#dance academy for kids and ladies
School/corporate - Interactive dance workshops
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kasslookingglass · 1 month
in my head, the umbrella academy season 4 was a story about them healing and other stuff i'm trying to cope with that may or may not be connected.
in my head, ray and allison were able to talk things out and were able to live their lives together happily with claire. sure there are some issues in the past yet they were able to overcome it.
in my head, the sparrow academy siblings are living their own lives and are close friends. luther found sloane on one of his nights dancing and having a romance story again. viktor and marcus are able to hit off as friends, and rather than the previous timeline they get along well.
in my head, diego and lila are happily married with their kids. no shenanigans and are able to communicate properly with what they feel after everything and able to get to family bonding parts.
in my head, the ben in the subway appeared somehow in this season and it's actually brelly ben. the brellies get to meet him again and somehow sparrow ben and him are able to actually communicate somehow without the paradox psychosis.
to me, the station was created by reginald due to his cyber futuristic technology and all. still trying to figure that one out in my head. once the brellies they rejected the idea of going due to being satisfied with their lives now, except sparrow ben.
in my head, sparrow ben is able to change in the season and be part of the family even if he isn't the ben they have. heck, i think that's why they were able to meet the ben in the train, in my head.
in my head, abigail understood what they all had to go through (which already was in s4) yet more screen time with them spending time together.
in my head, grace is there somehow and diego meets her again in this timeline. maybe the reset timeline was able to give the brellies their families back as well and waiting for them to be back home.
in my head, five can finally have his rest after those years realizing that the world isn't going to end again. once the station is discovered, in the future he created the temps commission once understanding why he had to do it.
in my head, klaus and dave get to meet again, even if this is a reset timeline, they get to just meet again. klaus deserves the rest in the season especially his sobriety that he does to maintain yet never lost his flair.
and viktor? viktor is perfect in s4 though i do wish he was able to keep the ladies. his life is quite simple just like in s1 yet more happy, and is able to play the violin after years of not able to.
i apologize if it's very self-indulgent, i won't mind if others as well shared their thoughts.
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ninapi · 1 year
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Frantically in love ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
Premise: He let you go once and that was a mistake. Rekindling his relationship with his first and only love proved to be a difficult task for a man like Nanami.
Word Count: 3170
Note: You can read the first chapter here. 😊
Chapter 2: Overtime
Time goes by fast when all you do is work.
Coming back to the academy was a low blow for Nanami. If he ever felt like he had made a mistake by letting you go, he was now certain, maybe running away from this wasn’t the best idea, or maybe he should have gone to Kyoto, be with his girlfriend, continue living like a sorcerer, just live, like a person not a machine.
For all he knows, he could be dead already if he had followed that path, but maybe, just maybe, his life would have been better, brighter, with you by his side.
“Nanamin!! You gotta come see this! There’s this ridiculously beautiful woman in the training grounds. I would dare to say even in the same league as Jennifer Lawrence.” an exasperated sigh could be heard leaving Nanami’s body, he was clearly not interested, but his fondness towards the youngster made him walk with him anyways.
“Told you already, I’m not interested in dating anyone.”
“Who said I’m letting you keep her? She does look older but who knows, maybe she likes younger guys!” the ridiculousness of it all made Nanami chuckle in between scoffs, he was a bit too much at times.
He wasn’t expecting, however, to see the love of his life standing there, flower petals dancing around you in the wind, like a scene coming out of a movie.
“Sensei, they said we can leave our things over there. I think you can leave now.”
“Will you be able to sleep without her?” Todo kept on bugging poor Kamo, he wasn’t a momma’s or daddy’s baby boy, he was sensei’s baby boy, and was still pretty dependent of you even if he was almost a man by now. He even tried to get his clan to accept you as his future bride, that’s how much he wanted you to continue being by his side, but you had to reject said offer as your heart was already taken and you cared way too much for the boy, he was like a son to you.
“Stop bugging him, Aoi-Chan, or you’ll have to face me again. Go, Nori-kun, I’ll be in a hotel downtown if you need me.” he just nodded, blushing slightly at his teammate’s provocations, he was normally respected by his team, but sometimes it was just too easy to tease him, and that would normally make him a better match in a fight.
You could recognize that voice anywhere, turning to face the owner of the mellow voice you’ve missed so dearly, you lost your own at the sight, “Ken-chan…?”
“Ken-Chan? What? Do you know the pretty lady Nanamin? Life is so unfair I was sure I would get her number…Or wait! Can you actually get it for me? You know, put in a good word for me and stuff?” Yuji was once again being ridiculous, but thanks to his antics you both ended up laughing, lifting the heavy air around you away.
“What brings you here? I thought you didn’t want to have anything to do with this world anymore…” your eyes glossed over, you still felt hurt, betrayed even, he just stopped calling you one day. No more messages, no more visits. He just let your relationship die out, seemingly for his carrier, yet he didn’t even have the decency to reply to your multiple messages or pick up a single one of your calls.
“Nanamin is training me. He’s super strong, it’s crazy.”
“Oh…um…I see…” so he was willing to come back to this life for a kid but not for you. Maybe Nori-Kun would still take you…a wild thought in an awful situation, mind you.
“I gotta go. Please don’t hurt my boy too much, I’m stronger than your teacher, you don’t wanna face my wrath if I see one too many bruises on his face.” smiling at Yuji, you walked away, unable to meet Nanami’s eyes.
He’s aged so much, you could see with a single glance how much he’s overworked himself, his face was thinner, his beautiful eyes carried bags underneath them now, very much bruised by the lack of sleep, yet he’s still as devilishly handsome as ever.
“Wait, (Y/N) please...” he grabbed your wrist gently, turning you around to face him. You didn’t want to talk to him right now, you had to process this, truth is you didn’t know he’d be there, otherwise you wouldn’t have come. You always thought about him, still wished to see him even if it was one last time, but you knew it would hurt, it would burn deep in your heart, the love you had for each other was supposed to be invincible, yet he gave you up so easily.
“I don’t think there’s anything left to talk about between us, Kento. You left me without a word. Months before our wedding, you just disappeared from my life. I thought you were dead!” you were now sobbing; the pain was still digging deeply within you even after all these years.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry…I know this will sound like an excuse but I kindda lost my way, I lost my sense of self, just didn’t know how to deal with how much I missed you and how desperate I felt without you in my life…” your crying just intensified, the pet name pouring salt into the wound, while Nanami welcomed your shaky self into the warmth of his strong arms.
You’ve missed this man so badly. He still used the same cologne, still smelled like freshly laundered shirts coming out of the dryer. His arms were stronger now, his face even more chiseled. He looked so different yet still the same.
He was still the same tall lanky boy you met on your first day of school, the one who stole all your firsts.
Your first crush.
First love.
First kiss.
First time.
First heartbreak.
“Wait what? You were marrying this hottie, Nanamin? Wow, and I thought Gojo sensei was the one that hauled all the babes around.” you couldn’t help but laugh at his words, seemed like Gojo senpai hadn’t changed one bit.
“Itadori could you please just shut up? Leave us, boy.”
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll leave you with your girlfriend?…hm…fiancée? or is it wife? Baby mama? Hmmm yeah, I like the sound of that one, let’s go with that.” Nanami just wanted to kill the poor boy, he really needed to shut up right now. Though he reminded him of Yu, his best and his worse…
You thought the very same thing, gifting one of your lovely smiles to Yuji who ended up speechless at the sight. “I can see why you couldn’t say no to this. Was it Gojo senpai’s doing?” he just nodded in reply, reaching for your hand almost timidly.
“Where are you staying? I can take you there, we could get something to eat and talk about this some more?” there hasn’t been one day that he hadn’t thought about you during these ten long years. There was nothing he regretted more than leaving you, nothing he wished more than to have you back in his life.
“Can you give me some time? I need to think this through before I hear what you have to say. Let’s meet for breakfast tomorrow morning.” you handed him your phone for him to add his latest phone number, sending him the address to your hotel right after.
“I’ll text you later.” waving in Yuji’s direction, you left the school grounds without even being able to say hi to your seniors.
You had a lot to think about.
“So I heard you met (Y/N) earlier? Is she as hot as she used to or even more now?” Gojo was sipping in some iced tea, watching over his pupils while sharing some drinks with his fellow friend.
“She’s always been the most gorgeous there is. Time wouldn’t change that.”
“Oh, so she got hotter, I see. Well, now that she isn’t taken, I might pursue her interest…” Nanami’s veins were popping out of his forehead in annoyance. Truth is, he didn’t know where you stand, yes, he still loves you, but what about you? He was your number one during your high school years, even with Gojo after your every muscle, even after many training sessions alone with your loving Geto senpai, you never failed to return to his arms, nothing made your heart waver away from him.
But what about now?
You haven’t seen each other in ten years, forget about Gojo, what if you already found someone else? What if you married someone else? He didn’t see a ring on your finger, but that didn’t really mean anything…
Ignoring his senior, he got up from his seat, walking towards the entrance of the school grounds, the scheduled time for your meeting was getting closer and he didn’t want to be late, not even by a second.
You were already there waiting for him, it was clear that you dressed up for him, what you were wearing looked like a brand-new dress and shoes, makeup done to perfection, your hair up. Even the bag you were wearing matched the outfit, almost like a shop display. It made him smile, at least made him feel like he was a step closer in the right direction.
“You’re early.”
“So are you.” his hand laid itself on the small of your back as if it was its rightful place, guiding you inside the fancy-looking restaurant for some brunch.
The food was to die for, juicy, tender, full of flavors, the wine he got for the two of you was also lovely, even if it was a bit too early for a drink, everything always tastes better with good company.
You were too young last time you saw him; this was the first time you two had indulged in some alcohol together, and it was painfully obvious to him that your tolerance for it wasn’t the highest.
“Ken-chan…can I ask you something?” his eyes left his plate to meet your own, apprehensive about the direction the date might take after answering it.
He just nodded, patiently waiting for you to continue, “Did you not want to marry me? Is that why you left…?”
A loud clacking sound could be heard resonating on every corner of the restaurant, his knife had been discarded in a desperate attempt to hold one of your hands in his.
“No, that’s not it. Quite the contrary.” Confusion was covering your face, food still stuck in your throat as tears threaten to come out at your own thoughts.
“I wanted it so badly; I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life, that’s why I had everything planned. But life had different plans for us, and I just didn’t know how to deal with my own disappointment and self doubts. I tried getting a promotion and getting transferred to an Osaka branch, at least we would be closer, but not even that worked. They were dark times, and you were the only one who ever managed to pull me away from darkness, without you by my side I just…yeah…”
You knew what he meant, the very same thing happened to you, he was the one who always managed to get you out of your darkness, the one who helped you move forward, even after loosing your friend, he was your grieve companion, your entire life, and when you faced loneliness, things weren’t pretty for the longest time. Especially not after he cut the relationship short without discussing things. “I just wished you would have said something…I seriously thought something bad had happened to you, that you were laying dead in some alleyway waiting for someone to find your remains…I even had to call senpai and ask if you were alright, it was embarrassing to say the least, even he knew more about you back then than your future wife did…”
“I’m sorry, my love…I ran away, drowned myself working overtime just to try to forget about you and move on, but in reality, your pajamas are still in my drawer, I still have that matching toothbrush set you got for us, the one with the cats…and I never let anyone sleep on your spot, not even old drunk cousins…” and at the end of the day that was all that mattered.
He, just like you, had never moved on, not in the slightest, it appears that the love you felt for one another only increased as time went by, as you missed each other desperately, as all you could think about was him and all he could think about was you.
You could see how much he was struggling to let his true feelings out, he’s never been the best at that, but it’s never been necessary, you could see right through him, you knew exactly what he was feeling just by looking into his eyes, even if his friends couldn’t differentiate if he was constipated or happy, you could.
“Do you really have…my pink cat toothbrush.” you mumbled in between sniffs, unable to contain yourself any longer.
