bridgekc · 3 months
same voice actors as the among us vids, but playing cards this time 😝
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onepiecexd · 2 years
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 One Piece - Episodio 1040
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tinyshe · 9 months
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chiliontherocks · 1 year
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i think almost constantly about the first chapter in the first light novel because man what the hell
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mediocredoots · 2 years
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literally wtf was this hand & game. two revolutions from me just for yusuke to end up with a revolution and me not winning smh
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 months
This duck is out of her funk and ready to rock and roll
Pls forgive if the events aren’t chronological; I have not been in this arc for literally 50 episodes 😭
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Wake Up Call
Warning! This is a tickle fic!
Ships: None! Kurama and Yusuke
Warnings: Tickles, small amount of foot tks, LIGHT SPOILERS FOR DARK TOURNAMENT ARC! Episodes 26-30 ish.
Prompt: The team gets scarce time to rest, so Yusuke has a bad habit of falling asleep in places he really shouldn’t…
Tags: @giggly-squiggily the queen herself for helping me out of a slump! @mystwrites My fellow YYH fan🛐 @chrimsss bc I tag you in everything :)) (ily)
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Ever since Yusuke woke up, he wished with every step that he could go back to sleep. Sure, he was totally spent and straight-up passed out because of overusing his energy—hell, he STILL didn’t know how to control himself—but nothing beat the sweet dreams that followed him into that wonderful “nap” he was able to have.
Now? Hah, as if.
Every single day, it was “Fight these two teams back-to-back today!” or “Oh, Urameshi, I’ll take the tough one!” (As if he’d let his friend put his life on the line like that when he could do so himself!) or “Foolish humans, of course I know how to play cards.”
As if not sleeping till well into the early morning wasn’t enough, the boy was on a strict morning routine—courtesy of Genkai. He was to wake at five A.M. and go for a run, (which he didn’t much mind; he was “born on a treadmill,” as he claimed.) Then, it was endurance, power, and dodge training. Shortly after, he would have a quick breakfast with his friends, and then the fights began promptly at 8:00 on the dot.
To be honest, Yusuke was absolutely dog-tired, and there was no way he would survive the evening before “bedtime.”
It was a rare night for Team Urameshi to have downtime. Having just defeated Team Mashou, the four were having a wonderfully solemn evening. Kuwabara was very determined to teach Hiei to play Daifugo, Kurama and Botan were telling stories to Keiko and Shizuru, and Yusuke was on the couch spectating “the card game.”
In reality, the only thing that Yusuke was spectating was the inside of his eyelids.
The spirit detective blinked in and out of reality as his teammates’ voices began to warble in his ears. Despite Kuwabara’s incessant yelling, Kurama’s gentle tone was just enough to help drown out the cacophony behind him.
Trying his best to sound fully alert, Yusuke slurred out a sentence. “Yanno, ‘Rama, youshuld stard a pogcazt. You hav a ni’ voice.” (You know, Kurama, you should start a podcast. You have a nice voice.)
The redhead’s attention was beheld at the mention of his name, and he quickly turned towards the couch. “A podcast you say?” Excusing himself, the youkai stepped toward his team members, finding Yusuke curled up on the couch, blinking slowly.
Lifting the boy’s ankles momentarily so to not disturb him, Kurama opted to sit next to Yusuke, placing them atop of his lap. “So, what’s happening with them?”
“Ku-‘bara teachin’ Hiei *yawn* Daif’go.” (Kuwabara is teaching Hiei Daifugo.)
“I see,” Kurama hummed, absentmindedly stroking one of the spirit detective’s ankles with his thumb. “How do you think it’s going?”
There was a silence.
Well, as silent as it could be with Hiei and Kuwabara bickering.
When the youkai turned to his right, he couldn’t help but smile at the sight. The boy was absolutely passed out on the couch, seemingly fallen asleep from the comforting touch. His hair was slightly disheveled, his shirt had ridden up to reveal his stomach a bit as well.
“Yusuke, you shouldn’t fall asleep here; you’ll wake up sore tomorrow,” Kurama hummed, patting the top of the boy’s socked foot. “Wake up, child.”
Another silent response from the teenager elicited a sigh from the redhead. His attention was grabbed by a yelp from Kuwabara, having just been jabbed in the stomach by a disgruntled Hiei.
That’s it! But was Yusuke even-?
Only one way to find out…
With a bout of curiosity, Kurama scooted his hand from the spirit detective’s ankle down to his foot. He used two fingers to lightly swipe downward, eyes never leaving the sleeping figure on the other end of the couch. “Yusuke, wake up.”
