#dane x beatrix
skloomdumpster · 1 year
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says i’m his favorite
yeah i fucking better be
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mordredisacoolname · 1 year
Characters: Bloom Aisha Stella Musa Riven Sky Beatrix Silva Dane
CW: mention of spicy times, age gap in Silva's part (reader is over 18)
Note: I've only watched season 1 so I'll add more characters later on
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BLOOM- she just started drifting to sleep when she heard light tapping on her window. Opening her eyes she saw you signing for her to open the window. When you slid in you laughed at her surprised look. "What are you doing here?" She had asked, but you just smile and kiss her.
Bloom will be nervous at first, but than she'll ease up and will drag you to her bed to talk, not risking anything else to not wake up Aisha.
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AISHA- she was doing her homework, quietly to not wake up Bloom who was already sleeping when she noticed you waving outside the window. She instantly started worrying as she thought something happened. She opened the window letting you in "did something happen? Are you ok?"
Reassuring her everything is fine and you just wanted to see her, she'll tell you how irresponsible you are and try to shoo you away. You will eventually surrender and leave, but not before teasing her and kissing her goodbye.
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STELLA- she was getting ready to sleep when she heard a tapping on the window. Turning her head towards it she saw you waving at her. She smirks, going to the window and letting you in. "Hey handsome" she said and kisses you deeply, feeling your hands wrap around her waist.
She has no problem with it and is happy you came. She'll invite you to bed, sitting on top of you. You'll have to be quiet, no matter what you do, but you do have your privacy as the other girls all sleep in other bedrooms.
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MUSA- she already sensed you coming up, so she opened the window and sat back down on her bed, taking her headphones off. You slid to the room and saw her smiling at you. "Hey" you said and hurried to jump on her taking her head in your hands and kissing her. "Hey yourself" she said drawing you closer to her.
She likes this hour of night, when everyone is asleep and she has her peace and quiet. But sometimes it gets lonely, and she enjoys your company, laying together, making out, and other stuff.
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RIVEN- most of the time he's snicking to you, but this time you were the one climbing through his window. You texted him to open it a few minutes before, and now he was laying in his stomach facing the other side, smoking a joint (sky was finally somewhere else, so he could smoke in peace). You went up to the bed climbing up, and squishing him with your whole weight. "Ugh Jesus" he complained while you held his wrist and took a puff, kissing his neck in the process.
You'll joke around and smoke for a bit, deciding to have fun a little bit, starting with shotguns and kissing, and than continuing your activities.
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SKY- opening the window he harshly whisper asked you what are you doing here. When you told him you wanted to hang he said "wait for me outside". Pulling his shoes on he hurried down to you and took you by the hand to a less visible place.
He likes sticking out with you but worries that someone will see you coming to his room, so you just go outside to a more private place and hang there, when he is visibly more relaxed.
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BEATRIX- she was reading a spells book when she saw you gesturing for her to open the window. She put the book aside and opened the window. Smirking, she didn't let you in yet "did you want something?" She asked. "Come on let me in" you pleaded. When you were both inside you hoped on her bed, lying on your back with your hands behind your head. She claimed on top of you and started kissing you.
She loves when you snick inside her dorm and distract her, making her worries go away and just have fun.
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SILVA- he was working on taking his gear off when he saw you climbing up to his window. With a shocked expression he opened the window and helped you gat inside. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked stunned "just want to hang with you" you said sweetly and came up to him wrapping your hands around him kissing him deeply. "And what you just decided to climb up my window and ignore the door?" He said amused between kisses. "I didn't want Farah or Ben seeing me, it's only my second year teaching here and as far as I remember they didn't like me very much as a student"
You continued making out eventually getting to bed to do more than just kissing.
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DANE- he gaped in surprise when he saw you at his window. Letting you in he quietly closed his door not to wake up his roommate. "Hey-" he didn't finish his sentence as you grabbed his face kissing him. "Hey" you said when you parted from him. He smiled and grabbed your waist, telling you it is a pleasant surprise while you were dragging him to his bed.
You didn't snick up to his room often, but when you did he enjoyed every moment. Sometimes you just sat together rumbling about random stuff, and sometimes you did more. It really depends on both of your moods.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 2 years
I just want my dad pt 2
Info: Y/n finds out from Andreas where her father is due to go and loses control, but little does she know that her suite mates prevent that from happening.
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Y/n sat at her desk, finishing off some homework when she heard a knock on the door. Frowning, not knowing who would be looking for her, she walked over and opened the door, before groaning seeing Andreas on the other side. Seeing her reaction, Andreas stepped in a bit to prevent her closing the door, causing her to sigh and move back to her desk, sitting down and turning to face her desk once again.
"I told you I'm not supposed to be a specialist, go train those who actually are specialists." Y/n spoke, winching slightly as she felt a stinging sensation from the object in her back. "That's not what I'm here for. And you and I both know that there is no way your getting out of training, whether you like it or not. You have great potential as a specialist." "In another life maybe." Y/n stated, fed up of Andreas antics. "I'm here to give you news on your father." Andreas spoke, watching as his goddaughter perked up at the mention of her dad. "Can I see him? Is he being let go?" Y/n asked, hoping at least one of them had yes as an answer. "There sending him to Polaris." Andreas stated, watching for a reaction. "That's the frozen north. Surely what he did wasn't that bad." Y/n stated, trying not to cry as tears built up. "He did try to kill me." Andreas stated, bringing his hands out in front of him. "But your alive. Surely that counts for something." "The queens word is final." "Yeah well fuck the queen." Y/n said in rage, standing up abruptly. "Y/n, watch would you say. You know what can happen if you don't remain in control." Andreas stated, eyeing the stone embedded in her shoulder. "No, Andreas, enough about control, I want to see my dad, please he's all I have left. I can't lose him." Y/n stated, angry tears falling. “Y/n, calm down now before I have to use force” Andreas warned the young fairy only for it to fall on deaf ears.
Y/n narrows her eyes at Andreas and balls her hands into fists, gritting her teeth as her eyes glow white before letting her powers consume her. She fires a ball of white fire at Andreas only for Andreas to duck just on time. The fire landed on a piece of clothing, causing flames to appear as Dane walked in after accompanying Andreas to y/n's room. Seeing the flames he throws water on them, eyeing y/n as she grew angrier.
“Get Rosalind, now.” Andreas commanded before going over to y/n, taking out knife to defend himself. “Yes go get Rosalind, see what she can do now to make my hell life even worse.” Y/n laughed maniacally. “Y/n, stop this now.” Andreas commanded. “No Andreas, I don’t care what happens to you, you took my dad, so why should I care what happens, I’m done for anyway.” Y/n stated with sadness before raising her hands again only for Rosalind to blast her back.
Rosalind walked into y/n's dorm room and headed towards the fairy as she lay on the ground, confused from the blast. The headmistress toots as she crouched down in front of the young Silva, shaking her head in disapproval.
