#damn I wanna be Neal
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comesofarsomehow · 6 months ago
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This is the worst* video I’ve ever seen
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dubiousculturalartifact · 3 months ago
reading The Protector of the Small quartet again for the ????th time (could be as many as the twentieth or more tbh, they're sorta my top comfort reads) and my brain keeps being stuck on Wyldon's character this time around. like he's just FASCINATING. I've rarely read a character who is presented as such a complete fucking asshole who does such a 180 in my estimation in a way that's nuanced and COMPLETELY EARNED, while still staying the same fundamental person at the core, and still being allowed to be flawed. (because oh boy he is flawed) I rank him with Zuko in Top Fantasy Character Redemptions of All Time. I hate him. I love him. some thoughts from this read-through: -he's autistic. like he's just SO very autistic it almost hurts, and half of the reason Kel and him end up eventually understanding and respecting each other so well is exactly for this reason. he's so This Is the Way Things Should Be Done Because The Rules Say So and he is SO rigid and specific but also he EVOLVES and that's a fascinating dichotomy -this is also the SAME reason that Neal and him get along like oil on water, because they are both autistic but Opposite, it's like the personality equivalent of trying to get two hedgehogs to hug -that being said Lord Wyldon RESPECTS Neal in a really bizarre way, or at least understands him? He'd never admit that but that one moment in Lady Knight when he's explaining to Kel about why he picked her for Haven's commander, and he says that he CONSIDERED Neal FOR THE JOB? but said that he thought Neal was 'too fair' and essentially that he would simultaneously care too much and be too irreverent with the refugees, not be objective like Kel would be? again. fascinating. -Owen being Wyldon's squire is such a wild combination of personalities that ALSO should not work at all, because Owen is pure !!!! and Wyldon is like :/, but then my brain was like: oh. Owen is basically a over-excited puppy and Wyldon loves dogs -when Kel rescues Lalasa at the end of Page & passes out, then wakes up to Wyldon and her mum in the room and her mum is arguing with Wyldon about Kel's schedule and stuff. I somehow never really registered before that she FIRST NAMES HIM. She calls him Wyldon, not Lord Wyldon, and is comfortable enough to berate him. do they fucking KNOW EACH OTHER from when they were younger? WHAT IS THE STORY THERE? now I'm remembering when Wyldon got all surprised to hear the story of Illane fighting off the Scanran bandits and saving the sacred swords of the Yamani Islands. hm. interesting. much to consider.
-the bit where Wyldon is like OH SHIT the pages nearly got killed because tradition dictates I don't teach them actual battle strategy and tactics. and I fucking love tradition but I also love pages not being dead, so I guess I better get my shit together on that one.
-or when he QUITS as training master because he's like 'damn toxic masculinity fucked these kids up and I'm kinda partially to blame for that. I gotta get my shit together', and he's like the best thing that came out of being training master was having you as a page. and acknowledges he nearly fucked that up too? -while we're on the subject of 'what went through Wyldon's head' WHEN KEL RAN OFF TO SCANRA AND THEN CAME BACK HAVING BASICALLY WON THE WAR FOR THEM? AND HE WAS SO DISCOMBOBULATED HE ACCIDENTALLY AGREED WITH NEAL? -speaking of the end of Page earlier, i wanna read or possibly write a fic about what went through Wyldon's head when Kel didn't show up to the big examinations, because I think that's SUCH a turning point for his character. Like yes he respected Kel and let her stay before that, but the way he's so clearly kicking himself in the aftermath, going to far as to rope in Duke Turomot, and INVOKE THE GODDESS IN HIS PRAYER FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER.... what happened when he had to give the command to start the examinations without her? Like it really struck me that he must have thought 'oh. she gave up after all' and I think part of him might have been disappointed, and part of him *relieved* because he was still clinging to those old attitudes despite everything. And to find out he was wrong? That she hadn't given up, but had sacrificed everything she had worked for in the finest single demonstration of true chivalry and courage he had probably ever witnessed from a page? like damn. Lord Wyldon of Cavall you funky, fucked up man, I want to study you like a bug
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bcacstuff · 2 months ago
Let’s face the truth: There is absolutely no strategy at work with SS. They’re flailing around, knocking glasses off tables left and right without achieving anything. I can just picture them all sitting in a bar, snapping photos of one cocktail after another (without actually drinking them😜). Ideas get thrown out, and everyone cheers.
“Let’s publish a cocktail book!”
“Yeah, cheers! 🥂”
“Let’s do fancy pop-up shops!”
“Great! What’s the target audience?”
“Who cares, as long as it’s as hip as we are!”
“Yeah, cheers! 🥂”
“Damn, we need more money. Let’s organise a signing session for Sam’s mommies and squeeze every last penny out of them!”
“Yes, yes, yes, cheers! 🥂”
Right now, SS is just Ash, her bar visits, and cocktail photos. Sassenach – what?
I could just suggest you to (re)read my post from half a year ago as I still stand behind every word I wrote and see no change.
Just some quotes from it :
And that is exactly where my reserve comes from. I do see no strategy. Influencers on IG are just a very small part of a marketing strategy. It all begins with the story, a website where you do not get redirected as fast as possible to the distributor website to buy. Why would i buy???? Tell me, that is what the customer is looking for. And with that, you can use Google Analytics, the most used and must have tool for marketing nowadays on the web. There is where you learn to adapt you strategy. Know the demography of your clients, study the search keywords and adapt your website text to improve your Google ranks. As most of your clients will come from Google, not via IG. IG is a next tool to use but you first have to have your basis. It is a science and brands who do not see it are at loss.
Mixing cocktails in bars and influencers on IG, and all the random videos out there on different accounts, where a number of them is not the correct place to advertise (I mean SH's followers in majority are there for his work, not his booze. The endlessly way of advertising his booze at nausea to people that are not interested in it has turned more and more people off and done him no good). You can all look away from that, and make your excuses for it, or call me a hater or a negative person. It doesn't change the facts we see. And finally about social media, it is one of the small tools of marketing, again Google Analytics, Google Adds, Search words are a much bigger part. But when you use IG professionally, don't show how you get piss drunk with friends when you're selling alcohol. I don't see that on Matt Neal's account as ambassador of Uncle Nearest, nor on Chiefmabooboo or Stefvillain just to name a few. I truly think you should be aware what you put on your professional account. If you want to show how piss drunk you got with your bestie, do it on a personal account, not on your professional one!