“Of course I do baby. I know how much you liked it…” his thumb was rubbing circles onto the back of your hand, your tears messing up the beautiful makeup job that took you all morning to master.
“You’re so silly…” you were still crying, but the imminent smile adorning your face made his stomach somersault, he suddenly felt like his sixteen-year-old self the first time he kissed you. “Your fault…” that made you giggle; he’s always blamed you for making him do ridiculous things like wearing matching frog onesies to bed or line up at six in the morning to go to a damn theme park. He always complained, but always did what you asked of him without you having to ask him twice. These were the things that made you feel loved, seeing your stoic boyfriend dressed as a frog while watching horror movies laying his head on your lap. Nobody would believe you even if you had pictures of said day, but those were your most treasured memories, those that proved to you how loved you were by the man that held your heart to this day.
“Would you like to…come to my room…? I mean, what, no, no that sounded wrong, I mean so we can talk some more, relax without worrying about people seeing my messy mascara…not you know…sexy stuff…” you were now a blushing mess, trying to cover your destroyed face from the handsome businessman sitting across from you.
“Yeah…anything’s fine with me, even the sexy stuff…” he was teasing you and you knew it, he was just trying to lighten the mood, but it still caused a long forgotten deep desire to bubble up within you, his hands now seemingly hotter and were they always this big?
Oh my…
The walk over to your hotel room was mostly spent in silence, you were still trying to calm your racing heart, while Nanami texted Yuuji telling him he would have to miss the afternoon training session as his woman wanted him in her room. The text caused poor Yuuji’s heart to explode as intense thoughts filled his little brain with rated content.
The only reply he got from him though was a thumbs up sticker, his encouragement could be felt just as much as his dirty thoughts.
Your hotel wasn’t anything fancy, just a random business hotel that you got to book at the last minute.
There was no couch, no chairs, just barely space for one in a tiny bed and your personal bathroom, forcing Nanami to sit beside you on your bed after you finished removing your makeup.
“I think this is the first time we are in a hotel together, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, well we didn’t have to go far, we always lived on the same floor…” chuckling you recounted your endeavors with your young boyfriend, how after a couple of months of being together started sharing a bed, didn’t matter who’s bed was it, you just couldn’t be away from the other, specially not at night.
“Still is a bit weird, young couples always end up diving into love hotels at least once.”
“True, but we were both broke and well…why spend money if we could just do it whenever we wanted, and nobody ever noticed.”
“Ken-chan!” you swatted his arm, a terrified expression shining on your face, as if someone else would hear about it.
“What? You were there too, you know it’s true.”
“Well, yes I know…” you were now shyly burying your face on his shoulder, hoping he wouldn’t see how red your face was, but of course he saw it, he wouldn’t miss your adorable self ever again.
“Are you having nasty thoughts, babe? I can see your ears glow from here.” groaning, you lifted his arm to hide completely under his armpit, a low chuckle rumbling from his chest at your antics.
“Stop being adorable, or I won’t be able to stop myself.”
“What if I don’t want you to stop yourself…”
“Thought you didn’t want sexy stuff just yet-“
“Ok, ok, come here.” he gathered you in his arms, bringing you close to kiss your lips ever so softly, your fists balling on his chest. “I missed you, baby…so, so much…” peppering soft kisses all over your face, he hummed quietly, his hands roaming your back with need.
“I did too…way more than you ever did, I just know it…” his kisses were so soft that without noticing your tears were once again pouring down your beautiful face, "I wouldn't be so sure if I was you..." your heart was hurting but was also so full at the same time, it was confusing.
“Would you…consider…maybe giving me another chance?”
“Another chance as in dating or another chance as in going back to our home?” you were now the one kissing his jaw tenderly, his hands were resting under your shirt craving to feel more of your soft skin against his calloused hands.
“As in both…”
“Hm…you’ll have to work harder if you want me to move back in…” he just gave you a wicked smirk, pinning you down to the mattress.
And so, he did.
“Yo, baby mama! Sup! You staying with us now?”
“Baby- WhAT?! Are you already pregnant, (Y/N)??? Damn you fast…” the envious look he was giving Nanami caused a fit of giggles among his students.
“I- Um, are you?”
“Who knows…maybe I am.” your cute little giggles enchanted Gojo’s students, suddenly wanting to be transferred to the Kyoto branch.
Only time would tell.
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Previous Chapter Masterlist
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meekmedea · 2 months
Your blonde v blond subplot is so cute!! I especially love the small romance possibility with livia and clemmie!! do you have any more livia and clemmie thoughts, or even clemmie and Persephone thoughts?
Ah glad you're enjoying the blonde vs blond!
Ooh thoughts about the girls, let me see....
This would take place maybe in their Academy years, maybe like somewhere in the 16-18 age range?
Livia & Clemmie & Persephone
Clemmie is a good dancer - we're talking ballroom / partner dances. While she prefers/defaults to dancing as a follow, she can lead the dances just as well. (Iphigenia and her swap roles all the time since they sort of learnt it together. All the high society families probably make their kids learn how to dance but most usually stick to being only a lead or follow.)
There's some event and Clemmie decides after a few dances that she wants to switch things up. Or she can see Livia getting annoyed with her current partner and sweeps in to steal a dance. And she's GOOD.
A possible Livia thought if we want the romance route: why is this sort of attractive... I mean, impressive. Way better than that sweaty boy from earlier.
Maybe Clemmie decides to play matchmaker too. Being from the future, she knows Persephone and Festus eventually get together, but right now the two are in their pining era and ahhh she can't stand it. (Nobody else can either. They're all like, someone please make a move.)
Livia is also invested in helping her best friend getting her dance with Festus.
The oldest trick in the book: Make him jealous!
The dance:
Persephone and Clemmie having the time of their life on the dance floor!
Operation I might steal your girl if you don't make a move soon Festus.
Persephone + Clemmie: *casual 'flirting' on the dance floor* Festus, squinting: Are they flirting or just really good friends? Livia, fanning the flames of jealousy: Don't they look great? I could totally could see them as a couple. In fact– Festus: *spiralling*
Festus hadn't considered this happening. Scaring off other boys is one thing. This is another. Has never considered Clemmie as a possible rival. Everyone knows about the Dovecote charm... he's a bit worried now.
Festus, in great distress. Shaking Coryo back and forth as he panics: Coryo, what do I do??? Help a guy out here!!
"Umm...Clemmie, can you please dance with someone else?" 🥺
Clemmie makes him sweat for it before agreeing.
The vibes are sort of like this meme:
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If we do go down the romance route of Livia/Clemmie, this is what I'd see in that future:
The ultimate blonde vs blond showdown -> presidential election edition
Guess who wins :)
May I present your next President of Panem, Livia Cardew, & her First Lady, Clemensia Dovecote.
masterlist of AU thoughts :)
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saiyansweetheart45 · 11 months
Ideas for the Coffee Shop AU
Hey, everyone! Later this month and throughout December, I'll be releasing the first chapters of my newest story idea! But for now, here's the layout for this lovely (if I do say so myself) new idea. I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
The Full Moon Brew Coffee Shop is more than just a place to get a cup of coffee. It’s a haven that offers a break from the day-to-day chaos in the city of Calatonia, presided over by one Koala Connoisseur, Buster Moon, a coffee enthusiast as well as a master showman. The Full Moon Brew is a nook of coziness and even creativity. With the air teeming with coffee and creative encouragement, it’s no wonder the place hosts such an eclectic bunch.
Up and coming rocker Ash goes there at least twice a week to get her caffeine fix, but also likes the atmosphere because it helps inspire her songwriting.
Sweet-obsessed and sass-filled Nooshy likes to busk down the road (before meeting the rest of the gang) for extra pocket money to afford her cream and sugar-loaded coffees. And it combines the two things she loves: dancing and coffee. She also enters the occasional contest held at the shop.
Then there’s introverted British newcomer Johnny who spends anywhere from half an hour to sometimes even half the day, at the place, ordering at least three cups of coffee, all while reading or writing songs as well. It’s like a haven in the new city he's moved with his family to following his dad and uncle’s being transferred for a job. Occasionally, on their lunch break, the three older gorillas stop in to get a little bite of the pastries the place offers and of course an espresso-loaded cup or two. Each. They don’t ever stick around long, but they can see why the youngest member of their clan loves the place so much.
Then, we have the equally shy Meena, whose small family business supplies the baked goods to the coffee shop, and Meena occasionally visits both to subtly network for her family’s business, and to try to become more social, since coffee shops are great for being both social and withdrawn. And she loves their smoothies, and is trying to acquire a taste for coffee, but can’t quite do it.
Enter Rosita, the on-the-go mother that does it all, but always makes some time to get a little pick-me-up for herself and do a bit of work to help her husband, for whom she always orders a special cappuccino before she heads to pick up their extensive brood of piglets.
The tea-loving theater legend Nana Noodleman happens to be one of the top investors for Buster’s shop. The place is small but makes a pretty profit, what with having fresh, homemade treats, along with beverages one can’t get just anywhere. And Buster always makes sure to keep a steady supply of fine teas at the ready for Nana. She even has a special table with a high-backed purple velvet chair by the window just beside the patio overlooking the ocean.
The excitable bundle of Piggy Power Gunter occasionally visits the shop, drawn by the musical selection and the open mic nights. Though by his own admission, he comes less for the singing and more for the dancing. And of course, a caffeine fix here and there is needed for such dedicated dancing.
Another new kid enters. Meet Ryan Collins, a student in a nearby dance academy, who happens upon the coffee shop by complete coincidence. He finds that while he doesn’t much care for coffee, he enjoys the chill atmosphere, a welcome reprieve after his hectic classes under the iron fist of Klaus Kickenklober. Plus, who doesn’t occasionally love a Toasted Vanilla or Hazelnut Steamer?
Two new faces also enter this colorful Coffee shop mix, we have the two rich kids Eddie and Porsha, both of whom are working their first jobs ever under the watchful eye of Miss Crawly. Don’t let her age and dottiness fool you, the old Lizard Lady is a brewing MASTER.
Both prove straight away to be a bit…unskilled to say the least, but they slowly start to adapt, with Porsha even scoring huge brownie points when she creates a new drink for the menu.
And finally, the dutiful, efficient, and long-suffering Suki Lane occasionally stops by the shop to get coffee for herself, but also (reluctantly) for her image-obsessed boss who doesn’t like coffee but is quick to associate himself when the little shop starts to gain more attention.
Suki herself may not particularly like Buster, but she does like the coffee. And she does secretly loathe Crystal's dismissal of it. And dismiss it he does. At least until it starts to gain more popularity, at which point he tries to buy it out. But that meeting goes as well as you'd expect.
This version of Buster has a few slightly different traits; poised, knows his worth, and won't sell himself out for a few beans. He knows why Crystal wants the business and is having none of it. First off, because he knows the price Crystal offered is insulting given the profit the place brings in. Second, and more importantly, because his father bought the property, had the building built with his own money, and personally let Buster design the place, the menu, everything. This place is a symbol of everything his dad worked for and gave him. All the while the man was hiding a terminal illness. This last project was a distraction from the inevitable. And Buster will NOT trivialize that sacrifice.
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 9 months
First Group of Creative Arts Presenters Announced 
The Television Academy and Executive Producer Bob Bain today announced the first group of presenters for the 75th Creative Arts Emmy Awards, hosted over two consecutive nights on Saturday, Jan. 6, and Sunday, Jan. 7.
The presenters reflect the diverse talent and storytellers throughout the television industry and represent some of the year's most popular programs across many genres and platforms.
