#andreas x rosalind
rivusa · 10 months
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I'm yours, but you're not mine
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faytalepsy · 1 year
Prompt H
I had so much fun working on this with the wonderful Andylind-Queen @shadowofnight ! The process for me definitely had its ups and downs and I was this close to scrapping the entire thing before seeing sense. And now we present an amazing Andylind fic just in time for Andylind August and not at all late for RBB!
Read the fic to the art here:
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fitztragedy · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Anne @shadowofnight!!
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myalchod · 1 year
18 & Farah + Andreas
18. graveyard shift
Officially "the prompt what got away from me" because holy shit did it get away from me. Not at all sorry, though. Since it counts in your timezone, happy rarepair weekend, darling -- enjoy!
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[ prompt | read ]
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skloomdumpster · 1 year
Andreas gets wounded during a sparring lesson. Rosalind helps.
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simplytheevebest · 2 years
Rosalind: Saul, Andreas, you both asked for time off tomorrow but I need one of you to work. Figure this out and get back to me
Saul: I can't cancel, I asked Farah on a date and she finally said yes
Andreas: I'm not cancelling either. I have dinner plans with my parents
Saul: I thought you hated your parents. You call them "smiley-morons" and "hug freaks"
Andreas: Plans are plans, I'm a badass not an anarchist
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unknowntoyou2205 · 2 years
I just want my dad pt 2
Info: Y/n finds out from Andreas where her father is due to go and loses control, but little does she know that her suite mates prevent that from happening.
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Y/n sat at her desk, finishing off some homework when she heard a knock on the door. Frowning, not knowing who would be looking for her, she walked over and opened the door, before groaning seeing Andreas on the other side. Seeing her reaction, Andreas stepped in a bit to prevent her closing the door, causing her to sigh and move back to her desk, sitting down and turning to face her desk once again.
"I told you I'm not supposed to be a specialist, go train those who actually are specialists." Y/n spoke, winching slightly as she felt a stinging sensation from the object in her back. "That's not what I'm here for. And you and I both know that there is no way your getting out of training, whether you like it or not. You have great potential as a specialist." "In another life maybe." Y/n stated, fed up of Andreas antics. "I'm here to give you news on your father." Andreas spoke, watching as his goddaughter perked up at the mention of her dad. "Can I see him? Is he being let go?" Y/n asked, hoping at least one of them had yes as an answer. "There sending him to Polaris." Andreas stated, watching for a reaction. "That's the frozen north. Surely what he did wasn't that bad." Y/n stated, trying not to cry as tears built up. "He did try to kill me." Andreas stated, bringing his hands out in front of him. "But your alive. Surely that counts for something." "The queens word is final." "Yeah well fuck the queen." Y/n said in rage, standing up abruptly. "Y/n, watch would you say. You know what can happen if you don't remain in control." Andreas stated, eyeing the stone embedded in her shoulder. "No, Andreas, enough about control, I want to see my dad, please he's all I have left. I can't lose him." Y/n stated, angry tears falling. “Y/n, calm down now before I have to use force” Andreas warned the young fairy only for it to fall on deaf ears.
Y/n narrows her eyes at Andreas and balls her hands into fists, gritting her teeth as her eyes glow white before letting her powers consume her. She fires a ball of white fire at Andreas only for Andreas to duck just on time. The fire landed on a piece of clothing, causing flames to appear as Dane walked in after accompanying Andreas to y/n's room. Seeing the flames he throws water on them, eyeing y/n as she grew angrier.
“Get Rosalind, now.” Andreas commanded before going over to y/n, taking out knife to defend himself. “Yes go get Rosalind, see what she can do now to make my hell life even worse.” Y/n laughed maniacally. “Y/n, stop this now.” Andreas commanded. “No Andreas, I don’t care what happens to you, you took my dad, so why should I care what happens, I’m done for anyway.” Y/n stated with sadness before raising her hands again only for Rosalind to blast her back.
Rosalind walked into y/n's dorm room and headed towards the fairy as she lay on the ground, confused from the blast. The headmistress toots as she crouched down in front of the young Silva, shaking her head in disapproval.
Upon hearing the back, Terra and Musa rush into y/n's room to see what happened. Realizing there were two teachers there, they watched in confusion and worry when they see y/n on the ground, Andreas with a knife in his hand and Rosalind crouched in front of the student.
“What’s going on?” Musa asked, trying to read the emotions in the room only to fail, only feeling y/ns hurt. “What’s going on is y/n here has lost control, so now we need to take action.” Rosalind stated, getting back up and moving towards Dane who gave her a box. “What do you mean take action?” Terra asked, concerned for her friend. Y/n looks up as she hears Rosalind walking away from her. “I mean stop her magic temporarily, till she learns to control her emotions.” Rosalind stated, opening the box and taking out two metal wires, causing the girls eyes to widen. “Wait, you’re not going to use them on her, are you?” Musa asked, glancing at y/n to see her eyes widen. “It’s only temporary.” Rosalind shrugged before walking back to y/n, Andreas following.
