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mystwrites · 5 months ago
Myst!!!! Hiii!!!!!!!
I hope you’re doing well ! I hope your new job will be treating you well soon. Big things happening for you!!
I would like to humbly request day 15 with my boys Yusuke and Kuwabara. I need Lee!Yusuke injected into my veins, and I think this is the perfect prescription for me.
If day 15 is taken, I’d love to do day 1 instead!
(If both are taken, then you may pick the day that you think matches them both well!!)
Happy TkTober!! Thank you for being such a great friend :]
DUCKYYYYY!!! I GOTCHA MY FRIEND!! HERE’S TO MY FIRST YYH FIC! Here’s lee!Yusuke and ler!Kuwabara feat. Hiei and Kurama egging them on!
Tickletober Day 15: “Are You Ticklish?”
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“Are you two fools seriously wrestling right now? Out of all possible things?” Hiei grumbled.
Kurama and Hiei knew they shouldn’t question it, but sometimes they couldn’t help but get thrown off whenever Yusuke or Kuwabara randomly threw themselves at the other and began to fight. It was one of their go to methods of distracting the enemy, but it was also quite distracting whenever they decided to fight while attempting to watch a movie on movie night.
“I must beat Urameshi!!” Kuwabara growled, yelling as Yusuke flipped him and held him in a headlock.
“Gotcha!” Yusuke chuckled, releasing Kuwabara who suddenly began his counter attack, nearly gaining the upper hand. “Whoa!”
Suddenly interested in the brawl, Kurama and Hiei began to watch intently, placing bets on who would win. All bets were on Yusuke winning until they watched him jump and shriek as Kuwabara’s hand accidentally jabbed him in the side amidst their scuffle.
“What was that, Spirit Detective?” Hiei snorted, smirking at the teen. “You sounded like a dying cow.”
“Shut up, Hiei! Mind your own damn business! You’re not involved in this fight!” Yusuke snapped, rolling his sleeves up and facing Kuwabara. “Alright, now you’ve done it, Kuwabara! Get ready to be fucked up!”
“He was minding his business, Urameshi.” Kuwabara laughed, smirking in the same manner Hiei was. “I think the pipsqueak is actually onto something…something I can use to finally kick your ass!”
“Huh? And what is he even getting at?” Yusuke asked, crossing his arms.
Kurama turned away and sputtered, Hiei doing the same. Yusuke glared at them but turned back to Kuwabara who somehow snuck closer while the demon boys distracted him.
“How’d you get so close?” Yusuke asked, backing up.
“You looked away and I decided to silently sneak closer.” Kuwabara said, inching closer as Yusuke backed up. “I have a question for you.~”
“Just ask it you idiot! What’s the question?” Yusuke snapped, clearly growing irritated.
“Are you ticklish, Urameshi?~”
Yusuke decided to ignore Kurama and Hiei both giggling up a storm from their seat on the couch and shook his head. He wasn’t. There was no way he, the great spirit detective was definitely not ticklish.
“Pffft! You’re pushing your luck.” Yusuke replied, crossing his arms. “Desperate to win, huh? I’m not ticklish! Being ticklish is for babies!”
“Ohhh…I don’t think he’s desperate…” Kurama snickered, turning to smile at Yusuke. “Better stay vigilant, Yusuke.”
“And why do you think that, foxy…AAAAGHHH!!!”
Kurama and Hiei both cackled as Kuwabara launched himself onto Yusuke the moment he turned to face away from him, taking him to the floor and sitting on his lower back. Amidst all of Yusuke’s shouts and curses, Kuwabara managed to get his hands latched onto the shorter boy’s ribs, bringing out a loud laugh.
“And that’s why.” Kurama giggled, covering his mouth.
“Bingo!” Kuwabara exclaimed, digging his fingertips in and traveling up to Yusuke’s armpits. “Thanks for distracting him, Kurama!”
“My pleasure.” the redhead replied.
“Yeah! Get him! Get the detective!” Hiei cheered, enjoying Yusuke’s torment. “Get him good!!”
Yusuke clawed at the ground, trying his hardest to escape. He was failing to do so however. Each time Kuwabara moved his fingers, it sent ticklish shocks up his entire body, weakening him more and more by the second. Realizing there was no escape, Yusuke reached behind him and grabbed Kuwabara’s wrists, laughing harder by the second as the onslaught continued.
“C-come ohohon!!” Yusuke laughed, trying to kick Kuwabara with his feet. “Y-you gohohotta stop, man!! Ahahaa!! Seheheriously!! Ihihi should b-behehe the one kicking y-your a-AAHAAHAHASS!!”
“Ahahaha!! I don’t think so, my friend!” Kuwabara exclaimed, squeezing Yusuke’s hips. “Or actually, what do you two think? Should I let him go?”
Kurama and Hiei shared a look and shrugged, deciding to turn away and leave the decision up to Kuwabara. However, the answer was a consecutive “keep going” so Kuwabara continued, jabbing Yusuke in the back of his ribs, along his sides and digging into his armpits.
“I’ll ask again, Urameshi. Are you ticklish?” Kuwabara sang, enjoying the sight of the undefeatable Yusuke suddenly very close to calling it quits and surrendering.
“N-NO! NOHOHO!! STOHOHOP IT HAHAA!! I-IHIHI’M NOT TICKLISH, KUWABARAAHAHA!!” Yusuke wheezed, slapping his friend’s wrists.
“You’re not?” Kuwabara teased, digging into Yusuke’s sides little harder. “Then what’s so funny?”
“Y-YOUR FAHAHACE!!” Yusuke cackled, knowing he got under Kuwabara’s skin the moment he heard a gasp.
Yusuke finally got a breather as Kuwabara stopped, glaring at him playfully. Kurama and Hiei on the side snorted loudly and laughed, looking to the duo.
