#dallis seeker
paul-ster · 2 months
pre canon two-bit, johnny, and dally trio hc things GO
Dallys run from the cops while Two-Bit was inside the cop car. Poor Johnny was running away as well.
Dally and Two-Bit joke around with any girls they see to the point that Johnnys had to drag them out of places.
Johnnys been banned from random places because of Dally and Two-Bit 😭
They once tried to have a contest of who could steal the most from a store… Johnny won because the other two were banned.
The second Johnny learned how to drive, he had to drive them everywhere because Dallys too dangerous and two-bit likes to change the drunk driving accident statistics on a daily.
The three of them together COULDNT stay quiet in one place. There’s always Two-Bit cracking jokes and Johnny adding to them.
They all suck at hide n seek. Except maybe Johnny but they always make him the seeker 😭
Once Dally and Two-Bit screamed when Johnny came up to them at Bucks. They both thought Johnny was in the lot 💀
Two-Bit and Dally would create whole plans to get Johnny out of school. (Johnny seems like the kid to like going to school. Mostly for Ponyboy though.)
Sorry if these are bad 😭😭‼️ My mind sucks at making things on the spot 😔😔😔
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aspho-bell · 26 days
Dallis' tragedy
Dallis is the tragic villain of DOS:2. She's the classical trope of "i'm a villain because i've been hurt and y'all gonna suffer for it".
And the tragedy is. The other way was just right there. She didn't meet the right persons, thus she was denied of it. She cannot evolve past her Eternal point of view - and we know how Eternals may think of mortals, see Fane, see the whole "let the Eternals come back" ending. She sees mortals as vermin, and she's ready to wipe them out if necessary ( the battle on Lady Vengeance where she let Vredeman kill grusomely most of the Seekers is a good example ). She hates the Eternals, she hates the God King, but she's still a product of this culture.
While Fane. Fane who is an Eternal all the same. Fane who, when we first met him, wanted to bring his people back so they may "have [their] world again", who sees you as an useless and retarded creature. This same Fane who, much later on, can't bring himself to doom this world so his own can come back. This same Fane who sees now the beauty of this world, and that it is worth living. This is because of the Godwoken. Because Fane met the Godwoken at the most convenient time, and this band of heroic losers show him, in their own way, how beautiful this world can be, even in this void-tainted state.
Who does Dallis meet, when she's free from her prison ? A poor woman whom she steals the face, and then - Lucian. A man whose motto is probably "the ends justify the means", the one responsible of a genocide for the "greater good", the one that wasn't afraid to kill tens of Godwoken to achieve his goal. So, at his contact, Dallis learnt nothing - how could she learn the value of mortal life when the very Divine saw those as disposable ? And she may think she was equal to him, but she was another tool of violence in the Divine's hands. Hence the way he talks to her :
Dallis, control yourself. Our purpose transcends your personal wounds.
Her only motivation, vengeance, is depicted by Lucian as lesser and, i can also note the AUDACITY of resuming thousands years of prison and the destruction of her own world as mere "personal wounds". And she obeyed. She obeyed him ! Anger is a violent feeling, and one can be manipulable when this anger became wrath, and Dallis seems to be consumed by it. Lucian was here to offer her vengeance, he was the promise to satiate her rage and so, she strode all Rivellon in his name to kill the ones coming through his way.
Lucian lost his lapdog when Ifan became a Lone Wolf, he'd found another in Dallis.
And this is very unfair, because in the end, Dallis was just a scared little girl, who was left to rot in a tomb, because dad thought knowledge was better than his family's safety. And he was gifted another chance - he met the godwoken, and he saw the mortal world as a place of beauty and wonder. Not Dallis : Dallis, wrongly imprisoned only saw the world through Lucian's eyes : filled with violence and death.
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happypanda101 · 3 months
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So I made the mistake of giving Jeff and Liu a twin AU. I say both because I headcanon Jeff and Liu as twins already so technically they get a triplet lol
Meet Dallas aka Dally! The cursed middle child even if he’s technically the baby of the group. Both mediators and chaotic thrill seeker depending on the situation. The incident with Jeff caused him to become more hostile and a jerk for a period of time, but he eventually managed to come back to his chill self. Though coming off as immature, obnoxious and rude, he really does mean well and cares. He’s just not great at showing it. Must run in the family.
I also did some AUs for other Jeff centric stories I like! Such as the Needles and Smiles series and the morgue files. Please check them out if you haven’t, they’re really good!
Also, an obvious reminder, but non of the Aus I create affect the canon storylines in any way, so please respect the original characters and their work!
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outsidersheadcanons · 2 months
headcanons about how each of the boys would handle their gf who has adhd like stimming ir anything?
I got bad adhd I NEED TO BE COMFORTED😭❤️
I think at first he'd be very perplexed "why are you doing that 🤔" to stimming but once she explains it he would be okay w/ it (esp if it made her more comfortable. He might even buy her a rock or smth if she stimmed with her fingers).
Let's face it this guy stims too 💀 he did it so much with the buttons on one of his work shirts they all came out (and Darry was PISSED). He's also obsessed. with toothpicks. Soda could have ADHD I think. So having a gf w/ it too (or even better, a gf with similar challenges to him) would make him feel so not alone man :(
Pony's also a sensory seeker. He spun around in circles as a kid (same bro same) and stuff like that. Bro is also forgetful as hell. so if she had problems with that he'd never make her feel bad for it (if he didn't have darry man. He'd probably go to school in pajamas).
Johnny would notice her stimming, but he wouldn't say anything about it. He has some nervous tics and he hates when people point them out, but he'd def try his best to help her out however he can (even if it's something as small as. just listening to what's on her mind).
