#fate the winx saga spoilers
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faytalepsy · 2 years ago
Prompt H
I had so much fun working on this with the wonderful Andylind-Queen @shadowofnight ! The process for me definitely had its ups and downs and I was this close to scrapping the entire thing before seeing sense. And now we present an amazing Andylind fic just in time for Andylind August and not at all late for RBB!
Read the fic to the art here:
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my-random-ocs · 1 year ago
Imagine if Andreas survived
Andreas and Saul co-parenting Beatrix and Sky
Sky finally, maybe not forgiving Andreas for abandoning him, but putting it in the past and getting to know his other dad
Beatrix accepting Sky as Andreas’ son and bonding with him
Protective big brother Sky and chaotic baby sister Beatrix
Bea finally becoming friends with everyone in the Winx crew
Stella and Bea getting together and Sky isn’t the only one afraid of that combination
Beatrix found out about her sisters at the end of the season, so we should get Sky, Andreas, and Saul helping her adjust to that
Chaotic Beatrix and low impulse control Bloom team up
Oh my god just imagine the possibilities if the show wasn't canceled
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ktb90s · 8 months ago
I'm sick of these shows killing Eve Best's characters. They killed her in Fate, now they killed her in HOTD.
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sunburnedsstuff · 1 year ago
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Some doodles of my husband Lucifer 🥰🥰🥰. He’s the big boss of hell for a reason! (LOVE HIM MY SHORT KING AHISHJSXJ)
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papa-evershed · 2 years ago
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Rob James-Collier | Fate: The Winx Saga
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noomieeagle · 1 year ago
Hello it's me, your HEX anon bringing questions! 💗 (Elaborate as much or as little you like. "I'm not sure" and "I'm okay with either" are more than fine.)
💙 How do you feel about winter/holiday theme?
🤍 Exactly how fluffy you'd like this to be? Do you prefer more realistic cute moments that easily fit into canon/their busy lives or would you like me to squeeze them in an extra sugary box (i.e. luxurious exotic vacation, wedding, honeymoon.....)?? (Or would something in between?)
❄️ Tell me if there are any tropes you absolutely can't stand (i.e. pregnancy).
💜 Just checking, since your character list included only Farah and Saul, does that still stand? Would you mind other characters appearing? Perhaps kids (i.e. toddler Sky) for the fluffiness?
❄️ Do you have any preferences when it comes to timeline? As in I'd like to see them happy after Farah is back or I want to know how they met 20 years ago or I want them old and retired or.....???
💙 Your genres were fluff and smut, how do you feel about humour (as long as it isn't completely a crack) and would you mind if there was a minor inconvenience which leads to (lots) of softness?
Hi dear HEX anon friend!
I'm sooooo sorry to answer this late, but I've been so busy lately. 😭
Thank you for being so caring about my gift 🥺🫶
💙 Well, I'm at ease with winter. Like, I can imagine Saul and Farah (and maybe Ben) drinking coffee in front of a fireplace while snow's falling outside. But you can imagine another context, I like pretty much everything~ 🥰
🤍 I'd rather choose the canon moments~
❄️ I don't like pregnancy as you said—I prefer Silva and Dowling to be parent figure for Sky and maybe Bloom~
💜 You can absolutely include Sky and other characters, as long as Silrah is endgame, you can include any character! 🩵🩷
❄️ I agree with you when you say you'd like to seem them happy after Farah is back! I'm still mad at the show for not including a single scene between Saul and Farah's spirit. Like wtf?? So I'd like to read a cute scene between them after her coming back. 🥺
💙 You can include humour, for instance they can tease each other, and I trust you not to make it too prominent in your work! 🫶 But I especially want fluff and a bit of smut. 💖
Thank you for everything and sorry again for the lack of response before. ><
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noomieeagle · 1 year ago
🌙 Favourite character introduced in S2: I hesitate between Flora and Grey... Can't really tell
🌙 Favourite storyline: Aster Dell w/ Rosalind, Farah, Saul and Andreas
🌙 Favourite outfit: Aisha's blue outfit 🫶💙
🌙 Favourite location: Farah's office for its atmosphere
🌙 Favourite episode: S01EP01, for it is the beginning of everything
🌙 Favourite plot twist: When you discover Andreas was not dead
🌙 Favourite scene: The ones w/ Saul and Farah
🌙 Favourite ship: Silrah (😭💀)
🌙 Favourite "what if": What if Farah had not been killed
🌙 Favourite parallel: I don't really have one
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Happy birthday FTWS Season 2!