“Are you seriously stopping, Kuwabara? He just made fun of your face.” Kurama taunted, Yusuke glaring at him.
“Kurama! Shut up!” Yusuke hissed.
“I would’ve said the same, but I think Doofus should get you for that comment, Detectve.” Hiei added, smirking evilly as Kuwabara winked at him.
“Oh shut up, Hiei! You wouldn’t be able to ha-AAHAHAHAHAA!!” Yusuke was thrown back into a laughing fit, squirming and slapping at Kuwabara who went back to tickling him.
“Tsk. Not ticklish, my ass!” Kuwabara scoffed. “I think you’re the most ticklish out of all of us.”
“I-I’M NOHOHOT!!! AHAHAHAHAA!!” Yusuke protested, snorting amidst his wild laughter. “STOP IT AHAHHAA!!”
“Do you give up then?” Kuwabara taunted, grinning as Yusuke shook his head.
“Oh well…then I have permission from you to keep going.~”
It took a good five minutes for Yusuke to finally concede, but he did in fact admit that he is ticklish. However, much to everyone’s horror, Yusuke’s tickle attack suddenly got Kuwabara in the mood to find his next tickle victim and his eyes fell upon the shortest of the group.
“Hieeeeiiiii.~” Kuwabara sang, his fingers wiggling. “Are you…”
“Fuck this! I’m out!” Hiei growled, suddenly dodging Kuwabara.
While the two started a wild goose chase, Kurama sat next to Yusuke who was still trying to recover. The fox demon chuckled and pat his friend on the head.
“Are you okay, Yusuke?” he asked, praying that Yusuke didn’t actually die from laughing.
“Y-yeah. I’m good.” Yusuke huffed, sitting up and rubbing his sides.
“So…” Kurama chuckled, giving his friend a smug grin. “Not ticklish, hm?”
“Don’t even start!” Yusuke growled. “Let’s just watch Kuwabara fail to get Hiei.”
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futabas-safespot23 · 1 month ago
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One of early birthday posts for the blue-haired fictional character
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Happy birthday weird art boy! ❄️🎨👨‍🎨🐺
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creative-kny-fics · 5 months ago
Hello can you make the tokito family tickle battle? Muichiro is the lee and Ms Tokito is the ler and Yuichiro and Mr tokito are switches Thank You!
Well, I hope you like it, try to do the best I could!
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Lee: Muichiro Tokito
Lers: Mr. Tokito (Yusuke)
Switchs: Yuichiro Tokito and Mrs. Tokito (Tomomi)
Tomomi narrates: What more could I ask for? I have a wonderful husband, the gods blessed me with not one, but two children.
Our house is small, but it has the most important thing, love.
My twins, I have no words to express the happiness I feel, watching them learn to crawl, babble, walk, talk, run while laughing, I couldn't be happier and more grateful
'Guess who it is~'
'Even if you fake your voice, our children are not tall enough to cover my eyes', Yusuke laughed, as he placed a kiss on his wife's forehead.
'Where are Mui and Yui?'
'Oh, the children are playing outside. We were playing hide and seek, it will take them a while to realize that I broke the rules and hid in the house hahaha'
'You should go back to them. They might pout, especially Muichiro, you know he's a little spoiled.'
Yusuke narrates: Guilty that one of the twins is a spoiled child.
I spoil them both, but Yuichiro always throws tantrums when I try to pamper him, it's not that he doesn't like it, but it seems like he's embarrassed.
Hahaha you should see how he pushes me away and then runs to his mother to "complain" to her that I am hugging him very tightly, so different from his brother.
'Heh, I don't think that will happen and if it does, well, we'll have to deal with two little tantrums for a while hahaha!'
'Yusuke, love, you can't deal with them. You always cover your face because you can't handle the cuteness on their faces when they pout. You have a soft spot for them'
Hahaha, well, she's right about that, I can't help it and neither can she, so she has no right to claim me.
'Ooooh, it seems like someone forgets that they can't deny them anything either!'
'Yusuke, don't be so childish hehehe. A-ahahaha! Hehehey!!'
'Childish? I'm not childish! Do you want something childish? I'll give you something childish!'
'Ahahahaha! Stohohop! Suhukehehehe!! Stohohohohop thihihis!!'
'Dad, what are you doing to mom?'
Muichiro narrates: It was very strange, dad and mom don't usually fight, why now? Something had happened between them.
'Why are you hurting mom?!'
'Eeeeh? I wasn't hurting her, kids, we were just playing and...'
'Liar! If you were playing, mom wouldn't have asked you to stop!'
'Yuichiro! Let dad talk, maybe there's an explanation...'
'Kids, hehehe, we weren't fighting, at least not in a certain part. I don't usually like your father's game very much, that's all'
I still don't understand... Mom always loves to play with us, why wouldn't she like to play with dad?
'Listen kids, dad and I are fine, we were just playing a little. I don't really like being tickled, that's all, everything is fine, okay? Come on, give mom and dad a hug!'
Yuichiro narrates: No, I'm not going to give them a hug, I'm not going to give them a hug, here's something else and I...
'What a miracle that you joined in the hug, Yui! You usually avoid them!'
'I knew that internally you liked displays of affection! Don't be shy, my son, if you continue being so embarrassed, your face will turn as red as the color of my eyes hehehe'
'Bad joke, dad... And why were you fighting?'
'Yuichiro, we already told you that we weren't fighting, we were just playing'
That's not a game, sometimes it's torture, you know? I understand mom, I don't like them either, but should I tell you something? Muichiro likes them, look what I'll do...
'Hey Muichiro, can I show you what mom and dad used to play?'
'I thought you were upset with the game they were playing'
'Well, not anymore, then? Do you want it or not?'
