#yyh tickle
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duckymcdoorknob · 8 months ago
This duck is out of her funk and ready to rock and roll
Pls forgive if the events aren’t chronological; I have not been in this arc for literally 50 episodes 😭
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Wake Up Call
Warning! This is a tickle fic!
Ships: None! Kurama and Yusuke
Warnings: Tickles, small amount of foot tks, LIGHT SPOILERS FOR DARK TOURNAMENT ARC! Episodes 26-30 ish.
Prompt: The team gets scarce time to rest, so Yusuke has a bad habit of falling asleep in places he really shouldn’t…
Tags: @giggly-squiggily the queen herself for helping me out of a slump! @mystwrites My fellow YYH fan🛐 @chrimsss bc I tag you in everything :)) (ily)
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Ever since Yusuke woke up, he wished with every step that he could go back to sleep. Sure, he was totally spent and straight-up passed out because of overusing his energy—hell, he STILL didn’t know how to control himself—but nothing beat the sweet dreams that followed him into that wonderful “nap” he was able to have.
Now? Hah, as if.
Every single day, it was “Fight these two teams back-to-back today!” or “Oh, Urameshi, I’ll take the tough one!” (As if he’d let his friend put his life on the line like that when he could do so himself!) or “Foolish humans, of course I know how to play cards.”
As if not sleeping till well into the early morning wasn’t enough, the boy was on a strict morning routine—courtesy of Genkai. He was to wake at five A.M. and go for a run, (which he didn’t much mind; he was “born on a treadmill,” as he claimed.) Then, it was endurance, power, and dodge training. Shortly after, he would have a quick breakfast with his friends, and then the fights began promptly at 8:00 on the dot.
To be honest, Yusuke was absolutely dog-tired, and there was no way he would survive the evening before “bedtime.”
It was a rare night for Team Urameshi to have downtime. Having just defeated Team Mashou, the four were having a wonderfully solemn evening. Kuwabara was very determined to teach Hiei to play Daifugo, Kurama and Botan were telling stories to Keiko and Shizuru, and Yusuke was on the couch spectating “the card game.”
In reality, the only thing that Yusuke was spectating was the inside of his eyelids.
The spirit detective blinked in and out of reality as his teammates’ voices began to warble in his ears. Despite Kuwabara’s incessant yelling, Kurama’s gentle tone was just enough to help drown out the cacophony behind him.
Trying his best to sound fully alert, Yusuke slurred out a sentence. “Yanno, ‘Rama, youshuld stard a pogcazt. You hav a ni’ voice.” (You know, Kurama, you should start a podcast. You have a nice voice.)
The redhead’s attention was beheld at the mention of his name, and he quickly turned towards the couch. “A podcast you say?” Excusing himself, the youkai stepped toward his team members, finding Yusuke curled up on the couch, blinking slowly.
Lifting the boy’s ankles momentarily so to not disturb him, Kurama opted to sit next to Yusuke, placing them atop of his lap. “So, what’s happening with them?”
“Ku-‘bara teachin’ Hiei *yawn* Daif’go.” (Kuwabara is teaching Hiei Daifugo.)
“I see,” Kurama hummed, absentmindedly stroking one of the spirit detective’s ankles with his thumb. “How do you think it’s going?”
There was a silence.
Well, as silent as it could be with Hiei and Kuwabara bickering.
When the youkai turned to his right, he couldn’t help but smile at the sight. The boy was absolutely passed out on the couch, seemingly fallen asleep from the comforting touch. His hair was slightly disheveled, his shirt had ridden up to reveal his stomach a bit as well.
“Yusuke, you shouldn’t fall asleep here; you’ll wake up sore tomorrow,” Kurama hummed, patting the top of the boy’s socked foot. “Wake up, child.”
Another silent response from the teenager elicited a sigh from the redhead. His attention was grabbed by a yelp from Kuwabara, having just been jabbed in the stomach by a disgruntled Hiei.
That’s it! But was Yusuke even-?
Only one way to find out…
With a bout of curiosity, Kurama scooted his hand from the spirit detective’s ankle down to his foot. He used two fingers to lightly swipe downward, eyes never leaving the sleeping figure on the other end of the couch. “Yusuke, wake up.”
Kurama was met with a light jerk backwards and a curl of the boy’s toes. ‘How precious’ he thought as he repeated the action. ‘So he is ticklish…’
“Come on now, it’s time to go to sleep in your bed,” the youkai murmured, using all five fingers to go in with more fervor. “Come on…”
Yusuke sighed out a groan, turning over onto his stomach atop of Kurama’s lap. “S’eepy,” he mumbled. He snuggled into the pillow, slumping downward as he exhaled comfortably.
‘It’s almost as if he wants me to tickle him. He’s just flipped himself completely defenseless.’
“Honestly, Yusuke, you cannot expect me to simply leave you alone now. I swear you’ve much to learn,” the redhead reported as he once again started to spider his fingers on the boy’s feet.
Giggly exhales escaped the spirit detective while both of his legs shot upward in the air out of defense. Kurama chuckled and stood up. “Thank you for setting me free from my prison. Now then, up with you now.”
A small groan answered his request, eliciting an eyeroll from the youkai. The boy put his legs back on the couch and snuggled in deeper. The fox demon sighed deeply, kneeling down toward Yusuke’s head.
“Yusuke…” he hummed in annoyance. Kurama’s hand gently brushed the hairs away from the spirit detective’s forehead. His hand came to rest on the boy’s cheek, his thumb gently stroking it. “Come on now… you don’t really want to sleep on this couch, do you? It doesn’t even have seats with fabric. Do you know just how filthy leather can get?”
Kurama was merely met with a relaxed sigh and a smile of comfort—which he should’ve expected after giving such soothing touches to his face.
“Alright, fine. You wish to do things the hard way, then I shall do them the hard way. I am giving you one last chance to stand up and sleep, then I will resort to drastic measures.”
The youkai relaxed a bit when he saw Yusuke open his eyes. With bleary, heavy eyes, the boy glared at the redhead while he stuck his tongue out. Afterward, he immediately shut his eyes and hid his face in the pillow once more.
“Alright, fine,” Kurama said impatiently, “if you’re going to be so difficult, then I shall too be difficult.” And with that, the fox demon shifted downward and began to trace ticklish shapes into the boy’s back and shoulders. “If you don’t wake up, then I shall make you.”
The gentlest giggling broke Kuwabara and Hiei from their argument, turning their attention toward the couch.
“Come on, Yusuke, surely you can just listen and avoid losing your dignity,” Kurama reported.
“Nohohoho,” Yusuke whined as he squirmed.
“Oh! He speaks; good morning! Are you going to listen to me now?”
Hiei and Kuwabara—for the first time that either can recall—looked menacingly at one another, excited to view the endeavor. They watched their friend frantically shake his head “no.” Whether it was in response to Kurama’s question or his ticklish touch, neither knew the answer for sure.
“Kurahahamahahaha,” Yusuke whined, scrunching up a bit as the tickling fingers were dangerously close to his neck. “Nohohoho. Nohohoho tihihihickles!”
“Oh yes, if I must. I must “tickles” if it means it’ll get you to bed sooner. Maybe I need a new spot, hmm?” With these teasing words, the youkai’s hands shot down to Yusuke’s sides and begun to squeeze.
Feet kick rapidly as a very high-octaved squeak escaped the boy “shihihihit!” He whined. “Kurahahamahaha! Nohohohoho!”
The redhead simply smiled innocently at him. The commotion had gained the attention of Botan, Keiko, and Shizuru, who all had stopped to listen in on the event unfolding.
“Do you concede?”
“Nehehehev-hehehahahaha! Plehehehehease!” the spirit detective whined.
“Hmm. I must get creative it seems…” the youkai mused, quickly shooting his hands up to worm under Yusuke’s arms. He had been hugging the pillow for a while, leaving himself totally vulnerable. “How about here?”
An extremely manly yelp escaped his lips as the spirit detective clamped his arms down. He managed to trap Kurama’s assaulting fingers! Just… much lower… between his underarms and ribs… oh no…
“Dahahahammihihihit! Nohohoho! Kura-ahahaha! Shihihit- agh! Nohohohohoho! Nonononohohohoho!”
Yusuke’s feet rapidly kicked up and down as his laughter grew in volume. As if he didn’t get everyone’s attention before, he was destined to now.
“Well?” Kurama asked, completely unfazed by the boy’s reaction.
“Kurahaha- Kurahahahama! Nohohoho! Lehehet mehehe sleheheheep!”
“I suppose you leave me with no choice now, child. My apologies for exploiting your weaknesses in this way.”
What the hell was that stupid fox talking about? Why wasn’t he going to just let him sleep on the couch? What was so wrong with it anyways? Sure, there’s probably piss and blood and all sorts of fun things on the seats but-
Yusuke’s chain of thought completely halted when he felt forefingers and thumbs pinching at his hipbones. Eyes squeezing shut, the boy squealed into the pillow, shaking his head frantically. “NONONONO PLEHEHEHEHEASE! KURAHAH- FUHUHUHUCK YOHOHOU! NOHOHOHO! SHITSHITSHIT YOHOHOHOU BIHIHIHITCH! PFFFAHAHAHA!”
“Quite the mouth on you, Yusuke. If my morals serve me right, I do believe that a punishment is in order,” the redhead hummed with a close-eyed smile, squeezing with more fervor.
The spirit detective’s voice escaped him, and only squeaky responses came as he squirmed relentlessly. “NOHOHOHO! KURAHAHAHAMAHAHA! IHIHIM- HEHEHEHAHAHAHA! IHIHIHIM SOHOHOHORRY! IHIHILL- *snort* OHOHOHO MY GOHOHOHOD- FUHUHUHUCK OHOHOHOFF!”
“What was that?”
With a small grunt of admiration, the youkai ceased his “torturous” attack, allowing the boy to catch his breath. Finally looking up at the room, he blinked a few times when he noticed the rest of their friends staring at the two of them with dopey grins—minus Hiei—on their faces. “Oh my… it seems you’ve gained quite an audience, Yusuke.”
A high-pitched sound of disapproval left him as the spirit detective yawned. Flipping back over onto his back, Yusuke huffed and sunk into the couch. It wasn’t long before his eyes were fluttered closed once more.
The fox demon sighed when he looked back down at the boy. “Perhaps it’d be best to take the path of least resistance,” he murmured as he carefully slid his arms underneath Yusuke’s neck and knees, quickly placing him into a secure hold. “I shall be taking this one to bed, and hopefully I will be back within a few minutes. In the event I do not return, I shall see you all in the morning.”
After nodding to everyone to bid them adieu, Kurama trudged out of the room, looking down fondly at the teenager in his arms—who had absentmindedly turned toward the fox demon’s body and cuddled up. The redhead sighed with a warm smile, whispering:
“Atop of everything else, must I now be your mother too, Yusuke?”
Kurama helped Yusuke down onto the bed, carefully pulling his socks off and removing his jacket. He placed the two items neatly on the nightstand before kneeling by the boy’s bedside to brush the hair away from his eyes once more. “I suppose I should get back out there… hm?”
Expecting no response, Kurama blinked harshly in shock over a drowsy message. “You don’t have to… go back… you can *yawn* you can stay… in here.”
Another fond smile found its way to the fox demon’s lips. “Alright, move over,” he hummed as he slid his shoes off, taking a book out of his pocket. He sat down on the bed next to Yusuke, and opened up to where he had left off. Every so often, he felt the boy shifting next to him.
“You may rest against me; I don’t mind one bit.”
The sleepy spirit detective smiled as he scooched closer to the youkai, placing his head on Kurama’s lap. The redhead reached down to gently run his fingers against Yusuke’s head and through his hair, grinning tenderly at how differently he acted behind closed doors.
“After all you’ve endured, you’re still just a child… aren’t you…?”
Yusuke could only hum sleepily as the youkai covered him with a blanket.