Kurama was met with a light jerk backwards and a curl of the boy’s toes. ‘How precious’ he thought as he repeated the action. ‘So he is ticklish…’
“Come on now, it’s time to go to sleep in your bed,” the youkai murmured, using all five fingers to go in with more fervor. “Come on…”
Yusuke sighed out a groan, turning over onto his stomach atop of Kurama’s lap. “S’eepy,” he mumbled. He snuggled into the pillow, slumping downward as he exhaled comfortably.
‘It’s almost as if he wants me to tickle him. He’s just flipped himself completely defenseless.’
“Honestly, Yusuke, you cannot expect me to simply leave you alone now. I swear you’ve much to learn,” the redhead reported as he once again started to spider his fingers on the boy’s feet.
Giggly exhales escaped the spirit detective while both of his legs shot upward in the air out of defense. Kurama chuckled and stood up. “Thank you for setting me free from my prison. Now then, up with you now.”
A small groan answered his request, eliciting an eyeroll from the youkai. The boy put his legs back on the couch and snuggled in deeper. The fox demon sighed deeply, kneeling down toward Yusuke’s head.
“Yusuke…” he hummed in annoyance. Kurama’s hand gently brushed the hairs away from the spirit detective’s forehead. His hand came to rest on the boy’s cheek, his thumb gently stroking it. “Come on now… you don’t really want to sleep on this couch, do you? It doesn’t even have seats with fabric. Do you know just how filthy leather can get?”
Kurama was merely met with a relaxed sigh and a smile of comfort—which he should’ve expected after giving such soothing touches to his face.
“Alright, fine. You wish to do things the hard way, then I shall do them the hard way. I am giving you one last chance to stand up and sleep, then I will resort to drastic measures.”
The youkai relaxed a bit when he saw Yusuke open his eyes. With bleary, heavy eyes, the boy glared at the redhead while he stuck his tongue out. Afterward, he immediately shut his eyes and hid his face in the pillow once more.
“Alright, fine,” Kurama said impatiently, “if you’re going to be so difficult, then I shall too be difficult.” And with that, the fox demon shifted downward and began to trace ticklish shapes into the boy’s back and shoulders. “If you don’t wake up, then I shall make you.”
The gentlest giggling broke Kuwabara and Hiei from their argument, turning their attention toward the couch.
“Come on, Yusuke, surely you can just listen and avoid losing your dignity,” Kurama reported.
“Nohohoho,” Yusuke whined as he squirmed.
“Oh! He speaks; good morning! Are you going to listen to me now?”
Hiei and Kuwabara—for the first time that either can recall—looked menacingly at one another, excited to view the endeavor. They watched their friend frantically shake his head “no.” Whether it was in response to Kurama’s question or his ticklish touch, neither knew the answer for sure.
“Kurahahamahahaha,” Yusuke whined, scrunching up a bit as the tickling fingers were dangerously close to his neck. “Nohohoho. Nohohoho tihihihickles!”
“Oh yes, if I must. I must “tickles” if it means it’ll get you to bed sooner. Maybe I need a new spot, hmm?” With these teasing words, the youkai’s hands shot down to Yusuke’s sides and begun to squeeze.
Feet kick rapidly as a very high-octaved squeak escaped the boy “shihihihit!” He whined. “Kurahahamahaha! Nohohohoho!”
The redhead simply smiled innocently at him. The commotion had gained the attention of Botan, Keiko, and Shizuru, who all had stopped to listen in on the event unfolding.
“Do you concede?”
“Nehehehev-hehehahahaha! Plehehehehease!” the spirit detective whined.
“Hmm. I must get creative it seems…” the youkai mused, quickly shooting his hands up to worm under Yusuke’s arms. He had been hugging the pillow for a while, leaving himself totally vulnerable. “How about here?”
An extremely manly yelp escaped his lips as the spirit detective clamped his arms down. He managed to trap Kurama’s assaulting fingers! Just… much lower… between his underarms and ribs… oh no…
“Dahahahammihihihit! Nohohoho! Kura-ahahaha! Shihihit- agh! Nohohohohoho! Nonononohohohoho!”
Yusuke’s feet rapidly kicked up and down as his laughter grew in volume. As if he didn’t get everyone’s attention before, he was destined to now.
“Well?” Kurama asked, completely unfazed by the boy’s reaction.
“Kurahaha- Kurahahahama! Nohohoho! Lehehet mehehe sleheheheep!”
“I suppose you leave me with no choice now, child. My apologies for exploiting your weaknesses in this way.”
What the hell was that stupid fox talking about? Why wasn’t he going to just let him sleep on the couch? What was so wrong with it anyways? Sure, there’s probably piss and blood and all sorts of fun things on the seats but-
Yusuke’s chain of thought completely halted when he felt forefingers and thumbs pinching at his hipbones. Eyes squeezing shut, the boy squealed into the pillow, shaking his head frantically. “NONONONO PLEHEHEHEHEASE! KURAHAH- FUHUHUHUCK YOHOHOU! NOHOHOHO! SHITSHITSHIT YOHOHOHOU BIHIHIHITCH! PFFFAHAHAHA!”