If he saw his gf stimming he would immediately start hating 💀 but once he starts realizing he's being a jerk he stops. Dally has no clue what ADHD is but he'll probably find out. If she got overstimulated or smth while they were at a party he'd just. sit outside with her for a while and go back only if/when she was ready to.
If she liked to yap. Two-bit would HAPPILY yap with her for hours. It doesn't matter who's doing most of the talking, he loves listening just as much as yapping (esp with his gfs). If she had a special interest or smth he'd gladly become an expert. He just wants to know everything abt her.
If she had problems with schoolwork, he would sit with her behind the DX and help her when it got slow. He's pretty smart when it comes to math and science (honestly. he could get all As if he actually tried at school) and he'd be so happy. to explain it all to her. He'd also just. sit with her in silence if she got too overwhelmed. Maybe if he really liked her he'd play w/ her hair and let her lean against him.
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catta1ll · 4 months
you can call me echo, cattail, poker or wolf!! ^3^
i am taken!! so no FREAKS
i am known as the ceo of princess and her jester (peach x dimentio) please ask me about them 🙏🙏
i have a geno ask blog too https://local-star-warrior.tumblr.com/ so have fun
im a mostly traditional artist (holding off on digital until i can get another apple pen lol), voice actor and author! i am also a very. VERY amateur animator and will not post here until i can get my skills up
(im currently working for a M&L fangame named stellar bonds, so go check that out too!)
basic dni criteria here, im not afraid to call out issues or people on this blog. so that’s your one and only warning
and for the kin seekers, here’s a couple;
madeleine cookie (cookie run kingdom)
starlow (m&l series)
percedal ‘dally’ sadlygrove (wakfu)
glisten (dandy’s world)
[i do not support blushcrush studios]
momo (stray 2022)
ingo (pokemon)
i will have suggestive jokes and or nsfw (not 🌽) posted here, but i’ll put it on a tag for you to blacklist
im on discord and roblox!! if you wanna play, friend me on discord first and we can chat! pm me for my user ^_^
i will be making a separate post for all of my ocs! feel free to ask about them too!
um i can’t think of anything else
my tag is #poker posting
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soclonely · 1 year
OC-Tober Prompts Day 4: Foggy Morning
Link for the OC Tober Prompts
Summary: Just the 4 Wookie bouncers of 79s complaining about the foggy morning and what it would do to their freshly done hair.
Character Summary: There are 4 wookies we rotate out on security around here. Frochit (proud champion), Snokerriova (curious tall seeker), geyynik (fat jester), and Grozorral (Golden treasure). Frochit and Snokerriova are almost inseperable. When they have spare time they like to spar, work on weapons, eat, and explore the lower levels. Geyynik is a little prankster. He doesn’t do any harm but they can get out of hand sometimes. And you want to be out of the way when he angers the other wookies in the group. Grozorral is our little gem. Looks all tough, and thats you need around here 79s to scare away the troublemakers! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Scro acraahrc ahc rrooahwhrr aooo rhwo raanan scwoccro rawhwa warascak ahww ohwo rroo oohuao aoacworcwo!” Geyynik grumbles, glancing out the windows to the back alley of 79s.“Ahaoc coo wwoorrrrro ah oarawh'ao wohowowh cwowo aoacwo aorcracac oaooscakraoaaooorc!” He adds, squinting.
Frochit rolls his eyes, and nudges the younger wookie aside. He takes a look for himself, grimacing at the foggy dampness of the morning. “Foorc oowhoawo I rarrrcwowo ohahaoac acahsc.” He tells the others, thumping Geyynik on the head lightly. “I shhucao rrooao scro scoowhaoacanro rhraaoac raao aoacwo oaooscscrawhwa ooww Mahcc Draananro rawhwa scro wwhurc ahc raanan whahoawo rawhwa coowwao rawhwa ahww ohwo rroo oohuao aoacworcwo ahao ohahanan rrwoao raanan warascak rawhwa rrrcworacro!”
“Yworaac rooohu'rcwo rcahrracao.” Snokerriova yawns from the booth.“Bwoaoaoworc whooao rroo oohuao aoacworcwo.”
Golden coated Grozorral groans, placing the garbage bag at his feet.” Ac schuoaac rac I anoohowo aoacwo oaooooanworc ohworaaoacworc ohwo rarcwo rrwoaoaoahwhrr, I acraaowo aoacwo scoorcwhahwhrr scahcaoahwhwocc.” He pouts, running his hands through the hair on his chest. “Iao scraorwoc scro oaooraao anooooor aoworcrcahrhanwo!”
“Alright, alright. Stop your grumbling.” Dally pops up behind them, shaking her head. “Are you a bunch of womprats or what?” She teases, picking up one of the garbage bags and slinging it over her shoulder. “I’ll take out the trash this time, because you all just had your monthly baths. But you owe me!” She tells them sternly. “Its not the only foggy morning in Autumn so you better get used to it, boys!”
“Arcwo rooohu churcwo? Wwo oarawh rrwoao ahao, rcworaananro!” They all exclaim, offering to help her with the load.
Dally sighs tiredly.” I'sc churcwo.” She says, waving them off. “Go sit down and let me get these bags out.” She smiles to her big, hairy friends. “Maybe by the time I come back in from loading these in the compactor, a nice fresh plate of warm Wookie Cookies will be out here for us to split!”
All 4 wookies quickly scramble to their table, anticipating their delicious morning snack.
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bluewren · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for tagging me, Mel!! @melisusthewee
This is a card fic that I pick at from time to time.