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mystwrites · 5 months ago
Myst!!!! Hiii!!!!!!!
I hope you’re doing well ! I hope your new job will be treating you well soon. Big things happening for you!!
I would like to humbly request day 15 with my boys Yusuke and Kuwabara. I need Lee!Yusuke injected into my veins, and I think this is the perfect prescription for me.
If day 15 is taken, I’d love to do day 1 instead!
(If both are taken, then you may pick the day that you think matches them both well!!)
Happy TkTober!! Thank you for being such a great friend :]
DUCKYYYYY!!! I GOTCHA MY FRIEND!! HERE’S TO MY FIRST YYH FIC! Here’s lee!Yusuke and ler!Kuwabara feat. Hiei and Kurama egging them on!
Tickletober Day 15: “Are You Ticklish?”
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“Are you two fools seriously wrestling right now? Out of all possible things?” Hiei grumbled.
Kurama and Hiei knew they shouldn’t question it, but sometimes they couldn’t help but get thrown off whenever Yusuke or Kuwabara randomly threw themselves at the other and began to fight. It was one of their go to methods of distracting the enemy, but it was also quite distracting whenever they decided to fight while attempting to watch a movie on movie night.
“I must beat Urameshi!!” Kuwabara growled, yelling as Yusuke flipped him and held him in a headlock.
“Gotcha!” Yusuke chuckled, releasing Kuwabara who suddenly began his counter attack, nearly gaining the upper hand. “Whoa!”
Suddenly interested in the brawl, Kurama and Hiei began to watch intently, placing bets on who would win. All bets were on Yusuke winning until they watched him jump and shriek as Kuwabara’s hand accidentally jabbed him in the side amidst their scuffle.
“What was that, Spirit Detective?” Hiei snorted, smirking at the teen. “You sounded like a dying cow.”
“Shut up, Hiei! Mind your own damn business! You’re not involved in this fight!” Yusuke snapped, rolling his sleeves up and facing Kuwabara. “Alright, now you’ve done it, Kuwabara! Get ready to be fucked up!”
“He was minding his business, Urameshi.” Kuwabara laughed, smirking in the same manner Hiei was. “I think the pipsqueak is actually onto something…something I can use to finally kick your ass!”
“Huh? And what is he even getting at?” Yusuke asked, crossing his arms.
Kurama turned away and sputtered, Hiei doing the same. Yusuke glared at them but turned back to Kuwabara who somehow snuck closer while the demon boys distracted him.
“How’d you get so close?” Yusuke asked, backing up.
“You looked away and I decided to silently sneak closer.” Kuwabara said, inching closer as Yusuke backed up. “I have a question for you.~”
“Just ask it you idiot! What’s the question?” Yusuke snapped, clearly growing irritated.
“Are you ticklish, Urameshi?~”
Yusuke decided to ignore Kurama and Hiei both giggling up a storm from their seat on the couch and shook his head. He wasn’t. There was no way he, the great spirit detective was definitely not ticklish.
“Pffft! You’re pushing your luck.” Yusuke replied, crossing his arms. “Desperate to win, huh? I’m not ticklish! Being ticklish is for babies!”
“Ohhh…I don’t think he’s desperate…” Kurama snickered, turning to smile at Yusuke. “Better stay vigilant, Yusuke.”
“And why do you think that, foxy…AAAAGHHH!!!”
Kurama and Hiei both cackled as Kuwabara launched himself onto Yusuke the moment he turned to face away from him, taking him to the floor and sitting on his lower back. Amidst all of Yusuke’s shouts and curses, Kuwabara managed to get his hands latched onto the shorter boy’s ribs, bringing out a loud laugh.
“And that’s why.” Kurama giggled, covering his mouth.
“Bingo!” Kuwabara exclaimed, digging his fingertips in and traveling up to Yusuke’s armpits. “Thanks for distracting him, Kurama!”
“My pleasure.” the redhead replied.
“Yeah! Get him! Get the detective!” Hiei cheered, enjoying Yusuke’s torment. “Get him good!!”
Yusuke clawed at the ground, trying his hardest to escape. He was failing to do so however. Each time Kuwabara moved his fingers, it sent ticklish shocks up his entire body, weakening him more and more by the second. Realizing there was no escape, Yusuke reached behind him and grabbed Kuwabara’s wrists, laughing harder by the second as the onslaught continued.
“C-come ohohon!!” Yusuke laughed, trying to kick Kuwabara with his feet. “Y-you gohohotta stop, man!! Ahahaa!! Seheheriously!! Ihihi should b-behehe the one kicking y-your a-AAHAAHAHASS!!”
“Ahahaha!! I don’t think so, my friend!” Kuwabara exclaimed, squeezing Yusuke’s hips. “Or actually, what do you two think? Should I let him go?”
Kurama and Hiei shared a look and shrugged, deciding to turn away and leave the decision up to Kuwabara. However, the answer was a consecutive “keep going” so Kuwabara continued, jabbing Yusuke in the back of his ribs, along his sides and digging into his armpits.
“I’ll ask again, Urameshi. Are you ticklish?” Kuwabara sang, enjoying the sight of the undefeatable Yusuke suddenly very close to calling it quits and surrendering.
“N-NO! NOHOHO!! STOHOHOP IT HAHAA!! I-IHIHI’M NOT TICKLISH, KUWABARAAHAHA!!” Yusuke wheezed, slapping his friend’s wrists.
“You’re not?” Kuwabara teased, digging into Yusuke’s sides little harder. “Then what’s so funny?”
“Y-YOUR FAHAHACE!!” Yusuke cackled, knowing he got under Kuwabara’s skin the moment he heard a gasp.
Yusuke finally got a breather as Kuwabara stopped, glaring at him playfully. Kurama and Hiei on the side snorted loudly and laughed, looking to the duo.
“Are you seriously stopping, Kuwabara? He just made fun of your face.” Kurama taunted, Yusuke glaring at him.
“Kurama! Shut up!” Yusuke hissed.
“I would’ve said the same, but I think Doofus should get you for that comment, Detectve.” Hiei added, smirking evilly as Kuwabara winked at him.
“Oh shut up, Hiei! You wouldn’t be able to ha-AAHAHAHAHAA!!” Yusuke was thrown back into a laughing fit, squirming and slapping at Kuwabara who went back to tickling him.
“Tsk. Not ticklish, my ass!” Kuwabara scoffed. “I think you’re the most ticklish out of all of us.”
“I-I’M NOHOHOT!!! AHAHAHAHAA!!” Yusuke protested, snorting amidst his wild laughter. “STOP IT AHAHHAA!!”
“Do you give up then?” Kuwabara taunted, grinning as Yusuke shook his head.
“Oh well…then I have permission from you to keep going.~”
It took a good five minutes for Yusuke to finally concede, but he did in fact admit that he is ticklish. However, much to everyone’s horror, Yusuke’s tickle attack suddenly got Kuwabara in the mood to find his next tickle victim and his eyes fell upon the shortest of the group.
“Hieeeeiiiii.~” Kuwabara sang, his fingers wiggling. “Are you…”
“Fuck this! I’m out!” Hiei growled, suddenly dodging Kuwabara.
While the two started a wild goose chase, Kurama sat next to Yusuke who was still trying to recover. The fox demon chuckled and pat his friend on the head.
“Are you okay, Yusuke?” he asked, praying that Yusuke didn’t actually die from laughing.
“Y-yeah. I’m good.” Yusuke huffed, sitting up and rubbing his sides.
“So…” Kurama chuckled, giving his friend a smug grin. “Not ticklish, hm?”
“Don’t even start!” Yusuke growled. “Let’s just watch Kuwabara fail to get Hiei.”
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quinloki · 9 months ago
Birthday Request Event v2024
Alright let's start off with the primary points:
1 - You do NOT have to give to get.
2 - You do not have to get to give.
3 - Read everything, there's quite a few moving parts =D
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Things You Can Do During This Event:
1 - Request a story from me (see the end of the post for the format!)
2 - You can give me a gift! (see "Gifting Quin" below!)
3 - Reblog this post to be entered into a raffle!
Details below the cut!
Raffle Prizes!
-:- 1,000 words of anything you want (within reason) - can be a one-shot, can be a demand for a specific title (make me work on that title you've been dying to read more of). Just has to be One Piece related.
-:- OC Cameo - I'll plunk your OC/self-insert into a story (that is not the Host Club AU ^^; )
-:- I'll draw something for you \o/ I'm not great, but hey, free art xD
Gifting Quin!
❤️ - Pin 5$ to my shirt - it's a local-ish birthday tradition.
❤️ - Share one of my stories and leave a comment \o/ You can do this whenever, but it really makes my day, so have at!
❤️ - Gift me a story, or some art 😳🥰
Ideas (please do NOT send me saucy stuff on anon or if you're under 18):
1 - Draw a scene from any of the stories you've liked! 2 - Draw Quill - by themself, or with you and/or your OC, or a One Piece character \o/ Quill can be a boy, girl, or whatever mix tickles your fancy. Have fun =D 3 - Draw what you see when you think of "Reader" for any given story. 4 - Re-write a scene for a story =O How would you tell me that scene? 5 - Write me a one-shot using the prompts below 😇 6 - Free form a ficlet, drabble, head canon, series of bullet points with ANY anime character and either a "Reader" or Quill =3 Spread your wings beyond One Piece (Wind Breaker, YYH, FMA, MHA, Habin hotel, etc - go wild 🥰)
Feel free to ask me ANYTHING if you're unsure of something
Birthday Bash Requests \o/
Finally, the part you've all been waiting for XD
*** Anon Requests Will be SFW only ***
-:- Give me some reader vibes as applicable (gender/height vibes) -:- Give me a blorbo (or blorbos) - One Piece only please ❤️ -:- Pick something from each of the lists below and then submit your ask! (any items not specified in the ask will be my choice 😇 cause it's my birthday celebration XD )
Pick 1 Vibe: SFW SFW dark SFW Yandere Blorbo NSFW Consensual NSFW dubcon/dark NSFW Yandere Blorbo NSFW noncon Writer's Choice (please include squicks if you pick dark or dub/non con options)
Pick 1 AU: Canon Universe Mafia AU Fantasy AU Cowboy AU Government Mandated Marriage AU Soul Mates AU Modern AU Hallmark AU Mythical Creatures AU Vampire AU Coffee Shop AU A/B/O AU Monster AU (you can say what kind of monster you prefer) BDSM AU Host Club AU Grandline Metro AU (Quicksand, A Light Touch, Heart of Gold, Thrice Prophesized are set in this AU) Writer's Choice (spin that wheel!)
Pick 1 Prompt: Angst / Bad End Aphrodisiac - sex pollen, drugged food, struck by needle, devil fruit Bath/Shower/hotspring Body writing (icing, ink, blood, etc.) Caught in the Act Contractually Obligated Creature x Human Date / First date Dungeon Erotically charged fight Experienced w/virgin Forced Proximity - box, flight, cell, bondage, get-a-long shirt Friend’s hot older sibling Fuck or die Lazy morning sex Long-Term Established Relationship Only One Bed Outside Pliant When Horny Role-play Roughed Up Size Difference (I write this a lot, but I do love it.) Soft/Comfort Sugar daddy/mama The hat rule They were… coworkers/neighbors/etc. Trapped in a Room Trying Again (exes getting back together) Unresolved sexual tension Wounded Writer's Choice
***Requests will be accepted from 6/1 - 7/10 - and posted from 6/1 - 7/31***
Gifts are accepted from 6/1 until whenever \o/ Don't feel pressured to get them in by 7/20 🥰
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glowingbadger · 2 years ago
Hello hope you're well :)
For the kink ask could I request kurama with fem reader please, but if I might be a bit greedy could I get overstimulatation and hair pulling with kurama receiving both? (if only one kink then just overstimulatation please)
He needs a taste of his own teasing medicine I think
Eyyyy I finally managed to write something- like, practically one paragraph at a time between my insane work schedule lmao. But wow yeah this is like wildly different from the kinds of requests I normally get from Kurama, since bitches (it's me, I'm bitches) always wanna be dominated by our fox boy. So I kinda took it in a slightly different direction from when I've done overstim in the past, where Kurama sort of puts his acting ability to work lmao. Hopefully it's fun for you guys either way! I'm just happy to write Kurama again after a while away.
