#damien blackheart
mohawkmama · 10 months
It's a new day and although I'm still upset over last night's ending, I'm choosing to not let that anger fully consume me.
I'm choosing to praise and honor my faves and the good jobs they did last night.
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newtinaboot · 1 year
Being dark alt but liking showtunes be like:
On Wednesdays we wear punk
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carrera-ffxiv · 9 months
Happy Starlight!
She skipped and danced along the stone steps of Ishgard, twirling a dark umbrella in hand tainted a sanguine hue. The snow that graced her skin was indistinguishable from the fair tones, only her face clearly visible. Her dark hair flowed down one side of her visage; she wore a raven gown and a black coat with fur for trim. The tiny woman seemed unassuming, at least in Ishgard. She seemed happy and beaming with energy. An odd sight for one who may have seen her before, as was the situation with Damien. 
The details regarding his trip to Valnain were still being secured. Obtaining a guide that knew the area and was Viera was more difficult than one could have predicted. Alain had left the frozen lands to venture farther south in hopes of securing someone who could assist them. Damien’s purpose in Ishgard was to get additional supplies that they had needed and attempt to bridge some sort of truce between himself and Cordelia. It was, perhaps, a stretch but he had wanted for her nose to be as far out of his business as he could possibly imagine. The only way he could do that was to coax her into some sort of false sense of security. 
The large leather jacket he wore was lined on the inside with thick fur to provide suitable warmth and he wore wool gloves to prevent his hands from exposure to the elements. His honey hues caught the slightly familiar figure out of the corner of his gaze as he examined various produce items at one of the stalls in the market. His frame had shifted so he could obtain a better look at the woman. “Lady Blackheart,” he greeted with a raised brow. Her demeanor was certainly different than what he could recall at Vahalia’s dinner party. 
“Oh Damien! Perfect timing~” she sang off, moving to clutch his arm; there was a slightly uncomfortable clearing of his throat as she took hold. “I know I was a little mean when we first met but now I hear you have eyes for my cousin! How endearing! I’ve recently had reason to mull over and realize that I don’t -have- to be enemies with my cousin’s lovers. As such, I’ve brought a gift. Several in fact!” A pink hue kissed her fair cheeks from the cold, she would tug him away from the market toward the Foundation. “Oh, and Vahalia sends her well-wishes. Come on~” she would whine at him, an almost feminine, vulnerable, and strangely lucid disposition smiling at him.
His jaw had clenched and his visage displayed a stoic reprieve to his previously curious look. “Endearing,” he’d murmur in his response with a slight roll to his golden eyes. “I wasn’t aware that we were enemies in the first place, Lady Blackheart, and your cousin and I are not lovers.” His tone was flat as he offered her the correction. While the first part of her words was arguably true, the latter was a bit of a reach. There was a moment of hesitation as Carrera attempted to lure him farther away from the market and he halted in a statuesque manner. “I’ve no need for gifts.”
Carrera would swing in front of him, “Oh, come, come Damien. Let me present you with the gifts and what you do with them is entirely up to you. You could… take them yourself, or let me dispose of them. Whatever is convenient for you. Or did you prefer the whole path of being enemies? Besides, I have a feeling you’ll be glad to learn what the surprise entails, if nothing else. Did you prefer your women to beg? Mayhap we have that in common?” She beamed a smile at him.
A steadied breath was drawn into slightly parted lips as Carrera continued to beckon him. His eyes did avert at her portion regarding making enemies but Damien simply cleared his throat to recenter himself and took a step in her direction. In truth, the less enemies he had around right now the better. He was well positioned in the idea that Valeria would never directly cause him harm, but he seemed to have a consistent awareness of Vahalia’s duty to protect her family at whatever cost that entailed. Damien wasn’t about to find himself on the end of her ire because of a squabble with her cousin. “Very well, Lady Blackheart,” he offered in a cordial response.
She clapped happily, giddy with excitement, “Perfect, perfect! Come, come.” The lady in black would drag Damien along the Vigil and into the Foundation- strangely a pleasant walk with a striking view only Ishgard could offer, and through it all Carrera almost appeared… normal. Almost.. All seemed fine and well until they started approaching the gates that led to the Steps of Faith; she would take a sharp turn with the Gray man in tow. “Not much longer now. Have you often been down with the ne’er-do-wells and the peasants that don’t live in lofty manors? Such interesting people.”