Musa and Terra watched hopelessly as Andreas pulled y/n off the ground by her arm, y/n struggling to get away from him as he tried to grab her wrists. Seeing her student struggling, Rosalind sighed and placed her hand on the diamond embedded in y/ns back, squeezing it, causing pain to y/n that prevented her from fighting. With y/n distracted with the pain, Andreas grabbed the fairies arms and put them out for Rosalind to put the cuffs on her. Y/n whimpers in pain as they attached to her wrists, before eyeing Rosalind as she leaned in closer.
“I would advise you to get used to this y/n. The longer you fight us the more it’s going to hurt.” Rosalind stated before walking off. “Your father is good as gone y/n, get used to it.” Andreas stated before following Rosalind out, leaving Musa and Terra alone with y/n. “Are you okay y/n?” Terra asked, rushing over to hug y/n carefully. “I just want my dad.” Y/n cried, falling to the ground, allowing her suite mates to comfort her.
Silva sighs as he hears the door of the cellar opening, thinking it was Andreas. Four months he had been in his cell and four months since he had last seen his daughter, or anyone. Silva prepared to be smart to Andreas only to frown when he seen Queen Luna walking towards his cell, her soldiers close behind.
“What’s going on?” Silva asked in confusion as one of the guards opened the door of his cell. “It is with deepest sorrow that I tell you this Saul, but you are being sent to Polaris.” Luna stated as two soldiers walked towards Saul. “Wait what, no, you can’t do that. Please, I beg of you, don’t do this. Y/n needs me.” Saul stated, trying to fight against the men who grabbed his arms roughly. “I’m sorry Saul, but you committed a crime and need to be punished.” Luna stated, trying to sound sympathetic. “Please, let me see her, let me see y/n one last time please, I need to know she’s okay.” Silva stated, wanting to see his daughter one last time. “I can assure you that y/n is safe, she is in control.” Luna spoke, causing Silva pull back slightly. “What the hell does that mean?” “As you know Saul, y/n is a very special girl. So, we took precautions so she would remain in control, she will make a fine soldier one day.” Luna spoke warmly, sounding fond of the young Silva. “No, Queen Luna please, leave my girl alone, let her live her life.” Silva begged as the soldiers pulled him out, not wanting his daughter to end like him. “Y/n is safe Saul, that I can assure you.” Luna stated before leaving the soldiers to do their job.
Realizing there was no way out of this, and deciding to at least act like the specialist he was raised to be even if he didn't feel like it, Saul sighed and stood straight, allowing he soldiers to put cuffs on him and lead him out of his cell. He blinked rapidly as the door to the outside was opened, feeling the discomfort of the light burning his eyes.
As he was lead towards the jeep that would lead him to his faith, Silva seen Riven and Dane as well as his other students standing to the side watching, and can't help but feel disappointed in how things turned out. He allows himself to be thrown into the back, knowing that fighting wouldn't help his chances, before looking up as Andreas jumps up behind him, chuckling lightly.
"You look like actual dog shit Saul, and you smell worse." Andreas stated, smirking slightly. "Well I've been in jail for months, what's our excuse?" Silva asked blankly, causing Andreas to smile slightly "Even after everything your still just Rosalind's errand boy." Andreas looked away with a smirk before leaning into Silva slightly. "We both chose our leader, but only one of us is in chains." Andreas stated, pointing to the chains on Silva's wrists before moving to leave. "How is she?" Silva asked, stopping Andreas movement. "She's alive, if that's what your asking." Andreas stated with a smirk. "You know what I'm asking. I'm guessing you told her so how did she take it?" Silva asked and Andreas nodded, turning to face him. "She lost control so we put her in her place." Andreas said curtly, moving to get out. "Let's move out." He finished before closing the door, leaving Silva to think over what he said.
Y/n lay in Sky's bed, staring at the ceiling as Sky sat at the desk. Sky sat staring at the sword Silva had given him with a glare, and y/n turned her attention to her unbiological brother when she heard him sigh.
"What is it?" Y/n asked, moving to sit up. "Silva gave me this sword, told me it was my dads. Turns out it's another lie he told me." Sky stated, not moving his vision. "He did it to protect you Sky, protect me." Y/n started. "Yeah because apparently you need to be protected at all costs." He snapped before turning abruptly when he realized what he said. "Y/n I.." "You think I want this Sky. This fucking thing in my back and these on my wrists." Y/n asked, indicating to her back before showing her wrists, "Do you think I want to be some special fairy that everyone wants. I have lost my dad Sky, possibly forever. He raised you as your own and because of one lie your casting him aside. At least your dad's still there, as shit as he may be, be thankful you still see him." Y/n finished her rant before getting up to leave. "Y/n, please, I'm sorry." Sky called to her before she left, causing Sky to curse silently.
