#dain x violet
luniellar · 8 months
Broken (Dain's POV) - The Empyrean Series Fanfiction
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Rules exist to protect the ones you love. There were consequences to every rule broken. A chain reaction that was unpredictable and dangerous.
Father always made sure I understood that.
These are recorded events from the Empyrean series from Dain's POV. ___________________
All rights to Rebecca Yarros for her original work and original characters. ___________________
Contains: Fourth Wing and Iron Flame Spoilers Warnings: Language
Read on: AO3 | Wattpad
Fourth Wing: Chapter 16 - The Threshing
Dain Aetos
Cath. I called out. Any updates?
My anxiety was building as the sun started to set on the horizon. I should be there.
No, you should not. There is nothing you can do. Cath replied, slightly irritated from my anxious state today. He showed me what he was seeing as he scanned the fields. From his vantage point I could see hints of the different dragon’s colors peeking through the woods. 
It was against the rules to interfere. Maybe sending Cath out to be my eyes could be considered an interference. I clenched my jaws and looked around the second and third years around me making bets on who would bond. I stepped away from the chatter into a quieter area. 
Confusion stirred around me as I felt Cath making his way back. Did it happen? Did she bond?
She bonded with Tairn.  
Wait, Tairn? I didn’t know he was going to bond again. Especially since his last rider-
She bonded with Andarna.  
Andarna? Cath, didn’t you just say she bonded with-? 
I said what I said. After a short pause, Cath spoke again. She bonded with Tairn and Andarna. There will be an Empyrean meeting. 
I swallowed. The Empyrean meeting was a rare occurrence and there was never a rider who bonded with two dragons before. That couldn’t be a coincidence. 
I turned and headed for the clearing where Violet along with other new riders will be dismounting for the first time today.
❈ ❈ ❈
She did it. My shoulders relaxed as I finally took a long exhale since the first years left this morning. My heart radiated with warmth. She was glowing in the crowd of other first years around her. I knew she would make it. I caught myself in my own thoughts. But did I? Painful memories from the last two years came rushing in, reminding me that no one was the exception. Not even the General’s daughter. 
I imagined the face of Malek, indifferent, heartless as he watched the souls of each dead first year from Threshing lined up at his door.
In long powerful strides, I walked through the crowd of celebrating first years and spun her body by the shoulders and pulled her into my chest.
Violet. I never wanted to let her go.  
“Damn it. Violet. Just…damn.” I squeeze her as tight as I can before pulling away to take a good look at her. She was covered in dried crimson splatters and it was heavily concentrated on her leg and arm. Was it the dragon? Heat radiated through my body as I thought of other possibilities. Fuck, if it was anyone else…
“You’re hurt.” 
“I’m fine,” she tries to assure me. Fine? She was covered in blood looking like a dragon tossed around with her for fun before bonding. Her face expression drops. “But we’re all that’s left of our squad’s first-years.” 
I saw the sadness in her eyes and looked at the others. We were missing more than half the squad, but there was nothing new about that. It was Threshing. “Four out of nine. That’s to be expected. The dragons are currently holding a meeting of the Empyrean - their leadership. Stay here until they return.” I glanced over at Violet. “You come with me.” 
I tugged her along until we reached the opposite edge of the field, hidden in shadow. When I knew no one was around our listening distance, I looked at her. “What the actual fuck happened out there? Because I’ve got Cath telling me that not only did Tairn choose you but so did the small one - Adarn?” I intertwine our fingers together in desperation. I just wanted her to be safe. This just put a huge target on her back and there were already many to begin with.
“Andarna,” her voice corrected me. I watched as a small smile appeared on her face. The smile I saw many times growing up. I knew she was happy. It should be as simple as that. But, Tairn had a mate. A very well known navy blue daggertail. The only thing I could do now was convince her to pick Andarna. Sharing a bond with Riorson was a death sentence for Violet. 
“They’re going to make you choose.” I said, preparing her. 
“I’m not choosing.” She pulled her hand away from mine and shook her head. “No human has ever chosen, and I’m not about to be the first.” 
She was the first. I was so proud of her, but I needed her in my life more than anything. I couldn’t lose her to a mated dragon bond that was thicker than blood.
“You are.” Violet stared back at me in anger. This was not going the way I planned, I can feel the desperation taking over me. “You have to trust me. You do trust me, right?”
She hesitated for a quick second. “Of course I do-” 
There. That’s all I needed. I needed to press while I still had her. I hated arguing with her more than anything. “Then you have to choose Andarna. The gold one is the safest choice of the two.” 
She opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out. I could see that she was thinking, maybe trying to reach out to her dragons. But the Empyreans were meeting. There was no way she or any of us could listen to that conversation.
“I’m not choosing,” she said softly. 
My heart broke. “You are. And it has to be Andarna.” I reached for her shoulders and leaned in. The softer features of her younger face were slowly fading away, replaced by stronger features of a strong woman. I saw General Sorrengail's features on her. She was slipping away from the Violet I knew.
“I know she’s too small to bear a rider-” 
“That hasn’t been tested,” she countered. But I knew it from her face. She was smart. Smarter than anyone I knew and there was no way she believed her own words. Her feelings were messing with her logic. 
“It doesn’t matter. It will mean that you won’t be able to ride with a wing, but they’ll probably make you a permanent instructor here like Kaori.” 
Fuck, she was mad. My Kaori’s example got shot down because she knew about his signet and his requisite with a combat win before teaching. I was running out of ideas. How else was I supposed to tell her the risk? How do I tell her that she will no longer experience freedom? A part of her life would be to tend to the needs of Tairn. When Tairn needed to see Sgaeyl, he would be delivering Violet straight to Xaden’s front door. 
I needed to be honest with her. “Even if you take Andarna into combat, there’s only a chance you’ll be killed. You take Tairn, and Xaden will get you killed. You think Melgren is terrifying? I’ve been here for a year longer than you have, Vi. At least you know what you’re getting when it comes to Melgren. Xaden isn’t only twice as ruthless, but he’s dangerously unpredictable.” 
I watched the certainty from her face wash away with a single blink. “Wait. What are you saying?”
She didn’t know? “They’re a mated pair, Tairn and Sgaeyl. The strongest bonded pair in centuries.” I explained.
I could see from the silence that her mind was spinning, digesting the information I just shared with her. Her face was fumbling as the consequences of her decision came tumbling down on her. Oh, Violet. I wanted to hold her in my arms. 
“Just… tell me how it happened.” I say softly over to her. 
Violet told me about the fucking pieces of shits, Jack and his friends, hunting down Andarna. Xaden was watching her and warned her of an attack from Oren. Once I heard his name, my mind hyper focused on one thing only… Xaden had interfered. 
“Xaden was there,” I said to Violet knowing well how his name sounds in my voice this time around. I sound disgusted. 
She nodded and added, “but he left after Tairn showed up.” 
“Xaden was there when you defended Andarna, and then Tairn just.. showed up?” I asked for clarification. My blood started to boil as anger consumed me. Xaden. He had set it up. Not only did he interfere, but he set all of this up.
My voice grew louder as my grip around her tightened out of my control. “Don’t you see what happened? What Xaden’s done?”
“Please, do tell me what it is you think I’ve done.” The familiar voice spoke as a shape emerged from the shadows into the moonlight. Xaden. Perfect, just the person I was looking for. 
“You manipulated Threshing.” I let go of Violet and turned to face Xaden. He knew exactly what he was doing. Every single moment was calculated from the beginning. 
“Is that an official accusation?” Xaden replied.
“Did you step in?” I demanded. I needed him to admit the dirty tricks he played. 
“Did I what?” Xaden stared directly at me. “Did I see her outnumbered and already wounded? Did I think her bravery was as admirable as it was fucking reckless?” He glanced over at Violet and she straightened her posture.
“And I would do it again.” She raised her chin. Oh gods.
As Xaden and Violet shared a moment, my mind drifted. Feeling the stinging words from Xaden, all I could think about was how I wanted to be there for her. I could have killed those boys for her. I felt a pang of regret. Xaden saw what I saw in her. One the many reasons why I will always love her. He saw her bravery. My mind reminded me how she would stand up for others even when we were younger. 
When Xaden glared back at me, he pulled me out of my thoughts. “Did I see her fight off three bigger cadets? Because the answer to all those is yes. But you're asking the wrong question, Aetos. What you should be asking is if Sgaeyl saw it, too.” 
I looked away. I didn’t even think about this. Sgaeyl called for Tairn. They were a mated pair after all. 
“She’s never been a fan of bullies. But don’t mistake it as an act of kindness toward you. She’s fond of the little dragon. Unfortunately, Tairm chose you all on your own.” Xaden explained. 
“Fuck,” I muttered. I didn’t like Xaden. He was the last thing from warm hugs and smiles, but I knew he was telling the truth even without looking at his memories. You can’t control the actions of mated dragons. Together, they wrote their own law. 
Xaden moved towards me. “Would you really level that accustion knowing it would have been what saved the woman you call your best friend?” 
I felt transparent. It was like he could see through me. Violet was more than a best friend to me, but I couldn’t admit that here. He was cornering me. But, rules exist to protect the ones you love. There were consequences to every rule broken. A chain reaction that was unpredictable and dangerous. Father always made sure I understood that. 
“There are… rules.” I looked at Xaden. 
“And out of curiosity, would you have, let’s say, bent those rules to save your precious little Violet in that field?” 
The fuck? Anger and chaos broke loose inside me as I glared at him. 
“That’s unfair to say to him,” Violet’s voice whispered. She wanted me to know it was okay. Maybe she already knew what my answer was, she always knew me better than I knew myself after all. 
“I’m ordering you to answer, squad leader.” Xaden pressed.
Orders. I was given orders by my wingleader to answer. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes. “No. I wouldn’t have.” 
I turned to Violet and my heart clenched. It was too late. I already saw how much I hurt her. She knew I had to follow the rules, but didn't want to believe that. I made it a reality for her. “It would have killed me to watch something happen to you, Vi, but the rules-” I started.
It was the truth. The reason why I wanted to make sure she was under my supervision. If she died under my watch, it only meant one thing. I failed to protect her. My life would be meaningless.   
“It’s all right.” She cut me off. Her hand touched my shoulder. 
She was lying. Telling me it was fine looking like a tattered piece of cloth, telling me it was all right when I should have stood up for her. Was this our new relationship? Did we lie to each other now? 
“The dragons are returning. Get back to formation, squad leader.” Xaden ordered. 
Another order. An order I followed without question. I tore my eyes from Violet.
I didn’t want to be here anymore. I hurt her enough. 