Wanna know my guilty pleasure? It's a game called 'Spot the Sassenach'. Just watch the IG accounts of all the bars they went advertising the booze.... and then watch if you can spot the SS bottle behind the bar.
Let's see
Soso's (1 week ago)
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Peachy's (1st pic 3 weeks ago, 2nd pic 5 days ago)
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Romeo's 1 week ago
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and 6 weeks ago
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Bartley Dunnes 3 months ago
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4 hours ago
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The Tyger 1 week ago
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How many did you spot?
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radawayghoul · 10 months ago
His Little Dove | Sneak Peek
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A/N: here's a little sneak peek, babies!! this is completely unedited, i literally just typed this up in about five minutes so i will likely make adjustments buuutttt i wanted to give y'all something for now!! if you'd like to be tagged, let me know and i'll start makin' a list!!
Warnings: cursing, people being cunty but i mean...this is Lee Russell y'all...umm 18+ only, MDNI!
For as long as Lee could remember you had been there, with your amazing hair and beautiful, shy, sickly sweet smile. If he hadn’t married when he met you, he’d have scooped you up and made sure nobody else got their sticky little fingers on you. Even still, in his mind, you were his. His saving grace, one of the only people he trusted outside of his wife. He liked to call you his little dove because of how innocent and pure you looked. It was his tradition to tease you when it was just the two of you in the teachers lounge when Amanda finally let you roam free. Watching your face bloom with those shades of red was like doing a bump of coke on a hot, spring vacation evening. It sent a rush of adrenaline through him that made him wanna do it over and over again. And do it, he did. 
“Oh, hey Neal…okay.” You said as Neal stormed past you just outside Lee’s office. You gave Lee a questioning glance through the glass, a bit stunned you were given such a cold shoulder. 
Lee merely smirked and shrugged, waving you into the room to which you did so eagerly. 
“What was that all about?” You questioned, plopping down in one of the chairs in front of his desk, crossing one leg over the other, adjusting your skirt in the process. 
“Gamby’s being a whiny little cunt about who the next principal is gonna be.” Lee rolled his eyes, “I didn’t call you in here to talk about that loser, Iiii want to know what you’re up to.” Lee rested his elbows on his desk, wiggling his eyebrows with his hands folded under his chin, a small smile playing on his lips. 
Heat rose to your cheeks, dusting them in that beautiful, deep shade he loved oh-so-much. 
“Oh, please, you know I don’t ever have shit going on. Why?” You squinted at him, suspicious about what he might be up to. 
“Ohhh because I have to stay late tonight to get some of these files done on the new teachers and want your beautiful little detective self by my side.” Lee winked, leaning back in his chair, still smiling with that mischievous glint in his eye that he was famous for. 
You snorted. “You and those fucking files,” You shook your head, returning his playful smile, “Of course I’ll help you, Lee. But you really shouldn’t cut into my class time, it makes me look bad.” You fake an exaggerated pout at him with your arms crossed. 
Lee rolled his eyes. “Don’t you worry, darlin’, when I’m principal, you can cut class anytime you damn well please. Now, go on, git.” He shooed you away, shooting you a wink. 
You let out the softest of giggles, shaking your head at your silly friend as you left his office. The butterflies stirring in the pit of your stomach were sure to do you in at some point. The feelings you held for Lee were fierce. But, they had to stay a secret. He was a married man for Christ’s sake. But you loved him all the same and couldn’t deny him even if you wanted to. He was so charming, it was impossible to say no. 
So, on your way back to your classroom, you held a hand to your chest and took a deep breath to calm your sputtering heart. The heat in your cheeks hadn’t let up a single bit since you’d left him. The effect he had on you was intense. It was enough to make you feel cock drunk without ever even having him inside of you. Not that that was something you should be thinking about your best friend who is married but it was the closest feeling you could compare it to. Like you were high on the man that is Lee Russell…even if he is a bit…wild. 
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jonquilyst · 6 months ago
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Day 28 - Finale
After weeks of battle and triumph, it's time to lay the 2nd season of Total Drama Sims to rest and officially crown a winner!
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Our finalists, Liana Morris and Paulina Callaway, had the wits, guts, and strength to persevere through the entire game, outlasting everyone else in the process. Now, all of the eliminated contestants will be coming together to vote for a winner! Like last season, votes will be public and will go from the bottom of the leaderboard up! (aka last place to the most recently eliminated)
Let's see who will be winning Total Drama Sims and receive the grand prize!!
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"I'm voting for you Paulina, because we talked for a bit on the very first day and I thought you were pretty cool, so... yeah."
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"Liana, because you're nice, I guess, and I underestimated you a bit. But I never even talked to Paulina, so..."
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"Paulina, the fact that you got eliminated, lucked out and joined the other team, and then just... never got eliminated after that was pretty freakin' awesome! Sooo much cooler than Liana's run, if you ask me, so I'm voting for you."
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"This was a difficult vote for me since I felt like I was genuinely friends with both of you, but I'm deciding to vote for Paulina because I felt closer to her and Liana was part of the alliance that voted me out. Hope you don't take it personally, Liana, but that's just how I feel."
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"I'm obviously voting for you, Liana! Ever since Toni got out I was keeping my fingers crossed you'd make it to the end! While I would have liked to win, if there's anyone who should win instead, it's definitely you."
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"I did a lot of thinking ever since I was eliminated. While I was watching the rest of the competition, I realized that Liana was friends with everybody... literally! She went up and became friends with everybody, and because of that no one seemed to want to vote her out. She was also so sweet and humble, never once bragging about herself and comforting others when they were in a bad mood... And I just thought to myself: 'Damn... No wonder I got out so quick.'"
"I've kinda realized I'm not the best person around... I've had some beef with a few people here, and that's kinda what led to me getting out... So, out of respect for you Liana, I'm voting for you. I wanna try to be more like you in the future."
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"Of course you're getting my vote, Liana! I am so proud that you made it to the finale. You deserve the entire world, girly!"
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"I'm voting for you, Paulina, because you were very kind to me after you joined the Illustrious Star-Shines. Also, I believe that you did not deserve to be voted out of the Renowned Big-Names. It's so cool you made it to the finale despite being eliminated before, so I believe you deserve to win."
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"I knew you could do it, Paulina! You're so talented. Even though I couldn't win, I really hope you can. So of course, my vote is going to you, my love."