Upon hearing the back, Terra and Musa rush into y/n's room to see what happened. Realizing there were two teachers there, they watched in confusion and worry when they see y/n on the ground, Andreas with a knife in his hand and Rosalind crouched in front of the student.
“What’s going on?” Musa asked, trying to read the emotions in the room only to fail, only feeling y/ns hurt. “What’s going on is y/n here has lost control, so now we need to take action.” Rosalind stated, getting back up and moving towards Dane who gave her a box. “What do you mean take action?” Terra asked, concerned for her friend. Y/n looks up as she hears Rosalind walking away from her. “I mean stop her magic temporarily, till she learns to control her emotions.” Rosalind stated, opening the box and taking out two metal wires, causing the girls eyes to widen. “Wait, you’re not going to use them on her, are you?” Musa asked, glancing at y/n to see her eyes widen. “It’s only temporary.” Rosalind shrugged before walking back to y/n, Andreas following.
Musa and Terra watched hopelessly as Andreas pulled y/n off the ground by her arm, y/n struggling to get away from him as he tried to grab her wrists. Seeing her student struggling, Rosalind sighed and placed her hand on the diamond embedded in y/ns back, squeezing it, causing pain to y/n that prevented her from fighting. With y/n distracted with the pain, Andreas grabbed the fairies arms and put them out for Rosalind to put the cuffs on her. Y/n whimpers in pain as they attached to her wrists, before eyeing Rosalind as she leaned in closer.
“I would advise you to get used to this y/n. The longer you fight us the more it’s going to hurt.” Rosalind stated before walking off. “Your father is good as gone y/n, get used to it.” Andreas stated before following Rosalind out, leaving Musa and Terra alone with y/n. “Are you okay y/n?” Terra asked, rushing over to hug y/n carefully. “I just want my dad.” Y/n cried, falling to the ground, allowing her suite mates to comfort her.
Silva sighs as he hears the door of the cellar opening, thinking it was Andreas. Four months he had been in his cell and four months since he had last seen his daughter, or anyone. Silva prepared to be smart to Andreas only to frown when he seen Queen Luna walking towards his cell, her soldiers close behind.
“What’s going on?” Silva asked in confusion as one of the guards opened the door of his cell. “It is with deepest sorrow that I tell you this Saul, but you are being sent to Polaris.” Luna stated as two soldiers walked towards Saul. “Wait what, no, you can’t do that. Please, I beg of you, don’t do this. Y/n needs me.” Saul stated, trying to fight against the men who grabbed his arms roughly. “I’m sorry Saul, but you committed a crime and need to be punished.” Luna stated, trying to sound sympathetic. “Please, let me see her, let me see y/n one last time please, I need to know she’s okay.” Silva stated, wanting to see his daughter one last time. “I can assure you that y/n is safe, she is in control.” Luna spoke, causing Silva pull back slightly. “What the hell does that mean?” “As you know Saul, y/n is a very special girl. So, we took precautions so she would remain in control, she will make a fine soldier one day.” Luna spoke warmly, sounding fond of the young Silva. “No, Queen Luna please, leave my girl alone, let her live her life.” Silva begged as the soldiers pulled him out, not wanting his daughter to end like him. “Y/n is safe Saul, that I can assure you.” Luna stated before leaving the soldiers to do their job.
Realizing there was no way out of this, and deciding to at least act like the specialist he was raised to be even if he didn't feel like it, Saul sighed and stood straight, allowing he soldiers to put cuffs on him and lead him out of his cell. He blinked rapidly as the door to the outside was opened, feeling the discomfort of the light burning his eyes.
As he was lead towards the jeep that would lead him to his faith, Silva seen Riven and Dane as well as his other students standing to the side watching, and can't help but feel disappointed in how things turned out. He allows himself to be thrown into the back, knowing that fighting wouldn't help his chances, before looking up as Andreas jumps up behind him, chuckling lightly.
"You look like actual dog shit Saul, and you smell worse." Andreas stated, smirking slightly. "Well I've been in jail for months, what's our excuse?" Silva asked blankly, causing Andreas to smile slightly "Even after everything your still just Rosalind's errand boy." Andreas looked away with a smirk before leaning into Silva slightly. "We both chose our leader, but only one of us is in chains." Andreas stated, pointing to the chains on Silva's wrists before moving to leave. "How is she?" Silva asked, stopping Andreas movement. "She's alive, if that's what your asking." Andreas stated with a smirk. "You know what I'm asking. I'm guessing you told her so how did she take it?" Silva asked and Andreas nodded, turning to face him. "She lost control so we put her in her place." Andreas said curtly, moving to get out. "Let's move out." He finished before closing the door, leaving Silva to think over what he said.
Y/n lay in Sky's bed, staring at the ceiling as Sky sat at the desk. Sky sat staring at the sword Silva had given him with a glare, and y/n turned her attention to her unbiological brother when she heard him sigh.
"What is it?" Y/n asked, moving to sit up. "Silva gave me this sword, told me it was my dads. Turns out it's another lie he told me." Sky stated, not moving his vision. "He did it to protect you Sky, protect me." Y/n started. "Yeah because apparently you need to be protected at all costs." He snapped before turning abruptly when he realized what he said. "Y/n I.." "You think I want this Sky. This fucking thing in my back and these on my wrists." Y/n asked, indicating to her back before showing her wrists, "Do you think I want to be some special fairy that everyone wants. I have lost my dad Sky, possibly forever. He raised you as your own and because of one lie your casting him aside. At least your dad's still there, as shit as he may be, be thankful you still see him." Y/n finished her rant before getting up to leave. "Y/n, please, I'm sorry." Sky called to her before she left, causing Sky to curse silently.
Y/n ignored Sky's shouts and made her way back to her dorm, tears falling down her cheeks. All she wanted was her dad and now she may never see him again. Her dad was the one who raised her and he was the one who protected her from the queen, and now that he was gone, no one could protect her from Queen Luna, or the new heads of school.
Not wanting anyone to see her crying, y/n wiped her tears as she reached the dorm. Her suite mates had seen her break down over her dad enough times, and she wasn't too keen on letting it become a regular thing. However when she looked around and seen no one around, she signed and headed towards her room, flopping onto the bed and allowing the tears to spill down her cheeks. Her thoughts became surrounded by memories with her father, not knowing that her suite mates were trying to break him out.
Saul sat in the back of the closed jeep, watching as they speed past the forest, seeing excess movement along the trees. Frowning slightly, his thoughts became disrupted as they came to a stand still, and he looked back when he heard doors opening and closing as well as the soldiers cursing before the back door was opened and he was pulled out and placed in the back of a less secure jeep. He caught sight of vines growing towards a soldier that stood at the bonnet of his previous transport and taking keys from the pocket of the soldiers uniform, cursing silently as he realized who it was.
