#dad Stan Pines
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toneshieee · 1 day ago
Making Stancakes with his twins ( ∩ˇωˇ∩)♡
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Wasn’t able to fully clean and render it cuz I got a bit lazy 😭 but it’s finally doneeee 💖 I had this wip since January ahshbshdjd if you look a little closer, the twins added pink edible glitters XD it’s the influence from their Aunt Mabel haha XD they’re also standing on a stool (I kinda wish I drew the backside, bet that would look soooo cute!!)
I know Stan would have doubts about being a good dad to his kids and probably constantly thinking if he might turn out like his own pa or something, but I really wanted to show here how his twins see him as the best dad ever. I just KNOW he’d be so loving to his kids and especially to his partner 🥺💖
I like to imagine the twins worked together to stitch those patches they made as a reminder of how much they love Stan. Stan’s soooo proud of their handiwork, he wears it like a trophy 💖💖💖 I love Dad Stan AU so fucking much 😭😭 I need to get him pregnant RIGHT NOW and give him kids agdbdhfjfjd
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thefallenangel2008 · 2 months ago
I'm sorry, but the fact that Stan could have become just like his father but he still ended up being supporting and encouraging towards Mabel, Dipper, Soos and Wendy despite everything... I'm- I'm sorry but I love that man so much YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND.
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dreamanddraw · 5 months ago
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nowimjustastranger · 2 months ago
In both dad!Stan and dad!Ford aus, would either of them worry that they would be like Filbrick?
Both of them are terrified of becoming like their Pa because they're well aware of how fucked up they are due to being raised in such a strict and hostile environment. If anything, they'd use their Pa's shit parenting as a guideline of what not to do. Basically, if their Pa would react one way to a situation, Stan and Ford would do the opposite.
Stan wouldn't be able to stomach laying his hands on his kids to punish them, he is more the type to sit them down and discuss why whatever stunt they pulled was bad so they understood what they did wrong and could do better in the future. Stan is very much a "learn by doing" parent, letting his kids make mistakes and learn from them. The harshest punishment Stan would give the boys would be grounding them. Stan's worst fear is his kids being afraid of him, so he put a lot of effort toward making sure his kids felt like they can come to him with anything.
Ford is far less lenient as a parent, but he would also refuse to practice physical discipline when it came to Tommy. Ford absolutely scolds Tommy when he does something bad or reckless, but it comes from a place of concern and he makes sure Tommy knows that. Ford tends to lean toward grounding as a punishment as well, although it's always paired with a lengthy lecture. Ford's biggest fear as a parent is making Tommy feel inadequate or unloved and Ford can be blunt and/or insensitive at times, so he would pour a significant amount of effort into teaching himself to re-word things so what he says can't be misinterpreted as callous or cruel.
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thegrimreaper-probably · 27 days ago
Gravity Falls x Stanley’s daughter reader
Stan - 100% not planned, probably happened the next town over from Gravity Falls, no clue you existed till your mom handed you over at two and walked off.
He definitely debated on keeping you, was going to give you up but you just reminded him of himself and just how everyone abandoned him and he can’t do that to you.
He has no clue how to be a father. Promises he won’t be his old man. He tries to remember what his mom did for Shermie. He doesn’t buy kid stuff right away, I’d say it’s a week of you wearing baggie t-shirts and him realizing he needs clothes.
If you have traits that are like Ford’s he pretends to be fine but cries about it later on. If you have six fingers like Ford he pretends to not acknowledge it. If one day you get bullied for it or are insecure he gives a poor prep speech, if it doesn’t work he very poorly talks about how “he” had the same issue (really just talking about Ford).
You definitely help him scam people, babies are just too cute and people get distracted. If he gets caught stealing he pulls a, oh I didn’t see the kid grab it, my bad. He dresses you up to be attractions like how Dipper was “The preteen wolf boy.”
I feel like you’d be like Bart Simpson, just better. Stan definitely is more paranoid with you, definitely tells you not to go in the woods, or whatever else. Do you listen? No, because you got double dog dared to go into the woods, and you’re not a nerdy wimp. Then Stan repeats something or does something his father would do. Instantly regrets it but doesn’t know how to apologize. Probably buys you something or gets you something you like, his way of saying sorry.