❈ ❈ ❈
As General Sorrengail addressed the new riders, my eyes focused on Violet. It was time to celebrate. My dragon branding tingled on my shoulder, remembering the pain from last year. I clenched my jaw and fists as I watched from a distance as Violet felt the pain. 
Cath told me the decision was made. Violet was going to keep both dragons. I was happy for her. There was no one else on this Continent who deserved it more than her. When I saw that she was starting to catch her breath, I made my way over. 
“Violet!” You kept both of them!” I smiled.
She smiled back too. “I guess I did.” 
I felt pure joy between us. I helped her unlace the top of her gear so she could see what her dragon relic looked like. I took a sharp inhale when I saw it. Two dragons, one white, one black, overlayed on top of another stretching across her shoulder. Her dragon relic, like her, was beautiful. 
Lacing her top back up, I built up the courage to talk to her. “You have to know that I would do anything to save you, Violet, to keep you safe," panic stirs in my heart when I meet her eyes. “What Riorson said…” 
“I know,” trying her best to sound reassuringly, she nodded. “You always want me safe.”
It was true. I wanted her safe. I didn’t want her to know the shit that existed outside her books. There was nothing I wanted more than to shelter her from this, from all of this. I could see death everyday for the rest of my life if it meant she would never have to see it. 
“You have to know how I feel about you.” I stroked my thumb gently over her cheek. Her skin was so soft. I looked into her eyes searching for a sign. Did she want me? She lived rent free in my head, but was I just a friend to her?
I leaned down and kissed her. Her lips were like soft pillows that greeted you after a long day. She tasted like how I always imagined her to taste, sweet and warm. Pressing my lips against hers harder, I felt like a new breath of life was blown into me. I was alive. 
I pulled away, smiling. I could feel the eyes on us as I finally revealed my secret card to her. When I looked into her eyes, I knew something was wrong. I shouldn’t have searched for an answer. 
I wasn’t losing her.
I had already lost her. 
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aprill-99 · 10 months
*After the Gauntlet.*
Amber: “You can’t do that!”
Violet: “Not to worry, I have a permit.”
Dain: “This just says ‘I can do what I want-’”
Xaden: “-And she can. 10/10. 5 Stars.”
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chobanig · 11 months
Xaden’s POV part 2 🫶🏼🫶🏼❗️❗️❗️
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scorpioriesling · 4 months
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I (Almost) Don't Believe You
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairing(s): Brennan x reader
Warnings: mutual pining, tiny mention of injury
Summary: It was already bad enough to find out your father and brother invaded your best friend's privacy; but sending you on a mission where it nearly killed her? Unbelieveable. What else is unbelieveable? The boy you'd fallen for so long ago would only be waiting for you on the other side...
SR’s Note: Um okay, as I am progressing through Iron Flame rn... like, Brennan is... ooh okay I am liking him quite a bit. He's helping ease the pain of loosing Liam (': Jokes, jokes... I don't think I'll ever get over that reality. Enjoy, lovelies.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
The hours you'd been counting seemed to blur together as exhaustion weighed heavily on your shoulders. Was it exhaustion? Maybe it was just guilt. After everything you'd seen and gone through today, differentiating the two was... well, near impossible.
Your dragon has been all but silent, giving you time as thoughts race through your mind. Would your best friend wake up? If she didn't, the male sitting to your left would be all but gone too. A male you've come around to, especially seeing the way your closest friend reacts in his presence.
Gods, you wished for something like that.
Violet stirrs, her brow furrowing and shoulders moving on the cot where she lay. Both you and Xaden lean forward instinctively at the same time, and he huffs a small laugh as he glances sidelong at you. The two of you haven't spoken much since the arrival, and you're sure his mind is racing just as yours is.
"Vi... I hope you wake soon, you have people who've been waiting forever to see you," Xaden whispers. Your heart warms at his words -- long gone is the fearsome Wingleader you'd met only a year ago, and his familiar warmth is graciously returned in Violet's presence. She rolls to her side, eyes squeezing closed as she lets out a wide yawn. Xaden is on his feet in an instant -- you're quick to follow, flanking to her bedside.
"Violet?" You whisper. Xaden extends his hand, brushing hair from her face as she slowly blinks her eyes open. You can practically count the emotions swirling in her green eyes -- the one she registers and lands on quickly though, is confusion.
"Xaden... Y/N..." She pushes to a sitting position, Xaden clutching her shoulders and helping her readjust. She rubs her eyes with the back of her hand, and looks around the room in confusion.
"Where... what is this?" She asks. Xaden sighs, hanging his head low. Her eyes meet yours in silent question, and you shrug. "Hey, I could ask the same thing. The more important thing right now is that you're awake..." You say.
"Awake and healing quickly," Xaden adds. His fingers have threaded through hers, and her confusion quickly turns to anger.
"Don't... don't think I've forgotten-" She yanks up the side of her shirt, revealing a dull purple bruise on her side. Angry black veins thread from the injury, and her gaze flicks back to Xaden.
"I haven't forgotten." Is all she says, and you feel sorry for Xaden. Sure; you're grateful your spitfire of a best friend is alive and well, but her gaze could cut right through him.
"I know." Is all he says, so hushed that you barely hear it. You nod once, and begin backing away from the bed.
"I'll... leave you guys for a while." You say. Xaden nods, and Violet shoots you a pleading glance. You can see her asking you not to leave her alone with him, but you know they have a lot to talk about.
You decide instead to head down the hallway outside the door, finding a kitchen shortly along your way. If you were going to give your friends space, you might as well do something productive. A million thoughts raced through your mind; where were you? Where were the others? How far from Basgiath were you? Not to mention the millions of thoughts plaguing your brain about your father, your brother; knowing what they were sending not only this section, but their own family into...
You shake your head. Productive. Rifling through the foreign cabinets, you look for something to make.
✧・゚: *✧・゚
The afternoon sun is dipped low beyond the horizon, painting the sky in streaks of violet and navy as night falls. It didn't take long for the others to find you -- perhaps it was the smell of the dinner you'd scraped together that drew them in.
The first two days, Garrick or Bodhi were sent out to retrieve food for the group, and you decided by day three that you should lend a hand. After all, you'd been shown many house-chores like this over the years; your father never expected you to become a rider rather than a housewife, that is. Neither did your brother, and you knew he didn't like it one bit.
Your older brother Dain had always been protective over you; but his overprotection only intensified when your best friend's brother died, and he practically treated the two of you as though you were made of glass. When you'd braced the parapet, he looked ready to hurl, never expecting his little sister (or her fearless best friend, for that matter) to dare entering the rider's quadrant.
But, your appreciation for his overprotection died the moment he used his signet to send your section to certain death. Not only did he send you, his only sibling; but the girl he'd oogled over, swore so many times he loved with all of his heart, right along with you.
It didn't matter now. Everything was different.
"I don't know how you did it," Garrick smiles, sitting on the bench seat near the small dining table in the kitchen. "But you've got some skill, Y/N. I mean seriously, who scrounges all this up in a place they've never been, and produces such a delicious meal?" He shakes his head, shoveling a huge bite of stew into his mouth. You smile as Imogene makes her way into the space.
"Gods, I could simply kiss you for this," Bodhi follows her in, snatching up a bowl and waiting behind Imogene for his turn to scoop from the pot. You chuckle.
"You mean to tell me that you don't enjoy going out and hoping to return with food for us all?" You raise an eyebrow playfully, and before he can answer, Violet enters the kitchen. You instinctively make your way to her, and her pained smile emerges as she pulls you in for a light hug.
"How are you feeling?" Imogene chides, perching in a chair across from Garrick and looking Violet over. You let go of her, and she glances around to everyone.
"I'm... I'll be alright." She says, and you nod. Her eyes meet yours, and she quickly whispers, "We need to talk."
Your eyes widen, and you glance to the stove where the awaiting pot sits. "Violet, you haven't eaten in days-"
"It can wait." She rushes, taking hold of your wrist and all but dragging you into the hallway and out of earshot from the others. You glance around, and she sighs.
"Violet, I know you have questions; I mean, so do I, but-"
"Brennan is alive." She stares straight into your eyes, and a wave of adrenaline rushes over you at her words.
"Violet, what are you-"
"He's alive. He's here. Brennan. He's..." She fumbles, her hands clasping and releasing frantically. You place a hand on her shoulder lightly. "He's alive, Y/N." She says in finality. You shake your head, a small smile appearing on your lips.
"Violet, you might be thinking some wild things, they did give you a lot of medicine-" She grasps both of your shoulders with her hands, holding tight and giving you an incredulous look.
"Would I lie about something like this?" She whisper shouts. You furrow your brows at her.
"No! Gods no, I don't think you're lying, I just..." You shrug defeatedly. "He's been dead for six years, Vi. The last time we spoke of him..." Your throat tightens at the memory. "His soul was being condemned to Malek." The way the fire sparked as his belongings were thrown in. The way Violet cried for weeks, you sleeping in her room with her for sheer comfort. The way your heart tightened every time you thought of the way he used to look at you; his soft voice, so contrasted against his mother's uniformed nature. The way he'd lend you his books, sitting and talking with you for hours on end...
"Fine. Go see for yourself." She gestures down the hallway, the countless doors fading to dark as it stretched on. "Fifth door on the left. He's probably still in there." She says. You sigh, looking to her once more.
"I'm going in to eat." She walks through the kitchen entryway once more, leaving you alone in the hallway. You sigh, wiping your clammy hands on your pants. You head down the hallway, counting the doors as you go. One, two, three... four...
You stood, face-to-face with the fifth wooden door, the only sound this far down the hall was your ragged breaths. You swallowed, raking your fingers through your hair as you remembered you'd been wearing the same, disgusting leathers for three days. If he really was on the other side of this door, you hated that the first thing he'd see of you in six years was... well, not your favorite look.
You knock softly, and the door creaks open. You hastily shove it open, breath catching as you peered around the room. The empty room, that is. Moving inside, you took in various things; tons of papers, many books, quills and ink pots upon the desk-
Your breath catches in your throat as you spot a tome that you'd recognized. It was one Brennan gave to you all those years ago, when you were nothing but a teenager with a crush. Your heart still fluttered at the feeling, the ache in your heart as fresh as it was the day he died.
You huff, not sure why you expected anything but this. VIolet was on many remedies, and there was no world in which a man that had died would come back to life, no matter how convincing your best friend sounded.
A small knock sounds on the door behind you, and your head whips around from the papers you'd begun staring at. Your heart immediately seizes as your eyes meet those familiar brown irises you'd longed for, for so, so long.