Presenters include:
Murray Bartlett (The Last of Us; The White Lotus), Joel Kim Booster (Fire Island), Kid Cudi (Entergalactic), Charli D'Amelio and Heidi D'Amelio (Dancing with the Stars; The D'Amelio Show), Rhys Darby (Our Flag Means Death), Akbar Gbajabiamila and Matt Iseman (American Ninja Warrior), Beatrice Grannò (The White Lotus), Carla Gugino (The Fall of the House of Usher), Devery Jacobs (Reservation Dogs; Echo), Lala Kent, Tom Sandoval, Tom Schwartz and Scheana Shay (Vanderpump Rules), Aja Naomi King (Lessons in Chemistry), Rhett McLaughlin & Link Neal (Good Mythical Morning), Nick Offerman (The Last of Us), Chris Perfetti (Abbott Elementary), Lewis Pullman (Lessons in Chemistry), J. Smith-Cameron (Succession), Stefania Spampinato (Grey's Anatomy; Station 19), Simona Tabasco (The White Lotus), Robin Thede (A Black Lady Sketch Show) and Lisa Vanderpump (Vanderpump Villa).
The 75th Creative Arts Emmy Awards will take place at the Peacock Theater at L.A. LIVE. An edited presentation will air Saturday, Jan. 13, at 8:00 PM EST/PST on FXX. Bob Bain Productions will produce both shows.
Source: Emmys
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a-soft-hornytiny · 2 years
Competition of hearts.
Summary: Working together with a competitor in a competition sounded like nonsense to you. Why should you risk losing your perfect score? At least that's what you thought before a tall golden boy made his way into your heart.
Word count: 4.5k+
Genre: Not sure tbh slight hurt comfort, mostly fluff, a bit suggestive in the middle haha
Pairing: Yunho x neutral!reader
Warnings: y/n's actions can be a bit annoying, making out, light fighting, a lot of nonsense (let me know if i missed something) be careful while reading.
Notes: ok wow, this is the longest story ive written on here. Half of it has been chilling in my drafts for like a year xD this is the story i published a teaser for ages ago and i finally had the motivation to finish it! I hope yall like it. Im not sure with it because long fics are not my specialty haha
Taglist: after the cut (let me know if you wanna be added)
Dance was your dream. There was nothing you loved more than giving in to the rhythm and letting your body move along the beat. And there has never been something you wanted to do more.
So when all of your school friends decided to go to university, you went your own way. 
Yes sure, you could’ve studied dance. You could’ve gone to college. But you had enough of school and learning and exams and all of that stuff. 
And after running around and auditioning for all kinds of dance academies and dance studios, you got street casted through one of your free shows. It was nothing big. You always wandered around, a speaker in your pocket, settled down in a random place and started to dance. 
It was simple and you wanted nothing for it. 
But it eventually got you a step closer to your dream.
Ever since you were small, you participated in competitions. You loved being seen. Loved being in the spotlight. The applause made your heart beat faster and completely filled you with euphoria. 
And that was how you earned your first money. The first rewards and prices were small, fit for kids and teens, but the older you got, the bigger the prizes for winning were. And after leaving school, you did nothing but train, work part-time and fight for 1st place. 
But at one point you slowly realised that you needed a sponsor to get into better competitions. They didn’t accept you anymore and you couldn’t even pay the entry fees. And that was hard because you had tried getting into academies and other dance focused companies. But you were rejected.
Until that one day this lady came up to you after you finished your street-performance, handing you her card and telling you that you should call her. Which you did. 
“What do you mean “collaboration”? Where is the competition if you have to work together?” You croaked after hearing the alighting news. 
About a week ago, you had entered a pretty anticipated competition which costed a lot of time and money to get into. Many famous dance academies and companies sent their best representatives to compete and you were one of them. 
Your company was by no means big or famous but when you told them about the competition and especially about the winning prizes, they helped you to get into it. And you did really well.
You passed the first four rounds at ease and you had to acknowledge that you weren’t the only one there that would deserve to win but you were confident in your skill and completed every stage with perfection. Because you danced alone. 
“It’s part of the competition! What do you wanna do? Leave?” Your manager and friend aka the lady that casted you on the street, bit back at you.
You had always danced alone. Even though you knew that collaborations were a thing and you would probably have to do one in the future you always avoided them and buried that thought deep inside. 
Being the perfectionist you were, you couldn’t handle it when anything was out of your control. Especially when it came to dance. You had control over your body. That was why you could go up on stage so confidently. Because everything that happens there would be in your control, and if you made a mistake, which you hardly did, that would be your own fault. 
“No of course not! But why are they doing this?! If they do it in pairs they would have two winners!” You knew that complaining wouldn’t change anything but you needed to let go of your anger while you were still coping with the idea of a collab inside of your head.
You would have at least appreciated some warning, some time to think about it. But instead they decided to inform you on the day you should be starting to work on your choreography. 
“‘Your partner will be here soon’ my ass!” You mocked the way your manager came in earlier. “A little more time for mental preparation maybe?!” You threw your water bottle against the wall as you were still raging about the fact that you’d have to work with someone else. 
It was not like you hated the idea. It was just too sudden. You loved to work with others, sharing your ideas and creating something beautiful but in a competition? And so suddenly? It was just a little overwhelming for you. To your demise, you heard a door open.
“Are you Y/n?” A soft voice appeared from above, making you look up from your feet. Your face was red and tears were burning in your eyes, not the nicest picture for the first meeting. 
“I’m Yunho! I will be your partner for the collaboration round. Nice to meet you!” 
You were a little perplexed when you looked at the tall man right in front of you. He had his arm stretched out to you and a big smile on his face.
“Yes I am.. Nice to meet you too.” You hesitated before straightening your body and shaking his hand. 
After letting go of his hand, you tried to fix yourself by redoing your hair and wiping your face. At least you didn’t want to look like you just had an existential crisis. 
“I saw your performances! They were amazing, you are so good! I’m glad I got you as my partner.” Yunho’s energetic voice made you cringe. You didn’t mean to be mean but you were really stressed and couldn’t really understand how someone could be so positive right now. 
“Thank you..” You replied, looking at your manager for help. But Yunho seemed to notice that. 
“So uhm.. I heard you’re not happy with the current situation.” He started, clearly hesitant and careful. “But if you don’t want to drop out, there is nothing we can do. So I hope that we can make the best out of it?” He vaguely smiled at you while tilting his head. 
Oh wow. He heard your little rant. What a good start. 
“See, Yunho..?” You asked, continuing after getting his nod. “I didn’t mean it that way. I am a little… sensitive when it comes to new things. It’s not like I am against working with you, especially not you personally, I was just surprised and overwhelmed..” You explained, scratching your head in the process.
“I know it’s nothing personal against me, don’t worry. I just want to get the best out of this opportunity.” Yunho’s assuring smile was somehow comforting. He looked so innocent, kind and calm. And that helped you calm down before your Managers, Yunho had brought his with him, called you over.
“Have you done a collaboration before?” Your Manager asked Yunho as you sat down together to plan. Yunho nodded. “Good because our Y/n is new to it.” The way your manager talked, showed you that there was no harm intended in that statement. It was just the truth. And suddenly you felt a little childish.
You made such a big deal out of something so usual. 
Being the inexperienced one was weird to you. You had always been good at what you were doing when you worked with others. Of course you were teached as well and you learned a lot but it had been a while since you were the student.
“You’ll have one week to prepare for the stage. No crazy props. They want a performance focused on teamwork.” Yunho’s manager explained while giving you a list of things you could use. “We already talked Yunho through all the details on our way here so he will explain it to you further. We don’t want to steal more of your precious working time.” 
And with that it took five minutes until the studio was empty, except for you and your dance partner. 
“Well.. I guess we should stretch?” You awkwardly smiled at him, causing him to laugh.
Hours passed without you noticing. The studio had no windows so there was no daylight to show you how late it was. The bright lamps kept you from getting tired and the constant movement you were in made you forget about time. 
As the time passed you got to know another side of Yunho. At first you thought he was really playful and lightheaded but you figured out quite quickly that he could also be incredibly serious. 
His passion caught you off guard at first but soon enough you got into working space as well and to your surprise you worked really efficiently.
“So that would be about it for the first minute of the song. I think we should work on the rest tomorrow when we are a bit… fresher.” A smile broke through his seriousness as he wiped sweat off his forehead. You nodded, taking a big sip of water before packing your things. 
But the pace in which he changed from serious and hard working to goofy was just as scary as the other way around. As soon as you had finished packing and tidying up, he was already talking like there was no tomorrow. His voice went through ten different stages as he told you about that one time his friend from his company tried to stir egg whites with chopsticks for three hours, obviously with horrible results.
And if you were honest? It was relaxing. It was not like you were usually quiet. You could be really loud and talkative around the right people but you felt like listening to his stories made it a lot easier to break the ice. Even though it was thin already.
You were glad that he was your partner because you didn’t know if you could have worked so well with someone else. 
“And well. He even tried to get his friend to eat it but he politely declined the offer.” Yunho finished his story of the egg whites just as you left the building. 
“That sounds.. interesting.” You let out a small chuckle. “I bet he was not allowed into the kitchen any longer?” You guessed, making Yunho laugh out loud. “His best friend chased him out with a pan.” He confirmed your guess. 
His friends sounded amazing. 
You had friends at the company and some at your part time job but you weren’t really close with anyone particularly.
“Okay then. I’ll see you tomorrow!” Yunho said while getting in a car. And it took you a minute to realise that he was the one driving. 
You nodded at him before walking off in the other direction. He can drive? You wondered as you walked past the company building. It wasn’t unusual but you didn’t have a license so you were a tiny bit jealous. And maybe impressed. 
The following day was pretty uneventful. You met up at around 10am and started to work on your choreography.
You suddenly had a very good feeling about this collaboration. The day went by incredibly fast and after a shared lunch you even managed to finish the complete outline of the choreography. And you were proud because you genuinely liked what you had created together.
Even though you were extremely tired, looking at the short clips you recorded made your face lit up. 
The choreography was hard but matched the energy of the song perfectly.
“We should stop for today and work on the details starting from tomorrow. Then we’ll have five days to make it perfect.” You suggested, knowing that the hard work will start from tomorrow on. 
You both knew that the hardest part about this collaboration was yet to come so you agreed on having one last relaxing evening before hell would break out. 
“I could drive you home.” Yunho suggested as you walked out of the building. But you politely declined. “I like the walk back home.” You said, waving as you turned around. 
Well technically your way home was really long and quite exhausting, maybe even a bit scary this late, but you wanted to keep a little distance. You had already caught yourself staring at him for a bit too long sometimes and definitely didn’t want that feeling to get bigger. It was just so fascinating when he was dancing. You hadn’t felt this way in a while as you watched someone dance, so you figured that was why you got a little excited.
But you liked how it was right now. And you really wanted to keep this professionalism. How hard could that be?
“What’s wrong with us today?” You nervously laughed as you stood up to get into a normal position. It was the third time in a row that both of you couldn’t stay serious, immediately breaking into shy laughter as soon as you looked each other in the eyes. 
Oh you had been so wrong. How hard could that be? You were internally laughing at yourself. Incredibly hard. 
You thought the chances were low because you could stay in character. Just as good as Yunho. But you both seemed a little off.
“I have no idea.” Yunho laughed, taking a sip from his water bottle.
Giving up on that one particular scene, you continued with the rest of the choreography. And you got through that pretty well.
But you knew that something was off. You weren’t as concentrated as always. You caught yourself staring off into nothing and randomly losing focus way too many times in one day. And that was really scratching your productivity. 
“Maybe we should take a break.” Yunho suggested, making your cheeks heat up. But you just nodded in embarrassment. You were the main problem, and that was a problem for you. 
“Come on! Why isn’t this working?!” You groaned, repeating one of the moves for the 100th time. But it was still not giving you the effect you wanted. 
After finishing practice with an unsatisfied feeling yesterday, you wanted to make extra effort today. But that resulted in you getting upset over that one specific move you just couldn’t get right. 
“No no Y/n, a little more like this-“ Yunho demonstrated your already most hated movement of the month. But you couldn’t get it again. It was already late and you didn’t want to make him stay. It wasn’t his fault that you were failing. You were upset with yourself, not with him, so why make him stay?