“Quite the mouth on you, Yusuke. If my morals serve me right, I do believe that a punishment is in order,” the redhead hummed with a close-eyed smile, squeezing with more fervor.
The spirit detective’s voice escaped him, and only squeaky responses came as he squirmed relentlessly. “NOHOHOHO! KURAHAHAHAMAHAHA! IHIHIM- HEHEHEHAHAHAHA! IHIHIHIM SOHOHOHORRY! IHIHILL- *snort* OHOHOHO MY GOHOHOHOD- FUHUHUHUCK OHOHOHOFF!”
“What was that?”
With a small grunt of admiration, the youkai ceased his “torturous” attack, allowing the boy to catch his breath. Finally looking up at the room, he blinked a few times when he noticed the rest of their friends staring at the two of them with dopey grins—minus Hiei—on their faces. “Oh my… it seems you’ve gained quite an audience, Yusuke.”
A high-pitched sound of disapproval left him as the spirit detective yawned. Flipping back over onto his back, Yusuke huffed and sunk into the couch. It wasn’t long before his eyes were fluttered closed once more.
The fox demon sighed when he looked back down at the boy. “Perhaps it’d be best to take the path of least resistance,” he murmured as he carefully slid his arms underneath Yusuke’s neck and knees, quickly placing him into a secure hold. “I shall be taking this one to bed, and hopefully I will be back within a few minutes. In the event I do not return, I shall see you all in the morning.”
After nodding to everyone to bid them adieu, Kurama trudged out of the room, looking down fondly at the teenager in his arms—who had absentmindedly turned toward the fox demon’s body and cuddled up. The redhead sighed with a warm smile, whispering:
“Atop of everything else, must I now be your mother too, Yusuke?”
Kurama helped Yusuke down onto the bed, carefully pulling his socks off and removing his jacket. He placed the two items neatly on the nightstand before kneeling by the boy’s bedside to brush the hair away from his eyes once more. “I suppose I should get back out there… hm?”
Expecting no response, Kurama blinked harshly in shock over a drowsy message. “You don’t have to… go back… you can *yawn* you can stay… in here.”
Another fond smile found its way to the fox demon’s lips. “Alright, move over,” he hummed as he slid his shoes off, taking a book out of his pocket. He sat down on the bed next to Yusuke, and opened up to where he had left off. Every so often, he felt the boy shifting next to him.
“You may rest against me; I don’t mind one bit.”
The sleepy spirit detective smiled as he scooched closer to the youkai, placing his head on Kurama’s lap. The redhead reached down to gently run his fingers against Yusuke’s head and through his hair, grinning tenderly at how differently he acted behind closed doors.
“After all you’ve endured, you’re still just a child… aren’t you…?”
Yusuke could only hum sleepily as the youkai covered him with a blanket.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 9 months
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Let's take a day for the new one, Chapter 41's first half is live and it has a vibe with which I can jive. We don't have a whole lot in the way of funny panels this time but the atmosphere is just great. Everyone's hanging out at Cora's with the Donquixopticon Chamber that does have an equally corny name for realsies. Playing Daifugo and scheming for investigating Doffy's involvement with a Dark Bingo Tournament. No, it's not as much of a reference in Japanese. I got hopeful. These kind of moments are great though, lot of nice gags. I love how everything is interspersed with card plays, Daifugo is a fun game. Fruits Basket has it pop up and the old Tokyopop volume had the rules. Convinced a group of friends to play on a school trip once. Very fun memory. Get a load of Luffy cheating!
Where this gets cool is we do break up into teams based on the game. Worth mentioning it by the way, you could call it like "Tycoon" or "Millionaire." As a game it has a theme of wealth disparity and caste. So legitimately interesting to juxtapose with the Donquixote Brothers' origin story as well as what we potentially set up. Reminds me a little of both how we use Hawkins's tarot cards and the Go board in Wano. That's all the symbolic meaning for now, if it shows up again and terms are flummoxing someone gracious enough to translate, shoot me a DM. Moving on. New World parody, gotta split the party. One half will tail Doffy...and the other will investigate Onigashima Middle. Here's our groups:
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Well how about that? Miss Nami who mentioned having Kiku's contact info, Miss Robin who pondered how much she'd know, and Miss Vivi who was part of actually saving the day around Yamato's trip to the carnival are all on the Onigashima team. The team notably without someone in that guide role Cora's in for the party crashers. So surely we're about to have some girl time with your new tol buddy. Does Kiku get a nice cardigan like y'all have? I bet she'd like it. Recall our theory is that based on established norms and uniforms, it seems Kiku might already be a New World Middle student like Izo.