"Y/N?" Brennan whispers, and you can't help the immediate sting of tears behind your pupils as you look him up and down. It felt surreal; his cream-colored button down is only buttoned up half way; his fitted trousers outlining every muscle along his masculine legs. Your hand flies to your mouth as you gasp, the words choked behind a sob rising in your throat.
"Brennan?" You stutter, and his eyes widen as he immediately surpasses the door way. You don't stop yourself from stepping quickly toward him, throwing your arms around his neck as a soft cry escapes your lips. He was real. He was really real, he had to be. The ends of his brown curls, longer now than when you'd seen him last, tickle your forarms as you pull him close. His arms wrap tightly around your waist, lifting you on to your tip toes as he stands at his full height.
You can't contain the tears flowing from your eyes as you breathe him in deep; his familiar scent of cedar and cotton bringing you back to all of those special moments you'd shared before; sitting close, sharing stories and thoughts. All of those almosts.
Before he …died, anyway.
You pull back to look up at him, but he doesn't release you. Instead, his fingers card through your hair, stroking lovingly as he continues his embrace. You shake slightly, allowing every emotion taking over your mind to run free. You never thought you'd see, feel him again. All of your greif receeding as you accept the reality that you had only ever dreamed of.
"Y/N I'm... I'm so sorry." He whispers. You cry harder, only wishing he'd keep talking and convincing you this was real. But, you forced yourself to believe it was; the boy you loved, now in front of you once more, holding you, physically touching you-
"Gods, I missed you so much." You retreated from his hold, his hands still braced on your hips as your watery eyes bore into his. Taking him in, you realized he was different. Older. No more was the boy you'd been in love with six years ago; now before you, was a man. A handsome one, nonetheless.
"I... I don't..." you stutter, and a small smile braces his lips as his soft hands brush the few stray tears from your cheeks. "I... I don't know what to say." You admit, and his thumb brushes along your cheekbone.
"Well... at least you're saying something," he says, chuckling softly. The sound is like music to your ears, a sound you hadn't heard in so long. "I was afraid Violet would shread me with one of her daggers when I tried talking to her." You swallow, your gaze drifting to his mouth as he spoke.
"I... I don't say I could blame her," you say softly, your eyes reconnecting with his as shame takes over his expression once more. He sighs, the hands on your waist falling as he takes a step back. You immediately wish he wouldn't have, already hoping to be back in his embrace as soon as you could.
"Look, Y/N, I..." his eyes peer at the wall above you, as he seems to contemplate his words. "I never meant to hurt anyone, alright? I had to do it because-" You step forward, taking his hand in yours. You stare up at him longingly, shaking your head that this was all truly real.
"You can explain it all later," you say, and his mouth closes. You can't help but take in the familiar slant of his nose, his more defined jawline, the golden planes of his skin...
"You can't keep staring at me like that, Aetos." His voice has dropped so low it’s almost gravelly, as his gaze darkens upon glancing toward your mouth. You grin, your deft fingers unlacing his and moving to slide thorugh the mass of curls on his head softly.
"I'm just... I'm really, really happy you're okay." You whisper. His hands slide around you, finding purchase along the small of your back. You suck in a breath as he pulls you against him once more, and you spot the tears pooling along his waterline at your words.
"I thought you'd hate me," he whispers, his breath a gentle caress down the slope of your nose. His perfect lips, ones you'd pined over for years were so, so close. So... real. His chest lets out uneven breaths pushed up against yours, and your nerves threaten to eat you alive as you raise to your tippy toes once more to be eye-level with him.
"I don't think I could ever hate you, Brennan." He smiles, the motion only growing as your eyes search his once more. His perfect teeth are still the same; the sparkle in his eye, the way he chuckles softly. It's as if you're transported back in time.
"I didn't think I could love you more than I did the last day I saw you." A single tear slips, and your quick to catch it with your finger. As you retract your hand, his fingers are quick to curl around yours, holding your hands against his heart. Your brows knit in confusion as you lower your heels, but his grasp on you does not falter.
"You're..." you start. His hand caresses your cheek, guiding you as close to his lips as you could get without touching. Your heartbeat races as his thumb traces soft circles on the back of your hand pressed to his heart. His heartbeat picks up at the closeness, and you can't help but smile. Whether its anxiety, fear, pure love... you've never been quite the expert at sorting out your feelings anyway.
"I'm …what?" He whispers, and you can't stand it any longer. You lean up, pressing a hesitant kiss to his lips. He stills, and you pull back, eyes as wide as his in shock.
"I'm so sorry, I-" He tugs you close again, your mouth colliding with his as he kisses you more forcefully. He keeps kissing you, both of his hands now cupping your face as yours grab onto the unbuttoned collar of his shirt. His lips part, allowing you access at your own pace; but you're quick to oblige, sliding your tongue along his bottom lip. A soft groan escapes his throat, and you inhale through your nose sharply at the sound. He's definitely more grown up than he was six years ago; more confident too. Gone was the shy, 19 year old who’d been deemed “too old” for you back then — now, he didn’t seem to mind the 5 year age gap now that you’d finally turned 20.
You continue indulging, before the strike of the clock from the hallway sounds. He doesn't seem to care as he explores your mouth; hands continuing their exploration, too. As the quiet overtakes the room once more, you finally pull back, gasping for air as he smirks down at you.
"I've waited… so long for that," he says, and your face heats. Little does he know, so have you. “Not coming back to find you, tell you I was alright was so hard, Y/N.” He leans back in for more, but you turn so his lips connect with your cheek instead.
"Oh, nuh uh," you hum. "You've got some explaining to do first before any of..." you motion between the two of you. "...this, continues." He rolls his eyes (glad to know he hasn't changed all that much), and backs up, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Okay, okay." He says. "I have to be in a meeting, uh..." He glances quickly at his watch. Your eyes track the movement; wishing his delicious fingers were holding you close again. "Uh, now, actually." He laughs sheepishly.
"Better get to it, then." You fold your arms over your chest, tilting your chin up in mock confidence. His hand slides along your jaw one more time, and he gazes down into your eyes.
"Later, we'll talk. I promise," he says. You continue your confident expression as his hand retreats, and he heads for the door, leaving it open behind him. You wait a few seconds before you follow behind him, but freeze as you enter the hallway and are met with a familiar stare you've come to know all too well. Leaning against the wall is your best friend, a smirk so similar to her brothers plastered on her face as she pins you with an accusatory look.
"I told you he'd be in there."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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mysterylilycheeta · 2 months
Xaden: I'm 80% awesome, 20% water and 100% beauty. Dain: That's 200% Xaden: I'm twice the man you'll ever be. Violet: I agree Tairn: nods approvingly Sgaeyl: looks smug
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sarawritestories · 5 months
I Wanna Be Yours Chapter 1
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Xaden Riorson X Lydia Aetos
Summary: Lydia Aetos Longs to be a Ballerina, her father has other plans, and has conscripted her to the rider's quadrant with her childhood friend Violet. Reuniting with her brother he only gives her two orders. Do not bring up wanting to dance and stay far away from Xaden Riorson. Both of his orders go ignored.
Content Warning: Violence.
A/N: Here is the first chapter I hope you all Enjoy! 🩰
Word Count: 4.9K
If you want to Read on AO3 click Here
I Wanna Be Yours Masterlist
Ashes. I’m watching my pointe shoes turn into ashes. I can’t help the tears that roll down my face. “Maybe now you will understand that no child of mine will be a performer in a traveling freakshow. My children are riders; they will serve their country with pride.” My Father’s voice grates against my skin as I watch the one thing I treasure most burn my dreams with it. “Come, Lydia, it’s almost time to go.” My legs refuse to move, as the pop of the wood makes me jump.
Hearing Colonel Aetos sigh grates my skin, he’s sending me to my death, with a first-born son like Dain, he didn’t need a second child. Correction he didn’t want one. Yet here I sit to his dismay. His feet move quickly as he places his hand in a vice-like grip around my arm; yanking me from the hearth, I writhe in his grasp as he pulls me away as I see what is left of the pink silk turn black. “That’s enough, Lydia.” He pins me against the wall, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to send a message, “You are going to cross that parapet, and join your brother, you are going to become a rider. Do you understand me?”
I school my face into something soft as if my life isn’t being turned upside down, swallowing the tears. “Yes, Colonel,” My voice doesn’t sound like my own, but my mother’s and my father realizes it too as his complexion pales slightly.
Regaining his composure, “Get dressed, back your rucksack and let’s go we are supposed to be in General Sorrengail’s office in 10 minutes.” I jerk out of his grasp and head to my room, trying to even out my breathing. As miserable as it sounds, I’m glad I will have Violet. The two of us have been inseparable for our entire lives. We are both being forced into the Rider’s quadrant today, at the hands of our parents. I tuck my hand under my mattress and pull out a piece of paper. I sit on the edge of my bed and re-read words I have memorized at this point.
My Dearest Lydia,
My little twinkle toes. I’m so sorry, I had to leave. The life your father leads can feel like a cage. I’m suffocating, little one. I cannot be controlled or maintained like a rabid beast. I’m sorry, I know what this means for you, what your father will make you do when you turn twenty. Just know that not a day goes by when I won’t feel guilty for putting you in that cage to take my place. Just know that I love you and if you get anything from this letter. Don’t stop dancing. Whatever you do, continue dancing through this life. Let dance be your escape from the cruelty Basgiath has to offer. I hope one day we will be reunited, and you will have found a way to break out of the chains that hold you in Navarre.
I love you more than you know,
Sighing, I pinch the bridge of my nose. Every time I read the letter of my heartaches; she knew that the father would force me into the Rider’s quadrant. Why couldn’t she take me with her? Couldn’t we both be free? Why couldn’t she have stayed just long enough for me to find a way for me to pursue my dream?  Anger bubbles up in my core, why was she so selfish to fucking leave me here, knowing that I would be sharing the same feelings she had.
Not wanting to keep The Colonel waiting I put on a black, long-sleeved shirt and tightly fitted leather pants from an old riders uniform my father found. I fold the note into a small square and tuck it into my boot, not wanting to risk him finding it. Grabbing my bag, I step out of my room that has been my home for seventeen years of my life and meet my father. As we begin to walk, I shut my eyes and I allow myself one more moment to mourn over the dream I will never be able to fulfill.
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Violet and I stare up at the tower familiar with the trek we will have to make to reach the parapet, the first trial we will receive before ever becoming a cadet. Violet takes my hand, “At least we have each other.” 
I give her hand a comforting squeeze as we move up the line. “Name,” The lady calls out not bothering to look up from the parchment. Violet moves to talk to the older gentleman as I heave a sigh.
“Lydia Aetos.”
The woman blinks after scribbling down my name and looks up to meet my eyes and I notice the flinch she gives when she notices that they are two different colors. “Are you related to Colonel Aetos?”
