his body as well, he felt the tears dropping in his face coming from his friends as the voltage continued to run through his delicate body.
He heard jazz Crying out his name trying to wake him up, the worry in her voice felt drowning but comforting at the same time, he felt her hug his body despite not seeing it.
It was warm... Unlike his own.. unlike his flesh and bones.
He is a a child who did not deserve to feel such pain.
A child.
Who's name is Danny.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Danny Screamed from the top of his lungs, Damian was taken aback.
"H-HEY!" He tried to calm Danny down but Danny kept screaming, curling up and gripping on his shoulders and anything in his body he could touch, it was as if he's in immense physical pain that Damian could not understand.
Damian got Danny out of the crowded and Gas filled Halls and Trying to snap Danny out of his fearful trance, Danny's scream slowly became irregular in tone as if he's phasing in and out of reality.
Danny scratches on his body and suit arching himself as he screamed in pain, his eyes flashing green to blue and a white pair of rings appear on his body, slightly phasing in and out as well his appearance inverting everytime it does.
"Damian!" Bruce called out in worry as he heard the screams coming from Danny.
"Father!" Damian called out, his face contorted to a mix of worry and fear in itself as Danny continued to cry out..Tears were rolling down Danny's cheeks as Damian clutched him in his arms trying to prevent him from hurting himself even further.
"I think... He's a meta and the fear gas is doing something to him!" Damian said as Danny Slowly Calmed his body, exhausted and losing consciousness.
His body completely shut down due to the memories his brain is trying to shut out. Damian ca korried Danny out of the gala and into the outside of the venue where He saw the 'Masters' running to them with haste.
Damian was scared... For the first time in so long in his life he was scared for someone else, Danny's heart has slowed down in a rare that's not normal for a human being. His body was cold and it's almost as if he's not breathing at all.
"DANNY!" Dante Jamie Masters called out as he ran to them. Damian almost stepped back as Dante took Danny gently yet also unexpectedly from his arms. It was odd. Dante didn't have a mask but he was obviously submerged within the gas along with the other 'Masters' yet there were completely unaffected by the Gas.
The police arrived shortly after and restraining in everyone who was affected by the gas, Dante stayed by Danny's side embracing him both gently and tightly holding back the tears that are on the edge of his eyes.
Ellie stayed by his side too holding Danny's other hand as he remained unconscious, yet his body twitching partially due to the shock and the effect of the ectoplasm and the fear toxin trying to fight each other and due to his body phasing in and out of life and death.
It hurt him, Dante knew it.
Dante knew that it hurt Danny so much... And he wasn't able to prevent it this time, But next time he will.
He swears to god he will prevent it next time, he swears to his soul that he will prevent it.
Robin and Batman arrived at the scene and Robin immediately ran to Dante and Danny.
"Is he okay? W-we can take him to the hospita—" Damian stopped speaking as soon as he saw the three flinch when they heard the word "Hospital".
"N-No... No hospitals please... He doesn't like it..." The little Ellie says, Robin looks at Batman who was still talking to the cops as Scarecrows failed attempt to invade the gala was overthrown by a single mistake of a canister falling.
He was arrested once again and soon to be back in the Arkham Asylum. Despite that it still made Robin furious.
He turns his head back at the trio but before he could speak he was interrupted by none other than Vlad Masters.
"Please do not worry, Robin. We have... A personal Doctor that Daniel Trusts in our home. I promise you he will be in utmost care." Vlad says, his voice filled with worry but also wariness.
He stared at Robin as if he was a suspicious entity, or something. Someone to not be trusted too much.
Robin could only nod but felt Someone touch his hand.
It was the little girl, Ellie.
Ellie puts a pink star sticker in his glove right above the Aries Star Constellation Sticker Danny had put.
"For your comforts- maybe.. I don't know! But... Danny says to put stickers on people who are doing a good job." Ellie smiles gently, although she was wary of Robin she still had the guts to walk up to him and put the sticker on his hand.
Robin was merely stunned but quickly got back to his senses and pats Ellie's head gently. It's as if these siblings brought out a soft side to him that he never even knew existed.
»»———-ℕ𝕠𝕔𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕖'𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞———-««
"𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ℙ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕞...." Nocturne greeted Danny who was sobbing his eyes out in a dream like state. Nightmarish even, as so Nocturne Decided to get him out of his mental hellhole as per requested by someone and also by his own favorable accord.
Nocturne was only contacted by none other than Clockwork himself as preparation for when Danny enters a state of mind where he cannot force himself to wake up essentially forcing his physical body to... rest.
Although the way Clockwork does his stuff for his so called "Dear Grandson" is not very much commendable, it's still a way he supposes. Truly not the best but there's always a worst for anything.