On September 16th season 2 of Fate turns one year old, how quick does time pass!
Let's celebrate it by highlighting our favorites! Here are a couple suggestions to help the creation of fics, metas, fanart or gifsets:
Favorite character introduced in season 2
Favorite storyline
Favorite outfit
Favorite location
Favorite episode
Favorite plot twist
Favorite scene
Favorite ship
Favorite "what if"
Favorite parallel
As always, we ask you to tag #winxsource so we can see and reblog your posts!
Let's celebrate 🤩
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generallemarc · 5 months ago
Dandadan voice actor facts
Momo is voiced by Abby Trott, best known for her roles as Pod-153 in NieR Automata, Nezuko in Demon Slayer, Tae Takemi in Persona 5, and(my personal favorite) Annette in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Seiko, Momo's grandmother, is voiced by Kari Wahlgren, best known for being the voice of Saber from Fate: UBW onward but also having quite the career outside of that, voicing nearly 20 characters in Winx Club(so that means Saber worked with 4Kids), Rip Van Winkle in Hellsing Ultimate, and of all characters, Jeremy's evil little sister Suzie from Phineas and Ferb.
Jiji/Jin Enjoji is voiced by Aleks Le, whose major roles include Zeinutsu from Demo Slayer, Anos from Misfit at Demon King Academy, Thorfinn in Vinland Saga, Caiman in Dorhedoro Makato Yuki in Persona 3 Reloaded, Shen Xiang in Undead Unluck(his best role, if you ask me), Wangnan Ja in the new season of Tower of God(how I wish that series hadn't fallen off), the main character of Rent A Girlfriend which I will do my best not to judge him for because he's gotta eat, and the later seasons of the mecha anime 86, taking over the role of the male lead Shinei Nouzen, better known by his callsign Undertaker, after the tragic passing of Billy Kametz, who was his original voice.
Okarun(not saying his name since it's a spoiler for the end of episode 1), the male lead, is voiced by relative newcomer AJ Beckles, whose only major role is also in the new Tower of God season as Khun Ran. But while I'll always love hearing my favorites pop up in every other series, it's always good to be getting new blood into the industry, and from the one episode that's out so far I'd say he nails it, playing off of Abby Trott's lines perfectly without falling into the annoying tone someone like, no offense to Aleks Le, Zenitsu can sometimes have.
Turbo Granny, as I said in a previous post, is voiced by Barbara Goodson, aka the queen of evil Rita Repulsa. I'll admit that her lines are alot more uncomfortable when directed at a child, but damn does she sell them regardless. And I suppose it wouldn't be the first time she's used magic to attack a group of teenagers with attitude. Well, Momo's the only one with attitude so far, but she's got more than enough for the both of 'em.
Tl;dr- Watch Dandadan's dub. It's awesome.
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gaaralover55 · 4 months ago
I just read the Fate: The Winx Saga Comic and it's story is suppose to play out after season 2. So it's season 3 but in comic form.
And I will be honest. I am so happy that this show got cancelled. Because it was a walking dumpster fire, filled with all kinds of bad themes and story ideas that ruined the characters we fell in love with when we were young.
And this comic didn't help either. I have nothing against the artstyle. Because it was the only positive thing in this comic which made characters look way more intressting then their show counterparts.
But sadly I can't say the same thing about their personlities. Because they are the same unlikeable characters like in Fate.
What pissed me off was ehat they did to one of my favourite villians in Winx Club! They turned Lord Darkar! The dark Phoenix! The walking skelleton with armor that is fused to his bones! Into some lame wannabe steampunk bastard! They took away my favourote dark lord charm!
They ruined him just like they ruined Lord Valtor! Or Sebastian Valtor. The lame son of Valtor. (Thank you for telling my mistake @moonli9htsstuffhtsstuff)
And I must say the ending was very brutal and made me really angry. There were so much wasted potential, changes and I won't spoil because it will make more pepole angry.
Oh at hell it with it!
Beatrix and Bloom are sisters, Daohne has been replaced with someone called Briar Terra, her girlfriend and Riven dies at the end in the story by monsters. That was unleased by an evil Stella who has stolen Bloom'd identity. Stella's mother Luna has disowned her and made Stella's cousin her heir insteaf.
This is just some of the few spoilers from the comic. And I know I wrote some information wrong, but I don't care! Because Fate the Winx Saga is trash.