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"Liana! I'm voting for you because you're super nice and I think you deserve to win!"
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"Yeah, you're a real one for sure, Liana, so I'm voting for you! You deserve it!"
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"What Flo said! But also, that morning when you comforted me Liana... You didn't have to do that, but you did, and I really, really appreciate it... I honestly think both of you deserve to win; you're both my friends, but I have to choose one or the other, so... I'm choosing Liana."
With a vote of 7-5, the winner of the 2nd season of Total Drama Sims is...
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CONGRATULATIONS @bloomingkyras!! Liana has won the competition and has therefore won the grand prize! The grand prize consists of a small real-life award given personally from me (you will be contacted), while in-universe, whatever Liana receives is up to you! Whether it's 1,000,000 simoleons, a mansion, or even a dream vacation, it's hers!
There will be 1 final post to close out Total Drama Sims: Season 2 and celebrate our winner! Stay tuned…
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@cowplant-ate-my-sim @aniraklova @micrathene-w @shmoodlet @nakasumi-sims
@invisiblequeen @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants @simsinfinitylt @riverofjazzsims @seyvia
@stargazer-sims @akitasimblr @witheringscreations
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rems-writing · 11 months ago
Alternative Remedies
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Pairing: fwb idol!San × witch gn!reader
Summary: One fuck up after another and the youngest Mills child is officially fed up. Good thing San is in town. And he has certain ways to make his lover relax
Warning(s): Cursing, yelling, a teeny bit of violence, mentions of stress, cockwarming, size kink, homeboy is playing with your ass a lot lol
Genre: Angst with a supposed fluffy ending and definitely smut
Nets: @mirohs-aurora-society
Thank you to @bunnliix for giving me the drabble title
That's what you were.
Just utterly fucking done.
You were just supposed to relax and help Mr. Gold and Belle take care of baby Gideon but nope! You had to go on a small quest with Snow White and David Charming. Emma and Hook were taking care of baby Neal and you couldn't use Henry as an excuse to opt out of this quest since the young boy was with Zelena. She wanted to bond with him a bit more and Regina volunteered to take care of baby Robin. So now here you were.
Sitting in the back of a cop car
With the Seven Dwarves
And they were yapping about such damn nonsense. You forgot your earbuds at home so you couldn't ignore their endless bickering about whatever the fuck they were on about. When it was time to catch the bad guy, you teleported out of the car and in between Emma's parents.
The quest was easy. You took out the bad guys with ease. So why were you so fed up? Simple.
Dopey swung his pickaxe and tried to hit the bad guy but they dodged at the last second and the tip of the axe slashed your arm. What was worse was that it was laced with magic.
Light magic.
And you dealt with dark magic for the main part.
When you screamed, or screeched in pain, random bursts of spells were expelled from your palms and everyone was blown backwards.
Which leads us to now.
You were yelling at Dopey for being stupid and not paying attention to where the axe was thrown and Grumpy stood up for him. Poorly may I add.
Snow and David swore they say smoke come out of your ears as you cussed out Grumpy. The angry dwarf remained stoic but the couple could tell he was afraid for his life.
You threw Dopey's pickaxe to the side and teleported out of the forest in a puff of smoke. You were now in your apartment, sighing to yourself as you laid on the bed. Then, a notification appeared on your phone and you were about to tell whoever texted you to fuck off when a look of pleasant surprise appeared on your face.
San: Hey, baby
San: I'm in town
San: Well, technically I'm in New York lol anyways
San: My group finished the first concert for our American tour and I told them that I was gonna stay behind since they wanted to go out. Told them I wasn't feeling too well.
San: Wanna come over? We don't have to fuck. I just want you close to me.
You didn't think twice about responding back. Choi San was definitely someone that could help you with your stress. It's even better since he knows you're a witch so you didn't feel the need to cover up your words if you were going to rant to him plus you can poof in front of him anytime you'd like
You: Sure. I'll be there in a bit. Lemme get ready.
San: I'm in the same hotel as last time. I'll be waiting, kitten.
And that's how you ended up in his room, straddling him and kissing him fiercely. He matched your ferocity and grabbed your ass a lot. He squeezed your hips and played with both of your cheeks for a bit before pulling away.
"Bad day today?"
"Oh you don't know the half of it, Sannie."
As you ranted about your day, he mindlessly played with the hem of your jacket and listened to your words tentatively. He cradled your face and kissed your forehead softly.
"I know you put a spell on this jacket so your memory doesn't get fucked up since you're outside of Storybrooke. But may I remove it for now? I want to feel you." He asked gently. "I thought you didn't want to have sex." You were confused. "I don't but still. I need you with me. Do you catch my drift?" He clarified and it dawned on you. "Yeah you can remove it for now. I need you as well." He smiled at your confirmation before slowly shrugging off your jacket and setting it on the nightstand. You took off your leggings and San brought you into a deep kiss before licking his fingers and plunging them into your hole. While he was doing that, you took off your shirt and so did he.
You forgot how wide he was and you almost came on the spot.
As you were admiring his strong build, he sunk you down onto his equally thick cock and you moaned loudly. He chuckled smoothly and leaned in to nip, kiss, and lick at your neck. He missed marking you up. You tried your best not to squirm around since you were just cockwarming him, but with the way he was smacking and grabbing your ass, you couldn't help but wiggle in his strong hold. He pressed you against his semi naked form and just held you. He may have been shirtless, but his sweats and boxers were just pulled down to the middle of his thighs.
You mindlessly ran your hands over his broad shoulders and gawked at his firm chest, tiny waist, sculpted abs, pretty collarbone, muscular arms, and his face.
Oh his face was to die for.
Sharp jawline, sharper eyes, a pretty nose, pretty lips, high cheekbones, and
Was that an eyebrow slit?
"Nice brow slit." You commented randomly and he smiled. You found it endearing when his smile made his eyes crinkle and almost close up. "Thank you. I wanted to try something new." He explained. "Well you look nice."
For the rest of the time, you were just sitting on his cock, moving every now and then to keep him firm so he doesn't go limp and slip out. You definitely needed this. You felt all your stress wash away and you sighed in content as you looked down at the man that was holding you down onto his cock.
Choi San will be the death of you.