"Nocturne...?" Danny's voice was soft, broken even, it made nocturne's core wrench but he kept his good mysterious smile and slowly approached Danny but Danny stood up and embraced him.
Nocturne merely embraced him back as gently as he could.
"𝕀 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕤𝕦𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕤𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕪, 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 ℙ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕞." Nocturne replied with a small chuckle, he's annoyed at himself for having slowly finding favor in the ghost child but not that he hates it and neither can he go back to the way he did before.
"I'm sorry... I'm just.... So scared.." the little Phantom sobbed in his arms, Still wearing his tiny aurora borealis looking ice crown.
Nocturne chuckled and pressed Danny's Nose.
"𝕀𝕥'𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 ℙ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕞, 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕕𝕠 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕚𝕥." Nocturne smiled wider and ruffles his hair gently and pressed his forehead subtly against Danny's.
Danny just nodded and buried his face in his chest as he slowly fell asleep in nocturne's arms.
Nocturne then slowly placed his head in his lap and caresses his hair gently letting him sleep and rest peacefully without the nightmares for now.
["𝕀'𝕞 𝕥𝕠𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕘𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕓𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕧𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣." Nocturne muttered to himself with a mischievous grin.]
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lavenderauthor · 9 months ago
Title: "Kidnapped" by A Teenager by LavenderAuthor, Incomplete (RIP Constantine's Sanity) (16.5k)
Rating: Teen
Fandom: Batman, Danny Phantom
Relationship: Danny Fenton & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Danny Fenton, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Batfamily Members (DCU), Danny Fenton & Frostbite
Summary:  It was supposed to be a simple outing for the various members of the Wayne Family— legality notwithstanding —but then a simple message was sent in the group chat by Jason upon his disappearance's notice: "Going to Doctor's. Might be back by dinner"
Was it sudden? Yes, given he had come to the mall with them, but they tried not to worry. This was Jason, after all. The man probably had "crime lord" business to handle that allowed him an easy out of socializing.
It only became worrying when dinner went by and he was seen walking into a camera's blindside at the mall with a teen but not exiting the mall.
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robinsegghead · 22 days ago
I love reading comments from people thinking theres a plot hole in Danny's Daycare but really, all will be revealed in due time.....
*maniacle laughter*
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hunterrapunzelao3 · 27 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Danny Fenton & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members (DCU) & Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton & Selina Kyle, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Characters: Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU), Duke Thomas, Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, Skulker (Danny Phantom), Selina Kyle, Mentioned others Additional Tags: Jack and Maddie Fenton are Trying to be Good Parents, they are but they have issues, they're trying but it's slow, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton is a Little Shit, Bruce Wayne is Danny Fenton's Biological Parent, Selina Kyle is Danny Fenton's Biological Parent, Skulker is a Little Shit, He knew what he was doing, Danny Fenton Has Issues, both in canon and fanon, Family Dinners, Wayne Manor, Chaos, chaotic family dinner, which I'm pretty sure is every Wayne family dinner tbh, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Not Beta Read, Ecto-Contaminated | Liminal Jason Todd (Danny Phantom), The Author Regrets Nothing, a little crack-y, Identity Reveal, Write or Request the Fanfic you Wanna Read, Oneshot, GIW is an Acronym for Ghost Investigation Ward (Danny Phantom), Mentioned Guys in White | GIW (Danny Phantom), Mentioned Anti-Ecto Acts (Danny Phantom) Series: Part 3 of DP x DC Oneshots Summary:
Danny's having family dinner with his newly found family.
He hasn't told them he's a halfa yet with a ghost form.
At the time he figured it was Future Danny's problem.
*Ding Dong* the problem is here so now it's Current Danny's problem.
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spookycreeture · 9 months ago
Metas of The Dark Knight
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An art piece for my fanfiction Three Boys, Their Heroes, and a City Called Gotham. This thing fought me every step of the way, but somehow, someway, I got it done. So enjoy! WIPS below the cut (also please click for better quality lol).
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The Apocalyptic Support Group
Chapter 2 Update!
Check out the link below!
Another Thursday, another alien invasion for the Justice League to handle. Only, this alien overlord has announced they will be summoning the most dangerous beings Earth has to offer to complete a challenge to prove Earth's worthiness.
Everyone's expecting Justice League heroes to show up in the challenge arena. When a scrappy eleven year old, two teens, and a meek, nerdy reporter are summoned in their place, the world goes nuts.
Clark Kent, Tim Drake-Wayne, Danny Fenton, and Billy Batson now have to work together to complete the challenge -without exposing their secret identities to the world.
This is gonna be fun.
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