#dieter roelstraete
zurich-snows · 1 year
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viviseconds · 6 months
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Steven Shearer, Working from Life, featuring essay by Dieter Roelstraete, designed by Book Book, 13 3/8 x 9 11/16 in, clothbound hardcover, 380 pages in brilliant color and detail printed by DZA in Germany. Published by DCV books in conjunction with Galerie Eva Presenhuber and David Zwirner Gallery.
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tomafome · 4 months
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JCJ Vanderheyden: The Analogy of the Eye (back/front cover). Roma Publications, Amsterdam. Edited by Roger Willems in collaboration with the artist. Texts by Nickel van Duijvenboden, Mark Kremer, Dieter Roelstraete and Miguel Wandschneider with an extensive reverse chronology edited by Jaap van Triest. Edition: 1500.
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Pope.L at The Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society
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grupaok · 4 years
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Chris Killip, Youth on Wall, Jarrow, Tyneside, 1976
Chris Killip has died. We first discovered his work in the catalogue No Such Thing As Society: Photography in Britain 1968–1987, which our friend Dieter Roelstraete rightly described as one of the best exhibitions/catalogues he’d ever seen. Even in that company Killip’s photographs stood out. We were lucky to see him speak in 2017 at the Getty on the making of his photobook In Flagrante, a long, personal and touching description of a body of work that has come for us to stand for the best that social photography can accomplish. He gave an account of labor, childhood, survival, punk and social class — as it was lived by real people in specific places and times — that was as humane as it was hardcore. RIP.
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estherattarmachanek · 2 years
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@curatedby.at @silviasteinekgalerie Remembering as Therapy Curated by Vít Havranek Babi Badalov Barbora Kleinhamplová Marián Palla Iza Pavlina part of the gallery festival "Curated by_Vienna_2022_Kelet" based on an essay by Dieter Roelstraete https://curatedby.at/ Opening 9. September 2022 Duration 10. September - 10. Oktober 2022 (hier: Silvia Steinek Galerie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiS0dBnMtFV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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polychroniadis · 6 years
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‘Machines à Penser’, curated by Dieter Roelstraete, Venice, 2018.
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ideaimateria · 6 years
"Les màquines à penser" se centra en tres figures clau de la filosofia del segle XX: Theodor W. Adorno (1903 -1969), Martin Heidegger (1889 - 1976) i Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 -1951). Els dos últims filòsofs han compartit durant tota la seva vida la necessitat de crear un propi lloc aïllament intel·lectual: Heidegger va passar llargs períodes de la seva maduresa en una cabana a Todtnauberg al Bosc Negre a Alemanya, mentre que Wittgenstein es va retirar més moments la seva existència en un refugi situat en un fiord de Skjolden a Noruega. Si s'analitza Adorno, però, la condició de l'exili que les experiències filòsof alemany, a causa de l'afirmació del nazisme a Alemanya, primer a Oxford i després a Los Angeles, on escriu "Minima Moralia" una col·lecció d'aforismes que exploren entre altres qüestions que el destí emigració forçada. Arran d'aquestes reflexions de l'artista i poeta escocès Ian Hamilton Finlay ha fet el 1987 Hut d'Adorno, la instal·lació central de l'exposició, juntament amb les reconstruccions arquitectòniques dels llocs de retir de Heidegger i Wittgenstein. Exhibida en els espais de Ca 'Corner della Regina, aquestes reproduccions benvinguda als documents de gir i obres que tenen a veure amb el tema arquetip arquitectònic de la cabana com un lloc de fugida i retirada.
Com diu Dieter Roelstraete: "en aquests espais els tres protagonistes de l'exposició van donar a llum els seus pensaments més profunds. L'aïllament, ja sigui triat o impost, sembla haver influït molt en el pensament. Al llarg dels anys, les seves llars han demostrat ser una inesgotable font d'inspiració per a moltes generacions d'artistes atretes per la fantasia del retir, materialitzades en aquests arquetipos arquitectònics elementals ".
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...Para él, pensar podía llegar a ser una gesta artística. Su ideal filosófico fue la búsqueda de lucidez liberadora, de apertura de la conciencia y del mundo; no quería ofrecer verdad, sino veracidad, ejemplos y no razonamientos, motivos y no causas, fragmentos y no sistemas. Exilado de la estupidez humana, al amparo del aire espontáneo de su refugio noruego, junto al fiordo Sogne, abrió con sus actitudes hacia la filosofía un camino: trató de comprender, no de juzgar; trató de convencer, no de demostrar. A lo largo de un año febril en el que no se cansó de alumbrar nuevos movimientos en su pensamiento ("¡entonces mi mente estaba en llamas!"), cambió la filosofía internacional, aunque el mundo hoy sigue igual, o peor: seguimos rodando en silencio y es imposible ver detrás del sol; pensar continúa siendo anómalo y sin duda faltan cabañas...