I nod my head, “He is my father.” I see Violet is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, “I turn and look at her. “Have a nice day,” I give her the best smile I can, which in turn might be a grimace as I move to meet my friend.
She is conversing with a taller girl, with dark skin and her hair had been pulled back in small rows of braids. Her brown eyes glimmered with excitement as I came closer. The woman paused and tilted her head at me. “Hello,” I give a small wave, shifting under the weight of her gaze.
“Your eyes.” She begins and my mind starts filling in the gaps with words my father has used in the past.
“Beautiful.” The word shakes me out of my spiral of negativity.
“I’m sorry?” I blinked.
“You’re eyes, they’re beautiful. I have read that some are born with two different colored eyes, but to see the beauty of it in person.” She holds out her hand, “Rhiannon Matthias.”
“Lydia Aetos.” Taking her hand and shaking it a genuine smile creeping up on my face.
“Yeah, yeah, and I’m General Melgren, now move. We don’t have all day.” A man’s voice quips behind us. I turn to find piercing blue eyes and a full head of blond hair; he is wearing a scowl that contorts his face into something heinous.  He gives me a playful wink, that makes my stomach churn, “Let’s go, Princess.”
Not bothering to give him a response, I turned back to my friend and new acquaintance. The three of us begin our ascent up the stairs. The smaller man in front of us- Dylan- keeps babbling about how excited he is to be in the Rider’s quadrant. As he and Rhinannon discuss their dreams and goals, I let my mind wander.
Twirling across the stage, each pirouette clean and precise just as Seraphina has taught me. My tulle skirts billowing around me like a shield. I don’t need to remember the next move, the music seeps into my bones and as if in response my body knows what to do next. I grin as the warmth of all the mage lights, illuminating the stage, kisses my skin. Twirling into a solid form, Large tan hands grip my waist as my partner steps in time with the beat.
We move as one as he spins hoisting me up in the air. I am certain my toes are pointed, and my arms are sharp in an elegant pose. I feel myself being lowered and looked at my partners face, familiar hazel eyes and a toothy grin in plain view, twirling me once more to the crescendo of the music and when my twirls end, He dips me low, my one leg stretched out in between his, the other bent my foot tucked behind my knee cap. His forehead presses mind as my arms move around his neck in time with the end notes of the music.  My eyes close as the smell of Cinnamon, Vanilla waft my nose, as the thunderous applause ruptures through the theater. Lips press against mine and I can’t help the giggle that erupts from my throat.
“Lydia.” His warm voice calls for me.
“Lydia. Lydia.”
“Lydia!” Violet shouts giving me a shove, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look to see that Rhiannon and Dylan are giving me looks of concern. I pressed my hand to my cheek to find them wet with tears. Shit. Violet’s eyes held worry and an undertone of understanding. “You were thinking about him again, weren’t you?” She whispers low enough only I can hear, as our hike up the concrete steps was nearing a close as the daylight was beginning to peak through.
“Yeah. I guess I’m missing everyone a little more today.” It’s a severe understatement that I’m making but Violet has her own things to worry about, no need to add more to her plate.
Violet, Dain, and I grew up together, she is basically my sister in all forms of the word. We have been inseparable, even more so when Brennan died and Dain left last year for the Rider’s quadrant, me, and her against the world we always teased. I never felt that more now, she gripped my hand in hers and gives me a squeeze as if she is thinking the same thing. “Thank you for always being there when I need, you Vi.”
Violet snorted, causing Rhinannon to turn and smirk, I look down at her feet briefly and notice the woman has one of Violet’s shoes and Violet in turn has one of her slippers on her feet. When did they do that? Violet’s voice causes me to face her, “You sound like you’re going to die today.”
“I am pretty sure that was the plan.” I murmur as Dylan and Rhiannon reach the top of the stairs. “He wants me dead, Vi.”
“Too bad. You and I. We are not going to die today, Lydia.” Violet was the first to reach the open expanse of the turret. The breath of fresh air is welcome to the stench of sweat and body odor. The warmth of the sun kisses my skin, a large gust of wind whipping my hair across my face. Violet seeing this her eyes widen. “I almost forgot. In my bag there is a little gift from Mira.” I quickly open her bag and pull out a package with my name on it and a little note.
Hey Kid,
A little gift from your favorite sibling. Don’t roll your eyes, you know it’s true!
Just something that can keep that crazy mane of yours up and to remind everyone not to mess with you.
Unwrapping package to reveal two long gold hair pins, little gold dragons at one end the pointed end sharp as knives. “I love your sister; did you know that?”
Violet laughs as I shut her bag and quickly put my hair in a tight bun. “You and me both.” There is a pause as we make our way closer to beginning. “I’m looking forward to seeing Dain.”
I roll my eyes, about to retort when a man’s voice, “You ready for the next one, Riorson.”
I pause my movements, my hands still in my hair, looking at the broad chest in front of me my eyes trail up and I am met with a set jaw and alluring onyx eyes, and in the light little gold flecks shine through. I roll my shoulders and drop my hands from my hair. His eyes graze my body and back up to my eyes and shiver down my spine. “Aetos, Sorrengail, you two, okay?” Pulling away from the man’s magnetic gaze, I meet Rhiannon’s stare. I dip my chin in silent confirmation.
“Sorrengail and Aetos?” The low rumble of Xaden Riorson voice pulls my attention back to him. This man is the definition of beauty, his sharp jawline, high cheekbones, even with the scar cutting across his brow that drags down to the top of his cheek bone. His tan skin gleams with perspiration from the midday sun no doubt, and I catch a glimpse a tattoo on the side of his neck that disappears with the neckline of his shirt. The clearing of his throat makes me meet his eyes once more. There is a knowing smirk on his face, and he quirks an eyebrow, “Like what you see, Sweetheart?”
I remain silent and avert his stare. “You’re Fen Riorson’s son.” Violet’s voice sounds from behind me.
“You’re General Sorrengail’s Daughter.” He retorts, “Your mother had my father executed.”
I can feel Violet’s anger bubbling behind me. “Your father killed my brother I think that makes us even.”
Xaden snorts, “Hardly.” That perks my head up, to find his eyes were already on me. He tilts his head his eyes assessing me, like I’m a prize mare, “And you. I wasn’t aware that Dain Aetos had a little sister. He never talks about you.”
I bite my lip the only indication I give that his words bother me, “I can’t say. I’m surprised.”
Xaden takes a step forward and try to focus on the floor once more, “Why’s that, Kitten?” A finger hooks under my chin forcing me to meet his gaze and my heart rate quickens, out of fear or sheer arousal, I’m not sure.
One thing I do know: This man is dangerous.  Yet I fall for his beautifully set trap and answer honestly, knowing I should not give him any of my weaknesses, “No one likes talking about the disappointment in the family.” For extra measure I take a step back, away from his touch and he lets me, dropping his hand.
“Hurry it up. Some of us are becoming riders today.” The ass hole from before speaks, his words grating my skin. A distant scream comes from the death trap in front of me. When looking over to the parapet I no longer see Dylan and my heart sinks. Rhiannon is still moving, and Violet begins to walk across dark storm clouds rolling in followed by a rumble of thunder. Fucking. Wonderful.
Xaden chuckles and I meet his stare, “Good luck, Kitten.” He gestures for me to the entry point of the parapet.
I glare at him, flaring my nostrils, “My name is Lydia.”
He smirks, “I think my name suits you better.”
I don’t know how the dagger got in my hand but the minute I throw it, the steel passing about 3 people before it hits its mark. The dagger sinks into the crack of the concrete a half an inch from the jack ass who has been making smart ass comments all morning’s shoes. Looking back at those gold flecked onyx eyes I give him a wink, “I think you’ll find, it doesn’t.”
The guy next Xaden laughed, “Looks like the kitten has claws. I hope you make it, Aetos,” He nods his head and I begin to walk. The drop of rain pelts my skin the moment I take my first step. When I take the next few steps, the sky opens as rain cascades down. I can hear Seraphina’s instructions in my ears.
Arms out, straighten that back. Get into second position.
I straighten my posture and extend my arms out, placing my feet outwardly giving myself the optimal balance and proceed to move. I focus on Violet’s pack in front of me as I keep moving. I imagine myself on stage, the music once again whisking me away. The low rumble of drums meets the contrasting sounds of the piccolo and various string instruments to create a melody that makes my movements lighter. I trust in my training, my balance, the music that for years kept me rooted. The music drowns out the sound of the rain colliding against the brick. My mind transforms the stage into a whimsical forest, and I am balancing on a fallen tree trunk to reach for my lover on the other side. His smile warm as the lights pressing against my skin. I’m not in old leather, I’m in a white gown with billowing layers that makes it easier to move in when I dance.
I twirl my feet finding purchase on the log once I complete the spin with flawless precision. A smile emerges on my face as I gear up for my flip the finishing move, I need to do before reaching the halfway point to him. I run and leap, my legs flipping over my head with the elegance of a gazelle. Landing with a pointed toe and my arms reaching for the sky my balance slips slightly but not enough to keep me from moving toward my goal. To keep me from returning to his arms. I allow myself a glance at his eyes and his face contorts into something unrecognizable, evil.
“I’m coming to get you, Twinkle Toes.” The voice is not his and I blink as the music abruptly stops and the reality, I am in comes crashing forward. The cool kiss of rain rakes a chill down my body. The voice came from behind me. I turn to find the blonde from earlier coming at me with full speed. The person that was behind me in line is blocking him from me and still is a good distance aways. That does not deter the Blonde-haired menace, as he grips the arm of the girl and throws her off. My eyes widen and my instincts overtake my body and I sprint. I focus ahead of me and try to think of music that would be appropriate for this. Something fast paced with horns and fast-paced drums, trying to keep my mind on anything besides the absolute menace behind me.
I can hear his footsteps thudding over the pattering of the rain and I quicken my base trusting in the traction of my boots. I can see the end and Violet reaching it. The is gaining on me and I have enough distance that I pause, briefly and take the risk I prep for my jump and slip. Regaining my balance and looking back to see he is still far enough for me to recover. I get in position once more and take a deep breath.
I will not die today.
I sprint into a run once more and when I have enough distance I take my leap, my feet pointed, my back arched in perfect form even Seraphina wouldn’t have anything to say. When I land the ground is slick and I lose my footing. Fortunately, Violet is there to hold me still. “Lydia! We made it!”
I nod and turn to the cadet with bright red hair, she smirks, “Name.”
“Lydia Aetos.”
“Welcome to the Rider’s Quadrant, Lydia. That was one hell of a performance.”
