#damian raven
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vastanxc · 8 months ago
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nocturnalchaos · 2 years ago
Another one of my ideas for my abandoned DamiRae Pregnancy fanfic:
Raven is forced to put more effort into her attempts to master Arabic because Damian had taken to talking to the unborn baby in Arabic.
This was one of the scenes I was writing for this idea:
Raven sighed as she let the pencil drop into the open workbook on her desk. Leaning back, she stretched her back and neck in an effort to relax the muscles that had been locked into a hunched position.
Looking out of her bedroom window at Titans Tower, she admired the sunset’s light playing on the water. Leaning back in her chair, she absentmindedly strokes her growing belly.
Removing her hands from her belly, she closed the Arabic language workbook on the desk.
She loved Damian. Really, she did. But loving him took work and effort. Not just the obvious stuff. Like his anti-social hyper aggressive attitude and lack of social skills. Sure, in the beginning, her friendship with him had felt more like she was his therapist … or an animal rescue volunteer who was fostering and socializing a half-feral lion cub at times. And over the years, he had vastly improved and matured. Turning from a friend into a crush then into her life partner.
Since her first meeting the younger boy, Damian Wayne was someone who required a lot of learning on her part. Like studying psychology and Arabic culture.
Most people did not realize that, at the beginning of her time with the Teen Titans, she didn’t talk much because she didn’t quite have mastery over the English language. While not entirely fond of large groups of people, on Azarath she was not such a loner. English was only used at home with her mother. So, outside of the home, she rarely used it while she was in Azarath. This meant that her knowledge of the English language was small and limited to daily life vocabulary. When she initially came to Earth, it took her months to adjust to the English language and about a year before she could say she had some mastery of the language.
Then, for the sake of learning different magics, she reluctantly had to learn new languages.
Since learning about her pregnancy, in their quiet moments, Damian had taken to talking to the baby (while looking very intensely at her midsection) in Arabic. Before her pregnancy, she had already been in the middle of learning Arabic. However, her learning of the language had been something that she was doing at a casual and relaxed pace. To her, learning Arabic was a side-project among many side-projects. After all, Damian rarely used his mother tongue with her. They used English to communicate with each other. And had used that language since their first meeting. She only ever heard Dami speak in Arabic when he got upset about a topic, mumbled in his sleep, or … was being very passionate with her. Also, on some level, she secretly thought it was better that she was better off not to know what Damian was yelling at her when he was angry. To be fair, she tended to slip into Azarathian when she was upset with him as well.
For those curious, I’m currently writing a JayRae (Jason Todd & Raven) pregnancy fanfic. I’m new to the whole creative writing thing. So, constructive criticism is appreciated.
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im-totally-not-an-alien-2 · 5 months ago
Danny held up a large sign from the background like a man at an airport as thier leader, Robin, gave his report to this "Justice League". The first sign said, "Help! I'm surrounded by daddy issues!" Earning a laugh from someone off camera. He then pulled the next card out from behind the first one.
"Can you send air fresheners? It smells like teen angst in here"
This one got a cackle from someone on the Justice League side of things. Score. No one here really wants to laugh. They're all edgelords and Danny is suffering. He didn't really want to be here, but things in Amity had ended in a way he never expected.
Both he and his parents had been arrested.
Not by his worlds government, mind you, but by the government of another Earth. This Earth that he was currently on to be more accurate. Who knew that so much of the stuff he and his parents had been doing was super illegal and wouldn't ya know it? He was in the middle of doing something really sketchy looking in his parents lab when the feds busted in.
Thankfully, the Justice League presented him with a deal: they take him out of Juvie and the reformation program he was in, and in return, he joins a team of former teen/child villains and anti-heros.
Figuring he had nothing to lose at this point he agreed.
He was not expecting to be surrounded by angry angsty teens. His fault really. He should have known better. Thankfully it seems like nobody knows about Phantom and he'd like to keep it that way.
Psaro was his calm in the storm. The other boy was proud and almost as arrogant as Robin, but he had been proven to be very kind and reliable. If Danny ever needed advice or if Robin was getting a bit too much, he could just knock of Psaros door.
The last time Robin had a fit and was starting a fight with someone, Mr. Pointy ears stepped up and told Robin that his outburst was undignified, especially for someone of a higher class like Robin seems to be presenting himself as. He also said something about there being a big difference between a king and a tyrant, but Danny had been trying to rush Robin's victim to the medway and didn't hear all of the convo.
Psaro was some kind of half demon prince who was also from another world. He didn't have a superhero name yet, but the program was brand new, and to be fair, Danny didn't officially have one either.
