#dad Gabriel Reyes
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alexiela73 · 2 years
Hi there!! I love your fics and I was wondering if you could write me a reaper x daughter reader where reader has been bullied in school and gets into a very physical fight? I need overprotective dad Gabe
Thank you, and thank you for waiting so long!
Breath coming in ragged gasps, your body was locked in a defensive position, though you leaned more on your left leg then you would have liked. It made you feel unbalanced, and that was never a good thing when readying to defend yourself.
Despite what felt like the beginning of obvious bruising to the side of your face, the real pain further up on your skull. Someone had grabbed a handful of your hair and you could see a few strands of your thick black hair on the ground now.
"Miss Reyes," you heard faintly over the pounding ache in your head. The voice was easily recognizable as one of the teachers, but you didn't turn to answer. "Miss Reyes, step away this instant!"
Your eyes remained locked on the group of teenagers in front of you, on the boy in the middle with the dirty blonde hair and the blood dripping onto his oh-so-perfect school uniform from his busted lip and oddly crooked nose. One of his friends held him up by his arm, pulling the boy back a step when your eyes flickered to him.
There was fear and cowardice in them, you thought.
"Miss Reyes, this is unacceptable!" the voice was much louder this time, and sharp talon like claws gripped your lower arm and spun you around to face the principal of the school, Ms. Schillings. Her cheaply painted lips were turned into a snarl, her small eyes shining with anger and disgust. "Unacceptable I say! Name calling, attacking another student- Have your parents taught you nothing but how to behave like a wild animal?"
"Me? Ms. Schillings, Damian is the one who started it-" you began, trying to explain the situation.
"Don't try to pin this on anyone else, Miss Reyes!" she snapped, wrenching your arm and giving you a shake. Her polished acrylic nails dug into the skin of your arm, biting so hard you had to grab her wrist in the hopes she'd stop shaking you so hard. "Always causing trouble for everyone else and thinking you don't need to do as your told. Well, I've had about enough of it!"
Panic welled in you. "Ms. Schillings, I promise I didn't start anything! I was trying to get to my math class and Damian just grabbed my hair and started saying horrible-" you tried again, but she cut you off.
"I can't tolerate this any longer. You'll pack up your locker, Miss Reyes. I'll be calling your parents, that's for sure. I hope your ashamed- with all the hard work your father put in to get you into this school, and you throw every opportunity out the window," she says, voice dripping with disgust.
Heart sinking, you looked around desperately. The hallway was flooded with students, most of who had seen the altercation- why wouldn't anyone speak up? How could they all hate me so much as to let me get expelled for something that wasn't my fault, you thought.
Letting you go, Ms. Schillings clapped her hands sharply. "Everyone to class, this instant. Damian, go to the nurses office. Miss Reyes, I'll see you at my office," she said, her voice loud and clear.
The students in the hall quickly shuffled to their classes as the principal walked away. Damian wiped his nose, still leaning on his friend.
"See? I told you, freak. People like you don't fit in with people like us- Bet your dad knows that better then anyone," he sneered, and the two started making their way to the nurses office.
You stood there watching them go...who knew how long you stood there for, in the middle of that hallway as classes took place. Your eyes stung with tears, and your throat felt thick. Why did this keep happening?
You started at this higher end school a quarter of the way through the year. It was your sixth school in three years, and all eyes had been on you when you had arrived.
From the very beginning, you had been a target of bullying in all the schools. Not because there was anything different about you in looks or speech, not because there was some defining feature that made you stand out to the people who felt the need to belittle others.
No...it was because of who your father was.
Gabriel Reyes, ex-captain of Blackwatch and more importantly, the recently released villain Reaper, was known to all the world. When he was released from prison a few years ago, he had been broadcasted across the world- after all, Reaper had committed some...questionable acts.
But when he'd realized that his old flame had birthed his child in secret, he made the hardest choice of his life. Looking at the soft toddler, with her mothers face and his eyes...he knew he wanted to be a part of your life. Truly a part of it, with no secrets. No danger.