He looked back again as his new transport started moving, before turning his vision back to in front of him. He sees a bubble of water coming towards him and looks back to see Riven and Dane looking ahead before the water bursts on him. Looking down he grabs the keys and looks back once again before bending down as he hears an explosion in the distance. Riven, Dane and Andreas rush out of the jeep and ran off, and Silva took his chance to escape.
Fidgeting with the key and lock, Silva managed to open the cuffs and made a run for it to the forest behind him. He barely got into the trees when he heard Andreas give out a shout and footsteps rushing to him, so he started to run quicker. Dodging trees and overgrown roots, Silva groans as he feels two arrows shoot into his back, before seeing a cliff coming into view.
Taking a leap of faith, Silva holds his breath before he crashes into the water. Closing his eyes, he struggles to hold his breath, and ends up breathing out, choking as he feels like he's about to pass out until he sees a large air bubble coming towards him and cover his mouth, as well as pressure to keep him under water. He breathes in relief while waiting for the pressure to be relieved before swimming to the surface, feeling the stinging of his back as he struggles to make his way to the edge of the river.
Leaning against a large rock at the side of the river, Silva sees Bloom, Musa, Aisha and Terra walking towards him, causing him to look around for y/n only to become deflated when he realizes she's not there. He moves to sit on the rock and allows to pull out the arrows and point ointment onto the wounds.
"That has to be the most reckless think you have ever done." He stated as he looked back at the four fairies. "I don't think that's very true." Terra stated, looking at her friends. "Weren't you here last year." Aisha asked, bending down. "Yeah when Bloom went crazy and let loose evil headmistress." Musa stated, looking at Bloom who smiled in shame. "What do we do now?" Bloom asked, ignoring the topic. "I need to see y/n first, I need to know she's okay." Silva stated, moving to stand up. "I don't think that's a good idea. You just escaped, they're going to look for you. Probably go to y/n first thinking she had something to do with it." Aisha stated with a shake of her head, causing Silva to sigh, knowing she was right. "Take me to blackbridge, right off the town square, my friend Sebastian owns a store. He helped us take down Rosalind, he'll hide me." Silva sighed, wanting to see his daughter but knowing it was safer this way. "Alright, to blackbridge we go." Bloom stated before the group of them left.
Tags: @lyria-skyfall @mxacegrey @sassyqueen15
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smtsmtblablabla · 2 years
Just because I haven't seen anything like this yet
Fate X Pjo AU
( not really a AU, I'll just share wich cabins I think they would be in)
Bloom: Hephaestus Cabin. Not just because of her fire powers, but also because she shows a very big interest in vintage stuff, in the first episode we can even see her sort of fixing a lamp? And also because she is very smart, a very common trait between a inventor God's kids. Having the main character being a demigod of a not sooo famous God is also nice.
Sky: Zeus cabin. I considered Athena's cabin too, but I think our golden boy is more fitting in the king of gods lineage. I think that it not only fits his story as a whole, but he sometimes reminded me of Jason, so... yeah Zeus cabin for him.
Aisha: Poseidon. Another one I considered putting in the Athena one, but for me her connection with the water is more prominent than her need to be the smartest one. How she relaxes while swimming, how despite being the most level headed she's a very explosive person too. A calm sea capable of great storms.
Stella: Apollo. The girl searching for perfection being the daughter of the God most related to perfection itself? It can't get better than this. Also her ligth powers that are so connected to her story and personality. Also, I personally think she is a ray of sunshine when she allows herself to be.
Terra and Flora: Demeter. Do I need to say more? Like, where else would I put those plant loving girls? Their sweetness and empathy only make this decision more obvious. Sam is there too.
Musa: Aphrodite. It only makes sense. Her connection whith emotions are a power fitting for a love goddess daughter and it also makes sense with her story. A girl expected to never be in a fight wanting nothing but prove everyone else wrong? Very cabin 10 of her.
Riven: Hermes. I almost put him in the Ares cabin but now I feel like it would have been a mistake. This boy's intelligence is bigger than his need for a fight and I don't see him as someone who thrives in violence and war. He has a witty personality, street smarts and how can we forget he is a "proper delinquent "? Hermes cabin all over.
Beatrix: Zeus. Lightning powers? Power hunger? A very troubled mind? A Zeus kid trough and trough.
Dane: I decided that he is one of the kids who are yet to be chosen, partially because i just couldn't fit him anywhere, partially because i think it suits him.
Kat: Artemis hunter.
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lavender-lotion · 1 year
RULES: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
i have a whooping 238 WIPS in my WIP folder SO I am co-opting this wip game to make my own!!
send me a title and i'll send you an excerpt from the WIP (or, if there's nothing written, i'll explain what the WIP idea is!)!
Criminal Minds:
Hotch insulting Reid to the unsub - praise and comfort and flirty existing back and forth
Hotch/Reid gun range
hotch/reid hospital au
Morgan/Reid - S2 E4
Crossovers/Miscellaneous Fandoms
TW x Glee
X-Men / MCU
DC Extended Universe
5 times Antonio helps Bruno +1 time Bruno helps Antonio
5 times Antonio crawls into bed with Camilo +1 time Camilo crawls into bed with Antonio
5 accidental dates +1 purposeful proposal / 5 times Mariano took Camilo on a date without realizing it +1 time he took Camilo on a date with Dolores on purpose
Fate: The Winx Saga
5 times Riven gives Dane a first +1 time Dane gave Riven a first
Glee fic list
hummelcest pt 3
puckurtcest pt 2
with puck pt 2
sam not backing down
kurt picking up dave's call
Kurtofsky - long fic coming out
Kurtofsky - after prom season 2
Ep 5:
Puckurt - visiting during juvie
Kingsman (Movies)
Dad Eggsy
eggsy/trans roxy
emerging from the night and heart of me
protective eggsy
tattoo au
Touched starved merlin
Marvel Cinematic Universe
5 times Happy patched up Peter and 1 time Peter patches up Happy
confrontation fic - venom
MindSpider - confrontation fic
Peter Harley James
stony dick pic
Twitter fic
Bruce Banner/Peter Parker Dom/Sub
DRAFT (hold me) steady
DRAFT to love and be loved by you
FINAL (hold me) steady
FINAL to love and be loved by you
GammaSpider continuation Hulk crush
hulk fic edits
Ned/Peter 2
keenker kinktober 12
drabble prompts spideypool confrontation fic
spideypool asexual gift for frosted goddess
Spideypool Big Bang
Spideypool prompt
Starker Big Bang
starker field trip fic
Starker Mob AU
I Built my Home, Inside Of You
Bucky/Peter sex worker fic
Physiotherapy (I'll Be Your Baby)
WINTERspider - confrontation
winterspider date fluff
winterspider smut
Ragnarok (TV 2020)
Laurits finds Magne after the show
Loki Laurits
primal Laurits
Ragnarok s2e1
Ragnarok s2e1
S2E3 - key kiss
Teen Wolf
Alpha Twins/Stiles
merwin bday fic - stiles/alpha pack?