There was a bit of uncertainty as she led him away from the market area. One of his free hands had casually moved to feel for the hilt of the modest dagger at his waist to confirm that it was still on his person before he released a held breath. “I don’t live within the city, Lady Blackheart, so I can’t say that I make much time here regularly.” He’d shrug slightly to himself after he had finished speaking. There was a brief pause as Damien sighed rather loudly and slightly put an emphasis in slowing his pace. “Where exactly are we going?”
“Oh, really? Is the Gray estate not within Ishgard? I had assumed as much. Shows how much I know.” she gave light shrug, “But then, I wasn’t commissioned to look into you.” Her mismatched eyes met his, a golden hue, and another with an aetheric blue peered into him. “Are you concerned Damien? Can I call you that? Please, call me Carrera. Don’t worry, you won’t have need for your dagger just yet, I wouldn’t let anyone harm a hair on your head! At least until you leave my sight. Just a little further into the Brume. There aren’t pesky Temple Knights or clergy around to bother us.”
“The Gray estate, the one that Cordelia occupies is within Ishgard,” he replied flatly. “Mine, however, is not.” There were few within Ishgard’s nobility who knew exactly where Damien resided. He preferred to leave them with the knowledge that he regularly flitted around and never stayed in one place for too long. The few that did know knew that Ambrose had purchased a modest manor in the Western Highlands for Damien shortly after Ambrose’s marriage to Cordelia. “You may call me Damien,” he exhaled. His patience was beginning to falter. “I’m struggling to find the reasoning for this.” 
The apprehension was apparent on his face as they they had approached the stone building that looked as if it had seen better days. All pretense immediately dropped as her smile faded away. “Business. That’s the reason for this.” Her voice was now terse, a fleeting reminiscence of his sister-in-law’s. A wind and a turn down the stone path, bricks both beside and below damaged and cracked from decades of conflict; they stopped in front of a wooden door, by which a homeless woman sat. Carrera leaned in graceful fashion toward the woman. Did she say something? Did she give the person something?  His lips pursed into a thin line as honey hues observed the interaction. “Come, come.” she waved him into the room, practically dancing with excitement now. 
The sight that followed was in equal measure jarring and unnerving. A spark of anxiety would creep into anyone surprised with the sight: Five people in smallclothes strung up by their necks, whimpering and whining as their life dwindled-- they struggled to keep alive as the very tip of their toes found a measure of purchase on a stool below each of them. What looked like wheat sacks were over all their heads. Two ruffians stood on either side of the room, looking just as homeless and disheveled as the woman outside; their countenance however, betrayed their appearance: Observing, calm and still. Clearly this was not an unfamiliar sight for them and they watched with care and poise as the two guests of honor entered the room. They were met with two deep bows.
Desperate crying, whimpering and the creaking of wooden stools hung in the air until Carrera’s voice broke the silence. “Happy Starlight!” she squeed with excitement.
He was unsure of what had taken place though Carrera’s demeanor had piped up and that had only given Damien more cause for concern. The visual before him had caused his jaw to square as he exhaled slowly. “This your idea of a present?” He asked flatly. 
His golden hues had happened over the strewn up bodies once more. The creaking of the chairs and their whimpering behind gags hadn’t caused as much as an effect as one would’ve assumed with the man. He’d seen his fair share of injuries and people that didn’t pay their bets and debts with the races found similar fates. “What’re we doing here, Carrera?” 
“These men were hired to follow you and report on you… and they did! Where you go, what you do~ Whoever you spend time with. I thought I’d give you the honor of first blood.”
Damien inhaled deeply, his gaze narrowed at Carrera for a moment before he stepped forward. His thick leather boot would carefully press at the leg of one of the chairs though not enough to move it. “Who hired them?” He asked as he turned to face her. 
She spoke with a smug grin. “One Ricard Blythe. I thought this would send a nice message that his …advances are not welcomed. Though, to be frank, it wasn’t all my idea. The execution, perhaps, but the request to handle this was from another.”
“Who made the request?” Damien quipped with a raised brow. His arms move to fold over his chest as he took a step back from the chairs to pace between them idly. “If I recall from the dinner, you don’t travel this way often so it’s clear that this is more than simple work to you.” 