Soos - he’s like your brother.
You two do stupid shit together all the time. You and him read comic together but you told him you’d beat him up if he told anyone.
For his birthday you typically get him something crappy but when you find out about his dad you get him the best gift ever. You’re not very emotional because, hello? Your dad sucks at it so do you. But you might mention how your mom sucks to and he doesn’t need his dad, he can use yours. Or something less emotional but still awkward and sweet.
You do bully him but in an older sibling way. You love his grandma and she has now adopted you as her own grandkid.
Mabel- you and her do arts and crafts together.
I would think the relationship is more similar to Pacifica and Mabel. You don’t bully Mabel for her silliness you couldn’t care less, I’d say you’re softer to Mabel like you are to Soos.
You actually don’t mind bringing her places because you’re still very childish. You do not like how girly she is. You make fun of that, and that’s really ever it.
If she makes you something you won’t openly be happy but later on Stan would catch you smiling at it.
When she realize she doesn’t want to grow up, Dipper would reference how you don’t do anything the typical adult does, or how immature you are. It doesn’t really work but if you are there you punch him.
Dipper - you two hate each other. If you have six fingers he originally thought you wrote the journal but then you did something stupid and he crossed you off the list.
You also bully him, and you refuse to call him his real name. Nerd, dork, fart face, sweaty, other lame names.
He doesn’t want to include you in the mystery of Gravity Falls, but Soos isn’t the brightest, Wendy is a no, Stan denies things, so that leaves you. That or you stole the book and made fun of it, he proves it true because his ego can’t let that go.
You do at least help him with Robbie. Is it because you hate Robbie and just wanna make his life shit? Or because you do care about Dipper and only you can make fun of Dipper? Only Stan knows and like hell he’s gonna blab.
If you get the book that tells you how to summon Bill, you do it. Which leads to-
Bill- Your Uncle’s ex.
Either you’re too much like your dad and know no one does anything for free.
“Hey there Slingshot! Want a new skateboard?” Bill says dressed as a very bad attempt of Tony Hawk.
“Why are you being nice to me?” You say holding your now broken skateboard.
“Okay, fine, I’m a talking triangle. I’m the symbol on the back of money! You’d like money right?” Bill now turns into himself.
“All you gotta do is shake my hand-.”
“Why’d you lie to me before?”
Or somehow you have the book, Bill’s trying to get it but so is Dipper. So either you can throw it to Dipper or Bill.
“Come on Slingshot, hand me the book.”
“What’s in it for me?”
“Y/n No!” Dipper yells at you.
“I’ll give you all the money in my pocket.”
“That depends how much money are we talking about?”
“62 cents.”
“I’ll take the money.”
“Y/n?!” Dipper panics, and Mabel then sprays Bill in the eye with hair spray. (I picked slingshot as your symbol because when I think of Bart I think of slingshot and skateboarding. Feel free to change it)
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Ford- you two don’t get along.
When Ford gets out of the portals and jumps Stan you join in. You punch Ford in the face, once the fight is over you stand in front of your dad to block him.
If you have six fingers he notices it and he smiles a bit. He slightly panics and thinks you’re his, which was stupid, man hasn’t touched a woman.
(Next parts kinda sad, if you wanna skip it)
After that you don’t try to connect and neither does he. When he says that you guys will have to leave after the summer, you start scamming people more. You start to sell your stuff to make some cash. You don’t tell Stan but once he realizes what you’re doing he stops you. Well, not from scamming, just from selling your stuff. He probably cons them back or something. Says not to worry.
Once Dipper gets past Ford’s walls, you still hate Ford. You make it known, you refuse to call him your uncle and just call him names. Dipper tells Ford you’re just like that. Mabel tells him it’s because he did something to upset you. Once Stan and Ford start to get better, you do the same.
Ford sees you as Stan before everything happened. He isn’t sure how to connect with you but he knows that little Stan would’ve loved to hear the journey he’s been on. So he starts with that, just short tales. Once he sees you have a slingshot or a skateboard he tries to invent something more advanced for you, or at least makes blue prints.