Kurama (YYH) x AFAB Reader
Kink prompts list #7 (overstim), #23 (hair pulling)
NSFW 18+
It's the first time you've needed ropes in the bedroom- usually, Kurama's vines will suffice. But tonight, he's the one tied up and on his knees. He remains obediently with his arms bound behind his back and his feet tucked under him, his thighs spread wide to expose his long, rigid cock. He's warm, and though he does well to steady his breathing, you can see the restrained urgency of his needs in the heat of that green-eyed stare.
You're just barely above him, kneeling upright so you can admire him in his rare submission. Your hands wander across plains of hard muscle and immaculately smooth skin, and you marvel as you have many times before at the perfection of his body. The difference tonight is that you're doing your best not to show it. It's not often that Kurama sacrifices the thing he covets more than anything- his prized sense of control. You're not about to squander this opportunity.
You've enjoyed touching and teasing him for some time before he speaks up, his voice breathy and unusually wavering,
"Might I ask what you have planned for me tonight, my love?"
You smile and shift closer to him on the bed, leaning close to brush back his hair and place a feathery kiss to the side of his neck. Your fingers circle his nipples, feeling them harden in response, and you murmur to him,
"I don't want to spoil the surprise."
He groans, his body arching towards you. His lips near the shell of your ear, his breath tickles your skin as he whispers,
"You torment me."
Some part of you suspects he's playing a part- but he plays it well. And he continues to master the role.
You guide him back against the pillows that cushion the headboard, and he rests against them, awaiting you at your mercy. His usually clear eyes are hazy with lust as you straddle his hips, bringing your bodies flush against one another. You know he feels it as potently as you do; the sensation of your breasts against his chest, your stomach against his tightly muscled abdomen, his cock pressed against your heat and twitching so desperately close to your soaking wet entrance. Kurama groans your name when you grind against him, taunting him with what you know he wants so dearly, despite his superior self control. Then, his voice laden with white-hot tension, he says,
"You are only putting us both in agony. Let me satisfy you."
Oh, it's tempting. It's so deeply tempting. You bite at your lip. Slowly, your fingers drag up along his neck and into his soft, flowing hair.
"Not tonight," you reply, bringing your lips to brush the shell of his ear, "tonight, I'm going to satisfy you."
With that, you align his throbbing length between your thighs and slowly, gradually sink down onto him. Kurama grits his teeth, biting back his voice- but then, your fingers tighten in his hair, and he gasps aloud. His cock twitches, stretching you as you take him deeper and deeper.
"Dearest... please..!"
Fuck. You've never heard Kurama plead before. You feel a ripple of need through your belly, a brief fluttering sensation that causes your cunt to squeeze tight around him as you meet the base of his cock. Without thinking, you tug at his hair, pulling his head to the side to grant you the smooth skin of his neck. Your teeth press to him, marking him, raking across his overly-alert nerves, and he breathes out your name in an unfamiliar voice. This desperation, this raw and unabashed need. It's completely new, and it's far too delicious.
Your hips rock against him, grinding his rock-hard member into your drooling cunt. Bulging veins and the swollen ridge of his crown stroke your inner walls with an irresistible erotic friction, like his body was made to please, even in his compromised state. He can hardly even move his own hips- the rope bindings across his body keep him in an awkward position that prevents him from making use of his considerable strength. Held in place and at your mercy, each sensation feels heightened; helplessness strains his nerves, making him all the more attentive to every touch, every flex of your wet heat around him. Tonight, Kurama can only watch you with shining emerald eyes as you spoil him with all the pleasure and all the stimulation his body and mind can handle.
You're relentless; your hands hungrily wander his body, raking your nails across his fair skin, savoring the feeling of his muscles tensing at your touch. Your tight pussy walls cling around him while you ride his cock at a steady pace that keeps him stroking deep into you with every pass. He moans your name, his breath coming harder now, his complexion flushed pink.
"My love, please-" he whispers into your ear, desperation audible in every word, "I... can't withstand much more of this..!"
In reply, you grab onto a fistful of his hair and tug hard, forcing him to face you. Then, you guide him to your lips, kissing him hard and deep until you gradually pull away, leaving your tongues to tangle around one another between open mouths and panting gasps. With this, you feel his entire frame shiver against you, and his cock throbs, swelling out against your snug inner walls.
Kurama whimpers your name as his orgasm overtakes him. His cock twitches noticeably with each spurt of hot cum deep within you, testing your own restraint as you struggle to maintain composure. He feels too good, and his pleasure feels even better. Before long, his hot release has overfilled you, dripping down his shaft and your inner thighs. Yet despite the trembling of you legs that you hope he doesn't notice, you persist.
Your lower muscles tighten around him, and your hips sway back and forth once, then again as he utters a low, approving hum. When he meets your gaze, you're surprised at the easy confidence in his eyes.
"You plan to keep going, do you?"
"Yeah, if- if you're okay," you reply, your voice shakier than you'd hoped. Kurama smiles, drawing very near to your lips even as you begin bouncing yourself on his cock once more, your fingers still combed through his fiery hair.
"Then keep tormenting me, love," he whispers, "You haven't reached my limit yet."
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castleseer · 6 years ago
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Inktober Day 30: Jolt
“Uh Oh... Not the tickle feeling again!”
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stainedglass-wings · 2 years ago
Kitchen Bandit
Random YYH fluff with Kurama for @yyh-revival (finally got the tag right after using the wrong one on past weeks 😅) I'm still late oops
KuramaxReader fluff
Warnings ⚠️: Suggestive themes
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Frustrated you let out a growl scowling at the lid that simply refuses to cooperate. Why did you buy these blasted things? They're more trouble than they're worth, and for a moment you contemplate calling for Kurama to help. No, he'd get it all too easily and you know it. Even over something so simple you want the satisfaction of getting it and not relying on the fox demon.
Spending several minutes trying to get it into place in vain you finally hear a soft chuckle, turning to gaze over your shoulder at him.
"Do you need some assistance?" He asks green eyes shining in mischief as you playfully scowl at him with a huff.
"Kurama, how long have you been there?" Your tone halfway accusitory though he knows you're merely playing.
Eyes scrunching up as he hums. "Long enough." Uncrossing his arms as he stands up from leaning against the doorframe. "May I?"
He asks deceptively sweet as you eye him suspiciously. Something tells you he will have little trouble, but a tiny part of you hopes to see the notorious thief struggle with human kitchenware in his current form.
"Sure if you think you can." You hand it over with a smirk and his eyes gleam in challenge. Within seconds the smirk is wiped off your face. "Why you-."
Leaning in to cage you against the counter his scarlet hair tickles your face. Handsome features greeting your eyes as he touches noses with you. Emerald gaze robbing you of any frustration at how easily he got it.
"Now that doesn't sound like the thank you I was expecting." He teases while working his hands to caress your face, index tracing your lips. "Or perhaps you were hoping I'd fail?" You purse your lips in response adverting your gaze and he gives a breathy laugh of pity.
"My dear," he coos softly nose skimming your jaw watching you through thick lashes. "I believe you forget just what I can do," his breath is a tantalizing promise. "Not only to this," his finger taps the lid behind you, "but you as well."
"Oh? I'm not sure you can, I'm not in the mood." You shiver slightly as his eyes appear almost hazel with the golden flecks swimming within.
Without a word he skims his lips from your ear, along your jaw and teasing the corner of your lips with several pecks. Purposefully missing your lips.
"Kurama," you breath hesitantly. You want to feel his lips, but when he's like this he'll steal all he can from you and more. Hands sliding along the curves of your body he touches just enough to leave you wanting. "Please I was joking with the tupperware." You were merely teasing earlier, but sometimes you like testing your resolve against him, and you're not the only one who enjoys it.
However at least once a month he is relentless, and his actions today made you realize how grave a mistake it may have been.
"I know I'm simply just reminding you," he kisses the corner of your eyes. "That no matter how hard you try to lock up your desire for me, I'll bring it out ten fold." Bumping his forehead with yours in a tender gesture hand stroking your jaw. "I accepted your challenge, and now I want my prize."
Your eyes flutter shut leaning towards his lips and he doesn't stop you yet, but you stop just a breath away.
"You don't have to," you stare into his eyes getting lost as if you entered a forest. "You already have me." Hands roaming your body pause squeezing you to him burying his face in your hair.
"I know." He smiles heart full. For as many time he's stolen your heart you're the only one who could capture his. "It's just in my nature." Not keeping either of you waiting his lips decend on yours, murmuring against your lips. "You'll always be my most precious treasure. No puzzle or artifact could catch my attention like you." Kurama nuzzles your neck with a gentle nip.
You smile and giggle, feeling him kiss your nose. Returning his affection as you get a coy gleam in your eye once more steeling your resolve. You started this may as well see it through.
"So you think you're up for the challenge?" You purse your lips and he gives a deceptively sweet smile. "I won't make it easy for you today." You promise as a sly grin appears on his lips making your heart skip a beat.
"Love," he coos voice dropping an note lower oozong promise, "I think you forget just who I am, because I always get my prize." He says as a clawed finger tips your chin up.
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Hope you enjoyed, started as a silly drabble and turned into this. I couldn't resist adding a splash of demon Kurama at the end 😄
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bowieandqueen11 · 3 years ago
Leon Kennedy Looking After A Sick Reader Headcanons
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Request: Please can I rq Leon looking after a sick reader? (Re 2 Leon pls cause hes 🥺🥺🥺)
Honestly I feel that 100% RE2 Leon my beloved ;*)
Warning: mentions of alcoholism and violence/blood.
(I do not own Resident Evil or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @yyh.)
In all honesty, Leon Scott Kennedy can pretend to be all tough and rational and proficient when it comes to looking after the one thing in this world he truly, truly cares about, but we all know inside this boy is freaking the heck out. He loves you - quite literally worships the ground you walk on. Every smile, every word, every touch in his direction feels like sparks of life running through his veins, until his mind is clouded with nothing but joy and thoughts of you. So he’s terrified that he’ll mess up somehow until guilt and alcohol are his only companions.
So, sometimes you have to be the one to calm HIM down when he comes rushing into the bedroom with like ten different types of cough syrups and cans of soups from the local pharmacy with a panic stricken look on his adorable little face.
‘I- I was going to get this one, but look! This one is strawberry flavour! And then this one has eucalyptus extract!’ He’s shoving them in your face, trying his best to juggle all of them in his arms as you start laughing. Only then does he calm down, that little smirk beginning to line his face as you grab the first bottle you can get your hands on and tell him that one will be fine, thanks.
I fell like you being sick would also kind of trigger him in some way though? I mean, it’s only been a couple of months since you and Leon managed to be two of only few survivors during the outbreak in Raccoon City. Although the two of you have managed to start building a life together - fresh, anew, feeling loved and safe and finally okay, he still jumps and absentmindedly reaches for his pocket every time you cough or groan. In the back of his mind, he’s still that young rookie - stuck scared in that old police station, surrounded by zombies and grime and splatters of blood shredded against the walls, and so he’s still terrified that you’re about to turn and he’s going to finally lose the love of his life.
He kind of just always feels guilty, and somehow thinks that you getting sick was his fault. He can end up being a bit overbearing when he wants to spend all day every day just cuddled up by your side.
He just refuses to leave you until he sees you smile, even if you have to shove his fur leather jacket into his arms and try and shove him out the door yourself. The one thing he has to do before he finally gets on his motorbike, though, is to give you a massive, tender, face cupping kiss on the lips and final little brushing of his nose against your own.