I walk further down the steps and notice that Violet winces, “Let’s get you taken care of.” I loop her arm in mine before we are both grip in a bone crushing hug.
“We did it!” Rhiannon beams and she looks at me, “You definitely made a name for yourself, what you did on the parapet was amazing.”
“What did I do?”
Violet blinks, “You’re kidding.” Before Violet could elaborate.
“Jack Barlow.” His eyes meet mine and there is a snarl on his face. The look promises one thing. Trouble. Thankfully he stalks in the other direction
“Lydia.” Only one man’s voice makes me groan knowing a lecture is brewing, I turn and see Dain standing there his mouth formed in a tight line, his eyes shift over to the silver haired woman next to me and his face shifts into shock, “Violet?”
Violet smiles, “Hi Dain,” Dain looked to his left then to his right before he grips both Violet’s and mine’s wrist and drags us away from Rhiannon.
“Dain,” I hiss, “She’s hurt take it easy.”
As if on cue Violet begins to dry heave. “Shit.” Dain mutters as he takes her to a bench hidden in an alcove where no one could see. “What the hell are you doing here, Violet?” As he tucks her head between her knees.
“General Sorrengail, refuses to have a scribe in her family. Like someone else we know.”
“Scribe is a respectable job. Dancing is not.” Dain deadpans and I clench my fist. A hand touches my shoulder causing me to jump.  “What the hell were you thinking, Lydia? Dancing on the parapet like that?”
I blink, and clear my throat, “I didn’t realize that is what I did. I was trying to put myself in my happy place. To keep me from over thinking about what I was doing. My instincts went into overdrive.”
“What you did was showboat and it’s going to cause me problems.” He scowls at me, and I get a good look at him at him, he’s grown a beard since I last saw him. But he still has our father’s brown eyes, and his hair cut short and his curls sitting atop his head. “What?”
“I can’t look at my older brother. I’m fine by the way, thanks for asking.” He rolls his eyes and presses me into a hug.
“Sorry.” He murmurs in my hair as he notices the new pins, “Let me guess.”
“Mira.” Violet, Dain and I say at the same time.
Dain smiles, “They suit you.” His small drops, “You must promise to never do what you did again. There are only two rules that I need you to follow, I expect you to follow them. No talking about dance, or dancing and stay away from Xaden Riorson.”
“Noted.” I rolled my eyes, “Glad to see somethings never change.” Dain sighs and moves back to Violet.
I felt a hand gripped my shoulder causing me to jump, “It’s just me.” Rhi’s voice calms me as she gives my shoulder a comforting squeeze, “I wanted to swap shoes back.”
Dain looks between Violet’s shoes and glares at Violet. “Make it snappy.” He glares at Rhiannon, “Who are you?”
Rhiannon looks between me and Violet, “I am their friend.” She slips off Violet’s boot and sighs in reprieve as Violet removes the slipper from her foot and grabs her boot, which Dain helped her put it on.
“I am a squad leader.” He looks over to me and Rhi. “You two go tell the red head recording names that you three are going to be in my squad. I’m going to help Violet and will be right back.” I nod my head and turn on my heal.
“Is that your brother?” Rhi asks.
“He is something.”
“Tell me about it.” I sigh
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We have been placed in our squads. I’m grateful that Violet and I ended up together and not in Xaden’s Wing. Not a fan of the fact that he is one of my superiors. His eyes meet mine and he smirks, those eyes look at me like a predator watching his prey. He whispers to our wingleader and then. “Second Wing Flame Section, you will be moving to Fourth Wing.” My stomach sinks, avoiding the stare of my new wingleader.
“Cadets, move.” Dain commands his jaw sets the only indication that he is upset. We move to where our new wing is standing as the one that is now apart of Second Wing move to where we were just standing.                 
Once everyone settles Xaden begins to speak. I try to zone him out as best as I can, exhaustion is beginning to take over my body. The adrenaline from crossing over the parapet but his voice rings out, “You all feel pretty bad ass don’t you,” Cheers erupt around me and Xaden nods, “Feeling invincible?” I do not feel that way. “You think you’re worthy of a dragon.” More cheers erupted and Xaden crossed his arms. The sound of thunder erupts.
No. Not thunder.
As if on Xaden’s cue a horde dragons’ approach, the noise begins to build as a regal blue dagger tail lands on the edge of the wall as if it’s a perch for them. Her claws dig into the brick, pieces crumbling down under her weight. I notice the cadets around me are frozen in fear. A few were shaking and their pants had dark spots that trailed down their legs. Terror racks through my body but I focus on my breathing.
Thump, Thump
The blood curdling scream of another cadet rattles me as a young man from the first wing runs heading back toward the parapet. The dragons all shift as a few more cadets scatter. I blink and feel hands around my waist tugging me down before the dragons unfurl their tongues and fire erupts from all different angles. The hands around me tug me close to the lean chest and I place my own hands around the mystery person’s, their fingers lacing theirs through mine I squeeze my eyes shut as anguish screams fill my ears and will certainly give me nightmares. The fire ceases and the smell of burnt flesh is left in its wake. The figure behind me moves and helps me up. I turn around hoping I would see Dain’s face behind me.
Thump, Thump
Instead, I am met with warm brown eyes and a goofy grin. A man with tan skin, a curly mop of brown hair and handsome face looks back at me, “You, okay?”
I nod my hand, “Thank you…” I lead of.
He holds out his hand, “Ridoc Gamlyn.”
I took his hand, “Lydia Aetos.”
Before Ridoc can comment on my name Dain turns, “Quiet both of you.” Ridoc Mimics him and causes me to giggle as Xaden continues his speech.
“Anyone still feel invincible now?” He questions his brow quirking as his eyes loom over the entire Quadrant, locking onto mine.
Thump, Thump.
My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest. His eyes pin me to the floor incapable of moving. Out of the corner of my eye I see the blue dagger tail moving her head back and forth.  It’s the gasp of the crowd that pulls me from Xaden’s gaze.
Thump, Thump.
 The blues dragon takes a step down and my squad parts to make room for her. Her yellow eyes are looking directly at me as she takes another step forward. Dain’s face paled as he watches on, but its movement to my left that catches my attention. Xaden moves from where he is standing, his face is unreadable. It’s the quaking step of the dragon in front of me and my heart rate quickens as her yellow eyes take me in.
Thump, Thump, Thump
Despite the paralyzing fear, that I may very well die in the next few seconds I take in the creature before me. Her large horns curve on the top of her head. Her scales up close shimmer with various hues of blue and hints of black near the base of her scales, which makes her eyes stand out. Her nostrils flair, it feels like a challenge, as if she is begging for me to turn and run.
Thump, Thump, Thump.
I will not die today. I take a glance at where Dain is and spot Violet right beside him, terror on her face. She knows dragons better than I do, though I know enough, she knows my rate of survival is potentially slim here. I close my eyes and try to keep my breathing even. My heart erupting in my ears.
Thump, Thump, Thump.
I get down on my knees, my hands remaining at my sides. “What the fuck is she doing?” Jack Barlow’s voice carries over the silence that has fell amongst the court. No one else says a word as I bend forward lowering myself until my forehead touches the cool brick, the small grooves pressed against my skin. I close my eyes and I mentally recite different dance positions in my head trying to ease the fear.
Thump, Thump, Thump.
My breathing begins to even out when I feel the warm steam pressing against my neck. I take the risk and lift my head; the dragon nods her head. Is she giving me the okay to rise? Another dip of her head, and I slowly rise to my feet. As I do I meet her gaze once more, it’s just her and I, the world around us since forgotten. The dragon does something to my surprise, she cranes her neck where the tip of her snout touches the floor. She is bowing to me. The message is clear, a sign of mutual respect.
Thump, Thump.
She raises her head but keeps it low as she cranes her neck out for me. I cannot even see her eyes as she comes near and presses her snout to my chest. The chatter amongst the crowd is indistinguishable. I press my hand to her snout, her scales feel like leather under my touch, a smile forms on my cheeks, fear suddenly turning into elation. “Hello, Beautiful.” My voice was unable to reach above a whisper. She huffs in response and moves back to where she was perched before.
Adrenaline must be widdling from my body fast because I grip Ridoc’s shoulder tightly as my world tilts.
Thump, Thump.
I just survived my first encounter with a dragon.
Chapter 2
Story Tags: @milswrites @eve175 @marvelsmylife @sherayuki @misslady246 @thelov3lybookworm @a-frog-with-a-laptop @randomperson1234sblog @garricks4thwingqueen
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divinerivals · 1 year
Dain: Welcome to the Fuck Xaden Riorson club. Where we discuss why we hate Xaden. Before we begin, would our new member like to introduce herself?
Violet: *laughs nervously* I uh....I may have misunderstood this club...
Tairn: I told you it wasn't what you thought.
Violet: shut up.
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tys-kitty · 1 year
Reading Fourth Wing be like
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582 notes · View notes
callsign-rogueone · 5 months
study season
fourth wing characters (Aaric, Bodhi, Brennan, Dain, Garrick, Imogen, Liam, Mira, Rhiannon, Ridoc, Sawyer, Sloane, Violet, and Xaden) x reader the ways our faves help you study for exams. words: ~900 🏷: no book spoilers, no triggers. gender neutral. and I included the girls this time!! some of these can be read as platonic and others mention kisses / cuddles, implying you’re a couple. idk, I just work here. I’m really liking this format lately, and it’s (fairly) quick and easy so you can expect more of these in the future while I procrastinate all the girlfriendverse chapters and smut I have to write lol
First, the more studious of the bunch:
Brennan is all-in, no hesitation, pulling up a chair next to you and learning this with you for moral support, but also for fun (can you believe this guy?) though you suppose it’s easier to enjoy this if it doesn’t count for a grade. Either way, he’s a very nice study partner, and he encourages you to take breaks every hour / chapter / etc. Brings snacks, too.
Violet somehow already knows all of the material, and explains it better than the textbook or the professor. Walks things back if you don’t get it and gets into the why and how, which so many teachers skip over, even though it helps explain the what (pet peeve of mine showing here lol). 
Aaric’s study skills are unmatched -- years of the best private tutors money can buy really paid off. Teaches you new strategies that you’ve never heard of in your life, and when you ask, he admits a bit shyly that he came up with it himself, but it works, and you get it done in half the time you would have before. (work smarter, not harder, baby)
Rhiannon gives you the pep talk of your life (we all need a Rhiannon in our lives) and convinces you that you’ve got this. Packs you a little snack for the day of your exam with a little note reminding you that you know this, just breathe and think. 