So Reaper turned himself, and during those years he worked hard. Good behavior, rehabilitation, court orders, help from Overwatch... He did everything to lower the sentencing, the years. Everything so he could come home to you.
Your uncle Jack had had to explain this to you repeatedly as you grew- to remind you of the importance you held in your fathers life. Nothing could have sparked such life in his deadened heart...except the knowledge that you were out in the world.
That's why the anxiety rolled over you like crashing waves. Already you had been driven out of other schools- schools that clearly hadn't wanted you there, but it was so hard to find schools willing to take on the daughter of the notorious ex-con.
Each time got harder and harder to find you a school, and each time you tried to hide the pain, the fear and the exhaustion you felt from trying to pretend like nothing was wrong. Like you weren't tormented every time you walked into the school.
You loved your dad so much, and he'd begged last time. Pleaded, even- Ms. Schillings, in her own sadistic way, had taken great pleasure in making such a powerful man feel small and desperate. He tried so hard to provide for you, even when the world seemed to fight him for the smallest things.
To have him come here, to know that you had been kicked out...again, after he'd found work and an apartment...
Minutes passed by, and finally you felt yourself take the first step. You made your way slowly to your locker, where you opened it through bleary eyes and stared inside. It was mostly empty, except for your backpack, a book and a picture of you and your dad on the door.
The picture seemed to get fuzzier and fuzzier, and you couldn't look away from him. You two looked so happy...even when he looked tired, he tried to be happy, for you.
"I'm sorry, dad..." you whispered, and a sob escaped your throat. "I-I'm s-s-so...so s-sorry...I'm so...." Your hands covered your face, and the words seemed like bricks in the pit of your stomach.
How angry or disappointed would he be? Did he regret the choices he'd made, when he decided to partake in your life? When he decided to become your legal guardian after your mother passed away?
Does he regret having me for a daughter, when it only made his life harder?
"Never," a deep, gravelly voice said gravely from behind you. "Y/n, I will never regret being your father."
Turning, you were caught in a strong pair of arms and instantly, you felt...safe. The familiar cologne of your father filled your nose, the unsteady beat of his heart in your ears as his hand cradled your head to his chest.
"D-dad," you sobbed, wrapping your arms around him and crying into his chest. "Dad, I'm so sorry. I-I promise, I didn't..."
"Shhh," his voice rumbled, vibrating through his chest and his hand gently rubbed between your shoulders. "Deep breaths, little one. Deep breaths. I'm here."
Most people thought of Gabriel has abrasive and rude. No one understood how soft and reliable he could be, the kind of rock he could be for someone he cared about.
Patiently he held you, rocking you softly, and only a glance from Gabriel was enough to send any potential stragglers or bathroom-seekers back to their classes and away into hiding. You knew no one would pull anything, not as long as he was in the hall.
It took a little longer to calm down, and when you did he gently lifted your face to brush away the tears. "Mi hija...," you recognized the softness in his rough voice, even as his eyes scanned your face. "Mi hija, your cheek...who hurt you?"
Jumping slightly from hiccups, you pushed away his hands and wiped at your eyes, which were puffy from all the crying.
"I...no one, papi," you said feebly, but you could see from his face that he wasn't buying it. "I just had an accident. No one-"
"Y/n," his voice was soft but stern. "That isn't an accident. The spot on your head- that is no accident. Don't lie to me, mi hija- please."
Sniffling, you tried to avoid his eyes when he forced you to look up at him, but when your eyes met his, you saw anger- but it wasn't anger directed at you. It was anger for you, for the pain you'd been caused, and his brows were furrowed in worry.
"Please," he said again. "Tell me the truth."
So...you did. It came forth, like a dam that had been threatening to crack and spill for so long. You told him about the cruel words hurled at you, the teasing, the way people would torment you. How the teachers acted like you were a liar, and how Damian had grabbed you by the hair and dragged you back.