She watches as Blackwall peal up one side on the each pile cards then releases for his cards to revolve over one another. A beat forms as the cards click clack over one another, Cassandra finds it similar to the sensation of running a whetstone over her sword. “What are you playing?” Blackwalls deals out cards from his hand, more focused on the rhythm of the flick of his hand than the gaze of the Seeker’s curiosity.
“Nothing at the moment.” He mumbles. “This is more a force of habit, from back in the days when I had my own troops to look after. Care to play a round?”
“I must admit that I never dallied with soldiers enough for them to offer me to be part of their games.” Cassandra raises a brow, although still choosing to take the seat opposite of the Warden.
“You’re respected by every soldier at Skyhold, and fought hard enough for everyone to fear you just as much.” One last card gets flipped up, Diamonds, then he places the deck over it. Soldier to soldier, Blackwall extends the invitation with a smile on his lips. “Perhaps it’s time for you to see how the rest of us grunts enjoy ourselves. The rules can be learned along the way.”
“I do find it humbling that you see me as one of your own.” She lets go a short giggle, her neck slants back by shock at Blackwall's comment. ”Deal me a hand.”
He slides over one hand, then places Eight Spades on the table. “The suit of the card at the bottom beats everything. A higher rank of the matching suit beats my card.”
Cassandra watches the card fall onto the table. Her hand slowly extends out with the Jack Spades, cautious as a baby taking her first steps. This past time that she seen on top of crates from several dozen of her soldiers might as well be an Orlesian ballgown to her, awkward and ill fitting for her hands.
Watches Blackwall glides a Jack Clovers onto the table like an arrow flying to its mark.
She looks down at her cards, unfortunately no Clovers. She looks up and sighs. “I am without a card to play.”
“Then you can go pick those up.” Blackwall asserts, his hand flippantly gestures to their board. “They’re your’s now.”
“What has just happened?” The Seeker gawks, flabbergasted by the nonsensical interaction slide up and down between the board and her opponent.
All that Blackwall has for her was dry laughter. Barely an itch on his beard, everybody has started somewhere but she simply had all the tells of a beginner.
“Beginner’s luck isn’t always a thing. Just keep going at it.” He tries with all his might to not widen his smile. “You can take this too.”
A second Jack is added to Cassandra’s defeat.
“Ugh. Nothing about this game makes any sense.” Cassandra blurts out.
“Just keep going at it.” He repeats while drawing three from their deck.
They continue onto the second round. The rules slowly begin to seep into Cassandra’s head, this travesty of a game slowly starts to have some sense to her. Blackwall plays one, sometimes two of the same rank, then Cassandra does the same. This time, she closes six pairs of cards using the cards gained from previous losses. Then Blackwall gathers them all up and castes them aside.
Cassandra places down her own card, then Blackwall does the same. Slowly the exchanging of turns becomes a rhythmic act to one another, the cards demanding less of her attention than the words between two friends.
“It’s feels like there are cards missing. Why have I yet to see a two or a three.” She narrows her brows at the cards in her hand. Feeling bright about her revelation, but also cheated in the same breath.
“I’m not sure how that started, possibly from workers who couldn’t afford a second deck after they lost those cards.” He places down a card to match Cassandra’s. “We’ve been here for a couple months now, how has Skyhold been treating you?”
tagging: @cleverblackcat | @ficbrish | @varric-tethras-editor | @maebird-melody | @manallakhuna | no pressure to participate though!
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polyamarhousgarden · 1 year
💐F/O List💐
Please just assume I don’t like sharing my ROMANTIC F/Os, I don’t mind sharing them if you f/o them as a PLATONIC or FAMILIAL F/O though.
💘 - Romantic (NON-SHAREABLE)
💗 - Crush
💖 - Platonic
💝 - Familial
💔 - Enemy
🍼 - Fankids
💘💘Fíi Dísul💘💘
💝Feren Aurelion💝 (Adoptive Father | Canon side character turned OC)
💝Elvenking Oropher💝 (Stepfather | AU)
💝Melmerondir Ferenion💝 (Adoptive Brother | OC)
🍼Agdís Fíliul🍼
🍼Afli Fíliul🍼
🍼Elli Fíliul🍼
🍼Dalli Fíliul🍼
💗Prince Durin II + Princess Disa💗
💗High King Ereinion Gil-Galad💗
💓Boromir, son of Denethor💓
💓 Colonel Brandon💓
💝Basilio💝 (Surrogate Younger Brother)
💘Nie Mingjue | Chifeng Zun💘