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expectiations · 6 months ago
reading Fate: The Winx Saga Vol. 1: Dark Destiny and trying to wrap my head around what's happening. spoilers beneath the cut.
In Alfea:
Aisha is angry with Bloom for leaving.
Stella is trying to convince Sky to...move on?
Flora is chill as ever.
Kat and Terra not okay.
Musa insists on staying as a specialist now.
Queen Luna just 'fired' Stella in front of the entire school.
That shadow being is using animals to attack Alfea.
In the Realm of Darkness:
Bloom called her birth mum 'Ms. Dowling'???
Bloom and Beatrix are siblings????
They have a brother?!!!
Their birth parents were King and Queen.
I am *very* confused, chat. I feel like I missed something.
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my-random-ocs · 1 year ago
Do you have headcanon of Beatrix and her sisters, with Andreas and Sky?
Okay, so I want to preface all of this by saying I haven't watched the original Winx Club animation, so I know nothing of Beatrix and her sisters in that, so these might not be what some people in the fandom think lol
I imagine it took Sky a while to bond with them
Sky is still getting used to Beatrix, and her sisters might be cautious of anyone in Bea's life because they spent so long not being in it
Beatrix might force bonding time with the three of them, and they end up close, and Sky ends up just as protective of them as he is with Beatrix
They call him their brother, and they're his sisters
Oh my god, Andreas immediately adopts them lol
Whether they like it or not, those are his kids now
Same with Saul
He's already adopted Sky, and then Beatrix, and we know he'll be a father figure to her sisters, doesn't matter if their biological parents are alive or not
Just these two guys being dads to these million kids is hilarious to me I don't know why lmao
I don't know if they would be part of the Winx squad the way Beatrix is, but they wouldn't be against them? Like they would be friends, but more like adjacent to the friend group? They're friends but they're not close
Not for any particular reason, it's just that all the girls are still in school, so there isn't as much time to hang out
I really haven't thought a ton about it, the post before was more of a ranting post about my annoyance of the show's cancelation before it delved into the relationships between all of the characters😂
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nikosasaki · 9 months ago
Fate: The Winx Saga + Flora
not all of these plot bunnies will be queer... but most of them will be (will be in part using freefallverse worldbuilding here);
Hali Arroyo is only a diligent student if her parents ask. Otherwise, she's skipping classes and spending most evenings at the White Horse in town, drinking with specialist boys and beating them at arm wrestling contests. She's doing anything but her homework, and her grades are starting to show it. She's failing at least six classes, and the school is threatening to call her parents over it.
To make a really long story a little shorter: she needs a tutor, fast. It just so happens that Flora is an excellent student, and a really, really good person, who immediately offers to help Hali out when she finds the girl crying in the stairwell one day. Hali doesn't want her help, but she does eventually admit that she needs it, badly.
Flora is too helpful, and too nice, and just too genuine. The more time they spend together, the less Hali trusts it. There has to be some kind of ulterior motive going on, and Hali becomes obsessed with figuring out what Flora's secret is.
(Spoiler alert: she has a crush on Hali.)
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baby-beluga18 · 10 months ago
Guess who’s back again with another book to tv connection??? Me! ( I promise I’m going to talk about other things at some point but apparently this is just how my minds working right now lol)
PS: there may be some slight spoilers for the “Fate the Winx Saga” tv show
This time, it’s more of a criticism though. So, I just finished watching Fate the Winx Saga on Netflix and although I thought it was a good show I ended up cringing a lot of the time by how much it shadowed Harry Potter. I find this kinda thing happening a lot in fantasy books and tv shows. Basically whenever they have a school it seems like it’s kind of inspired by Harry Potter but for this one especially I feel like it kind of took away some of the good story line because (especially since I’m currently rereading Harry Potter) I couldn’t help noticing all of the things that are so similar. And not even just the school but like, even the main characters are kinda similar.
Bloom, like Harry, grew up with a family who wasn’t actually her own and she always felt like she didn’t fit in with them. She was sent to live with a different family because she had the dragon flame and evil people would try to get her if they knew who she was. Just like how Harry was sent to live with his aunt and uncle because he had survived Voldemort’s attack and everyone knew who he was. They both grew up not even knowing about the magic world. Let alone knowing their parents were a huge part of that world. And they even both had weird things happening to them before they went to school and learned how to control their magic. And that’s not even mentioning the fact that they both really found their first true friends at school and that those friends are the ones that help them through everything. I mean, she was literally at alfea for two days before she found a group of best friend AND a potential boyfriend like seriously??…
Even though it seems like I’ve been kinda hating on the show, trust me I don’t really hate it. I think that the show was pretty good I just didn’t like how much it mirrored Harry Potter because it just makes it seem a little uncreative.
