#daily 2025 sketchbook
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oddfamiliar · 2 months ago
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Daily 2025 sketchbook
01/08 - 01/14
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caleod · 3 months ago
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Happy new year! I'm closing out 2024 with page nr 3287, in book nr 38. I've now been making daily sketches for 9 consecutive years!
Here's to 2025, let's make it a good one for all of us! 🥂
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humblegoatart · 1 month ago
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daily sketch 2/15/25: yeah jonas can shapeshift but he’s never gonna pass as a normal creature. he turns into an animal and everyone knows that’s an Unusual, Notable Animal
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kwaiflower · 2 months ago
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hourly comics day 2025
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crispycaro · 3 months ago
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some sketchbook spreads from a roadtrip with friends!
also filmed a full sketchbook tour :3
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foqiazafar · 3 months ago
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January 2025
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lyanmeart · 3 months ago
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ninsiana0 · 1 month ago
The 100 Day Project 3/100
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Planning how to die if it gets bad.
Planning how to fight back.
Planning to get a good night's sleep.
Planning how to watch the world crumble.
Planning what comes next.
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retroghost16 · 1 month ago
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It was necessary and I enjoyed it.
I don't even have to say what today's song is y'all already know hehehehe.
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raideoarts · 1 month ago
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(Not so) Daily drawing 2025 day 29 (catch up)
Was flippin thru a sketchbook and saw this hilarious doodle of panicked Rohan from The Run. Idk why I can't appreciate these doodles when I draw them and only come to like them way later but 🤷‍♂️ added some detail and called it done!
I am kinda goin through it still so I may take a while to get back on a steady schedule, and the drawings may be super simple and low effort for a bit 😅
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oddfamiliar · 3 months ago
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Daily 2025 sketchbook
01/01 - 01/07
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sombra-conlangs · 2 months ago
Conlang year 2025 · Day 1 - 4
I decided to try out @quothalinguist's conlang year, it is basically a series of daily prompts that guide you through the process of creating a new language, by the end of the year you will end up with a conlang that is developed enough to participate in relays and lexember, you can find it on quothalinguist.com
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It looks like conlang year is mostly geared towards creating languages that are naturalistic and evolved from a proto-language, and the concept I have for this is not going to really fit into that, you'll see why once I start describing it, but I don't imagine that'll be too much of an issue, it's still useful to have a guide for the different aspects of the language I should focus on. I'll try to adapt the prompts to work with my idea and I guess I'll skip the ones that I can't figure out how to adapt.
I'll be combining many prompts together into single posts for convenience, I'll tag these posts as both #Conlang year and #Conlang year 2025 so you can search those in my blog to see them all if you want (once I name the language I will also add it to the tags, but the language doesn't have a name yet).
If you want to see all of the information from these posts compiled into one place I will be adding all of the information about the conlang I create on my website: tekseni.bearblog.dev
Day 1: Set an intention for your language
(warning: this gets a bit heavy, but I try not to make it too dour)
I haven't been feeling great lately, I won't go into details, I'll just say that it can be difficult to manage your emotions when the world seems to be in such a terrible state, living through historical events is not easy.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
I know there's some people who say you have to be constantly staying informed on every bit of news because if you don't you're a bad person, but that's not a sustainable way to live. It's important for us to keep ourselves sane, if you're going to help others through turbulent times you have to make sure you have your own feet on firm ground. I won't be of much help if I'm having a crisis, so taking care of my own mental health is important, and for many of us that can include a bit of escapism and using art as an outlet, using art as motivation to keep going and enjoy life despite the circumstances. This conlang is my escapism.
With all of that being said, here's my 2 main goals for this conlang:
1: I want this language to make me smile
I want to create something that helps me to find some beauty and hope in the world, I want the choices I make with the language to make me smile, and I want to be able to have fun while working on it, without having to worry too much about how naturalistic it is or anything like that, so ideally I'd also avoid comparing this to other conlangs.
If we compare this to visual art, I'd say this is less like trying to create an awesome painting with perfect perspective, colors and composition, and it's more like me doodling in a sketchbook that is meant primarily for me, but I also want to share it with others in case they find it to be at least mildly interesting or it helps inspire them in some way.
It's not like my other conlangs don't bring me joy, I guess what I'm trying to say is that this time I will try to design the language without worrying about things like naturalism or trying too hard to make my worldbuilding interesting or deep, it's just a canvas where I can throw paint and let myself go wild, trying out things I normally wouldn't, and making choices based on my personal preferences instead of what I think I "should" do, so I guess that makes this is a personal language.