Some lady called Raven was supposed to be coming in to help Psaro and convince him to embrace his human half and help him with magic and...something about a curse? What did Danny get himself into???
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wonderjanga · 5 months ago
Father’s Day
@autistic-human’s post and @moonlightcycle571’s comment on said post were the inspiration for this one. I love dad Marvel soooooo much, cause I think Billy would try his best to be a good adult figure without even realizing it can come off as parental. He’d just be doing what he would’ve wanted someone to do for him, which was be there for whichever kid no matter what. So what happens when a bunch of angsty teens with trauma meet him? He’s obviously going to try his best to be there for them!
Like Kon, when he first met Marvel, he didn’t really know what to think of the man. He was nice. Almost overwhelmingly so. He also helps Kon with anything if he ever needs help. He’s also almost always around and is willing to talk about virtually anything with Kon too. And this isn’t just exclusive to him, but to everyone. (It makes him feel slightly queasy sometimes. He hasn’t realized what he’s feeling is jealousy whenever his parental figure’s attention is on another kid.) So that’s why when Father’s Day came around and M’gann suggested they all do something for Marvel, he was a little dumbfounded. One, because he just came to the realization that he thinks of Marvel as a kinda dad, and two, because what were they going to do? Marvel isn’t actually their dad, so what if the Captain finds it weird? Kon really doesn’t want to think about Cap finding all of this weird.
The YJ eventually decided to just get Cap a gift. They were all pretty sure that’s what you were supposed to give fathers. Now the question is: what to give him?
Marvel: *goes to Mount Justice to check in on the kids*
YJ: *All in the kitchen fighting about how to frost the cookies cause they all did it differently*
Marvel: *hears them and comes to the kitchen*
YJ: *doesn’t notice him*
Kon: *Does notice and picks up his batch of cookies and goes to Marvel* “Cap.” *presents cookies to Billy*
Marvel: “Huh?” *stares at cookies. Kon’s cookies are a bunch of mishapen blobs with smiley faces* “Are these for me?”
Kon: *nods head* “They’re you.”
Marvel: *takes a cookie with one of the biggest smiles Kon has ever seen on the man’s face* “This is amazing… thanks Kon!” *bites cookie* “They’re really good too!”
Kon: “Really?” *eyes shining at the praise*
Marvel: “Yeah!” *finishes cookie and is about to grab another one*
Other YJ members: *now notice Marvel and Kon* “Wait! Wait! Wait! Try mine next!” *they all proceed to take turns shoving cookies into Marvel’s hands*
Marvel: *eats them all and gives each of them stellar reviews*
About after thirty minutes of Marvel and the kids eating cookies…
Marvel: “What was all this for by the way?”
YJ: “Huh?”
Marvel: “What was all this for? I mean, it’s not my birthday, so…” *doesn’t know it’s Father’s Day*
YJ: “Oh uh… We just felt like it.”
Marvel: “Oh. Okay!” *just happy to gobble the last, remaining cookies* “By the way, this means a lot to me. Even if it was just a spur of the moment thing. I appreciate it.”
YJ: *all super duper uper happy he loves it but trying not to show it* “No problem.” (Spoiler: they’re not very good at hiding it.)
Then there’s Damian. He’s always had a love-hate relationship with Marvel’s happy go lucky, friendly attitude, but it sort of reminds him of Grayson so he’ll never admit it but it’s leaning more towards love. The man has also weirdly never once gotten mad at him, or at anyone as far as he can tell. He’s extremely patient, and the fact that Damian hasn’t pushed the limits of that patience yet is surprising to the young Wayne. The man also knows a surprising about of animal facts and lets him pet his tiger. So that’s another bonus. The man also doesn’t underestimate him solely based on the fact he’s a child. So, when the Father’s Day holiday rolls around, he decides he would reward Marvel for being an admittedly commendable person.
Marvel: *standing by the window of the Titan’s tower, looking at Jump City*
Damian: *appears from nowhere* “Captain.”
Marvel: *jumps before looking to Damian* “Yes, Robin?”
Damian: *holds up Alfred the Cat* “This is Alfred the Cat. I’m giving you the privilege to pet him just this once. Say hi, Alfred.”
Alfred the Cat: *meows*
Marvel: “Hi.” *little wave to Alfred* “Nice to meet you, Alfred.” *shakes Alfred’s little paw before petting him*
Damian: *lets Marvel get a single pet in before pulling Alfred away* “Alright, that’s enough.”
Marvel: “Oh- uh…” *smiles at Damian* “Thanks for letting me pet him, Robin.”