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.
(Seriously this was a long rant but I just needed to write about it lol. I hope you enjoy)
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ladiijanedoe-blog · 2 years ago
⚠️ ATTENTION ⚠️ Spoilers ahead‼️Note: this is my own story and how I wish Season 02 Fate: The Winx Saga actually went. Some of the fanfic will include the continuation of plots introduced in Season 01. I hope you enjoy my HC 😌👍
Season 02:
Chapter 1: A New Arrival in Alfea.
The roaring sound of a motorbike riding across the dirt road can be heard for miles. A black figure sits upon it, hunched and fearless. The morning sun is yet to break and under the cover of darkness the figure is able to move through Solaria without detection.
The motorbike reaches the gates to Alfea, through the gates and up the driveway, the motorbike comes to a stop just outside the doors of the Main Hall. The driver turns off the ignition and rolls off the motorbike, a long hooded cloak covers the figure from sight.
Standing before the the grand architecture of Alfea, the figure gazes across the stone walls. They had been here before. Many years ago. Still looked the same, but this time, it felt different.
The hooded figure pulls out a small tracking device and begins making their way into the specialist building. Hidden in the shadows, the black hooded cloak made them invisible to any roaming students. As the figure sneaks quietly down the corridor, they reach a door. Puzzled they look at the tracker again. The tracker had led them to the boys dormitory. Surely this is a mistake? What would Saul Silva be doing in the boys dormitory?
Peering inside the room, two boys are asleep in their beds. The hooded figure walks around the room scanning for something. As they turn towards Sky’s bed, something catches their eye. The morning light has shone through the crystal attached to Saul Silva’s necklace. The figure stares at the necklace attached to Sky’s neck. And within a split second the necklace is ripped from Sky’s neck and they leave the room in a gust of wind.
Sky jumps awake as he hears the bedroom door hit the wall as if a tornado had just blown through. He touches his neck where his necklace once sat and notices it’s gone. In a scurry he jumps out of bed and runs out the door. Riven is awoken to the scurry and sits up on his elbows with one eye open.
Riven: “Man…. What’s happening….”
Sky runs down the hallway without a word only wearing his tracksuit pants. He runs around the winding pathway, looking for any trace of the intruder. That necklace was the last thing he had that reminded him of home, he wouldn’t let it be lost forever!
As he turns the corner he reaches the Grand Staircase leading to the Atrium. He runs into a group of students heading out for morning training.
Student: “WHOAAAA…. Careful mate!”
Sky corrects his footing and keeps running, he turns to apologise.
Sky: “SORRY.... SORRY!”
He keeps running, his heart beating fast pumping adrenaline throughout his body. His breath is heavy and deep. He can’t stop. As he rounds the corner of the balcony Riven appears in front of him blocking his path. Riven may not have looked like a brick house but he sure was strong like one. He stopped Sky dead in his tracks.
Riven: “MATE… Mate, where’s the fire ey?”
Sky tries to escape Rivens clutches.
Sky: “Riven! MOVE!….”
Rivens hold on Sky gets tighter.
Riven: “Sky! What’s gotten into you man?”
Sky’s adrenaline begins to dissipate. His body relaxes and Riven releases his grip to let Sky breathe.
Sky panting: “Silvas Necklace…… it’s gone… someone has taken it.”
Riven releases Sky completely and rests his hand on Sky’s back as he continues catching his breath.
Riven: “The fuck man!….. I thought someone stole your sword or something!”
Sky looks up at Riven.
Sky: “Just help me get it back!”
Riven: “Yeah alright, alright.”
Riven looks around for any sight of the intruder. Nothing looks out of the ordinary…. But then something catches his eye. Light flickers across his face. As he looks over the balustrade, he notices a hooded figure standing on the balcony overlooking the entrance driveway. The figure has the necklace dangling from their fingers raised to the morning sun, as if inspecting it for something.
Riven: “There! Com’on”
Riven points over to the second story balcony and Sky turns around to see. The two boys creep over the balustrade and carefully make there way up to the second story.