2: This is going to be a surrealistic conlang
I have already decided who the speakers of my language will be, I'll elaborate more in the following prompts but I currently call them "dream angels" because they're basically benevolent beings that exist in the world of dreams, and because of this I want to try my hand at making a surrealistic conlang, @dedalvs wrote an essay on fiat lingua about what such a language might look like, and I keep coming back to it every now and then because I love the concept.
Even before that essay was posted I remember thinking of what conlangs might look like if they were inspired by different art movements, and a surrealistic one fits particularly well into the dream world idea, it will also allow me to fulfill my first goal fairly easily; making something that makes me smile without having to worry about naturalism and letting myself experiment. I've always been drawn to surrealism for one reason or another, not entirely sure why but I know this is something I'm excited to work on.
I'm not expecting this to be the best surrealistic conlang out there, but it doesn't have to be, it just has to be fun for me, and it will work as a learning experience regardless, so if I want to try again at some point I will have a better idea of how to approach it. I'm sure someone out there will make an amazing surrealistic conlang one day and I'll be excited to see it when it happens.
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Day 2: Set an intention for sharing your language
Basically the main audience is me, I hope that future me will be able to look at all the different translations, grammar choices and vocabulary I made and feel like it's a fun language that still brings me some joy in some way or another, even if I don't keep working on it for much longer after the conlang year has ended at least I hope it was a positive experience.
I also want to share the language online (on this blog and on my conlang website) mostly because I'm hoping that at least one person is going to look at my conlang and feel inspired, or maybe it will make them smile too, so I'm going to try to describe all the features in a way that is understandable for other conlangers.
Day 3: Determine your speakers and conworld
The basic idea is that there is another plane of existence, one we can't see when we're awake, and the world where dreams exist is connected to this other realm, so when we dream we sometimes come into contact with the ethereal beings that speak this language, and they are kind and loving.
The dream angels usually don't interfere with human affairs too much, but they sometimes help us by making nightmares go away and soothing the people they see, at least while the people are asleep (since they can't interact with us outside of dreams).
They also shift the way they speak to be a bit more familiar to the person they're encountering, so I imagine the phonology of their language might shift a bit from its default form depending on what your native language is, the language would still be unintelligible to you but it would sound a bit like someone speaking your L1 in a weird way (which also means that it will be easier for you to pronounce the language if you are able to speak back at them because you will at least get to use sounds you already know how to pronounce, though you're welcome to pronounce it in its original form).
These beings are very surreal in their appearance, there's probably different types of dream angels but the ones I'll be working with are kind of like a mix of various sea creatures, drifting through space peacefully, building all sorts of things and admiring the nature that exists in their world.
I imagine their settlements are built on floating islands full of all sorts of critters and nature, and their world as a whole is probably a bit weird and doesn't always seem to follow logical rules, in keeping with the kind of things you see in dreams, so they might look a bit like something you'd see in an M.C. Escher artwork, where you're not exactly sure what you're looking at, but it has a certain beauty to it.
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Day 4: Describe (or design) your speakers
And finally here's a picture I drew of a prototypical dream angel:
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They might look a bit intimidating or scary to you, but I chose to take inspiration mostly from various sea creatures because they help to convey this kind of ethereal and weirdly beautiful aesthetic, when I look at jellyfish I often wonder how those are living beings that exist in our world, they look more like they're inanimate objects drifting in the water and yet they're alive, and they're so mesmerizing and fascinating, like a living nebula.
I imagine different dream angels would have different characteristics, but in general they're basically like some sort of jellyfish with 3 main tentacle-like appendages, many thin tendrils, 6 insect-like arms, 6 little wings (because it makes them look a bit more angelic lol) and they have one eye, but no human has ever seen their eyes because it is always covered by something, in this case it's a butterfly, but whatever is covering their eye it does not prevent them from seeing, this is the dream world after all.
I think there might be other types of dream angels, and they're all able to speak a human-like language because they don't need a mouth to speak, they just telepathically send sounds to other beings, so the speakers of my language will be characterized by being similar to sea creatures, perhaps there's other dream angels that are more similar to other types of animals, or inanimate objects, maybe some are just completely out there and don't even look like anything we're familiar with as humans. By the way if you feel inspired to design your own dream angels go ahead! I think it'd be nice if I was able to inspire creativity in others with my work.