Damian: “Your welcome.” *nods at him before walking off to bring Alfred back to the manor*
Then there’s also Raven. She honestly had no intention of even thinking about the holiday, considering the fact her father is a demon that actively sucks and ruins her life. Then she saw Damian do his thing and after thinking about the Captain and how the man cares for her and her team members… she supposed he should get some type of reward. The man is extremely nice after all.
A little while after Damian’s departure…
Marvel: *back to looking out the window*
Raven: *also appears out of nowhere* “Marvel.”
Marvel: *jumps just like with Damian and looks to her* “Yes, Raven?”
Raven: *presents Marvel with a mini version of himself*
Mini Marvel: *waves to Billy*
Marvel: “Wha?” *bends down slightly to look at Mini Marvel with a confused smile* “Is that me?”
Raven: *nods head* “It’s a new spell I learned. I wanted to show you.”
Marvel: *pokes Mini Marvel in the stomach* “This is… Amazing!” *gives her a wide grin* “You’re amazing!”
Raven: *a little surprised she feels happy at the man’s approval but isn’t really hating* “Thanks.”
Marvel: “Actually, wait. Hold up!” *mutters a spell and in his hand spawns a Mini Raven. He places the Mini Raven in Raven’s palm with the Mini Marvel*
Mini Marvel: *fawning over Mini Raven*
Mini Raven: *blankly staring at Mini Marvel and lets it fawn*
Marvel: “And you’re saying you learned this spell on your own?” *looks away from the Minis and to Raven* “That’s awesome. You did a wonderful job.”
Raven: *doesn’t really know how to handle all the praise* “Thanks… I’m uh… I think I left the stove on.” *instead of heading to the kitchen, runs off to her room*
Marvel ended up later telling the other members of the JL how many gifts he’s gotten that day. They were a little confused and wondered how many kids Marvel could have. But no, they found out that a lot of their own kids think of him as a somewhat father. Also, a few of the adults might’ve thought about slipping Marvel gifts when the man wasn’t looking cause Billy being a dad isn’t just exclusive to the kids.
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kasieli · 1 month ago
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You know what they say: a spicy sketch a day keeps the doctor away 😉
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on-the-clear-blue · 2 months ago
Damian, bursting into the living room, tears streaming down his face and rage in his eyes: TODD YOU UTTER BASTARD!
Jason, looking up from his book, confusion from being yelled at shifting to unbridled glee: whoa there brat, what did I do?
Damian, screaming wordlessly as he throws a pillow at Jason: WHY! WHY DID NAGISA HAVE TO DIE! WHY DID YOU SAY I MUST WATCH SUCH...SUCH HORRID THINGS!
Dick, rushing in as he heard yelling: Dami? Jay? What happened? Who died?
Jason, cackling and fallingnoff his chair: Oh my god...oh sweet baby Jesus...
Damian, running to Dick and clinging onto him: Todd told me to watch a show called Clannad...He is evil and must be exterminated.
Dick, hugging Damian back out of instinct but blinks confused: Wait...that old anime from like...07? Wait no...oh Dami...Jason why?
Jason, picking himself up from the floor: The brat spoiled One Piece for me, he deserved it.
Damian, muffled as he had his face squished into Dicks side: ALL I SAID WAS THAT ACE DIED HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IT HAPPENED WHEN YOU WERE DEAD!
Jason, pointing at the boy: HE WAS ACTUALLY SO COOL! WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE!
Dick, stricken with "my brothers are weebs" face: I should have just stayed with Wally this week
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harveylikestoart · 1 month ago
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More DC doodles
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scarareg · 9 months ago
Spin the wheel and get a DC character
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apiptosis · 2 months ago
I still have no clue how Tumblr works but here's part 3
The third member to meet Danny is none other than our resident Demon brat.
It was rare that Damian could truly relax. In the league he had to constantly be the perfect heir, the perfect assassin. When his mother got him out it was just as hard when he had to compete with four adopted brothers, Gordon, Brown and the infamous Cassandra Cain.
It was difficult to find someone who could understand him and what he had been through and still put up with his bulshit. Damian was man enough to admit that his own attitude did not help him so when he found someone who would, whom he could let down his walls with, he grasped on with both hands.
"You seem to be thinking quite hard there Damian." A soft voice drew him from his thoughts. Damian looked her deep in her eyes freely let her peer at his thoughts. He knew she would not pry unless needed but he freely gave this.
"Just reminded myself how fortunate I was to have you." Damian admitted while they sat at their impromptu picnic.
It was rather rare for them to have dates in Gotham but today was a rare time where it was possible. The smog that always filled Gotham was almost completely absent today here in the forest at the edge of the Wayne property and perhaps most importantly, his father was off world with Cain and Grayson.