Riven and Sky pull themselves up and over the second story balustrade and creep towards the balcony. As they get closer the hooded figure snaps their neck towards them, half their face is hidden behind a mask. Only dark brown eyes are visible that pierce through Sky and Riven's soul with a glance. The hooded figure grasps the necklace and without a second thought, jumps from the second story balcony to the pebble driveway below.
Riven and Sky run towards the balcony and watch as the hooded figure lands on the ground and runs towards the training field.
Sky lifts himself over the balcony and straddles the balustrade. Riven grabs his shoulder in an instant.
Riven: “Mate! You ain’t jumping from the second story!”
Sky scuffles with Riven's grasp. But eventually is pulled off the edge and heads towards the staircase.
Sky leaps down the staircase with ease and heads towards the entrance doors. Sky may not be as strong as Riven, but he was quick and agile. He could outrun anyone and he had a fair distance to catch up on if he wanted the necklace back!
Sky takes chase, while Riven and a number of other students who had overheard the commotion follow behind.
The hooded figure turns around to see Sky only a meter or so behind. He was quick! Real quick! The figure runs towards the training mats and flips up onto the main stage. Sky darts up the stairs and meets them in the fighting ring. The hooded figure moves slowly and dangles the necklace from their fingers.
Sky: “Give that BACK!”
Sky is livid as he can see Silvas necklace within arms reach.
The hooded figure: “How did you get this?”
Sky reaches out towards the necklace but in an instant, the hooded figure snaps the necklace out of reach.
It was at this time that a crowd had formed around the stage. Riven took his place amongst the crowd intrigued as to the identity of the hooded figure.
Sky: “That’s none of your business.”
Sky attempts again to snatch back the necklace but the hooded figure blocks his advance with a quick karate chop to his forearm. Pain radiates up his arm as he bends over in pain.
Sky was hurt. How did a move like that cause so much pain? He looks up towards the figure.
The hooded figure: “It doesn’t belong to you.”
Sky moves quickly to deliver a low kick to the knee. But the hooded figure is quick and jumps up and clears the attack.
They both move to opposite sides of the stage preparing to fight!
Sky: “I’ll pry the necklace from your dead hands if I have to!”
Sky’s anger was growing, his face contorted with pure hatred. He was going to fight with everything he had to get the necklace back.
Riven: “Sky!”
Sky turns to the crowd and Riven throws him a sword.
The hooded figure takes off their cloak revealing a long flowing ponytail. The hooded figure was a woman. She pulls out a long staff from behind her back. The staff was ornate with metal detail, it was beautifully crafted and well looked after, the weapon of a true fighter! She was ready to fight back.
And with that, the two deliver blow after blow. Continuously attacking with power, speed and agility. The blade of the sword sparking against the metal on the staff. Sky’s mastered fight pattern only being met with more blocks and force delivered by the masked woman. There was no doubt that the masked woman was a trained fighter. Sky had a tough battle on his hands.
The crowd roared and cheered in awe of the masked woman. Who was she and where did she learn how to fight like that?
With all the commotion, more and more students began to gather surrounding the stage. Soon enough Andreas and his fellow trainers appeared behind the crowd of students, ushering them aside to get a better look at the combat taking place.
Sky could see Andreas in the corner of his vision, Andreas stood with arms crossed, annoyance plastered across his face.
Sky didn't see Andreas as a father figure, he hadn't been around throughout Sky's childhood. However, he did have something to prove to Andreas. Within a moment of reminiscing his childhood, Sky's feet fell from under him.
Sky hit the ground with a thud as the masked woman pinned him to the mat, her staff lay across his chest. As she placed her boot to secure the staff against Sky's body, she lowered her mask. Wow! She was beautiful, Sky thought.
Woman: "Well, looks like that's, check..... Mate!."
Her boot pushing into Sky's chest crushing him between the staff and the mat, Sky's breath is restricted as he continues to fight to escape.
Andreas: "Alright, that's enough now!"
Andreas yells out across the crowd.
Andreas: "You have had your fun..."
The fighter does not move she stares into Sky's eyes as if pinning him further into the mat. Sky mesmerized by her stare and begins to turn blue with the lack of oxygen. As Sky lays transfixed in the fighters stare, he sees a flicker of colour dance across her eyes. What was that? he thought.
The fighter breaks her stare and turns to Andreas. She releases her hold on Sky, he breaks free and gasps for air. Riven and a number of trainers rush to Sky's side.
Riven: "You alright mate?"