Sheriff Stilinski Gets Some Good Lovin'
stiles in make up
Untitled Document
love confession??
part 3
Together, We Belong
Writing - Together, We Belong
chris/derek dom/sub
Deter -
deter marriage proposal
stiles/sam prompt sam saving stiles
Dressing porn
season 2 stackson
June 19 - Smut
June 20: Relationship Reveal
June 23: Free Day
Stalion magic alpha pack
Beacn stanny
camboy stiles - stanny
gift for merwin
Gone and Past
Sr stalion And stennis
Stennis sex
Feral Derek
Kate takes video of essentially rape
A Rut(acular) Tale
breathing you in sequel
continuation to fox!stiles
fox stiles installment
hale family
hornet au
Sr. Steter
seter courting??
steter for harry—alpha rut
steter kidfic
familiar steterek
Set up on date
Steterek kisses
steterek sad derek
young steterek
young steterek
Soft steter->stetopher
stetopher series fight
You Fill My Heart (With Such a Gentle Love)
alpha stiles omega john
Co-Write Thiny-Y
De-aged Sheriff
drunk dick pic stilinksicest
Impregnation kink
john jacking stiles off when he can't use his hands
Possessive fox sheriff claims his son
stilinskicest abusive claudia
Stilinskicest tattoo
Teen wolf gift for Levi
Twincest only fans
The House in the Cerulean Sea
5 courting gifts Lucy gives Sal +1 (hopeful) courting gift Sal gives Lucy
Salucy college au
the (delectable) devil
Weird City
smexy massage
Charles angst childhood telepathy
Charles waking up in Jakob's arms
dadneto saves the day
Emma Frost/Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
jakob/charles series
Mutant High Verse
Phoenix Peter
Rare's En/Charles
Rare's Xavierine
Alemando age play
5 times Jas and Jimmy tried to seduce Piotr +1 time they didn't have to
kitney making out
Lonk first time
Lonk pt 2 "I have never felt so content with unexpected discoveries"
Lonk pt 2 PLANNING
Azazel/Janos snowball fight
bobby/john discovering cherik
cain developing his mutation
Cain Marko/Charles Xavier AU
chain + body worship
Chain sharing a bed
cherigan fic
bab smut
charles mom sucks
Cherik Dating App
Co-Write Cherik AU
Dance Dads AU
Erik goes back in time cause Charles is dead but overshoots
post dofp smut
they slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered
bamg emma kdinapped angel
Emmangel Christmas
for even if she flees, soon she shall pursue
you cast diamonds across the waters of my innocence
magnet smut
Mags Family
Peter/Wendy POV
Hank and Alex bond during lab time
Lonk awkwardly flirting for jasp
Lonk for lib
lonk kids action
lonk patching up
first meeting
5 times Kurt makes Peter bust a nut in his pants and 1 time Peter busts a nut in his pants on his own
Night silver
peter putting himself down
Angry Erik
quickneto identity reveal
original timeline grief fuck
scogan first meeting
scogan peach
Incest continuation
Summerscest ANGST
war photo masturbation
xavierine fic
Young Justice
Dick and Wally team up to seduce Conner
S1E16 - aquabird
S1E18 - aquabird
S1E16 - crack spitfire and aqua bird
S1E17 0 spitfire
S1e20 spitfire
SpitFire - S1E14 short
5 times superboy watches tv alone and one time dock watches tv with him
drabble prompts superbird
S1E17 - superbird
SuperBird - S1E16 superbird
superbird continutation TO WORK ON
Superbird s1e5
superboy asking out dick
A Guest Star
Anniversary fic
chp 2. You Are so Much Better Than I Ever Knew Before
co-parent stanny post season 2
glee ideas
kuniff day 1
Kuniff day 2
kurtosfky pt 2
poly cule
poly fic act 1
poly fic act 2
poly fic act 3
Puckurt Sarah fic
stanny post season 2
sterek post season 2
twin fic sequel
Untitled Document
Untitled Document
open tag to anyone who read them all haha
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floralovebot · 1 year
idk who leon and luis are but 👍 cool
also here’s a short list of some of the ideas for how i would’ve changed netwinx lmfao:
Aisha is still royalty and gets her own plotline about like having and becoming comfortable with her freedom now that she’s no longer in the palace. and maybe also her trying to keep her royal status a secret bc she wants to be treated normally for once
bring Tecna and Brandon and Timmy and all the Trix back
if we have to keep the elemental system they were doing (fire, earth, water, air, mind) then Musa should just be an air fairy so she can still have sound powers. also then (if we’re also doing the thing they did where Cloud Tower doesn’t exist fsr and the Trix are at Alfea) Stormy and Musa can still have their little subplot of not liking each other bc they’ve got air magic classes together or smth
make Tecna a mind fairy and either give her telekinesis or telepathy?
Sky is a fairy but his parents forced him to be a Specialist bc they thought it would be more becoming of a future monarch. the Winx help him train his fairy powers (aka as they learn stuff they kinda teach him)
Bloom is still adopted and has a good relationship with her adopted parents!!
Stella has her personality back!!! also all the Winx are friendly from the beginning. are they always gonna 100 percent get along? no. but they still try to be friends first
(ok look I had this idea where Sky and Riven were maybe exes who dated briefly in the school year before the Winx came to Alfea. not sure about it now but eh)
look the Brandon-Sky switch is wild to me but I feel like it would be so funny to keep it
Dane… I had a whole thing with him but idr anymore
there was a whole thing with the Trix and what they were planning, and there was a whole thing for what to do with Dane x Riven x Beatrix, but I said I’d make this list short
I just looked through my notes for this for the first time in like two years and uh. wow I made the Winx way gayer for each other than I remember djdkgksksj
there are probably a few other things that I’ve forgotten but it’s been a hot minute idk
also I feel like this goes without saying but we’re also taking out all whitewashing, racism, homophobia, fatphobia, and ableism
aldhglajd luis and leon are from resident evil !!
ANYWAY i love these!! i've been saying that so many winxers genuinely would be able to fix that mess, it's truly insane to me that they casted a director that hated winx club like dude.
i really like the idea of aisha keeping her royal status a secret!! especially if there was a subplot where she got closer to stella and sky because of it (like they would be the only ones to Know and they'd help her?). musa having air powers is so fun!! like genuinely do not understand why they got rid of music like fuck you. i initially thought they could've just done sound yknow? like not exactly an element but definitely a natural part of nature?
i thought of mind tecna too! i feel like so many people did!! i feel like that would be SUCH a good way to tie in her issues with emotions too. like you could go the easy route and make her an Emotional Mind fairy and she has to deal with that or you could go the Logical Mind fairy route and stick a little more to canon! sky being a fairy... love that for him i want him in so much glitter (me to the specialists: and where's your uniform?????)
i'm actually so mad about them taking away the sky/brandon switch so Mad SOOO MAD
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My opinions about “Fate the Winx Saga” season 2 (MANY SPOILERS!)
If you haven’t seen it yet and want to experience it fully by yourselves, don’t read any further!