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noritual · 2 years
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Richard Long: A Line Made by Walking
Dieter Roelstraete
In 1967, Richard Long, then twenty-two years old and a student at Saint Martin's School of Art in London, walked back and forth along a straight line in the grass in the English countryside, leaving a track that he then photographed in black and white. The resulting work, A Line Made by Walking, was not only the starting point for Long's career as an artist but also a landmark for a new kind of art emerging in Europe and the Americas. The formal simplicity of Long's artwork suggested a relation to minimalism, but its location outside the gallery context and its suggestion of bodily actions also connected it to a new generation of artists whose work combined the organic, the temporary, the nonmaterial, and the performative to offer a critique of the art system and its language, forms, and values. Long's work bridged the concerns of his North American and European counterparts, connecting the industrial scale of Robert Smithson to the modesty of Gilberto Zorio, the exercises in dematerialization of Robert Morris with the organic forms of Alighiero e Boetti, and the performance of Yvonne Rainer with that of Joseph Beuys.Although A Line Made by Walking is an instantly recognizable work, no detailed analysis of this foundational piece has yet been published. At a time when Richard Long's career is being celebrated and reassessed, this study by writer and curator Dieter Roelstraete could not be more timely.
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zurich-snows · 3 years
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Lavender Glass explores how the subjects of growth and formation develop in Zin Taylor’s work into a series of conceptual forms surfacing through investigative elements of inquiry, exchange, and abstraction. Copublished with the Southern Alberta Art Gallery in Lethbridge, the monograph gathers nearly a decade of the Canadian artist’s multifaceted narrative work across sculpture, installation, artist’s books, and writing. A text by Belgian curator and writer Dieter Roelstraete serves as a contextual introduction to a five-day conversation between Roelstraete and Taylor that took place while both were in Chicago. The meandering discussion explores the trail of influence between a work’s concept, the language it develops, and the form it produces, as well as the individual pieces or concepts involved; associative links to cooking, music, botany, stones, and the city of Brussels arise along the way. The Belgian graphic designer Boy Vereecken, together with Antoine Begon, developed a sensitive design for the publication, integrating images of Taylor’s work into the elongated conversation. The layout functions not only to illustrate the subjects as they are discussed, sometimes literally and other times editorially, but to reflect Taylor’s interest in how ideas have a way of developing into visual form as they unfold over a duration—or a discussion.
Texts by Dieter Roelstraete, Zin Taylor, 2018
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viviseconds · 7 months
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Steven Shearer, Working from Life, featuring essay by Dieter Roelstraete, designed by Book Book, 13 3/8 x 9 11/16 in, clothbound hardcover, 380 pages in brilliant color and detail printed by DZA in Germany. Published by DCV books in conjunction with Galerie Eva Presenhuber and David Zwirner Gallery.
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zintaylor · 6 years
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New book coming out.
It’s printed
It’s alive
Took 4 years to develop
Monographically located, a 5 day conversation between Dieter Roelstraete and I formed a structure for laying out the images of works that appear as they are being mentioned... talking the ideas into existence. Picks up where an article that Dieter wrote about me from 2011 stops off. Boy Vereecken did the design. Southern Alberta Art Gallery in Canada along with the The RBC art collection provided the baking, and MOUSSE did the publishing.
Full of little surprises.
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kkunst · 5 years
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1. “Excavation", Titel eines Bildes von Willem de Kooning
- Doktorarbeit/Sylvia Metz über De Kooning mit einem Kapitel „ Excavation“.
2. Lois Weinberger, “Ruderal Society — excavating a garden” Arbeit für die dc 14 Kassel/ Karlsaue.
Mit „präziser Achtlosigkeit“ schafft der 1947 im österreichischen Stams geborene Weinberger Situationen, in denen diese botanischen Aufständischen den unaufhaltsamen Zyklus von Wachstum und Verfall unbeachtet von der menschlichen Gesellschaft aufführen — einen „ORT / AN DEM SICH DAS LEBENDIGE SICHTBAR ÜBER DAS ORDNENDE ZEIGT“ in einem beständigen Prozess der Transformation. Zwanzig Jahre nach seinen ruderalen Interventionen am Kulturbahnhof für die documenta X (die inmitten der stillgelegten Bahngleise des alten Europas bis heute gedeihen) lautet der Titel von Weinbergers neuer Außenarbeit für Kassel Ruderal Society — excavating a garden. Der Künstler beschreibt das Projekt als archäologischen Prozess; quer durch den Park neben der Orangerie hat er einen Graben ausgehoben und ihn dann sich selbst überlassen. Am Ende dieser „Lücke im urbanen Raum“ ist durch das Aufschieben ein kleiner Hügel entstanden. Die freigelegte Erde wird sich mit der Zeit mit „spontaner Vegetation“ füllen, welche Wind, Insekten und Vögel hierhertragen.