“Yunho I think you should go home. It has no use. I don’t think that I will get it right any time soon..” You forced up a smile while lifting your head. But Yunho only tilted his head.
“But I have this bad feeling that you won’t sleep if I go now.” 
Bullseye. You were frustrated. You knew you shouldn’t let it out on him but..
“And what if I don’t? What are you? My mom?” You asked, surprising yourself at how annoyed that came off. You threw your towel against the bench, already feeling your anger rise. He needed to leave, or else this wouldn’t end very nice. 
“Sorry that wasn’t.. please just go home.” You were suppressing the tension in your voice, avoiding eye contact on purpose. 
“But you should-“ “I should what?! God Yunho. Just. Leave me. Alone.” 
You had turned around faster and abrupter than you actually wanted, making him flinch. He didn’t want to do any harm. And seeing his hurt expression made you want to apologise right away. But something inside of you couldn’t. 
Instead you just quietly watched him pack his back and walk out of the room with a “I’ll see you tomorrow…”
You had fucked up. And you knew that. But that didn’t stop you from doing exactly what he thought you would. 
You stood up all night, repeating the choreography again and again. Sure, it was harder alone but you felt freed because you didn’t have to worry about burdening someone. 
But that also made you forget to sleep.. or to drink. 
When Yunho showed up the next morning, finding you in the same clothes as yesterday, he sighed. He knew it.
You on the other hand were not really tired. Once you had survived that tiredness at about 4am, staying awake was quite easy. And it’s not like it would be the first time you worked through a whole night. 
And Yunho let it slip. Because it actually helped. You had overcome your problem and now 98% of the choreography was set perfectly. Just without Yunho. The missing variable. 
This day was rather productive. You went out to eat, meeting one of your co-workers from your part time job which caused a pretty embarrassing “who is that cutie” situation and got pretty far in your progress. And you promised Yunho to sleep when he left. 
But you kinda lied. Because you stayed up all night. Again. 
“Oh! Good Morning y/n! Why are you here so early? I’m usually fir-“ Yunho stopped talking as soon as you turned around. You looked beyond tired. 
“You didn’t sleep, did you?” His face immediately got serious, slowly getting closer to you.
You looked at the ground. You somehow couldn’t look him in the eyes. It felt like you were a little kid and he caught you stealing candy. 
“Listen Y/n.” Yunho’s voice was loud and steady as he grabbed you by your shoulders. You instantly looked up, finding his face right in front of yours. 
“This is a collaboration. It has no use when you can do the choreo on your own. We have to do it together.” He said, looking into your eyes way too intense. You felt ashamed but at the same time didn’t want to acknowledge that what you did was wrong. 
“But it obviously didn’t help when you tried to show me! And now I have the moves down so what’s your problem?” You responded, looking at him with the same intensity.
You shouldn't be fighting. You should just go back to to practice and let it slide. But you couldn’t help but stare at each other. You couldn’t see what he was thinking. His expression was unreadable and the silence between you two started to get more tense with every second. 
It was the moment you felt your eyes wander from his eyes to his lips and back that made you realise that you should definitely stop. You just didn’t notice him doing the same.
“I- we should just continue.” You said, your voice shaking as you broke the eye contact and turned around. But Yunho was definitely not letting you get away with that. You felt him grab your arm, turning you around. But before you could protest, you felt his lips pressed against yours.
Your eyes widened when you realised what he was doing. Why? How? Right now? Suddenly? Yes you had thought about this. Yes you had stared at his lips way too often but what? You didn’t-
You tried to push away as you felt those little annoying butterflies in your stomach but he didn’t let you. You couldn’t like him.. that would only end in problems. But his lips felt so good..
“Was it so bad?” Yunho chuckled as he gently pulled away from you. But you were way too overwhelmed to say anything. Instead you just managed to shake your head. 
Did that really happen? You looked up into his eyes, only to see a soft smile on his lips. 
“I guess we should start practicing now huh?” He laughed gently as he straightened his posture. And you didn’t know what drove you but now you weren’t gonna let him get away with it. He wanted to kiss you? Well then he should at least do it properly. 
“Bad.” You just whispered before grabbing him by his collar and pulling him close. “Come on. You can do better than that.” You smirked before pressing your lips against his again.
And he did better. It didn’t take long until you were pressed against the mirror, hands in his hair, legs around his waist. His lips tasted better than anything you ever had and his big hands that were holding you up were giving you an incredibly safe feeling.
“Fuck..” Yunho mumbled when you pressed your body against his. Your hips slipped a little further down, suddenly hitting something.. hard.
“Are you..?” You asked, looking down his body and up to his red face again. 
He just nodded, instantly letting go of you and turning around. “Sorry.. I didn’t mean to ehm get too invested haha..” He laughed nervously as he took a step back. “Let me go.. to the toilet real quick?” He took big steps to the door when he suddenly heard a thud behind him.
You had wanted to stop him and tell him that it’s alright but when you took a step forward, your vision suddenly got blurry. And then black. A thought shot through your head as your legs gave in. When was the last time I drank something?
You woke up to Yunho shaking your shoulder and as soon as you opened your eyes, he threw a water bottle at you. 
“I told you.” He just said while helping you get up. Looking at the clock showed you that you were only “gone” for about 10 seconds or so but your head was screaming at you as if you drank 6 bottles of soju. Alone.
You swore under your breath while shoving the water down your throat, feeling the headache getting worse already.
“Ok. You sit down on the bench now and monitor me. Get rest.” Yunho said in a stern voice while he began to stretch.
As soon as he started stretching, your mind went on a journey. Did that really happen? Or was it a dream? You still had the picture in front of your eyes, how he was holding you up against the glass, how he was pressing his lips on yours. But there were no signs of it happening. 
“Earth to Y/n, I’ll start now so watch.” Yunho interrupted your thoughts, making you watch him. You sat there for a while, head in the clouds, before you shook your head and interrupted him. He stopped mid movement and tilted his head.
“You’re right Yunho.” You murmured, eyes on the ground. “We only have tomorrow left since the competition is the day after. I shouldn’t have been so stubborn. Now I’m all exhausted and we don’t have enough time to make it perfect.” You felt horrible. Maybe it was the fact that you were heavily dehydrated but you were miserable. You would both fail and it was your fault.
Yunho had kneeled down in front of you and put one hand on your shoulder. “We can win this.” He said with a certainty you couldn’t explain. “I want you to go home now and rest. And I will drive you. No discussion." And you didn’t complain. You were tired. He had helped you pack your things before you went down, got in his car and left.
You don’t remember what happened after but you somehow ended up in your warm and comfortable bed.
The next day went by quickly. You met up. You practiced. You ate. You practiced. All the tension from before seemed to have disappeared in thin air, making you question if his lips on yours had really been a dream. But that was good. Because by sunset you both laid on the floor in your own sweat. Done. You couldn’t believe you had finished your choreography, nor could you believe that the stage was tomorrow. You looked over to your right where Yunho was laying. It was all thanks to him. 
Without him and his flowery personality you probably would’ve gotten more and more frustrated to the point of giving up. But now you were finished. It was complete. You felt complete. And as Yunho turned his head to smile at you, you felt thousands of butterflies in your stomach.
“The next team is Yunho and Y/n.” You heard the announcer through one of the speakers. It was time. You had decided to wear something simple. White shirt on white slacks. As you made your way up to the stage, your hands began to shake. Fuck you were rarely nervous, why now? 
However, all your nervousness disappeared as Yunho took your hand. Yes you weren’t alone, but somehow it felt good to have someone by your side.
“Let’s win this together!” He said in a calm but reassuring tone before you got into position to start. You nodded firmly. And then the music started. Electricity ran through your veins as you danced by his side. Everything around you was floating, you saw everything in slow motion. Every touch felt light and every move was effortless. Your breath was calm. And suddenly it was over.
If someone asked you about your performance afterwards you wouldn’t be able to say a thing. You remembered nothing except for the first beat of the song hitting your body. 
You were breathing heavily as your surroundings cleared up. Everything got louder, brighter, faster. You looked over to your partner. His eyes were sparkling as he scanned the crowd. You couldn’t help but smile. Oh how you loved this man.
Oh how I- you realised your own thoughts when the first jury started to speak. 
Your final score was 98.7. The best so far but there was one more team coming up after you. While you were sitting in the waiting room, watching the last team’s performance you remembered the thought you had on stage.
Love. Such a strong word. Then you looked over to Yunho who was getting water for the both of you. You hadn’t talked to him after you got off stage. When he asked if you wanted water you simply nodded before sitting down. Your competitors were strong. But not as good as you and Yunho were. 
He sat down next to you, giving you a cup, while the score of the last team was announced. Your heart was racing. You gulped down the whole cup. 
You won.
In the one second it took you to realise what happened, Yunho had already picked you up and swirled you around. And right when he stopped, it settled. You had won.
Without a single thought in your head you pressed your lips onto his. You had won and it was all thanks to him. He was perplexed at first but kissed you back quickly. A rush of happiness struck your body as you buried your hands in his hair. Even as you separated, your eyes were locked with his. You needed to tell him.
“I love you Yunho.” You whispered, not sure if you said it loud enough. His eyes widened. “I-“ he stuttered. You could see the realization on his face as it lit up.
“I love you too!” You were blinded by the brightness of his smile as he spun you around again. But then you were interrupted by a sudden announcement.
“Congratulations Yunho and Y/n. You successfully made it into the last round of our competition!”
Last round? This should have been the last round! You opened your mouth in shock. Yunho was still holding you tight as you looked at him in horror, hearing the next sentence.
“Prepare to fight. Your next and last challenge is to compete with each other.”
@jonghoisbabie @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers-writes @serialee @crimsonbubble @cometoceantrenches @em--ilysm @deja-vux @kawaiiloli00 @ddeonghwva @aaaaajonghooooo @sansbun @cookies-n-joong @plonys @hijirikaww @nari-nim @yunkiwii @mingi-ivity @racheloveyunho @seongsangsgf @jhmylove @lizsvcks @yunhobabygurl @leoninadecorazones @kerra-that-one-random-fangirl @star1117-archives
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redrydersrequiem · 1 year
A different tune
An Ouran high school host club fan-fiction. This is another story ive thought of off and on forever so im finaly getting it down. It will turn into a kyoya x reader fic cause hes my favorite and i feel he doesn’t get enough love. Once again I’m a baby fanfic writer and this is not proffed or anything
Part 1
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Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time here, at the elite private school Ouran Academy. The Ouran Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys, with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran Academy’s elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful.
It’s a seemingly quiet winter day in the third music room. No events planned and only a few straggling guests left, finishing they’re refreshments and making small talk. All the host members relax in the surrounding chairs and sofas all idly talking to one another when a shrill chiming sound breaks the peaceful environment.
“Who’s phone was that?” Hikaru asks, the other boys just slightly saying not me when Haruhi hurriedly takes her phone out of her bag.
“Ohhhhh someone got a message” Kaoru chastates as he and hikaru try leaning over Haurhis shoulder to peek at her phone like the nosy boy they are.
“Who’s it from haruhi huh could it be a boyyyyyyy/ or a girl we don't care either way.” The Hitachiin twins start
“What my little Piglet is talking to a boy OHHHHHH MAMA!” Tamaki yells flinging himself against kyoya with exaggerated tears in his eyes
“There there tamaki all children have to leave the nest eventually”. Kyoya states patting the blond on the head
“Is not a boy, not that its any of your business will you three stop it”
“Then who is it Haruhi?”. Hikaru asks once more
“It’s my childhood friend ok.”
“You have a childhood friend haru-chan? Just like me and Takashi” Honey states a childlike grin on his face
“I wouldn’t say just like you guys”
Tell us about them then haruhi, are they a commoner like you, how did you guys meet, how come we’ve never heard of this friend before?”
“Once again it's rude to call people commoners to their face and ive known them since we were kids our moms were close friends.