'Well, I don't think it's that bad'
Oh brother, you have no idea...
The Narrator (that's me) narrates: Yuichiro asked his brother to stay still and close his eyes, but what do you think, Muichiro does know Yuichiro's "tricks", so he said that the explanation was no longer necessary.
'Oh, it's not necessary anymore? Are you afraid, Mui~?'
'No? Then why is your face red and why are you smiling?'
'Mom, dad... Don't let him catch me!'
'Come here little one!'
They will be busy like this for a while, or rather, they would be, because the house is not very big and the only thing they did for a short period of time was run around their parents while they laughed when they saw how Yuichiro "caught" Muichiro and this ran on the opposite side while being chased
'I hear you laughing, Muichiroooo~!'
'N-nohohoho, I'm nohohohot!'
'Children, stop running, we don't want you to fall'
Yusuke, do you predict the future? Because that was exactly what happened and, believe it or not, the one who fell was Yuichiro, amazing, right?
'Yuichiro! Son, are you okay?!'
'Yes, although, it hurts a little...'
'Nii-San...? Are...?'
'I tricked you urchin! Come here!'
'Aaaaaah!! Dohohohon't!!'
'Don't what?'
'I cahahan't sahahahay it!! Yohohou knohohow the wohohohord!!'
'Do I know it? Hmm, I don't know, there are so many words, you can't ask me to choose between one of them!'
Yusuke Narrates: Aren't they cute? His mother and I don't find it strange that Yuichiro plays like this with his brother, he usually does it countless times, sometimes for longer than others.
'Yuhuhuichirohoho!! Ahahahahaha!! Pleheahasehehe!!'
'Please what? Do you want me to continue? Don't try to lie to me, because I know how much you like this'
'I'm tohoho ahahahaha... I'm toooo fluhuhusterehehehed for eeeeeeep thihihihis!!'
'I notice, your face is completely red'
'Yuichiro, I think you should let Muichiro go now, don't do what you wouldn't like done to you'
'And who says he doesn't want us to do it?'
I love my wife, she understands our children so well and knows how to calm him down, I probably wouldn't have been as lucky.
'Huh?! No, wait!! AAAAAAH!! PFFFFT! G-gehehet... Gehehehet ohohof meeee!! Muhuhuichihirohoho!! Hehehe help!!'
'I don't think Muichiro can help you now and since we know he wouldn't dare take revenge on you, we'll do it for him!'
Another day ended with a good dose of laughter, what more could you ask for?
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dilebe06 · 1 year ago
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My Top Male Characters of 2023
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nastrond-and-valhalla · 3 months ago
Michiru, Izuku, Yusuke, Hanako, Asta, Meliodas, Kazuma Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, Mash, Bakugo, Sanji, Ban, Luluco, Galo and Lio had finishing getting the last of people who weren't effected by the tree somewhere far safer aka heaven along with the others they brought form the rider world. It was a lot of work for them but they were able to handle it without any issues.
Michiru: "Okay...so good news we at least got some people out of here..."
Sanji: "Yeah but...that tree still hasn't gone down yet..."
Yusuke: "How the heck are we all suppose to get rid of the tree here?"
Izuku: "...." Izuku was silent as he didn't know why but he had a bad feeling about this. (An ask to see how these heroes deal with the tree now becoming alive and stuff.)
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"SHould we ask that....Ak-a-lees guy for another job?"
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"Nah. He's off with his troops to try and take down that tree from within. Knowing his power, he might be finished by now." *The earth started to shake violent.* ".......Real question: am I a dubass for jinxing everything?" @oddblogfullofoddmuses
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perfectmakerpirate · 28 days ago
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All Voiced by!:
Cassandra Lee Morris [Mona the co-leader and the "cheeky cute" animal mascot of the Phantom thieves of Heart]
Laura Post (Sumire Yoshizawa, a Gymnast)
Erika Harlacher-Stone (Ann Takamaki, one of the main human mascots for the P5 franchise,along with Joker and a mild fanservice source. She's a little bookdumb, though she is not as bad as Ryuji.)
Matthew Mercer [Yusuke Kitagawa, the eccentric artist]
Xanthe Hyunh (Haru Okumura, the fluffy-haired thief)
Max Mittleman (Ryuji the book dumb, emotional and temperamental yet golden-hearted mischief)
Erica Lindbeck (Futaba Sakura , the navigating hacker)
Not on this post:
Xander Mobus (Ren Amamiya, the quiet leader)
Cherami Leigh (Makoto Niijima, the prim and proper, yet actually is more of an actual tomboy and angry strategist )
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operafantomet · 7 months ago
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Gotta say, Team Monocle has Laird Mackintosh... But Team Eyeglasses has more variation... It's a hard one!
Originally André wore eyeglasses, but at some point the monocle was introduced as an alternative - if he wears anything at all. The tendency has been to feature André with the eyewear in West End and Broadway, while it in international productions is more common to fit Firmin with the eyewear. In the design for the Managers office it's André who is shown with eyewear; it looks like a pinse-nez construction with chain. However, Firmin is shown with a monocle in the Hannibal scene's design.
Here's Gilles André's various styles in the replica productions. And please note that it's not by any means a complete list, just different examples from around the world.
Maria Bjørnson's design (detail)
Mark Siney, Hamburg
David Firth, original West End
Thomas Schulze with Tomas Bayer, Hamburg
Richard Reardon with David Cryer, US Tour
Wolfgang Pampel with Jack Poppel, Vienna
David Firth, original West End
Cris Groenendaal, original Broadway
Sam Hiller with Richard Hazell, West End
Jeff Keller (?) with George Lee Andrews, Broadway
DC Anderson with Bruce Winant, US Tour
Bradley Dean, Broadway
Greg Mills, Broadway
Aaron Galligan-Stierle, Broadway
Ian Jon Bourg, Las Vegas
Yusuke Kitawa, Tokyo
Kenn Derby, Hamburg
Laird Mackintosh, Broadway
George Lee Andrews, Broadway
Laird Mackintosh, Broadway
Laird Mackintosh, Broadway
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haru-kuneko · 2 months ago
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You think your art sucks?