- Without any doubt, this season is even better than the first one. Such an emotional rollercoaster with many surprises and great villains. I loved all of the old and new characters and how these episodes deepened their bonds. It took some time for me to get used to the new actors of Rosalind and Ben - the original ones will always have a special place in my heart, but they did a good job with recasting, I think. 
- I have loved Abigail as Bloom since the first episode, but I’m glad she got so many opportunities to shine here.
- I didn’t especially like Skloom in the original animation, but they have stolen my heart in Fate, specifically during this season (episodes two and seven, my beloved). 
- I was both anxious and excited about seeing Flora, but I was pleasantly surprised. She is a badass, fits into group so well, and I like how her and Terra got closer and kind of sorted out their disagreements. 
- Everyone’s storylines and struggles were good and relatable (especially Bloom’s, Sky’s and Musa’s), but Terra’s took the first place for me for multiple reasons. 
- Stella’s and Riven’s character-developments are definitely also worth mentioning.
- My emotions about Dane have been conflicted this season, but I’m happy where we left with him, that the situation with Riven and him seems to be somewhat okay now and he has a chance to real happiness.
- I love Sam as a character, feel really bad for him and want him to find happiness, but Samusa never really was “it” for me (and it’s not just because I have had a soft spot for Rivusa since my childhood).
- When it comes to Rivusa, I really enjoyed their scenes together and can’t wait to see more of them. 
- Musa is still my favorite Winx altogether, even though I adore all of them.
- Aisha deserves everything beautiful and good in this world, dammit!
- I’m thrilled how much Silva-content we got this season. 
- Transformations and magic in general were done great.
- A good nod to Trix, I must say.
- That ending scene got me so emotional it was almost ridiculous. 
Aaand the downsides...
- Farah will always be the headmistress of Alfea to me and many, many others. The scenes we got with her, and her one last valuable lesson, were touching and I’m thankful for them, but she deserved so much more. There was an amazing build up of Golden Trio in season 1, and it was all thrown to waste. My Silrah-heart had so much hope and now it’s broken. And yes... I cried my eyes out. But when it’s all said and done... I just wanna thank Eve Best for portraying Farah so marvelously (and read loads of Silrah/Golden Trio-fanfics).
- Even though Andreas was very... questionable, I’m sad that there were so few scenes between him, Sky and Silva. 
- Stellatrix belongs to my “had so much hope”-department and well ... </3 
Such a great season, and a heartbreaking cliffhanger. We gotta get season 3, as soon as possible.
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vviperr · 4 years
Riven has chemistry with literally everyone. I see it, I feel it, I smell it
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dusenkasab · 4 years
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Riven really wants to know if Dane is gay
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people shipping riven with musa/terra but not riven and Dane who’s literally it couple, pls this is like straights shipping jiara when they had no scenes together except one but not jjpope, same exact thing with Dane/Riven they have all the scenes together and riven has one 20s scene with both terra/musa but yup they ship it, but not the guy he’s been flirting with and almost kissed multiple times the way I know they’ll ship riven with any yt girl but not the black boy he likes lol, if musa/flora wasn’t yt they wouldn’t ship it either they’ll go gay rep matters but since they are yt they ship him with every yt girl in that school that’s not the lead who already has her love interest! interesting not really it’s predictable fandom sh!t happens all the time if Dane was yt they’ll ship the sh!t out of it and if musa/Tera were poc they’ll never ship it rather ship yt gay or riven with biatrix! Knowing fandoms y’all probably will ship him with sky just because they are friends and he’s white but won’t ship riven with the guy he’s in love with because he’s black! same old same old shit in ever fucking fandom I’m so sick tired
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
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sleepyferbie114 · 4 years
Is it just me or do they seem to be setting up at Terra X Riven storyline.
There are lots of hints that during Riven 1st year there he was a total nerd /weak noob with no friends before he became friends with Skye, But we find out in the last episode that him and Tara were friends n hung out in greenhouse all the time.
Then you think back on the scene in lunchroom where she's upset that being a nerd all of a sudden acceptable and maybe she's not talking about Dane but her past relationship with Riven how he dumped her essentially to hang out with Skye everyone.
Like I really want to know more about his backstory what may become the total asshole between friendship with her and his friendship with Skye.
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amchara · 1 year
Riven and Bloom for multishipper challenge 🤪
Oooh, two excellent characters to choose to multi-ship.
To start, I actually ship them together with Sky, especially if there is a significant time-skip (say- 1 year or more) between Bloom disappearing and returning from the Realm of Darkness.
Other ships for them that I like:
Riven - Sky x Riven (codependent best friends, amirite? 😀), Riven x Beatrix (classic), Riven x Beatrix x Dane (despite being canon, why is this rare? 😫), Riven x Stella x Beatrix (look- they'd domme the fuck out of him, and he'd thank them for it 💀) Riven x Musa (yes, I ship the popular one too), Riven x Flora (they had chemistry! it'd be fun) and look- I'd even ship Riven x Terra if she was into it. I think I can't see Riven x Aisha but look, I am willing to be persuaded. And Riven/OC (especially if a male OC 👀). I don't think I'm super into Riven x the older characters... but you know what, I could see myself enjoying some Riven x Andreas as darkfic 👀 Or you know- some dubcon Riven x Rosalind.
... Riven is just that kinda character, y'know? 😅
My list for Bloom is much shorter but I still ship her with multiple people so... Bloom x Sky (it's just that classic YA of powerful girl x simp boy 🥰), Bloom x Stella (it'd be hot and I like the rivalry vibes), Bloom x Andreas (it's twisted but umm yes), Bloom x Beatrix (I ship most people with Beatrix- she is the fandom little black dress imo) and okay, it's a little random but I had this thought during episode 2.01 - Bloom/Marco? Like- two powerful student fairies (not her suitemates) hitting it off.
So- if you have any recs for any of the above pairings, hit me up!
Or - ask me more about character multi-ships
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fireheartwraith · 4 years
So, I decided to watch Fate: The Winx Saga after some deliberation (I saw the trailer and it looked cool). As I never watched the original Winx Club, I'm coming into this pretty much blind to the lore, so if you want to know what someone that doesn't have the "it's different from what I wanted" baggage thinks of the show, let's go!
Episode 1 and Episode 2
• Ooh, this is giving me flashbacks to my first day of university... Luckily Pedro is a good soul and saw me just standing there and asked me if I was a freshman (yes), if I was lost (very much so) and if I wanted help (please)
• I can tell the the show wants me to ship these two because meet cute but... I didn't think it was cute. He was kind of rude in the beginning and it wasn't *sparkles* it was small talk. My talk with Pedro was pretty much the same, except he was nicer. Being a decent person doesn't mean romantic attraction, Show, if you want me to ship this you will have to try harder
• Oh, he's the ex
• Something tells me Stella wasn't this bitchy on the original show. I am not here for the female rivalry, specially if it's because of a basic white dude
• I have never related to someone as much as I relate to Terra since I too tend to talk too much, too fast, and overshare to make up for my insecurities and anxiety. My mom is the plant gal though...