“Oh haru chan”
“It’s fine. I'm excited to see her again. Her family moved to New York, since that's where her dads from to take over his family’s business the summer before we lost mom. They were very kind and even sent us care packages and stuff and still do her moms really sweet
“Well I for one think it's great our little piglet has an American friend, especially since i didnt think haruhi would know anyone foreign.
“Do you all just assume your the only people i know? Haruhi asks the deviants all have the nerve to simultaneously say yes.
“Well your wrong”
“Anywayyyyyyy haruhi what's your friend's message to get it this late. It’s almost midnight there.” Hikaru states bluntly “Yeah haruhi tell us”, his twin joins the both of them now singing "tell us” over and over again, tap dancing on haruhi's last nerve.
“FINE!!!! The boys immediately stopping. “If you all must know she said she’s coming down here for a visit soon.”
“A visit that's amazing we should do something we should/…… all the boys descend into plan making, haruhi trying and failing to stop them.”
“Ah tamaki I almost forgot” kyoya states setting his tablet down aging the blonds full attention as well as everyone else’s
“”The principal spoke of opening up a new position at the school. They want to bring in a talented individual to boost our fine arts/ theater scores, against Lobelia, they wanted our opinion on the matter since we’ve dealt with them before.”
“What!! Really i couldn't agree more. It’s about time that stupid Zuka club is put in their place once and for all.”
“I wouldn’t get to ahead of ourselves tamaki” kyoya tries to interject
“NO I’ve decided, whoever it is shall have the full support of the Ouran highschool host club.!!!”
Honey, hikaru and Kaoru all applaud at tamakis over the top deceleration
“Very well I will inform the principal and he'll let us know when the candidate should arrive.” Everyone descends into the rest of the afternoon while the next day halfway across the would another family rises
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Readers pov
“Are you sure you want to go sweetheart?”
“Yes mama I do, I think it would be fun. I'll finally get to see japan again, be with grandma and grandpa for a while and help them out.
“Plus she'll get to see her friend again, Kana.” My dad, Sebastian Casdal, instructs comforting my mom as he goes to sit down next to her on the couch, my little brother bouncing in his arms.
“Yeah, I'll get to see Haruhi and the members of this club she always writes about. Plus it’ll be a great networking experience for me.
“I know dear but i'll miss you and you've already graduated highschool.”
“We’ll all miss her love but I agree it's a great opportunity for our little girl, plus she'll be doing her college course work with access to the great tutors and stuff they have available.”
“Plus mama it's not forever, it's for a couple of years at most, and you guys will come see me during the holidays and I'll come back during the summers.
“Oh my little girl you've got to stop growing on me. Mama states hugging me tight to her.
‘Mama,,,, you're going to smother me if you hold me any tighter.”
“I know, I know you can go my love but we’ll talk everyday ad if anything goes wrong you come straight home ok”
“Ok mama ok, don't worry you both will be so busy with the company and this little guy you won't even notice i'm gone”
“Yes we will but i know you can handle yourself, anyway let's start getting everything ready the new school term is only in a few weeks”
“I can’t wait to see haruhi's face when i show up to Ouran academy. “
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doublel27 · 2 years
Rites of Passage
Number of words: IDK, rating G
Pre-canon, Carlos x Iris (platonic), introspection, internalized homophobia
The camera flashed and Carlos felt his tie choking him slightly. Iris leaned into his side and laughed.
“¡Aye, que guapo!” His mom said, looking at the picture that popped up on the display of her digital camera.
“I know,” Mrs. Blake said, snapping a picture of her own.
“You make such a lovely couple. I think we could have prom king and queen here.”
Iris laughed warm and rich and Carlos should have been able to do the same but his voice stuck in his throat. “Like we’d ever get votes! We’re nerds.”
“But so pretty,” his mom shot back. “Don’t you think so, mi amor?”
“Of course, it’s the Reyes looks, you know.”
“Oh, is that it?”
Everyone continues talking and moving but Carlos feels frozen in time. He can’t remember the last time his father lumped them both together as Reyeses. Definitely before the terrible and awkward morning when he’d told them the truth he’d been hiding and they just acted like it was nothing.
A hand touches his face and Carlos startles back to Iris’s living room. Iris is peering up at him with those big eyes and soft smile. Her hair is piled on to her head in a bun with a few curls slipping down. She’s still the prettiest girl Carlos has ever known.
“Hey, you okay?” Iris whispers, not wanting to alert their parents. “You’ve got that buffering look.”
“I’m not buffering!”
“You totally are. What’s wrong? You know I’ll find out.”
“Just really glad you agreed to go with me. That’s all.”
“Okay, weirdo. I don’t believe you but I’ll let it go.” Iris narrows her eyes and tilts her head. “For now.”
Carlos can’t help but bark out a short laugh. “Okay.”
“You two ready to go? Don’t get up to any trouble.” His father holds out keys to the Camero. “No drinking.”
“Of course not, sir.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Iris says in a tone that suggests she has no less than three flasks on her. Carlos sends her a glare and she just winks.
Mr. Blake claps him on the shoulder. “Have fun. We know the two of you are responsible kids.”
“Yeah, she’s nothing like her older sister,” a whiskey voice comes from the back of the room.
Iris is across the room in a flash. “Michelle!”
“Couldn’t miss my baby sister going off to prom.” Michelle pulls Iris back and holds her shoulders. “Don’t do anything I would do.”
“I make no promises.”
“You should get going. You don’t want to be late.”
“Oh there’s nothing wrong with being fashionably late,” his mom says. “We could take more pictures?”
Carlos wonders what it would be like if this was real. If he was in love with Iris instead of just loving her. It would be so much easier if he was normal. Everything about who he is wouldn’t be under attack. He’d move up better in the ranks at the police academy.
“We should go. The princess has to get to the ball.”
Carlos takes Iris’s hand with the wrist corsage he and his mother solid time picking out just the right flowers to go with Iris’s dress. He leans over as he lifts her hand to press a kiss on its back. Iris giggles and blushes.
“You’re ridiculous!”
“Do you not want to go anymore? It’s a giant dance party.”
“Yes. I want to go! Where’s my purse!?”
There’s a scramble to find her purse and her shawl and their parents and Michelle talk around them as they head out to the drive. Carlos escorts Iris to the car and opens the door just like his father taught him to do for ladies. He holds her hand as she eases into the car and Carlos can almost imagine this as his life.
“So romantic,” Iris teases, her tone sarcastic, eyes crinkling in a smile.
“It is prom,” Carlos reminds her with the same tone Iris has used to talk about it since he tried to suggest they could skip it. Iris insisted it was a right of passage.
But it was just going to be the first of many rights of passage Carlos couldn’t have in his life as a gay man. He couldn’t marry a man, and even if he could, he couldn’t do it in the church. Adoption agencies wouldn’t let him have a kid. Why start talking about rights of passage and doing them when you couldn’t have them?
But Iris insisted that them going together was better than skipping it entirely.
As he slides into the seat next to her and starts the car, Carlos wonders if she’s on to something. Iris looks like a queen as the golden hour light plays over her skin. She’s his favorite person in the world and doesn’t have as much fun with anyone else as he does with her. His mom has always said you should marry your best friend.
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supernaturalkickparty · 2 months
ok so it's been a few days i can process the chaos of the back to school event on wednesday.
So as of recently both the pediatrician and psychologist have said they highly recommend my son go to school, for me to put him in pre-k and he'll get speech therapy and occupational therapy there.
I cried, talked it over with my husband, cried some more, argued with my mom that since she wont allow any therapist in the house or for us to do much of anything with him, this is my last option.
Signed him up, went to the administration building, went to the school, went to the special education department, and now i wait for my meeting on what modifications he will need in class.
oh dear lord where do i even begin?
first off the event started at 5 but I told my husband we should leave early because we're a small town and i know a lot of people rely on this event.
hell we're a family that relies on these events.
get there at 4:25 and theres already people waiting outside, it's 108 outside. we grabbed the umbrella and my sons water bottle and we waited outside.
as soon as 5 o'clock hit, they only allowed so many people in at a time, my child was fussy because he wanted to run around, he did make a friend in line though so that was cute.
by the time that it was our turn to enter the building we rushed him to the bathroom so he could go potty, well my husband took him because if i had left to take him they said we'd loose our place in line, like why don't yall count his dad in this but count me? lol make it make sense.
get in line and im like sweet i see the backpacks, lets grab it and go.
they hand you a backpack, then you have to go in line to each table and they hand you supplies.
it would be so much easier if they had backpacks already filled with the basic supplies instead of you going in a line. it was crowded, we got looks for wearing mask but im sorry the lady like 2 or 3 people in front of us was hacking up a lung and no thank i do not want to get sick.
they're playing music because its supposed to be a fun event but all the vendors for the games and stuff canceled so they just had the dj playing music and my son was dancing in line lol
it was too crowded, too hot, too overwhelming, too loud, my son knocked over 2 balloon arches, i was so fucking embarrassed, i felt like everyone was judging me, we get to the end of the line of school supplies and he got sad because they were also handing out bicycle helmets and vouchers for kids bikes at walmart or academy i think and we didnt get one but they gave him some books instead and he liked those.
by the time we left there was still a huge line of people waiting to get inside and i hope they at least got something because they were starting to run out of stuff by the time we were leaving.
the plan was to homeschool my son, to avoid all this, to avoid people and my plan has been shot to shit and now im struggling to get his supplies.
we went to another event last night but it was drive through only and tbh it was a hell of a lot more organized than the one hosted by the city.
the pastor had all the basic supplies in a backpack and just asked how many kids and gave us a domino's gift card.
theres one on wednesday and i'm hoping since its being hosted by community action its a lot more organized.
wish me and my child luck!!!
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Danganronpa: Abandoned Hope Episode One Script
here's the script for the first episode, as promised! check under the readmore :3. Do remember that it's still a "rough draft", so there may still be some typos and unintentional grammar mistakes. please be constructive with any criticism.
Episode 1, February 13th
Mysterious voice: good morning, sir. We’re very appreciative that you’ve come to talk with us today. We understand that you likely have a very poor opinion of us, but rest assured we have no intention of harming you or your friends. W- No, won’t hurt the young lady here either. We just need your account of the events that took place. Yes we’ll be interviewing her too, so your honesty is of the utmost importance. The sources we have are flawed, some clarity is all we ask. You can provide this, can’t you?
????:: …. I… suppose ….
Mysterious voice: splendid! Could you introduce yourself before giving your account? for the record of course.
????: …. My name is Adaleus Valker. I attended the academy under the talent of “ultimate waltzer”. My talent encompassed everything from organizing events, hosting parties, and of course actually dancing. Admittedly I feel more pride in the hosting part of my talent rather than the dancing part, however the school was looking for a dancer, not a host. The talent program for my year sought to implement pairs with similar talents. I was a last minute addition; the person who originally held my talent couldn’t attend. 
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Adaleus, flashback: I still remember the day before it all started. February 13th. We were snowed in so classes were canceled. That was good news to me, I never liked waking up early. Although this morning I stayed in a little too long 
???: *sounds of knocking* Adaleus you in there? It’s noon, wake up!
Adaleus, present: oH SHI *answers door* good morning Mrs Sasaki
Narration: Nozumi Sasaki, the well respected headmaster of this academy. Back in her day she was the ultimate linguist. She’s very good at her job, both as a translator and a headmaster, but unfortunately that means she’s overbearing as hell sometimes.
Sasaki: … Good afternoon. Adaleus I know school isn’t in session today but could you at least wake up at a decent time? 
Adaleus: ah… that’s my bad
Sasaki: just try to get to bed at a decent time tonight, wouldn’t want you to be groggy tomorrow 
 Narration: And with that she walked off 
Adaleus: geez, if I knew I’d get reprimanded like this I would’ve opted out of staying in the dorms
Narration: We were given the option if we wanted to stay in the dorms or not, most students opted out since it’s quite the trek down to the village, leaving only the ultimate class and the headmaster as the only people in the school dorms.
Eun: Hey you, you’re finally awake. I was looking for Sammie so we could get some lunch, wanna join?