Well, you have this anime called "xxxHolic" (read as Holic) which was produced by a real Japanese studio. The author of "One Punch Man" was like any other digital artist out there -- he sucked at drawing -- and the manga only got an upgrade when a real mangaka name Yusuke Murata (who've worked on Eyeshield 21) reached out to him.
Tatsuki Fujimoto (the author of Chainsaw Man) also started posting comics online, didn't have much artistic experience and one of his editors once described how terrible he was at drawing manga. I remember stumbling upon Rebeltaxi's failed comic called Loki IRL on Webtoon and to me, it was still awesome. I am glad he is back to working on it and this time has an animated pilot trailer.
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Here are a couple of panels from Jhonen Vasquez's "Johnny The Homicidal Maniac" and "I Feel Sick." I kind of blame them for making me add those loooong speech bubbles in BIOMETRICS. Just kidding! I still owe Jhonen for inspiring me to work on my graphic novel.
The rough pen-and-ink art style often resonated with me since I was a kid. I grew up with ol' newspaper comics which explains why. I've read somewhere the titular character from JTHM was based on the creator himself. This was back in the 90's and Jhonen later found it cringe. I love these two especially their take on society and pop culture except it doesn't take up most of the story.
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Oh, let's not forget Bryan Lee O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim series! It used to look like something straight out of Gorillaz before slowly turning into a cutesy anime-inspired masterpiece.
The second one may not look bad at first but if you look again, the characters on the cover appear to have unusually long necks. They're from Ken Wakui's "Tokyo Revengers" on the Shonen Jump magazine. The third one is a sample page from Hidekazu Himaruya's Hetalia webcomic.
There are just so many examples I could think of but I don't want this to be much longer. You know you've grown so much when the stuff you used to be proud of makes you hate it more. This is why the Internet shouldn't be so afraid of seeing bad art. Progress is just as important as the final result and what you perceive to be terrible could be worthy enough for someone to be featured on a magazine.
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landofanimes · 8 months ago
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Akatsuki no Yona: Houka no Inori-hen (2019)
Yona of the Dawn: Prayer of the Signal Fire Arc Stage Play
Main cast character portraits:
Rina Ikoma as Yona (returning) Masaki Yabe as Son Hak (returning)
Kaito Kumagai as Yun Taichi Shiozaki as Kija Shunta Sono as Shin-Ah Jyutaro Yamanaka as Jae-Ha Kaito Hori as Zeno
Kenji Takechi as Kan Sujin Takeshi James Yamada as Kan Kyo-Ga Minami Tsurimoto as Kan Tae-Jun (returning)
Yusuke Seto as Lee Geun-Tae Sakiho Motonishi as Yun-Ho
Juri as Li Hazara
Shou Jinnai as Suwon (returning)
Ensemble: Kotaro Yoshida, Kenichi Sato, Yoshio Sato, Mikami Shinji, Jotaro Matsumoto, Yuhei Hayakawa, Hisato Kojima, Shunki Shimoda, Kazuki Igidani, Mana Minamihisamatsu, Rei Ando, Kaede Kato
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year ago
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Voices Carry
Warning! This is a tickle fic!
Ships: None! Char: Kurama and Hiei with a couple teaspoons of Lee!Yusuke
Warnings: This do have tickles below the cut ngl
Prompt: When the boys get into deep conversation one night, Kurama wants nothing more than for Hiei to shut up before he spills some secrets. Kurama would soon eat his words…
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It was a rare occurrence when the four were together and they actually got to enjoy one another’s company. It seemed that whenever they were in the same room, there was something that was threatening their peace that would happen the next day.
Hiei was sitting on the bed, resting his chin on his arm as he watched the rain fall outside of Yusuke’s bedroom window. Kurama lay with his head in the fire demon’s lap, engrossed in a book. Yusuke was trying to mask his excitement—though failing miserably—as he showed Kuwabara his Lego creations, and the orange-haired boy was carefully holding every set to ensure he wouldn’t break it.
Rain was harshly falling outside, so the other three were not going anywhere for quite some time.
“And this is one that Keiko got for me last year. I still keep asking to pay her back for it, but her stubborn ass won’t let me give her a single yen,” Yusuke explained, holding up a large replica of the Death Star.
The pompadoured male’s eyes lit up as he took in the awesome wonder of the huge project. “How long did that one take, Urameshi?!”
“Oh man, let me try to remember…” the green-haired boy murmured, “a good few months at least.”
“So cool…” Kuwabara breathed.
“You wanna hold it?”
“Can I?!”
“Sure,” Yusuke chimed, carefully placing the orb into his friend’s hands. “Just know that if you drop it, you won’t be walking away unscathed. Got it?”
Kazuma paled. “M-Mhm!”
As the taller male observed the craft, Hiei sighed in contentment. He never thought that he would enjoy the company of the two ruffians; moreover, he didn’t expect to find solace in watching rain fall.
“Say, Hiei,” Yusuke’s curious voice sounded from the other end of the room. “Did’ya ever have a raindrop race? Like you watched two drops trickle down at the same time and raced them?”
The black-haired demon narrowed his eyes in confusion before turning to the curious boy. “That sounds unbearably boring.”
“It’s like watching paint dry,” Kurama quipped, his deft fingers coming up to turn the page.
“Hey!” The spirit detective whined. “Oh like you’re any better. You’re reading Dickens!”