“I don’t often speak on who commissions me for my art. You know how it is. But you’re a smart man, I don’t often take requests personally, and handle them myself. I’m sure you could imagine there are few that could motivate me so. Few that would be rather annoyed if they found out that, during your outings, they made mention of Valeria.”
The connecting of the dots was, perhaps, but he preferred to hear it spoken by Carrera. He already knew that Ricard Blythe had reported to Vahalia that he and Valeria were seen in Tailfeather and at the Starlight Gala, Ricard hadn’t denied his involvement in such reportings. “I presume you were made aware that Valeria was previously betrothed to Blythe?” His tone seemed to be rather amused by the notion as he feigned a slight chuckle. “I’ve yet to discern whether he’s a jealous man or that his intentions run deeper than this.” He sighed. “I also presume that you didn’t anticipate this merely being a quick hanging to prove your point?” 
“Well, luckily for him, he was betrothed. Only out of sparing my dearest cousin Valeria more heartache is why he still breathes. And as for them, I had thought you might lose your nerve and I’d end up cleaning up the mess.” She teased in a tone both teasing and grim. “I care not for their fates, just that a message is sent. There’s still more associates in his little network and they will be rooted out.
 I intended on cutting out their tongues as a gift for the client and eyes as a gift for Ricard. I’m very considerate, you see.” The hostages whined and shifted frantically. One accidentally knocked over their stool and began choking. She paid it no mind, gaze still locked on Damien’s. She seemed proud of herself-- as if somewhere in that mind of hers, she was being genuinely thoughtful to others. Hers was an innocent demeanor without context, but within, it was broken and murderous.
His golden hues exuded a particular warmth when the Hyur looked at someone, but in this instance the warmth felt anything but inviting. He remained fixated on Carrera as the whimpering progressed and the sounds of one of the men on his way to meeting his demise could be heard. After several seconds of silence, Damien turned to one of the large men that stood near the chairs. “Get him back up on it,” he urged with a dismissive flick of his wrist. Carrera nodded and the man complied. Damien paused for a moment before his fingertips reached for the tailored coat he wore and quickly removed it from his shoulders to discard it off to the side. “In many instances, I would’ve just been keen on letting them hang and you collecting whatever mementos you’d like but,” he’d pause as he began to roll up the sleeves of a meticulously tailored shirt. “Valeria has been quite impacted by the actions of Mr. Blythe and I intend to settle that score as best I can with the gift you’ve provided.” 
She blinked, pursed her lips, and canted her head, “Should I take their eyes and tongues now? I need receipts. I mean, if you need them to talk I suppose I could just take some fingers or something.”
“Which one has obtained the most information on my whereabouts? Including those with Valeria?” 
Carrera sighed, slightly annoyed. “The one you just saved apparently saw the events. But they all worked together as a team, in shifts, specifically watching you. Must be nice to be so popular!”
Damien nodded as he hummed to himself. A hand moved to gently tap at his chin. “You seem to be in quite the rush, Lady Blackheart. Here I thought your demeanor gave way to you enjoying these types of engagements.” 
“I like having fun! But I just need to make sure the job is done. If I leave them in your charge you might go soft and let them run away! It’d be too embarrassing.” she replied in a whiny tone and puffed her cheeks.
He’d sigh briskly before he approached the man that had been resituated atop the chair. In a rare occurrence, Damien had to cant his neck to look upwards at the man. “You reported that I disrespected Lady Valeria’s honor in that stable, no?” Clearly there was no chance for the man to answer as Damien turned to face Carrera once more. “I want him to watch himself lose his cock and balls and then I want him flayed. Preferably alive and conscious.”
“I can do that! I mean, or you can take that one. But just one. The rest I need to make sure a message is sent. The more parts the better!” she nodded sagely.
“We’ll save this one for last then,” Damien remarked with a nod as he reached to remove the dagger from the sheath at his waist. “Feel free to send your message,” he’d gesture with his freehand towards the men whose whimpering now began to sound more like the anxious squealing of pigs before slaughter. 
“Oh! Oh, you want to do it here, right now? I thought you’d get squeamish and I’d have to kick the stools out one by one! Okay. I can work with this. Get my tools for him!” she’d demand. A small duffel bag was dropped beside Damien, consisting of cloth packaging revealing cleanly kept surgical instruments.