I'm also choosing to use a human-pronounceable phonology because I enjoy pronouncing the words and sentences of my conlangs, but perhaps at some other point I will make a different register of the language that uses different noises as phonemes, maybe sounds of water and nature, or maybe something like one of those really peaceful synths, after all their phonology is not limited by their physiology or even things like logic.
But anyway that's it for now, I feel a bit vulnerable putting myself out there so much, this feels a bit more personal than my other conlangs I've shared, it's not like a regular fantasy worldbuilding project or a fanlang or an a posteriori language, this one is very out there and weird, but again I want to share it in case other people find it interesting, and hey, we need more examples of surrealistic conlangs, so I'm more than happy to contribute to that.
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humblegoatart · 2 months ago
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AH! i missed the monday daily! 1/6/25 was sketches i did during our New Moon Academy dnd session. everyone stopping by the impromptu “adopt a fiberware” table set up by the only knitting club member.
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doorstoplord · 5 months ago
I’m gonna gush about The Journal I’ve made for 2025
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So the point of a travelers notebook, as I’ve said before, is to sling together booklets that can be interchanged inside a leather cover
Here’s my setup
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The inside cover has a contact card and stencil just in case. I have a plastic sleeve insert that can hold cards but since it’s see thru I have it holding photos
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The other side of the plastic sleeve holds temporary lists (this ones my Christmas list.) this is also the cover of my Annual book, a book that will ideally last half the year, if not all of it
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The annual book has monthlies from November 2024 to July 2025
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After that it’s a future log. Also in this book are lists I’ll reference often: automotive information, wishlists, long term to-dos and other such things
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Then we have the back of the plastic sleeve with a zipper. Right now I just have a few receipts in there
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I then have the card side of my wallet insert. On the other side I have some gift cards, on the side pictures I have important reference cards. I’m debating putting payment cards in here, idk. Right now my phone is also my wallet. The other side of this insert has a zipper and I keep cash inside.
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Then I have the monthly book, which will ideally last one month. First I have my diary card, essentially a mood tracker that I bring to my therapist every time we meet
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Then I set up all my weekly spreads for the month. On the left, I write any appointments before hand, and then at the end of every day I write a few short bullets about what happened that day. On the right, I have recurring tasks at the top, one off tasks beneath that, time tracking tasks beneath that, and a “need to get” list at the bottom
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Also in this book are my daily pages for to dos, random notes and long hand journaling. There’s nothing in this page I don’t mind people reading but I can’t say the same for my entire notebook.
The app won’t let me upload more images
But after this is my sketchbook insert which is self explanatory.
This way ideally I just need this journal and a couple of pens and I’m good wherever I am. I’m so ridiculously happy with this and excited and aaaa
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rivendellwatch · 18 hours ago
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The wait is finally over—Fluff Week 2025 officially begins TOMORROW, and I hope you’re all as excited as I am!!💛
Get ready for a week of soft, heartwarming, and utterly adorable content—whether it’s tender confessions, cozy cuddles, found family fluff, or the sweetest little moments between your favorite characters!!!!
Love, comfort, and joy are the themes of the week! 🥰
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✨ What to expect? ✨ 📌 The Bingo Prompt Card will be available to spark inspiration! 📌 The daily prompts will be posted if you want it to guide your creativity! 📌 A flood of wholesome fics, art, edits, and other fluffy goodness filling the tags! 📌 And, of course, celebrations for all participants—whether you create, share, or just cheer from the sidelines!
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💛 Reminder: To be reblogged and included, make sure to tag @rivendellwatch AND use the hashtags! 🌿 #FluffWeek2025 🌿 #RivendellWatchFluffWeek 🌿 #TROPFluffWeek2025
Whether you’re writing for a beloved OTP, exploring deep friendships, diving into found family dynamics, or just want to make Middle-earth a little cozier, this is your time to shine! ✨
So grab your quills, sketchbooks, or just your undying love for fluff, because starting tomorrow—we are taking over with the softest content imaginable!🎇💫
NB: If you wish to learn more about the event, I suggest you click here to get access to infos I shared previously!
I'll, of course, post them in a full post tomorrow, but you can already find rules and all here!
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crispycaro · 2 days ago
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daily gesture drawings from zeet studio’s sports bundle [2/2] - Baseball ⚾️ & Kendo 🤺
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