Narration: that’s Eun Kocur, ultimate animal trainer. She specializes in birds and is currently keeping chickens and pigeons. We’re pretty good friends. Last month she dragged me along to a bird show her pigeons were competing in. They all won, of course. It would be weird if they didn’t.
Adaleus: yeah sure, food sounds good. 
Narration: we walked over to Sammie’s shared lab, passing some fellow students along the way
Eun: oh hey Umeko what’s up?
Umeko: oh hey Eun! Not much, how about you?
Narration: Umeko Ongaku, ultimate Chorist. She used to be so quiet that it was startling to hear her speak, let alone sing. Especially since she has such a deep voice. Sometimes I’d play the accompanying track for her choir if the usual accompanist couldn’t.
Benjiro: oh? who's there?
Narration: And that’s Benjiro Sasaki, ultimate instructor. One time he mentioned how he was originally going to be a teacher, but disliked small children so much he decided to go into lecturing instead. He really dislikes being singled out due to his blindness, and well kids aren’t necessarily known for their tact. His service’s dog is named Mina. Sometimes we joke about how she’s more sociable than he is. 
Eun: it’s just me and Adaleus, we’re getting lunch
Benjiro: Oh that makes sense, it’s like 12:10 right?
Adaleus: *i checked the clock on the wall* That's actually accurate. How did you do that?
Benjiro: I got a new watch
Adaleus: what? But I thought you were bli-
Umeko: it’s specifically for blind people, dumbass. The face of the watch has raised markers so that you can feel the time
Adaleus: *takes a closer look* oh that’s neat! Did you get it for him?
Umeko: yep! It was supposed to be for Christmas but it came in late. Man I’m such a bad girlf-
Eun: shhh shut up Mrs. Sasaki’s coming 
Umeko: Eep!
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Narration: an air of awkward silence befell us as Mrs Sasaki walked by
Mrs Sasaki: hello
Eun: hiya 
Umeko: g-good afternoon 
Adaleus: hello 
Benjiro: hi mom
Misa: *quiet woof*
Narration: Mrs. Sasaki didn’t know that Benjiro and Umeko were dating, and quite frankly neither of them wanted her to know. She’s overbearing as is, I couldn’t imagine it would end well if she knew.
We parted ways with Ben and Umeko, only to run into someone else.
Maricella: hey hey hey Adaleus I gotta talk with you for a sec
Narration: Maricella Tai, ultimate knitter. It’s rare to see her not working on a project, and even rarer to see her without her knitting needles. Everyone here has at least one knitted item from her, currently she’s making everyone blankets. She often jokes about how her knitting needles could be used for self defense in emergencies.
Rina: you didn’t even need my help finding him
Narration: Rina Bellerose, Ultimate Ballerina. I share a talent lab with her. Sometimes we help each other practice for events but to be honest we’re pretty distant. Quite frankly I think she dislikes me quite a bit, but it’s rude to assume that of people.
Adaleus: oh hi what is it?
Maricella: ok so I started your blanket and I was using this one specific shade of blue but I ran out of it completely, is it okay if I use a different shade or would you rather it stay consistent?
Adaleus: oh yeah it’s fine if it’s different. Hey maybe that could be the pattern. One shade of a color followed by a second shade repeated?
Maricella: I. Like. Your. Thinking!! Cmon Rina let’s go!
Rina: you don’t need to run everywhere you know- 
Narration: and thus the sapphic’s left as quickly as they appeared. Finally we made it to Sammies lab. I could hear the radio through the door, playing some music I didn’t recognize. Eun placed a few firm knocks on the door.
Eun: Hey Sammie! We’re gonna get lunch now
Sammie: o-ok hold on a sec!
Narration: the radio was shut off and replaced with a shuffling of sorts. Before long the long anticipated Sammie showed up.
Sammie: ok let’s go!
Narration: Sammie Usuro, ultimate tailor. He’s rather proficient at his talent, usually having a backlog of requests for outfits and fittings. Though for some reason whenever I need my clothes repaired he always gets to it right away. He broke his leg last winter break after falling off a ski lift.
Adaleus: Hey Sammie! How's your leg feeling?
Sammie: ah it’s doing fine. Doctor said that the cast could come off in as little as two months!
Eun: that’s still quite a bit of time
Sammie: Well it’s better than losing the leg due to gangrene. Let’s go get lunch.
Eun: What were you guys thinking about? Personally I could go for anything right now.
Sammie: Honestly that new restaurant down in the village sounds really good.
Adaleus: It does, but how are we gonna get there?
Eun: oh! We could take a sled down then just stay the night in town. We can come back up when school starts back up!
Sammie: Then it sounds like a plan!
Narration: we made our way to the elevator. Yes it was a snow day, and yes eating out was a Saturday thing, but dammit that barbecue place sounded really good. Unfortunately there were issues surrounding the elevator:
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Narration: Simire Rohim, ultimate badminton player. The winner of several awards and championships, often gone for weeks at a time to play in games. It was… very surreal to see this well respected athlete struggling with the door so much 
Adaleus: What… is he doing?
Icarus: I left my pencil case in a classroom downstairs, but the door to the elevator/stairwell is locked for some reason.
Narration: Icarus Onassis, ultimate volleyball player. He used to be just as into volleyball as Simire was into badminton, but after a season he completely lost interest in sports as a whole. Now he only plays during talent festivals and tests.
Eun: Simire I doubt shaking the door is gonna make it work
Simire: well what else am I supposed to do? 
Eun: maybe get Mrs. Sasaki and ask her to unlock the door?
Simire: oh *leaves to go do that*
Eun: Hey, do you think if we shake him it’ll get his brain to work?
Icarus: hey Don’t make fun of him behind his back!
Sammie: that’s rich coming from the king of shit talk himself
Eun: So would it be ok if I said it to his face? 
Icarus: you-
Mrs Sasaki: What's the problem here?
Simire: the door won’t unlock and Icarus left his pencil case downstairs.
Mrs. Sasaki: Oh I Must have forgot to unlock the door, my apologies.
Narration: but when she went to unlock the door, her key didn’t work anymore
Mrs. Sasaki: That's… odd. It must be the cold weather messing with the locks. I’ll call the locksmiths and have them check out the doors as soon as possible.
Adaleus: damn, so no take out :(
Mrs. Sasaki: Were you really going out to eat in this weather? There’s 100 cm of snow outside!
Eun: well why else would we have the sled?
Mrs Sasaki: that’s for emergencies only, go make yourselves something to eat in the kitchen 
Sammie: :(
Narration: burdened with an unbearable sadness, we made our sorry ways to the kitchen. 
Artemisa, holding a basket of produce: hey are you three getting lunch too?
Narration: Artemisa Spicer, ultimate food chemist. She’s somehow both the most and the least organized person I know. She always has her mask on since she's always in and out of her lab or the kitchen. She was in charge of catering a party I was planning once and she did an excellent job, despite her odd schedule.
Sammie: yeah.. Mrs. Sasaki wouldn’t let us go out to eat
Artemisa: There's like 100 cm of snow out there and you can barely walk!
Eun: yeah but like that’s what the sleds for
Artemisa: no it’s not! I’m making a bunch of soup for lunch anyways, just have some of that.
Adaleus: fiiiiiine 
Narration: we followed Artemisa into the dinning area. Artemisa slipped into the kitchen, leaving us with the other students waiting for lunch.
Gigantia: heyyy mantits McGee what’s up!!!
Narration: Gigantia Ader, ultimate Embalmer. I’m not very knowledgeable of her talent, I personally have seen enough dead bodies to last me a lifetime, but those in the field apparently respect her work greatly. Her personality however…. 
Adaleus: Gigantia we’ve talked about this… 
Fatik: can’t you go a day without harassing someone?
Gigantia: hey tits aren’t inherently sexual!
Fatik: you’re pleading your case poorly
Narration: Fatik Lemaitre, ultimate taxidermist. Again, unfamiliar with the field however they don’t tend to make people as uncomfortable as Gia. They’re often rather cranky though, especially with the bad weather recently.
Juniper: Hey, stop talking about badonkers! Lunch is ready, we made soup!
Narration: Juniper Caito, ultimate orchardist. During the tragedy they cultivated hundreds of orchards, forests, and farms. They’ve probably improved the world the most out of any of us just on the basis of food production alone. Their talent lab is full of plants, I'm surprised that Artemisa gets anything done. 
Fatik: oh what kind of soup is it?
Juniper: soup flavor
Gigantia: oh boy my favorite 
Artemisa: there’s also fresh bread in kitchen if you want it with your soup or a sandwich or something 
Adaleus: Aw fuck yeah bread!
Eun: breads not that good though
Adaleus: sounds like someone’s never had good bread
Eun: whatever 
Narration: the soup flavored soup with the bread shaped bread was very good for lunch. Eun left to go do her own thing, so me and Sammie went over to the library to hang out a bit more. Since it’s basically the entertainment center, someone is always hanging out there
Lapis: oh hey guys what’s up!
Narration: Lapis Ongaku, ultimate soloist. Almost the polar opposite of sister, he’s as loud and fun loving as anyone with the title of ultimate center of attention. He has a tendency to go off and do his own thing, which gets on a lot of people’s nerves. 
Sammie: oh we were just gonna hang out here! That’s ok right?
Lapis: yeah yeah of course! I wasn’t doing anything too important anyway, the internet isn’t working.
Sammie: oh that's odd, then what are you doing on the computer?
Lapis: playing chess against the computer and losing horribly.
Adaleus, thinking: looking over at the computer I witnessed the worst chess strategy I have ever seen play out. It was almost funny 
Sammie: Maybe you should play something else. Oh, how about we play uno? That’s easier!
Lapis: Aw fuck yeah i’m a pro at uno! You’re gonna be sorry you ever challenged me! Then I’m gonna be sorry cause I hurt your feelings.
Narration: we played cards for a couple hours, chatting with people coming in and out of the library. Eventually we went and ate dinner, which was just leftovers. Heeding Mrs. Sasaki’s warning, I went to bed soon after. Though to be honest, had I known what was about to transpire… I don’t think I would’ve gone to sleep.
✨you can now watch from Eun’s Perspective✨
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Narration: Well lunch was eventful, it was fun to see Fatik throw a bread roll at Gigantia after one too many puns. Even funnier to see her catch one with her mouth and swallow it whole like a snake. Now what to do now…
Lapis: oh hey Eun! Umeko wants to talk to you
Eun: wait why?
Lapis: idk, she said it’s a girl thing, and since I am not a girl I can’t be privy to this. 
Eun: makes sense, where is she?
Lapis: she’s by her room, probably, she might’ve moved, it’s like a floor it can’t take that long to find her
Eun: fair fair, I’ll go find her
Narration: lapis was right, she was outside her room. Her nameplate is somewhat shiner than the others since they got her name wrong at first. They got a lot of people's names wrong to be honest, how hard is “Eun” to remember geez.
Umeko: oh good you’re here
Eun: Yeah, what did you need? Lapis was really cryptic.
Umeko: yeah ok so uh you know how Valentine’s Day is tomorrow? W-well I wanted to get Benjiro chocolate, but we’re snowed in, so I figured I’d ask Artemisa for help to make them! But she gets really intense when cooking so I kinda need you there for moral support!
Eun: Wait, you’re scared of Artemisa? All 165 cm of her?
Umeko: I’m related to Lapis, I know damn well it’s the short ones you need to look out for! So are you helping or not??
Eun: Well of course I am! Gotta support the gal pals even if they are sniffing cowards
Umeko: aren’t you scared of crickets
Eun: hey! they're freaky little bastards who know and resent their place in the food chain!
Umeko: yeah right, lets go
Narration: we went down to Artemisa’s lab and luckily enough she was down to help Umeko with the chocolate. I did as I promised and stayed for moral support, but unfortunately I became privy as to why Umeko had reservations about this.
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Eun: hey why’d you make me put my hair in a ponytail?