While most of the public believes Batman has a 'no metas allowed' rule, it was most certainly not true. What is true however is that his father is an overprotective idiot at times and would hover/spy onto their date.
Whatever Raven was about to say was interrupted by a small sonic boom from just outside of the property that had both of them on their feet, their little picnic forgotten.
All too soon they found the source. A behemoth of a man was playing with a giant dog?
"Drop the stick boy!" The green beast dropped a log for want of a better word. "Good boy, wanna go again?" The beast gave a bark like artillery fire, tail waving like rotor blades. The man pick up the log and launched as though it was a javelin with a "Fetch Cujo!"
With one last artillery bark the beast bound after with great speed.
The man let out a deep sigh as he fell back into the shade of the nearby tree. "Man I wish I had more off days like this. Mhmmm, people? Hello there. Didn't think there would be people this far out. I'm Danny."
The man, Danny, waved as he lazily greeted them from where he lay on his bag in the shade. Danny lay so openly and without care that they could easily observe him.
Danny was very obviously a meta, his lazy smile with far too many sharp teeth, elfin ears and skin that was almost paler than Raven's. Most glaring was his height at seven and a half feet and shoulders nearly half as broad. (see Drake I can learn your freedom units)
"Damian" "Rachel" they introduced themselves.
"You two out on a date? It's one of my rare days off so I was planning one myself but unfortunately my girlfriend's dad needed help so she's out of town with him and her brother." Danny offered up freely. There was no hostile intent as far as Damian could tell. 'His intentions are true and there is no amniosity. His mind is well protected though.' Raven shared with telepathy.
"I take it your job is rather taxing?" Damian prodded.
Danny snorted "Nah man, I'm a university student, Aerospace engineering. The degree is kicking my ass but that's due to the amount of stuff I have to do. It's like they are afraid that I will have free time because I swear some of my projects and tests aren't for engineering.
Last week I had to write a chem exam and yesterday I had to submit a project that I'm pretty sure was a business model in disguise. If my luck holds out I might get a psych test next week. Ugh I'm already half dead, now their trying to get me to fully dead."
That was... concerning. It sounds like danny was possible rogue material and the university was trying their best to keep him from actually going rogue.
"So your taking a break and playing with you dog?" Raven asked.
"Yeah, Cujo is a sweetheart but it's hard to play with him here since people keep attacking him when he's in his large form." Danny explained as the dog bounded back without his stick. Worryingly there was a bit of blood on him. The dog had obviously been in a fight.
"Again buddy? Why can't they just leave you alone. Let's see what it's this time." Cujo dropped a finger on the ground with a very familiar green ring.
"He's a rescue I suppose but he was originally a guard dog and he was trained to disarm people when they attack him so I keep having to stash away guns and the like. With how crazy some people are I really should be prepared for things like this."
The ring seemed to sluggishly work it's way off of the finger before shooting straight for Danny.
"Daniel Fenton of -"Danny swiped the ring out of the air and held it in a tight grip. "Nah ah, I already have one green magic ring and I don't want a talking one on top of that!"
Danny rummaged through his bag before pulling out his thermos that smelled like coffee and chugged it like he was drakes long lost twin and managing to seal it into the thermos.
"There, I'll figure out what to do with that later."Sigh."well I guess we can talk at a later time but after that I'm heading home. Cujo shrink!"
The massive beast of a dog deflated like a balloon till it was the size of a small dog, happily trudging sfter it's owner as they hiked in the direction of Gotham.
With a glance to Raven, he confirmed that she was just as bewildered by the interaction as he was. Eventually they returned to their date, no use in letting odd encounters ruin their day, but Damian kept the name in the back of his head for now.
Later that night Damian found himself in the watchtower, going for the terminal so he could research this Daniel Fenton. He would have done this at home but Drake hogged the bat computer, nou doubt pinning after his coffee crush.
Along the way he found a small congregation of heroes trying to drown out Guy Gardner but also had to listen to his report as his hand was quite bandaged and missing a finger...
"On my patrol I nearly got Final destinationed by a flying log and then I got attacked by a green beast that wouldn't go down no matter what I thew at it. To make matters worse it was able to bite off my ring!" Guy complained incessantly.
Suddenly it made perfect sense why Danny was so upset but accepting of people attacking Cujo. How many times has this happened to him? How many times had the guy patched up his dogs wounds because people attacked him. How many of those time was it a hero who attacked Cujo? Damian could feel for both Danny and his dog.
