#swanfire month 2022
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swanfireprincessmydear · 8 months ago
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One of the best months of my life!
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clairesbeauchamp · 2 years ago
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day 1 • favorite trinket → the keychain
i don’t know how it survived the trip. because it was born out of true love.
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deadlyflames · 2 years ago
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Swanfire Month Day 14: Classic fairy-tale that reminds you of Swanfire: Orpheus and Eurydice
Emma was a poor girl. You might say she was touched by the gods. She would to bring the world back into tune, and fix what was wrong.
Baelfire was a hungry young boy. A runaway from everywhere he’d ever been. He was no stranger to world, no stranger to the wind.
It's a love song. It's a tale of a love from long ago.
It's a sad song. We keep singing even so.
It's an old song. It's an old tale from way back when.
And we're gonna sing it again and again.
This one is a bit of a weird connection. You can blame my obsession with Hadestown. I drew a lot of comparisons between Orpheus and Eurydice and Emma and Neal. Both work in either role. But I went with this interpretation.
I have this very specific image of a Swanfire version of the Underworld storyline. Like, it’s so easy for me to picture that arc being done for Swanfire. I mean, Rumplestilskin would obviously help Emma get to the Underworld for his son. Henry would follow for his dad. Regina would follow for Henry and Snowing would follow for their daughter. Even Hook would go with them for Baelfire.
But I think a really interesting way they could have used the Swanfire relationship in the Underworld was for Emma to do the Orpheus test. Because it makes so much sense for them.
(I think that’s what they were trying to reference with the true love test? Maybe? but it fell kinda flat in my opinion, but that’s a whole other thing)
Because it’s a test of trust and with their history, that trust was shaky, and still in the process of being rebuilt.
Just picture it though.
Emma walking through the dark.
She can’t look behind her and, for added uncertainty, Neal can’t speak either.
You can hear the echoing of footsteps and you can see the shadow behind her, but it’s uncertain. Maybe it’s a trick. Maybe it’s not.
Maybe he only said he would be behind her because he wanted to get her out of the Underworld.
She’s talking about all the hurt she felt after he abandoned her. All the pain they’ve gone through since they reunited. How he broke her heart and how she’s not even sure if he’s there now.
From Emma’s perspective, her and Neal are always being separated by powers beyond their control. When he left her when they were young, because of her destiny and his father’s curse. When he fell through the portal after being shot. When the curse was erased and they were ripped from each other again.
Why should this be any different?
It takes all her strength not to look behind her. To take that leap and believe that this will work.
When she’s just about to exit the underworld and return to the world above, she hits that pivotal fork in the road.
She can let her doubt take route, and turn to look behind. She can loose him one final time, and this time will be for good. But it will be the last time she gets her heart broken.
Or she can continue on. She can reach across all that hurt between them, and put her trust in him once again. She can open her heart up, even though letting him in risks the chance of losing him again.
The trust vs doubt dichotomy would be so interesting to tackle. Because that kind of blind faith is something that Emma has always struggled with, and it would be especially relevant to her relationship with Neal. It either ends in tragedy or a happy ending. I would lean towards happy ending because I feel like Emma choosing trust would be a good moment of growth.
Though the tragedy angle would break me. Can y’all freaking imagine. Emma turning back and Neal is there. She’s stunned and horrified.
“It’s you?”
He’s shocked but gives her a broken, comforting smile before he fades away.
“It’s me.”
Emma’s next arc is about the aftermath of guilt and grief. And then we all cry forever.
Anyway, sorry this part of the post was totally incoherent. The Underworld plot was a total missed opportunity. Hadestown is great, listen to it if you wanna cry.
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 years ago
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SwanFire Month Day 1 - Favorite trinket: The Swan Necklace
It represented their life together and was a token of their true love😭 What’s not to love about it?
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justanoutlawfic · 2 years ago
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~Kierstan White
Swanfire Month Day 23 | Quote that reminds you of Swanfire
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mystical-flute · 2 years ago
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"Tallahassee" or "Manhattan"?
Look, don't get me wrong, I love the adorable meet cute they had in Tallahassee, but Manhattan just has so much good stuff in it. Meeting again after 10 years, Emma's phone call with Snow, David's iconic line about Thanksgiving sucking because the family tree is a clusterfuck, Gold confronting Emma because he knows she's lying, Henry and Neal finding out they're father and son. Their scene on the fire escape.
But my favorite scene is when Neal works up the courage to defend Emma from Gold, even if it means seeing him after 300 years, and still being angry at him and scared of magic.
This episode is just *chef's kiss* in every way.
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the--fire--escape · 2 years ago
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Favorite Scene : technically sceneS, deleted and specifically S5
Emma meeting Neal and being inappropriate with his stubble.  Bonus the deleted scene of Emma telling Regina about meeting Neal. 