How you had turned and punched him, just the way your dad had shown you, and how his friend had done the same to you in turn. How Ms. Schillings had humiliated you in front of the school, and expelled you.
How you had thought he'd be disappointed in you.
Though his face never changed, the tension in the air was palpable. Thick black mist seemed to cover the floor around both of your feet, seeping from his skin, and there was a flicker in his eyes- something truly monstrous.
Yet, Gabriel took your hands and kissed each one softly, placing a kiss on each bruised knuckle.
"I will always be proud of you," he said passionately. "Always, y/n. I'm so proud to have you for a daughter. I only wish...that I was the father you deserved."
"No, dad!" you said vehemently, gripping his hands tighter. "You're my dad, and I love you. Your everything to me. You've done everything for me...I just don't want to let you down."
Gabriel let go of one of your hands, carefully smoothing your hair back, ever so lightly grazing a finger over the swelling in your hair. "You won't ever let me down, kid," he promised.
Once more your dad hugged you, in the too tight way some fathers do that squeezes the air from your lungs, before letting you go and stepping back.
"Go out to the car, y/n. I still need to have a word with Ms. Schillings," he said, barely hiding his simmering temper. "I'll be right out."
"Dad, you know that you can't-," you said, voice slightly panicked, but you emptied your locker and pushed it closed.
"I know the rules. I won't kill, assault, scream, or destroy her or the boy," he said, as if reciting a list he's had to memorize. After a moment a wolfish grin slowly lit his features, and the look in his face...was rather haunting. "There's nothing about not being able to scare them though."
"Dad," you said, a bit more sternly.
Grunting, Gabriel waved his hands slightly. "Fine. We'll see- either way, I'm getting you out of this dump. No kid of mine is going to a shit school like this," he said, shoving his hands in his pockets, glancing up and down the halls. "See you in the car, mi hija," he said.
Watching him and the black smoke cascading from him, you smiled slightly and started heading to the car.
That punch she threw was nothing compared to the fright they were all about to get.
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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S2E8 -> S4E4
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lonestardust · 1 year
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CRYING gabriel gifts him his ring on his wedding day 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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reyesstrand · 1 year
i’m presenting a theory that’ll likely be wrong but!
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so we know at some point tk asks owen to be his best man. we know this season is emphasizing his and owen’s relationship—tk refers to him as his best friend, owen expresses regret over how he handled telling tk about his cancer diagnosis and vows to never hide anything from him again.
we also know that carlos views his relationship with gabriel as a sore spot. he views owen and tk as having a great father-son dynamic. he tells andrea he feels he wouldn’t measure up and that’s the source of his conflict with wanting to be a father, most of which stems from the fact that he and gabriel just started having a relationship a couple of years ago…which still seems rife with complexities and deeply repressed issues due to ideas around masculinity, sexuality and other things that come about when carlos, the only boy and (likely) youngest kid is raised in a traditional household. we see carlos and gabriel embrace when carlos is saved, and you can see the love for his son gabriel has, but it’s also not hard to extrapolate from the scenes we’ve gotten from them that this isn’t something that’s expressed a whole lot.
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so we know that carlos seeks out gabriel (likely a short while before the wedding) and asks him to be his best man. his reasoning is “you’re the best man i know” and i’m wondering if this is his attempt at an olive branch—at reaching out to his father before he gets married. and i’m wondering if whereas owen jumps at the opportunity to be tk’s best man, gabriel….hesitates.