Xaden sees you struggling and forces you to take a break. During said break, he’s reading the book himself and figuring out what exactly has you so stressed and exhausted. Breaks down the tasks into smaller, more manageable steps and guides you through it -- “find three reasons why XYZ happened.” done with that? “Now make them into paragraphs.” etc etc, and an hour later, you have a passable essay. 
Dain is taking this more seriously than you are, and his discipline is like no other; you’re not stopping until the work is done, or until midnight, whichever comes first (because sleep is important for the brain, or whatever. Definitely not just because he misses you and wants to cuddle). 
Garrick may have no idea what you’re talking about, but he suffers through it with you, offering to let you explain things to him, because teaching is a good way to test if you understand something. Though you get what you pay for -- he’s a total smartass about it, asking questions about the littlest details even if they’re common knowledge -- he’s gotta be thorough, right? 
Ridoc may be the class clown type, but he’s smarter than a lot of people think. He comes up with a bunch of jokes that actually help you remember things. Somehow manages to relate the most complex topic in your book to a sandwich, and it actually works. He’s incredibly smug about this for the rest of the week, especially when you get the highest score in the class (he’ll take payment in kisses, thank you.)
Bodhi makes flashcards with you, quizzing you and giving you a kiss if you get it right (this definitely is not a distraction, and things definitely don’t escalate from here, nope.) He’s also really good at proofreading essays, and gives excellent feedback regarding the structure and the order of the information.
Liam sits there with you all the while, completely silent, working on one of his wood carvings at the other end of the table, but you know he’s there and he’s watching -- and that provides a healthy amount of peer pressure and keeps you on task. He’s an incredibly observant person, and he can see the stress building; he knows when to intervene and suggest that you take a break.
Sloane is the best person to commiserate with. She doesn’t want to be doing this either, but she’s also incredibly stubborn, and she doesn’t give up; after a healthy amount of complaining, she’s forcing you both to keep trying until it works / until it’s done, and then you’re treating yourselves to something for getting it over with, because you deserve it.
Sawyer is gentle and supportive, having a heart-to-heart conversation with you and reminding you that yes, this is important, but the world will not stop turning if you fail one exam. He knows how it feels to be compared to his peers, especially in how long it takes you to accomplish something (poor bb) and doesn’t want you stressing yourself out about that, either. 
Imogen is the opposite, all tough love, giving you gentle but firm reminders: “you didn’t make it this far just to give up,”, “I know you can do this, so do it,” but she balances it out with tender affirmation when you’re done. She’ll even let you skip out on training for the day since you’ve been studying so hard (and she takes training seriously, so this is more of a reward than it seems). 
Mira’s default approach is similar to Imogen’s, but she can see that you’re reaching your limit and dials it back, being more gentle with you and doing whatever you need -- encouragement? someone to just sit there? help / explanation / etc? she’s got you covered. herds you into bed at a reasonable hour so you’ll be well rested for the classes and exams.
And all of them are incredibly proud of you for working so hard and getting good grades 🤍
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fourthwingfan · 6 months
Madness Masterlist
Introduction Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 - coming soon
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mooncrvmbs · 1 year
xaden riorson this xaden riorson that. how about talk of liam mairi and why he's the best character in the entire book
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velvetlilacsdaisies · 8 months
Shit at Feelings ii
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Bodhi Durran x Reader
Synopsis: Bonding with dragons? No issue. Killing venin? Unfortunate, but doable. Confronting your feelings towards your childhood best friend? No thanks.
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: Spoilers!! Swearing, reader being stubborn and both reader and Bodhi being lil dummies?? Lmk if I missed anything.
A/n: the end of 2023 kicked my booty!! Beginning of 2024 no better, but here is part 2! I was stuck on if some of part 3 was going to go in this one, but decided not to. Meddling Imogen, and dragon dialogue is included this part!
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The next day, you stretched with Imogen, returning from a morning run. Most cadets were still sleeping their hangovers off. Imogen said the best way to get over one was running it off. She had picked your lock and dragged you out of your bed this morning to do so. But you knew she just wanted to gossip about the night before.
“So you and Durran?” She had a smirk on her lips, tucking a piece of vibrant pink hair behind her ear.
Imogen only knew about whatever you felt for Bodhi, but with the way Rhiannon reacted last night you weren’t sure if you were discreet about whatever you felt in the first place.
“Not what you think.” You sighed, your arms over your head as you sat on the ground, leaning to one side. “We talked once everyone went to bed.”
She looked at you expectantly as she lifted a leg and stretched it behind her. “And?”
You clicked your tongue, leaning to the other side. “And he called me out on my bullshit.”
She laughed almost manically, earning her a pointed glare. “I’m sorry, sorry.” She then dropped her leg and lifted her other. “But you really left him high and dry.”
You grumbled, “I know and I feel like shit about it.” You stood up dusting your leathers off.
“Y/n, just tell him how you feel.” She shook her hands out.
“How do you expect me to tell him everything when I’ve been avoiding him for years because I’m too scared that something will happen once I spill my guts.”
“Gods, I get it. You’re scared, but you already almost died once without telling him. You think you shouldn’t say a little prayer to Malek and Amari that they gave you a second chance?” Imogen said sternly. “Also if it was anyone else you pulled that disappearing act with, you wouldn’t have the same mercy. But it’s Bodhi we’re talking about, and he would let you lead him to hell and back as many times as you wanted because let’s face it—you’re you. And for some fucked up reason he worships the ground you walk on like you were a god yourself.”
You didn’t know if the queasiness you felt was the hangover or how right she was. He would do anything for you. Even how shitty you treated him for the last two years. Last night proved that.
“He even risked smuggling your fucking sketchbook in so you could have something from home—“
“What?” Your jaw dropped.
The pink haired girl inhaled sharply. “Fuck I wasn’t supposed to say that.”
“He was the one that did that?” Your heart skipped a beat. Even when you had been so stubborn to avoid him, he thought of you? You had questioned the hell out of Garrick, Imogen, and Xaden for a week about it. You had never thought about the younger Riorson cousin.
“I hate being the middleman in your two demented whatever you got going on.” She sighed. “Listen, forget I said that or take that as a sign to pull your head out of your ass. I’ll see you at breakfast.” She patted your shoulder, leaving you alone in the courtyard.
Well you felt like the shittiest person ever.
You knew you needed to talk to him, and you couldn’t run and avoid him this time. As much as you wanted to hop on Clesaí’s back and ride very far away. Fuck.
You had spent an hour already mulling over the information you had just received. Then replaying the argument last night—which then led to remembering the very brief exchange with Bodhi in Aretia, ultimately leading you to the nightmare from Resson plaguing your thoughts. Like they had when you tossed and turned in bed last night, and the prior nights before that. By the time you entered the mess hall, your thoughts felt like nonsense.
He sat with Imogen at the end of the table filled with third years. They looked deep in a discussion, whispering only to one another. You gulped quietly, were they talking about you? You now knew Imogen felt like a middleman between the two of you, you wondered what he talked about to her. You tried not to overthink it as you reluctantly walked over.
As you reached the table, you could hear Bodhi saying something quite harshly. While the pink haired girl had the same expression she wore when she told you to pull your head out of your ass. It was obviously something he didn’t want you to hear because as soon as he saw you coming up, he stopped mid sentence.
“Can we talk?” You asked him, not bothering to greet the pair. He tensed, and you didn’t miss the look he tried to discreetly give your mutual best friend.
Imogen rolled her eyes, grabbing her things and getting up from the table. “I totally forgot Quinn needed help with something. Bye guys.” She gave a twinkle of her fingers before walking away with a smug look on her face.
You sat down, taking the seat Imogen had been in. “So,” you awkwardly tapped your fingers on the wooden table.
“So,” he repeated. “How was your morning run with Immy?”
“Brutal.” You replied. Why was this so uncomfortable?
“Listen, about last night—”
“It needed to be said.” You waved a hand nonchalantly. Your heart begged to differ, beating against your chest. “I was icing you out.”
“I didn’t mean to come off so harshly.” He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth nervously.
Was it possible for you to want a man more? Even during such an embarrassing display of emotion on your behalf? Trying not to focus on the fact you wanted to reach over and be the one tugging his bottom lip between your teeth, you stared at the wood grain of the table.
“I was stubborn.” You reasoned.
“Y/n Y/L/n, stubborn?” There was a tinge of amusement in his tone. “I guess there’s a first time for everything—I mean the taking accountability part at least.” You looked up, and saw him intently staring at you. Through the sarcasm, his brown eyes were warm like deep rich honey.
A ghost of a smile on your lips. “You know me better than anyone else apart from Imogen. The way I regarded you wasn’t fair.” You then contemplated your next words. “And I know—”
“Durran!” Dain walked over, Rhiannon, and a few other second and third year cadets behind him.
Bodhi flinched, shifting his attention to the group. “Yes, Wingleader Aetos?” He had icy malice as he took in Dain. You yourself could feel your anger rise when the third year came in your vicinity. He was the reason you had been in Resson, and why Liam and Soilel were dead.
Dain noted the unwelcome greeting from the both of you and faltered for a moment, heat flushing his cheeks. “We have a meeting.” He cleared his throat, straightening back up.
The man sat across from you glared over to the brunette man. “I’ll be right there.” He then turned back to you with a softer look in his eyes and an apologetic smile where the scowl was a moment prior. “Can we finish this conversation later?”
You could feel the eyes of Rihannon linger on the two of you, and you knew the others now were acutely aware of the interaction as well.
“Yeah, yeah. No worries.” You brushed it off, though disappointment filled you. You were finally getting somewhere, but you knew he couldn’t ignore the newly appointed wingleader.
You had been looking down in your lap, missing the subtle look back Bodhi gave you as he left with the group.
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Later had come and gone with no sign of Bodhi still. Leaving a lurching feeling in your heart, but you tried not to wallow in self pity too much. You had thought maybe you deserved to be stood up. But at least you didn’t run this time, and it was his move now.
“The male of your affection causes too much of a distraction for you anyway.” Cleasaí huffed in your mind. Rolling your eyes you focused on the sketchbook in front of you. “Makes you a lovesick puppy as you would say.”
“Am not,” you bristled.
It was late in the afternoon and you were spending time with Cleasaí in the flight field, avoiding everyone. You had brought a blanket to lay on as you laid back against her front leg. She protectively curled around you, sunbathing, leaving you with a sufficient amount of shade to look at your sketchbook.
“I’m assuming you’ve never had a dragon that captured your affection?” You spoke out loud.
She nestled her head on the ground, huffing again. “I’d rather not say,” you could sense the disdain in her bored tone. A sly smile crept on your face, leaning up and staring right at the green dragon, who had feigned resting her eyes.
“You have, haven’t you?” Egging for more info from the clubtail.