Artemisa: the twin tails are unsanitary. Whenever you lean forward your hair gets into anything you’re working in, and I’d prefer it if your hair didn’t transfer germs from your lab into mine.
Eun: Firstly, domesticated pigeons are very clean animals! 
Artemisa: humans are “clean” creatures and yet food safety still applies to them
Eun: But then why didn't you make Umeko change her hair? Or change your hair for that matter?
Artemisa: because her hair isn’t long enough to warrant the concerns I have about your hair. And I don’t lean over countertops with wild abandon
Umeko: Will you guys stop arguing? I’m trying to focus.
Eun: Oh sorry! 
Narration: we finished the chocolates without much incident besides the great hair debate. I even got some of the candy as a reward! They made a variety of flavors, so there's gotta be something in there that Ben will like. Though considering his sour attitude, I can’t be sure that he’ll appreciate anything sweet.
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sailorlyoko · 1 year
Odd Della Robbia headcanons
Tws for self-harm, odd's sisters, mental illness, homophobia, and homophobic grandmas
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: Has ADHD
: Used to self-harm before Ulrich, Yumi, and William found out
: listens to radiohead, backstreet boys, Lou Vega, n'sync, and T.a.t.u
: His sisters, Adele and Louise tend to use him as their punching bag
: His sister, Pauline is very protective of him but doesn't really show it
: He uses jokes as a coping mechanism
: He's Italian on his mother's side of the family
: 100% Bi
: has a very high metabolism
: had a prophetic dream about crashing Laura Gautier's wedding
: He is an Ulumi shipper
: loves puns
: Sissi has feelings for him
: Looks really good in drag
: His cousins are named Alberto, Marco, Orlando, Bruno, Leone, and Lucrezia
: He has dated half of kadic academy's female students except for Yumi, Sissi, Milly, and Tamiya
: Once accidentally released 19 goats into kadic academy while the song September by earth wind and fire played on the p.a system
: Writes Ulumi fanfic
: Is also a Jerlita shipper
: Is currently dating william
: Is a little spoon
: He knew he was bi when he saw ulrich shirtless for the first time
: His rendition of all the things she said by t.a.t.u is a deadly weapon
: Can dance really well
: He dyes his hair
: might be dyslexic
: Once cussed out sissi in italian
: Is a amazing artist
: Writes fluff fics
: Theme song, All-star by smash mouth
: he is a leo
: He is icelandic on his dad's side of the family
: His aunt's a therapist
: He is the token gremlin of the group
: His grandma reacted poorly to him coming out and beat him in an attempt to make him straight
: He has depression
: He is an Esfp
: He had an emotional breakdown in William's arms after kiwi died
: His films are average at best
: He looks peaceful when he sleeps
: He is a theater kid and proud of it
: He loves phantom of the opera
: He is a grass type trainer
: once had a dream about singing opera
: His dreams are weird
: Once spiked the punch with red bull
: MUST have caffeine
: Ships Yolanda With Jim
: He is a multi-shipper
: Is often mistaken for a girl
: Sounds like teddie from persona 4
: Once played final fantasy 7
: Is a gamer
: becomes the second tallest after hitting puberty
: Has a Myspace account
: He is not a pervert despite being a ladies man
: He can't sing for his life
: had long hair in elementary school
: Has connections
: his phone case is a cat
: He read romeo and Juliet
: His worst subject is math
: Once caused a cafeteria riot
: He can speak English
: He gets pissed when you call him short
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Kasumi Aisaka's First Trial MV (Abnormality Dancing Girl)
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The video starts with Kasumi sitting bored at her desk at school. She has an apathetic expression on her face as she’s handed back a test with a 100 written in red ink. She sighs, as the other kids in the class seem sadden by their own grades. On the board, it says that the class average was a 51 percent. The scene cuts to Kasumi looking outside the classroom window, seeing a group of girls walking the perimeter of the school gardens. They’re laughing and smiling as they chat, making Kasumi stare emotionless. The camera cuts and it shows Kasumi sitting far away from the other people in her class, as they’re all grouped together and crying over their implied bad grades 
The scene cuts to Kasumi shoving the test inside her locker filled with other exams and quizzes with high marks on them, along with several academy awards in her locker shelf. This is only shown for a small moment as she slams the locker shuts. When the chorus comes, Kasumi is seen in a baby pink ball gown, dancing on the school auditorium, but the seats are all empty. Kasumi is smiling for the first time in this video, even though she’s dancing in front of no one
When the second verse comes, Kasumi is walking through a hallway of people. The camera shows some people laughing at her and calling her names. Kasumi is seen to be frustrated at this, but takes a deep breath and goes to the classroom. It’s empty and stuff is written on the board in kanji. The Kanji translates to stuff along the likes of “Goody two shoes!” “Little Miss. Perfect!” “Don’t you know she’s too good for us?” “All brains but can’t use them right” “Lazy genius” 
The chorus cuts again to the same scene of Kasumi dancing on an empty stage, but her dress is getting increasingly more disheveled with small stains of blood on the skirt 
When the third verse comes, Kasumi is seen sitting at a mirror, staring at herself wearing a cap and gown. The cap and gown (Valedictorian) Kasumi is smiling and all cheerful, showing her dipolma, while the Kasumi in her school girl outfit is seen with the same apathetic face she had at the beginning of the video. Before the chorus comes again, Seifuku!Kasumi throws the contents on her vanity to the floor, slamming a binder filled with detective cases onto it
The chorus starts one last time, but Kasumi’s dress is torn and bloodied. The corpse of a lady is seen lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Kasumi is holding something in her hand, but instead of a knife or some type of weapon, it’s a document with blurred out evidence and reports about her. The tip is covered in blood though
(MV ends)
Original Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK56dOxLxPY
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soath · 1 year
Zwiefacher spoilers
jester: okay, we all met ages ago in trostenwald—well, most of us. there was this circus and an evil frog eating a little girl and me, and yasha, and molly, and fjord, and beau ended up defeating the frog just barely. but nobody believed us and we ended up in prison! so we broke out of prison, along with nott who was also in jail there and were on the run, sort of. not sort of, we were definitely on the run. fjord really wanted to go to rexxentrum to learn about his wet dreams so we thought, it’s a big city, they can’t be looking for small town criminals there.
so we headed to rexxentrum and on the way we stopped in alfield and killed some gnolls and molly came up with our name. we skirted around zadash ‘cause beau was worried people there might recognize her from the scene of our last crime. ended up taking a swamp detour and met these two little lost bird girls? kiri and siri they were so! sweet! also fjord wrestled a fish so he could eat a ball and we nearly got killed by a troll. we ended up in druvenlode helping a bunch of miners assassinate their boss—don’t worry, he totally deserved it— when we heard there was a war?! and we were all like ‘we don’t want to die in the war!’ so we skipped town again.
a bunch of dwarves offered us money to escort their family out of nogvurot but when we got to nogvurot it turned out the kids didn’t want to go, they were talking to the kryn soldiers under the city, and it was very sad and we learned a lot about the kryn and how they can only have babies with their special thingy. unfortunately the army did not like them leaving and it got hot the next day. so we had to look for somewhere else to go. the local criminal guy had an odd job carrying a bunch of these cages to a place called shadycreek run but it turned out the cages were going to a group that was selling people! we took a group vote and turned on them and a bunch of us nearly died, and yasha did die, but luckily we took her to caduceus and it turns out she comes back to life really easy. molly lost an arm but decided not to get it back. also beau got to have sex. then caduceus came with us because we were his fate. a bunch of the people in shadycreek were super mad because we killed their guys, and also molly made them super mad before he died, but this lady named ophelia stole us and was all like ‘i’ve wanted them dead for a long time, thank you, you work for me now, do crimes for me,” so we did even more crimes for her. then she said “now come with me to zadash”
so we went with her to zadash even though beau didn’t want to, but it was fine because we met pumat and the gentleman, who turned out to be my dad—we didn’t know that yet though. we helped save the city from this horde of invisible spiders living underneath and destroyed a portal to the abyss! and when Beau went back to the cobalt soul it turned out they cleared our name for the frog stuff ages ago and no one was even looking for us in druvenlode or nogvurot! a really important monk named yudala even offered to be her teacher and was all ‘you’ve learned techniques on your own that most take years to master rawr, you’re undisciplined but strong, what are you doing’ and she got so. much. training. uh, and then we learned that the gentleman was selling people too and because we didn’t know he was my dad we kind of turned him into the cops. yudala liked us a lot more after that. ‘cause we had clear raps, and molly was looking for more info on their past, and caduceus wanted to know about his family, and fjord’s sword swallowing was getting to be, like, an issue, we tagged along to rexxentrum with yudala.
that’s when we met you! you showed us around the academy and the city and helped fjord and nott and were super coo. gave us odd jobs to do to earn money, took us out dancing... you were the best, we would have been so lost without you, we were going through a lot. it turns out yasha did not come back from the dead all the way okay, she kept having these creepy dreams and disappearing—different from normal yasha disappearing—in the night to stand outside this temple. and people were saying the traveller was a cult! And that fjord was also in a cult but for the betrayer gods! nott was crying because they were saying turning her back into a halfling was impossible. plus one of your archmages kept looking at molly funny and calling him lucien. the last one was actually a biggie. it turns out it’s really hard to spy on an archmage but we finally snuck nott into a meeting to eavesdrop and they were talking about her husband? nott’s husband, not vess’s. we didn’t even know nott had a husband back then.
nott was all, ‘let’s go, go go! we gotta save my husband’ and we skipped town again. but before we left we said goodbye to you and we said that we were scared we’d be watched cause vess was so hung up on molly, and you gave us our necklace! it kept is safe as long as we stayed really close together on the road. you’re probably the only reason we made it to felderwin safely. as soon as we got there we had to murder the guard protecting yeza and the beacon. as was all ‘waah?’ and we went ‘the assembly is super evil and also your wife is a goblin now, grab your kid let’s go!’
we ended up having to use the vibrator we got from the kryn in nogvurot. they said it would only help if there was a purple worm nearby—but luckily there was! And the kryn came out all suspicious but beau held up yeza with the beacon and went ‘yo, take us to your leader, we need to get out of this country pronto”
anyways, we’re heroes of the dynasty now? a lot happened since then, we snuck across borders to see my mom and my mom told me i got my dad arrested which sucked. fjord realized he needed help with his snake after he let it go, then we met yussa and realized we stole the other arcana’s name, molly might be haunted and he spent time in the forest hanging out with old people. there were a lot more abyss portals, beau was doing this whole spy vs. spy thing in rosohna with another person from the cobalt soul, and we saved the bright queen from assassination so now we’re, like, double heroes of the dynasty. we went to bazzoxan and there were lots of evil temples, fjord got bitten by spiders, yasha got super-duper possessed and unpossessed again which let us figure out an evil cult is trying to take advantage of the war to let out the hungriest evil shadow ever. but we got back on yudala’s good side and said, ‘we’re totally not traitors, we did all that for the empire!’ and dairon backed us up cause we have been helping them try to minimize the impacts of the war. So we came back and stopped tharizdun—yasha died again by the way—and the bright queen told us specifically that we’re allowed to negotiate terms if they pinky promise to give the beacon back. dairon was with us and we gave the king all sorts of evidence that the assembly is super evil, kill them all and give us the beacon please! and he was still like; hmmmm, idk.
and traveller con is in a month!
bren: kittenwhoonlythinksofmurder.jpg
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aletheapierce · 9 months
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{ NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO, 21, GENDER NONCONFORMING, SHE/THEY } Is that ALETHEA PIERCE? A SENIOR originally from SAVANNAH, GA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study DANCE. They’re THE DRAG-ALONG on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
no one ever really likes me for more than just a couple weeks...
