#ouat rants
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kabishkat19 · 6 months ago
OUAT vs. Descendants🖤
I’m sure I’m not the only one who notices this but I just have point it out…
I know that the original concept was that the descendant’s character designs were based of the original Disney animated characters, but let’s be forreal the characters didn’t really look like their parents…
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Besides similar (sometimes barely) colour pallets Mal doesn’t really look like the Disney animated Maleficent.
But she does look like…
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And it keeps going…
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For crying allowed both Belle (OUAT) and Ben are played by Australians… coincidence! I think not🖤
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I mean come on!
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stubblesandwich · 1 year ago
Picture this.
Killian, Emma, and Henry are settling in for a movie night. The DVD starts up, and this warning comes up on the screen:
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Killian: ......
Emma: ......
Henry: ......
Killian: you know what ELSE isn't a victimless crime
Emma: oh God, here we go
Killian: feckless, coward kings who can't even amass the scrap of honor it would take to do their own dirty work--
Henry: make it stop
Killian: --and send innocent men to their deaths without so much as a sliver of--
Emma: *jamming the fast forward button on the remote as Killian goes on* It won't let me skip it!
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irenerose21 · 2 months ago
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I hate it whenever I talk about Graham and how much I love him, there is that one person who is like, “Why do you care so much, he wasn’t even a main character?”
1. Yes, he was. He literally was a main character in season 1.
2. If he didn’t sacrifice his life for the Charmings TWICE, literally NONE of their family would be alive.
3. He had the worst fate of any character in OUAT and it NEEDS to be talk about.
4. He is just an awesome character and I love him.
He should have been the character that haunted the narrative, but NOoooo, let’s not even mention him in The Underworld Arc for some reason even though he is the definition of unfinished business!
Even if this character was only in a few episodes in the show, what he did as a character literally echoes through the entire series!
Overall, Graham deserves so so much better than what he got!
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juniperhillpatient · 6 months ago
Once upon a Time season 1 is so funny because Rumplestiltskin / Mr. Gold is consistently dropping deeply ominous colorful & dramatic remarks about making deals & the Evil Queen / Regina is consistently delivering fairy tale villain worthy evil threats in a commanding tone & these speeches always have a double meaning for the audience aware of the fact that everyone in town is a fairytale character trapped in a modern world without their memories but to the people of Storybrooke it just seems like they have the worlds most melodramatic pawn shop owner & mayor
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gentil-minou · 1 year ago
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Wei Wuxian licks his lips and leans forward slightly, walking his fingers across the countertop aimlessly toward Lan Zhan. “You know, Lan Zhan,” he drawls, “A-Yuan says we’re both in the book.”
“Mn,” Lan Zhan responds, tracking the path of his fingers intently, “I am apparently Hanguang-jun, the moral upstanding hero.”
“And I’m the devious Yiling Loazu, who led you astray,” he smirks, peering at Lan Zhan through his lashes.
Lan Zhan meets his stare, head-on, lit from within like molten sunshine. “No,” he corrects, “not astray, Wei Ying.”
Wei Wuxian tilts his head, waiting for him to continue. His fingers stop their dancing, resting just inches away from Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan shifts his own hand, bringing them even closer, their fingertips almost brushing.  
“The Yiling Loazu did not lead Hanguang-jun astray,” he says, eyes piercing as they flicker between Wei Wuxian’s. “They were partners, and…”
“Ah,” Wei Wuxian breathes, “the decent romance?”
Lan Zhan doesn’t answer, watching him closely. The pupils of his eyes have grown so large there’s only the tiniest ring of gold around the edge. He can see himself reflected in the black. He thinks he likes the version of himself that lives in Lan Zhan’s eyes.
They’re standing on the edge of a cliff, waiting for the other to take a step forward, bracing for a fall.
It should be terrifying, this sudden drop into something completely new, something entirely unknown yet so familiar. But Wei Wuxian is filled with conviction that no matter what, Lan Zhan will catch him.
It's as electrifying as it is calming, this certainty that here, with Lan Zhan, he is safe.
Wei Wuxian tilts his head to the side in a way he knows sets the unmarked skin of his neck on display. “I’m sure it was more than just decent, with a handsome hero like Hanguang-jun.”