• I want a succulent!
• Bloom, who the heck talks on the phone with the speaker turned on in a room full of people you don't know???? Show wants me to believe you're an introvert when you pull this shit???
• I love Aisha
• I also love Musa
• Is a burned one kind of like a werewolf? Where if it scratches you, you turn into one? If that's the case, is there a way to get them conscious again? Like the wolfbane potion in Harry Potter
• I'm gonna pretend everyone is over 18 bacause I can't handle another Riverdale
• ........ everything changed when the fire nation attacked
• I'm sorry but you can't talk to me about the elements and expect me to not think about atla
• Being an empath in high school must suck. All that teenage angst....
• Changeling! Makes sense. My bet is that her father is the leader of the burned ones and the principal is her mom
• I get that she's missing home and normality but her mom was a bitch
• I'm glad they revealed this now and not at the end of the season, when literally everyone would know
• Stella quit being a bitch
• I expected the princess of Solaria to be a fire fairy, not an air one....
• Riven and Beatrix deserve each other
• Protect my gay baby!!
• Bloom needs to meditate and Stella needs to chill
• What kind of human parents name their child Bloom??? Aisha sounds like a human name, not fucking Bloom. I bet it's a white people thing, like Ashleigh
• Stop being mean to Aisha and Terra! They're just trying to help!
• Musa really found the one bitch in this place that doesn't have anxiety and went 👀 huh
• No! Don't use anger! Are you the only kid that never watched A:TLA?? Have you learned nothing from Zuko???
• No! Don't follow the whispery voice in the woods! That's how people get killed in horror movies!
• Oop, that's a lot of bodies
• Something tells me that burning a burned one isn't going to help
• Aisha to the rescue!
• Gross
• Silva is a really common surname here in Brazil.... We're fairies confirmed
• Oh, they are going to pretend that Sam being Terra's brother is drama worthy huh
• Stella quit being a bitch /rt
• Yes! BOND
• huh
• That's different
Episode 3
• Have I already said that Aisha is the best??
• I still don't get what the specialists are. One the first episode Sky told Bloom "you are a fairy" as if he isn't one, and the only thing I've seen specialists do so far is fight with sticks. What are they doing in magic school?
• So, Silva can't get better until the burned one that infected him is dead? I'm pretty sure there's something like this in vampire or werewolf lore
• Is Silva Sky's dad or something?
• Don't go to the dark side Bloom! Beatrix bad!
• How many headmasters does this school have??
• Oh yeah, this dude is evil too. I forgot he existed
• Uh, do all hetero coupled do cringey shit like that?
• My mom starts talking to me about something she was thinking about as if I have the context ALL THE TIME!! We're all Terra #PowerToTheNerds
• But I'm more of a coffee addict than a tea aficionado
• Oh thank god they are using km
• RIP Silva
• Aaawww suite to the party!
• Okay but grown ups gossiping while being 100% of what the youngsters are trying to hide is my favorite trope ever
• All these pop songs are going to age the show
• Terra that was so awkward omg
• What the fuck Stella???
• How old do fairies get? Like, do they live for centuries?
• Is it bad that I discovered what shotgunning is through a smutty wolfstar fanfic? 😬
• Rosalind? Former headmistress Rosalind?
• Oop, another dead body
• Oop, Silva..... F 😔
• Bloom can't you listen to Aisha for once??? You are going to get yourself killed
• That's a sweater, not armor
• Because that's not creepy at all
• You could at least have phoned a responsible adult before running off into the forest looking for a toasted slender man
• Your suite mates don't qualify as responsible adults but it's better than nothing I guess
• Oh look, a portal to another dimension!
• Look! A responsible adult!!
• Oh, he's still alive
• Oh wait, nevermind
• Did she just Thanos him?
• Hugs!
• I still don't get what the specialists are
• My best friend in high school was adopted so I'm having flashbacks... Her birth parents got in contact after almost two decades of radio silence. It was a very difficult time for her, with lots of different and sometimes opposite emotions about the whole thing. In the end she accepted that whatever happened, happened and that the mom that raised was her real mom, no matter her faults. I hope that Bloom can get to the same conclusion
• Alright, I wasn't expecting Rosalind to be in magic cryogenic coma
• Why can't they meet? Is Rosalind evil or something?
Episode 4
• At least now Bloom is aware that her friends have their own lives and aren't they just to be her sidekicks
• Girls sticking together!
• Still don't get why Musa needs to hide her relationship with Sam.... If I was Terra I would be more upset that my friend was hiding the relationship from me than the relationship itself
• Last episode was Sky's daddy issues, so this one is Stella's mommy issues. And, of course, the whole show is about Bloom's issues (general)
• The Queen of Solaria is named Luna?? Huh
• This episode is also about snooping
• I'm going to find whoever thought hdr was good idea and force them to watch something on Netflix when the screen is so dark you can barely see what's happening
• I'm going to pretend that's a p!atd reference
• I'm going to pretend I didn't hear 2004
• Can the camera stop spinning, I'm getting dizzy
• Anakin noooo
• Rehabilitation magic?
• So Queen Kindness is not so nice after all
• I want to give Sky points for figuring it out but let's be honest here, it was not that hard
• When did they name themselves "Winx"? And what does that even mean?
• Good for you sky
• Yes! Tell the responsible adults!
• Push her
• So your parents were from Aster Dell
• Well they both are redheads
• Oh sweet Anakin...
• SEE???
• Silva that's shady as fuck
That's all for now! I will watch the rest, but don't know if I should make another post or just edit this one...
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curiositybox · 2 years
OKAY! So welcome to my Season 2 of Fate: The Winx Saga series on Netflix! Recap!
Disclaimer: I do not associate Fate: TWS with Winx Club (animated) in any way besides relation by names/ locations/ lore and things like that.
My view on the Fate series is that someone took the concept of Winx and made their version of it mixed with a CW show. That does not mean that I do not make comparisons to the animated Winx Club however. Take it as you will!
Spoilers will be below! Talking positives, negatives, questions and loose ends about every character and the stories!
Bonus: some of my fav quotes that I can remember from the show!
P.S.: It is long and I am sorry, if you do read any of it and think I simply missed a point in the story that led to my confusion please do message me, I would love to talk about it!
The Positives!
Overall, I don’t know if it’s just me or other people that have been/ live in Ireland appreciate and notice this but I love how the humour and the vibe at times felt *INCREDIBLY* Irish???
And I mean that in the best way possible!!
Like i am convinced that for one of the ep they literally just told the cast to go have fun in a pub and filmed it. It was quite enjoyable to watch them just have fun??? Even if it was cut short lol.
The accents by the actor Éanna Hardwicke (plays Sebastian Valtor) I just live for that man’s accent, it is brilliant. Just brilliant. So is Robert James-Collier (Saul Silva). This might be just a personal obsession tho it just honestly made things so much more fun for me.