The red-haired male’s eyes flickered away from the copy of Great Expectations to an angry Yusuke. “And how did you know who the author was? My finger was covering his name,” he replied curtly.
Yusuke’s face burned in embarrassment. “W-Well-“
Having safely placed the Death Star on the shelf above him, Kuwabara cooed at his friend. “Ooooo! Urameshi likes reaaaadinnngg!!” he chirped, accentuating his teasing words with repeated pokes to the boy’s sides.
Yusuke squirmed and sputtered as he curled in on himself, falling backwards against the spirit sword user’s torso. “C-Cut that ohohohout!”
Kuwabara trapped Yusuke in his arms, caging him in. The little pokes had turned into rapid vibrations, and soon Kuwabara’s fingers were wiggling into the boy’s sides. “K-Kuwahahahabahaharahaha!”
The orange-haired male flashed him a Cheshire grin, cooing little teases in his ear as he snaked his finger’s under Yusuke’s shirt to spider his fingers along his tummy. The two demons’ attention was grabbed by an adorable squeal of agony.
“Nahaha-nahahahahaohoho! Quhihihihit ihihihit! Stahahahappihihihit!” Yusuke whined as his hips arched off the floor.
“Kuwabara,” Kurama warned. “If he’s asking you to stop, you must be mindful of his requests.”
“Ihihihim okahahahay. Ihihihits juhuhust a- hahahabihihit-HYEAHAHA!” The green-haired boy all but screeched as he felt Kuwabara’s fingers trail down to prod at his hips. “WAITWAITWAIT! OKAHAHAHAY! OKAHAHAHAY! THAHAHATS- THAHAHATS ENOHOHOUGH! KUHUHUWAHAHABAHAHARAHAHA!”
The pompadoured male promptly stopped and smiled, patting Yusuke’s tummy a few times before helping him sit up. “Sorry, Urameshi, couldn’t help it.”
Yusuke panted a bit, his dopey smile still plastered on his face. “Yeah, yeah,” he breathed, “Better watch your back… sleep with an eye open.”
Hiei breathed out a chuckle, a small guffaw leaving him. “Now don’t let Genkai know about this weakness of yours,” he quipped, “You’d never make it through another training.”
The spirit gun user flushed upon thinking of said scenario. By the name of the Spirit World… Genkai would be merciless.
“This gets me thinking… do demons have weaknesses too?” Kuwabara asked, poking Yusuke once more and eliciting a jolt.
“Of course we do. You’ve seen Kurama and I get gravely injured multiple times.” The fire demon replied, a small bout of confusion evident on his features.
“No, no, he’s got a good point,” the green-haired boy interrupted. “He means like- do you have human weaknesses? Like can you see a puppy in danger and stop everything to save it? Do you feel sad at sad movies? Or do you get grossed out when you see a bug?” There was a small moment of hesitation from Yusuke. “Are you ticklish?”
“Well…” Kurama chimed, sitting upright on his ankles, “I do get feelings from my human form. I experience the full spectrum of emotion. I would save that puppy, and sometimes sad movies get me a bit emotional. I don’t very much mind insects, but I’m not a fan of them. I experience laughter and joy as well,” he answered, dodging that last question.
“Oh laughter he does experience indeed,” Hiei interrupted, looking to the boys with an evil smile, “It’s quite easy to incite that experience.”
“Watch your tongue, Hiei,” the redhead growled, “You’re letting too much information go.”
“Oh really? You think I’m revealing too much to our delinquents?” the black haired-demon asked with menace.
“I do. And I think you’re about to let something slip; something with which I would very much not like these hooligans to know.” He rocked forward on his knees, “walking” closer to the fire demon, their faces almost touching, “Lock. Your. Lips,” he demanded.
“Fine,” a Cheshire grin toyed at his lips. “After all, it’s like you’ve always said, Kurama…”
The two delinquents watched Hiei effortlessly push Kurama over, sitting on his waist and holding his wrists above his head with one hand.
“Actions speak louder than words…”
“M-Must we resort to s-s-such childish antics?” there was a new emotion in the fox demon’s voice that neither human had heard before: apprehension. Hiei wiggled his fingers above certain spots, never actually touching down. “These two d-dohohont need to sehehehee what you’re-mmh!- talking abohohohout.”
Kurama sounded like he was fighting off giggling, but his voice was still low and demanding. The usual bass was still present, but the sweet chuckles slipping out gave it a more charming sound.
Hiei remained silent, his fingers finally touching down to wiggle against Kurama’s underarms.
“Agh- Hihihihiehehei-plehehehehease - pffhehehehe- plehehehehease behehe cihihihivil.”
Absolute silence was the fire demon’s reply, causing Kurama’s face to flush a bit in embarassment, his laughter being the only sound in the room.
“S-Say an-ngh-ahahanythihihihing y-you heheheathehen!” the red-haired demon all but begged.
The two human boys watched with fervor, stars in their eyes glistened as they took in the beautiful reality in front of them.
Kurama is ticklish. Kurama is ticklish. Kurama is ticklish.
Kurama is ticklish!
With a bout of urgency, Kuwabara jumped to his feet, rescuing the copy of Great Expectations and dropped a bookmark in it. He sat back down next to Yusuke, holding the book securely.
“Hihihihieheheihihi!” the fox demon whined. “Plehehehehease!”
“Please what? You told me to be quiet, and I’m obeying your command,” the black-haired demon replied. “Don’t blame me; tickling you was too easy of an opportunity to pass up.”
The redhead turned his head to the side, hoping to hide his face. The pink tint on his cheeks was prevalent, further signifying his pure embarrassment. As Hiei moved his hand down to Kurama’s tummy and sides, the fox demon got a bit of a breather. He wasn’t the most ticklish there, but it still got some giggles out of him.