“Why would we wait?” Damien asked with a half shrug as he stepped forward. There was an obvious flare to his nostrils as he sucked in a heavy breath. He approached the man next to the one identified as the Tailfeather rat and reached upwards to grab the rope so that he could begin to cut it. The man, knowing that his end was imminent, began to flail and squeal uncontrollably; the motions didn’t seem to phase Damien. Perhaps he’d compared it to the slaughter of an animal; Something he had been familiar with on more than one occasion. When the rope had been cut, he stepped back to allow the body to topple to the floor with a loud thud. 
The knife was quickly tucked into his leather belt as he reached forward to grab the end of the rope and pulled it tight and his other hand removed the gag and then clenched firmly over the man’s nose to force his mouth open. “There would be more satisfaction out of taking the eyes first, but this way no one will hear them scream.” His voice was musing, considerate even as he glanced up at her with somewhat of a smile. 
Her visage shifted from the hostage to Damien again, looking content-- “Happy Starlight.” she beamed with a warm grin.
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music tag game!
tagged by @empydoc thank you sweetheart !!
Rules: put your library on shuffle and make a poll with the first five songs so people can vote on their favorite!
tagging: @prince-damien-of-darkness @plaqying and whoever else wants to do it! (i hope it’s alright that i tagged ya, sorry if you’ve already been tagged)
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Here is the bracket! Polls will be up shortly and will be linked below
Group 1:
Victoria Grieve vs Keladry of Mindelan
Black Knight vs Batman
Fright Knight vs Karkat Vantas
Undyne vs Ballister Blackheart
Lan Madragoran vs Ambrosius Goldenloin
Duncan the Tall vs Gideon Nav
Haurchefant Greystone vs Blue Knight
Link vs Morpho Knight
Group 2:
Meta Knight vs Jenkins/Galahad
Brienne of Tarth vs Kris Dreemurr
Joan of Arc vs Elton John
Jane vs Ogrim
WelsKnight vs Fierce Dryya
Kaladin Stormblessed vs The Knights Who Say Ni
Galavant vs Shovel Knight
Prideknights vs Emma Swan
Group 3:
Galacta Knight vs Shallan Davar
Davos Seaworth vs Terry Pratchett
Damien vs Orym
Shrek vs Sonic
Gillion Tidestrider vs Dave Strider
Jasnah Kholin vs Modeus
Lancelot vs Ceruledge
Caroline vs Ian Chesterton
Group 4:
Fredrick vs Alanna
Gawain vs Knight Cookie
Jaime Lannister vs Jean
Dalinar Kholin vs Solaire of Astora
Geralt of Rivia vs Utena
Artoria Pendragon vs Obi-Wan Kenobi
Pearl vs William Thatcher
Papyrus vs The Knight
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starcrossedjedis · 4 years
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♠ FC Change ♠ Re-introducing Allison “Allie” Dearing” (& Damien Blackheart) ♠ Take me to Wonderland ♠ Original Story ♠
“The Wonderland of your stories is a lie. The sooner you get this into your head the better.”
Four years ago Allison Dearing’s best friend Jack disappeared. To Allie it seems like everyone has moved on. Except for her.
So she once again returns to her grandmother’s house for the summer - just a stone’s throw away from where Jack has last been seen - determined to remind everyone that somewhere there is a missing boy waiting to come home.
And to ask some questions of her own.
Why has her grandmother always been almost aggressive in her attempts to keep Allie away from the investigation? Why was she never allowed in the attic after Jack’s disappearance? Could it have something to do with the dusty, old mirror Allie used to play with as a child?
Suddenly Allie finds herself in a whirlwind of events that sweeps her away to a magical place the stories of her cildhood used to call “Wonderland”.
Why does she feel like she is somehow tied to this world? And is it really as dangerous as the young man who calls himself “Hatter” wants her to believe...?
tagged: @abbyarcxnes, @perfectlystiles, @sgtbuckyybarnes, @curious-kittens-ocs, @ocfairygodmother, @foxesandmagic, @mystic-scripture, @stanley--barber, @ochub (hmu if you ever want to be tagged in any of my stuff ♥)
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rainingmusic · 6 years
Angels on Acid- Ashes
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stormymoxx · 3 years
Random thought: am I the only one that thinks Damien priest and shotzi blackheart would look cute together?
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womenwwe · 4 years
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Damian Priest vs. Dexter Lumis – NXT North American Championship Match
WWE NXT: October 14th 2020 - Digitals
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echotrinityme · 2 years
My OCs Part Two
A/N: Here's some more Ocs I have, and for those of you who read my Distrust Stickprice, you might recognize some of the ocs.