💝Nie Huaisang💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💔Jin Guangyao | Meng Yao | Lianfeng Zun💔
🍼Nie Yuyang | Nie Xiang🍼
🍼Nie Lishan | Nie Shi🍼
💝Gavroche Thenardier💝 (Adopted Son)
💝Hugues Thenardier💝 (Adopted Son)
💝Bressole Thenardier💝 (Adopted Son)
💖Jean Prouvaire | Jehan💖
💖Boussuet | Lesgles | Laigle | Lesgle | L'Aigle de Meaux💖
💖Joly | Jolllly💖
💘💘Alistair Theirin💘💘
💖💗Knight-Lieutenant Joseph Terrell💗💖 (OC)
💖Zevran Arainai💖
🍼Jowan Surana🍼
🍼Duncan Surana🍼
🍼Morgaine Surana🍼
💘💘Fenris + Anders💘💘
💝Carver Aristide Hawke y Amell💝 (Younger Brother)
💝Merrill Sabrae💝 (Sister-in-Law)
💖Sebastian Vael💖
💖Varric Tethras💖
🍼Belinda Filomena Hawke + Renata Milagros Hawke🍼
🍼Cariel Balea Hawke🍼
💘💘Commander Cullen Stanton Rutherford💘💘
💝Dakila Kato Magsumakit💝 (Father | Bearer | OC)
💝Alab Kato Bagwisan💝 (Father | Sire | OC)
💝Sinag, Anak ni Dakila💝 (Elder Brother)
💖Solas | Fen'Harel💖
💖Lady Josephine Cherrette Montilyet💖
💖Vivienne de Fer💖
💘Seeker Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast💘
💝Hara Luwalhati Kato Bagwisan💝 (Mother | OC)
💖Solas | Fen'Harel💖
💖Varric Tethras💖
💖Vivienne de Fer💖
💖Blackwall | Thom Rainier💖
💖Mother Giselle💖
🍼Luningning Kato Bagwisan🍼
🍼Kundiman Kato Bagwisan🍼
🍼Anthony Kato Bagwisan🍼
🍼Liwanag Kato Bagwisan🍼
💘💘Thane Krios💘💘
💝Doctor Dominic Shepard💝 (Father Figure | OC)
💝Captain Anderson💝 (Father Figure)
💝Kolyat Krios💝 (Stepson)
💝Justicar Samara💝 (Mother Figure)
💖Miranda Lawson💖
💖Mordin Solus💖
💖Liara T'soni💖
💖Urdnot Wrex💖
💖James Vega💖
💖Kaidan Alenko💖
🍼Asayu + Thiro Krios🍼
💘💘Jaal Ama Darav💘💘
💝Pathfinder Alec Ryder💝 (Stepfather)
💝Nimuel Angelo Ryder💝 (Twin Brother | OC)
💝Vetra Nyx💝 (Sister-in-Law)
💖Liam Costa💖
💘💘Gale Dekarios of Waterdeep💘💘
💖Wyll Ravengard💖
💖Astarion Ancunin💖
💖Shadowheart Hallowleaf💖
🍼Wymond Dekarios🍼
🍼Firmin Dekarios🍼
🍼Jocosa Dekarios🍼
💘💘Cole Cassidy + Shimada Hanzo💘💘
💝Shimada Genji💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💖Jean-Baptiste Augustin💖
💖Brigitte Lindholm💖
💖Song Hana | D.Va💖
💖Niran PruksaManee | Lifeweaver💖
💖Kamori Kimiko💖
💖Lúcio Correia dos Santos💖
💖Zhou Mei-Ling💖
💖Doctor Angela Ziegler | Mercy💖
💖Fareeha Amari | Pharah💖
💖Reinhardt Wilhelm💖
💖Satya Vaswani | Symmetra💖
💖Jack Morrison | Soldier: 76💖
💖Lena Oxton | Tracer💖
🍼Evelyn Felicity "Evie" Cassidy + Ethan Alexander "Alex" Cassidy🍼
🍼Noah Isaac Cassidy🍼
🍼John Joseph "Jay" Cassidy🍼
🍼Shimada Haruki + Shimada Hayami🍼
💘Ifan Ben-Mezd💘
💘Doctor Julian Devorak | Ilya | Ilyushka💘
💝Portia Devorak | Pasha💝 (Sister-in-Law)
💝Tasya💝 (Aunt-by-Marriage)
💖Nadia Satrinava💖
🍼Galena Devorak | Galya🍼
🍼Irina Devorak | Irinushka🍼
🍼Vera Devorak | Verusha🍼
💘Ryu Hyun | Zen💘
💖Kim Yoosung💖
💔Echo Girl💔
💘Kim Jihyun | V💘
💝Kim Lucy💝 (adopted daughter)
💖Han Jumin💖
💘Diego Armando | Godot💘
💖Detective Dick Gumshoe💖
💖Attorney Phoenix Wright💖
💘Claude von Riegen | Khalid💘
💝Siegbert💝 (Son)
💝Kana💝 (Son)
💘King James Liam Rhys💘
💝Prince Charles Leonidas Rhys💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💖Drake Walker💖
💖Hana Lee💖
💖Bertrand Beaumont💖
💖Olivia Nevrakis💖
🍼Mayon Eleanor Lakandula-Rhys🍼
🍼Leon Ethan Lakandula-Rhys🍼
🍼Hannah Valentina Lakandula-Rhys🍼
💔Constantine Rhys💔
💔Maxwell Beaumont💔
💔Madeleine Amaranth💔
💔Barthelemy Beaumont💔
💘Nik Ryder + Cal Lowell💘
💝Lord Elric💝 (Father)
💝Lady Thalissa💝 (Stepmother)
💝Donny Lowell💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💖Vera Reimonenq💖
💖Kristin Jones💖
💘Raphael Aveiro💘
💝Juliana Aveiro💝 (Grandmother-in-law)
💖Bryce Lahela💖
💖Aurora Emery💖
💖Elijah Green💖
💖Jackie Varma💖
💖Sienna Trinh💖
💖Kyra Santana💖
💖Ines Dela Rosa💖
💖Zaid Mirani💖
💖Naveen Banerji💖
💔Declan Nash💔
💔Landry Olsen💔
💝Noah Walker💝 (Father)
💝Misselina💝 (Mother Figure)
💝Admiron Winchesto💝 (Father Figure)
💝Geralt💝 (Father Figure)
💖Dino💖 (Ex, Messy Split)
💖Andy💖 (Ex, Amicable Split)
💔Rebecca Walker💔
💘Earl Reinhard Piel💘
💝Duke Osmont Ymeri💝 (Uncle | Surrogate Father)
💝Hilde💝 (Mother Figure)
💖Wyatt le Roux💖
💖King D'Mario💖
💖Princess Vanora💖
💔Prince Alaric💔
💔Queen Megaris💔
💔Queen Perialla💔
💘💘John Mitchell💘💘
💖Annie Sawyer💖
💖George Sands💖
💘💘Sam Winchester💘💘
💝Father Ricardo dela Cruz💝 (Surrogate Father | OC)
💝Dean Winchester💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💝Bobby Singer💝 (Father-in-law)
💝Jack Kline💝 (Surrogate Son)
💖Kevin Tran💖
💘💘Elliot Spencer💘💘
💝Sophie Devereaux💝 (Surrogate Mother)
💝Nathan Ford💝 (Father Figure)
💖Alec Hardison💖
💖Jim Sterling💖
💗Simon Petrikov💗
💝Marceline Abadeer💝 (Surrogate Daughter)
💔The Lich💔
💘💘Clark Kent | Superman | Kal El + J'onn J'onzz | Martian Manhunter | John Jones💘💘
💝Jonathan Kent💝 (Father-in-law)
💝Martha Kent💝 (Mother-in-law)
💝Connor Kent | Superboy | Kon El💝 (Adopted Son)
💝Jon Kent | Superboy💝 (Son)
💘Hernan Guerra | Superman💘
💝Valentina Guerra💝 (Sister-in-Law)
💖Kirk Langstrom | Man-Bat💖
💖Bekka | Wonder Woman💖