"Sounds like you attacked a dog playing fetch and got upset when you couldn't hurt a dog for playing. Neutralizing an attacker's weapon is the bare basics of any guard dog's training." Damian found himself snapping at the man. Superman nodding along with him.
"Robin is right, while I am very concerned about you losing your ring, I am also concerned that you would attack a dog for playing fetch. I do the same with Crypto." Superman chastised Guy sternly.
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niahti · 4 months ago
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vastanxc · 2 years ago
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nocturnalchaos · 2 years ago
As a DamiRae shipper, I think it would be fun to explore what it would be like for Damian Wayne/Damian Al Ghul and Raven to have children.
This could be an area that DC could explore Canonically in an Elseworld/What if kind of situation… but I think that fanfic writers would be better suited to exploring this idea as DC has that no marriage policy. (Which I think is totally stupid for multiple reasons.)
In particular, I’d be very interested to see how these points would be addressed:
How would Raven handle parenting?
How would Damian handle parenting?
How would Bruce handle being a grandparent?!
Would Trigon become an issue again?
If Damian and Raven are raising their child together, where would they be living?
What magic, if any, would the child have? And when would it develop?
Would Damian and Raven be married?
Is Damian raising the child as an Al Ghul or a Wayne?
Will Talia be a problem?
Will the League of Assassins try to get the child?
What about the media?
Would Raven and/or Damian stop crime fighting to be a full time parent?
What do you think? Let me know in the comments or reblog.
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inverted-typo · 5 months ago
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Peeking behind The Masquerade
It’s Halloween time baby!!!
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damiraeart · 5 months ago
Damirae x Titanic
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wonderjanga · 4 months ago
Marvel being Self-Destructive
Marvel is self-destructive. Or, Billy is self-destructive and it translates to Marvel.
Marvel and Batman: *have a monitor duty together*
Marvel: *watching the monitors while absentmindedly biting the skin off his fingers*
Batman: “Robin.” *dad tone*
Marvel: *confused, looks over to him* “Huh?”
Batman: *pauses cause he just realized he said Robin. He clears his throat* “Captain, don’t do that. Your fingers could get infected.”
Marvel: “Oh uh… sorry.” *stops biting his fingers* “…Why’d you say, Robin?”
Batman: *wondering if he should tell him or not* “Robin also bites the skin on his fingers. I tell him to stop.”
Solomon: “His body language reflects embarrassment.”
Marvel: “Really? Wow.” *hand absentmindedly starts moving back to his mouth so he can start biting the skin*
Batman: *smacks his hand away*
Marvel: *confuzzled*
This happens multiple more times throughout their shift together. The much smaller Batman kept swatting Marvel’s hand away. That is until about half way through the shift, Bruce just started treating this the same way he would treat it if Marvel was Damian.
Marvel: *hand moving back to bite the skin*
Batman: *doesn’t even look at him* “Marvel.” *dad tone*
Marvel: *puts hand back down, embarrassed he’s almost done it the fiftieth time*
Just to preface, this isn’t as bad as it sounds. It’s more of a mild Dermatophagia. Which I have. So now Billy and Damian have it because I say so. Speaking of Damian…
Marvel: *dislocates the entire right side of his body just so he can reach under the couch and grab a remote without lifting the couch*
Robin!Damian: *appears from somewhere* “Teach me your ways.”
Marvel: *screams*
A couple minutes later…
Marvel: “Alright so first, you start with your thumb.” *grabs his own thumb and just dislocates it*
Robin!Damian: *copies him*
Marvel: “Then your grab your-” *starts listing things and in what order to dislocate them*
Robin!Damian: *still copying them*
Raven: *on standby just in case either of them break something*
Other Titans: *horrification*
Nightwing: “Robin! Time to go see- OH MY GOD?!”
Marvel: *entire right side back to being dislocated*
Robin!Damian: *finishes up dislocating his own right side*
Other Titans: *looking between Nightwing and Marvel*
Another couple minutes later…
Nightwing: *just finished the second to last step for dislocating his entire right side*
Other Titans: *watching*
Robin!Damian: *also watching, his side is still dislocated*
Marvel: “Right, now, repeat after me.” *He dislocates a certain joint*
Nightwing: *repeats it but a loud crack just echoes throughout the tower*
Marvel: “Did you- Did you just break something?” *extremely appalled*
Nightwing: *nods head, all calm* “I think I did. Yes.”
Raven ended up having to heal him after that. Batman also batglared him for the rest of the week. Billy felt so bad. Nightwing didn’t seem too mad though, so he was thankful for that.
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kasieli · 1 month ago
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Teen Titans portraits ft. my favorite birb babes!!!
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