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the-brown-midnight · 2 years ago
Birthday wish
A swanfire drabble
When she turns 21, Neal kisses her for the first time. He's been shy when it came to physical intimacy. She doesn't know why she's surprised. He lives in the streets too. People like them aren't touchy. But, she guesses, he looks huggable. Looks like he was made for hugs and kisses and simply never really experienced that side of himself. Or, she thinks, maybe he was touchy, but didn't want to scare her. Maybe he wanted to take his time in order to keep her from running away, afraid by too much affection. Either way, he doesn't kiss her after their first date. Neither does he kiss her after their second date. He holds her hand during the third one. He pretends to lead her somewhere and keeps his hand in hers afterwards, acting like he didn't even notice. She finds it oddly endearing, and his hand is warm in the cold of November anyway, so she doesn't let go. She marvels at how red his ears turn but doesn't comment on it. He starts holding her hands all the time. He adds other things. Putting his arm around her shoulders. Brushing her hair away from her face. Wiping food off of the corner of her mouth. Holding her by the waist. Putting a reassuring hand on the small of her back. He even offers her a massage once. Every single time, she feels giddy. Like one of those little girls with a crush in TV shows. Everywhere he touches her tingles and warmth spreads through her. One time, she says something that makes him laugh and he lifts his hand, caresses her cheek softly and tells her "I'm glad I met you", but she knows that's not what he wanted to say, truly, and she. Feels. Like. Bursting. He doesn't kiss her. Three months passe, four, ans he still didn't kiss her. She never kissed anyone. She wonders. What his lips would feel like. How could it possibly feel better than when he touched her cheek, she doesn't know. But she wants to find out. She's also terrified of finding out. What if this time, he actually kills her ? What if her heart truly explodes in her chest ? What if she doesn't know how to kiss back and he leaves her ? She'd survive, she always does, but damn, it would hurt. But time passes and he doesn't kiss her and she becomes obsessed with it. She wants to kiss him so bad. She wants to get it over with. She wants him to throw cautions to the wind and kiss her senseless and touch her all over. But he doesn't. So she does a thing, she never did before, ever. She takes the reins in their relationship. For her birthday, he gets her cake and lets her make a wish. She feels great. She's wearing a nice dress that she found in a donation box and judging by the way he's looking at her, she looks good in it. She's going to do it. She's going to be bold and sexy.
Wanna know what my wish was ? She asks. Her heart is beating so fast in her chest she feels like throwing up.
If you tell me, it won't become true ! He tells her. She gets a little mad. Does he not want to kiss her ? It seems that he gets the fact that he upset her. He smiles and suddenly changes his opinion.
You can take that risk if you want, though. So. That's the moment. She can tell him. "I wished my boyfriend would finally grow some balls and kiss me." But the words are stuck inside her throat. She can't say anything. What if he laughs? What if he tells her he's not her boyfriend? What if he does kiss her and regrets it? She feels a warm pressure on her chin, lifting her head up, and all she can see is him. His kind eyes and his smile.
What do you want, Emma? He asks. She answers without thinking. She feels safe with him. She can say things she holds secrets and share them with him without fear. She's almost scared of the trust she put in him. She should be wary. But she can't help it.
I want you to kiss me, she whispers. He doesn't even look surprised.
I thought you'd never ask, he says. He puts an arm around her waist, presses her close and kisses her. All her worries disappear. Her birthday wish came true for the first time in 21 years.
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neuronicimpulses · 10 months ago
I have a few recs for jazz newcomers that might be less obvious, but I think could appeal to those coming with outside tastes
Roy Hargrove - earfood [2008]
A modern classic by former new guard of the straight ahead revival in the 80s/ 90s (contemporaries include Christian McBride, Joshua Redman, et al) turned gone-too-soon legend Roy Hargrove. Strasbourg St. Denis at this point has entered the canon of Jazz standards. There's not as much swing on this record as there are other grooves that a modern audience might be more accustomed too, but every one of the musicians on here are deeply embedded in the history of the music. Also, did you know he was on D'Angelo's acclaimed 2nd Album Voodoo?
Count Basie - Atomic Basie [1958;reissue 1994]
Basie sits on the Mt. Rushmore of bandleaders. Over decades his Orchestra has embodied the essence and red-hot excitement of big band Swing music. The Atomic Basie record is a lot of people's favorite from the catalogue for a reason. The band, with Neal Hefti's charts, bring some FIRE, and even when the tempo is brought down the rhythm feels too damn good. Essential listening.
Irakere [Live 1979]
Founded and led by Pianist Chucho Valdez, Irakere represented a long-absent cultural bridge between Cuba and the U.S. Their fusion of Afro-Cuban rhythms, bebop vocabulary, jazz fusion/funk, and more was State-mandated, innovative, and captivating (also they play their absolute asses off). They represent an important, albeit less known these days, piece in the history of Afro-Cuban jazz. Many of it's core/founding members have become legends of mainstream jazz (Chucho, Paquito D'Rivera, Arturo Sandoval).
I'm all for people who wanna jump in with Kind of Blue or A Love Supreme, and there are lots of people who aren't necessarily jazz heads who love those albums, but if you find that often recommended classics are not clicking, there is definitely something out there that will.
it was international jazz day and all you guys listened to was a single album??
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mystical-flute · 2 years ago
SWANFIRE MONTH DAY 22: Emma & Neal's favorite song
I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me Surreal I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say No deal The 1950s shit they want from me I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
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the-price-of-magic · 1 year ago
"Get your hands off me! You're not my mom! You know damn well I can take you in a fight, I can take Rumple in one!" Peter shouts.
Neal takes the sword and is greatful for Nimue's interfering. "Thanks, auntie, mama baked cookies last night if you wanna stop by the house and get some," he's got a goofy grin on his face.
Henry is confused a moment before realizing that someone entirely disconnected from the magic won't easily believe anything they say about it and decides to play along. Of course, he's immediately distracted by the cookies statement, "Grandma Belle made cookies and you didn't bring me any?!" He's as distraught as he possibly can be.
"There will be enough left by the time we get back to the house, you know grandpa doesn't have the biggest sweet tooth," Neal chuckles, getting the sword sheath on his belt, as if he's done it a million times before. He turns to Ruth, "sorry about that... Peter must have come off his meds, he usually leaves the sword at home these days, makes dealing with him easier when he does"
Ruth is making her way downtown walking fast. She’s keeping to the brightest parts of the sidewalk. And she hears someone drunkenly talking as she approaches the Main Street. Almost to grannies.