💘💘Mordecai Heller💘💘
💖Atlas May💖
💖Mitzi May💖
💖Viktor Vasco💖
💖Sedgewick Sable💖
💘Kyouraku Shunsui + Ukitake Jushiro💘
💝Sasakibe Chōjirō Tadaoki💝 (Surrogate Father)
💘Himejima Gyoumei💘
💘Sherlock Holmes💘
💝Mycroft Holmes💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💝Sherrinford Holmes💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💝💖Detective Lestrade💖💝 (Brother-in-Law | Family Friend)
💖Doctor John H. Watson💖
💘Zane Jelm💘
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tandonshows · 2 years
If you’ve listened to any of our shows, you’ve probably heard Dallis Seeker’s voice. This is a clip of him from That Vampire Show, where he plays two characters: Cameron Jones, a heartthrob actor, and Luther, the vampire villain he plays on TV.
This is from a fan fiction our main character, Kat, writes. And the fic… sort of changes her life. We think you’ll love the show if you liked things like Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, or Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Or, if you’ve literally ever read or written fan fiction.
You can listen to the first episode (and all of season 1) here.
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blackicek1lls · 9 months
Made for my philosophy course in college. It was a creative writing assignment and I chose the option of putting a new character in The Hunting of the Snark by Lewis Carroll. Probably should read that to understand this.
"I am but a Seeker who seeks," the Seeker cries to her crew, abashed with ragged breath and pale faces round like the moon. "I am a Seeker who seeks, and there is nothing of it."
"If you are a Seeker, then our Snark must be a Hider," the Bellman retorts, his bell rattling like a cow, like a cat who had spent too many smiles sneaking around.
"Right you are, my dear Bellman," the Seeker speaks, and her green veil falls like the crew flying off the boat, and unlike the crying waterfall she stands before. She pulls back, pulls back like she's late to the party, when she had been there, been there when the Baker disappeared when he found the– "If it may be a Hider, then I may be the Seeker. Surely you must know what it must take to be Mr. Seek to seek Mr. Hyde."
The Billiard-maker scoffs, aiming his cues and clacking the balls like glasses of whiskey, fragrant but bitter. A bitter-maker. "Had that book been out yet by now, I would break my billiards and eat them like porridge."
"And what does time have to do with the timing of our tale?" the maker of Bonnets and Hoods declares, "What of this tale does it say we must make time for a book yet to be writ, when it has been writ when it ought to be writ?"
"I dare say," says the Butcher.
"My dear!" cries the Beaver.
"What of this hiding and seeking have to do with our dear comrade?" the Broker berates, who still counts the coins of their goods, goods that did nothing of the sort for the source of their ire.
"Enough, enough!" the Seeker yells, yells enough to drown the waterfall cries. "Enough with your dilly-dallying, your idling and flouncing! We have a Snark to seek, and I am a Seeker who dare seeks the unSeeked!"
"I have my doubts, my withholdings and concerns. I have my reservations and fears. I have my worries, my lectures, my turns. Yes, I'd rather be nursing a beer."
"Oh nurse your beer like the child you lack, we've nothing of the sort to reserve!" The Seeker merely glares at the Barrister rote, whose dreamy disposition was unperturbed. "We have not the time to waste with our haste, the dawn of the light is drawing closed. And place down your dreams and finicky things, if you want to find our friend still posed."
"Why are you rhyming?" the Butcher asks, the rhythm of the tone being clear. "Well, look at that, how! Look, I'm doing that now! How odd and how queer to read here."
"Look nothing to it, Butcher, look here mine friend. We are here for one and one thing to end." The Seeker grabs the Butcher by the face so violently such that he felt his head from his body nearly rend. "You are to search the isle, the map of which is to be the make that read. You are to search and search for a friend, you see, and you must take his warning to heed. In Hebrew, in Dutch, in German, in Greek, you are to search until the peak! I myself will watch as you search, as I seek the same as you. I will seek and seek until I drop dead, then I'll rise again and make do!"
"Surely you do not mean to say," the Beaver trails off, making his lace, "that we will be searching until sleeps the day!"
"Surely I do!" exclaims the Seeker, her green attire flowing wild. "I'll make you search and I seek while we all find that Snark until we fall six feet under, single file!"