Name: Damien Azure
Age: 30
Birthday: May 3
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Character's Nicknames: Dames, Download, and Drama King(only by his friends)
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Length: Long
Sexual Orientation: Demsexual Biromantic
Skin Tone: Pale with a hint of tan.
Distinguishing Marks: He doesn't have a left eye so he covers his empty left eye with his bangs.
Personality: Damien is a good, generous guy but he can be vain at times. He cares about his appearance and wants to make sure he looks good. For what? Cause he wants too. He's also a fashion designer, he makes clothes for his friends, and other people. One of the nicknames he was given by his friends is Drama King cause he sometimes make things out of proportion.
Headcanon Voice: Jason Spisak
How old he appears: He looks like he could be in mid twenties.
Name: Dante Blaze
Character's nicknames: Dynamite, Dangerous, and Hedgehog (only by his friends)
Age: 30
Birthday: November 2
Height: 6'2"
Eye Color: Golden Brown
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual Gay
Headcanon Voice: Diego Luna
Hair Color: Black with his part of his hair red
Hair Length: Medium short, shaggy.
Skin Tone: Dark, tan since he is Mexican.
Distinguishing Marks: None
Personality: Dante is hot tempered, angry, impulsive, and brash. However, that doesn't mean he's not a bad person. He can be loyal, trusting, protective of friends, and he can care for his friends. He also has anger issues and he got that from an abusive, toxic relationship. After his toxic relationship, he has trust issues, doesn't trust certain people, and trauma. He loves soccer and video games. He's also can be violent but not as bad as Rupert Price from THSC.
How old he appears: Same as I said in Damien's bio.
Name: Jasper Banner
Age: 30
Height: 6'1"
Birthday: December 28
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Headcanon Voice: Brandon Rogers (Example: Blitzo from Helluva Boss)
Eye Color:  Green
Hair Color: Emerald Green
Hair length: Long
Skin tone: Half pale half dark
Distinguishing Marks: None
Personality: Like Blitzo from Helluva Boss, he's an asshole. He makes fun of his friends, tease them, and overall a huge dick. But he does care about his friends, he's also insecure, has no self-worth, and sucks at romance. He also had a hug crush his best friend, Briar Bloodsworth but Briar broke his heart by telling him he only he's just a friend. He can also be egotistical cause of his superiority complex.
How old he appears: He looks like he can be in his early 20s but he isn't
Name: Briar Bloodsworth
Species: Half-vampire/half-demon
Character's Nicknames: B, Blood, and Blackheart( only by his husband)
Eyes Color: Red
Height: 6'7"
Age: 32
Birthday: October 31
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Long
Skin tone: Pale
Distinguishing Marks: He has a scar on his right eye and he usually covers it with his bangs.
He has two personalities cause I used him in my THSC fanfic Distrust, but in my universe he's the exact opposite in that story.
Personality: Unlike in THSC, Briar here is actually a nice person. He's kind, shy, introverted, and a pretty chill guy. Despite him being part demon, he doesn't do what most demons do. The only time he only uses his demon powers is when his husband is danger or his husband and his friends are in danger. Just like in THSC, he's a singer too. He's also a model, artist, gamer just like his husband. He plays a bass guitar and he loves it. Also when he does angry, he is very scary. He loves cats, the colors red and black, and he despises dogs.  
How old he appears: Just like Dakota, he appears younger than he looks.
Name: Zacchaeus
Character's Nicknames: Zackery (he prefers everyone to call him that), Z, Zombie, and Zack.
Age: 30
Birthday: November 12
Height: 6'0"
Hair Color: Brown with black highlights
Hair Length: Long but he ties in a ponytail
Eye color: Brown
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Headcanon Voice: Scott Menville
Personality: Like Dante, he's hot tempered but he doesn't have anger issues like Dante does. He's a natural born leader, however, he can be bossy and controlling. He does sports but not often as Shadow and Sam. He used to skateboard when he was a teenager and he still knows how to skateboard. He has a problem on where he doesn't think what to say, he looks before he leaps. He's courageous, stubborn, can be a chaotic dumbass, and can be extremely loyal.
How old he appears: He looks like he can be in his mid twenties
A/N: Briar and Jasper are different here from THSC universe, their personalities are canon to my universe while THSC personalities are an alternative universe canon.