Y/n ignored Sky's shouts and made her way back to her dorm, tears falling down her cheeks. All she wanted was her dad and now she may never see him again. Her dad was the one who raised her and he was the one who protected her from the queen, and now that he was gone, no one could protect her from Queen Luna, or the new heads of school.
Not wanting anyone to see her crying, y/n wiped her tears as she reached the dorm. Her suite mates had seen her break down over her dad enough times, and she wasn't too keen on letting it become a regular thing. However when she looked around and seen no one around, she signed and headed towards her room, flopping onto the bed and allowing the tears to spill down her cheeks. Her thoughts became surrounded by memories with her father, not knowing that her suite mates were trying to break him out.
Saul sat in the back of the closed jeep, watching as they speed past the forest, seeing excess movement along the trees. Frowning slightly, his thoughts became disrupted as they came to a stand still, and he looked back when he heard doors opening and closing as well as the soldiers cursing before the back door was opened and he was pulled out and placed in the back of a less secure jeep. He caught sight of vines growing towards a soldier that stood at the bonnet of his previous transport and taking keys from the pocket of the soldiers uniform, cursing silently as he realized who it was.
He looked back again as his new transport started moving, before turning his vision back to in front of him. He sees a bubble of water coming towards him and looks back to see Riven and Dane looking ahead before the water bursts on him. Looking down he grabs the keys and looks back once again before bending down as he hears an explosion in the distance. Riven, Dane and Andreas rush out of the jeep and ran off, and Silva took his chance to escape.
Fidgeting with the key and lock, Silva managed to open the cuffs and made a run for it to the forest behind him. He barely got into the trees when he heard Andreas give out a shout and footsteps rushing to him, so he started to run quicker. Dodging trees and overgrown roots, Silva groans as he feels two arrows shoot into his back, before seeing a cliff coming into view.
Taking a leap of faith, Silva holds his breath before he crashes into the water. Closing his eyes, he struggles to hold his breath, and ends up breathing out, choking as he feels like he's about to pass out until he sees a large air bubble coming towards him and cover his mouth, as well as pressure to keep him under water. He breathes in relief while waiting for the pressure to be relieved before swimming to the surface, feeling the stinging of his back as he struggles to make his way to the edge of the river.
Leaning against a large rock at the side of the river, Silva sees Bloom, Musa, Aisha and Terra walking towards him, causing him to look around for y/n only to become deflated when he realizes she's not there. He moves to sit on the rock and allows to pull out the arrows and point ointment onto the wounds.
"That has to be the most reckless think you have ever done." He stated as he looked back at the four fairies. "I don't think that's very true." Terra stated, looking at her friends. "Weren't you here last year." Aisha asked, bending down. "Yeah when Bloom went crazy and let loose evil headmistress." Musa stated, looking at Bloom who smiled in shame. "What do we do now?" Bloom asked, ignoring the topic. "I need to see y/n first, I need to know she's okay." Silva stated, moving to stand up. "I don't think that's a good idea. You just escaped, they're going to look for you. Probably go to y/n first thinking she had something to do with it." Aisha stated with a shake of her head, causing Silva to sigh, knowing she was right. "Take me to blackbridge, right off the town square, my friend Sebastian owns a store. He helped us take down Rosalind, he'll hide me." Silva sighed, wanting to see his daughter but knowing it was safer this way. "Alright, to blackbridge we go." Bloom stated before the group of them left.
Tags: @lyria-skyfall @mxacegrey @sassyqueen15
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atrxides · 2 years
in the middle of the night i woke up to see you posting about how brilliant the silrah community is even if there are some weirdos in the fandom and i just wanted to echo that. I'm not a huge connoisseur of media, I've only seriously written for 5ish fandoms, but nothing in my experience compares to how supportive Silrah fans are for each other. it's QUALITY support, too, not just "please write more!" or "part 2!" It's thoughtful engagement, long comments, reblogging, hyping each other up, literally everything you could ask for in a fandom. Thanks for being part of that 💕
(accidentally deleted that post because I wanted to edit and I didn't repost it sorry lol but for context someone -not for the first time- made unprovoked rude comments on one of my silrah posts on insta and titkok and it just made me once again appreciate how much I love the fate adults tumblr community for being respectful and generally encouraging each other's headcanons <3)
But yes I absolutely, 100% agree with you. I have been part of so many fandoms, but none of them will ever be like the silrah fandom. Not only the fact that I've made some amazing and talented friends because of it, but it's honestly just so peaceful and I have seen nothing but respect for people's different headcanons and ideas for the characters.