Rumple is blabbing on about the so called fight he had with Belle earlier but Neal has long since stopped listening. He sees the stranger approaching and tries to usher his father off to the side and out of the way so she can pass.
It takes Rumple a moment to register why he's being moved but once he clocks the young woman approaching the last of his filter vanishes. "Baelfire, look, a pretty young woman around your age! Pretty young woman, would you like to go on a date with my son?"
Neal's face goes red and he almost drops Rumple, "papa! Shush, she is a stranger, you cannot speak to people that way!"
"I want more grandkids! Henry is wonderful but he tattles on me!" Rumple whines.
"Papa shut up!"
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mccoys-killer-queen · 2 years ago
Top 10 sexiest reo speedwagon songs, ranked
#10- L.I.A.R. (1990)
stream the earth a small man his dog and a chicken or else it's a bop stg 6.7/10 yes it sounds heavy? very sexy of dave and kevin to do their thing on this track it's like the Fire It Up of REO songs
#9- Stillness of the Night (1982)
Okay first of all SEVERELY underrated song, second of all it's the edgy lyrics and the vibe of a mystical race against time that do it for this one 6.9/10 very sexy of kevin to go and do that
#8- 157 Riverside Avenue (1971)
OH FUCK YEAH NEAL. NEAL. GODDAMN. Try listening to the first 10 seconds and tell me it doesn't belong on this list. Go ahead. I dare you. This one goes without saying- "'can I make love to you?' we said '157 Riverside Avenue'" 7/10 sexy jazzy piano is sexy
#7- Like You Do (1972)
this one makes me wanna S T R U T. "i've seen women who-" DOESN'T MATTER COS NONE OF THEM AIN'T ME. the sexy sass is unparalleled it's almost a goddman mystery who wrote it 7.2/10 Gary has never seen a woman
#6- Ridin' the Storm Out (1973)
very sexy of Neal yet again to go and do that with his hands also Gary too I actually had this at #7 but had to move it up a spot bc i came to my senses 7.6/10 lyrics could be sexier
#5- Gotta Feel More (1984)
yeah the very first time i heard this i thought it sounded like Holding Out For a Hero and I think that's all I need to say 8/10 he's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast and he's gotta feel more
#4- I Don't Want To Lose You (1988)
i want "stream i don't wanna lose you by reo" on my headstone i'll defend this til the day I die i don't care if it wasn't written by them it brings out my inner stripper even tho it really shouldn't 8.9/10 WHY DIDN'T I BREAAAKK DOWNNNN-
#3- Take It On the Run (1980)
The only truly 100% sexy song off Hi Infidelity fite me 9/10 makes me wanna give someone a lap dance iykyk
#2- Back On the Road Again (1979)
Try listening to the first 10 seconds of this song and tell me it doesn't deserve this spot I'll wait. Very sexy of Bruce to go and do this "please don't hate me mama,,, for what I'm about to do" LIKE OOHOHH DAMN BRUCIE PIE'S SECRETLY A BAD BOY NOW???? 9.8/10 i'm on my WAY.
#1- Variety Tonight (1987)
Ok hear me out. FUCK YEAH NEAL. NEAL. GODDAMN. Very, very sexy of Neal to go and do this. "want someone else? I can be that too" makes me BLUSH. i need to be moving at all times during this song it's a religious experience. doesn't sound like an reo song which is all the better imo 10/10 make you feel right
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harrisonarchive · 3 years ago
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The Traveling Wilburys, 1988; photo by Neal Preston.
“‘I couldn’t have dreamed that one up. It was so crazy. George was so good in the studio, he really knew how to make a record. It was kind of like a production line. George has some chords, let’s play those and find a melody. We need some words, quick, grab a title, call out a lyric, and everyone would go, “No!,” and then you’d find a line you like, and everyone would go “Yeah, that’s not bad, let’s get that down.’ What I really loved was the power of the vocals. When we sang harmonies it was just chilling. And I just liked the way those guys carried themselves. They were the real thing and didn’t give a damn about anything but music. ‘Some really good friendships were made there, it wasn’t all in the sessions, it might move to my house and we’d be up until late just singing and playing. They liked to drink beer. I wish we had played live. George would talk about it all of the time. But the next day the spirit would have worn off. It became too real. I think if George had lived we would have played some shows.’ Petty becomes a little moist-eyed talking about Harrison. ‘You get into your late fifties, people start falling like flies all around you. I don’t take life for granted any more. I’m really glad to be here. When you get older, your health becomes important to you, things start breaking down, you’ve always got a different ache or pain. But in a lot of ways, I don’t feel that different, especially playing music. Stage age, they call it. Something does lift, a great rush of adrenalin comes in and you may as well be 20. You feel the same. What you don’t wanna do is make an ass of yourself. There’s certain things that don’t become an older man.’” - The Daily Telegraph, 16 June 2012 (x)
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hannahhook7744 · 4 years ago
Killian's mental , emotinal, and Physical health; My concerns.
Warning: talks about mental health.
So, I wanna know.. in ouat time, during the many time jumps and time gaps inbetween episodes and crises, did ANYONE ever address Killian's many obvious mental, emtional, and potenial health problems? Like, at all?
I mean, he's been a drunk for nearly 200 or 300 years. He's drunken every other day, if not EVERY SINGLE DAY since Liam or Milah died. That cannot be healthy. And who the hell treated his amputated hand? And his other injuries? He's not a doctor and I doubt many of the doctors/healers around would have helped-- If they didn't go to Neverland immediately after. I mean seriously how did he not die? Does he suffer from phantom pains? Did his crew take care of him? Not to mention any injuries he got in Neverland. But if we skip all that and think about the present.... DID THEY GET HIM HIS SHOTS?
No, I'm not kidding. If you're anti-vax, you can ignore this part. But for those of us who just get the shots because we have to or because we trust them, than did any of the ouat crew get Killian his shots? Like, assuming that Regina's curse magically made all the townspeople immune or basically immune to the sicknesses in the land without magic, it wouldn't extend to Killian. Why? Because he didn't come with the curse. So did they get him his shots or did they just leave him defenseless against all illnesses that have developed in the 200 or 300 years he's been in Neverland?