He’s so cute though!!! If it’s the weekend when you’re ill, you’ll wake up with him snoring against your neck like a little teddy bear. His eyelashes are flush under your chin, arm wrapped tightly and securely around your chest as he lies half over your legs. His fingers are intertwined with your own, resting against your hip, and its almost impossible to wake him up so you can take your cough syrup without him whining.
He also knows that secretly, even though he doesn’t especially like it, that it at least makes you feel a little bit better if you get to play with his hair. So he just sucks it up, and kind of dips his head down onto your shoulder until the blonde strands are tickling your cheek to let you know that you can run your fingers through them.
I mean his job is quite important to, you know, world safety, and so he does eventually have to go to work, but during every break during his training your message machine will start blinking red with messages left by him. Just sweet little notes floating through the air about ‘how much he loves you’, and ‘I’ll pick you up some of your favourite chocolates from the store on the way home’ and ‘he’s rushing back as soon as possible.’
He’s not the BEST cook in the world, honestly just because I feel like his mom wasn’t home too often to be able to teach him. But he does his best not to let the can of soup he’s trying to heat on the stove explode into a hot shower of bubbles while he simultaneously runs you a hot. steamy bath.
Not going to lie, when he’s this young and inexperienced he’s the kind of guy to take your temperature and go wow??? 97??? You’re having 97 babies??? Lmao
Although he’s a big cuddly koala to go to sleep with, I feel like Leon’s apartment would be all neat, and organised, and full of straight corners and minimalistic furniture. He decides the best course of action to make you feel all snuggly and cosy is to ring up Claire and ask to borrow a few blankets that the two of you can cuddle up under on the couch. He spends the whole time with his hand resting on your thigh, stroking your skin as you stretch your tired legs over his lap.
Man has definitely bought matching pyjamas for the two of you during your time living together, so be ready for these silk bad boys to come out.
In summary - RE2 Leon is a huge cuddly beanstalk that becomes entangled to you until you don’t know where he ends and you begin. And that’s exactly what you want!! He’s so in love with you its actually ridiculous, which Hunnigan tells the two of you time and time again a few years later.
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yyh4ever · 4 years ago
Yu Yu Hakusho Most Handsome Male Characters Ranking (2020)
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The 30 year anniversary is killing it! Stage Play Part 2 is being a huge success, lots of YYH collabs happening and the big news of the week: Netflix has announced a live-action series and it will stream worldwide. The production will be handled by the Japanese company ROBOT with Akira Morii working as the producer (Alice in Borderland). Kazutaka Sakamoto (Devilman Crybaby), who mentioned being part of the generation that grew up when the original work was being published, will be the executive producer. No further information has been announced yet. In the meantime, let’s have fun with this interesting survey, also done to celebrate the 30th anniversary:
30th Anniversary "Yu Yu Hakusho" Ranking of "Beautiful Male Characters" (Source: FUTABANET, December 3rd, 2020)
Thirty years after the start of the series, Yu Yu Hakusho’s appeal is strong than ever with its rich characters, including Yusuke. It is also characterized by the appearance of enchantingly beautiful male characters and has captivated many female fans despite being serialized in a shounen magazine "Jump".
The survey was conducted in cooperation with the survey site "Voice Note" in which 300 women in their 30s and 40s, who seem to have being exposed to "Yu Yu Hakusho" in real time, were asked about the male characters they think are the most beautiful. Here are the results:
1st Kurama
2nd Hiei
3rd Suzaku
4th Koenma
5th Itsuki
6th Yusuke Urameshi
7th Kaname Hagiri
8th Shinobu Sensui
9th Beautiful Suzuki 
10th Sakyo, Karasu and Yomi
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Source: FUTABANET (December 3rd, 2020)
Here follow some of the voters comments regarding the top 3:
3rd Place: Suzaku, the saint beast who plays sweet sounds on his flute
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The leader of the Four Saint Beasts, Suzaku, who was sealed in the Maze Castle, ranked third with 9.3% of the votes. Since Genbu, Byakko and Seiryuu of the Four Saint Beasts were big and rough characters, it seemed that Suzaku would have the same image, but the character who appeared at the end was actually a beautiful young man with two antennae on his head. In the anime, Nobuo Tobita, known for Kamille Bidan of "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam," was his voice actor and many readers may have been surprised at the gap with the other saint beasts.
Note: In this V-JUMP interview (2.21.1993), Togashi explains why he drew Suzaku so handsome.
The comments from those who voted for Suzaku were such as:
"His bow was a cool weapon." (40 years old, female)
"I think Suzaku-sama's beauty is one of the best in the series." (38 years old, female)
"Even though he looks like a woman, his arms are so sturdy, that it's really impressive." (39 years old, female)
2nd Place: Hiei, Yusuke’s good rival
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Coming in second place (19.0%) is Yusuke's reliable friend and good rival, Hiei. When he first appeared in the series, his cold-blooded and ruthless side stood out, but it seems that many readers were moved by the way he was gradually attracted to Yusuke. In addition, Hiei is a ‘tsundere’ character who has an unexpected side: acquiring the "evil eye" in order to search for his sister.
Although Hiei is a character with many elements that tickle the female heart, he has also gained strong support from the men. The “Jaou Ensatsu-ken"  performed in the "Dark Tournament" is a legendary special move that is still handed down. Also, the line "it’s an afterimage" that he uttered when he faced off Makintaro of the Team Uraotogi is a quote that is often used on the Internet.
No matter what kind of work you look for, there aren't many characters that captivate the readers in terms of life, personality and appearance. Hiei's voters said:
"This is the Togashi character. I still like only characters like Hiei." (42 years old, female);
"The best tsundere." (36 years old, female)
"The part in which Hiei brings a bouquet to Mukuto is the best." (37 years old, female)
"Hiei: a cool but cute character. I was raised by Togashi's sense of style." (40 years old female)
1st place: The result was convincing!? Kurama won the first place!
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And the one who won the first place with 26.3% of the votes was Kurama, Yusuke’s good supporter. When he first appeared, he was a bandit who worked with Hiei, but only Kurama was not hostile to Yusuke from the beginning. The reason for this is that he wanted to use the Mirror of Darkness, one of the Three Artifacts of Darkness, to cure his mother's illness. A mirror that takes away your life in exchange for granting your wish. Kurama tries to use his own life to save his mother, but survives thanks to Yusuke’s intervention.
Kurama lives his life as “Shuuichi Minamino”, a high school student who attends a shingaku-kou (note: it’s a preparatory high school that focuses on passing students to a difficult university), but in reality he is a youkai who evolved from a fox that lived for hundreds of years and is known as the "S-class" Youko in the Demon World. The owner of a sweet mask with long hair, beautiful enough to be mistaken for a woman. In the anime version, his voice was played by Megumi Ogata, who had just made her debut as a voice actress.
Good-natured and devoted to his mother. A sweet mask hiding the true nature of a S-class youkai. In addition, Kurama, who is packed with abundant elements of "beauty", fights with plants such as roses as weapons. He is exactly the existence that deserves the first place in this ranking.
Those who voted for Kurama said:
"Kurama is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of ‘beautiful male character’ in general, not only in Yu Yu Hakusho.” (43 year old female);
"Kurama is the top ‘beautiful character’ alongside ‘Hunter × Hunter’ Kurapika.” (43 year old female)
“I think Togashi-sensei is a genius." (41 years old, female)
"Hiei×Kurama is the best combination in the history of manga." (39 years old, female)
In addition to the above top three, comments were also received on characters such as "Koenma", "Itsuki", and "Kaname Hagiri". On this occasion of the 30th anniversary of the series, why not take this opportunity to reread this masterpiece that is still being handed down?
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yumkinspuffs · 5 years ago
How do the YYH guys, plus anyone else you want to add, handle their SO being sick with a cold?
Hiei: Hiei is so soft but a lil bitch about his feelings tbh. He would spend so much time ignoring his SO but also coddling them in his own way. Like he will accidentally make his own demon healing soup( that probably taste like shit since it’s not for other races ) but almost cures any illness. And than act as if he was eating it and left the scraps for your “ weak and inferior” ass . However if you don’t get cured by that sucker punch of health immediately, he will slowly start to panic. You’ll probably end up with an ancient witch to heal you even if it’s not THAT serious and Hiei will lie to you when confronted and say “ I was testing to see how strong you were in a state of true weakness to defend against attacks”. If you thank him he will probably run away since you’ll catch him blushing.
Kurama: Will take them to the doctor almost immediately. He doesn’t handle people being sick very well, probably from the slight ptsd memories of his mom being “a little under the whether”. Even if his S.O was someone as strong as one of his friends he still will take them to a professional. He will also not allow them to do literally anything. Kurama would calmly say” allow me to do that instead” 2 billion times to everything. Your ass will be on lock down. Bed confidentment 24/7 always taking a strict medication food regiment. He will even guard you extra hard with plants. Don’t get sick with him, he’s not very snugly “ oh my baby is sick” he’s more like” I must make sure this doesn’t result in death” with the LITTLEST sickness.
Kazuma: honestly the best person to get sick with. He will coddle you, and make sure your alright. Will literally run to the store to get your favorite snacks and make you soup ( did I tell you he makes a mean chicken noodle soup) and spend time with you watching movies to make sure your not lonely. So sweet honestly you might regret getting healthy
Yusuke: he’s a bum. Let’s be real. He will piss you off if you get sick. He will tease you relentlessly about how you look like with a red snotty nose and how your voice sounds so nasally. Will poke your sides and tickle you if he’s bored. Yusuke will probably make you food because he’s a chef, and the most annoying part is the food is GOOD. Like it’s to good for words and will make you hungry even if your puking every 5 seconds. However Yusuke will make you beg for it, since he’s a jerk and loves to see how excited you get to eat his delicious cooking.
Koenma: honestly I assure you, that when his SO gets sick my lord they feel that Koenma needs more of a break than they do. He will bring his desk to their room to watch them and bounce work between tending to them. He will bring them food , give them massages , do anything and everything while stamping away furiously. It makes them feel so bad and he accidentally guilt trips them into recovering.
Kuronue: he doesn’t like to be to emotional (bandit remember) and for him to even openly care about a sick person shows a great amount of trust since it makes him look “soft “. He isn’t really to affectionate, he may be a bit flirty and make a whole bunch of dirty jokes like he normally would. (However he has no intention of sleeping with a sick person tbh someone being ill is the biggest turnoff to him since he cares about his health so much) Kuronue is a bit of a germaphobe so he won’t touch the sick person like at all. He will probably always hover in their room with his wings, and hand them things with a large stick and mask. Kuronue will also be very annoyed with the state of his SO. He will probably try to be painfully nice but his face will show how done he is.