“Oh dear, what a pity that you aren’t ticklish here. It would’ve been quite amusing to see you curl up around my hand,” Hiei teased, letting his fingers rake up and down the other’s middle.
“Jesus…” the green-haired boy murmured in a high-octaved voice. “Being tickled by Hiei is a death sentence.” he felt dizzy even looking at it…
“I heard that, Yusuke,” Hiei reported. “Don’t think you’re off the hook.”
Poor Yusuke’s eyes widened. What did he do?!
The fire demon grew bored, opting to move his hand down and pinch at the fox demon’s hips. Kurama’s eyes bugged out as his breath hitched a bit. He fell into deep belly laughter as Hiei released his arms and dug in with both hands.
“H-Hihihiehehehei yohohOHOHOU bahHAHAHAstahahard!”
No reply once more. What a cruel, cruel man!
Kurama threw his head back against Yusuke’s pillow and squealed, beautiful laughter pouring from his lips. “HihihiehEHEHEhei!”
“What’s wrong?” An innocent inquiry. “Ticklish?” A menacing rhetorical.
“M-Mohohove- HYEAHAHAHA! MohohOHOhove spohOHOHots!”
“Hmph, your human form is such a weakling,” he murmured, causing Kurama’s blush to deepen, “as you wish.”
The fire demon’s hand found their way to the fox demon’s thighs, taking refuge and squeezing there. Kurama shot upwards and tried to push at the hands assaulting his hyper-ticklish thighs. The poor redhead could only fall backwards and squirm, hoping to escape.
“Oh? Not… here? But I could have sworn that you had said to move spots. It’s not nice to make requests you don’t want fulfilled.”
“Man, Hiei is ruthless,” Kuwabara reported over Kurama’s frantic giggling, placing the book safely on the floor next to him.
“Hmph. Serves Kurama right for always tickling me,” Yusuke pouted through pursed lips.
The two boys smiled as they stood to their feet and spectated from a higher angle. This side of Kurama was one that only they would be lucky enough to see. His sweater had ridden up a bit, revealing the soft skin of his torso, flushed pink from the previous contact of ticklish fingers. His face was pinker than his shirt, and little tears of mirth dotted the corners of his eyes.
“Aw man, Kurama, you look adorable!” Yusuke chirped. “Of course I’ll help you out.” the spirit gun user chimed as he softly swiped his fingers across the fox demon’s neck.
Well, that did it.
Kurama exploded into cute laughter. Not knowing which person to arch away from, he simply let his head hit the pillow as he boomed with laughter. His chuckles were breathy and desperate, with little hiccups and stutters adorning them.
“Guys-“ Kuwabara attempted.
“Awww, poor Kurama,” Yusuke teased in a baby voice, eyes closed in glee.
“Hey, guys!-“
“Perhaps you should have thought about that before you spoke to me with such poison on your tongue,” Hiei replied, focusing on squeezing with dexterity.
The two males stopped their assault immediately, looking at an angry orange-haired boy. Their attention had been dwindled from Kurama for a few seconds..
“You have to give him a break. He’s tired! Can’t you tell he’s had enough?”
When the three looked back upon Kurama, the two humans felt a chill run down their spines. In place of his previously fiery-red hair, long, white strands adorned his head. Large, fuzzy ears twitched before he sat upward, pushing his two assailants off of him.
Before he could register it, Yoko pounced, and their positions were switched. Yusuke was now pinned under the demon effortlessly, squirming in anticipation.
“Now, now, Yusuke,” his smooth voice had murmured. “It seems you know what’s in store for you…”
The boy swallowed. Kuwabara backed up, grabbing a starstruck Hiei and pulling him off of the bed.
“Now, tell me,” Yoko demanded. “What is the difference between myself and my pathetically sensitive human form?”
The spirit gun user squirmed a bit in anticipation. “Y-You have claws?”
A rumbling laugh escaped the white-haired demon. “Astute observation, Yusuke, but that was not the answer I was seeking.”
Yusuke’s body squirmed and squirmed, trying to free himself as Yoko’s hand descended and rested atop of his tummy.
“Shuichi experiences human emotions, and I do not,” Yoko whispered calmly. “And among those emotions…”
Yusuke all but screamed when he felt the demon’s claws begin their ticklish assault on his sides. It was 100x worse than Shuichi’s more gentle approach. His bottom instantly arched up from the bed as helpless laughter poured from his lips.
“Is mercy…”
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thuganomxcs · 1 month ago
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[ white russian ]  what would they do if they won the lottery? [ grasshopper ]  what / who would they dress up as for halloween? [ tequila sunrise ]  how would they spend their perfect day?
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[ white russian ]  what would they do if they won the lottery? Call his closest friends cause he's going to blow that money on that very night..well at least depends on how much he wins. Granted he's already putting 40% of it to the bank onto his mother's account. That way she can get taken care of financially.
[ grasshopper ]  what / who would they dress up as for halloween? Probably Shinsuke Nakamura from Wrestling, or possibly a Yokozuna because he also loves sumo wrestling. The possibilities are really endless when it comes down to his costumes. He'd also dress up as famous actors like Bruce Lee for instance.
[ tequila sunrise ]  how would they spend their perfect day? A perfect day for Yusuke is a very simple day. Give him a day where he's jumped in an alley and has to fight off over fifty people, then after that he'll enjoy a day at the casino and hopefully win the jackpot and from there it's a flight to wherever The West's Wrestling program is taking place live (Though this is something he'll be doing with Kuwabara).