Did Killian ever go to the hospital or doctor when he wasn't hurt? Did he ever get a physical or a check up? Cause he sure as hell needs one with all the times he's been tossed around like a rag doll or knocked out. Not to mention all the drinking he's been doing! His kidneys and head have to be all messed up from that! Drinking isn't good for your brain and kidneys! He could die from what all that alcohol is doing to his lungs! Not to mention how skinny he is... do we ever even see him eat? I mean, we see the others eat at least sometimes. And how exactly did he survive in New York when he was looking for Emma?
Sure, he could stay at Neal's old place if Neal still had it. But no one's been paying the bills and most, if not all , of that food has to have gone bad by now and Killian didn't have any modern money.. he just had gold and silver.. which he couldn't really use all that much without drawing attention to himself..not to mention people would probably think it was fake... so where did Killian get food? Did he eat out of the garbage or eat only the possible canned food and stale food Neal had left behind? Keep in mind the power and water are probably out so... that definitely can't be healthy. He probably didn't even know how to use the damn oven and microwave! How did he eat? How often did he eat? Did he ever get mugged or arrested because of he wandered into a bad area of new york or mouthed off to the wrong people? Did he ever get hurt and have to deal with it all alone during the time he was looking for Emma?
Did anyone ever ask about that time? Did anyone even care? Not to mention the fact that he was probably starved and beaten often during his childhood by the people who owned him and Liam.. that , again, cannot be healthy for an adult-- let alone a small child who probably wasn't allowed to sleep often and had to do vigorous work on a ship where no one but Liam, another child, cared whether he lived or died. That, along with Killian's abandonment issues and time as a pirate, has to have screwed Killian up alot. So, I seriously want to know if anyone ever took him to a therapist or a doctor during any down time they had-- especially after the underworld fiasco. Because Killian is bound to have a lot of issues, including, but not limited to;
Abandonment issues
Issues with food
Issues involving men since he was abused by them
His daddy issues
Probable PTSD
His anger issues
And the fact he's probably emotionally stunted from all the abandonment and abuse issues.
His low self esteem.
His questionable morals (extends to Regina, Zelena, and Rumple too. They ALL need to be seeing someone for that).
And his tendency to bottle things up. And more.
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cellard0ors · 4 years ago
Fic: Movement (2/?)
Still dedicated to the wonderful @peachworthy. you read part one than you know - GMM Rhink AU - College Student Link/Pornstar Rhett AU
“Got it right again, man! You’re going to ace this test!” Rhett crows as he tosses down another notecard and Link pumps his arms in triumph. The two of them are settled in the kitchen, piles of books and notecards spread around as well as few bottles of beers and some bowls of chips.
Link picks up one chip and pops it into his mouth, grinning at his roommate fondly, “Well, couldn’t’ve done it without you, pal. You are, without a doubt, the best study buddy I’ve ever had.”
“Aw shucks, gonna make me blush,” Rhett laughs even though it’s Link who feels his cheeks actually grow warm, his friend’s laughter a common cause of the occurrence.
They’ve been living together for over a month now and it’s been beyond amazing. Link would’ve never guessed a guy like Rhett and a guy like him would work so well together.
It’s like they’re the world’s weirdest, most convoluted puzzle yet all the pieces click together to form a full picture that is nothing short of a masterpiece. True, there’s a lot about Rhett Link doesn’t know yet (and gosh is there a lot he wants to know) but their friendship is running smoothly.
Well, smoothly save for the massive crush Link has on the guy, albeit he’s doing his damned best to squash it. Yes, Rhett’s attractive and yes, he’s the first guy Link’s ever met that he’s felt a real zing for, but the fact of the matter is – Link would much rather have him as a friend and roommate than lose him as a…well, Link’s not sure if he’d lose him, but the mere possibility keeps Link’s lips sealed.
Besides, it’s okay to crush on someone and never act on it. People do it all the time. Not to mention that it’s a bit…odd to crush on someone in Rhett’s line of work. Isn’t it?
Link can’t think of too many people who will admit to crushing on an adult film star. Regular, mainstream film stars, sure – but adult film stars?
Although, to be frank, Link’s sure there are some that do. And, hopefully, some of them are not the creepy internet troll-y kind of people, but genuine salt of the earth folks like himself. Because, okay, he is crushing on one so…
Rhett is toying with the cards, maybe looking for the next question to quiz Link on when he asks idly, “Y’know, Link – I gotta say, I admire your stamina.”
That remarks makes Link choke on the drink he’s just been consuming, a cough clearing it up some as he croaks, “I’m-I’m sorry?”
Rhett hums noncommittally, as if not noticing the gaffe, “You’ve had yet to grill me about my job. Normally, once folks hear about it, that’s all they want to talk about.”
“Oh,” Link breathes out loosely, “Well, ah-? It-? It just…seemed rude to-to ask…”
“Been over a month living with me now. You telling me you ain’t interested?”
“I didn’t say that!” Link quips back much quicker than he would like, but Rhett just gives him the most perfect smile. All sincere and warm beneath his beard and remember, Link, you’re doing you’re best not to crush on him!
Rhett is still toying with the cards, eyelashes downcast, the very visual definition of shy as he murmurs, “Just sayin’…I don’t mind if you wanna ask some stuff.”
Link’s eyebrows rise in such a way as to damn near bump his glasses off, “Y-You sure?”
Rhett draws in a deep inhale and then sits the cards down. He crosses his arms and leans back in his seat, looking quite serious even despite the casual red flannel and jeans, as if this was more of an interview (or perhaps an interrogation?) than anything else, “Shoot.”
The a million and one questions that Link has kept at bay about Rhett’s job and more personal life threaten to cave his skull in as they crash about in his mind. However, he has to go with the obvious, “Know this’ll be predictable, but…why?”
Rhett just bobs his head in an understanding nod even as Link pushes on, “Why and how?”
Rhett sucks on his teeth before picking up his own beer and taking a fortifying sip before continuing, “The two are kinda interconnected to be honest. Had a fallin’ out with my family. Think I mentioned it in passin’ to you once. But, to clarify; they weren’t too happy with my chosen living destination nor with the fact that I’d come to terms with the notion that I’m attracted to both the ladies and the gents.”
Link’s mind immediately (and joyously) clings to ‘the gents’ remark, bookmarking it for future reference, even as Rhett continues his tale, “You grew up where we did. So you get it.”
Link does. And then, to nail the point home, Rhett adds, “Probably get it a lot more than others. If my…instincts are to be believed.”
Link’s whole body immediately bursts into flame, the tips of his ears so hot he’s sure they’re glowing bright red.