I understand that it’s not the most liked thing that there is a significantly increased level of swearing in the series, most likely as they are trying to make it appear as a more mature show (ie my CW joke) + to be honest in the final ep with the monster shown at moments it gave me Slenderman x AHS House latex monster vibes for the making of a horror show and i am not entirely against but would appreciate a warning! It kind of took me by surprise! I assume and have seen others make the same speculations that, that might be lord Darkar in the making? Possibly?
I am loving the fact that they introduced a type of witches??? Like FINALLY! THANK YOU! And the full reveal of the Dragon Flame. But I am so excited to actually see them explore more witch stuff??? Like pLEASE??? And Bea. (Beatrix) aaaah I love Bea and they better bring her back cause like they already revealed she had 2 sisters??? (hello Isabella and Darcy??) Like i want to see it.
Then there is the fact that the general writing of the season felt better??? Like season 1 was all over the place, it was missing key lore information and it highly depended on very lame fat jokes and degrading comedy that was.. it was just not funny? But this time around it properly felt like they listened to the fans that were actually interested in seeing this show try and be something good? They made proper lore references to the Winx lore. They made writing that made sense 70% of the time. They fixed the humour and entirely the continuity of the plot? It made some plot twists that were not always expected but very welcome and well executed may I add. For example the Sebastian reveal, the Grey reveal, how they handled Musa’s hate for her magic, how they handled the Bea x Riven x Dane trouple/ trouple fallout or Terra’s coming out. I do feel like they were handled well.
And lastly a small thing: I loved the fact that the characters have phones… AND THEY ACTUALLY REMEMBERED TO USE THEM FOR PLOT SPECIFIC REASONS?! Like I am sorry I understand that may seem minor or stupid but in modern shows the characters forget phones exists so often it is absolutely frustrating. Having them actually use their phones for an actively plot related reason that helps them felt like a breath of fresh air.
Things I disliked:
Okay so the clothes. Just why? Just no. The only one with any fashion sense is Bea and I will stand on that. Some of the gala dresses were okay but all the clothes look like trash??? Like what was Musa even wearing all of the time?? and Stella always wearing crocks?? And like for the trial they put 16/17 year old characters in suits that made them look 40??? Who decided these outfits just why??? Please, i beg of you if a S3 happens, fix the damn wardrobe. Jeesus!!!
I do not care if it’s just me but if I see one more show portraying characters on their beds WITH SHOES ON, I WILL SCREAM (spoiler: i do in fact scream.)
I hated that queen Luna made the whole incident where Bloom killed Rosalind a witches vs fairies. I am not surprised by it! but I still hate it. And what I hate about it even more, is that when Farah was temporarily back, they just released Bloom and everyone was still treating her as an escaped convict and blaming the witches??? Even tho EVERYONE AT THE SCHOOL KNEW THAT IT WAS BLOOM THAT KILLED ROSALIND?? And no witch was involved? LIKE?? WHAT??? It was just made as a giant fairies hate witches thing when it really didn’t need to be? Like way to make conflict without needing to.
Let’s talk CGI. The concept behind the wings was cool and all, I enjoyed the fact that all of their wings had different designs however, I am sorry but the CGI FOR THE WINGS was absolute barf. Like the wings just being on them is not the worst??? Like it’s pretty nice actually but the transformations for the wings??? That looked like such freaking trash like I am so sorry to the artists that worked on those transformations but just… just no…
Especially cause the CGI for the magic up to that point actually looked pretty decent? With them using spells and the fire and the convergence experiment with the crystal and all the scrapers, it was so well done It made me look forward to the transformations when they were hinting at them. But then actually seeing the transformation? Just no, I’m sorry just no.
Also a few of the plot points felt like they never got resolved but just pushed away and forgotten simply because bigger plot points happened? Like from last season Rosalind felt like such a big character and she kept being treated as such? Especially because of all the experiments and the actual mind erasing spells?? Like Riven couldn’t remember anything from her office at all? And then Saul suddenly being on her side when they were all against her? Like it felt like they diverged the attention from her and forgot that she wasn’t to be trusted? Because bigger issues? And then when they got reminded that “hey by the way she is evil? did you forget?” Bloom ends up frying her and.. we just never learn what the her whole point was? Like with the dragon flame? Did she just want a war? was it something else? Guess we won’t know!
Or Andreas, who was Sky’s father, was there for a couple of episodes and played a big role before he was just used as a puppet and then killed off? Like Sky didn’t develop much connection with him besides a little bit of subtle acceptance and then he’s the one that is left to kill him and choose who to save. It felt kind of rushed for me.
I love the fact that they introduced a Flora character and I love the fact that her personality is so different than the (animated Flora as Terra kinda has that) but also the rest of the group? She is a very to the point person and I definitely see that as beneficial at times. And also! that she is not whitewashed even though again, i do not compare it to the animated series but sometimes it just pops to mind. She does feel a tad reckless at times in a sense that she does not fully think things through as she is trying to just achieve a goal even if it may end up backfiring or hurting her. Unfortunately she did get a little sidelined at times but here’s hoping we get to see more of her!!
I am actually so happy that they gave us more backstory on her character??? Why she was so upset and angry with Riven. Why she feels odd at times around people. AND THE REVEAL! I am so happy for her :333 That was lovely I won’t lie. I do love that. It was great. I honestly think it was also handled well? Because it was all focused on her and just letting her friends know? And then move on as if everything is normal. BECAUSE IT IS!? I do feel like Terra did grow a bit in the season and it was lovely to see. The confrontations she had with Flora that just pushed her further into just growth. It wasn’t perfect in any way but i still really loved it.
Bloom is.. okay? but at times I feel like she gets the “stupid for no apparent reason let’s just switch the story to make it interesting because im the protagonist” vibes. Again not to compare but for those that know, kinda like OG Bloom from Season…. 6 onwards? or 5? depends on your view really. Where Bloom’s character was just switching her mind on decisions based on purely the fact that she’s seen as the main character and conflict is needed? No other reason. Her relationship with Sky felt a little weird… at moments…? I do think that they bring the best out from each other in the sense that they treat each other with respect and talk about things? And I’m sorry but I LOVED The Taylor Swift Wildest Dreams horse ride.
Love the back and forth with the antagonists (they kept changing! haha) and with Valtor Sebastian, that definitely was like a very examining the situation type of mentality and while the final decisions sometimes were based on something stupid the logic wasn’t horribly portrayed. I do wonder if the person she found in the Dark realm will end up being Daphne (assuming they’ll use another OG Winx character) or her mother? Hope to see!!
SO emm.. I do not condone violent physically painful “control your child” literal chips being actively implanted into you to control you because that was fucked up. Just saying. Her relationship with Belatrix was some of the most wholesome ever like.. the vibe? 10/10. Just yes. I was however incredibly pissed for the longest time that she would not tell the others about the chip. I understand she didn’t want the pity but like you can talk through that and move on, not telling them just makes you seem like more of a bitch in times when they need you and you blow them off for no good reason (because they don’t know). Like seriously by the end she was a tad more open with them and i sure as hell hope the character development sticks.