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tybaltsjuliet · 3 years
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nicky’s archetype playlists, 08/11: the damsel.
and there's a perfect kiss somewhere out in the dark, but a kiss ain't enough.
i. the only time i feel all right is by your side. all i ever wanted was a life in your shape (so i follow the white lines, follow the white lines, keep my eyes on the road, and i ache.)
somebody to love (queen) // i've just seen a face (jim sturgess; from across the universe) // when my boy walks down the street (the magnetic fields) // strawberry blond (mitski) // about a girl (the academy is...) // be my baby (the dollyrots) // stupid cupid (connie francis) // grand theft autumn/where is your boy (fall out boy) // all day and all of the night (the kinks)
ii. that james dean daydream look in your eyes. yeah, i got busted (so i used my one phone call to dedicate a song to you on the radio).
townie (mitski) // boys boys boys (lady gaga) // the dum dum ditty (the shangri-las) // you are the light (by which i travel into this and that) (jens lenkman) // style (taylor swift) // burning love (elvis presley) // crimson and clover (joan jett and the blackhearts) // leader of the pack (twisted sister) // a shark in jets clothing (blondie) // i think we're alone now (tiffany) // there is a light that never goes out (the smiths)
iii. when i say i love you, you say, "you better." in or out, there's never a doubt just who's pulling the strings. (i'm all tied up in you, but where's it leading me to?)
the book of love (the monotones) // don't you (forget me about me) (billy idol) // love my way (the psychedelic furs) // puppet on a string (sandie shaw) // the tide is high (blondie) // when i come around (green day) // you better you bet (the who) // my sharona (the knack) // heart-shaped glasses (when the heart guides the hand) (marilyn manson)
iv. lovefool. you said you'll never be forgiven till your boys are, too.
dance, dance (fall out boy) // lovefool (the cardigans) // heart of glass (blondie) // off to the races (lana del rey) // sweet sixteen (billy idol) // colors (halsey) // total eclipse of the heart (bonnie tyler) // speechless (lady gaga) // as the world falls down (david bowie) // heaven's gate (fall out boy) // love song ( lana del rey)
v. there's things i want to say to you, but i'll just let you live. our love was worth a real long try, and i was just trying to be worthy of your love. (but i want to see blood.)
killer (phoebe bridgers) // exit music for a film (radiohead) // every breath you take (the police) // drive (halsey) // cinnamon girl (lana del rey) // loveletting (sons of an illustrious father) // early sunsets over monroeville (my chemical romance) // you're my world (cilla black)
vi. did you ever love her, do you know, or did you never want to be alone? so can we be friends, sweetly before the mystery ends? (i love you more than the world can contain in its lonely and ramshackle head.)
something (himesh patel) // young and beautiful (lana del rey) // love of my life (queen) // jesus was a cross maker (judee sill) // girl in the war (josh ritter) // step (vampire weekend) // jet pack blues (fall out boy) // heartbreak beat (the psychedelic furs) // love love love (the mountain goats) // john my beloved (sufjan stevens)
vii. there's a place for us - you know, the movie song. i can't do everything, but i'd do anything for you. (i can't do anything except be in love with you.)
how to disappear (lana del rey) // the blower's daughter (damien rice) // i'll never be lonely again (ludo) // kissing you (des'ree) // lovesong (the cure) // sweet sir galahad (joan baez) // willow (taylor swift) // i'll be your girl (the decemberists) // friday i'm in love (the cure) // i melt with you (modern english) // bella notte (ruby summer)
+ bonus: in my life, we'll always go on (and on, and on, and on)! my heart will go on - in the style of jackie wilson (mykal kilgore + postmodern jukebox)
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andrevasims · 4 years
Spooky Goth Names
Recently I’ve been revisting old websites that list out all the releases for Living Dead Dolls and this apparently unheard-of 2000s gothic fashion doll line BeGoths, and one of my favorite things is seeing the dolls/characters with names that are just overly edgy and/or pun-based.
The BeGoths dolls are the most extreme with it, they have some gems like “Abcynthia Chaser“ and “Angelina Blasphemina“ but I just love how ridiculous they sound.
Sooooooo this is my list of names from those dolls, plus I threw in some similar ones that I liked from Monster High and the Bratz monster/Halloween-ish spinoff doll line Bratzillaz.