Lan Zhan quirks an eyebrow, his gaze resting on the curve of Wei Wuxian’s neck, just as he’d hoped. "Handsome?"
“Well,” Wei Wuxian responds, tapping his index finger so it brushes against Lan Zhan’s fingertips. His skin is soft and perfect, just like the rest of him. “He isn’t wrong. You’re very handsome, Lan Zhan.”
“Really, Wei Ying?” Lan Zhan says, voice quiet and deep.
“Yep, definitely worthy of being compared to the beautiful Second Jade of Lan.”
“Is that so?” Lan Zhan shifts closer, the smell of him filling up Wei Wuxian. He smells so familiar, like something he knows intimately. Sandalwood, Wei Wuxian realizes, with sudden clarity.
Lan Zhan continues, “I would love to hear more about your opinion on my beauty and prestige, Wei Ying.”
“You don’t know anything about me, Lan Zhan. Why would you care what I think?”
Lan Zhan tilts his head, only just. “Do I need to? To want to know how your brain works?”
I commissioned this lovely artwork by the wonderful @lotuslate of a scene from my fic, once upon a time, 很久很久以前 where the entire cultivation world is cursed to live in the modern world without their memories and abilities, but of course wangxian find a way to fall in love all over again.
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victoriously-regal · 10 months ago
um... guys? Its 5:26AM as I'm typing this. I just finished reading the swanqueen fic "The Secret's In the Telling". AND I AM NOT OKAY.
This story blew my mind, fucked my brain, and shattered my heart. I was NOT prepared for it. Round of applause to the goddamn writer, you are incredibly talented and I admire you so much for creating such an incredibly well-thought out and beautiful story. I also adore the fact that you wrote a sequel to it which will no doubt be keeping me up tomorrow night.
Okay, anybody who hasn't read the fic- GO DO IT NOW. The storyline may seem a bit confusing at first, I sure as hell was confused at the start a little, but I swear to you, it gets SO GOOD.
100/10. I swear down, you guys need to READ IT
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victoriously-wicked · 4 months ago
Song: 'Below the Surface' by Griffinilla
I don't like how the show treated Split!Queen as a separate person. I love Regina SOOOO much, but you can't just remove her evil half and act as if she never did the things she did. Because the fact remains- Regina DID commit the monstrosities she did as The Evil Queen, and that's what makes her redemption so satisfying to watch, because she has genuinely become the best version of herself by the time the show decided to split her in two. So my what-if is this: what if the serum backfired when Snow injected it into Regina? Instead of the darkness being removed from inside her, it begins to take over Regina's body until it is the only thing that remains. But this doesn't mean the good in Regina is gone- it is just buried deep down inside of her, trying to resurface, and struggling immensely. So Regina goes dark, with the serum giving the darkness full control over her. As much as she wants to stop (and she REALLY does want to), Regina is unable to keep herself from falling to the darkness again. As much as they fear for Regina now, the hero squad still love her all the same, and want to find a way to re-ignite the good within her and help bring it back to the surface. However, if the hero squad succeed, this won't just solve everything. If they manage to get her good side to be re-ignited, Regina will still have to overcome the darkness raging within her, and only then will she return to the surface. Overcoming the darkness won't destroy it or The Evil Queen, like what the show tried to do. This will just bury it all deep down, like what happened to Regina and her goodness when the serum took over. She'll have to live with her darkness, but instead of looking at it as something to resent or torture herself with, she revels in knowing that she has come so far since then, and the fact that she will never go down that path again. She has her friends, she has her family, people who love her. And you know what? That's all she ever needed.
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countrymusiclover · 4 months ago
How do y'all overcome writer's block???
I have been trying to write my stories but keep switching from story to story and not fully having any inspiration to write good quality chapters for any of them.
So, with that being said, I might be taking a break from writing and will just be reading others' works until December.