The ftws adults fandom in general is just my comfort space and I just love it so much. And, like you said, it's such an engaging community as well, like people like to discuss what you've written and they are always so supportive it's so refreshing. In addition to being able to talk about silrah for hours, I could also talk about the fandom for hours cause it's just amazing 🫂💞
I absolutely love you guys and thank you, and all the other silrah/ftws adults fans for creating such a comforting and creatively nurturing environment <3
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Lucy really is kidding herself about how she truly feels for Tim. Right?
How on earth can she focus on her feelings for Tim when ROSALIND HAS ESCAPED.
That dominates everything for Lucy during that Operation. She’s trying not to fall apart - Tim gives her comfort . Did you not see her hand shake when she was manhandling him before during and after their kiss - as a lovely call back to Tim pulling her out of the barrel.
She’ll deal with Tim and the ramifications of inviting him into her apartment around the mid season finale, that’d be my guess.
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rivusa · 2 years
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sometimes we all get some kind of haunted
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faytalepsy · 1 year
Andylind + kiss #14 (casually)
"You're getting too old for this."
Her sharp gaze snapped up, lips thinning just enough to show he was on very thin ice.
"Fortunately you have me to help you out."
He placed the cup of coffee on her desk and on a whim leaned in further, brushing a featherlight kiss to her cheek.
Rosalind just grunted in mild annoyance, reaching for the coffee.
"Fortunately you are still useful to me. You better keep it that way."
She tipped her cup in a mock salute before taking a careful sip. He watched her swallow, gaze tracing over her tense features. There seemed to be nothing but frustration etched into the lines on her face lately.
"Oh and here I was thinking I've already proven my worth." When she just snorted in answer before turning back to whatever document occupied her desk at the moment he decided to lean in again until she could feel his breath tickle her ear.
"You seemed to be pretty satisfied last night."
"Oh shut up."
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Saul Silva x reader - always by your side
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Can you write a story with a reader (student or teacher) who learns that Saul is pardoned during season 2 please? - @djino04 💜
Alfea hadn’t been the same since Saul was arrested, and even though you wanted to leave, the only reason you stayed was for Sky, but you threw your all into your training and your work.
Even when it came to the Alumni event, you refused to take part and attend though there was many questions for you to do so.
You didn’t want to take part, so you refused.
And there was nothing they could do about it, because Rosalind and Andreas both knew that if you didn’t want to do something, there was no amount of threats or pain that would make you do it.
So they left you to it, deciding it would be good to have at least one teacher out patrolling around the school.
And that’s where you had been all night, headphones on as you trained in the specialists training ground, honing your fire and lighting up the training ground in a series of red or Orange light.
Even as the night drew on, you didn’t stop, your mind was solely focused on one thing now, and that was getting stronger.
You didn’t trust Rosalind and Andreas one bit, and someone had to be willing to protect the students, so you were pushing yourself beyond the limits every day to increase your strength and endurance.
As the sun was coming up, you decided to take a break and you sat down on the grass, drinking some water from your bottle, you slid your headphones down your neck as you took a deep breath.
“Professor (L/N)?!”
You snapped your head up and furrowed your brows a little bit.
“Bloom, what’s wrong?”
She jogged over and handed you something and you looked at her smiling face.
“I was asked to give you that, Sky said I could find you out here.”
“Alright, is that everything?”
She nodded her head and you nodded as well, settling the envelope down on the grass, putting your bottle on it, you took a few moments to rest before standing up.
“I really think you read it Professor.”
You turned to bloom and rose a brow at her and she picked it up, holding it out to you again, stepping back as she clasped her hands behind her back.
“Bloom im training.”
“Please read it.”
Sighing heavily you opened it and held the envelope in your hands as you unfolded the paper, and you carefully read the first half.
“I don’t understand..” you mumbled.
You looked up and you realised she had walked away, but you found a familiar face walking across the training grounds towards you.
You were frozen in place, and you stared at the man who carried on walking over.
Letting the paper fall from your hands, you slowly began to walk, then you began to jog into you were running towards him.
And when you were close enough you crashed into him, hugging him tightly as you both dropped to your knees.
Saul hugged you back tightly, pressing his forehead against your head as you buried your face into the crook of his neck.
“H..how…? What…?”
“I’ve been pardoned..” he whispered back.
You pulled away from him and you looked at him, tears falling from your eyes.
The face you missed staring at so much, the face of your best friend.
“Does that mean..?”
Saul smiled softly and he nodded his head, letting you hug him tightly once more.
“I can stay..”
“Jesus Christ Saul..”
He laughed a little bit, hugging you as tightly as he could without hurting you.
“Didn’t think you’d get rid of me that easily did you?”
You slapped his back and he chuckled again, resting his chin on your head.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and he smiled to himself.
“Thank you for staying for him…”
“I promised you I’d look after him.”