Bleeding Edge BeGoths:
Abcynthia Chaser Alindria Devour Anarchy Annie Angelica Noir Angelina Blasphemina Annabelle Lee Atara Inferno Autumn von Sanguine Belladonna Cyberella D'Nile Dagger Delilah Blackheart Devastatia Dinah Loneliness Divinity Dru Id Esperanza de Muerte Eva Destruction Fiona Fatale Gloria Phobia Greta Vendetta Hypnotica Gaze Hysteria Venom Infinity A. Byss Ivana Scream Jacqueline le Spades Joani Rotten Julia Doom Katerina Moreau Leda Swanson Lilian Lolita Sun Lunabella Whispers Malice Looming Mina Immortale Morbida Nurse Hypochondrianna Olivia O'Lantern Ophelia Pain Pandora Penelope Fabrique Raven Dragonfire Scorpio Vixen Serpentina Maria Sangria Sinstress Siphon Storm O’Misery Trinity Tortura Veronika Despair Victoria Creeper Wormwood Gloom
Living Dead Dolls:
Abigail Crane Absynth Agana Agatha Alison Crux Andras Angus Littlrot Arachne Asa Ash Lee Ava Bad Bette Jane Bea Neath Beelzebub Beltane Betsy Blue Butcher Boop Calico Camilla Canary Carotte Morts Catrina Chloe Claret Winter Coalette Cookie Dahlia Daisy Slae Damien Dawn Deadbra Ann Dee K. Demonique Desmodus Died Doom Dottie Rose Dr. Dedwin Edgrr Eeriel Eleanor Elisa Ella von Terra Ember Ernest Lee Rotten Evangeline Eve-A-Go-Go Ezekiel Faith Flamingo Frozen Charlotte Gabriella Goria Grace of the Grave greGORY Gretchen Haemon Hattie Hayze Hazel Hemlock Hollow Hollywood Honey Hush Inferno Ingrid Iris Isaac Isabel Isaiah Jacob Jasper Jeepers Jennocide Jingles Jinx Jubilee Judas Killbaby Kitty Kreek Lamenta Lammas Larmes de Sang Lilith Lottie Lou Sapphire Lulu Luna Lydia Madame Dysmorphic Maggot Menard Mephistopheles Mildread Misery Mishka Miss McGreedy Mistress Demonika Morgana Mr. Graves Ms. Eerie Nurse Necro Onyx Orchid Peggy Goo Penny Pixie Posey Purdy Rain Revenant Roxie Ruby Sabbatha Blood Sadie Salem Samhain Sanguis Savannah Sheena Simone Sin Siren Soot Sospirare Squeak Sunday Sybil Tenebre Tessa Thump Tina Black Tommy Knocker Toxic Molly Tragedy Umbral Vincent Vaude Viv Vulgar the Obscene Wolfgang Xezbeth
Monster High:
Amanita Nightshade Ari Hauntington Barker Wolf Batsy Claro Bonita Femur Casta Fierce Clawdeen Wolf Deuce Gorgon Ebbie Blue Elissabat Fangelica Finnegan Wake Ghoulia Yelps Gillington Webber Gooliope Jellington Headmistress Bloodgood Hissters Peri Honey Swamp Howleen Wolf Invisi Billy Iris Clops Lagoona Blue Lorna McNessie Lumina Luna Mothews Moanica D'Kay Packlyn Wolf Pawla Wolf Pearl Serpentine Porter Geiss River Styxx Scarah Screams Sirena von Boo Spectra Vondergeist Twyla Vandala Doubloons Venus McFlytrap Viperine Gorgon Weredith Wolf Wingrid Wydowna Spider
Cloetta Spelletta Yasmina Clairvoya Sashabella Paws Meygana Broomstix Vampelina Victoria Antique Levitor Igneus Siernna Calmer Fianna Fins
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viviseconds · 5 years
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Dieter Roelstraete, The Way of the Shearer, C.S. (Conservative Shithead) Journal N°3 – STEVEN SHEARER, 2011 11 x 17 inches, 8 pages Edited by Jerome Lefevre & Damien Deroubaix, with contributions by Marquis Marky, Dieter Roelstraete, Rachelle Sawatsky and Steven Shearer
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lebaronlordking · 3 years
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Saturday Afternoon Reggae Show March 5, 2022
DJ LeBaron Lord King [email protected]
4:01 PM Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry, Be Happy
