elettraml · 2 years
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𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐬
It was long time since I last made a fanart of these two ❤️.
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laur-the-cat-prince · 6 months
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adult Nicaise AU. also my version of Nikandros
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austenwazright · 16 days
I particularly just find Nikandros aversion to Laurent hilarious. Like, stop and think about it, his king was murdered by his own brother and that traitorous blonde snake, his country is being stolen and he doesn't even know which one of the main players are worse, the hateful jealous brother? The blonde bitch? The fucking veretian?! And HE is having to work with Vere!! With their stupid prince!! And he has to deal with all the border problems, and Makedon, and he just lost his brother, his brother the one true king!! And then there he is, keeping up his side of the bargain and OH MY GOD is that Damianos??? How can the gods be this kind??? Things will be ok now, the fucking kyros who were all so happy to roll over for kastor will change their minds, the future is bright again, his best friend is alive, Akielos is saved!! Oh no who's that?? It's blonde and blue eyed and... and a bitch!! And Damen has his puppy eyes out!! No not again, I can't deal with it all again!!!
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tschulijulesjulie · 1 year
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this is literally my favourite part of the entire trilogy
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cxinis · 6 days
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its still monsoon over here so
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princess-of-ithilien · 8 months
I've read several posts about how Damen and Laurent's problems are basically nothing compared to what the dark rise characters go through and how they wouldn't last a minute in that world, but that's not the point I want to make, because you know who would fucking thrive in dark rise?? Nikandros. He'd take one look at this world that has come to the brink of extinction not once but twice because some dude was way too horny for some blonde, blue-eyed bitches and hit Damen with the biggest I told you so known to mankind, the sense of superiority he'd gain from this. Outstanding
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lucky-clover-gazette · 4 months
damen & laurent's soldiers need worker's compensation for dealing with their angsty petty gay bullshit. i present the following evidence:
exhibit a:
He had put those soldiers on the door to bar the way to those men seeking Laurent out for some trivial matter, or for any matter, because when Laurent wanted to be alone, no one should suffer the consequences of interrupting him.  The taller soldier addressed him. ‘Commander, no one has entered in your absence.’ Damen’s eyes passed over the doors again.  ‘Good,’ he said. And he pushed the doors open.
‘Arrest me,’ said Damen. ‘I have raised hands to the Prince.’  The soldiers hesitated. It was the just response to his actions but he was—or had been—their Captain. He had to say again, ‘Do it.’  The darker-haired soldier stepped forward and Damen felt the grip take him. Laurent set his jaw.  ‘No,’ said Laurent. And then, ‘It was provoked.’ 
exhibit b:
A part of Damen’s mind recognised how perfectly this gift had been judged, the exquisite virtuosity of it: Laurent was delivering him a backhanded blow with one hand, and with the other, caressing his generals as a man scratches a dog under the chin.  Damen heard himself say, ‘Vere is generous.’  ‘After all,’ Laurent held his gaze, ‘I remember what you like.’
exhibit c:
He gestured and one of his squires came forward. It was still wrapped in cloth. He felt the sudden tension in Laurent, though there was no outward change.  Damen said, ‘You asked for it, once.’  The squire drew back the cloth to reveal a gold cuff. He felt rather than saw the tightness in Laurent. The cuff, unmistakably, was the twin to the one Damen wore, altered last night by a blacksmith for Laurent’s finer wrist.  Damen said, ‘Wear it for me.’ For a moment he thought Laurent wasn’t going to do it. But in public, Laurent had no recourse to refusal.  Laurent extended his hand. And then waited, palm outstretched, his eyes lifting to meet Damen’s.  Laurent said, ‘Put it on me.’  Every pair of eyes in the tent was on him.
exhibit d (lmao):
‘Who did this to you?’  ‘I did,’ Laurent said.  Damen turned.  Laurent stood in the entryway of the tent. He was arranged with elegant grace and his lazy, blue-eyed attention was all on Nikandros.  Laurent said, ‘I meant to kill him, but my uncle wouldn’t let me.’  Nikandros took an impotent step forward but Damen already had a restraining hand on his arm. Nikandros’s hand had gone to the hilt of his sword. His eyes were on Laurent furiously.  Laurent said, ‘He sucked my cock too.’  Nikandros said, ‘Exalted, I beg permission to challenge the Prince of Vere to a duel of honour for the insult that he has done to you.’  ‘Denied,’ said Damen. 
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always-tired-plshelp · 2 months
Laurent: Damen annoyed me today so I told him that I can’t wait to see what he has planned for our special day tomorrow.
Nikandros: There is nothing special about tomorrow.
Laurent: But there is something special about watching the color leave his face as panic takes over.
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laurentspeach · 1 year
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more for the children
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ninicaise · 1 year
when they first met laurent and nikandros's rivalry was one-sided bc laurent was just like really busy at the time with what he believed to be his impending inevitable death and whatnot. post-canon though when nikandros has warmed up to laurent it is laurent who now has beef with nikandros bc laurent's best friend is damen 100% but damen's best friend is nikandros. so you see the issue. "but damen is laurent's husband!" laurent doesn't give a shit. his best friend has another best friend who isn't laurent that shit is embarassing!! and nikandros must die about it
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tsukiyo-7 · 4 months
Something I absolutely adore about the Captive Prince fandom is the Nikandros x Jord pairing that is based almost purely on the fact that they're both Tired™ and Deserve Better™ and they're second in command/best friend to a couple of insufferable dumbass kings.
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cpshit · 1 year
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We love some emotionally intelligent Akielon nobles.
Laurent is…getting there.
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delfeur · 11 days
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heythereokaybye · 4 months
Going through a bit of a Nikandros phase lately (read always). Any recommendations on fics that are from his perspective or where he is the central character? Fluff, smut - everything works!
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quillfulwriter · 4 days
tfw the person you've pledged yourself to has a thing for catty bitches
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cxinis · 18 hours
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my comfort meow meows
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