Saul nodded a little bit, and he carried on hugging you.
Your tears soaked his shirt, but they weren’t tears of sadness this time, they were tears of happiness, tears of joy to have you best friend back by your side.
You had grown up with him, you had never been away from him, you two were always right next to one another, like a package deal.
So when he was arrested, it destroyed you, and filled you with a rage that could barely been contained.
And you were still angry.
But you were overjoyed with the fact he had been pardoned, with the fact he wasn’t an enemy of the realm anymore, and he wasn’t on the run.
You were happy beyond words to know that he was excused from it, and he could help you make things right at the school, and make the school safe once more.
Because you were best friends, and despite everything that had happened, you swore you’d always have each others backs.
So you needed him with you, so you could stand side by side and face the challenges that were to come because truth be told? You knew you couldn’t do it any longer by yourself.
And going by the way he was hugging you for dear life, something told you Saul couldn’t handle this on his own anymore either
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myalchod · 1 year
Andylind + Being sick AU
I would say it’s plausibly canon, except I’m pretty sure it’s softer than canon would ever be. But this is meant to be an AU, so ... success?
1. There are terrible patients — and then there is Rosalind Hale.
2. Ben makes up some disgusting herbal concoction that he says will help with the symptoms. She doesn’t doubt it will, but it still tastes horrendous, and so she drinks far less of it than she probably should. There’s something about being sick that makes her feel like the petulant child she never truly was, and it has her ignoring the mugs that appear pointedly at her elbow throughout the day, which in turn leads to Andreas sitting there staring at her even more pointedly until she drinks. In normal circumstances she could out-stubborn him, but she’s not really herself right now, not with her head full of cotton wool and her lungs full of muck.
3. Of course she gets a fever, because her body doesn’t care why she’s ignoring her medication, just that she is. It doesn’t help that they’re still out in the field, or that it’s been pissing down rain for the last few weeks. She’s pretty sure she remembers opening her eyes at one point to Andreas dozing in a chair beside her cot, but her limbs had felt as heavy as the blankets piled atop her still-shivering body, and she lets sleep pull her under. (She’s pretty sure the fever was high enough that she said some ridiculous things, and she’s furious at her body for betraying her like that, but even if she can see the question in his eyes when she opens hers next he doesn’t say anything about it. If anyone has to see her like this, she thinks, at least it’s him.)
4. It turns out that she did talk, in the delirium of her fever. He won’t tell her what he heard, but his mental defences have never been particularly good and even if he doesn’t say anything aloud she catches pieces that bleed past — pieces that she wraps up in the steel of her own shields and locks away so no one else can find them. She considers, for a long moment, whether she should lock them away from him as well; it would be easy enough, for a fairy of her skill and power, to do that. But she does trust him, more than she does anyone these days, and she can feel the echo of how he’d looked at her in those moments in his own thoughts, and so she leaves them as they are. They will be one more secret of hers that she gives to his keeping.
5. It’s not just talking that happened in the fever delirium, though. She doesn’t notice at first, but when he hands her the mug of an entirely different kind of tea after her fever breaks — overly sweet but no longer tasting like a rotting meadow — she sees light bandages wrapped around his hands. “Your magic got erratic,” is all he says, but images once again bleed out of his mind, snapshots of arced lightning and shattered crockery and burned flesh and the slow ooze of blood from hairline cuts. “It’s not that bad,” he reassures her, when she slants a look at him over the rim of the mug, and though she’s sceptical, his thoughts only reassure her that he would take far worse for her, whether she asked or not.
6. “A week?” she echoes, appalled, when he tells her how long she’s been laid up sick. “Who’s been leading the army while I’ve been here?” (It’s not as bad as she feared, but it’s nothing she’s particularly happy about, either. She has come to expect certain things, and it’s never easy when things outside of her control change — especially when they should have been under her control.)
7. The next time he reminds her to get some rest so that she doesn’t end up sick, she thinks back to the aftermath, and though she grumbles, she concedes.
[ ask me another ] [ all answers ]
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farahtissaiamyloves · 2 years
Hii! Could you please write something with like fluff Farah Dowling x Reader? Reader being Farah’s wife?
Hi to you too !!! Of course ! I have to write for Farah for a while but was greatly inspired by this request. Thank you !!!
A lovely morning
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You got married six months ago and it was the happiest day of your lives.
After the final defeat of Rosalind and Farah's epic return to Alfea, everything was running smoothly.
Afterward, she meet you. One of Rosalind's new recruits. 
It was love at first sight.
The moment she laied her eyes on your beautiful face, your sparkling eyes and little, timid yet polite smile.
Farah knew that you were the one.
The one and the only one for her.
In the beginning, you were too afraid to approach her; after having experienced Rosalind's cruel treatment toward Andreas, you didn't want to risk your health by becoming her friend.