Sky pushing Riven aside while he attempts to catch his breath.
Kia walks over to Andreas bewildered at the sight.
Kia: "Well look who rose from the dead..... Andreas of Eraklyon."
Andrea stands as stiff as a board, arms crossed in front. In a huff, he turns and walks away from the crowd, Kia follows.
Sky after regaining his breath, stands up and watches Andreas speak to the young woman. How did he know her? Who is she? Why is she here?
The trainers usher the crowd of students back into the main building. Riven stands beside Sky and hands him a jumper.
Riven sarcastically: "Well at least she didn't kill you!
Sky pulls his jumper over his head, annoyed at Riven's comment.
Sky: "I had her Riven. I would have won too if Andreas didn't turn up!"
Riven laughs: "She handed your ass to you mate."
Sky scoffs as he watches Andreas and Kia walk towards the main hall.
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menodoramoon · 4 months ago
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Caiette’s Swynwrimo 2024: Task #26 — Character #Inspo (Part 1)
Find five existing fictional characters who remind you of your characters (or who inspired your characters) ... Post one piece of inspiration from each character (A gif, a quote, a video clip, a screenshot) and write a little bit about how that character relates to your own.
Inspirations for Menodora "Moon" Perhonen
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Spoilers for Fate: The Winx Saga, Ghost Quartet/Fall of the House of Usher, Ni No Kuni, The Gemma Doyle Trilogy
Characters Listed:
Inspirations Farah Dowling (Fate: The Winx Saga) Gertrude (Hamlet) Lady Usher (Ghost Quartet) Allie (Ni No Kuni) Virginia Doyle (A Gemme Doyle Trilogy) Honorable Mentions Catelyn Stark (Game of Thrones, because I didn't read ASOIAF) Elinor (Brave) [Yes, I'm aware of the Irony]
Farah Dowling (Fate: The Winx Saga)
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Farah Dowling is 80% why I picked Eve Best for Menodora's Face Claim. The other 20% was probably Eve Best as Anna Clayton making this expression:
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I just think Farah mirrors some of Menodora's struggles -- hidden past, keeping a facade of propriety that buries her inclination to get close to people.
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Farah holds a great deal of guilt for her past actions (re: The destruction of Aster Dell), where Menodora feels a deep regret for her perceived brashness when it comes to vanquishing Tófi. Similarly, both of these actions had an element of either manipulation or at least poor advisement, with actions being driven by Rosalind and The Commission for Farah and Menodora, respectively.
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Additionally, Farah confides in Saul Silva, someone who had been with her in their past training with The Light Batallion. Meanwhile, it's explained in the tie-in books for Star Vs. The Forces of Evil that River and Moon met on the battlefield against monsters. Saul grounds Farah in a similar way that River does to Moon.
Farah also has a scene where she acts as an authority figure, admonishing the Winx girls for their recklessness, though is perceived to also be proud of them for their initiative.
I believe this captures Menodora's feelings and appearance very well. The most visible part of her is the Authority Figure, which sometimes clashes with the part of her that can say that she is proud of Stella.
To me, there are just these little threads that may not match but do somewhat rhyme.
Gertrude (Hamlet)
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Now you may go, but Caiette, Gertrude from Hamlet!? Yes! Gertrude from Hamlet!
Bound by duty? A complicated relationship with her child? In a state of avoiding her own understanding of herself and going through the motions? Feels trapped by the public's perception of her? Is treated with worst intentions by her own child? Her son's least favorite parent -- I suppose excluding Claudius, whom he doesn't claim.
Acts as if she's in control of her life when really she is somewhat spiraling, especially when confronted by her child in his own spiral?
And let's not forget that she is depressed! I shouldn't psychoanalyze Gertrude, but it somewhat fits.
I just think she's a neat Shakespeare girly who hits a lot of the same boxes even if they're not the same.
Lady Usher (Ghost Quartet)
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This one is interesting for me, as I adore Ghost Quartet. Gelsey Bell plays Lady Usher, inspired/drawn from Edgar Allen Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher.
In this timeline/thread of Ghost Quartet, the cycles of Mothers and Daughters is explored, as well as Fathers and Sons. Ultimately, Lady Usher is well-meaning towards Roxie, and indulges fantastical elements of Roxie's life, but also strong arms her worries about Roxie's imaginary friend who has turned Roxie cynical and possibly obssessive.
Overall, there is something in the complex cycle between mothers and daughters that use to inform Menodora's portrayal.
