#dana mitchell
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regaliasonata · 4 months ago
Where's the lie?
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thena0315 · 20 days ago
Happy 25th Anniversary to Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue!!
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February 12, 2000 - February 12, 2025
Operation Lightspeed
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buster-loves-pr · 8 months ago
you know if Dana and Ryan swapped, I think Ryan would be on Carter’s firefighter district. Idk maybe like teen friends since both of them wanted to become firefighter. Or maybe Mitchell just *nudge* Ryan to Carter and Carter kinda becomes a family friend
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autthemanfghter · 1 year ago
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Pink Space Ranger as Cassie Chan
Pink Galaxy Ranger II as Karone
Pink Lightspeed Ranger as Dana Mitchell
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Joel: I'm sure you've noticed that I've been going through a lot lately, and I know you've often wondered, "Who is Joel, really?" Dana: Nope, never. Kelsey: Joel, until February, I thought your name was John.
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ranger-trauma-tourney · 1 month ago
Round 1, Matchup 9
*Remember, this tournament isn’t about which Ranger you like more, it’s about which Ranger has a more immediate need for therapy.
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Propaganda under the cut
"Okay so here me out. In the first episode her dad says he's been training her for 18 years to be a power ranger and she can't be older than 19 because her older brother has his 20th birthday in the show and they're not twins. SO! I think having your entire life being dedicated to ranger training unbeknownst to you by your father who's been secretly planning for the demons to return and also deeply ashamed of the fact that he lost his son to the demon WILL result in needing therapy. This isn't to drag Capt. Mitchell like I'm sure he did his best and he clearly cares about her a lot that just doesn't prevent him from maybe fucking up his daughter a little (honestly he also needs therapy but like. Not available for the tournament.)"
"That man has so much PTSD. Just watch Shadow."
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astronemaxs · 9 months ago
i shouldn’t be trusted at 1am with the internet💔 ib: quantum
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augment-techs · 1 year ago
“Wait what do you mean I don’t have game? I’m married to Carter!” Ryan says confused and a little bewildered.
“Wait what do you mean I don’t have game? I’m married to Carter!” Ryan says confused and a little bewildered.
Kelsey looked at him not terribly unlike a much put upon mother trying to explain to her small child why it was generally not a good or sound idea to eat nothing but candy from dawn until dusk.
She turned slightly to get a little help from Chad or Dana, but nope, both Rangers currently on their lunch continued sipping their tea and eating scones that Kelsey knew for a fact were three days old and disgusting. Also Chad had taken out a paper that she knew Joel had taken the comics and crosswords out of so he could pretend he gave even half a damn about the state of the stock market; the traitor. Would have been nice to join them in ignoring the sad, seal pup eyed look from Ryan, as if she'd offended his honor, but she'd pretty much dug herself into this, she'd have to dig herself back out.
Back out, not in. Not aiming to dig towards the center of the Earth and prove once and for all that Jules Verne was full of shit but burning herself alive here. She cleared her throat and turned back to Ryan, trying to appeal to the brain in his head that knew the truth, "Ryan, sweetie, I will admit that you did in fact land a catch in Carter, but... Honey, come on, you know that's not why you stuck the landing with him."
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lapseinrecs · 3 months ago
Ryan fights a teenager in a CVS parking lot
By Jay_son_Todd
On Archive of Our Own
Status: Complete; Oneshot; 812 words
Summary: exactly what the title says
My thoughts: Okay, this is basically crack, but like the mental image is hilarious. Why is Ryan fighting Hunter? Where are the Wind Rangers? Carter and Dana being the only responsible ones lmao. It does kinda track though because even if Ryan is a grown ass man, he was raised by demons that would fight a child.
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beasanfi1997 · 1 year ago
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Lightspeed Rescue Is the best Power Rangers show because the music and the actors especially the love Story between Carter Grayson and Dana Mitchell
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pinkrangerv · 9 months ago
Power Rangers Whump: Ryan and Dana time!
Author's note: takes place when Ryan stole the morpher, during the first fight.
The Rangers were pathetic fighters.
Ryan wasn't incredibly surprised by this. His research had found that most of the Rangers were recruited from civilian backgrounds, with a bare handful of applicable skills. They hadn't gone through the human's warrior apprenticeship—Ryan had found the name 'boot camp' but that didn't make any sense as a term in English, it had to be a nickname—and they barely knew enough about their weapons to use them.
Except one Ranger.
Dana wore Pink. It was not the color or rank of a leader, in Lightspeed's team structure, despite her having not just a medical degree and license, but having completed a true apprenticeship. She was the most qualified of them, the strongest fighter, the best trained...
And he was fighting her, alone, while the other Rangers were on the ground half-unconcious.
"Why aren't you Red, my sister?" Ryan asked, catching her arm as she struck.
"What?" Dana twisted free of his grip, striking again; Ryan countered and grasped her upper arm, twisting her. Dana twisted free, then spoke again. "What kind of demon are you? They never ask that."
Ryan's mind raced, and very suddenly there was something he remembered from his research:
Family members weren't allowed to serve on the same assignment, in the American military.
Well. Clearly alternate tactics were needed.
Ryan reached out, but this time he shifted his center of gravity, triggering a teleport as he did. Dana fell with him, and they both rolled out of the teleport together. Ryan had always been skilled with those.
Dana leapt up, only to realize she was demorphed. She glanced around and saw the open, empty space he'd built, a vast plain of grass and the odd tree, and discarded the information as useless, then set herself to attack Ryan anyway.
Ryan waited.