You’re into art so he shows you some of his art and you do the same. You have redrawn some of his art that’s in the journals.
But the moment things go wrong you go back to being on Stan’s side, everything that you two have done is basically gone to you. So after everything that happens you don’t forgive him.
When Stan forgets everything you cry, and it was the first time the twins, Ford, and even Soos, have seen you cry. Stan hugs you but it’s not the same, it’s not a father’s hug it’s a pity hug. You cry harder, you apologize to Stan, about everything and anything, you didn’t do anything to cause this, you know that.
Soos actually holds you afterwards, he’s crying too. You shut the twins and Ford out. You get it wasn’t their fault but you blame them anyways. The what ifs just keep playing in your head. When they try to jog Stan memory, you pull out a box. It’s full of photos, drawings, your first skateboard, baby stuff, the works. You’re crying and stuttering as you explain it to him.
Everything works out at the end. You bring Ford to Bill’s statue and vandalize it. You and Stan catch up on tv together. You give Mabel a drawling you made, it’s of her, Waddles, and you. She adds it to her scrapbook, you also give her a slingshot. You give Dipper a silly picture of you and Soos, with a note on the back you wrote. Soos and you run the mystery shack together.
(Sorry I like basically erased Wendy, I just couldn’t think of anything)
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aceistheplace86 · 6 months ago
Stan Pines as a dad hc
(I tried to make it as gender neutral as possible!)
-Let’s be honest. We all know he’d be an amazing dad
-Especially a girl dad. (Him and Mable are adorable)
- When he finds out he’s going to be a dad, he goes through every human emotion possible.
-Scared. He is absolutely terrified that he will end up just like his dad. What if it’s just something in his DNA that’ll trigger when he holds his baby?
-Angry. Not at his new family but at his father. How on earth did that man fail at doing the one thing a father was meant to do?
-Eventually he would shake through all the hard emotions and realize he wouldn’t be like Filbrick. He refuses to.
-he baby proofs the entire shack
-buys a crap ton of pregnancy and baby books (has Ford quiz him too)
-Anything you want. He’s giving it to you. Chocolate cake at 3 am? Done. A dill pickle and birthday cake dip n dots? Weird but okay! Him to punch that one annoying diner patron who just wont stop talking? Gladly.
-when the time comes for the baby. He is panicked!!! He makes sure to grab the baby bag and eventually you once he realizes in his panic that you were still inside (you laughed at him for it)
-he stayed with you the entire time at the hospital. Reassuring you that you are strong. You’re doing great. Just keep squeezing his hand as hard as you want. He promises he won’t let go.
-when the baby is born he tears up seeing it’s a girl.
-full on cries when the doctor announces twins
-he lets you get time with the girls before he holds them. He looks down at these girls and whispers promises that he would never ever hurt them. He would be the one thing Filbrick never was. A father.
-Will not let Ford hold them. “Just for a minute Stanley” “No! Get your own!”
-Overall he is just putty in those babies hands. He takes the night shift when he can. He would do anything for his family.
//I might make another one when these twins are toddlers!
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wildestheart4ever · 6 months ago
Thinking up little scenarios for my dad!Stan au that I’m never going to write but it’s fun to think about.
I decided to give him a son named Ben. Ben is the cool uncle that comes over to the shack every random Saturday to make sure everything is in working order.
Is he Stan’s voice of reason, does he slap his old man upside the head when he’s being particularly stupid with the kids? [No Stan, we do not sell out our niece’s hand in marriage to some chump]
I’m trying not to shove him in every situation where it requires someone to be the voice of reason
I don’t know what his job is but now the guy has blood on his hands - did he kill agent Trigger in NWHS? I don’t know, I do know Soos joked about him coming off as very Freddy Kruger in the situation
Does he do wet work?
Omg, is he a hit man???
Point is that he will get his hands dirty in the name of his dad’s mission.
OR, he isn’t there for the whole mishap and shows up the next morning to have a very tense first meeting with his uncle Ford [Ford doesn’t remember Stan’s son, but then again, he barely spared a glance at the slip of a child before dragging Stanley off to talk in private]
I know killing off Stan’s wife is a thing in this au, a little thing that happens long before the series, give some more to the stangst, let his son be a shining beacon in his life [Before Soos comes in to further curb his loneliness that is]
Carla, Carla McCorkle is his wife. The relationship I imagine for them is a very different matter.