But watching how she treated her students, faculty, friends, you relaxed.
You didn't know how, but you found yourself spending more time than a normal colleague with the headmistress.  
You got to know her. Got to learn what made her laugh. Got to hear her laughter.
A crush on your superior turned into a wonderful relationship when Farah confessed to you a lovely evening with the most amazing view of the sunset.
You kissed her that day.
And she kissed you back. 
And you could swear that the whole sky lighted up with fireworks.
You didn't understand how fast the time went by until Farah asked you to marry her.
You, apparently, accepted as you were so in love with her that you could no longer imagine your life without her playing a major role in it.
None of you could wait to get married so you arranged your marriage the fastest you could.
It was a small ceremony next to a waterfall in Solaria, in one of the estates your family owned.
Unlike the majority of the aristocrats, you did not attend Alfea and had personalized lessons instead.
So, you did not have the chance to meet Farah when you were younger and she didn't know about your fortune or status until the second month of your relationship.
Farah was a little startled at first; but after thinking better about it - your tailored clothes, the number of your clothes ( which was huge ), all of your makeup stuff that she didn't know how to use half of it, the way you were behaving in front of other important members of Solaria's society and so much more, she concluded that it was pretty obvious.
But what made Farah more in love with you, was your grace.
You somehow managed to be so elegant all the time.
The way you were walking, looking at people, but most importantly laying on bed with the covers covering half of your naked body.
Farah smiled looking at your sleeping form.
Your hair was flying toward all the possible directions while your hand was resting on top of your head.
A ray of shineshine - rare for the winter - was passing through the curtains hitting your sleeping form in just the perfect angle.
Farah thought that she couldn't have fallen more in love with you.
She was so wrong.
She was falling more and more for you every day.
Farah's hand snaked around you and pulled you close to her, slowly because she didn't want to wake you up yet.
When she pressed your back against her front, she started placing small kisses everywhere she could reach.
At the feel of her lips on your body, your eyes opened a bit as you started coming back to reality.
" Darling~ " Farah whispered against your neck.
You shivered but did no move to pull away from her touch. 
" Mmmmmm. Morning. " You said tiredly turning to hide your face in the crook her neck.
" Good morning to you too, my love. " Farah wrapped her hands around you and pushed her bare front against yours.
You smirked at her. " Not satisfied yet ? " You teased her.
Farah chuckled at your words. " I can never have enough of you, wife. "
After your morning session of lovemaking, you had a shower together and then ate breakfast.
Both of you, then sat at the couch to watch TV.
It was your first christmas break together and you wanted to spend as much time together as possible.
You were laying on the couch with your head on Farah's lap.
Farah had slipped a hand on your hair and was slowly messaging your head.
You hummed enjoying the feeling of your beloved's touch. 
Farah placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
Before she had the chance to straighten herself, you wrapped your hands around her, trapping her inches away from your face.
Farah raised a playful eyebrow at your direction, silently asking you the reason behind your actions.
" Have I ever told you that you look pretty with your hair down ? " You inquired looking at her lips.
A smirk appeared on Farah's lips. " My hair is up, here, darling. "
You smirked back kissing her lips as hard and passionate as you could.
You loved her so much.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 2 years
I just want my dad- pt1
Info: Y/n tries to deal with the loss of her father, but Andreas and Rosalind seem to have different ideas on how she can do that.
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Two months after her father was taken from her, y/n lay on the bed, scrolling through her phone as she looked at the pictures she had of her and her father. Many were from holidays they spent together, with one being a picture Sky had taken while Silva and her fake fought. Since the incident, y/n had tried to visit her father but any time she requested visitation hours, she was denied.
Andreas had taken to training her as a specialist, claiming that her abilities of a fairy were wasted if she wasn't willing to help the queen. Many times he placed her and Sky together, the two fighting till one was pinned to the ground, or an injury caused them to call quits. Majority of the time it was her, and as a result she was left with bruises scattered around her boy and stiff movement became her daily walking pattern. Y/n wasn't made to be a specialist and knew that she shouldn't really be training, more so focusing on her magic.
Since the changes happened in the school, y/n now stayed in the winx suite, Bloom having had convinced Rosalind that it would be best to have her around friends so she wasn't alone. It helped when the fire fairy pointed out that being around friends would mean that her fellow fire fairy wouldn't lose control if she felt like she belonged somewhere. Y/n's thoughts were disrupted when there was a knock on the door, and she hummed as she looked up as the door opened.
"We have magic practice in the circle in an hour." Aisha stated as she peeped her head through the crack of the open door. "Okay, I'll be there in a minute." Y/n nodded before sighing when door closed and turning off phone before getting up and heading to the circle.