In the meantime if any of you have anything you would want to see on your favorite story/stories, I am begging you please overflow my ask box with ideas ( 😉 that could make some updates come sooner ) anyways thanks 😊
@severa-kane @100foreverfiles @ocappreciation @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @lover-of-books-and-tea @kmc1989 @caprisunzz @lindsayjoy444
@noirrose21-blog @rise-my-angel @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @1not-today-satan1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @bvbwestfall @bubble-bluee @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley @skeletonontheroad @ashsallyblue2 @tallrock35 @herondale-lightworm @afraidofshrimp @eclipse134 @vavafaure1994 @melvia-ito
@annieradcliff @watermeezer @zaidatorcuatomorgado @dreamgemini09 @anonymousmuffinbear @tallrock35 @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @immyowndefender @iamavailablesstuff @plaguecourier @mystrey101 @onentaien-kwara
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nerdby · 2 years ago
Rumpelstiltskin's first wife, Milah, was an emotionally abusive asshole. Like he fucking crippled himself so that he could be there for his kid and that's a bad thing? Fuck that noise, he deserves a fucking prize.
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darklybound · 9 months ago
Would people be interested in a watch party for Season 1 of Once Upon a Time?
I'm new to the fandom, and was thrilled by how active it still is! I've noticed there's quite a few people I've seen making posts about rewatching OUaT, so I thought I'd throw this out there to see if people were interested. I know the show's old now, but I think it'd be super cool to help the fandom come together and revitalize the love for the show. Maybe bring in new people as well!
So even though I'm a newbie, I thought I'd send this out and see what others think. Reblog/share to spread this around. Thank You!
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stars-and-galaxys · 6 months ago
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3x15//2x22//Mirror Traps - Hera Lindsay Bird//2x22//Uneven Odds - Sleeping at Last//Isle of the Dogs - Wes Anderson//2x14//5x11//2x22//Bring Him Home - Les Miserables//3x15
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rainbowsandwildflowers · 2 months ago
I fear I may be re-entering my Once Upon a Time era
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themeepyfreak · 8 months ago
Rumple: Baelfire...
Neal: It's Neal!
At this point, of course Neal doesn't want to be Baelfire. To Neal, the name "Baelfire" has always been associated with misery and suffering. He was abandoned by his mother, father, and step-father (Hook) as Baelfire. As Baelfire, he was tortured for centuries in Neverland and never got his happy ending. It wasn't until he called himself Neal that he met Emma (the love of his life) and had 10 years of normality without the dangers of magic.
His staunch denial of the name "Baelfire" was another way for Neal to deny his past. For his entire life, Neal has been forced to move on from one trauma to another. He never allowed himself any time to grieve, evidenced by how fast he got over Tamara. While this may have helped Neal survive, this wasn't healthy in the long run.
Therefore, I always thought that this moment was foreshadowing future character development for Neal. I thought the show was going to force Neal to confront magic and his related trauma that he pushed aside, maybe through Emma's uncontrolled magic in s4. Only after some soulsearching will Neal finally accept not only magic but also acknowledge how much it hurt him as Baelfire. Only after some soulsearching will Neal finally get over his trauma and allow his father to call him Baelfire again without any resistance.
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thegrantwater · 6 months ago
new fic alert!!! new fic alert!!!
finally posting something after almost another year long hiatus from writing. i got a little more in depth about where i've been and what it's been like to write this in the end notes of the fic, so if you're curious go there, but i'll definitely be posting about it on here soon. so in the meantime....
we fill the gaps (you and me make three) chapter 1 is posted on my ao3! i've been dropping little hints about it for months, and my story for last years sqsn was the main driving point behind this fic (and yes the title for both fics comes from the same song, in my mind strange birds is a predecessor or sort of outline to this). the intro of strange birds was actually ripped straight from the draft for this, because i started rewriting season 1 almost two years ago and at the time had written some pre-henry-curse regina analysis to tie into it. this first chapter covers the events of s1e1 to about s1e19, and the rest of s1 up to the curse breaking will be chapter 2. consider its length both a treat and a warning that this is going to take a while.
love you guys <3
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chippedteacupchat · 5 months ago
(I am posting a lot today ik, it's mostly because I am bored out of my mind)
Isaac has got to be a self-insert, and I hate it, and everything that comes out of his stupid mouth.
My proof the writers hate Rumple:
“You are quite possibly the biggest pain in the ass I have ever had the displeasure of writing about”–The Author, to Rumple
(for me season 4 is the most unpleasant season to watch, not only are we stuck trailing round a walking commercial in the form of Elsa, but we are also watching a plot that is moving at a snails pace)
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ncassidy · 1 year ago
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favorite scenes in once upon a time | 1.01, pilot
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