Rhett knows I’m gay. He knows. I thought having a radar for that kind of thing was bullhonkey, but he knows and oh, lord, oh lord – do I give off some sorta vibe? I know that girl in my screenwriting class, Stevie, she teased me about being an A-Level twink or something, but I didn’t think-!
Rhett’s laughter carves right through Link’s insecurities, “Take a breath, brother! Look like you’re about to pop!”
Link does and Rhett just shakes his head, still grinning, “Point being – I was pretty much a babe in the woods when I came to LA. Not two nickels to my name, so I took whatever gigs I could get. Managed to snag a few commercials and things of that nature, but you know the drill. Jobs are hard to come by. And a guy of my height?”
He blows out a big breath and tosses all of those luxurious curls about with a rueful head shake, “Yeah, most people fingered me for a baller, so – again – jobs were hard to come by. But then, wouldn’t you know it? A friend of a friend of a contact told me about this part they thought I’d be perfect for.”
Another deep barrel chested chuckle emerges as he reminiscences, “Mighta been nice of ‘em to let me know it was actually a part of me they thought would be perfect.”
Do not zero in on his crotch! Do NOT zero in on his crotch! Charles Lincoln Neal the Third DO NOT-!
Link keeps his eyes so steadfastly forward he probably looks like some bug eyed zombie. If Rhett notices, he doesn't comment, “Anyway, when I found out what the role was, I had planned to politely decline but, y’know, the money they offered…”
There’s an easy shrug and this Link can look at. He looks at Rhett, who looks a bit sheepish as he scratches at one side of his beard, “I mean, again, you grew up where I did. So, you know how the whole ‘wait until marriage’ thing was drilled into your head, but I figured it wasn’t like anybody would know. My family’d cut me off, my friends were few and far in between, and the people on set…”
Now he looks a bit happier and Link can’t help but smile along with him, “The people on set were all right. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the kind of stories people tend to spin – the exploitation, the drug abuse, other questionable stuff…place I was at wasn’t like that. I mean, maybe I just lucked out or something, but it was…”
Another shrug and he goes for his beer again. Link figures this is as good a time as any to get in another question, “So, you did that and then you…? Just kept going?”
Rhett nods as he drinks, the bottle leaving his mouth with an obscene pop that Link is going to do his best to forget all about right now and certainly not recall at any point in the future (and most certainly NOT when he’s jacking off later), “Yeah, I did the one and the director really liked me. He pull me aside and told me about this company he was trying to set up with a couple of buddies of his. They wanted to go in a classier direction – know how funny that sounds, but he was serious.”
“So, what? No, like, blockbuster porno knock offs? Like ‘Sex in The City and ON the City’ or ‘Arma-get-it-on’?”
“Think you stole that last one from an episode of CSI.”
“I did, doesn’t change the question.”
They’re both smiling like a couple of fools, but the mood is good and the atmosphere light as Rhett sighs, “Yeah, nothing like that. I’ve actually worked with a few female directors, shot some things with great budgets, nice lighting, good costumes…”
“Oooo, costumes,” Link teases in the silliest voice and Rhett swats out at him. Link avoids the hit even as Rhett rolls his eyes, “I’m serious, dude. Some of the things that department pumps out looks better than anything you’d see in Hollywood.”
“Hmm, some kinda wood,” Link snickers and this time Rhett’s swat makes impact, brushing Link’s shoulder and Link would be embarrassed by the giggle he lets out, if it weren’t for the way Rhett’s nose is all scrunched up, making him look beyond adorable, “You’re sucha brat!”
Link sticks out his tongue and Rhett just laughs. They turn their attention to the drinks and chips for awhile before Link circles around to another question, “You like it then?”
“It’s a living,” Rhett confirms, not really answering one way or another, “Like I said – make great money, work with some really nice people.”
“Uh,” Link scratches behind one ear, “Hate to ask, but, um…clean people?”
Rhett doesn’t seem offended, “You bet. Have to be. Another reason I’ve done this as long as I have. Money's great, but the safety is even better. I’m currently under contract with that same company I told you about – the one that director brought me under. On top of wanting to,” he air quotes his next words, “be classier’-”
He drops the quotes, “They wanted to provide an excellent work environment. Heck, me and the other actors and actresses probably have a cleaner bill of health than the entire state. Can’t shoot scene one until you’ve got the A-Okay.”
“Huh,” Link absorbs that with some surprise, but then, he supposes it really shouldn’t be. The adult film industry is a big lumbering beast right alongside it’s more recognized counterpart. No reason one shouldn’t be as cautious as the other. If anything, one has more right to be cautious.
Thinking on this, Link suddenly feels an odd pang. It’s a shame in one way that’s one viewed as more reckless than the other, more questionable. But, when viewed through a mostly puritan lens…
Not wanting to get too philosophical, Link switches gears, “You been in a lot of films?”
“My fair share.”
Another dodge, but Link will let him have it. However, he can practically feel devil horns rise as he asks with a naughty gleam to his eye, “Win any awards?”
Rhett’s practically preening, “Several.”
“Really?” Link asks with some surprise, but Rhett suddenly looks quite naughty himself. Naughty and…a bit too hot for Link’s liking as the heat that always seems to surround him when he’s near Rhett rises and woo boy, he’s really failing at this squashing-the-crush thing.
“If you’re a good boy, maybe I’ll show you one of my trophies some time…”
Everything in Link melts into a puddle and he’s not sure what expression he’s wearing, but it’s one that makes Rhett’s whole face light up, “…or maybe, just maybe, I’ll show you a little somethin’ else…”
If it’s possible for a melted puddle to also explode, then Link’s just done it. Rhett bursts into guffaws as he reaches forward and, very smoothly, pushes Link’s jaw up because Link’s jaw? It dropped. He didn’t even feel it drop.
And then, to just add more fuel to the fire, Rhett rubs the pad of his thumb along the bottom of Link’s chin, right below his lip, “Damn, son…you’re just too much for words.”
That’s it.
That’s all that Link can offer.
Just one sound, one vowel.
Silent and stunned and Rhett draws back, looking like the cat that ate the canary as he lets him go and rises up from his seat, “Think you need a moment. I’ll be back in a bit.”
And – just like that – Rhett saunters out of the room.