3. Michael Rakowitz: “What dust will rise”
4. Dieter Roelstraete/Kurator: The Way of the Shovel: On the Archeological Imaginary
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jotoole · 7 years
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Book of the week: The Way of the Shovel: On the Archaeological Imaginary in Art by Dieter Roelstraete
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worldfoodbooks · 7 years
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NEW IN THE BOOKSHOP: Recent back-issues of MOUSSE, including the special #56 : 2006-2016 A Small Anthology 10-year anniversary special issue: a selection of essays, interviews, conversations, and projects appeared in the first ten years of Mousse. Featuring: Chantal Akerman, Cecilia Alemani, Jennifer Allen, Kai Althoff, Bruce Altshuler, Ed Atkins, Lutz Bacher, Darren Bader, Alex Bag, John Baldessari, Phyllida Barlow, Kirsty Bell, Andrew Berardini, Jonathan Berger, Michael Bracewell, Tom Burr, Maurizio Cattelan, Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Stuart Comer, Lauren Cornell, Nicholas Cullinan, Roberto Cuoghi, Nick Currie, Massimo De Carlo, Gino De Dominicis, Gigiotto Del Vecchio, Simon Denny, Brian Dillon, Jimmie Durham, Dominic Eichler, Peter Eleey, Matias Faldbakken, Luigi Fassi, Elena Filipovic, Morgan Fisher, Isa Genzken, Yervant Gianikian & Angela Ricci Lucchi, Liam Gillick, Massimiliano Gioni, Isabelle Graw, Ed Halter, Jens Hoffmann, Judith Hopf, William E. Jones, Omar Kholeif, Alexander Kluge, Jiří Kovanda, William Leavitt, Elisabeth Lebovici, Andrea Lissoni, Helen Marten, Chus Martínez, Nick Mauss, Lucy McKenzie, Fionn Meade, Simone Menegoi, John Menick, Ute Meta Bauer, Massimo Minini, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Trevor Paglen, Stefania Palumbo, Francesco Pedraglio, Otto Piene, Laura Poitras, Elizabeth Price, Seth Price, Laure Prouvost, Alessandro Rabottini, Carol Rama, Filipa Ramos, Jason Rhoades, Dieter Roelstraete, Esperanza Rosales, Nicolaus Schafhausen, Fender Schrade, Stuart Sherman, Frances Stark, Jamie Stevens, Hito Steyerl, Sturtevant, Sabrina Tarasoff, Ana Teixeira Pinto, Oscar Tuazon, Giorgio Verzotti, Jan Verwoert, Francesco Vezzoli, Adrián Villar Rojas, Peter Wächtler, Ian Wallace, Klaus Weber, Cathy Wilkes, Christopher Williams, Jordan Wolfson. Available in the bookshop and via our website. #worldfoodbooks #mousse #peterwächtler (at WORLD FOOD BOOKS)
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flauntpage · 6 years
TOP V. WEEKEND PICS (3/14-3/20)
1. Growing Up
March 16th, 2019 7-9PM
Work by: Chen Ken-Hou
Film Front: 1740 W 18th St, Chicago, IL 60608
  2. Surabhi Ghosh + Olivia Valentine: Margins, Material, and Metaphor
March 15th, 2019 7-11PM
Work by: Surabhi Ghosh, Olivia Valentine
Heaven Gallery: 1550 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
  3. Chississippi Mixtape: Daughters of the Delta
March 17th, 2019 1-4PM
Conversation with: Nicole Harrison, Ayesha JAco
Stony Island Arts Bank: 6760 S Stony Island Ave, Chicago, IL 60649
  4. Pita: Lampo Performance
March 16th, 2019 8-10PM
Performance by: Pita (Peter Rehnberg)
Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts: 4 W Burton Pl, Chicago, IL 60610
  5. Comics and Art Book Fest
March 16th, 2019 12-5PM
Work by: Emma Akins, David Alvarado, Bred Press, Jessica Campbell, Lilli Carré, Caroline Cash, Chris Day, Margot Ferrick, Gabe Howell, Amy Lockhart, Sacha Lusk, Molly Colleen O’Connell, Perfectly Acceptable Press, Coco Picard, Aaron Renier, Keiler Roberts, Scott Roberts, Conor Stechschulte, Gina Wynbrandt, Bianca Xunise (Curated by January Parkos Arnall, Christy LeMaster)
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago: 220 E Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60611
  Hey Chicago, submit your events to The Visualist here: http://www.thevisualist.org.
Top 5 Weekend Picks! (10/18-10/20)
Bang Bang: Art and Guns
Duncan MacKenzie, Hacker?
MCA Chicago Names Dieter Roelstraete New Manilow Senior Curator
TOP V. WEEKEND PICS (3/14-3/20) published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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