Is it something he and Ford talk about in the quiet of the night in the rare moments that they can stand to be in the same room? Maybe
Ford wandering around, looking at what Stan did to his house, seeing all these family pictures and wondering. He figured that the son left at some point as a grown child does, but where’s the wife? Divorced or???
But then I was thinking about Weirdmaggedon and I thought ‘You know, it’s shocking no one actually died in that mess…….we should change that’
So I killed his son too
Now here is a Stan gaining back his memories wondering where his son is. And now I have an old man crying in anguish in my head.
Tears, tears from everyone
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artsymeeshee · 2 months ago
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Some Stan and Melody bonding! :D Based on a story idea that’s been brewing in my head for a few days. Perhaps more when I can!
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It might be a little while before I actually get the comic out, so here's a small title card for it or something to hold you over‼️
My post where I mentioned this!!!
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toneshieee · 4 months ago
Decided to color it a bit hehehehehe I just really wanted to see their orange nose XD
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thefallenangel2008 · 3 months ago
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The phone call
A few nights ago I was writing peacefully in my journal when suddenly, I got a call. I picked up the phone and I was shocked to hear my brother's voice. He told me he had a child now and how he couldn't take care of it. STANLEY? WITH A CHILD? WHEN HE COULD BARELY TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF? He asked for a place to stay. He sounded desperate. I had never heard him like this before. I was hesitant. After all, I hadn't talked with him for over ten years. But the baby's cries left me no room to argue.
So uh, I guess I'm making this an AU! Stan kept trying to gaslight himself that he's fine and that he doesn't need help but then boom, he has a child suddenly dumbed on him and two weeks later he's helpless and realizes just how BAD his situation is and has become, and that his living conditions are not right for a few months old baby.😃
I'm naming this AU "Stephanie Pines AU", Stephanie is the baby's name! I first talked about this AU here.
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noodles-and-tea · 6 months ago
twins in time continuation of that blue doodle comic thingy, but fidd is forced to take care of stan when Ford gets into the portal stuff, leaving him behind.
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I reckon he teaches him math…
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nowimjustastranger · 4 months ago
Did stcmo! Ford ever stumble upon a baby/toddler Stan? How would he react if he did?
Ford has never been notified about a baby Stan being in peril and has only had to save a toddler Stan a handful of times.
One of the mission that stayed with Ford was a toddler Stan in dimension Theta-44Y when some teenagers from the next town over started damaging property and assaulting people. It escalated when they broke into the pawn shop to smash shit up, Filbrick confronting them and taking a bat to the head when he became aggressive. The teen hadn't thought to restrain himself, so he swung with full force and fractured Filbrick's skull. The teens panicked when Filbrick went down and didn't move, one of the teens leaving their smoldering cigarette behind, which started a fire.
Caryn didn't come out of shock in time, having just witnessed her husband's death, and she passed out from smoke inhalation (ultimately suffocating trying to get to the twins). Ford 419"3 had to choose between saving Caryn or the boys, so of course he picked the twin toddlers. The pawn shop and the adjoining house were a blazing inferno by the time the emergency services arrived on scene, Ford long gone with the twins.
Ford made sure they were both healthy before bringing them to a dimension with an young adult Stan that was about to make some poor choices and get involved with some bad people that led to a premature death. So Ford stepped in and offered him a house, money, and a stable job if he took the toddlers in and raised them right.
The Stan got a day to think it over before he ultimately agreed, Ford sticking around for a month to make all the arrangements and help everyone settle in before he moved on to his next mission. He still checks in on that dimension though, pleased to note that Stan was thriving as a father.
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evilincoperated · 6 months ago
Grunkle Stan literally punched a pterodactyl in the face because he couldn't stand the idea of Mabel never talking to him again
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wormspoodle · 2 days ago
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guy who's name is DEFINITELY NOT stan
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leo-artista · 1 month ago
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More dad Stanley
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