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yxk-us · 6 years ago
Airport Codes – Canada | Airports and Airlines
The Canadian Airport Codes are listed alphabetically below the list of Canadian Provinces. US Airport Codes | International Airport Codes | Airport Directory | Airports Blog | Airline Flight Distance Calculator AB – Alberta BC – British Columbia MB – Manitoba NB – New Brunswick NL – Newfoundland NS – Nova Scotia NT – Northwest Territory NU – Nunavut ON – Ontario PE – Prince Edward Island QC – Quebec SK – Saskatchewan YT – Yukon Territory Abbotsford, BC (YXX) Akulivik, QC (AKV) Aldershot, ON – Rail service (XLY) Alexandria,ON – Rail service (XFS) Alma, QC (YTF) Anahim Lake, BC (YAA) Angling Lake, ON (YAX) Arctic Bay, NU (YAB) Arviat, NU (YEK) Attawapiskat, ON (YAT) Aupaluk, QC (YPJ) Bagotville, QC (YBG) Baie Comeau, QC (YBC) Baker Lake, NU (YBK) Bathhurst, NB (ZBF) Bearskin Lake, ON (XBE) Bella Bella, BC (ZEL) Bella Coola, BC (QBC) Belleville, ON – Rail service (XVV) Berens River, MB (YBV) Big Trout, ON (YTL) Black Tickle, NL (YBI) Blanc Sablon, QC (YBX) Bonaventure, QC (YVB) Brampton, ON – Rail service (XPN) Brandon, MB (YBR) Brantford, ON – Rail service (XFV) Brochet, MB (YBT) Brockville, ON (XBR) Burns Lake, BC (YPZ) Calgary, AB (YYC) Cambridge Bay, NU (YCB) Campbell River, BC (YBL) Campbellton, NB – Rail service (XAZ) Cape Dorset, NU (YTE) Capreol, ON – Rail service (XAW) Cartwright, NL (YRF) Casselman, ON – Rail service (XZB) Castlegar, BC (YCG) Cat Lake, ON (YAC) Chambord, QC – Rail service (XCI) Chandler, QC – Rail service (XDL) Chapleau, ON (YLD) Charlottetown, NL (YHG) Charlottetown, PE (YYG) Chatham, ON (XCM) Chemainus, BC – Rail service (XHS) Chesterfield Inlet, NU (YCS) Chevery, QC (YHR) Chibougamau, QC (YMT) Chisasibi, QC (YKU) Churchill Falls, NL (ZUM) Churchill, MB – Rail service (XAD) Churchill, MB (YYQ) Clyde River, NU (YCY) Cobourg, ON – Rail service (XGJ) Colville Lake, NT (YCK) Comox, BC (YQQ) Coral Harbour, NU (YZS) Cornwall, ON (YCC) Coteau, QC – Rail service (XGK) Courtenay, BC (YCA) Cranbrook, BC (YXC) Cross Lake, MB (YCR) Dauphin, MB (YDN) Davis Inlet, NL (YDI) Dawson City, YT (YDA) Dawson Creek, BC (YDQ) Deer Lake, NL (YDF) Deer Lake, ON (YVZ) Deline, NT (YWJ) Drummondville, QC – Rail service (XDM) Dryden, ON (YHD) Duncan/Quam, BC (DUQ) East Main, QC (ZEM) Edmonton, AB – Rail service (XZL) Edmonton, AB – International (YEG) Esquimalt, BC (YPF) Flin Flon, MB (YFO) Fond du Lac, SK (ZFD) Fort Albany, ON (YFA) Fort Chipewyan, AB (YPY) Fort Frances, ON (YAG) Fort Good Hope, NT (YGH) Fort Hope, ON (YFH) Fort Mcmurray, AB (YMM) Fort Nelson, BC (YYE) Fort Severn, ON (YER) Fort Simpson, NT (YFS) Fort Smith, NT (YSM) Fort St John, BC (YXJ) Fox Harbour/St Lewis, NL (YFX) Fredericton Junction, NB – Rail service (XFC) Fredericton, NB (YFC) Gander, NL (YQX) Gaspe, QC – Rail service (XDD) Gaspe, QC (YGP) Georgetown, ON – Rail service (XHM) Gethsemani, QC (ZGS) Gillam, MB (YGX) Gillies Bay, BC (YGB) Gjoa Haven, NU (YHK) Glencoe, ON – Rail service (XZC) Gods Narrows, MB (YGO) Gods River, MB (ZGI) Goose Bay, NL (YYR) Grande Prairie, AB (YQU) Grimsby, ON (XGY) Grise Fiord, NU (YGZ) Guelph, ON – Rail service (XIA) Halifax, NS – Rail service (XDG) Halifax, NS – International (YHZ) Hall Beach, NU (YUX) Hamilton, ON (YHM) Havre St Pierre, QC (YGV) Hay River, NT (YHY) Hervey, QC – Rail service (XDU) High Level, AB (YOJ) Holman, NT (YHI) Hopedale, NL (YHO) Houston, BC – Bus station (ZHO) Hudson Bay, SK (YHB) Igloolik, NU (YGT) Iles De La Madeleine, QC (YGR) Ilford, MB (ILF) Ingersoll, ON – Rail service (XIB) Inukjuak, QC (YPH) Inuvik, NT (YEV) Iqaluit, NU (YFB) Island Lake/Garden Hill (YIV) Ivujivik, QC (YIK) Jasper, AB – Rail service (XDH) Joliette, QC – Rail service (XJL) Jonquiere, QC – Rail service (XJQ) Kamloops, BC (YKA) Kangiqsualujjuaq, QC (XGR) Kangiqsujuaq, QC (YWB) Kangirsuk, QC (YKG) Kapuskasing, ON (YYU) Kasabonika, ON (XKS) Kaschechewan, ON (ZKE) Keewaywin, ON (KEW) Kegaska, QC (ZKG) Kelowna, BC (YLW) Kenora, ON (YQK) Kimmirut/Lake Harbour NU (YLC) Kingfisher Lake, ON (KIF) Kingston, ON – Rail service (XEG) Kingston, ON – Norman Rogers Airport (YGK) Kitchener, ON (YKF) Klemtu, BC (YKT) Kugaaruk, NU (YBB) Kugluktuk/Coppermine, NU (YCO) Kuujjuaq, QC (YVP) Kuujjuarapik, QC (YGW) La Grande, QC (YGL) La Ronge, SK (YVC) La Tabatiere, QC (ZLT) La Tuque, QC (YLQ) Lac Brochet, MB (XLB) Lac Edouard, QC – Rail service (XEE) Ladysmith, BC – Rail service (XEH) Langford, BC – Rail service (XEJ) Lansdowne House, ON (YLH) Leaf Rapids, MB (YLR) Lethbridge, AB (YQL) Lloydminister, AB (YLL) London, ON – Rail service (XDQ) London, ON – Municipal Airport (YXU) Lutselke/Snowdrift, NT (YSG) Mary’s Harbour, NL (YMH) Maxville, ON – Rail service (XID) Medicine Hat, AB (YXH) Melville, SK – Rail service (XEK) Miramichi, NB – Rail service (XEY) Moncton, NB – Rail service (XDP) Moncton, NB – Airport (YQM) Mont Joli, QC (YYY) Montreal, QC – Dorval Rail service (XAX) Montreal, QC – Downtown Rail service (YMY) Montreal, QC – St Lambert Rail service (XLM) Montreal, QC – all airports (YMQ) Montreal, QC – Dorval (YUL) Moosonee, ON (YMO) Muskrat Dam, ON (MSA) Nain, NL (YDP) Nakina, ON (YQN) Nanaimo, BC – Harbour Airport (ZNA) Nanaimo, BC – Cassidy Airport (YCD) Nanisivik, NU (YSR) Napanee, ON – Rail service (XIF) Natashquan, QC (YNA) Nemiscau, QC (YNS) New Carlisle, QC – Rail service (XEL) New Richmond, QC – Rail service (XEM) Niagara Falls, ON – Rail service (XLV) Noranda/Rouyn, QC (YUY) Norman Wells, NT (YVQ) North Bay, ON (YYB) North Spirit Lake, ON (YNO) Norway House, MB (YNE) Ogoki, ON (YOG) Old Crow, YT (YOC) Opapamiska Lake, ON (YBS) Oshawa, ON (YOO) Ottawa, ON – Rail service (XDS) Ottawa, ON – International (YOW) Oxford House, MB (YOH) Pakuashipi, QC (YIF) Pangnirtung, NU (YXP) Parent, QC – Rail service (XFE) Parksville, BC – Rail service (XPB) Paulatuk, NT (YPC) Peace River, AB (YPE) Peawanuck, ON (YPO) Pembroke, ON (YTA) Penticton, BC (YYF) Perce, QC – Rail service (XFG) Pickle Lake, ON (YPL) Pikangikum, ON (YPM) Pointe-aux-Trembles, QC – Rail service (XPX) Points North Landing, SK (YNL) Pond Inlet, NU (YIO) Poplar Hill, ON (YHP) Port Alberni, BC (YPB) Port Hardy, BC (YZT) Port Hope Simpson, NL (YHA) Port Meiner, QC (YPN) Postville, NL (YSO) Povungnituk, QC (YPX) Powell River, BC (YPW) Prescott, ON – Rail service (XII) Prince Albert, SK (YPA) Prince George, BC – Rail service (XDV) Prince George, BC (YXS) Prince Rupert, BC – Rail service (XDW) Prince Rupert, BC – Digby Island Airport (YPR) Pukatawagan, MB – (XPK) Qikiqtarjuaq, NU (YVM) Qualicum, BC (XQU) Quaqtaq, QC (YQC) Quebec, QC – International Airport (YQB) Quebec, QC – Charny Rail service (YFZ) Quebec, QC – Levis Rail service (XLK) Quebec, QC – Quebec Station Rail service (XLJ) Quebec, QC – Sainte-Foy Rail service (XFY) Quesnel, BC (YQZ) Rae Lakes, NT (YRA) Rainbow Lake, AB (YOP) Rankin Inlet, NU (YRT) Red Lake, ON (YRL) Red Sucker Lake, MB (YRS) Regina, SK (YQR) Repulse Bay, NU (YUT) Resolute, NU (YRB) Rigolet, NL (YRG) Rimouski, QC (YXK) Riviere-a-Pierre, QC – Rail service (XRP) Roberval, QC (YRJ) Round Lake, ON (ZRJ) Rouyn/Noranda, QC (YUY) Sachigo Lake, ON (ZPB) Sachs Harbour, NT (YSY) Sackville, NB – Rail service (XKV) Saint Hyacinthe, QC – Rail service (XIM) Saint John, NB (YSJ) Saint Johns, NL (YYT) Saint Leonard, NB (YSL) Salluit, QC (YZG) Sandy Lake, ON (ZSJ) Sanikiluaq, NU (YSK) Sarnia, ON – Rail service (XDX) Sarnia, ON (YZR) Saskatoon, SK (YXE) Sault Ste-Marie, ON (YAM) Schefferville, QC (YKL) Senneterre, QC – Rail service (XFK) Sept-Iles, QC (YZV) Shamattawa, MB (ZTM) Shawinigan, QC – Rail service (XFL) Shawnigan, BC – Rail service (XFM) Sioux Lookout, ON (YXL) Smith Falls, ON (YSH) Smithers, BC (YYD) Snare Lake, NT (YFJ) South Indian Lake, MB (XSI) St Anthony, NL (YAY) St Catharines, ON (YCM) St Marys, ON – Rail service (XIO) Ste Therese Point, MB (YST) Stephenville, NL (YJT) Stony Rapids, SK (YSF) Strathroy, ON – Rail service (XTY) Sudbury, ON – Rail service (XDY) Sudbury, ON (YSB) Summer Beaver, ON (SUR) Swan River, MB (ZJN) Sydney, NS (YQY) Tadoule Lake, MB (XTL) Taloyoak, NU (YYH) Tasiujuaq, QC (YTQ) Terrace, BC (YXT) Tete-a-La Baleine, QC (ZTB) The Pas, MB – Rail service (XDZ) The Pas, MB (YQD) Thicket Portage, MB (YTD) Thompson, MB (YTH) Thunder Bay, ON (YQT) Timmins, ON (YTS) Tofino, BC, (YAZ) Toronto, ON – Downtown Rail service (YBZ) Toronto, ON – Guildwood Rail service (XLQ) Toronto, ON – Toronto Island Airport (YTZ) Toronto, ON – International (YYZ) Truro, NS – Rail service (XLZ) Tuktoyaktuk, NT (YUB) Tulita/Fort Norman, NT (ZFN) Umiujag, QC (YUD) Uranium City, SK (YBE) Val-d’Or, QC (YVO) Vancouver, BC – Coal Harbour (CXH) Vancouver, BC – Rail service (XEA) Vancouver, BC – International (YVR) Victoria, BC – Inner Harbor (YWH) Victoria, BC – International (YYJ) Wabush, NL (YWK) Waskaganish, QC (YKQ) Watford, ON – Rail service (XWA) Webequie, ON (YWP) Wemindji, QC (YNC) Weymont, QC – Rail service (XFQ) Wha Ti/Lac La Martre, NT (YLE) Whale Cove, NU (YXN) White River, ON (YWR) Whitehorse, YT (YXY) Williams Harbour, NL (YWM) Williams Lake, BC (YWL) Windsor, ON – Rail service (XEC) Windsor, ON (YQG) Winnipeg, MB – Rail service (XEF) Winnipeg, MB – International (YWG) Wollaston Lake, SK (ZWL) Woodstock, ON – Rail service (XIP) Wunnummin Lake, ON (WNN) Wyoming, ON – Rail service (XWY) Yarmouth, NS (YQI) Yellowknife, NT (YZF) York Landing, MB (ZAC)
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year ago
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Voices Carry
Warning! This is a tickle fic!