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the-daily-male · 7 months ago
Preliminary Bracket Masterpost
Shuichi Saihara vs Yu Narukami
Jack Conte vs Jade Harley
Mads Mikkelsen vs Santino D'Antonio
Tyr vs Aurélien_Sama
Lon Hammond Jr. vs Jason Voorhees
Dave Strider vs Michael Stipe
Tim Drake (Red Robin) vs Barack Obama
Prince Henry of Wales vs Sandiction
Rekrap2 vs Russel Ziskey
Logan Howlett (Wolverine) vs Andreas Maler
Dark Cacao Cookie vs Galad Damodren
Zeemyth vs Bela Lugosi
Kieran Culkin vs Corc Brady
001/Henry Creel/Vecna vs Eijirou Kirishima
Horus Lupercal vs Na-Hun
Remnan vs Godric Unicorn
Xornoth vs Matthew Murdock (Daredevil)
Papa Emeritus vs Lightsong
Johnnie Guilbert vs Ringo
Fitzwilliam Darcy Esquire vs Mark Bonnar
Dr. Andre Lee vs Martin "Marty" Steiber
Joseph Oda vs Albert Einstein
King Magnifico vs Starlight Glimmer
Charles Smith vs SB737
Toya Todoroki/Dabi vs Richie Tozier
Saundor vs James McAvoy
Qifrey vs Paul David Hewson/Bono
Vampire!Milkman vs Gustav Elijah Åhr
Orpheus vs The Traitor Lord
Matrim Cauthon vs King Mendanbar
Cyrus Pynn/Cydeshow Cy vs Jake Webber
Hikaru Nakamura vs Mortimer
Happy Chaos vs Commander John Shepard
Sawyer vs Chris Bumstead (CBum)
Ludwig Ahgren vs Bonnie Prince Charlie
Edgar Allan Poe vs Caine
Miles Edgeworth vs Michael Carpenter
Qibli vs Yusuke Kitagawa
Lance Crown vs Man O' War
Lord Huron vs Hiro Mizushima
Link vs Roman Torchwick
David Bowie vs James Spader
Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin vs Mask
Thomas Raith vs Pete (the plug) Conlan
Totoro vs Colonel Hugh Pickering
King Arthur vs Scott Lang/Ant-Man
Hector of Troy vs Giovanni
Beast Boy (Garfield Logan) vs Soichiro Yagami
Nagito Komaeda vs Chris Colfer
Todd Chavez vs Preminger
Jordan Fisher vs Yo Yo Ma
Oscar Wilde vs Mephisto
Ulfric Stormcloak vs Ian Dury
Will Arnett vs Leonard Nimoy
That Chief Guy vs Colby Brock
Hugo Vega vs John Lewis
JayMoji vs Spartacus
Billie Joe Armstrong vs Black☆Star
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staybabblingbaby · 2 months ago
OK but for my Persona5 fans out there, hear me out -
Bangchan - Joker
Lee Know - Morgana
Changbin - Haru (but give him a gym instead of a Garden UvU)
Hyunjin - Yusuke
Han - Ryuji
Felix - Futaba
Seungmin - Makoto
I.N - Ann
Like this isn't a hard and fast characterization, obvs, but you get the vibe, right? I was kinda just going after low-hanging fruit here, but you see the vision, yes? Stray Kids Phantom Theives my beloved <3
Woojin - Aketchi
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fatexbound · 9 months ago
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@thuganomxcs said: It was a nice little sparring session between Chie and Yusuke, though he'd won there was soo much heart in chie's posture and attacks. "You're definitely the toughest girl in Inaba. You've definitely got a few good lookin' kicks in your arsenal. Mind teachin' me how t' do 'em? I'll teach you something cool in exchange."
Unprompted | Always accepting
Ending her final move with a striking pose matching the one she saw last night on TV, she grinned, proud of herself for once. Her training had paid off quite well against a fighter like Yusuke - one she had never faced before until now because her kicks were too powerful for anyone except Narukami. He was a good and capable sparring partner too.
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"Weeell... honestly, I just watch a lotta action movies and copy their style-- especially Bruce Lee! He's my idol, you know!" She beamed, cheeks going a tint of red. "I come up with my own moves too, of course! Whenever the inspiration strikes. You... don't think it's lame, do ya?"
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rainee-da · 9 months ago
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🍀rainee's fandom list — this is the list of fandom i'm a part of & list of characters i'm willing to work with! (bolded means favorite!)