"Your emotions are a barrier. Nothing more, nothing less. They're a power source. You've been told to control them." Rosalind explained, glancing at y/n as she stared ahead at the ground. "That isn't always the best option. In combat, you'll need to rely on instinct." She moved and stood in front of y/n, tapping her foot on the students causing y/n to look up "That's when you find true power. Bloom, y/n. Fire on fire, who wins against Marco, an air fairy."
Y/n looked at Rosalind from the side of her eye only to see the new headmistresses eye brow raised in a way that told her not to attempt anything stupid. She looked ahead to see Marco standing in front of the two fire fairies, getting ready to use his magic. Y/n glanced at Bloom who nodded at her in encouragement before they summoned a ball of fire each, throwing it at Marco only for him to shoot electric balls at them, distinguishing the fire as the two groaned. Y/n flicked her wrist and went to make a fire again only for Marco to shoot another ball of electric at her, hitting her shoulder causing her to gasp and fall to the ground in pain, feeling it travel to the metal object embedded in her back. Bloom sees her friend in pain so takes control of the situation, throwing ball of fire at the older fairy, only for Marco to distinguish that ball too. Bloom screams in frustration and allows her magic to get the better of her, and screamed in frustration, fire flowing over her arms.
"Good work Bloom." Rosalind praised as y/n watched Bloom calm down with wide eyes. "You okay?" Marco asked, helping y/n up off the ground. "Fine." Y/n sighed, accepting his help before moving to go sit down only for Rosalind to walk over to her. "Remember I have control over you." Rosalind whispered into y/ns ear before turning to the class, "Class dismissed."
Y/n eyes Rosalind before sighing and grabbing her back, opting to go watch Sky training for a bit. On her way she glanced towards Rosalind, seeing Bloom and her talking quietly. She just sighed and headed towards the specialist area, knowing Sky would need her with Andreas.
Y/n walked towards the training area to see Sky and Dane walking towards a platform where Andreas was watching a group of specialists training together. She groans and rolls her eyes in annoyance when he glanced her way, tilting his head to side in a cocky way. Seeing his father watching something in the distance, Sky turns to see y/n and smiles at her slightly before getting into place opposite side of Dane.
"The little prince and the upstart. This should be good. Blood first." Andreas spoke with authority. Y/n looked at him with wide eyes as Sky gave him a look. "Worried about staining your new outfit? Maybe home economics is more your speed? Is that what Saul thought. Did he wear an apron?" Andreas looked at y/n with a smirk as she looked down with sadness, taunting Sky. "Come on, let's just do it. We're not going to hurt each other." Dane spoke, wanting it to be finished.
Y/n watched as Sky got his sword ready, Dane following suit. The two stood for a minute before yelling and grunting, charging for each other. Her eyes widened as the two began to fight rough, glancing o the side as she hears footsteps walking towards her. Her eyes meet Rivens who nods at her before watching the two specialists fighting. Seeing Riven and y/n close, Andreas walks over to her, standing between them as they watch.
"Odds?" He asks Riven, y/n eyeing them from the side. "First glance, it's Sky's to lose. Danes got shit to prove. A lot of pressure." Riven spoke and y/n flinched as the swords clashed together. "Yeah Sky will, uh, give him space, let him think he's winning, then find his opportunity. I give it three, two.. nah, thing is this isn't a first glance fight. Sky won't draw blood. Dane on the other hand."
Y/n gasped as Dane nipped Sky with his sword after Sky managed to get him on the ground, drawing blood. Sky moved back in shock, stumbling onto one knee as y/n watched Dane walk off the platform before making her way over to Sky. She stands beside him as he gets up before allowing her to look at the gash on his side. He flinches as she hits against the open wound, and y/n apologized, moving her hand away. The two look at Andreas as he sees' the specialist and fairy together, opting to walk towards them.
"Perhaps we should have y/n have a go at fighting with swords." Andreas stated, stopping in front of the two. "Leave it." Sky stated through gritted teeth. "Why your father never taught you fighting is beyond me, I actually think you'd make a good specialist, better than a fairy anyway." Andreas taunted before leaving.
Sky and y/n walk over to Riven who was watching the interaction. "He's a prick." Sky stated, watching his biological father walk away. "Yeah, and he's your dad. This mean you'll give me a run for my money one day?" Riven asked, smiling slightly. "Come on, let's get you checked out." Y/n sighed before leading Sky to the greenhouse, Riven and Dane following.
After bringing Sky to the greenhouse and seeing Terra and other earth fairies begin the mend the specialist, y/n opted to leave the school building and sit under a tree for awhile. Taking out a book, y/n leaned back against the bark of the oak tree, before starting to revise over today's lesson. However, due to voices behind her she struggled to concentrate.
Since Silva had been arrested for the attempted murder of Andreas, everyone had heard the news and it was now currently the hot topic of choice for student conversations. They particularly liked to talk about how y/n was likely to struggle with control without her father, which also wasn't too far off it sometimes, if it wasn't for the diamond embedded in her back. What it was she still didn't know, and she refused to tell any of her suite mates about it.