"You're mad!" yells the Barrister.
"You're uncouth!" cries the Banker.
"Say what you will," the Seeker sighs, "I've all heard the same from my youth."
"Stop your yapping and your bossing and your jossing," the Bellman interrupts. "Stop your rambling and gambling and your flossing. Your noises, I've had enough!"
The first to go, with fear from the Butcher no doubt, was the Beaver making his lace, without a shout. And the Butcher distraught, his crying fraught, that his dear friend's search was for naught. The Seeker, she stares at the friend now alone, and her face is not of pity, though it's not like that had been shone. 
"You heard me once, when I grabbed your face clear, you are to search the isle. Now leave your friend here."
"You've lost all sense, all manner and pity. To think that you were the best Seeker of the city! We've now lost not one, but two of our friends! And now you ask me to leave them all to fend? I cannot endure this notion once more, and I will be at the base of the shore–"
The Seeker turns away and looks back at where the Butcher spoke, but the rest find nothing of the blabbering bloke. The Seeker's veil shimmers like a trick of the light, yet she still presses for, though still begs the night.
"What a waste of the world, those two friends are now gone. Now chop chop, dealio, for we will still search till Dawn."
"You've gone mad," the Bellman whispers, his bell with no tongue to blare. "You've gone mad, my dear Seeker. There is nothing to search for in there."
"Nonsense! All lies! I'll have nothing of the sort!" The Seeker is hysterical, alone, and rogue; the Bellman was her only court. "So what if there is only us? So what if there is no one but us? I am a Seeker who seeks the unSeeked, so this action is a must!"
"The Baker is gone, so's the Beaver and Butcher, godbless. There went the Barrister and Billiards-maker, the Banker no less. The maker of Bonnets and Hoods and the Broker have broke. By now, the one set us out to sea and the Jubjubs have gone to soak."
A rustle, a thrustle, a tussle of leaves, and the Seeker perks up whilst her friend's left bereaved.
"You hear that, dear? That rumbling sound? That is a Snark afoot, and I will not leave it bound." The Seeker runs off into the shivering brush; she runs off too fast, too far in a rush. And what she finds at the end leaves her nothing but joy, but in the middle of that clearing, no doubt not a ploy.
"Yes, a Snark!" the Seeker yells, her excitement leap and bounds. "A Snark that I have been seeking for months! A Snark that I've found!"
She grabs the face of what is supposedly a Snark, her grin shining ear to ear. And then she recoils, in shock and in horror, as the truth had been revealed. In her aged veil, her willowing hair, her eyes enshadowed growing wide, the Seeker had sought what was really not a Snark to be hunted and to be tried.
"You're a Boo–" she blurts and the words fall curt, as nothing then stands in her place. The Bellman then looks and then his head shook, as his body turns his pale face. There was nothing to gain and nothing to see, for all that they found did not bring them their glee. That Snark was a Boojum again and again, and Bellman did nothing but flee.
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beidthealth · 2 years
Job Seekers’ Tips on Choosing the Right Healthcare Staffing Agency
Years after dallying about a few career options, you finally decide on healthcare as the best choice. You have yet to see the difficulty that might pop up on the way when you pick low-hanging fruits.
It is too tricky to find a sustainable job, especially when you stumble upon the wrong people despite having good academic records. If you want to avoid confronting setbacks and step into the world of health professionals' careers, find a reliable platform where you can show your profile to recruiters.
Here are some tips on meeting a staffing agency that can help you fulfill your dreams.
Reputable agency
Plenty of companies claiming to be recruitment agencies for healthcare practitioners may lure out job seekers, but only a few are dedicated companies in the industry. Even though you see convincing advertisements about their services, the better ones will always have good client reviews.
Those forerunners in providing solutions to lessen the gap between patients and demanded healthcare services will stay on top of the list. When searching for a suitable job, use the keywords related to your specialization subject and skills you acquired from healthcare training.
Some staffing companies cover almost all economic sectors, including health and medicines. Such agencies usually have an extensive network that connects to top recruiters in various industries.
Features on their websites look impressive, but some could put things off and delay the recruitment process due to a lack of communication between recruiters and job seekers. Such a situation can frustrate many people after losing an opportunity to start their careers.
A better way to meet recruiters in the healthcare sector is to choose an agency specializing in health and medical staff.
Doors to more opportunities
When you join a team of medical professionals, it is necessary to ensure that your career should not end there with a low-profile designation.
As an ambitious person looking forward to reaching out to people who need medical attention, you should identify your capabilities by expanding your skills. To find employers that give opportunities to their workforce, get in touch with a staffing agency that shares its portfolios on its website.
When you are ready with a CV for the job application, search for a healthcare job placement online. Staffing agencies that deal with specific areas deliver a clean recruitment process to help employers get the right person.
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pentaghest · 2 years
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@notodin said "[  THIRTY-TWO  ] : “ i do not want anybody else touching you like i do. ” " from the feelings are complicated meme.
TAVERNS were a nice place to wind down after a long day of travelling. They were warm, comforting, busy with the voices of dozens of people purely there to either drown their sorrows or have a good time. Cassandra had rather thirsted for an ale, and so she found herself dallying at the bar, toasting another group of adventurers, and in particular, a man with long, braided hair, and a trimmed beard.
The Seeker normally sported an expression dark enough to drive others away, but the adventurer and his sunny disposition did not sway away from the warrior. Instead, he and Cassandra carried on a lively conversation, with the latter even allowing a hand to be placed on the small of her back.