Ships: None! Char: Kurama and Hiei with a couple teaspoons of Lee!Yusuke
Warnings: This do have tickles below the cut ngl
Prompt: When the boys get into deep conversation one night, Kurama wants nothing more than for Hiei to shut up before he spills some secrets. Kurama would soon eat his words…
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It was a rare occurrence when the four were together and they actually got to enjoy one another’s company. It seemed that whenever they were in the same room, there was something that was threatening their peace that would happen the next day.
Hiei was sitting on the bed, resting his chin on his arm as he watched the rain fall outside of Yusuke’s bedroom window. Kurama lay with his head in the fire demon’s lap, engrossed in a book. Yusuke was trying to mask his excitement—though failing miserably—as he showed Kuwabara his Lego creations, and the orange-haired boy was carefully holding every set to ensure he wouldn’t break it.
Rain was harshly falling outside, so the other three were not going anywhere for quite some time.
“And this is one that Keiko got for me last year. I still keep asking to pay her back for it, but her stubborn ass won’t let me give her a single yen,” Yusuke explained, holding up a large replica of the Death Star.
The pompadoured male’s eyes lit up as he took in the awesome wonder of the huge project. “How long did that one take, Urameshi?!”
“Oh man, let me try to remember…” the green-haired boy murmured, “a good few months at least.”
“So cool…” Kuwabara breathed.
“You wanna hold it?”
“Can I?!”
“Sure,” Yusuke chimed, carefully placing the orb into his friend’s hands. “Just know that if you drop it, you won’t be walking away unscathed. Got it?”
Kazuma paled. “M-Mhm!”
As the taller male observed the craft, Hiei sighed in contentment. He never thought that he would enjoy the company of the two ruffians; moreover, he didn’t expect to find solace in watching rain fall.
“Say, Hiei,” Yusuke’s curious voice sounded from the other end of the room. “Did’ya ever have a raindrop race? Like you watched two drops trickle down at the same time and raced them?”
The black-haired demon narrowed his eyes in confusion before turning to the curious boy. “That sounds unbearably boring.”
“It’s like watching paint dry,” Kurama quipped, his deft fingers coming up to turn the page.
“Hey!” The spirit detective whined. “Oh like you’re any better. You’re reading Dickens!”
The red-haired male’s eyes flickered away from the copy of Great Expectations to an angry Yusuke. “And how did you know who the author was? My finger was covering his name,” he replied curtly.
Yusuke’s face burned in embarrassment. “W-Well-“
Having safely placed the Death Star on the shelf above him, Kuwabara cooed at his friend. “Ooooo! Urameshi likes reaaaadinnngg!!” he chirped, accentuating his teasing words with repeated pokes to the boy’s sides.
Yusuke squirmed and sputtered as he curled in on himself, falling backwards against the spirit sword user’s torso. “C-Cut that ohohohout!”
Kuwabara trapped Yusuke in his arms, caging him in. The little pokes had turned into rapid vibrations, and soon Kuwabara’s fingers were wiggling into the boy’s sides. “K-Kuwahahahabahaharahaha!”
The orange-haired male flashed him a Cheshire grin, cooing little teases in his ear as he snaked his finger’s under Yusuke’s shirt to spider his fingers along his tummy. The two demons’ attention was grabbed by an adorable squeal of agony.
“Nahaha-nahahahahaohoho! Quhihihihit ihihihit! Stahahahappihihihit!” Yusuke whined as his hips arched off the floor.
“Kuwabara,” Kurama warned. “If he’s asking you to stop, you must be mindful of his requests.”
“Ihihihim okahahahay. Ihihihits juhuhust a- hahahabihihit-HYEAHAHA!” The green-haired boy all but screeched as he felt Kuwabara’s fingers trail down to prod at his hips. “WAITWAITWAIT! OKAHAHAHAY! OKAHAHAHAY! THAHAHATS- THAHAHATS ENOHOHOUGH! KUHUHUWAHAHABAHAHARAHAHA!”
The pompadoured male promptly stopped and smiled, patting Yusuke’s tummy a few times before helping him sit up. “Sorry, Urameshi, couldn’t help it.”
Yusuke panted a bit, his dopey smile still plastered on his face. “Yeah, yeah,” he breathed, “Better watch your back… sleep with an eye open.”
Hiei breathed out a chuckle, a small guffaw leaving him. “Now don’t let Genkai know about this weakness of yours,” he quipped, “You’d never make it through another training.”
The spirit gun user flushed upon thinking of said scenario. By the name of the Spirit World… Genkai would be merciless.
“This gets me thinking… do demons have weaknesses too?” Kuwabara asked, poking Yusuke once more and eliciting a jolt.
“Of course we do. You’ve seen Kurama and I get gravely injured multiple times.” The fire demon replied, a small bout of confusion evident on his features.
“No, no, he’s got a good point,” the green-haired boy interrupted. “He means like- do you have human weaknesses? Like can you see a puppy in danger and stop everything to save it? Do you feel sad at sad movies? Or do you get grossed out when you see a bug?” There was a small moment of hesitation from Yusuke. “Are you ticklish?”
“Well…” Kurama chimed, sitting upright on his ankles, “I do get feelings from my human form. I experience the full spectrum of emotion. I would save that puppy, and sometimes sad movies get me a bit emotional. I don’t very much mind insects, but I’m not a fan of them. I experience laughter and joy as well,” he answered, dodging that last question.
“Oh laughter he does experience indeed,” Hiei interrupted, looking to the boys with an evil smile, “It’s quite easy to incite that experience.”
“Watch your tongue, Hiei,” the redhead growled, “You’re letting too much information go.”
“Oh really? You think I’m revealing too much to our delinquents?” the black haired-demon asked with menace.
“I do. And I think you’re about to let something slip; something with which I would very much not like these hooligans to know.” He rocked forward on his knees, “walking” closer to the fire demon, their faces almost touching, “Lock. Your. Lips,” he demanded.
“Fine,” a Cheshire grin toyed at his lips. “After all, it’s like you’ve always said, Kurama…”
The two delinquents watched Hiei effortlessly push Kurama over, sitting on his waist and holding his wrists above his head with one hand.
“Actions speak louder than words…”
“M-Must we resort to s-s-such childish antics?” there was a new emotion in the fox demon’s voice that neither human had heard before: apprehension. Hiei wiggled his fingers above certain spots, never actually touching down. “These two d-dohohont need to sehehehee what you’re-mmh!- talking abohohohout.”
Kurama sounded like he was fighting off giggling, but his voice was still low and demanding. The usual bass was still present, but the sweet chuckles slipping out gave it a more charming sound.
Hiei remained silent, his fingers finally touching down to wiggle against Kurama’s underarms.
“Agh- Hihihihiehehei-plehehehehease - pffhehehehe- plehehehehease behehe cihihihivil.”
Absolute silence was the fire demon’s reply, causing Kurama’s face to flush a bit in embarassment, his laughter being the only sound in the room.
“S-Say an-ngh-ahahanythihihihing y-you heheheathehen!” the red-haired demon all but begged.
The two human boys watched with fervor, stars in their eyes glistened as they took in the beautiful reality in front of them.
Kurama is ticklish. Kurama is ticklish. Kurama is ticklish.
Kurama is ticklish!
With a bout of urgency, Kuwabara jumped to his feet, rescuing the copy of Great Expectations and dropped a bookmark in it. He sat back down next to Yusuke, holding the book securely.
“Hihihihieheheihihi!” the fox demon whined. “Plehehehehease!”
“Please what? You told me to be quiet, and I’m obeying your command,” the black-haired demon replied. “Don’t blame me; tickling you was too easy of an opportunity to pass up.”
The redhead turned his head to the side, hoping to hide his face. The pink tint on his cheeks was prevalent, further signifying his pure embarrassment. As Hiei moved his hand down to Kurama’s tummy and sides, the fox demon got a bit of a breather. He wasn’t the most ticklish there, but it still got some giggles out of him.
“Oh dear, what a pity that you aren’t ticklish here. It would’ve been quite amusing to see you curl up around my hand,” Hiei teased, letting his fingers rake up and down the other’s middle.
“Jesus…” the green-haired boy murmured in a high-octaved voice. “Being tickled by Hiei is a death sentence.” he felt dizzy even looking at it…
“I heard that, Yusuke,” Hiei reported. “Don’t think you’re off the hook.”
Poor Yusuke’s eyes widened. What did he do?!
The fire demon grew bored, opting to move his hand down and pinch at the fox demon’s hips. Kurama’s eyes bugged out as his breath hitched a bit. He fell into deep belly laughter as Hiei released his arms and dug in with both hands.
“H-Hihihiehehehei yohohOHOHOU bahHAHAHAstahahard!”
No reply once more. What a cruel, cruel man!
Kurama threw his head back against Yusuke’s pillow and squealed, beautiful laughter pouring from his lips. “HihihiehEHEHEhei!”
“What’s wrong?” An innocent inquiry. “Ticklish?” A menacing rhetorical.
“M-Mohohove- HYEAHAHAHA! MohohOHOhove spohOHOHots!”
“Hmph, your human form is such a weakling,” he murmured, causing Kurama’s blush to deepen, “as you wish.”
The fire demon’s hand found their way to the fox demon’s thighs, taking refuge and squeezing there. Kurama shot upwards and tried to push at the hands assaulting his hyper-ticklish thighs. The poor redhead could only fall backwards and squirm, hoping to escape.
“Oh? Not… here? But I could have sworn that you had said to move spots. It’s not nice to make requests you don’t want fulfilled.”
“Man, Hiei is ruthless,” Kuwabara reported over Kurama’s frantic giggling, placing the book safely on the floor next to him.
“Hmph. Serves Kurama right for always tickling me,” Yusuke pouted through pursed lips.
The two boys smiled as they stood to their feet and spectated from a higher angle. This side of Kurama was one that only they would be lucky enough to see. His sweater had ridden up a bit, revealing the soft skin of his torso, flushed pink from the previous contact of ticklish fingers. His face was pinker than his shirt, and little tears of mirth dotted the corners of his eyes.
“Aw man, Kurama, you look adorable!” Yusuke chirped. “Of course I’ll help you out.” the spirit gun user chimed as he softly swiped his fingers across the fox demon’s neck.
Well, that did it.
Kurama exploded into cute laughter. Not knowing which person to arch away from, he simply let his head hit the pillow as he boomed with laughter. His chuckles were breathy and desperate, with little hiccups and stutters adorning them.
“Guys-“ Kuwabara attempted.
“Awww, poor Kurama,” Yusuke teased in a baby voice, eyes closed in glee.
“Hey, guys!-“
“Perhaps you should have thought about that before you spoke to me with such poison on your tongue,” Hiei replied, focusing on squeezing with dexterity.
The two males stopped their assault immediately, looking at an angry orange-haired boy. Their attention had been dwindled from Kurama for a few seconds..
“You have to give him a break. He’s tired! Can’t you tell he’s had enough?”
When the three looked back upon Kurama, the two humans felt a chill run down their spines. In place of his previously fiery-red hair, long, white strands adorned his head. Large, fuzzy ears twitched before he sat upward, pushing his two assailants off of him.