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mariaalrox-blog · 2 years ago
Day 18: Scene that broke your heart the most
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this scene of going home, because is here where starts the worst for Neal (and it's just a little after of when Emma decides to go on the date with Neal, with a little help from David)
in my opinion, it still doesn't have sense why Neal couldn't go with Emma and Henry. He wasn't cursed.
Ok, he was of the enchanted forest and even little Alex is supposed to come back to the enchanted forest because she was conceived there. But then, what happens with Lilith? Lilith didn't appear in the series yet, but she is there, out of the town, and she was conceived in the enchanted forest, and that doesn't affect her?
If at first, the fact of Neal couldn't go with Emma and Henry doesn't have sense, with the next season, it has less sense.
Besides, the way in which Neal insisted on saving his father in the enchanted forest doesn't have sense too. His father died as a hero, sacrificing himself, Neal wouldn't take that away, especially using magic.
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yourenxtsorry · 2 years ago
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swanfire month day 2 —> favorite scene
i wanted to love you. i just, i was too afraid. that you would never forgive me, because i never forgave myself. there hasn’t been a day that’s gone by that i don’t regret having left you. i’m sorry, emma. for everything.
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tinkerbelldetective · 2 years ago
Swanfire Month: Traditions
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In the Swan-Cassidy Home, there were no missed birthdays. 
For Henry’s birthday, it switches each year between Emma and Regina’s houses. Henry gets presents from what seems like everybody, there’s no end in sight to the amount of buttercream frosting and lit candles, and now he has his family, all of the people he loves, looking at him warmly as they sing happy birthday.
Emma’s birthdays are no longer quiet, they aren’t single cupcakes or forlorn wishes. Neal bakes her a cake (with help from Snow, who shows up at the crack of dawn to wish her daughter a happy birthday). The cake gets crazier each year, sometimes adorned with candles, sometimes with sparklers. Neal greets Emma in the morning with donuts with googly eyes and silly kisses. Her birthdays aren’t lonely, but they aren’t loud anymore either, somehow just the right kind of busy, the one that doesn’t feel like busyness at all. It always ends with Neal gently kissing her forehead and softly singing her happy birthday.
Neal’s birthday is a party. It’s food and laughter, crazy board games, and wacky party games. He likes to play football in the woods. Emma rolls her eyes at his antics, but she adores him. When Rumple hugs Neal it’s full of tears. Neal’s favorite gifts are hugs and hot fudge sundaes. His birthday is on the calendar with a winky face. Many times, his birthday presents aren’t given to him, but rather experiences he shares with his family, he’ll plan a day where it’s just him, Emma, and Henry. He wants his family, and he wants to share the love.
For Neal and Emma, their birthdays are never missed, and always are filled with reminders, from each other, that they aren’t alone anymore.
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idkmybffjillyy · 2 years ago
Swanfire Month 2022 - Day 3 Song that reminds you of Emma and Neal / Day 22 Emma and Neal's favorite song
so i couldn't pick just one so i went overboard and made a playlist of songs of swanfire vibes (since luckily i tagged a lot well enough when i've posted about individual songs previously) - its songs that remind me of their story/relationship in canon but also in fanon/popular AU's, and also a few songs they could have listened to when they were together / songs one of them would have had in their music collection because it reminded them of the other one. disclaimer: order of the playlist is probably not great and i gave us trying to shuffle the too many taylor and ed songs so a bunch are hanging at the end.
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swanfireprincessmydear · 2 years ago
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Swanfire Month Day 14 | Classic Fairy-Tale that Reminds You of Swanfire -> The Princess Bride
When he was saying, “As you wish,”
What he meant was, “I love you.”
This film is perfect for them! True love disappears only to come back later, from the dead no less. It fits the Swanfire narrative perfectly.
Okay, okay, I know that this isn’t technically a “classic” fairytale but I have read that anything over 25 years old is considered “classic,” so I think it counts.
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clairesbeauchamp · 2 years ago
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day 15 • tallahassee or manhattan
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deadlyflames · 2 years ago
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Swanfire Month Day 2: Favourite Scene - The First Date
I’ve seen a couple meta’s on this scene before and I think it’s just so beautiful. It’s such a cute first date idea and the conversation that Emma and Neal have is just so sweet and open. You can really see the connection that they form in just this brief moment, and you can tell they’re forming the foundation of something truly special
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 years ago
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SwanFire Month Day 2 - Favorite Scene
“I need you. I love you.” “I love you too.”
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justanoutlawfic · 2 years ago
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Swanfire Month Day 4 | “Celebrating ten years of "Tallahassee" and "Swanfire"-Share your favorite scene scenes from that episode.
We all have a lot to celebrate this year. This month has already shown the fandom is alive and well. Happy 10 years of Swanfire. *cheers*
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