Noticeably, Eivor was silent for the majority of the night, nursing her ale at the end of the bar, almost glowering at anyone who approached her, and--most of all--at the man that Cassandra accompanied.
The night drew to a close with Eivor and Cassandra leaving the tavern to trudge back to their makeshift camp. The darker haired woman was in a fairly jovial mood, walking side-by-side with the Drengr.
"I do not want anybody else touching you like I do."
The raspy words fly out of nowhere, and fully cause Cassandra to halt, lips briefly parting in sheer surprise. A silence paased between them, before the faintest, tiniest shadow of a smirk flickered across the Nevarran's lips.
"Surely I do not know what you mean," she replied, but the tips of her ears were giving her away in their pink-tinged glory. The warrior stepped closer, willfully in Eivor's space, close enough to smell the woody scent of her.
"You do not enjoy the company I keep?" Cassandra asked coyly.
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mukundbharucha · 2 years
Nowadays BJP is most corrupt party. Her MPs, MLAs, Corporators & all her disciples have become unscrupulous unrestrained unbridled & looting the national exchequer unabated. I'm conversant of true national political scenarios & its corrupt culture in rife. I'm not aficionado of any political parties. I do just entertain common herds' sentiments. Even I disdain Congress culture who has played havoc with national economy, national integrity and her sovereignty under the dire vain pretext of pseudo secularism. Congress has rendered Dalits more vulnerable to malignant political insinuations. Congress has rendered Dalits most corrupt in the nation. Dalits should not have blind faith in Congress depicting her as their sole messiah of Dalits because ablepsy is very much detrimental. Even I appreciate & eulogize the nationalism & Hinduism plank of BJP. Despite BJP imbued in nation eroding & heart gnawing corruption malversation no one can wink at their works which has been accomplished in last eight years. Amidst shambles of mire of corrupt political culture our beloved Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi has performed splendid works whether it's concerning to nationalism issues, Hinduism, defense related technological advancements, self reliant India, product linked incentive scheme (PLI scheme), patronization to innovations & research and development activities, guts & gumption of foreign diplomacy, MUDRA endeavour, ₹ 8000 appropriated for Quantum Computer Technology innovation, 6G spectrum indigenous technology development endeavour, rationalization of pharmaceutical policy by procuring generic drugs at condign cheaper rate to destitute, proletariate & bourgeois class of people or poverty stricken congregational issues to name a few. Congress is the prime provenance of corruption malpractice unwillingly burgeoning in our beloved nation Hindustan. I'm curiously awaiting that when Mr Narendra Modi will use the power of Enforcement Directorate (ED), Crime Bureau of India (CBI), Civil Vigilance Committee (CVC) etc government agencies against their party's vile elements imbued & engrossed in nation eroding malversation malpractice. Sir I can understand your plight very well but don't dilly dally to scavenge the abuses of misappropriation practices from our beloved nation Hindustan. Sir thwart plundering of the national exchequer unabated by your own party's cadre portfolio holders which is very badly agonising me a lot. Sir don't concentrate on Mr Kejriwal sir but peep into misdeeds of your own party's cadre vile elements. You don't have threat from Mr Kejriwal sir but your own party's cadre vile indign elements will definitely make existence of BJP evanescing in the abysmal air.
Anyways welcome to our land of exquisite Bharuch city.
Don't get me wrong because I got fleeced myself this way so you, & naive people & loggerhead imbecile nimrods can very well decipher & discern my political ideological proclivities in right direction.
I'm truth seeker & truth lover.
Truth is Intelligence. Truth is God...!
જગની માયા ઝૂઠી રે મનવા માન કહ્યુ તુ મારુ રે...!
मोदी है तो मुमकिन है।
जय श्री कृष्ण।
जय भीम। जय संविधान।
जय हिंद जय भारत।
वंदे मातरम्।
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swordandstoner · 5 years
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Some BTS of our recent promo shoot! We can’t wait to share the official shots with you. 
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felworthless · 3 years
ask for hcs and you shall receive. (12 hours later)
- tim tastes like honey
+ yes, i have thought about this a lot. no i wont provide context.
- darry had trouble going back to work after pony came home, as he worked with roofing houses and shit and it brought back memories of his brother and his brothers best friend being in the hospital after the church collapsed
- on multiple occasions has two-bit made ponyboy go on all fours and sit on him yelling "GO HORSEY GO!!" at the top of his lungs
- steve snorts when he laughs and it causes him and the gang to laugh even more
- soda got a fishing rod/hook stuck to his ass once and he ran and it ripped his pants. when it did, he screamed and tried looking at the hole and ran into a tree
- darry's best seeker in hide and go seek, johnnys best hider
- pony sometimes locks himself in the bathroom with cigarettes and makes the 😤 face with the smoke (has set off the fire alarm multiple times)
- dally needs glasses but refuses to wear them in order not to ruin his "reputation"
+ steve, who keeps his reading glasses in his pocket, smacked dally with them once and "would do it again" before getting his shit rocked
- all three curtis boys and johnny have had braces/retainers at some point of their lives
- ponyboy knows french and johnny knows spanish! (soda doesnt even know english at this point so dont look at him :])
- dally actually really likes frogs and has one that he named "fish" after dropping it in his water bottle on accident when he first met it
- cherry and marcia are in a secret relationship (hence why cherry said she was attracted to dally)
if you need more, i got you <3
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bluewren · 2 years
*sneaks into your asks* Hi Wren I DESPERATELY need some Cassandra & Blackwall - for "This is going to hurt." from the Hurt/Comfort list (during that post-Revelations card game maybe 👀)
Got a working part 1 of this fic!