Before he could register it, Yoko pounced, and their positions were switched. Yusuke was now pinned under the demon effortlessly, squirming in anticipation.
“Now, now, Yusuke,” his smooth voice had murmured. “It seems you know what’s in store for you…”
The boy swallowed. Kuwabara backed up, grabbing a starstruck Hiei and pulling him off of the bed.
“Now, tell me,” Yoko demanded. “What is the difference between myself and my pathetically sensitive human form?”
The spirit gun user squirmed a bit in anticipation. “Y-You have claws?”
A rumbling laugh escaped the white-haired demon. “Astute observation, Yusuke, but that was not the answer I was seeking.”
Yusuke’s body squirmed and squirmed, trying to free himself as Yoko’s hand descended and rested atop of his tummy.
“Shuichi experiences human emotions, and I do not,” Yoko whispered calmly. “And among those emotions…”
Yusuke all but screamed when he felt the demon’s claws begin their ticklish assault on his sides. It was 100x worse than Shuichi’s more gentle approach. His bottom instantly arched up from the bed as helpless laughter poured from his lips.
“Is mercy…”
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mystwrites · 1 year ago
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Hiei tickling Kurama for “bugging” him. Kurama clearly loves it and Hiei secretly wants to tickle him more often🌹🐉
Dipping my toes into Yu Yu Hakusho! Maybe I’ll post some HCS first🤔
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luckystarchild · 7 years ago
I'm sorry but when you had Hiei say "nothing that cold deserves to taste that good" or however you worded it, it killed me. Just killed me. I can't stop thinking about it. Ouch all over my feels.
That’s basically the quote, yes!
“I don’t care for ice cream, anyway. Nothing that cold has the right to taste good,” Hiei says to Keiko, slouching quite slouchily in his cloak when she offers him the frozen treat—and with that, we finally get the chance to explore a head-canon of mine I’ve been kicking around for a good long while. Now that I’ve finally released chapter 69 of Lucky Child (heh heh heh… 69, amiright?) I can talk about it! (Yes, this is one of those Asks that I run away with; sorry, Anon!)
My head-canon is… I think Hiei would dislike ice cream.
… random, I know. Let me explain why I even have this head-canon in the first place.
I was first introduced to YYH when I was 11, during the show’s initial run on Toonami, and to the broader YYH fandom not long after. We were in the grip of Hiei and “sweet snow” at the time. The trope has calmed down a bit since then, but back then it was in its heyday. I have no idea where it first came from; all I know is that it was utterly ubiquitous and unavoidable at the time, appearing in basically all Hiei fics, and you still see it in the fandom to this day.
For those not in the know, most fics used to have a “sweet snow” scene in them that followed a pretty specific format. I myself probably wrote about five versions of it, so I’m not coming after anyone in particular when I describe it. It went like this:
The hour is late. Hiei walks into a kitchen, typically the kitchen at Genkai’s temple while the gang is staying there during a Spirit World mission. Someone (a canon character or, perhaps, a female OC) is eating ice cream in their pajamas. (Bonus: This person is usually Hiei’s love interest.) Hiei has never seen ice cream before. He has never heard of it. He scoffs when he is offered a bite, but upon taking a taste, his eyes widen. His guard drops. “It’s… it’s sweet snow!” he exclaims, because he doesn’t have other words to describe it, and his hard exterior melts like a pint of Ben & Jerry’s in July. He hoards the ice cream while his love interest giggles at his naiveté, tickled at how this hardened warrior could be so sweet and innocent beneath his gruff exterior.
I have no idea where this scene came from or who started it, but it’s a trope now, and you see it reproduced in various ways over and over again in this fandom. And I understand the purpose and utility of it. It shows a gruff, sometimes rude character being vulnerable and sweet and cute, providing a shortcut to character development (sort of) or at least a peek into what might lie beneath his layers of tsundere armor and forced detachment. It shows his lack of knowledge of Human World concepts and his ability to be something other than a hardened warrior.
The thing is… I don’t know if I buy it.
In fact, I don’t buy it, even though I used to write it constantly.
Canon established that Hiei’s memories began before he was even born, while in utero. He remembers vividly the world of ice, of being hated and discarded by creatures born of that cold substance. It’s unlikely he has any positive associations with chill, in that case, even if he cares for his ice-born sister, Yukina. I don’t think she alone could undo his negative feelings about ice and cold (especially considering she’s later revealed to share these feelings about the Koorime). Hiei would likely associate ice with metaphorical bitterness—so when confronted with something that is cold and literally sweet, I don’t think he’d take kindly to it. I think he’d be resentful of ice cream, of its flagrant defiance of his expectations, and turn up his nose whenever it’s offered.
Nothing that cold has the right to taste that good.
If he does internally think ice cream tastes nice, he’ll never admit it aloud. And if he ever eats it, it’ll be while he’s alone, out of view of others, and he’ll probably hate himself just a little for being weak enough to indulge (which is a heartbreaking one-shot idea in its own right; we’ll see if I ever write it).
Thus, “sweet snow” and Hiei… I just don’t see it, I’m sorry to say. And that breaks my little fandom heart because “sweet snow” is a fandom trope I’ve been writing since I was 12, but I don’t think I can do it anymore. ಥ_ಥ
Thanks for letting me run away with your Ask, Anon, and apologies for your bruised feels! Sorry if this made it worse. -_-;
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glowingbadger · 3 years ago
Okay, so concept: “You’re so tense, do you want me to make you more relaxed?”
There’s a huge exam coming up, and Kurama has been helping you to study. He knows you’re more than ready for the exam, but your anxiety is getting the better of you.
Even better, he could make it into a game where each answer you get right—you get rewarded. ;-)
Kurama time!
I couldn't decide whether to go for headcanons or a fic for this, so I kinda did both and neither loll
Kurama (YYH) x AFAB Reader
Study help, but make it sexy
- Kurama has watched your panic over this exam growing over the last several days, and while he does his best to comfort you, he's truly worried about your state the night before. He considers an herbal tea from demon-world plants that will work as a potent sleep aid- but with your human constitution, you may be unconscious for longer than you can afford. He tries reasoning you through your anxiety, but he understands the ways the mind tricks itself well enough to know that this is not a matter of logic and reason. In the end, he knows that a distraction is in order.
- He leads you to his bed, review notes and textbook in hand, and directs you to sit between his legs with your back to his chest. His warmth and his scent are undeniably comforting, but your mind is still racing, and he can tell. At first, he quizzes you conventionally, running the basics of the material past you in quick succession. Satisfied thus far, he decides to up the ante. He takes your notes from you without a word, but when you question him, you feel him give a low chuckle near your ear, then lean in and murmur, "No cheating, Y/N. If you can answer under these conditions, then tomorrow's exam will be trivial."
- One strong arm wraps around you, holding you against him, while the other holds onto your notes for reference. Scanning the page, he begins a new round of questioning. You hesitate for a moment, but force yourself to focus and answer the first prompt. Then, you feel a tingling warmth at the corner of your jaw, as Kurama presses his lips to your skin. You're sure he can feel the way your breath hitches at the sudden intimate contact, but he simply says, "Correct," and moves on to the next question.
- In very gradual, calculated increments, his rewards become more and more sensual. A kiss at your neck leads to a quick nip of his teeth, then the warmth of his tongue circling the shell of your ear. You feel Kurama's warm breath on your skin and his hair gently tickling your cheek, and while you'd worried at first that his unique study methods would frazzle you too much to think, instead you find that you're so eager for his rewards that the answers come easily. Eventually, his hands are wandering your body, touching and teasing you as long as you continue to satisfy him with correct answers.
- Eventually, as he cups your chest, rolling and tugging a stiffened nipple between dexterous fingers in exchange for a particularly challenging question, his free hand slides up your inner thigh. "I don't plan to go easy on you, of course," he says, his voice low and heady as though he were making love to you this very moment, sending a potent shiver down your spine, "If you want me to satisfy you, I expect full marks." He punctuates his words by stroking a single finger firm between the swell of your lower lips, the pressure against your clit from atop your clothing nearly agonizing. By now, you're burning from head to toe, in an almost uncomfortable state of arousal, and you desperately want to earn the satisfaction he promises.
- The questions are more challenging now- exact dates and complex names that you force from your memory through the haze of your physical need. In return, you're granted Kurama's touch more directly; his hand slides beneath your clothes to press a finger between your incredibly wet folds. As always, he's precise and merciless, a cruel expert on your weak spots. You gasp and lean back, your head resting on his shoulder while his hand still tends to your chest and his lips gift you kiss after wonderful, heated kiss along your neck. "Just a bit longer for me, my love. The notes in the margin here- you've indicated they'll be worth a large percentage of your grade. Do your best for me, won't you?"
- The last leg of this little quizz game of his is agonizing. He presses you for more and more detail on this final concept, yet all the while, his fingers stroke your hard, needy clit over and over. You're panting and trembling in Kurama's arms, but he never relents, demanding more information from you while his skillful fingers keep you ruthlessly on the edge of climax. Then, finally, you gasp out the last of your answer, and slump back against his body. Kurama kisses your jaw and your neck over and over, but only says, "Well done, dearest," as he rapidly drives you to a mind-numbing orgasm that sets your thighs shaking and forces you to cry out his name.
- Kurama gives you a moment to catch your breath- but not much longer than that. He guides you from between his legs until you're lying beneath him on his bed. In the midst of undressing one another between deep, erotic kisses, you manage, "Is this another reward?" "I have rewarded you appropriately, I think," he says, bringing a hand to your chin to make you meet his even, emerald gaze, "Now, I plan to tire you out until your body can't withstand a moment more. We need you to get a good night's sleep, afterall."