“We haven’t been seeing eye to eye for a year.” Was all she grumbled. “Speaking of not seeing eye to eye. Your human approaches.”
“He’s not my human.” You hissed quietly, looking up to see Bodhi was indeed walking towards you, his dragon Cuir following a reasonable distance away.
“I’ve been looking for you.” He offered you a lazy smile, careful to avoid eye contact with Cleasaí. “Cuir said he thought he noticed Cleasaí leave the Vale.”
Your dragon sighed in annoyance. “Busybody,” she glowered in your head, causing you to grin. Did she mean Cuir or Bodhi? “I meant the annoying green one, but your human is quite a busybody as well. He couldn’t have waited until you came back from the flight field?” This caused a genuine laugh to escape your lips.
Bodhi only gave you a nervous look, “I hope she’s not talking about me.”
“You can tell him yes.” She grunted.
“No, she's just grumpy.” You lightly patted her scaly leg causing her to grunt again.
“How’s her claw?” He asked, scanning the injured back leg of hers.
“None of his business or that one’s over there.” She chuffed, baring her teeth toward Cuir. You didn’t know why she was persistent on one of her own den members not knowing of her condition.
Rolling your eyes, ignoring her. “She's doing better. She should be clear when lessons start again.”
Bodhi had a tight lipped smile on his own face, his shoulders shaking in laughter. Cuir whipping his head annoyed several yards behind him.
“I’m sorry, he can be quite the worrier especially over—”
An audible growl came from your dragon, earning a suspicious look from you.
“What is going on with you?” You scolded Cleasaí mentally.
“Worry about your own human afflictions.” Was all she said down the bond.
The man glanced at the book in your lap, and a grin spread across his cheeks. “You’re drawing in your sketchbook again?” He took a seat across from you on the ground, careful to not be too close to your dragon. Cuir had done the same in the distance.
You blushed slightly, “there’s a new sentimental value to it.” You chewed on your bottom lip, looking up at him. Bodhi had a gleam you couldn’t place in his eye, and his cheeks were blushed slightly too. You couldn’t help but smile broadly at his coyness. “I know you’re the one that brought the book back.”
“Who? Me? Why would I do that?” He propped his knees up, holding his forearms on them as he gazed up at the late afternoon sky.
He had always looked the handsomest during golden hour, your favorite features of his were enhanced. The tones of the setting sun had embraced his face, his eyes warm with gold flecks scattered throughout, and his onyx curls radiating chocolate brown undertones.
You tucked your hair behind your ear, “I don’t know I was wondering the same.” The broad smile painted on your face tilted downward.
“I thought maybe it would’ve been a dead giveaway, and you would have taken it as an olive branch.” He suggested, turning back to you.
You were thumbing at the page that it had been on, the textured parchment. Boy, were you an idiot.
“I thought you hated me or would have been tired of me by now.” You admitted.
“Why would I feel either of those things Y/n?”
“Because you offer me all this patience and kindness that I don’t deserve.” You said exasperated. “And in return I offer stubbornness and do everything in my power to avoid you.”
He chuckled dryly, “haven’t you realized? I don’t care.”
“Well I feel like you should.” This would be an argument that you wouldn’t let go. Screw Amari or Malek giving you a second chance, you didn’t feel worthy of that chance. Nor did you want to see anything happen to Bodhi if you were to accept him back into your life.
“Well, unfortunately I can’t control how I feel,” He looked back at the sketchbook in your lap. A smirk creeping onto his lips. “And apparently neither can you.”
“What do you mean?” Your eyebrow raised at him, and he only made a subtle gesture to the book. You looked down, your cheeks turning bright red.
You had been aimlessly sketching, not thinking too much about what you were putting on paper. It started as just a pair of eyes, but then turned to a full blown portrait of a man. Not just any man though, it had a striking resemblance to Bodhi.
Who were you trying to fool? It was him. From the crinkle by his eye when he’s amused to the unruly curls that always fell in his face.
“That’s all I need to know,” the smirk had turned to a shit eating grin.
You kept opening your mouth trying to respond, but you were left speechless.
“You can’t pull your shit anymore, Y/l/n.” He lifted himself off the ground, wiping the dirt off his leathers standing.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You shake your head furiously, finding your voice finally.
You wanted to wipe the cocky look off his face desperately. “Whether you admit it or not, you can’t hide from me anymore.” He responded so cooly, it made you grit your teeth irritatedly. “Don’t worry, Y/n/n your secret’s safe with me.” He teasingly held his hand over his heart. “It’s rather endearing.”
“Bodhi,” you groaned. You could feel the heat evade your face and ears. “It’s not that serious—“
“Serious enough to me.” He didn’t let your annoyance faze him. “I’ll see you around.”
You rolled your eyes, watching him leave down to the main campus. Cuir takes off into the sky and back to the Vale, leaving you and Cleasaí alone again. Releasing a sigh of air that you hadn’t known you were holding when he got out of the ear shot.
‘Lovesick puppy.’ Your dragon had hummed amused. Deep chirping sounds audibly coming from her. Was she laughing at you?
“Me?” You were quick to turn and glower, your lip tugging upward in aggitatation. “How about we talk about you for a second? What the hell was that?”
‘It’s just sometimes the male greens can be so…” she paused. ‘Suffocating?’ She was choosing her words wisely. As though it seemed like she was hiding something, but not surprising you though. Cleasaí was rather secretive, it was what she was known for in the green den. A trickster of sorts, with cunning deception.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” You pressed further.
She chuffed, “I’d rather not divulge that at the moment, but in due time...” She drew, sounding almost feline.
You knew better to argue, she was just as hard headed as you, and if you pushed her too hard, she’d push right back. Then that got you both nowhere. So you stood, gathering your things to retreat to your dorm and get ready for dinner and tonight’s shenanigans.
“Sooner than later, please.” You gave her an expectant look.
She got up, shaking out her scales and stretched a bit. “Yes yes sooner than later, don’t fret Lovesick puppy.”
“Stop calling me that!” You yelled over your shoulder as you retreated back to campus. You could hear the chuff she released in amusement in the distance as you descended the ancient stone stairs.
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Thank you so much for the patience and the support! Please do not hesitate to let me know your thoughts and feedback. Also like and reblog 🫶🩷🤠
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aprill-99 · 2 months
Violet: “What did you guys get in your yearbook?”
Rhi: “Prettiest smile.”
Liam: “Nicest personality.”
Ridoc: “Class clown.”
Dain: “Most likely to succeed.”
Imogene: “Most likely to start a bar fight.”
Xaden: “Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one.”
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mrsjoeythehurler · 1 month
When I Met You
(OC FMC x Liam Mairi)
I’ve decided to write a fic about an OC and Liam Mairi from Fourth Wing. It’s going to follow the events of the first book and I’m so excited to share it with you. This is my first fic I’ve ever written so keep that in mind while reading :)
I hope you enjoy it!
All characters except for Aurora Sallow who is my OC and the FMC of this fic belong to Rebecca Yarros. The plot of Fourth Wing also belongs to Rebecca Yarros.
Content Warnings: most of the warnings that are for Fourth Wing are also going to be for this fic. That includes: Blood, death, injury, violence and war. The only content warning I am adding is panic attacks (2).
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✧・゚: *✧・゚ Aurora Sallow ✧・゚: *✧・゚
It's Conscription Day—a day I'm not particularly happy to take part in, but I don't have a choice.
I was always meant to become a Scribe. I was always meant to look at books all day and spend my time transcribing them. It's what I've been studying for since I could remember.
That all changed when my parents sat me down two days ago to tell me I was required to become a Rider. My whole world was flipped upside down, my entire future ripped away from me in one 20-minute conversation.
The Riders' Quadrant is apparently in need of more Riders. I heard it's because most dragons are uninterested in bonding with humans, and I'm one of the unlucky ones who's been chosen to try and change that.
Looking around me, I see guards mounted on either side of the entrance and walking about. I see people hugging and conversing with their loved ones and the occasional person silently praying, most likely to any gods who will listen to ensure their safety. They're probably going towards the same destination as me.
Sighing, I look down and make sure my outfit is in order before fixing my hair. I tried to dress appropriately for the Riders' Quadrant—well, as appropriately as my closet back home had to offer. I'm wearing a gray long-sleeved shirt and corset, black pants that are a bit too tight for my liking, and my favorite pair of black platform boots. I'm just about to look through my bag to double-check that I have everything when I hear a familiar voice.
It's Violet Sorrengail. We've been classmates for a really long time. She's always been really kind and someone I consider a friend. Like me, Violet always wanted to become a Scribe; we would always talk about our hopes for the future and look forward to reading books all day.
What is she doing in this line?
She's talking to her sister Mira, so I don't want to interrupt, but I want to know why she's not with the Scribes anymore. She was always among the most intelligent people in our class, if not the smartest. She was going to be the best Scribe the Quadrant ever had. I don't see her wanting to give that up, especially considering it was her dream.
The line continues to move slowly, and when there's only one person ahead of me, I start to really feel the anxiety. I don't know how I'm going to do this. I didn't know two days ago, and I sure as hell don't know now. Who knows if I'll even pass the Parapet? I could be slowly walking towards my death right now. Maybe I should have talked to my parents more and tried to convince them that I can't do this and that anyone else out there is a better fit for this than I am. But I hate disappointing people. My parents don't even know that my panic attacks are back. They were so happy and relieved that I was doing better over the last year, but it all fell apart.
"Next!" Someone calls from ahead of the line.
It's a rider, a marked rider. Along with Captain Fitzgibbons, who’s a Scribe. "Aurora Sallow? First Violet Sorrengail, and now you?"
I give him a small smile. "I'm sorry, sir."
He nods. "It will be sad to see you go. Your future as a Scribe looked so bright."
I want to cry. Instead, I keep my small smile in place and try my best to keep my voice level. "Thank you."
As I go through the entrance, I climb the hundreds of stairs.
After what feels like 100 hours, I'm at the top of the turret, and it's raining. The turret is all stone, formed in a circular platform. The river below shines, with the sun glinting off the surface. Darkness runs through it that rivals the deep sea. I shouldn't have looked down.
Straight ahead lies the Parapet. It's a very slim bridge made of stone with nothing on either side to hold onto. It's a test to see how well you would manage while riding a dragon.
I'm screwed.
There are three riders at the entrance, but only one catches my eye—a mountain of a man with black hair and warm, tawny skin. He turns my way, and I can see the scar running through his left eyebrow, and that's when I know who it is. Xaden Riorson.