Working title: 'Forgive Me Friend in War, I Was A Fool'
The game they're playing is actually durak, it's a russian game that's similar to Spades. Have you ever heard of it?
Durak as means, fool
WC: 1104
She watches as Blackwall peal up one side of the cards then releases his two stacks of cards to revolve over one another. Cassandra found tbe sound similar to the sensation of running a whetstone over her sword.
“What are you playing?”
Blackwalls deals out cards from his hand, more focused on the rhythm of the flick of his hand than the gaze of the Seeker’s curiosity.
“Nothing at the moment.” He mumbles. “This is more a force of habit. Back in the days when I had my own troops to look after. Care to play a round?”
“I must admit that I’ve dallied with soldiers enough for them to offer me to be part of their games.” Cassandra raises a brow, although still choosing to take the seat opposite of the Warden.
“You’re respected by every soldier at Skyhold, and fought hard enough for everyone to fear you just as much.” One last card gets flipped up, Diamonds, then he places the deck over it. Soldier to soldier, Blackwall extends the invitation with a smile over his lips. “Perhaps it’s time for you to see how the rest of us grunts enjoy ourselves. The rules can be learned along the way.”
“I do find it humbling that you see me as one of your own.” She lets go a short giggle, her neck slants by shock at Blackwall's comment. ”Deal me a hand.”
He slides over one hand, then places Eight Spades on the table. “The suit of the card at the bottom beats everything. A higher rank of the matching suit beats my card.”
Cassandra watches the card fall onto the table. Her hand slowly extends out with the Jack Spades, cautious as a baby taking her first steps. This past time that she seen on top of crates from several dozen of her soldiers might as well be an Orlesian ballgown to her, awkward and ill fitting for her hands.
Watches Blackwall glides a Jack Clovers onto the table like an arrow flying to its mark.
She looks down at her cards, unfortunately no Clovers. She looks up and sighs. “I am without a card to play.”
“Then you can go pick those up.” Blackwall asserts, his hand flippantly gestures to their board. “They’re your’s now.”
“What has just happened?” The Seeker gawks, flabbergasted by the nonsensical interaction slide up and down between the board and her opponent.
All that Blackwall has for her was dry laughter. Barely an itch on his beard, everybody has started somewhere but she simply had all the tells of a beginner.
“Beginner’s luck isn’t always a thing. Just keep going at it.” He tries with all his might to not widen his smile. “You can take this too.”
A second Jack is added to Cassandra’s defeat.
“Ugh. Nothing about this game makes any sense.” Cassandra blurts out.
“Just keep going at it.” He repeats while drawing three from their deck.
They continue onto the second round. The rules slowly begin to seep into Cassandra’s head, this travesty of a game slowly starts to have some sense to her. Blackwall plays one, sometimes two of the same rank, then Cassandra does the same. This time, she closes six pairs of cards using the cards gained from previous losses then Blackwall gathers them all up and castes them aside.
Cassandra places down her own card, then Blackwall does the same. Slowly the exchanging of turns becomes a rhythmic act to one another, the cards demanding less of her attention than the words between two friends.
“It’s feels like there are cards missing. Why have I yet to see a two or a three.” She narrows her brows at the cards in her hand. Feeling bright about her revelation, but also cheated in the same breath.
“I’m not sure how that started, possibly from workers who couldn’t afford a second deck after they lost those cards.” He places down a card to match Cassandra’s. “We’ve been here for a couple months now, how has Skyhold been treating you?”
The question loosens the knot running down Cassandra’s shoulders.
“There’s always terribly much to do.” Even with eased minds, she still musters out a sigh. “I trust our Inquisitor but she has shown to be reckless.”
“She seems like a respectable woman.” Blackwall places down his starter card. “The soldiers like seeing her out there with them.”
Cassandra adds her own card, keeping her focus on the game. “She is also disagreeable. Josephine has many tales of Lady Lavellan scaring away the nobility.”
“Ha!” Cassandra looks up when Blackwall’s obnoxious snort reached her ears.
“Sorry.” The Seeker’s sharp gaze causes him to flinch and lean closer to the table. “I didn’t think you’d care that much about what the nobles thought.”
She takes in a breath, hoping she release all her thoughts within it. “Do you believe in the Maker?”
“I’m not as devout as I once was.” Blackwall admits.
“I fear that we might have been too hasty when we chose her to be our leader.” She continues with their game. “I must believe that she was chosen, but she doesn’t. She has always been unwavering in that.”
“I’m sorry that’s troubling you.”
“All of Thedas needs that, now more than ever.” The Seeker releases a delirious sigh, letting those conflicting thoughts out of herself. “The Maker is a guiding light to people in dark times, we risk becoming divided otherwise.”
“I wouldn’t say that all is lost, people follow because the Inquisitor is sticking her head out for them. Where she comes from, it doesn’t matter.”
“You make it sound so simple.” She lowers her head, sinking further into their game.
“Heroes and causes can inspire people more than gods do.” He pinches close his lips, shutting any unwanted words from escaping. “Take it from a Warden.”
“You have given me much to consider.” Cassandra nods, reaching place her Ace on the table. “But please, I would prefer if Taliesen doesn’t not hear a word of this.”
“Not a word to our inquisitor.” Blackwall nods.
He closes the pair with a trump card but a second Ace gets released.
He chuckles, looking up from his cards to Cassandra and then back. He rubs the edges of his mustache, proud in being out played by his opponent.
“You are getting better at this.”
“Thank you.” Cassandra smirks, taking in more of that dumbfounded astonishment that Blackwall has. She extends a handshake to the Warden. “This has been an enjoyable distraction. I would love to do this again.”
“Any time.”
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