Aisha of course shown as the semi leader due to her calculated and focused calm nature. She was given a love interest in the season and it was so cute to watch actually? But it was heartbreaking to see the fall through :/ Maybe they will be better later tho?? MAYBE??? i can hope okay???? cause i actually really enjoyed Grey’s character? Even the BW (blood witch) reveal?? Like i kinda loved that! I love even more the fact that he chose Aisha in the end because he understood the weight of things. That he cared more about Aisha than his own problems and Sebastian’s goals. Definitely portraying the change in the times (in regards to the political and fairies vs witches thing) in a way. But I am so happy that we got more lore on Aisha’s background and her family and everything. It was little but it was still great to see!
Musa left for semi last because i have the most to talk about okay! Firstly I was so pissed at her the first few eps??? Like YOU CANT JUST TAKE PEOPLES ANGER AWAY WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT!! Like I understand that she had the best intentions, I also understand that she learned the lesson later on but I was so mad. Like they need to know these things, you can’t just do it!! But she learned her lesson.
rip Musa x Sam. (not the biggest fan of it like it was cute but meh) But the fact that they literally had her CHOOSE to give up her powers to the crawlers??? That looked so heartbreaking but like I also get it? Like she has been saying how painful her powers are to her so when we learned that she chose to give them up it made sense? Even though it looked so sad. But heeeey! Riven!!! RivenxMusa has started off :33
I 100% agree with him snapping at her for wanting to become a specialist like, they train their whole lives and are specially chosen to be specialists you can’t JUST START!!! Like it is good that she will continue to train but I understood his point of view. You could def see him care for her and not wanting to see her get hurt, and saying that literally out of love. It was amazing and I loved it. And them just sitting on the track field after Terra accidentally grounded her there xD That was the absolute best scene ever?? And I am quite happy to see that in the end he literally brought her the magic restraint bracelets? Like how did they never think of that before lol She is definitely doing her best tho. I think there was actual character development there which again, hopefully it sticks xD
While talking about Musa, onto Riven as well! He changed so much from S1 and more so from ep1 of S2?? Like he was happy in the trouple with Dane and Bea but it did take Bea betraying him to see how toxic that relationship was not just for him but how much more toxic it was making him? He was much more nicer to Terra and to all the girls and I won’t lie I kind of enjoyed the friendship he had with Flora? It was fun to watch! And that he is still trying to be friends with Dane like I get that Dane will still be upset because Riven doesn’t love him but he is trying. A for effort! Hope to see more content with Musa!!
Sky is another story that.. I’m sorry he is so bland????? Like on his own he is either Bloom or daddy issues. Like hate Saul, want to make Andreas happy, console Saul dad, get close with Andreas, kill Andreas, be mad at Saul like the daddy issues on this one are almost as big as Serena Van der Woodsen’s from Gossip Girl (i don’t mean this as an insult to SVW I love GG just reference). Now I’m not saying they’re not important, I just feel like they could’ve been handled better???? And it was either that or Bloom. That was his character. The entire season. Like… why. The haircut was an improvement tho so I will take that.
Beatrix! <3
Then there is Beatrix! My love, my absolute perfection. I understand that she is technically seen as a wishy washy villain cause sometimes she helps the protagonists and sometimes helps the antagonists but the truth is, that as she said, she always does what she has to, to survive. And who she helps is entirely based on what she needs at the time. So it makes perfect sense for her to be like that. Truth is she was never playing good or bad side, she was playing her own side. And she never hid that. She was if nothing else 100% open about the fact that she does what she needs to just survive. Her goal and focus never changed. I love the fact that she stands her ground and her character is just great I love her. I do wonder if they will change her character if they bring her back because i really hope not! I also absolutely love her friendship with Stella?? Like goals pls. And the fact that they revealed she had sisters?! Hello Isabella and Darcy!
Now let’s cover the ever changing antagonist! Firstly -> Rosalind: the antagonist not really antagonist but truly is antagonist character xD
Confusing I know! For the first 1-2episodes or till the gala basically there was no hints at any point that she was not the one behind every attack and everything bad happening and then suddenly they made her the most trustworthy character by the full cast of protagonists. It was a flip for sure but an interesting one none the less that I definitely did not see coming. I do wish we got to find out what her end goal was going to be however, once she had Bloom or the dragon flame on her side. Like was it going to be: eliminate all blood witches? Was it have power and control over everyone? We shall never know now!
Then there is Sebastian and the Blood witches. As already said, I love this man and he was amazing and any single time he was on screen it just brought me joy to listen and watch. And some of his lines were just pure perfection ??? Like I’m sorry but find some of my favs in my fav quotes listed bellow! Otherwise, I did not see the “him being the villain” at the start being a thing, the twist definitely caught me off guard. But I absolutely think that he executed it greatly. The role, the villain portrayal he definitely did amazingly. I do however feel like he was cheated on an early death as he did have grand plans! But it was the end of the road and unfortunately his story is now done (i do however wonder if they will bring him back in any way). I truly enjoyed how manipulative he was yet fully like “oops i guess you know now, oh well” kind of way? And despite the fact that he got found he still sat down and chatted with Bloom? And actually gave her so much information, whether she realises/ realised it or not. I shall miss him
Firstly, darn this show and making me love its antagonists so much! As Beatrix and Sebastian were my favourite 2 characters from S2. I’d say Riven was a close 3rd.
There obviously are issues with the show, I will never deny that but it is good to see that they actually listened to the feedback of the fans? and the people that want to see the show succeed or at the very least be able to enjoy the show more. I’d personally say, because it gives me CW vibes, I do enjoy it more than I do Riverdale. Personally of course.
I do get annoyed at points about some small things like dropping a plot line or Bloom randomly changing her mind without enough context to make sense or who knows what else.
I def like the more “irish-ised” vibe to all of it and I do not know if that’s just because it was filmed in Ireland or if it had Irish influences by cast members/ writer but I hope they keep at it!!
Overall I def enjoyed S2 more than S1, I. . did not realise I binged all of it in one sitting so it was definitely unexpected but i did not regret it! I had a fun day :33
And I hope you enjoyed my recap! If you read all the way to hear I thank you and I salute you! And I also greatly appreciate you! If you believe that i got anything wrong or if you think that I missed something important please please please message and let me know, I would absolutely love to talk about it!!!
My fav quotes that I can remember:
“at first glance romeo and juliet is a great story. Tragic love at its finest. Then you realise, Juliet’s 13, Romeo’s a dick and the whole mess could’ve been avoided with just a little more communication” -Sebastian
“But you’re also a fucking teenager” -Sebastian
“Life’s fucked up and guess what? It doesn’t give a shit about your plans” - Saul
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