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i’m wondering if it’s kind of weighing on gabriel like….how their relationship has had its issues. i’m wondering if it’s going to open up a can of worms. we know he’s at the rehearsal dinner and seemingly happy, and we know he of course accepts and supports carlos and tk’s relationship, but i wonder if we’ll see him question why on earth carlos would want him to take on this role after all these years of miscommunication and emotional distance.
i think they’re purposely being shady with the promo so we don’t see whether or not gabriel is standing at carlos’ side as his best man, just like they’re hiding whether or not he’s at the wedding. but this still speaks volumes to me
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alongside the fact that carlos is wearing gabriel’s ring. i think we’ll get a moment before the ceremony of gabriel either suddenly accepting the role (meaning iris, who is wearing a boutonnière similar to paul/owen/tk/carlos’ can step aside and just be a guest) or simply handing him his ring as a symbol of his love and his support and a promise to be better and talk more. and i think the still above, with carlos teary-eyed and and gripping tk’s hand, is gabriel standing up in front of everyone and giving a speech that shows how much respect he has for his son (and new son-in-law), how much he loves him, and how carlos is the best man he knows. cue tears for everyone and a step into carlos and gabriel working on their relationship. and leaving whatever this tragedy is (if there’s even something that big, we know how lone star plays us with wording) to something else.
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dirksstri · 6 months
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Waiter!!! More toxic ow2 yaoi please!
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dawnthefox24 · 9 months
Cole: *on the phone thinking he called Ana* Uh. . Hey, Ana, I uh, I’ve been stabbed. Gabriel: *Is in total shock not expecting Cole too tell him that* WHAT? WHERE ARE YOU? Cole: Oh sh-Wait- You aren’t Ana. Sorry- I didn’t mean to call you- Gabriel: *Is freaking out since he told Cole to go out and buy some cookies and goes into full dad mode* NO, WHERE ARE YOU? I'M COMING THERE. I'M NOT GOING TO LEAVE YOU ALONE!!! PLEASE DON'T TELL ANA THAT YOU'VE BEEN STABBED!! ALSO HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET STABBED!?!
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drakepadreal · 1 year
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I remember this one was based off an old conversation between my mom and my brother 🥺 [repost 3 of 4]
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welcometololaland · 2 years
Track Record
Have you read Baby, Make Your Move? Yes? This is a follow up. No? That's okay, it's not required reading.
This fic happened because I re-watched 3 x 07 and I simply cannot be normal about Carlos in his cute little cap watching a softball game. Don't tell me he wouldn't simultaneously be the dorkiest dad ever and yet also an absolute DILF. The man contains multitudes.
Also, this is NOT the kid fic I originally wrote. That one is still coming lmao i lack any and all self control.
Carlos’ daughter is a thirteen year old weapon on the track, his husband is as cool as a cucumber and his father-in-law is driving him up the wall. And Carlos? Carlos is a nervous wreck.
A follow up to: "You get too stressed at track. It's bad for your blood pressure."
A writer who knows nothing about kids writes another kid fic, because no one told me to stop last time and Carlos and TK would make the best parents ever.
Read on Ao3
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trespassart · 2 years
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hello and welcome to my overwatch hyperfixation 6 years late to the fandom i bring shitty memes
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asphy7 · 2 years
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Why are they on top of the blanket? IDFK
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Happy Father’s Day to Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes
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lusieluz · 1 year
Modern AU Gabriel Reyes with a kid rebelling against him by reading under the covers past their bedtime but never occurring to them that the battery in their flashlight never runs out cuz Gabriel secretly keeps changing them
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk this made me very sad
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
After that preview clip, I'm definitely thinking the wardrobe choices for Carlos this season have specifically been to make him look even more like Gabriel. a subtle little nod of what was to come for him.
In previous seasons, Carlos was usually wearing polos, t-shirts, and sweaters. All of a sudden this season he's wearing outfits like this:
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Meanwhile this is what Gabriel wears in his appearances when not in uniform (he's in uniform in the last one but I wanted to have 4 gifs lmao):
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Mmmhmm. I see you, wardrobe department. I see you.
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Cassidy: Makin’ my way down town walking fast
Walk-in’ a little slower so my dad can catch up
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reyesstrand · 2 years
tk’s face when he’s waiting for the narcan to do it’s job….tk’s face when he’s feeling his fiancé’s ribs under his palms as he tries to keep his heart beating….gabriel watching and being hit with the realization of the ferocity with which his son is loved…..
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