It only took a second, and then Dana's features shifted. She remembered him. Ryan smiled and offered a hand, palm-up. "I don't know how you forgot me, Dana." He said. "You were old enough to remember."
Dana looked oddly...blank, Ryan realized. She was looking at him as if she didn't want to remember.
Ryan felt his disgust and anger growing. He went to his sister, carefully—slowly--wrapping his arms around her. She didn't reject him or push him away; Dana rested her head against Ryan's shoulder instead, and then she clung to him.
"Didn't you ever wonder why he picked civilians over you?" Ryan asked gently. "Why you were allowed to serve under him? You're all such good weapons...but you're the only one who knows what he's not allowed to do."
Dana said nothing, but Ryan knew she heard him.
"No one in America's government even believes demons are real, do they?" Ryan said, stroking Dana's hair. His sister was shivering now, and he kept hold of her. "Our father built a Ranger team just to take his revenge on us."
"Us?" Dana whispered.
Ryan winced. Of course their father hadn't said... "Our mother. Vypra. And us."
Dana burst into tears.
Ryan held her, pressing his face into her hair. He had his sister now. His sister, his mother, his purpose. He let the illusion he'd built fade into the quiet caves adjacent to Hell, where the demons nearest Earth lived.
They were a family now. And they would take their revenge.
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regaliasonata · 1 year ago
In another universe Dana was the one chosen by Diabilico and she's a goth lesbian while Ryan's a soft gay dude😭
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thena0315 · 8 months ago
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buster-loves-pr · 6 months ago
Roleswap!Dana is sorta different from canon Ryan
While she wants to get revenge on her dad and brother, she is more rebellious compare to canon Ryan. When she was first released from the demon realm to get the Titaniumtm morpher, it was late afternoon. She ended up wondering the city, getting curious but stayed focused at the the end, sneaking into the Aquabase and taking the morpher
After the first fight, Diabolico tells her they’re returning to the demon realm to regroup. She refuses and wants to continue exploring the city and ultimately Diabolico lets her go to do but he’s not happy about it. She sees a pair of siblings in a park playing together which further breaks and angers her heart
After getting beaten in the second fight (the rangers retreating and knowing who she is) Diabolico is manipulating her with the “he wanted to save his som. He didn’t care for you”. It angers Dana and she back to focusing on the revenge
Ryan (who tends to get a lot more emotional/angry whenever his sister is brought up) is pretty angry at his dad for not telling him the truth. He decides to be reckless and goes to find Dana himself. The same thing happens in the episode where the siblings fight but Ryan isn’t able to make Dana remember since she was so much younger when the incident happened. However Ryan does say
“We loved you. I loved you. I missed you for all these years. Every single birthday, I wished that you were still with us. Please, Dana, we didn’t mean to give you up to the demons”
It’s Dana first time seeing those emotions from the ranger, especially from her brother that she despised for all those years . She doesn’t even know what to say, mixed emotions running through her but Ryan tries to reach out for her. It almost works but the other rangers come and Dana runs off
She eventually wanders through the city, watching people’s behaviors and ends up in the same park. Seeing the brother sister pair again but this time their dad was with them, playing with them. She found herself interested in a dandelion when Carter appears (who was walking Ryan’s cat and watched her from afar) and tries to talk some sense into her
“Destroying the city would destroy those kids you’re watching. All the stuff you found interesting, it would be gone. Your father was a great guy, he would have done anything to save you.”
Hearing the last sentence, Dana tells Carter to have Captain Mitchell meet her at the same cliff they fell, years ago, the next day.
A monster attacks happen the next day and the rangers are busy with that. Mitchell walks run to Dana as she stares down at the cliff. She’s full of emotions. She does spat some hateful words toward him but she takes Carter and Ryan’s words into consideration
“They said you would do anything to save me. And I doubt that”
She jumps off the cliff, expecting her dad to let her fall. However Captain Mitchell jumps and grabs her. Telling her, he wasn’t going to let this happen again. Dana’s shocked at this and quickly morphs and they both hit the ground
Mitchell has the same speech as he did with Ryan, Dana also dropping the morpher. The same thing happens where Dana finally leaves with the demons but she ends up wandering the city instead of going to the Aquabase
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ggfj84 · 1 year ago
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Set After Curse of the Cobra: It's not easy forsaking the darkness in favor of the light. Ryan's going to try anyway. (And thankfully, he doesn't have to do it alone.)
Story on AO3. Excerpt:
Ryan’s stomach lurched again, demanding, and he quickly went to work on his eggs.
“Hey, you may want to slow down there.” Carter stopped smearing cream cheese on his bagel. “If the demons attack now, you don’t want to puke in your helmet.”
Ryan cocked a smile in between bites. “Know from experience?”
“Oh, does he!” Kelsey slammed her shoulder into his and launched into the story about one of their first missions. Apparently, Carter had finished off a whole pizza after a particularly hard training session, just for Diabolico to send a warrior to Mariner Bay. Carter ended up driving the Pryo Rescue One without a helmet.
“Dad made him clean it himself rather than leaving it for the clean-up crew,” Dana finished before elbowing Carter in the side.
Carter took the ribbing good-naturedly. “Just figured I’d try to spare you the horror, Ryan.”
Ryan shrugged and polished off his bacon. “Thanks for the heads up, but my metabolism doesn’t agree.”
Now Dana looked concerned; Ryan wanted to kick himself.
“What do you mean?”
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Dana: I mean my mom abandoned us and my dad was never around and I turned out okay.
Carter: I mean...okay might be -
Dana: Tread. Carefully.
Carter: - a bit of an understatement because you're perfect!
Dana: Okay, there it is.
Carter: That's what I was gonna say the whole time.
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