Also, the idea of Menodora being a softer mother in private than in public. Very appealing.
Allie (Ni No Kuni)
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Okay, Caution Here. Major Spoilers for the Video Game Ni No Kuni.
[tw death, mention of almost drowning, maybe fantasy genocide???]
There are levels to this. It contains ✨ multitudes ✨
On the simplest level, we have a very British-sounding mother of the chosen one.
Shout out to Jo Wyatt, also the voice of female Hawke in Dragon Age II @ A.
On a deeper level, we have a woman who is secretly magical and from another world and time who transported herself to a small town and essentially lives a 'normal' life.
Obviously, the differences are that Oliver loves his mother (@ Stella), and that she's open and loving to her son even with her secrets (@ Menodora.)
So if you don't know the story of Allie in Ni No Kuni, basically, you're introduced to her as Oliver's (main protagonist) very normal, if a bit anglophilic, mother who dies saving him from drowning. You are soon told that there might be a way to save her by freeing her 'soulmate' (other-world counterpart), the Great Sage Alicia, who's connection to her was severed by a dark djinn named Shadar. (Yes, that's his name.) A whole Ghibli Quest Ensues and at the end, when you think you're about to save her -- BAM. The worst twist! It was 🎶 Alicia All Along 🎶! Your mother was The Great Sage Alicia, YOU (Oliver) are the soulmate of Shadar and will kill yourself if you kill him(!!!), and your mom is perma-dead! TRAGIC!!!! So you get through the last cour (you think) with the acceptance that you're going to have to die in order to save this other world, and it's revealed in the end that the reason that you're Shadar's Soulmate is because Alicia was trying to save Shadar!!! (I don't understand this logic. I didn't at ten years old, I don't at twenty-five.) ANYWAYS. It's more about the reasoning.
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Shadar had once gone by Lucien and wanted to be a noble soldier to his home kingdom. Unfortunately, he hadn't realized that his home kingdom was a tyrannical nation that used its army to hurt and killed villages of people who might harbor oppressors. Alicia was the child of a Great Sage and was saved by Shadar back when he was human and went by Lucien. He was punished for this act and his own home village was raided. Alicia never forgot his act of sacrifice and kindness and has spent her life learning how to be a good magician and save him from himself! Essentially, by the end, Oliver is able to have some closure with her... spirit????? And she and Lucien are able to... reunite in the afterlife???? This might have made more sense in Japanese.
Magic lady from a fantasy, story-land who tries to be normal for the sake of.... being good. Has a deep-rooted relationship with an adult figure from her childhood.
The vibes arent' even terribly similar but there's symbolism in this story about hope -- and also lost causes??? -- that I just love and draw on.
Ni No Kuni has a lot of messages about hope and light and I think that that, plus the use of fun mythos, really inspired some of Menodora's character and the way she interacts with the world.
Virginia Doyle (A Gemme Doyle Trilogy)
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Spoilers for The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray, specifically A Great and Terrible Beauty!!
** Art by Nicole Chartrand. This art is not official of Virginia Doyle, but it invokes a feeling. And for that, I accept it.
[TW Suicide, Stabbing]
Virginia Doyle, a mother with a dark past who keeps it from her daughter and creates some strife that way? Yes, please. Virginia Doyle, a tragic mom character who unintentionally besets her sins and secrets on her daughter? Also, yes.
She means well, but her secrecy and shady past do get her in trouble. As well as the pressure she puts on her daughter, Gemma, to be a lady. Her relationship with her daughter -- what you see of it in the books -- is so brief, but it is telling.
Virginia wants to protect her daughter, and in doing so, alienates her.
I don't mean to keep picking up mom characters who die, but.... I mean. She's gone within the first two chapters, killing herself to keep herself from being corrupted by a dark creature and protecting her daughter from having to harm her in that state.
She also has a deep tragic past with one of the not-quite big bads -- main antagonist of the first two books -- and it shows through backstory.
Closing Thoughts
I don't know, I'm realizing through this that... maybe 'friends who went wrong' and 'secretly magical mum' are my types. Also, maybe 'friend who went wrong' became 'a secret backstory with the villain,' is evidenced by Farah, Allie, and Virginia. They certainly seem to be Menodora's types.
Caiette's Swynwrimo 2024 Tracklist.
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sparklypinkskulls · 1 year ago
i loved fate: the winx saga but why did my wife have to die
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