Chopper can come too and honestly I'm down with Brook being a part of this. I uh, wouldn't mind checking off finding out how our girl reacts to being propositioned about seeing her underwear while we're at it. Seriously though, high chance our most precious flower of Wano's much more obviously foreshadowed return in this series feels quite imminent.
Since the other team is going to like, a gathering of something that sounds way too much like the Black-Black Club for this not actually ending up being a YYH reference I wonder if Big Mom will work her way in. Totally would make sense with what we have set up. Is a little weird to have Doffy rubbing elbows with her over Kaido but he was always the broker for everyone it seemed. Wouldn't mind seeing schoolboy Perospero, we know Pudding in a sailor suit will be cute, and if I get Katakuri & Corazon in the same panel I know I'mma break reaction records again. Not to mention Jinbei's absence has been a lil fishy. I love where this is all heading, seems like it'll be really fun.
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fallensnowfan · 9 months
One Piece Academy 41 part 1 is up! Aaaaand the title is… Dark Bingo Tournament.
The majority of the chapter focuses on Cora, Law, and Class 1-1 discussing an undercover operation.
Cora tells everyone that he and Law will be infiltrating a formal event that Doffy will be attending this evening. He continues that on the surface it is Bingo Party, though the truth is that people from the criminal underground/Dark World will be meeting there.
Through a short exchange Cora has with Robin, we learn that he set the password for his computer/security system to be his birthday… and that Robin immediately figured it out, amazing hahaha. Poor Cora though.
After discussing plans over a game of Daifugo(similar to Poker,) two investigation teams are formed through everyone playing rock paper scissors.
Law is absolutely determined to be on the same team as Cora, and while he failed to play the right move in rock paper scissors, he ultimately makes Chopper switch teams with him. Law you so silly. It's sweet how much he wants to be on the same team as Corazon.
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If I got all the terms down, the final teams and groups within them are:
Nami & Robin Franky & Brook Koby, Chopper, Vivi
They are in charge of investigating Onigashima Middle School.
Luffy & Cora Usopp, Sanji, Law Zoro
Who are in charge of investigating Doffy's actions.
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Everyone is excited to start the mission, except Law, who is exasperated at their energy, and considers going with just Cora after all.
I love this set up, major Film Gold vibes. Law trying and failing to resist getting pulled into the Straw Hats' rhythm is always fun, Cora being here is great, and investigating the enemy side, specifically Onigashima/the Beast Pirates is exactly what Kiku did while waiting for Kin to return with allies in the main manga. So I'm hoping they group meet her again at the Bingo Party!
Next update will be on the 18th/19th!
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Thank you so much, hun.
Luffy x GN reader (untitled as of yet and needs to be edited).
You see the aim of the Flintlock before the Vice Warden, a tanned skin man with hair gathered to resemble the tail of a scorpion, fires on your captain. Bullets do not affect Monkey D. Luffy; his rubber body simply repels them, however, these bullets are not normal. 
The pompous Vice Warden, Daifugo, dubs them Excite Bullets, unusual ammunition that when hit by, infects the victim with an artificial disease. So many of the prisoners locked in the Udon Mines are infected, left with a small skull-shaped mark on their skin. But this is not the magnitude of the bullets. Those infected are contagious and with a single touch, the disease spreads. Besides the 3 samurai, a handful of prisoners, 2 of your crew mates, and yourself, everyone else is infected. 
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atcordare · 2 years
I wish I had normal hobbies who tf am I gonna go to if I wanna share the fun stuff that happens when I'm playing cards on an app on my phone
Like "damn last game in daifugo a player did a revolution, someone did a contra revolution and then the other player did a contra contra revolution it was NUTS!!!" Okay whats a daifugo
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onepiecexd · 2 years
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One Piece - Episodio 1039
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onepiececolor · 1 year
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timeticket · 2 years
2022/11/6(日) フジテレビ全国ネット「かまいたちのこっそり大富豪TV」にて、 誰でも簡単に始められる「こっそりビジネス」として、タイムチケットが紹介されます。 今回、芸能人が体を張って「こっそりビジネス」に挑戦! 実はこっそり稼いでいる「こっそり大富豪」として、タイムチケットで活躍中の人気ホストも登場します。 ぜひご覧ください!!
放送日時: 2022/11/6(日) 16:00〜17:20
かまいたちのこっそり大富豪TV公式HP https://www.fujitv.co.jp/b_hp/daifugo/index.html
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mediocredoots · 2 years
I love the idea of the yugi-tachi + kaiba playing other card games esp a heated game of daifugo
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chenziee · 2 years
I absolutely love how Umami went around scamming charming people into eating Tama's dangos willingly and then Daifugo just ran all over the place straight up force feeding Gifters while laughing maniacally
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sleeping181 · 3 years
My thoughts on the chapter
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