NAME: alethea ivy pierce NICKNAMES: none, thea to a select few BIRTHDAY: february 23, 2002 ZODIAC: pisces sun, scorpio rising, aquarius moon SEXUALITY: bisexual RELIGION: ceo methodist (christmas & easter only) THREE POSITIVE TRAITS: idealistic, hospitable, wholesome THREE NEGATIVE TRAITS: paranoid, indecisive, timid THREE SKILLS: fluent in french, calligraphy, detailed-oriented ENNEAGRAM: 9w1 MYERS-BRIGGS: intj EXTRACURRICULARS: ballet company, tri-del (member)
AESTHETIC: pink painted nails, tucking hair behind your ears, off-distant stares, shy smiles, hollowed looks, books in tote bags, quiet giggles, leaning in when intrigued, earbuds, furiously scribbling in journals, waking up with tears, monsters chasing you in dreams, warm tea and milk, a cookie crumbling in your hand, barefoot on hardwood floors, watching the sunset alone
CHARACTER INSPO: nina sayers (black swan), georgiana darcy (pride & prejudice), jaz sinclair (caos), betty cooper (riverdale). myrtha (giselle), daisy buchanan (the great gatsby), juliet capulet (romeo & juliet), lady edith crawley (downton abbey), betty elms (muholland drive), andy bernard (the office), harriet smith (emma)
LIKES: ballet, taylor swift, dresses, gin and tonics, daydreaming, sparkles, quietly reading, the wind through her hair DISLIKES: stares, having to answer questions, being alone, being in crowds, people yelling, being judged
FAVORITE MOVIES/TV: the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, shrek, black swan, the secret life of walter mitty, gilmore girls, dance academy, big fish, all the boys love many lane, fleabag FAVORITE BOOKS: six of crows, the invisible life of addie larue, on earth we’re briefly gorgeous, pride and prejudice, the uglies series FAVORITE ARTISTS: halsey, taylor swift, lizzy mcalpine, nicholas britell, hans zimmer, chelsea cutler, phoebe bridgers FAVORITE BALLETS: giselle, firebird, la sylphide, carmen
FAMILY: mother - jennifer tiner pierce (katheryn winnick) father - carl sile pierce (daniel wu) younger brother - hu jacob pierce (kazuma mitchell)
pinterest here, playlist here.
jennifer pierce expected the best of her children. she gave them the best so of course they had to return the favor. she had inherited her father’s business, and was excelling so much her husband took her last name. it wasn’t a feminist thing, but a money thing you see. alethea grew up without a want, but the truth of the matter is she never knew what she wanted. her mother made those decisions. from what she wore, to how she cut her hair, to who her friends were and what activities did. her entire life was planned to a t, and alethea never questioned a moment of it. how do you question something that you didn’t know was an option?
her brother jacob was doted on, and grew up with a grin and popularity. this was easy to him. this was painful for alethea. she smiled and waved, and the only matters of relief she found were in her ballet classes. going professional hadn’t been her mother’s first plan, but seeing the natural talent her daughter was, and just how feminine she was, allowed this small change in the over all path forward.
jennifer and carl met at ogden, and she knew that was where her children were to go. there was no exception, and jennifer would do whatever needed for her kids to follow her legacy. the major was flexible, but they would go to ogden, they would find suitable spouses, and they would carry on the family legacy. it was picture perfect, and she never heard a single word of complaint from either of her children. 
growing up without decisions meant college was terrifying for alethea. she had to pick her classes, find friends that her mother couldn’t approve of, and suddenly had free time that wasn’t planned out for her? it was paralyzing. but during the second week of classes greer spotted alethea across the way and took her under her wing. she showed her what the world could be, and she still fit under that approval from jennifer pierce. greer wasn’t just her best friend, but she was a bit of a savior for her.
this whole time there has been a gnawing in her chest. a desire for freedom, a petition to let the real alethea out and run free. but who was she? alethea couldn’t answer that, not honestly. just who her mother had manufactured her to be. but this confusion, this shyness, this quietness played into a different picture of alethea. it allowed her to be whatever anyone wanted her to be, they could paint their own ideas of her. she could be mysterious, she could be all they ever wanted. and she could be a dream.
and it was through this exploration that alethea slowly stepped out of the pillars her mother had built for her. first came the time greer dared her to kiss another girl during spin the bottle, and alethea realized that she might have enjoyed it more than her mother would have liked. and then came the time greer put her in a suit instead of a dress, and she liked the way it looked on her. and that maybe she wasn’t a girl after all, but something that could be shed. and so they started to pick up new pieces of theirself, putting them together to form a whole new journey. was ballet even the career they wanted? did they even like ogden? who were these people that had been decided as their friends? the questions became overwhelming.
and now greer is gone. and it’s noticeable the change in alethea. it began before her disappearance of course, but could it somehow be correlated? alethea willingly goes out, sometimes alone, now. they are keeping greers friends, they are speaking up and out, they have a bite to them that hadn’t existed once upon a time. what does the future hold of alethea? are they becoming who they really are, or are they once again pretending, shedding the quiet role they had lived into for all their life for one that looks a little more like their now missing friend…
during freshman year at ogden, alethea was absolutely lost and in-over her head. she had never been the rebellious type, her parents had been too strict to allow non-sense in their house, and so alethea was overwhelmed with the freedom college could allow, and she had no idea how to deal with it. her mother had always taught her to seek out the ‘right’ people to befriend, and it was just her luck that greer extended her own friendship to alethea. she brought them to the parties, encouraged her to flirt with whomever was necessary in order to go after who she wanted, and overall guided alethea through college. they doesn’t know if she would have been able to survive any of it without greer. there was little jealousy on alethea’s side at the beginning - she was just grateful for what greer could offer her through her friendship. and alethea was not a threat to greer. but as they’ve grown older there has been a tension living in the friendship, the reliance upon each other that might not be as necessary anymore. alethea was not anymore outgoing or less shy, but now her shyness was being interpreted as mystery, making them a bit more intriguing to others and perhaps sparking some jealousy on greer’s side.
you know that girl that was always a few steps behind greer and the fallen princess? the one with wide eyes and a quiet demeanor? they never seemed to talk much, but even in their silence never seemed to be entirely so observant that you had to watch what you were saying. really, she just seemed like a little pet to the best friends, a third they allowed to follow them around. 
and that person? that was alethea, taken under greer’s wing during the first weeks of school freshman year but never brought too close. it was the kind of relationship where alethea was sure to call greer one of her best friends, and greer might hesitate, only referring to them as a simple friend. but wherever the fallen princess and greer were, alethea was there. fingers picking at each other, posture both immaculate and slouched. each semester they seemed to get a bit bolder, inching their way up next to the other two, but still never find herself as an equal. 
previous tasks found here
they have their septum pierced that they flip up whenever they go home and hide from their mother
her room is usually incredibly clean 
often found walking around campus as if they are in their own world
junior year recap:
g told alethea to start a fight at greer's birthday party so she picked a fight with heni who pushed her in the pool
found polaroids with monty in their chalet during the winter ski retreat black-out
told heni about the polaroids (it was their chalet after all)
thought they saw greer in the hall of mirrors during the spring carnival
g set them up with lola in the library before the rave, did a poor job looking for g when tempted
suffered from smoke inhalation during the fire in the commons trying to escape out of the back
went mia for a bit over the summer
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mye-chi · 11 months
‎‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ Assigning Mili Songs      ‎  ‎‎   ‎‎‎‎          ‎To Aphverse Characters
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i did this for another fandom i'm in ages ago and since mili makes up a fraction of my pheonix drop playlist i was like... why not? its my mental breakdown and i get to choose the music! /ref
Aphmau — Mortal With You
Does it get easier with time for the immortal? If I was born normal If I become normal, can I stay close?
Take my hand Pull me from the dark You're my only treasure History was too stubborn to let me be A regular girl in a regular world Regular thoughts, regular love
while i think summoning 101 is an equally good fit for aphmau based on vibes and her starry-eyed introduction to the world, man do i love mortal with you.
i've really fallen love the concept that aphmau was created for irene to experience mortalhood with her reincarnated friends, and aphmau subsequently rejecting her divinity for the normalcy of being a simple lord in a simple village with her guards and dogs. in the big bang discord there was a discussion about aphmau feeling the pressure of being a goddess to the point where she begins to wear a veil and i just... i think about it so much. aphmau no one gets you like i do.
Garroth — Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery
The witches can't be loved So bravely I fought They fell and failed My Lady doesn't wilt
No forgiveness for this endless love My goddess never looked at me
*grips your shoulders* okay so basically ga1ahad and the scientific witchery is about a knight who's dedicated to purging witches in the name of his lady. he's dies and is revived by a witch who creates a new cyborg body for him. though he continues to hate the witch, its revealed that she genuinely loves him, and they both end up killing one another.
and i just think this is such a good representation of esmund's eternal devotion to irene causing his reincarnation to fall inlove with her over and over again. doomed soulmates my beloved.
Laurance — From A Place Of Love
It's hard to describe what I'm feeling at the moment Are you (Uh-huh?) Uhm (Yes?) I mean (You're) In love with me
Now I regret Wish we were dead Before we started feeding on each other Blood is thicker But the drink I prefer is water
i was torn between highlighting this song or bathtub mermaid but honestly i'm not too stoked about the lullaby quality of both songs. i dunno i feel like he deserves something a bit more high energy! something to dance to!
but for what it is i really like from a place of love. innocently falling inlove before being subjected to The Horrors™ and the terrifying wedding imagery ties it all together. werewolf wedding you will always be famous.
Dante — Birthday Kid
In my dreams, you praised me and clapped Then mommy said, "It's alright, there's always next time" "You did your best"
And the only reason I could carry on is thanks to My imaginary children Great-great grandchildren Singing in front of my 100th birthday cake Saying they are glad Saying they are proud Of what I've accomplished in my time It's all but a dream
i think the song speaks for itself but just. god it makes me so sad whenever i apply it to dante. his story and its themes of being abandonment and slowly finding a new family always reduces me to tears.
the slow marching reflecting how dante had to join the guards academy after fleeing his village... being called a "birthday kid" when he has no family to celebrate growing older with... the chorus repeating that it's his fault that they're gone... the only thing keeping him going being the idea of having a large family and actually getting that when he meets aphmau... im a mess.
Katelyn — Iron Lotus
I am fire Burn those who dare to care for me And my fuel are memories, fuel are memories of you They perish with the heat, perish with thе heat
You showed me I still had an umbrella full of love inside me Without you, I could never be So sincerely thank you for everything It pains me to think That my happiness turned out to be one of those fingers that strangled you until you couldn’t breathe
remember the scene in fairy tail where lucy tells her father that she doesn't feel loved because he ignores her even on her birthday? later, after coming back from an island that trapped her seven years without aging her, she finds out that he sent her a gift every year and passed away.
anyway this song gives me such major katelyn/jefforey vibes. burning yourself with flames in order to protect yourself and feeling the grief of someone who cared for you, loved you, dying. the memories of him haunting her because she missed his funeral. garroth ro'meave you will be dealt with
Aaron — Static
You are the light Breaking through the ice, the soil Turn the snow into fields of edelweiss
You taught me what it means to be strong So, I'm not afraid anymore from this moment on Owned up to my mistakes (You cherished my right and wrong) Though you're no longer with me You've given me so much to live on
dont mess with us aaron/lily fans there's like four of us.
for me the song just conjures up the image of aaron having to bury lily and his son in the snow after the village massacre, and flowers blooming from her final resting place. and then carrying memories of with his family with him and he continues to live on because he has to. the angst writes itself man.
Zane — Victim
Isn't it funny? We worship a moon that stole its light from the sun
And the angels sing Surrounding me Put me to sleep Then it dawned on me that all I wanted was An approval that you're never willing to give
i also love string theocracy for zane but holy shit victim. the condescending tone turn desperate, the gothic cathedral vibes, this is so perfect for him.
i just think it reflects his desire to claw out of garroth's shadow so perfectly. the perfect golden child blessed with his father's image scurries off at the first chance, and it's finally zane's turn to recieve adorations from the masses. it's such a good villain song for him im just *bites fist* *bites fist* *bites fist*
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