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yqn-us · 6 years ago
Airport Codes – Canada | Airports and Airlines
The Canadian Airport Codes are listed alphabetically below the list of Canadian Provinces. US Airport Codes | International Airport Codes | Airport Directory | Airports Blog | Airline Flight Distance Calculator AB – Alberta BC – British Columbia MB – Manitoba NB – New Brunswick NL – Newfoundland NS – Nova Scotia NT – Northwest Territory NU – Nunavut ON – Ontario PE – Prince Edward Island QC – Quebec SK – Saskatchewan YT – Yukon Territory Abbotsford, BC (YXX) Akulivik, QC (AKV) Aldershot, ON – Rail service (XLY) Alexandria,ON – Rail service (XFS) Alma, QC (YTF) Anahim Lake, BC (YAA) Angling Lake, ON (YAX) Arctic Bay, NU (YAB) Arviat, NU (YEK) Attawapiskat, ON (YAT) Aupaluk, QC (YPJ) Bagotville, QC (YBG) Baie Comeau, QC (YBC) Baker Lake, NU (YBK) Bathhurst, NB (ZBF) Bearskin Lake, ON (XBE) Bella Bella, BC (ZEL) Bella Coola, BC (QBC) Belleville, ON – Rail service (XVV) Berens River, MB (YBV) Big Trout, ON (YTL) Black Tickle, NL (YBI) Blanc Sablon, QC (YBX) Bonaventure, QC (YVB) Brampton, ON – Rail service (XPN) Brandon, MB (YBR) Brantford, ON – Rail service (XFV) Brochet, MB (YBT) Brockville, ON (XBR) Burns Lake, BC (YPZ) Calgary, AB (YYC) Cambridge Bay, NU (YCB) Campbell River, BC (YBL) Campbellton, NB – Rail service (XAZ) Cape Dorset, NU (YTE) Capreol, ON – Rail service (XAW) Cartwright, NL (YRF) Casselman, ON – Rail service (XZB) Castlegar, BC (YCG) Cat Lake, ON (YAC) Chambord, QC – Rail service (XCI) Chandler, QC – Rail service (XDL) Chapleau, ON (YLD) Charlottetown, NL (YHG) Charlottetown, PE (YYG) Chatham, ON (XCM) Chemainus, BC – Rail service (XHS) Chesterfield Inlet, NU (YCS) Chevery, QC (YHR) Chibougamau, QC (YMT) Chisasibi, QC (YKU) Churchill Falls, NL (ZUM) Churchill, MB – Rail service (XAD) Churchill, MB (YYQ) Clyde River, NU (YCY) Cobourg, ON – Rail service (XGJ) Colville Lake, NT (YCK) Comox, BC (YQQ) Coral Harbour, NU (YZS) Cornwall, ON (YCC) Coteau, QC – Rail service (XGK) Courtenay, BC (YCA) Cranbrook, BC (YXC) Cross Lake, MB (YCR) Dauphin, MB (YDN) Davis Inlet, NL (YDI) Dawson City, YT (YDA) Dawson Creek, BC (YDQ) Deer Lake, NL (YDF) Deer Lake, ON (YVZ) Deline, NT (YWJ) Drummondville, QC – Rail service (XDM) Dryden, ON (YHD) Duncan/Quam, BC (DUQ) East Main, QC (ZEM) Edmonton, AB – Rail service (XZL) Edmonton, AB – International (YEG) Esquimalt, BC (YPF) Flin Flon, MB (YFO) Fond du Lac, SK (ZFD) Fort Albany, ON (YFA) Fort Chipewyan, AB (YPY) Fort Frances, ON (YAG) Fort Good Hope, NT (YGH) Fort Hope, ON (YFH) Fort Mcmurray, AB (YMM) Fort Nelson, BC (YYE) Fort Severn, ON (YER) Fort Simpson, NT (YFS) Fort Smith, NT (YSM) Fort St John, BC (YXJ) Fox Harbour/St Lewis, NL (YFX) Fredericton Junction, NB – Rail service (XFC) Fredericton, NB (YFC) Gander, NL (YQX) Gaspe, QC – Rail service (XDD) Gaspe, QC (YGP) Georgetown, ON – Rail service (XHM) Gethsemani, QC (ZGS) Gillam, MB (YGX) Gillies Bay, BC (YGB) Gjoa Haven, NU (YHK) Glencoe, ON – Rail service (XZC) Gods Narrows, MB (YGO) Gods River, MB (ZGI) Goose Bay, NL (YYR) Grande Prairie, AB (YQU) Grimsby, ON (XGY) Grise Fiord, NU (YGZ) Guelph, ON – Rail service (XIA) Halifax, NS – Rail service (XDG) Halifax, NS – International (YHZ) Hall Beach, NU (YUX) Hamilton, ON (YHM) Havre St Pierre, QC (YGV) Hay River, NT (YHY) Hervey, QC – Rail service (XDU) High Level, AB (YOJ) Holman, NT (YHI) Hopedale, NL (YHO) Houston, BC – Bus station (ZHO) Hudson Bay, SK (YHB) Igloolik, NU (YGT) Iles De La Madeleine, QC (YGR) Ilford, MB (ILF) Ingersoll, ON – Rail service (XIB) Inukjuak, QC (YPH) Inuvik, NT (YEV) Iqaluit, NU (YFB) Island Lake/Garden Hill (YIV) Ivujivik, QC (YIK) Jasper, AB – Rail service (XDH) Joliette, QC – Rail service (XJL) Jonquiere, QC – Rail service (XJQ) Kamloops, BC (YKA) Kangiqsualujjuaq, QC (XGR) Kangiqsujuaq, QC (YWB) Kangirsuk, QC (YKG) Kapuskasing, ON (YYU) Kasabonika, ON (XKS) Kaschechewan, ON (ZKE) Keewaywin, ON (KEW) Kegaska, QC (ZKG) Kelowna, BC (YLW) Kenora, ON (YQK) Kimmirut/Lake Harbour NU (YLC) Kingfisher Lake, ON (KIF) Kingston, ON – Rail service (XEG) Kingston, ON – Norman Rogers Airport (YGK) Kitchener, ON (YKF) Klemtu, BC (YKT) Kugaaruk, NU (YBB) Kugluktuk/Coppermine, NU (YCO) Kuujjuaq, QC (YVP) Kuujjuarapik, QC (YGW) La Grande, QC (YGL) La Ronge, SK (YVC) La Tabatiere, QC (ZLT) La Tuque, QC (YLQ) Lac Brochet, MB (XLB) Lac Edouard, QC – Rail service (XEE) Ladysmith, BC – Rail service (XEH) Langford, BC – Rail service (XEJ) Lansdowne House, ON (YLH) Leaf Rapids, MB (YLR) Lethbridge, AB (YQL) Lloydminister, AB (YLL) London, ON – Rail service (XDQ) London, ON – Municipal Airport (YXU) Lutselke/Snowdrift, NT (YSG) Mary’s Harbour, NL (YMH) Maxville, ON – Rail service (XID) Medicine Hat, AB (YXH) Melville, SK – Rail service (XEK) Miramichi, NB – Rail service (XEY) Moncton, NB – Rail service (XDP) Moncton, NB – Airport (YQM) Mont Joli, QC (YYY) Montreal, QC – Dorval Rail service (XAX) Montreal, QC – Downtown Rail service (YMY) Montreal, QC – St Lambert Rail service (XLM) Montreal, QC – all airports (YMQ) Montreal, QC – Dorval (YUL) Moosonee, ON (YMO) Muskrat Dam, ON (MSA) Nain, NL (YDP) Nakina, ON (YQN) Nanaimo, BC – Harbour Airport (ZNA) Nanaimo, BC – Cassidy Airport (YCD) Nanisivik, NU (YSR) Napanee, ON – Rail service (XIF) Natashquan, QC (YNA) Nemiscau, QC (YNS) New Carlisle, QC – Rail service (XEL) New Richmond, QC – Rail service (XEM) Niagara Falls, ON – Rail service (XLV) Noranda/Rouyn, QC (YUY) Norman Wells, NT (YVQ) North Bay, ON (YYB) North Spirit Lake, ON (YNO) Norway House, MB (YNE) Ogoki, ON (YOG) Old Crow, YT (YOC) Opapamiska Lake, ON (YBS) Oshawa, ON (YOO) Ottawa, ON – Rail service (XDS) Ottawa, ON – International (YOW) Oxford House, MB (YOH) Pakuashipi, QC (YIF) Pangnirtung, NU (YXP) Parent, QC – Rail service (XFE) Parksville, BC – Rail service (XPB) Paulatuk, NT (YPC) Peace River, AB (YPE) Peawanuck, ON (YPO) Pembroke, ON (YTA) Penticton, BC (YYF) Perce, QC – Rail service (XFG) Pickle Lake, ON (YPL) Pikangikum, ON (YPM) Pointe-aux-Trembles, QC – Rail service (XPX) Points North Landing, SK (YNL) Pond Inlet, NU (YIO) Poplar Hill, ON (YHP) Port Alberni, BC (YPB) Port Hardy, BC (YZT) Port Hope Simpson, NL (YHA) Port Meiner, QC (YPN) Postville, NL (YSO) Povungnituk, QC (YPX) Powell River, BC (YPW) Prescott, ON – Rail service (XII) Prince Albert, SK (YPA) Prince George, BC – Rail service (XDV) Prince George, BC (YXS) Prince Rupert, BC – Rail service (XDW) Prince Rupert, BC – Digby Island Airport (YPR) Pukatawagan, MB – (XPK) Qikiqtarjuaq, NU (YVM) Qualicum, BC (XQU) Quaqtaq, QC (YQC) Quebec, QC – International Airport (YQB) Quebec, QC – Charny Rail service (YFZ) Quebec, QC – Levis Rail service (XLK) Quebec, QC – Quebec Station Rail service (XLJ) Quebec, QC – Sainte-Foy Rail service (XFY) Quesnel, BC (YQZ) Rae Lakes, NT (YRA) Rainbow Lake, AB (YOP) Rankin Inlet, NU (YRT) Red Lake, ON (YRL) Red Sucker Lake, MB (YRS) Regina, SK (YQR) Repulse Bay, NU (YUT) Resolute, NU (YRB) Rigolet, NL (YRG) Rimouski, QC (YXK) Riviere-a-Pierre, QC – Rail service (XRP) Roberval, QC (YRJ) Round Lake, ON (ZRJ) Rouyn/Noranda, QC (YUY) Sachigo Lake, ON (ZPB) Sachs Harbour, NT (YSY) Sackville, NB – Rail service (XKV) Saint Hyacinthe, QC – Rail service (XIM) Saint John, NB (YSJ) Saint Johns, NL (YYT) Saint Leonard, NB (YSL) Salluit, QC (YZG) Sandy Lake, ON (ZSJ) Sanikiluaq, NU (YSK) Sarnia, ON – Rail service (XDX) Sarnia, ON (YZR) Saskatoon, SK (YXE) Sault Ste-Marie, ON (YAM) Schefferville, QC (YKL) Senneterre, QC – Rail service (XFK) Sept-Iles, QC (YZV) Shamattawa, MB (ZTM) Shawinigan, QC – Rail service (XFL) Shawnigan, BC – Rail service (XFM) Sioux Lookout, ON (YXL) Smith Falls, ON (YSH) Smithers, BC (YYD) Snare Lake, NT (YFJ) South Indian Lake, MB (XSI) St Anthony, NL (YAY) St Catharines, ON (YCM) St Marys, ON – Rail service (XIO) Ste Therese Point, MB (YST) Stephenville, NL (YJT) Stony Rapids, SK (YSF) Strathroy, ON – Rail service (XTY) Sudbury, ON – Rail service (XDY) Sudbury, ON (YSB) Summer Beaver, ON (SUR) Swan River, MB (ZJN) Sydney, NS (YQY) Tadoule Lake, MB (XTL) Taloyoak, NU (YYH) Tasiujuaq, QC (YTQ) Terrace, BC (YXT) Tete-a-La Baleine, QC (ZTB) The Pas, MB – Rail service (XDZ) The Pas, MB (YQD) Thicket Portage, MB (YTD) Thompson, MB (YTH) Thunder Bay, ON (YQT) Timmins, ON (YTS) Tofino, BC, (YAZ) Toronto, ON – Downtown Rail service (YBZ) Toronto, ON – Guildwood Rail service (XLQ) Toronto, ON – Toronto Island Airport (YTZ) Toronto, ON – International (YYZ) Truro, NS – Rail service (XLZ) Tuktoyaktuk, NT (YUB) Tulita/Fort Norman, NT (ZFN) Umiujag, QC (YUD) Uranium City, SK (YBE) Val-d’Or, QC (YVO) Vancouver, BC – Coal Harbour (CXH) Vancouver, BC – Rail service (XEA) Vancouver, BC – International (YVR) Victoria, BC – Inner Harbor (YWH) Victoria, BC – International (YYJ) Wabush, NL (YWK) Waskaganish, QC (YKQ) Watford, ON – Rail service (XWA) Webequie, ON (YWP) Wemindji, QC (YNC) Weymont, QC – Rail service (XFQ) Wha Ti/Lac La Martre, NT (YLE) Whale Cove, NU (YXN) White River, ON (YWR) Whitehorse, YT (YXY) Williams Harbour, NL (YWM) Williams Lake, BC (YWL) Windsor, ON – Rail service (XEC) Windsor, ON (YQG) Winnipeg, MB – Rail service (XEF) Winnipeg, MB – International (YWG) Wollaston Lake, SK (ZWL) Woodstock, ON – Rail service (XIP) Wunnummin Lake, ON (WNN) Wyoming, ON – Rail service (XWY) Yarmouth, NS (YQI) Yellowknife, NT (YZF) York Landing, MB (ZAC)
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 months ago
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✪ 𝘍𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘓𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘩 𝘍𝘪𝘤𝘴
𝑉𝑜𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦 || 𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑎 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐻𝑖𝑒𝑖
𝑊𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑢𝑝 𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑙 || 𝑌𝑢𝑠𝑢𝑘𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑎
✪ 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴/𝘚𝘱𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴
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