Leaning her head back and sighing, y/n opts to close her eyes and take deep breaths before frowning, feeling eyes on her. Moving her vision forward, she sees Rosalind walking into the greenhouse with Harvey talking to her, however the headmistress wasn't listening as she watched the young fairy in the distance. The headmistress narrows her eyes and y/n flinches forward in pain, feeling the diamond on her back burning. Realizing she wasn't getting anywhere anytime soon, y/n sighed and gathered her stuff, deciding to go back to the suite and try to get some rest, unknown of the news she would soon receive.
Silva sat in the prison cell he had been placed in since his arrest, thinking about his daughter and wondering how she was. He knew how y/n was when things were hard, how vulnerable she became without him. The last time he had been gone for awhile was back during the hunting of the burned ones, and he never forgot the fear he had when she thought he she was going to lose him. And the look she gave him when he was arrested was one he would never forget, her screaming for him forever embedded in his mind, haunting him. Silva throws his head back in frustration but looks back up when the door was heard opening, Andreas walking in.
"How's it going soldier." Andreas said teasingly, moving closer to the cell his old friend sat. "Always the comedian Andreas." Silva stated jokingly, leaning back against the wall. "Yes well, just thought you would like to know how your precious daughter is getting on." Andreas stated, watching in amusement as Silva sat up straight at the mention of his only child. "Y/n, how is she, is she okay?" Silva asked, desperate to know how she was. "Oh she's fine, her fighting skills are coming along. Some specialist you could of had if you wanted." "Andreas don't do that to her, you said you'd watch over her for me. Just leave her be, she's enough going on already, she doesn't want to be that." Silva begged, not wanting his daughter to feel pressured into anything. "Oh I am watching her, we have her under control." Andreas stated before leaving Silva alone. "What's that meant to mean? What have you done to her, please just leave her be." Silva begged to know, only for his pleas to fall on deaf ears. "I'd hold onto the memories you have of your precious daughter Saul, I doubt you'll see her again." Andreas taunted the ex headmaster of Alfea before closing the door behind him.
Silva allowed tears fall silently as he realized his faith was all but sealed, when all he wanted was to see his daughter.
Tag list: @lyria-skyfall @mxacegrey
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skloomdumpster · 9 months
#hello hello its about the circular narrative of fate and the fact sky is doomed to repeat his fathers' mistakes
#and how bloom literally walks the walk that marion did
#its about the fact we're doomed by the narrative babyyyy
#falls to the ground
pls elaborate (genuinely) i am dumb and i did not understand
you're not dumb at all anon! I just forget people cannot hear the mental essays I'm constantly rambling on lmao
Fate is very much a cyclical tale, we mention the sins of before: the war a 1000 years ago, the first Dragon Flame, Rosalind's 1st regimen, Andreas and Saul's fallout - and then we poise them against the present: the blood witch x fairy remaining conflict, the reappearance of the Dragon Flame, Farah's regimen and later Rosalind's 2nd one, Saul raising Sky vs Andreas raising Beatrix.
The narrative asks the question "will the mistakes be repeated? Can we change our fate? Can we do differently than we were taught?"
Bringing it back to skloom, the narrative asks this of Sky, in full words. Marco asks Silva "does he have the same bloodlust as Andreas?" and Silva says "We've taken our time with him. We've been careful. He's his own man."
So the question is "Is he?" Is Sky his own man or is he doomed to follow the footsteps of his biological dad?
Season 2 opens with Silva saying "It's been a few months and you're already starting to sound like him, Sky."
But not only that, we follow Sky's character as he gets closer and closer to Silva's. He kills his own father. He unravels. He drinks enough that when he's knocked out by a blood witch and other's blame it on booze, he doesn't even question it.
And finally we end season 2 taking away the person he loves. So cyclical, the question stays, will he follow into his father(s) footsteps or is Sky his own man?
Bloom is an entire other can of worms. Bloom's cycle is deeper, older and unknown to herself. She comes to Alfea having hurt someone she loved and afraid of her own powers, she spends a whole season and a time skip learning to control her powers, only to bite her own tail and end up where she began: having killed someone with her powers, scared of herself and what she'd do, feeling like she doesn't belong.
And again we're told by the show, "I'm dangerous Sky, my mom knew that. That's why she sealed herself away. The Dragon Flame doesn't belong here. I don't belong here," metaphorically putting Bloom back exactly where she began - the question: where do I belong? Can I come home? -, but literally too as Bloom walks through the portal exactly as her biological mother did and shuts herself away, walking the path to, presumably, meet with the woman herself.
Fate is about generational trauma and the tragedy of repetition, and the hanging question, "Can we change our fate?"
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