Xaden is the son of the Great Betrayer, Fen Riorson, who led the Rebellion. All of the children of the rebels were forced to join the Riders' Quadrant in response to their parents' decisions. I bet they hoped Xaden would get killed, but they were wrong. He's a third-year Wingleader now.
And he's also kind of scary.
Once he sees me staring at him, he narrows his eyes. I'm not sure if it's with recognition or disgust.
Then, I decide to wave at him like an idiot.
He turns back to talk to the Rider beside him, pretending I don't exist.
Yeah, I'm so screwed.
"Next!" Another Rider calls, and I step forward.
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nickeverdeen · 20 days
Not saying “I love you too” to the Fourth Wing characters before they leave
Violet Sorrengail
Violet’s mind would immediately race, wondering if something is wrong but trying to keep her cool
She would try to brush it off, telling herself it’s not a big deal, but the hurt would linger
Throughout the day, she’d find herself distracted, replaying the moment in her head
She might overanalyze every interaction leading up to it, questioning if she said or did something wrong
She’d send a check-in later, casually asking if you’re okay, trying not to sound too worried.
She’d confide in Rhiannon about it, seeking advice on whether she should be concerned
Violet’s insecurities would flare up slightly, making her wonder if you’re distancing yourself
She’d miss you more than usual during the day, longing for reassurance
The next time she leaves, she might hesitate before saying “I love you,” waiting to see if you say it first
Violet would gently ask you about it, trying to get to the root of the issue
She might have trouble sleeping, her mind not letting go of the small interaction
She might subtly distance herself, unsure of where you both stand.
Violet might subtly seek reassurance in other ways, like asking if you’re happy with her
Despite the worry, she’d find herself doodling your name absentmindedly
After you finally talk about it and reassure her that it’s a prank, she’d feel a huge weight lift off her shoulders
Xaden Riorson
Xaden would maintain a stoic expression, not letting on that it bothered him
Internally, he’d feel a mix of confusion and frustration, but he’d suppress it
He might briefly wonder if he’s to blame, questioning if he did something to cause it
Xaden wouldn’t talk about it with anyone, keeping his feelings bottled up
He’d become extra protective, channeling his emotions into making sure you’re safe
In his mind, he’d see this as a test of loyalty, waiting to see if it’s a one-time thing or a pattern
He’d throw himself into work or training, trying to distract himself from the lingering doubt
Xaden might subtly monitor your behavior, looking for other signs of distance
Despite his tough exterior, he’d deeply long for your reassurance
He might start to feel a bit of fear, though he wouldn’t show it
He’d put up a colder exterior, trying to protect himself from potential hurt
Xaden might test your feelings subtly, seeing how you react to his affection
He might indirectly bring it up, making a vague comment about how much he values honesty
He’d show his care through protective gestures, even if he’s feeling unsure
Once you reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a mix of relief and a renewed sense of connection
Liam Mairi
Liam would be immediately worried, thinking something might be wrong
He’d probably ask you directly if everything’s okay, his concern clear
If you brush it off, he’d try to reassure you softly, even if he’s still a bit uneasy
He’d be extra affectionate the next time he sees you, trying to make up for the missed words
His protective instincts would kick in, making him even more attentive to your needs
He might casually mention it to a close friend, seeking advice on how to handle it
Liam would keep a subtle watch on your mood, making sure you’re truly okay
He’d go out of his way to do something nice for you, wanting to see you smile
He’d worry that you might be pulling away, even if there’s no real reason
Liam would become even more supportive, trying to show you how much he cares
He might plan a small surprise, hoping it will cheer you up and bring you closer
He’d have a heartfelt conversation with you, wanting to clear the air
He might have trouble sleeping, his mind occupied with thoughts of you
After you talk and reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a deep sense of relief, his worries melting away
Rhiannon Matthias
Rhiannon would be confused at first, not understanding why you didn’t say it back
She’d start to doubt herself, wondering if she did something to upset you
She’d subtly check on you throughout the day, making sure you’re not upset
She’d be extra kind and gentle with you, hoping to smooth over any potential issues
Rhiannon would definitely overthink the situation, replaying it in her mind
She might seek comfort in small gestures, like holding your hand or cuddling with you
Rhiannon would feel a bit insecure, wondering if you’re losing interest
She might write you a sweet note, hoping to bring a smile to your face
She’d worry that something has changed between you, even if it’s just in her head
Rhiannon would be extra thoughtful, trying to anticipate your needs and make you happy
She might start to subtly distance herself, afraid of getting hurt
She’d have nervous energy, fidgeting more than usual when she’s around you
Once you reassure her that it’s a prank, she’d feel a wave of relief, her usual confidence returning
Dain Aetos
Dain would be immediately concerned, thinking something might be wrong
He’d ask you directly if everything’s okay, his tone serious and caring
Dain would go into overprotective mode, making sure you’re okay in every possible way
He’d plan a special date or outing, hoping to reconnect and make things right
Dain would be extra attentive, making sure you feel loved and appreciated
He’d reassure you with his actions, doing little things to show he cares
Dain would worry internally, even if he doesn’t show it on the outside
He’d subtly seek validation from you, looking for signs that you still care
He might have a sleepless night, his mind racing with thoughts of you
Dain would overanalyze the situation, trying to figure out if he missed any signs
He might ask again later if everything’s okay, just to make sure
Once you reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a deep sense of relief, his worry melting away
Imogen would be confused at first, not understanding why you didn’t say it back
She’d play it off casually, but the confusion would linger in her mind
Imogen would subtly keep an eye on you, looking for signs that something’s wrong
She wouldn’t push you to talk about it, respecting your space
Imogen might give you a bit more space, thinking you might need it
She’d worry in silence, not wanting to burden you with her concerns
Imogen would be extra careful with her words and actions, trying not to upset you
She’d subtly seek reassurance from you, hoping to feel closer to you
Imogen would feel conflicted, not wanting to make a big deal out of it but also feeling uneasy
Doesn’t talk to anyone about it as this is her personal business
She might start to subtly distance herself, unsure of what’s going on
Once you reassure her that it’s a prank, she’d feel a wave of relief, her worries melting away
Jack Barlowe
Jack would feel immediate annoyance, wondering why you didn’t say it back
He’d mask his insecurity with a sarcastic comment, trying to play it off
Jack might overcompensate by being overly affectionate the next time he sees you
He’d seek validation from you, wanting to make sure you still care
Jack wouldn’t talk about it directly, keeping his feelings bottled up
He’d feel internal frustration, not understanding why it bothered him so much
Jack might make sarcastic comments, trying to cover up his feelings
He’d go into protective mode, making sure you’re okay in every possible way
Jack would throw himself into work or training, trying to distract himself from his feelings
He might indirectly bring it up, making a vague comment about how much he values honesty
He might start to feel a bit of resentment, though he wouldn’t show it
Jack might test your feelings subtly, seeing how you react to his affection
He’d show his care through protective gestures, even if he’s feeling unsure
Once you reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a mix of relief and a renewed sense of connection
Sawyer would play it off with a joke, not wanting to make it awkward
Despite his playful exterior, he’d feel a sting of disappointment
He might bring it up later in a casual way, just to see if you’re okay
Sawyer would keep things light-hearted, not wanting to put pressure on you
Later, when he’s alone, he’d overthink the situation, wondering if he did something wrong
The next time he sees you, he’d be extra affectionate, hoping to make up for whatever he did
He might check in with a Ridoc, casually asking if you’re okay
Despite his calm demeanor, he’d worry that you’re upset with him
Sawyer would be extra attentive, trying to gauge your mood and see if anything’s off
He’d plan a fun outing, hoping to reconnect and make sure you’re okay
Sawyer would avoid having a serious talk about it, preferring to keep things light
He’d subtly look for signs that you’re still interested in him, even if it’s just in your actions
He’d feel a bit of internal conflict, wanting to know what’s wrong but not wanting to push you
Once you reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a wave of relief, his playful nature returning full force
Ridoc would immediately joke about you not saying it, trying to lighten the mood
He’d briefly wonder if you were joking or if you meant it seriously
Ridoc would pretend not to care, brushing it off with a laugh
Despite his outward calm, he’d think about it later, wondering if something’s up
He might bring it up in a light-hearted way later, asking if everything’s okay
Ridoc would tease you gently about it, hoping to get a reaction
The next time he sees you, he’d be extra playful, trying to keep things light
Ridoc would worry in silence, not wanting to make a big deal out of it
He’d keep things casual, not wanting to pressure you into explaining
Ridoc might subtly check in with you more often, making sure you’re okay
He’d plan a fun day together, hoping to reconnect and make you laugh
Ridoc would feel a bit of internal conflict, not wanting to push you but also feeling uneasy
He’d avoid having a serious talk about it, preferring to keep things light.
Once you reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a wave of relief, his usual playful self returning
Garrick would feel immediate concern, thinking something might be wrong
He’d ask you directly if everything’s okay, his tone serious and caring
Garrick would go into overprotective mode, making sure you’re okay in every possible way
He’d plan a special date or outing, hoping to reconnect and make things right
Garrick would be extra attentive, making sure you feel loved and appreciated
He’d reassure you with his actions, doing little things to show he cares
Garrick would worry internally, even if he doesn’t show it on the outside
He’d subtly seek validation from you, looking for signs that you still care
He might have a sleepless night, his mind racing with thoughts of you
Garrick would overanalyze the situation, trying to figure out if he missed any signs
He might ask again later if everything’s okay, just to make sure
Garrick would become even more protective, making sure you’re safe and happy
He’d feel a bit of internal conflict, not wanting to push you but also feeling uneasy
Once you reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a deep sense of relief, his worry melting away.
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marshmellowrio · 5 months
Semblance of Control | Masterlist
A Fourth Wing fanfic.
A/N: Here's the aesthetic for my new fanfic on Fourth Wing along with a sneak peek preview of the dialogue. When I post a new chapter, you'll also be able to find them here. I'll also update my Masterlist to include both this story and Flight of the Night.
Disclaimer: I do not own these pictures, nor do I own Fourth Wing. Those rights go to Rebecca Yarros. However, the story of my character and how she is interwoven into the story is all mine.
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"Are you insane?" My breath catches in my throat. I can almost hear the laughter in his voice as he responds, "Do you really want me to answer that, love?"
I gasp at the quiet. The void. And drop to my knees, not caring Xaden is right beside me, trying to hold on to me.
"Oh, so I'm second choice? All right, I see how it is." She winks and the two of them laugh.
"If you want to fight me, just say so. You don't have to be mean about it."
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Last update: 09/13/2024 Total chapters: 4
Chapter 1 05/08/2024 Chapter 2 05/25/2024 Chapter 3 06/10/2024 Chapter 4 09/13/2024 Chapter 5 - in progress
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