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Neal, Emma, and Regina for rating ask
Ahhhh! thank you for the ask! ^^
give me a character (from anything ever) in my ask and I’ll rate:
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t kno
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date? | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t kno
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t kno
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sweater-daddiesdumbdork · 4 years ago
Unnamed Andy Barber Snippet
So here we are. I’m not ready to share this fic yet, but I’ve been busting ass on it getting chapters written. And honestly, I’m loving the build up in it, when I will be sharing it, I don’t know. Hoping by late spring, early summer. That’s the goal. But I thought I would just give a sample of what I have been working on between Attack Of The Winter Wolf and Wilford’s Demand’s. 
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“Great! I'm starving.” Andy immediately exclaimed as he pushed from his desk, Stacy set the bags down and started unloading them while he came around the desk. Seeming to gauge you, he stepped in closer, tilting your chin up a bit to meet his gaze. 
“How are you ?” He questioned you and you immediately responded. Knowing that he would want nothing but the honest truth. 
“Nervous, but glad I'm here.” 
You could see his demeanor warm, a smile gracing his face that made your heart leap happily. “I'm glad you are here too.” Waving his hand towards a comfortable looking seat near his desk, you settled in. 
“Alright, I got a bit of everything, so just grab whatever you want.” Stacy announced while she picked up what looked like a portion of an italian, not even waiting for Andy to pick his own first. You couldn't imagine being so brave, but Andy nodded at you to go ahead and you picked at what looked to be a turkey. Then he grabbed another portion of the one you took. “Oh Y/N, you need to try these chips. Fresh made!” She opened up a paper bag that looked like it was splotched with a bit of grease and inside were golden thin chips that were lightly salted. You plucked at one, the crunch defending to your ears but the taste. 
It was salty goodness. 
Again conversation picked up, mostly between Andy and Stacy. Andy tried to keep it from getting too personal with you, and thankfully Stacy picked up on that. Instead they talked a bit about the predicted workload for the coming week, as well as Stacy talking about a get away that coming weekend she was doing with Jake, a small bed and breakfast on the coast. 
Andy noticed you perk a bit listening to Stacy's description, which Andy kept his smile to himself. Indeed you were a romantic at heart cause you actually sounded wistful when you responded, without any prompting for an answer. “That sounds amazing.” 
“It will be, Jake made the reservations on my birthday last month… which is actually why I'm hoping Andy will give me Monday off? Seeing how Jake told me this morning that the place called him with an extra day option for that room.” She put on her very best please face, which Andy flickered his glance from you looking all dreamy to his secretary and closest friend trying to play like she was actually asking. 
Truthfully it was more like she was telling Andy she wouldn't be in Monday. Which was perfectly fine with him. But he made a show wiping his hands on his napkin and across his lips, looking almost doubtful. 
“Well… we do have-”
“I don't care Andrew, I'm not going to be here.” Stacy was quick to say and you gasped at her, Andy barked out a laugh instead. 
“What I was going to say is we do have a light load, take off Tuesday to if Jake can spare the extra day.” He crumpled his napkin and went to toss it in the wastebasket. His phone rang then and he answered it, his brow coming together for a moment. “Excuse me ladies, be right back.” He said after hanging up. Stacy stretched herself as well. 
“I'm gonna use the restroom, wanna come?” She asked you and you shook your head. “Okay, be right back.” She excused herself, leaving you alone in the office. While it was empty, you decided to clean off Andys desk of the lunch wrappers. 
You just happened to be leaning over a desk when a deep voice sounded from behind you. “Stacy, do you know when Andy-” You straightened and spun to see a tall, broad shouldered man enter the office. His hair was slick back and his timbre of voice was deep, which matched his looks exactly. His eyes narrowed in surprise that you were in fact not Stacy, but someone completely new to him. His eyes unashamed seemed to roam you while you drew yourself against Andy’s desk, the wrappers in your hand shaking a bit as you felt the air rush from your lungs. 
Oh god, you knew him. 
Your eyes shot wide open, as did his while he let the door snap shut behind him. Both of you staring at one another in surprise, be he recovered quickly. “What are you even doing here?” He didn't call you by your name, when the Judge owned you, no one was given your name because it didn't matter, you were for there use and nothing more. You backed against the desk till your thighs hit it and you perched on the end. He advanced forward, aggressive in his strides as if he was angry at just being in your presence. “Answer me! I know you didn't just walk out of Judge Owens estate.” 
“S-ssorry. I'm here with Mas-Sir- Andy. I'm Andy’s now.” Your gaze dropped to the floor, reverting back to your training. Your hands holding the garbage trembled with fear when you felt his strong touch yank your head up to look at him, the color was rising in his cheeks at your words, his eyes disbelieving. 
“You now belong to Andy Barber? I will be fucking damned. I never knew the man had the streak.” His jaw clenched as if he was biting onto this new information, like a dog getting a piece of rawhide to chew on, seeking to shred it. His eyes seemed to look you up and down, snorting through his nose in disbelief. “He does dress you up nice though, doesn't he? Trying to keep his dirty secret quiet.” 
“He’s not-” 
“Don't you fucking tell me what he is. If he owns you, I know exactly what he is.” Neal snapped, his hand popping against your cheek gently in a reprimand, your mouth shut once more from defending yourself. “Question is, does he even know what he has in you? The things you have and will do?” 
You felt tears well up in your eyes, because you knew the things Neal was talking about. Shame burned its way up, and he barked a laugh seeing your distress. “Oh this just gets better and better. He doesn't even know about your training. Wonder how much he paid for you?” His breath was hot as he loomed closer to you, you wanted to pull away, but instinct took over. You knew any movement away would reward you with another slap to the cheek or worst. 
There was always worst. 
Stacy snapped the door open just then, catching sight of you backed against the desk and Neal hovering over you. “Is there something I can do for you Logiudice?” She snapped and he straightened, a cool smile on his face. 
“Just tell Andy I stopped by, would you? Bastard is slippery, never know when he will be around.” He moved away from you, and you slid now away from the desk to its side, putting more space between you two. He paused at the doorway. “It was nice meeting you Sweetheart, hope we run into one another again real soon.” With that he left. Stacy scoffed as she snapped the door shut. 
“He is so annoying, I’m damn glad I didn't become his secretary.” she turned away from the door towards you and saw you standing stock still, staring at the floor without moving. “Hey, you okay? He didn't do anything did he?” She approached you and went to reach out and take your hand, but you pulled away, going to toss the remaining wrappers in your hand. 
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