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anime/manga series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Mashle: Magic and Muscle ❥ Abbyss Razor / Abel Walker / Agito Tyrone / Carpaccio Luo-Yang / Cell War / Charles Contini / Delisaster / Domina Blowelive / Doom / Dott Barret / Epidem / Famin / Finn Ames / Galuf Gargaron / Kaldo Gehenna / Kenny Clark / Lance Crown / Lemon Irvine / Lévis Rosequartz / Love Cute / Lovie Rosequartz / Malcolm Curtis / Margarette Macaron / Mash Burnedead / Max Land / Milo Genius / Orter Madl / Rayne Ames / Renatus Revol / Shuen Getsuku / Sophina Biblia / Tsurara Halestone / Wirth Madl One-Punch Man ❥ Amai Mask / Atomic Samurai / Blue Fire / Captain Mizuki / Darkness Blade / Drive Knight / Eyelashes / Feather / Flashy Flash / Fubuki / Garou / Gearsper / Genos / Glasses / Golden Ball / Iaian / King / Lightning Max / Metal Bat / Mumen Rider / Mountain Ape / Needle Star / Okamaitachi / One Shotter / Poison / Saitama / Sekingar / Sneck / Speed-O'-Sound Sonic / Spring Mustachio / Tanktop Master / Tatsumaki / Twin Tail / Zombieman Dr. STONE ❥ Chelsea Childe / Chrome / Francois / Gen Asagiri / Ginro / Homura Momiji / Hyoga / Joel Gar / Kinro / Kohaku / Luna Wright / Minami Hokutozai / Moz / Nikki Hanada / Ryusui Nanami / Sai Nanami / Senku Ishigami / Stanley Snyder / Taiju Oki / Tsukasa Shishio / Ukyo Saionji / Xeno H. Wingfield / Yo Uei / Yuzuhira Ogawa My Hero Academia ❥ Aizawa Shouta / Himiko Toga / Hizashi Yamada / Jin Bubaigawara / Keigo Takami / Mirai Saaki / Mirio Togata / Nejire Hado / Neito Monoma / Rumi Usagiyama / Sako Atsuhiro / Shigaraki Tomura / Shinya Kamihara / Shuichi Iguchi / Tamaki Amajiki / Toshinori Yagi / Touya Todoroki / Tsunagu Hakamada Mob Psycho 100 ❥ Arataka Reigen / Hiroshi Shibata / Ichi Mezato / Katsuya Serizawa / Keiji Mogami / Matsuo / Megumu Koyama / Nozomu Hatori / Ritsu Kageyama / Ryo Shimazaki / Shigeo Kageyama / Sho Suzuki / Tenga Onigawara / Terada / Teruki Hanazawa / Toichiro Suzuki / Tome Kurata / Toshiki Minegishi / Tsubomi Takane / Yusuke Sakurai Osomatsu-san ❥ Choromatsu Matsuno / Ichimatsu Matsuno / Jyushimatsu Matsuno / Karamatsu Matsuno / Nyaa Hashimoto / Osomatsu Matsuno / Todomatsu Matsuno / Totoko Yowai Kakegurui ❥ Ibara Obami / Kaeda Manyuda / Kirari Momobami / Mary Saotome / Midari Ikishima / Miri Yobami / Miyo Inbami / Ririka Momobami / Rin Obami / Ryota Suzui / Sayaka Igarashi / Sumika Warakubami / Terano Totobami / Yumeko Jabami / Yumemi Yumemite / Yuriko Nishinotouin
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manhwa series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Eleceed ❥ Amyeong / Arthur Bryan / Cain Luterain / Chul Young / Dr. Delein / Duke Grane / Elay Pigarun / Gangseok Choi / Giwook Jang / Glant Gesimov / Guestella / Ian Patrick / Inhyuk Goo / Iseul Ju / Jiwoo Seo / Jisuk Yoo / Jiyoung Yoo / Jurion Patrick / Kartein / Kayden Break / Lia Eresby / Miyoung Ko / Muse / Pluton / Roist / Schneider / Seongha Park / Subin Lee / Sucheon Kang / Suman Kang / Vator / Wooin UnOrdinary ❥ Arlo / Blyke / Darren / Isen / John / Kuyo / Leilah / Remi / Rei / Seraphina
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video games series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Stardew Valley (+ Expanded) ❥ Abigail / Alex / Claire / Elliot / Emily / Haley / Harvey / Lance / Leah / Magnus / Maru / Penny / Sam / Sebastian / Shane / Sophia / Victor Baldur's Gate 3 ❥ Astarion / Gale / Halsin / Karlach / Lae'zel / Minthara / Shadowheart / Wyll Kingdom Hearts ❥ Axel / Demyx / Larxene / Lexaeus / Luxord / Marluxia / Naminé / Roxas / Saix / Vexen / Xaldin / Xemnas / Xigbar / Xion / Zexion Hogwarts Legacy ❥ Aesop Sharp / Amit Thakkar / Garreth Weasley / Leander Prewett / Mirabel Garlick / Natsai Onai / Ominis Gaunt / Parry Pippin / Poppy Sweeting / Sebastian Sallow / Victor Rookwood Detroit: Become Human ❥ Connor (RK800) / Daniel / Elijah Kamski / Gavin Reed / Kara / Luther / Markus / Nines (RK900) / North / Ralph / Sixty (RK-800-60) / Simon Watch Dogs Series ❥ Aiden Pearce / Dušan Nemec / Horatio Carlin / Josh Sauchak / Marcus Holloway / Raymond Kenney / Reginald Blenchman (Wrench) / Sitara Dhawan Danganronpa Series ❥ Akane Owari / Byakuya Togami / Celestia Ludenberg / Chiaki Nanami / Chihiro Fujisaki / Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu / Ghundam Tanaka / Gonta Gokuhara / Hajime Hinata / Hiyoko Saionji / Himiko Yumeno / Ibuki Mioda / Kaede Akamatsu / Kaito Momota / Kazuichi Souda / Kirumi Tojo / Kokichi Ouma / Korekiyo Shinguji / Makoto Naegi / Maki Harukawa / Mikan Tsukimi / Miu Iruma / Mondo Owada / Nagito Komaeda / Nekomaru Nidai / Peko Pekoyama / Rantaro Amami / Ryoma Hoshi/ Sakura Ogami / Sayaka Maizono / Shuichi Saihara / Sonia Nevermind / Teruteru Hanamura / Touko Fukawa / Tsumugi Shirogane / Yasuhiro Hagakure Persona Series ❥ Aegis / Akihiro Sanada / Ann Takamaki / Futaba Sakura / Goro Akechi / Hidetoshi Odagiri / Junpei Iori / Ken Amada / Makoto Niijima / Ren Amamiya / Ryoji Mochizuki / Ryuji Sakamoto / Shinjiro Agaraki / Theodore / Yusuke Kitagawa
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nekoma-not-lee · 2 months ago
So I just recently started playing Persona 5 and omg I’M IN LOVE! I’m so obsessed now that I immediately searched up tk fics for Persona 5, and I’m so sad that I barely found any on here T0T I’m gonna try to find more on other sites, the saddest part is that there were no lee!Yusuke or lee!Akechi fics on here T0T also yes I am actually working on rebranding on here, I’m gonna end up posting all the results of that at one time, so no peeking teehee :D
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