4:05 PM Barrington Levy - Here I Come
4:07 PM Alton Ellis - (I Don't Know Why) Truly
4:10 PM Pablo Brown - Sweet Reggae Music
4:14 PM Morgan Heritage - Children of Selassie
4:18 PM Sevana - Blessed
4:21 PM Alborosie - Natural Mystic
4:26 PM Bob Marley & The Wailers - Jamming
4:29 PM Koffee - Rapture
4:32 PM Jah Lightin Mountain - Them Afi Surprised
4:36 PM Monkey Marc - Yaad N Abraad
4:42 PM Black Uhuru - Black Girl
4:46 PM Stranjah Miller - Ruffa Than Dem
4:49 PM Skip Marley - Higher Place
4:53 PM Inezi - Roots & Culture
4:56 PM TILIBOP - Psalm
5:00 PM The Wailers - Forever Loving Jah
5:04 PM Damian Marley - Speak Life
5:11 PM Errol Dunkley - Black Cinderella
5:12 PM ILah Medz - Bun De Beast (feat. Isaac Faith)
5:14 PM Mykal Rose - Glory to Jah
5:18 PM Kosher/Sleepy Time Ghost - Thanks & Praise
5:21 PM Bunny Wailer - Blackheart Man
5:28 PM Abongile Gxekwa - Inna Mi Country
5:31 PM Luciano - The Music
5:35 PM Protoje - Switch It Up feat. Koffee
5:39 PM Yaadcore - Say That You Love Me
5:43 PM Likkle Danny - Africa Rise
5:47 PM Samory I - I Roots
5:51 PM Damien Marley - Life Is a Circle
5:56 PM Culture - Why Am I A Rastaman?
6:00 PM J Boog - Waiting On The Rain
6:03 PM Junior Kelly - Paradise
6:07 PM Black Uhuru - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
6:15 PM The Wailers - One Love
6:17 PM Daddy Freddy - I've Been Down These Roads Before!
6:20 PM Capleton - Burn up the Streets
6:23 PM Stephen Marley - Pleasure or Pain
6:28 PM Wayne Marshall - Stupid Money
6:34 PM Curly & Da Uzual Suspects - Dem a Watch We
6:35 PM Sistah Jahia - Chant a Pray
6:40 PM King Tubby - Every Mouth Must Be Feed
6:43 PM Scotty - Draw Your Brakes
6:49 PM Jah Cure - Telephone Love
6:52 PM Sizzla - Free Up
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WWE Superstars I would totally let tear up my 😺:
Cesaro, Dakota Kai, Damien Priest, Dexter Lumis, Drew McIntyre, Elias, Ember Moon, Finn Balor, Indi Hartwell, Kacy Catanzaro, Kayla Braxton, Keith Lee, Kevin Owens, Kyle O'Reilly, LA Knight, Liv Morgan, Mojo Rawley, Murphy, Paige, Rhea Ripley, Robert Stone, Ruby Riott, Sasha Banks, Seth Rollins, Sheamus, Shinsuke Nakamura, Shotzi Blackheart, Tegan Nox, The Fiend, Timothy Thatcher, Tommaso Ciampa, and Tyler Breeze.
Girl, welcome to the motherfucking club! 🤣
I now present to you my:
Roman Reigns, Dexter Lumis, Seth Rollins, Baron Corbin, Sasha Banks, Sonya Deville, Drew McIntyre, Becky Lynch, Finn Bálor, Rhea Ripley and Tommaso Ciampa
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orangemonster33 · 3 years
rules: we’re snooping in your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
Tagged by @whatmakesyouahero Thanks mate, this is a really weird mix of songs though!
1. With a girl like you - Thao & The Get Down Stay Down
2. 9 Crimes - Damien Rice
3. Androgynous - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, Miley Cyrus and Laura Jane Grace
4. Wentworth (You Don't Know Me) - Pleasantville
5. God is a Woman - Ariana Grande
6. Girls & Boys - Blur
7. Without Me - Halsey
8. Shout Out to My Ex - Little Mix
9. 1973 (Acoustic) - James Blunt
10. Secret Tunnel - CJ Music
I tag @thasminlove, @pyresrpgear, @forgotmyart, @jodiewhittaker, @the-sideoftheangels, @poppyssupergirl, not quite 10, but anyone else wants to do it or come and chat to me go ahead!!
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